I know many Muslims want to learn how to read the Arabic alphabet and be able to understand the Quraan and Hadith but they give up on the dream for many reasons like no real access to a free or affordable teaching resource. So they give up, the fact is most Muslims on earth are not Arabs but are east Asians and from many other nations, which means many Muslims are non-Arabic speakers and can't read or write in Arabic or understand Arabic texts. So what is the solution to this problem? I know of two main popular solutions, based on what I have seen, people want a effective way to learn either free or for a affordable price. Now, with regard to free resources there are not many options online, but there are a few I many offer.

1. My own Arabic alphabet class on YouTube- link to it can be found here: https://www.quora.com/Where-can-I-st...rabic-alphabet

2. The Arabic reading and writing course provided free at Islamic Online University in the diploma section

3. I have seen that Alison has a Arabic course for free but I am not sure if it's a reading and writing class.

4. You could try those above 3 methods and than download the Madinah University Arabic book and try to read it after finishing the courses above to further practice your skills.

The paid methods that I found people prefer are:

1. Live lessons online and I felt like this was what many students preferred over prerecorded videos- the problem being either it was too expensive or they don't know if it's worth signing up for and I myself could not say since I have never tried any but I intend to review one and I will talk about it on that link.

Common Institutes I have heard of include: StudioAraybia, MadinahArabic, eallim and I have not tried any myself so I can't say if any of them are good but I contacted MadinahArabic and eallim and they were rude overall. And the first one was kind of so-so but didn't seem all that good either but the only way to know is to try the free trial if they offer one and see if it's worth signing-up for.

I had a quick look at Arabicpod 101 and I didn't really find any arabic reading lessons for beginners but I found some for more experienced learners and I think they offer it free but try to up sell you paid plans of course.

My brother taught himself to read by reading old children book we had that taught arabic alphabet reading but self taught in my view through books seems like the worst and hardest way to learn.

My other brother and sisters watched Yusuf Estes Arabic reading course and they said it helped them learn and it appears it did because I saw them reading few basic texts and they can read the different letters I that could be a option as well. In the end it would depend on what you would prefer.