- What was the nature of Jesus' (alayhi salam) birth?
- Isa: "Great Commandments" as Essential to True Muslim Faith
- for christians : a question about salvation.
- Where is God in the Universe?
- Eating God
- Jesus never said 'I am God', but a guy who isn't Jesus, did say it in Gen 31:10-13!
- Creation and Evolution: Islamic Teachings on the Creation of Human Life...=)
- Jesus Wars
- Balancing righteousness and mercy?
- Textual Critcism
- what is almighty
- What is the value of the Hadith in Islam?
- To those who ascribe themselves to Atheists...
- Maybe Christianity has Jesus Wrong: Jesus as Mystic
- The Scriptures that are with them...
- The Goodly Life. [Short but Powerful Vid]
- What is faith for muslims?
- Science V Religion does it have to be this way
- The Christian Tradition of Forty Days of Lent: Origins and History
- Black stones in certain pagan cultures. Should people pray towards Black Stones.
- The "Paraclete"
- Pagan Christianity Worships
- Is the Holy Spirit the angel Gabriel?
- Muhammad (as) - "The Conqueror" of Apostle John's "Revelations"
- Is there any Christians who still pray that way?
- The Decline of Christianity in the UK
- T3H B1BL3 - 1nJ33L
- Social Darwinism
- How does the Qur'an represent Christian beliefs?
- what do christians & jews believe in?
- What are you doing for Easter?
- Are the following passages "corrupted"?
- A challenge to everyone!
- Apostasy the consequences of it.
- living god dies
- Top 10 Reasons Why The Trinity Is Invalid
- Easy Target: Possible Analogies for Uncreated Triune Being
- Question on Quran vs. the Bible
- Forgiveness vs Atonement
- (The Truth)(About Christianity,Jesus & Trinity)(130 pages)(DO NOT MISS IT!-Slide show
- List why I was not satisfied with my Ex religion
- "Fate" and "Nature"--the world's subtlest popular euphemisms
- I’m boudhist, christian, muslim and jewish too
- The Tolerance of Islam
- We are Civilized!
- My argument for the atheists
- How I became Muslim
- The original sin ????
- The Fall & Fall of the Roman Catholics.
- Comparing dietary laws
- Jesus thought JIHAD
- IM confused
- Is the bible the word of God
- What is Islam? Who is Muhammad (SAW)?
- Do christians believe in the old testament?
- The Christian veneration of icons
- Belief about Abraham(A.S)
- Jesus Loves His Enemies…and Then Kills Them All
- Christians & Head Covering, Explanation
- What is Mysticism?
- General Question for Iconodule
- Woman in Quran and Bible
- The Witch Hunts: The End of Magic and Miracles
- Christian & Jewish Beliefs Plots Against Masjid Al-Aqsa
- Germans Leaving Catholic Church.
- What was Jesus accused of that people wanted to punish him for?
- How important is it to study other religions?
- 3 Videos that made me want to learn about other religions!!!
- Can the Quran match these verses?
- can some one explain chirstianity ..