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  1. Marriage issues...need advices.
  2. How Disney teaches contempt for dads
  3. Children born in gay or lesbian relationship.
  4. healthy relationships speech (tony robbins)
  5. The Realities Of Marriage & Divorce – A Must Listen For Men
  6. Recreation within Limits
  7. This video about how a son treated his father....
  8. Ramadan cooking prep
  9. Do a man enter from which ever door in janna if he obeys his wife?
  10. Living The Single Life
  11. What does (did) your 9 year old at school today
  12. Jordan Peterson talks about Men Going Their Own Way and what is it
  13. Dwelling on your future spouses past & friends - relationship advice needed
  14. Marriage
  15. True men, manhood, and masculinity in Islam
  16. Daughters – Don’t Ruin their Haya
  17. Even athiests and disbelievers value the importances of fatherhood
  18. Is it okay to physically separate people?
  19. 21st Marriage
  20. Second Wife
  21. What can i do?
  22. Issues with wife...
  23. Family meetings
  24. I need help
  25. All over the world I read that boys are in crisis. My question is..what do we plan...
  26. Would You Let Your Children Have Pets?
  27. I'm hopeless
  28. Get Married
  29. should I stop contact with my family?
  30. Why Fathers Matter | TDC 2017
  31. This confirms 100% why men should be the head of the household....
  32. Wife get upset at me for very petty things...wut do?
  33. I‘m desperately
  34. This boy makes me crazy...
  35. Why is my Muslim Mom obsessed with being beautiful?
  36. "I don't carry anything heavy. I carry my husband."
  37. I hateee myyy liffeeee
  38. Is The Tooth-fairy Haram?
  39. English books
  40. marriage
  41. Attitudes to Parents
  42. Islam puts great values in parents...
  43. A Phone Call Away
  44. #Fear of children#
  45. 10 tips on a happy marriage
  46. The cruelty of women who use children as weapons in divorce
  47. Need a fatwah - ex-husband wants to know location
  48. Parents are a big reward from Allah
  49. Living longer because of respect to family
  50. My mum saw me with hijab
  51. What is my status/identity?
  52. Difficult family members
  53. engagement (nisbat or mangnu)
  54. Favoritism among children….an Injustice indeed
  55. What level of privacy should I keep?
  56. When “MARRIAGE” becomes Perpetual Zina / Lifetime Fornication
  57. Is it allowed to be single forever?
  58. My brother is a zalim
  59. It is ok if I dont get married for serious medical problems?
  60. Maybe this is arrogance of an old man
  61. Is this marriage racism/racism?
  62. If I had daughter, I would be a protective father
  63. Excuse me, but why DO I have to play by the rule while THEY DON'T?????
  64. We didn't have girlfriends. And we were proud.
  65. My family is so poor I can not afford to go to Juma prayers?
  66. Islam Is Therapy For My Mental Health
  67. How can I avoid free mixing and "sisterliness" or "aunties"
  68. When parents sue their children for support
  69. Is it permissible to get married secretly if the girl's parents are racist?
  70. My mother banned me from jumuah prayer for 6 weeks as "grounding"
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