Aoa members,I need urgent advice regarding a marriage proposal.If a divorced woman gets proposal from unmarried attractive man she still needs time to reflect that man is from her family.,also her brothers friend.Her brother starts opposing this proposal that he is not a nice man and similar to the girls x etc.Then that girl becomes fearful and hesitant to agree to proposal because of fear of fraud !so she disagrees because of waswasa and propaganda created by bro.She then makes dua but her heart not content with this man...meanwhile that man makes niqqah with a younger beautiful other cousin so now the girl is guilt stricken if she made right decision or not...the reason she refused herself was she felt he was not self made and would rely on financial assistance if not full support from her secondly he didn't seem to be very responsible in her girls family discuss that proposal gone and make her feel guilty when before all were against except girls mother ...So my Question is Is this girl sinful in Allahs eyes?for refusing proposal or she has a right?Secondly Is there still Hope for her??
Someone should not be forced to get married if she/he doesn't want. So, a girl has a right to reject marriage proposal, and also has a right to accept marriage proposal. Rejecting proposal is not a sin.
Does she still have a hope to get married?. In Shaa Allah. There are other men who are looking for wife. If one of them come to her, she can accept if she feel matched with him.
Guilt is really bad sometimes people around you make you feel at wrong.AlhamduliiAh Faith is key in such situations and patience to believe in Allahs mercy and bounties.
Guilt is really bad sometimes people around you make you feel at wrong.AlhamduliiAh Faith is key in such situations and patience to believe in Allahs mercy and bounties.
You just gave advice in your own thread..
“Indeed the patient will be given their reward without account.” :love: { Qur’aan, Chapter 39, Verse 10 }
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