assalamualikum brothers and sisters, was hoping some 1 can giv me some sort of advice, right i duno if this is normal, when i go to sleep i get up like middle of the nights and just stare into thin air,it does happen every now and then but i done it twice this week, i wake up and sit up on the bed and just stare into the room my wife notices this and calls me to distract me then i go back to sleep, it does frighten her as well but the thing is i dont always remember doing these and if i do remember i dont know y i just sit there staring??? any advice anyone ??? shall i go doctors?
Assalamualikum.I am not sure if this is something to do with your health.But if I were you,I will just do the night prayers if I wake up in the middle of the night.Just try to pray tahajud and witr if you didn't prayer them before going to bed.and ask Allah to protect you before you sleep.In sha Allah nothing serious.
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