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  1. Islam and Zakat: The Pillar of Charity (0 replies)
  2. Hanafi Fiqh on Tahiyatul Masjid (1 replies)
  3. Dua for Ruku (0 replies)
  4. Things To Do On Friday? (1 replies)
  5. Dua After Just Finishing Your Food - All Past Sins Forgiven (3 replies)
  6. Fasting 8th August 2022 - 10th Muharram (1 replies)
  7. Gems Virtues of Fasting During the Long Hot Summer Days (0 replies)
  8. Pillars Of Islam: A Reminder. (1 replies)
  9. Question about making up for missed prayers (1 replies)
  10. Accidentally ate food with alchohol in it. Are my prayers now invalid? (5 replies)
  11. Is this a sunna? (0 replies)
  12. *** Bigger the congregation is more beloved to Allaah عزوجل *** (0 replies)
  13. Please propagate dhikr, duas, salawat and other good deeds (0 replies)
  14. Hadees Mubarak (4 ) (1 replies)
  15. How Often Do You Send Blessings Upon The Prophet (SAWS)? (4 replies)
  16. Tutorial about How to Get rid ofJinn (0 replies)
  17. What is the reward for someone who.... (1 replies)
  18. Reward of fasting and qiyaam 1 thousands years each week (0 replies)
  19. Is it permissible to continue fasting? (0 replies)
  20. How to make dua with Salah? (2 replies)
  21. Ramadan Is The Ultimate Pattern Interruption (0 replies)
  22. Istikhara when you don't have options? (4 replies)
  23. seek manners first before knowledge (1 replies)
  24. Ramadan 2021 - some useful resources (0 replies)
  25. Rrevive A Sunnah, Trim The Moustache Its Friday (Jummah) (0 replies)
  26. biddah (0 replies)
  27. some common shirk committed by people (16 replies)
  28. how did the sahaba do it? (7 replies)
  29. Hijab (1 replies)
  30. Humblenenss (2 replies)
  31. Pracitice what you preach. (0 replies)
  32. Tie your camel AND put your trust in Allah swt. (7 replies)
  33. I want to know if i can combine prayers when depressed/dissociating? (1 replies)
  34. 40 Salaat and Salaam - by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb رحمة الله عليه (0 replies)
  35. Places & Times where Du'a is answered (4 replies)
  36. Virtues of the month of Muharram (5 replies)
  37. Dealing with doubts & whispers from Shaytan (2 replies)
  38. Month of Dhul Hijja - Some hadiths, virtues, rulings for Udhiya (17 replies)
  39. Rulings & Manners of Supplication (2 replies)
  40. Is it permissible to check one's investments during Eid? (5 replies)
  41. Worshipping Allah seeking His Face only (7 replies)
  42. When to do the pro (2 replies)
  43. I intended today to fast for shawwal but I still have make up fasts....does it count? (2 replies)
  44. “and those who seek forgiveness before dawn” (1 replies)
  45. The raising of hands to invoke dua in the middle of Salaah (5 replies)
  46. Dua in Farsi (4 replies)
  47. Whoever says it in the Morning/evening indeed has offered his/her Morning/Evening tha (1 replies)
  48. Hajj (6 replies)
  49. Benefits of surah baqarah (7 replies)
  50. Joining congregationn (17 replies)
  51. Confused about Istikhara; please help (4 replies)
  52. Salaatul Hajjat (7 replies)
  53. How can I direct my love of people towards love of Allah? (4 replies)
  54. Takbeer (0 replies)
  55. Salah (3 replies)
  56. Slow down (1 replies)
  57. Authentic Hadith for saying ''SubhanAllahi Wa Bihamdihi (0 replies)
  58. A wondeful Du'a shared (1 replies)
  59. What is the reward for reading surat al kahf on a "Thursday" after maghrib? (jumua) (1 replies)
  60. Zakat ke Aham Masail [URDU] - زکوٰۃ کے اہم مسائل (0 replies)
  61. Losing Faith- Powerful speech (0 replies)
  62. What is Taqwa? (2 replies)
  63. The Beautiful Names of Allaah (9 replies)
  64. Ramadhaan 2019 – Some Useful Resources (0 replies)
  65. There is no cure in the haraam (7 replies)
  66. Vows do not change anything (0 replies)
  67. How should I pray Qiyamul Layl? (2 replies)
  68. Quranic Reflections (2 replies)
  69. Good morals in Islam (0 replies)
  70. An important dua after eating that wipes away all your sins! (4 replies)
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