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01-08-2006, 05:35 PM
Hello Ansar Al'-Adl,
I realize that you are trying to use this to lead in to the Christian doctrine of atonement or Christ's sacrifice, but it isn't going to work this way. If you want to discuss atonement, let's be open about it and then we'll have a much more productive discussion then beating around the bush.
I appreciate your honesty. What is your understanding of Jesus Christ as the atonement and sacrifice for the sins committed by every human being--sins a Holy, Righteous, Just, and Merciful GOD is going to hold to account?

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01-08-2006, 06:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
What is your understanding of Jesus Christ as the atonement and sacrifice for the sins committed by every human being--sins a Holy, Righteous, Just, and Merciful GOD is going to hold to account?
Salam and Peace:

With all due respect, PO, do you really believe a Holy, Righteous, Just and Merciful God would torture and slaughter a sinless man so you could be forgiven? Why does God have to be portrayed as something less that what He is. He has the power to do anything He wants, which means he doesn't need someone else to die so you can be forgiven. He has the ability to forgive you on His own.

The message of Jesus, pbuh, was clear in Ezekiel 18:20 - "A chld shall not suffer for the iniquity of the parent, nor a parent suffer for the iniquity of a child; the righteousness of the righteous shall be his own, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be his own."

Jeremiah 31:30 - "...everyone shall die for his own iniquity."

Deuteronomy 24:16 - "Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, not sons for their fathers; each shall be executed for his own crime."

Jesus, pbuh, never taught anything remotely similar to original sin let alone Atonement. The concept of Atonement was a creation of Paul after Jesus, pbuh, was taken up.

You have to look at these things with an open mind and logic. Ask yourself WHY the creator of ALL things would have to resort to killing one of His creations in order to forgive sins??? Look at all He has created, every tiny detail, and yet they only way to forgive sins is to kill an innocent man? :muddlehea

Wasalam and Peace

01-08-2006, 07:06 PM

"With all due respect, PO, do you really believe a Holy, Righteous, Just and Merciful God would torture and slaughter a sinless man so you could be forgiven?"
First, no--I know He did not torture and slaughter a sinless man so that I could be forgiven. Torture and slaughter was implemented by the religious leaders of Jesus day. Second, GOD Himself out of His great love for us, came to this earth in the form of a man--Jesus Christ--and sacrificed His life on my behalf; on behalf of the whole world.
He has the power to do anything He wants, which means he doesn't need someone else to die so you can be forgiven.
Yes, I agree with you. GOD has the power to do anything He wants. No, He does not need someone else to die for me so that I can be forgiven. Out of love for me, HE is the one who died for me, paying the penalty of my sin, and giving Himself the right to forgive me. He was Merciful and Just at the same time.
You have to look at these things with an open mind and logic. Ask yourself WHY the creator of ALL things would have to resort to killing one of His creations in order to forgive sins??? Look at all He has created, every tiny detail, and yet they only way to forgive sins is to kill an innocent man?
Please understand, if the Creator of all things resorted to killing one of His creations in order to forgive sins, He would be the most evil of all. He did not kill any of His creation. He gave up His rights in Heaven, came to this earth, dwelt among people, and allowed people to kill Him through them crucifying Him on the cross. He rose from the dead, gaining power and authority to forgive His creation who sinned against Him. He showed His justice and mercy together. I do not have to work hard to get to heaven--I cannot, as hard as a try, match GOD's standard. I simply accept His love for me, expressed through His death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave.

01-08-2006, 07:12 PM
salaam (peace) PObook
there some good talks/lecture here about jesus (peace be upon him)
let me know what you think of them

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Ansar Al-'Adl
01-09-2006, 12:35 AM
Hello POBook,
Thanks for starting the new topic for us :) . There are a number of issues we could discuss with respect to atonement.

You mentioned that you believe God came to earth and died in order to forgive His Creation. I have many problems with this idea. First, if God died, then what happened to the universe when He died? Who ran the universe? And if He was dead (i.e. ceased to exist) then how can He become alive again? Don't you find it self-contradictory believing that the immortal died? As Gary Miller (former Christian Missionary who converted to Islam) says, "You can say that Jesus is God, but then don't tell me he died. Or you can say that Jesus died, but then don't tell me he was God. You can't have both."

And if God intended to come to earth and die, then why didn't he submit immediately to the executioners? Why do we find passages where Jesus cries out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). How do we explain this passage in light of your claim?

And what exactly does this sacrifice accomplish? Which sins has Jesus paid for? All of them? The major ones? The minor ones?

One last thing: Suppose you hurt one of your friends. They say, "Don't worry POBook, I'm going to forgive you - But I need to punish you first." Does that make sense? No, because either they forgive or they don't forgive. If you forgive someone, then it means that you don't punish them. And if you punish someone, then it means you don't forgive them.

I look forward to your response.

01-09-2006, 01:21 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook

First, no--I know He did not torture and slaughter a sinless man so that I could be forgiven. Torture and slaughter was implemented by the religious leaders of Jesus day. Second, GOD Himself out of His great love for us, came to this earth in the form of a man--Jesus Christ--and sacrificed His life on my behalf; on behalf of the whole world.
Peace POBook:

Ummm, actually, according to Christianity God did do this. Most Christians will tell you this was a covenant....which doesn't make sense.....making a covenent with oneself. :rollseyes God, knows everything, nothing happens but by His will. If Jesus, pbuh, was beaten and slaughtered by the leaders of the day....then God intended for it to happen. But, to what end? Jesus, according to biblical text, was not a willing participant. He wasn't hi-fiving the Jews on the way to the crucifixion. He specifically asked to let the cup of death pass from Him, by the will of God. He prayed to God and asked "why hast thou forsaken me?" Did He forget His purpose, His covenant? If so, then surely He was not God. Sending an innocent to his death, doesn't sound very merciful to me. :hmm: Where is the great love? What kind of love is it to kill a sinless man? What is the purpose in Jesus/God/Man sacrificing anything? And, as I mentioned, if Jesus were God, He forgot why He was here.

Yes, I agree with you. GOD has the power to do anything He wants. No, He does not need someone else to die for me so that I can be forgiven. Out of love for me, HE is the one who died for me, paying the penalty of my sin, and giving Himself the right to forgive me. He was Merciful and Just at the same time

Sorry, POBook, I fail to see the connection in God having to commit suicide, (which is exactly what it is when you take your own life), to forgive sin. He had to give Himself the right to forgive??? :muddlehea God, doesn't need His own permission to do something....sorry, that just makes no sense.

Please understand, if the Creator of all things resorted to killing one of His creations in order to forgive sins, He would be the most evil of all. He did not kill any of His creation. He gave up His rights in Heaven, came to this earth, dwelt among people, and allowed people to kill Him through them crucifying Him on the cross. He rose from the dead, gaining power and authority to forgive His creation who sinned against Him. He showed His justice and mercy together. I do not have to work hard to get to heaven--I cannot, as hard as a try, match GOD's standard. I simply accept His love for me, expressed through His death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave.

Ok, POBook, don't you see that that's exactly what doctrine says God did. The bible says, "God is not the author of confusion". Please look at what you just wrote. Your salvation is based on this?? Jesus, according to the bible, did not return to His disciples as a ghost either. He was very clear in trying to convince them He was NOT a ghost. There is a description in the bible defining spirit/ghost.....Jesus, at that time, did not fit that description in the least.

God gave up His rights in Heaven?? To whom did He give them up?? And this gave him power? Was he without power before?? :muddlehea

POBook, I implore you to really look your bible with an open mind and research this doctrine. Use logic, not blind faith.

I apologize if I said anything harsh, it is not my intent. Sometimes words on the pc can appear to be more harsh than they are meant. :)

May Allah, swt, continue to guide us all to truth. Ameen

Another apology....can't figure out how to use quotes properly, will learn that for my next post, inshallah. :)


01-09-2006, 12:18 PM
Salam Hana_Aku,

Thank you for your response.

"Ummm, actually, according to Christianity God did do this. Most Christians will tell you this was a covenant....which doesn't make sense.....making a covenent with oneself."
I'm not quite sure what you mean here. What GOD did NOT do was the torturing and slaughtering. People--Pharisees, Sadducees, and Roman authorities in Jesus day did the torturing and slaughtering. GOD allowed this to happen.

"Jesus, according to biblical text, was not a willing participant. He wasn't hi-fiving the Jews on the way to the crucifixion. He specifically asked to let the cup of death pass from Him, by the will of God."
Yes, you are very right. Jesus did not want to go through the torture and the slaughter that was coming. However, like you pointed out, He gave up His rights to Himself and prayed to His Father, "Yet not my will, but Yours be done" (Matthew 26:39). After His arrest a few verses later, in Matthew 26:53, Jesus says, "Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and He at once will put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?" In other words, Jesus was saying that if He wanted to, He could call on His Father to destroy those getting ready to crucify Him, and His Father would meet His request. I say this to point out that Jesus had as much authority as His Father. Why? Because Jesus was not just another man. Jesus was GOD in the flesh. Please know that I say that with respect for you as a Muslim.

"He prayed to God and asked "why hast thou forsaken me?" Did He forget His purpose, His covenant? If so, then surely He was not God."
If you want, we can start another thread concerning the Trinity. For now, let me say that born-again believers do not believe in three gods. We do not believe that Jesus is the Son of GOD in terms of the human definition of a child. We believe in one GOD who came to this earth in the form of the man Jesus Christ to pay the penalty of our sin.

"Sending an innocent to his death, doesn't sound very merciful to me."
Allow me to try and explain this again. GOD did not send an innocent person to his death. Someone who does that is a cruel murderer. GOD Himself came to this earth and paid the penalty for our transgressions against Him. It's like a judge who hands down a sentence to a criminal. The judge then steps down from his judgement seat and takes the criminal's sentence and serve the sentence he gave to the criminal, on behalf of that criminal. The judge did not take the sentence away from the criminla and give it to someone else. The judge took the sentence he served and paid the price. This is love beyond our comprehension.

"Sorry, POBook, I fail to see the connection in GOD having to commit suicide."
GOD did not commit suicide. Neither did GOD kill anyone else. GOD handed Himself over to the Pharisees and Sadducees. They are the ones who crucified Him--who tortered Him and killed Him by their own choice. They did not have to do this. In His Sovereignty, however, GOD knew what they would do and allowed them to do it.

"God gave up His rights in Heaven?? To whom did He give them up?? And this gave him power? Was he without power before?? "
If I may, allow me to quote a passage of Scripture written by the Apostle Paul. I know that Muslims have no respect for him. In his letter to the Philippian church, Paul makes a statement of truth about GOD. Please allow me to quote him: "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature GOD, did not consider equality with GOD something to be held on to, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant and being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient to death--even death on a cross! Therefore, GOD exalted him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of GOD the Father."

You have not been harsh. I appreciate your honesty and your willingness to dialogue. Thank you for your time:)

01-09-2006, 06:18 PM
Hello Ansar Al-'Adl,

I'm glad to do it. Thanks for the guidance:)

You mentioned that you believe God came to earth and died in order to forgive His Creation.
I'm not sure what you understand about the Trinity. Please know, that the Trinity has nothing to do we three god's. Consider this example. The sun is a trinity. It is the sun, which does not cease to exist. The sun is also heat for the earth. The sun is also light for the earth. Neither the sun, heat or light exist apart from one another. While light and heat serve different purposes, they are an intimate part of the sun. Light does not come from some other son and heat from still another sun. All three of these are together; they are one. To the Christian, GOD is GOD. He is also light to the world through Jesus Christ. He is also warmth to the world through the Holy Spirit. They are all one in three; three in one. For right now, consider this verse of Scripture from the gospel of John 1:1-2, 14, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD. He was with God in the beginning...The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us."

First, if God died, then what happened to the universe when He died?
In the same way that the sun is not always seen, but continues to exist, GOD always exists, even though His light, to the world, Jesus Christ went through a time when he was not seen--he died on the cross. But as the light returns and the sun is once again seen, so Jesus rose from the dead. Even when light may not be seen, the sun coninues to provide what the earth needs to exist.

Don't you find it self-contradictory believing that the immortal died?
I understand that you have no respect for Paul, but for now, please allow me to quote from his letter to the Philippian church, chapter 2:5-11, "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, who being in very nature GOD, did not consider equality with GOD something to hold on to, but made himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross! Therefore, GOD exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of GOD the Father. We do not consider Jesus to be some god. To us, Jesus Christ was GOD in the flesh with a very definite purpose of redeeming man back to Himself.

And if God intended to come to earth and die, then why didn't he submit immediately to the executioners?
I'm not sure I can answer this question. I do know that Jesus was on the earth amidst people. We know of leaders today, for eg., who may commit crimes but it may take several years before the country can hold them to account or bring them before some kind of judicial system. In the eyes of these early leaders, Jesus was commiting the crime of blasphemy. In the eyes of the people under the leaders, Jesus was committing no crime. If these leaders immediately took Jesus into custody, they would take on a battle with their community they would not be able to fight. With time, the leadership of Jesus day was slowly able to bring Jesus into custody, have him condemned and sentenced to death and then very quickly carry out that death sentence of crucifixion.

Why do we find passages where Jesus cries out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46).
The best way to understand this is in light of what I have explained to be the Trinity. While Jesus was fully GOD, He was also fully human. He went through the pain and suffering of crucifixion on our behalf. He took the sin of the world upon Himself. GOD had to forsake Him. GOD could not sit there in the presence of evil. This was the most heart wrenching moment in History. In His pure and untainted innocence, the Creator of this world took upon Himself the penalty of the world's transgression. He had to be forsaken. Would you be willing to be forsaken by your family for the benefit of your worst enemy? This is what GOD did for us.

And what exactly does this sacrifice accomplish? Which sins has Jesus paid for? All of them? The major ones? The minor ones?
In GOD's eyes, there are no big sins or small sins; no good sins and no bad sins. GOD sees the sinful human nature that exists in all of us. Excuse this crude example, but just like you get blackheads and pimples of different shapes, sizes, and colors, they are come from an infected pore in the skin. We are all infected pores that manifest themselves in different ways. What does sacrifice accomplish? Sacrifice accomplishes the penalty. The penalty of our human nature as sinful people is hell. We all know that. If a sacrifice could be offered to ATONE for our payment, then one could be made. GOD sacrificed Himself (the death of Jesus Christ) on the cross to ATONE for our punishment. We can humble accept the gift of His atoning sacrifice or we can reject it. The choice is up to us.

One last thing: Suppose you hurt one of your friends. They say, "Don't worry POBook, I'm going to forgive you - But I need to punish you first." Does that make sense? No, because either they forgive or they don't forgive. If you forgive someone, then it means that you don't punish them.
Suppose you are caught speeding and are given a pricy fine. You do not want to pay it so you go before the judge. The judge can smile at you and tell you he loves you and he's not mad at you, but does that mean you will not have to pay the fine? You broke the law; you pay the fine. The payment--the fine of our sinful human nature is hell. The wonderful thing about GOD is His love for us. As the judge of humanity, He handed the "hell sentence" for our crime. Then he got up, came down and took the sentence from us and invoked our sentence on Himself. If you were a judge, would you hand a crimminal a death sentence that he deserved and then step down and serve that sentence on behalf of the crimminal. GOD served justice and therefore earned the right to forgive. Justice and mercy came to fruition.

Thanks again for your continuing dialogue. I look forward to hearing from you;D

01-10-2006, 03:11 AM
Peace POBook:

Sorry about my delay in replying. Working and home stuff, takes all my time. lol

Well, POBook, regardless of who performed the atrocities, Paul would have you believe God meant for it to happen, allowed it to happen and wouldn't stop it when Jesus, pbuh, was suppose to have prayed. According to Christians, God planned and executed the slaughter. Remember, nothing happens except by His will.

How can you say Jesus, pbuh, didn't want to go through with it and then say He is God? Was He afraid? I don't think so. Yes, according to the Bible Jesus, pbuh, did pray, buy why? If you feel Jesus, pbuh, the Father and Holy Spirit are all encompassing....why pray? As I said, it sounds to me like God forgot the covanent He made with Himself.

Hosea 6:5-6: "...and My judgement goes forth as the light. For I desire steadfast love not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings."

Matthew 9:13 - "Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'"

and you can read Mark 12:32-33, which says much the same.

Jesus, pbuh, never taught anything about Atonement, not once.

POBook, you are saying in one breath he prayed to let the cup of death pass...(and He was a man desperate to have it pass.) He prayed in the Garden AND on the cross. Then you quoted matthew 26:30, saying He could call on His father and His father would destroy them. He DID pray, nothing happened, He was tortured and slaughtered....a completely innocent man!! Quoting from Matthew 26:37-39 - "And being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground" My God, does that not sound like a man begging for His life? Imagine, God, begging and crying for His life? :( Astagfurillah.

I don't think any Christian believes in 3 seperate Gods, just one that divides Hiimself up for some unexplained reason that makes no logical sense whatsoever. Why would the creator of ALL things need His creations so badly, He would be willing to sacrifice an innocent? This is where logic takes over me. HE doesn't need us....WE need Him. What would be the purpose in relieving us of punishment, not having to answer for anything? What's the point?? I love Allah, swt, with every ounce of my being, but that alone will not be enough. Loving Him is also following what He commands...if you can't do that, why would you be a candidate for Paradise? As His creations, it is up to us to strive for Jannah, be accountable and take responsibility knowing you will answer for it one day. Don't leave it on the back of an innocent man. Especially when He said that's not possible.

You keep saying God Himself came took on the punishment of our sins, and the question still begs to be asked....WHY???? How would this benefit Him? He is the creator NOT the created. And Yes, God loves, God is merciful, God is just, etc., so why would He love and show mercy to those that don't show it to Him....OUR CREATOR!! He owes us NOTHING.....we owe Him EVERYTHING. Saying "oh Jesus, pbuh, already took my punishment for me, I don't have to worry" is a cop-out, in my humble opinion. Show the love you have for God, obey His commandments.

POBook, I know only too well how difficult it is to give up what we've grown up believing, trust me on that one. But, once you look objectively at what Paul is teaching compared to what Jesus, pbuh, taught, I have no doubt you will see the problem with Atonement and realize it was a creation of Paul, not Jesus, pbuh. In Islam we are told to research, ask questions, go seek the advice of those that are professionals in the field of biology, geography, etc. The Qur'an tells us to do that. The Bible tells you that God is not the author of confusion....but look at the confusion with which you are basing your salvation. Follow the commandments....that's all, nothing more.

I know this is long, sorry, lol. But, I do appreciate the respect you show while discussing, it's a sign of a strong charactor. :)

Take care and Peace,

Ansar Al-'Adl
01-10-2006, 08:11 PM
Hello POBook,
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
I'm not sure what you understand about the Trinity.
You will notice I never mentioned the trinity anywhere in the quote. I would have prefered to keep this debate centered on atonement itself as opposed to the trinity which deserves an entire thread on its own. With regard to the Trinity, I am more than familiar with the concept and the varying Christian explanations of it, having engaged in numerous debates over the subject with Christians.

Nevertheless, now that you have brought up an example for the Trinity, I think it is best if I comment on it now as oppose to later.

Consider this example. The sun is a trinity. It is the sun, which does not cease to exist. The sun is also heat for the earth. The sun is also light for the earth. Neither the sun, heat or light exist apart from one another. While light and heat serve different purposes, they are an intimate part of the sun. Light does not come from some other son and heat from still another sun. All three of these are together; they are one.
The problem with this explanation is that light and heat can be considered attributes or actions of the sun, but they themselves are not the sun. Light and Heat are both forms of energy given off by the sun as they are given off by other bodies. On the other hand, Christians assert that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three distinct entities and that the Father is God and the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God. Yet, all together, they claim that there is still only One God.

The analogy with the sun doesn't work because we don't say that heat, light and sun are three distinct entities, but that heat and light are active properties of the sun.

For right now, consider this verse of Scripture from the gospel of John 1:1-2, 14, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD. He was with God in the beginning...The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us."
The problem I have with using this as evidence is that what are we to make of similar passages in the Bible where others are referred to as God?
In Exodus 7:1, we are told that the Lord God of Israel sent the Holy Prophet Moses (upon whom be peace) as “elohim,” meaning “God” (royal plural) unto Pharoah and Aaron as his Prophet. In Psalm 82:6, God tells His chosen Israelites: “I said: Ye are elohim, all sons of the Most High.” In I Corinthians 4:4 Satan is called “theos,” or God of this world.(Ataie, p. 8)
In the same way that the sun is not always seen, but continues to exist, GOD always exists, even though His light, to the world, Jesus Christ went through a time when he was not seen--he died on the cross. But as the light returns and the sun is once again seen, so Jesus rose from the dead. Even when light may not be seen, the sun coninues to provide what the earth needs to exist.
But you told me that God died for your sins. You didn't tell me that God hid or concealed or camouflaged Himself behind some clouds. When the sun passes out of our vision, that does not mean that the sun is dead, it just means that we can't see it. And when the sun is concealed it does not mean that it stops shining, it's just that we can't see it. But on the other hand, Christians say that God died (i.e. ceased to exist, became extinct) for their sins.

I understand that you have no respect for Paul, but for now, please allow me to quote from his letter to the Philippian church, chapter 2:5-11, "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, who being in very nature GOD, did not consider equality with GOD something to hold on to, but made himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross! Therefore, GOD exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of GOD the Father. We do not consider Jesus to be some god. To us, Jesus Christ was GOD in the flesh with a very definite purpose of redeeming man back to Himself.
I don't mind that you quote Paul, but it still doesn't answer my question. You believe God is immortal yet you say He died.

I'm not sure I can answer this question. I do know that Jesus was on the earth amidst people. We know of leaders today, for eg., who may commit crimes but it may take several years before the country can hold them to account or bring them before some kind of judicial system. In the eyes of these early leaders, Jesus was commiting the crime of blasphemy. In the eyes of the people under the leaders, Jesus was committing no crime. If these leaders immediately took Jesus into custody, they would take on a battle with their community they would not be able to fight. With time, the leadership of Jesus day was slowly able to bring Jesus into custody, have him condemned and sentenced to death and then very quickly carry out that death sentence of crucifixion.
But if the purpose of Jesus's coming was to die as God for the sins of man, then why didn't he materialise in front of the people and say something like, "Hello all. I am God. I have come to die for your sins so that I can forgive you. Please kill me." Why did he waste so much time beating around the bush?

The best way to understand this is in light of what I have explained to be the Trinity. While Jesus was fully GOD, He was also fully human.
Does that make any more sense than saying that earth is fully round and fully flat at the same time? If He was God, then He wasn't human, because by definition God is not human. And if he was fully human then he wasn't God, for the same reason. God is omnipotent, eternal, omniscient and a human is none of these things. How then are we supposed to understand Jesus? How is it conceivable that the same entitle can be fully God and fully human at the same time?

He went through the pain and suffering of crucifixion on our behalf. He took the sin of the world upon Himself. GOD had to forsake Him. GOD could not sit there in the presence of evil. This was the most heart wrenching moment in History. In His pure and untainted innocence, the Creator of this world took upon Himself the penalty of the world's transgression. He had to be forsaken. Would you be willing to be forsaken by your family for the benefit of your worst enemy? This is what GOD did for us.
So God asked Himself why He had forsaken Himself? Reminds me of how God sent God to the Mother of God to allow her to give birth to God.

In GOD's eyes, there are no big sins or small sins; no good sins and no bad sins. GOD sees the sinful human nature that exists in all of us. Excuse this crude example, but just like you get blackheads and pimples of different shapes, sizes, and colors, they are come from an infected pore in the skin. We are all infected pores that manifest themselves in different ways. What does sacrifice accomplish? Sacrifice accomplishes the penalty. The penalty of our human nature as sinful people is hell. We all know that. If a sacrifice could be offered to ATONE for our payment, then one could be made. GOD sacrificed Himself (the death of Jesus Christ) on the cross to ATONE for our punishment. We can humble accept the gift of His atoning sacrifice or we can reject it. The choice is up to us.
I understand that, but you said that God did this in order to gain the authority to forgive our sins. So now, which sins are forgiven? If it is every kind of sin, as you seem to suggest, then does that mean we can do whatever we want in the world?

If not, then why not? If I take you to a resteraunt and tell you that you can eat whatever you want because I've paid for your food, then would it make sense for me to tell you, "Don't eat this" or "Don't eat that". If God paid for the sins, then He has paid for the sins and there's no reason why we can't sin.


01-10-2006, 10:33 PM
:sl: Bro Ansar and peace POBook:

I was driving home from work when I realized I had wanted to respond to POBook's analogy of the sun and didn't do it.

You said almost exactly what I was going to say. lool

And quite right, the Sun, light and heat cannot operate independently. If you take one away the rest is useless. The sun, only as a whole unit, performs these functions. So, really, POBook described very well what Muslims have always said, God is ONE, indivisible, uncomparable and stands alone. If you take away a part of God, (i.e. Jesus, pbuh), then He becomes less than God. Just as if you take away one part of the sun, it is no longer the sun. And, also remembering, there is only ONE God, but far more than one sun.

So, POBook, bro Ansar is perfectly correct that your analogy won't work and trust me when I tell you, you will never find one that will. :) Nothing is comparable to God. But, if you put away blind faith, and look at things with a complete open mind and logic, I am confident you will see that the idea of Atonement and trinity is totally fabricated by Paul and never taught by Jesus, pbuh, or God.

May Allah continue to guide us all to truth. Ameen

Wasalam and Peace,

01-11-2006, 12:25 AM
Good job PObook.
Good luck

John 10:18

18No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."

01-11-2006, 12:30 AM
[QUOTE=PrIM3;153925]Good job PObook.
Good luck

Peace PrIM3:

If there is something you would like to add, please feel free :)


01-11-2006, 12:42 AM
the wages of sin is death... so when Christ died on the cross.. it was like the law of sin got corrupted..

so a sinner can't take another sinners sin away but someone who is sinless blaimless can..
kind of like this parable:
a person digs a whole to get rid of his trash the whole is filled up with his trash.. so he is not able to help another person.
but someone who dug a whole that is big enough for everyones trash can..

01-11-2006, 12:54 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by PrIM3
the wages of sin is death... so when Christ died on the cross.. it was like the law of sin got corrupted..

so a sinner can't take another sinners sin away but someone who is sinless blaimless can..
kind of like this parable:
a person digs a whole to get rid of his trash the whole is filled up with his trash.. so he is not able to help another person.
but someone who dug a whole that is big enough for everyones trash can..
Peace PrIM3:

errrmmmm....the wages (payment) of sin is death and when christ died on the cross, the law was corrupted? :muddlehea corruption is a sin. So God had to sin to forgive sin? :rollseyes And, by logic....Jesus, pbuh, didn't die sinless....He died with the sins of the world on Him....who forgave Him those sins? Don't you see the circular logic here?

No need to dig big holes to bury sin when you just claim them and sincerely seek forgiveness. What is the purpose in allowing another man to carry sin? Jesus, pbuh, said you couldn't do that anyway.

PrIM3: Please explain WHY God would need to kill an innocent man....using logic, not analogy. We can create analogies for everything in life and eventually someon will just blindly accept it....but that doesn't make it truth. When answering, please keep in mind that God said He was not the author of confusion, so this should not be a difficult task. :)

Thank you for responding and peace,

01-11-2006, 01:07 AM
[QUOTE=Hana_Aku;153933]Peace PrIM3:

errrmmmm....the wages (payment) of sin is death and when christ died on the cross, the law was corrupted?
for the example of this...
a machine right?
the machine can only take paper ( sinners ) but then someone put a coin in this machine which then the machine totally started going crazy ( then it broke )..

No need to dig big holes to bury sin when you just claim them and sincerely seek forgiveness. What is the purpose in allowing another man to carry sin? Jesus, pbuh, said you couldn't do that anyway.
so your saying once you seek forgiveness your sins will never agian be brought up agian?
well that is what God did... God wrote a letter said this is what I want.. then He stamped it with approval ( which is Jesus Christ )..

PrIM3: Please explain WHY God would need to kill an innocent man....using logic, not analogy. We can create analogies for everything in life and eventually someon will just blindly accept it....but that doesn't make it truth. When answering, please keep in mind that God said He was not the author of confusion, so this should not be a difficult task. :)

Jesus bears the penalty of sin in place of His people. He also redeems us from lawlessness and makes us long for good works in service to God and others...

The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.

it is all because the LORD God Almighty loves us that He would do such a thing.

01-11-2006, 01:15 AM
Peace PrIM3:

Ummmm, no offense to you and not to be disrespectful, but your analogies don't make sense to me. :rollseyes

Jesus bears the penalty of sin in place of His people. He also redeems us from lawlessness and makes us long for good works in service to God and others...

Yes, I know that's what you believe, but I'm asking for what purpose? What's the purpose in sending an innocent, sinless man, to endure torture and eventual slaughter? God is more than capable of forgiving sin or disposing of those that are evil. He took a sinless man, gave him the sins of the world and killed him so you wouldn't have to be responsible for your actions??? :hmm:


01-11-2006, 01:31 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku
Peace PrIM3:

Ummmm, no offense to you and not to be disrespectful, but your analogies don't make sense to me. :rollseyes

Jesus bears the penalty of sin in place of His people. He also redeems us from lawlessness and makes us long for good works in service to God and others...

Yes, I know that's what you believe, but I'm asking for what purpose? What's the purpose in sending an innocent, sinless man, to endure torture and eventual slaughter? God is more than capable of forgiving sin or disposing of those that are evil. He took a sinless man, gave him the sins of the world and killed him so you wouldn't have to be responsible for your actions??? :hmm:

The Son of Man...[came]to give his life as a ransom for many.(Matthew 20:28)..

God warned us back in the garden that the price of our mistrust and disobedience would be death... Not just a physical death, but a spiritual death--- to be seperated from God and life and all the beauty, intimacy, and adventure forever. Through an act of our won free will, we became the hostages of the Kingdom of Darkness and death. The only way out is ransom.

from what it that says the purpose is to free our Spiritual bodies from death.

another parable--
satan is holding us in his hands... then God lovingly comes and says here take me... and let my people go.. then satan not knowing what God is doing agrees.. since satan wants to kill God ( that is all satan is looking at I get to kill him )... so then satan kills God.. but then 3 days later he raises up and shows the people that satan is not even strong enough for Him.

01-11-2006, 02:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by PrIM3
The Son of Man...[came]to give his life as a ransom for many.(Matthew 20:28)..

God warned us back in the garden that the price of our mistrust and disobedience would be death... Not just a physical death, but a spiritual death--- to be seperated from God and life and all the beauty, intimacy, and adventure forever. Through an act of our won free will, we became the hostages of the Kingdom of Darkness and death. The only way out is ransom.

from what it that says the purpose is to free our Spiritual bodies from death.

another parable--
satan is holding us in his hands... then God lovingly comes and says here take me... and let my people go.. then satan not knowing what God is doing agrees.. since satan wants to kill God ( that is all satan is looking at I get to kill him )... so then satan kills God.. but then 3 days later he raises up and shows the people that satan is not even strong enough for Him.

Well, Jesus, pbuh, didn't die and become a spirit. After he was "resurrected" He faced his disciples as a man....not a ghost. No spiritual death there....so now what? So YOU were disobedient, YOU sinned, YOU neglected God's commands....so to fix that He opted to kill an innocent man? :eek:

Now Satan is tempted God????? What are you talking about??? The bible says God does not tempt, nor is He tempted. Don't forget, satan is also a creation of God!

Really, you're using too many parables and analogies....I'm a very logical person....that stuff doesn't work for me. Speak logic....THAT I can understand. lol :D Don't get wrapped up in all this other stuff....just speak, plain and clear.....as it should be. Not everything needs an analogy. :)


01-11-2006, 05:22 AM
Second, GOD Himself out of His great love for us, came to this earth in the form of a man--Jesus Christ--and sacrificed His life on my behalf; on behalf of the whole world.
For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14:33

Everybody pop out your bibles, folks.


1. According to the gospels, what were the last words of Jesus before he "died"?

2. Did Jesus pray to God to prevent his crucifixion?
-if your answer is yes, then how is it that God is praying to himself, if he is coming down in the form of a man?

3. Can you explain this please? "God is not a man, that he should lie ; neither the son of man that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" (Numbers 19:23 )

4,5,6, maybe 7. Where is your guidance in Christianity? What guidelines and who do you follow? What is Christianity, besides accepting Jesus as your personal lord and savior? Why do we repent for our sins if they are already forgiven? Explain that whole sins-forgiven thing for me. Although these questions are a bit rhetorical, I do want to read your answers to these.

01-11-2006, 12:55 PM
Dear Ansar Al-'Adl, Sumay28, Hana_Aku, PrIM3,

Thank you to each of you for your participation in this discussion. I tend to be a sort of detailed oriented person and I would like to provide response to each message. I missed out on several messages, so please be patient as I catch up. I also appreciate your respectful approach to dialogue.

Peace to each of you:)

01-11-2006, 03:16 PM
Peace POBook:

A lot of people submitted questions while ou were away. That will teach you to visit more often. :okay:

Take your time...we'll be here, inshallah :D


01-11-2006, 09:53 PM
Hello once again Hana_Aku,

Thanks for your patience and thank you again for your openness and willingness to dialogue. OH, you thought yours was long…I’m going to beat you:giggling:;D

“According to Christians, God planned and executed the slaughter.”
Please allow me to say this again. GOD did not plan and execute the slaughter of Jesus Christ. Yes, GOD allowed this to happen. Could He have stepped in and stopped it? Yes, He could have stepped in and stopped it, but He chose not to. The Pharisees, Sadducees, and teachers of the law in Jesus’ day, along with the Roman government of the time, and along with Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ disciples were the people who planned, plotted and executed the slaughter of Jesus Christ.

“Remember, nothing happens except by His will”
Let me ask you this: Is it GOD’s will for women to be raped? Is it GOD’s will for children to be abused? Is it GOD’s will for men to be at war with one another? As a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, I believe GOD has two forms of will, as seen in the Bible; as seen in life. One is His perfect will (that which nothing and no one can change); the other is His permissive will (He has the power to change something, but chooses not to). This is another string. So no more detail on this one right now.

“How can you say Jesus, pbuh, didn't want to go through with it and then say He is God? Was He afraid? I don't think so. Yes, according to the Bible Jesus, pbuh, did pray, buy why? If you feel Jesus, pbuh, the Father and Holy Spirit are all encompassing....why pray? As I said, it sounds to me like God forgot the covanent He made with Himself.”
GOD came to this earth in the form of a man. Was Jesus Christ the child of an earthly woman and an earthly father? Or was Jesus only earthly parent by flesh and blood, a woman? If his only earthly parent by flesh and blood was a woman, then who was his father? Did Satan or some demon impregnate Mary? Or did GOD do that—not in an earthly fashion but rather in a miraculous fashion? GOD came to this earth in the form of a man—Jesus Christ. He lived among people—spoke to them, learned like them, experienced emotions, went through times of testing, and more. As a person, Jesus did not want to go through the pain and suffering that lay ahead. But as GOD, He was willing for that to happen. He knew that this was what was best for mankind. Have you ever not wanted to do something on the one hand, but on the other hand wanted to do what was right? You may not speak so that you can hear yourself, but you find yourself having a conversation with yourself about this decision. In order to do what was right, and through discomfort or sadness or suffering, you may have had to give up something of great value that you had in order to see what was right, become accomplished. Does not wanting to do something on the one hand, yet knowing you need to do it on the other hand, make you two different people? Do you understand this analogy?

Hosea 6:5-6: "...and My judgement goes forth as the light. For I desire steadfast love not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings."
When you look at these Old Testament prophets, much of their prophesy focuses on GOD’s judgment of His people at that time—the Jews. In many ways they were evil, evil people. One of the things they did was say they were righteous because they fulfilled laws of sacrifice. It’s like many people who pray to GOD today. They’ve done something wrong and offer the sacrifice of saying sorry—the sacrifice of repentance—and then go back and do they same thing they just did. This is dishonoring to GOD. In their eyes, they were great people—they fulfilled the laws of sacrifice. This is the context of this verse of Scripture from Hosea. GOD is more interested in a change of heart—steadfast love and a greater knowledge of Himself. Did this mean sacrifice needed to stop? No, but there is more to life and the law than these Jews understood at the time.

Matthew 9:13 - "Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'"
I find it very interesting that you provide this quote. Again, the context is important. Jesus made this response to Pharisees, the righteous and law abiding people of His time, who chose to believe they were more righteous than the average person. In accordance with the laws, yes they were—they were almost perfect in keeping the law. But in the middle of keeping the law and being these righteous people, they had hard hearts toward the tax collectors and the “sinners” of their time. The Pharisees hated these people; they despised them. In their whole mindset of thinking themselves to be these super-righteous people, they were through GOD’s eyes, very sinful people. They had no mercy, but offered lots of sacrifices. Jesus wants them to understand that there is more to life than these laws. Did this mean the laws at this time were null and void? No. Did you notice the end of this verse you quoted: “For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

“Jesus, pbuh, never taught anything about Atonement, not once.”
What is your understanding of atonement? Websters dictionary defines atonement as reconciliation. It also says: “the reconciliation of God and man through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ; the reparation for an offense or injury.” Atonement is a sacrifice that is offered to pay for something. Now consider these verses of Scripture in the New Testament:

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life—a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
The ransom Jesus paid was the sacrifice of His own life. This was his atonement; the reconciliation; the reparation between GOD and man.

“The next day, John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the lamb of GOD who takes away the sin of the world!’” (John 1:29)
Taking away the sin of the world was not taking away sinful acts by people, otherwise there would no longer be evil in the world. It was taking away the punishment of sin. In GOD’s eyes, man no longer was blemished with sin. Man had been given atonement by Jesus Christ.

“POBook, you are saying in one breath he prayed to let the cup of death pass...(and He was a man desperate to have it pass.) He prayed in the Garden AND on the cross. Then you quoted matthew 26:30, saying He could call on His father and His father would destroy them. He DID pray, nothing happened, He was tortured and slaughtered....a completely innocent man!! Quoting from Matthew 26:37-39 - "And being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground" My God, does that not sound like a man begging for His life? Imagine, God, begging and crying for His life?”
That is exactly what I am saying. Can you imagine making a very hard decision; one you know you needed to make and one which might have some very difficult consequences. But you know you must make that decision. Once you have made it, you go through a time of great struggle. You either wish you never made it or you hope there is someone to help you through it. Many times people who make very difficult decisions wish they never had to make that decision. They want out. At the same time they know they must decide and follow through with that decision. GOD had a decision to make. Destroy mankind for its sin or do something else. This was a very difficult decision for GOD. His decision was to make an atonement for us—to pay the price for our transgression. When He was on this earth, being tortured and slaughtered, He wondered if He was doing the right thing. It was the most difficult thing He ever had to do. On the one hand He wanted out—He wanted that cup to pass. On the other hand, He wanted what was best for you…best for me…best for the whole world! And so he stayed the course of torture and slaughter for your sake and for my sake.

“Why would the creator of ALL things need His creations so badly…”
Do parents need their children. No, they don’t need children in the strict sense of the term (Sometimes I really do need my children). But that’s not why they keep them. Parents LOVE their children and that’s why they look after them. GOD LOVES His creation!

“He would be willing to sacrifice an innocent?”
He loves them so much that He was willing to sacrifice Himself—make the atonement—for them. He did not sacrifice another innocent person. He sacrificed Himself—He Himself became the “Lamb of GOD” who takes away the sin of the world.

“This is where logic takes over me. HE doesn't need us....WE need Him.”
Again, you are exactly right. GOD does not need us. We desperately need Him…we need Him for joy, happiness, contentment, a real sense of security, and a true sense of identity. Unfortunately many people do not realize that they are absolutely desperate for GOD. He is the only One who can meet them at their true point of need.

What would be the purpose in relieving us of punishment, not having to answer for anything? What's the point??”
This is a truly great question…it really is! The purpose of relieving this punishment is built on the foundation of grace. GOD, through His mercy, provided a way for us to come to Him; He provided a way out of the punishment of our sin. Did we deserve it? NO! Can we earn it? NO! Can we be good enough for it? NO! We can either reject what GOD has done for us and be answerable for our sin. Or, we can acknowledge that we are sinful and accept GOD’s mercy. It’s a gift He offers, not a task He expects of us.

“I love Allah, swt, with every ounce of my being, but that alone will not be enough. Loving Him is also following what He commands...if you can't do that, why would you be a candidate for Paradise?”
It does my heart good to know that you love GOD with every ounce of your being. Jesus Christ said, “Love the Lord your GOD with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might, and with all your strength.” But why is that alone not enough? Do you follow GOD’s commands all the time? Are you perfect in keeping His commands? If not, your candidacy for paradise is terminated. Then, getting to paradise is based upon you and your work; on your efforts instead of being based on GOD’s love for you expressed through His atonement on the cross. As a born again-believer, I have security of paradise because it’s not based on me and my perfection—I’m very imperfect. It’s based on GOD’s love for me and my acceptance of that love—a love that accepts me for who I am with my many faults.

“Don't leave it on the back of an innocent man.”
I did not leave my sin on his back. He took my sin and the consequences of my sin and placed them on Himself, sacrificing Himself for me…for you…for the whole world.

“You keep saying God Himself came took on the punishment of our sins, and the question still begs to be asked....WHY???? How would this benefit Him? He is the creator NOT the created. And Yes, God loves, God is merciful, God is just, etc., so why would He love and show mercy to those that don't show it to Him....OUR CREATOR!! He owes us NOTHING.....we owe Him EVERYTHING. Saying "oh Jesus, pbuh, already took my punishment for me, I don't have to worry" is a cop-out, in my humble opinion. Show the love you have for God, obey His commandments.”
God took on the punishment of our sin because He loves us…He loves us…He truly loves us with a love we will never understand. This expression of His love for us was NOT to His benefit at all. It was to our benefit. GOD shows love and mercy to those who don’t show it to Him because that is His nature and His character—that’s who He is. May I encourage you to read 1 John in the Bible. Here are two verses from this short letter of love:

1 John 3:16: “This is how we have come to know love: God laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers.”
1 John 4:10: “Love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation (the atonement) for our sins.

Again, you are right. GOD owes us NOTHING….we owe Him everything. The problem is us humans, by nature cannot give GOD all He expects from us. We just cannot do that. We can try the hardest we like—but we are still going to sin and dishonor our Creator. Unfortunately, many people use GOD’s grace as an excuse to sin. I question the salvation of these people. They are dedicated to themselves, not to GOD.

Thank you again for your willingness to dialogue. I know this has been long. But I try to address everything as clearly as I can. Please know that we pray for you.:)

01-11-2006, 09:59 PM
Hello Ansar Al-'Adl,

I'm working on my response to yours. For now, I'm doing what I can to try and keep the thread "singular" if you understand what I mean. But in defense of raising the Trinity, please know that to me, Atonement, the Trinity, Sacrifice, and love are all intimately intertwined. Thanks for your understanding.


01-12-2006, 12:12 AM
Hello once again Ansar Al-'Adl,

Thanks for your patience.

“On the other hand, Christians assert that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three distinct entities and that the Father is God and the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God. Yet, all together, they claim that there is still only One God…The analogy with the sun doesn't work because we don't say that heat, light and sun are three distinct entities, but that heat and light are active properties of the sun.”
Consider this analogy: Water, ice and steam. Water is Water—the Father is GOD; ice is water—the Son is GOD; steam is water—the Holy Spirit is GOD. These are three distinct entities yet they are one. All three exist in their own form but—water is H2O; ice is H2O; steam is H2O. You can destroy the ice, but that does not destroy the water or the steam.

“In Exodus 7:1, we are told that the Lord God of Israel sent the Holy Prophet Moses (upon whom be peace) as “elohim,” meaning “God” (royal plural) unto Pharoah and Aaron as his Prophet.”
Matthew Henry says concerning this verse: “Moses was God’s representative in this affair, as magistrates are called gods, because they are God's viceregents. He was authorized to speak and act in God's name and stead, and, under the divine direction, was endued with a divine power to do that which is above the ordinary power of nature, and invested with a divine authority to demand obedience from a sovereign prince and punish disobedience.” The next part of this commentary is very important: “Moses was a god, but he was only a made god, not essentially one by nature; he was no god but by commission. He was a god, but he was a god only to Pharaoh; the living and true God is a God to all the world.” Moses was Moses—a great prophet and a great man of GOD. However, Moses did not exist before time and before creation. GOD did not become Moses. Neither was Moses with GOD in the beginning. Jesus was with GOD in the beginning because He was GOD in the beginning.

“In Psalm 82:6, God tells His chosen Israelites: “I said: Ye are elohim, all sons of the Most High.”
This is a great example. Look at more of this Psalm in detail:
Vs 1: “God has taken His place in the divine assembly; He judges among the gods:”
This word elohim is used in reference to GOD who “has taken His place…” and it is used in reference to the “gods” among whom He judges. Did GOD sit in the divine assembly and judge Himself. I don’t think so. Look at the next verse:
Vs 2: “ "How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?” Certain people were judging other people and showing favor toward wicked people. These people carrying out this behavior—“judging” others considered themselves to be GOD. This is why this word is used. Lets take a look at the next few verses:
Psa 82:3 “Provide justice for the needy and the fatherless; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.
Psa 82:4 Rescue the poor and needy; save them from the hand of the wicked."
Psa 82:5 They do not know or understand; they wander in darkness. All the foundations of the earth are shaken.”
GOD was appealing to these self-righteous people—these gods to act justly; uphold the rights of the oppressed; rescue the poor and needy. These people—these elohim—did not understand the needs of those in need. In their pious “elohim” attitude, they wandered in darkness, bringing destruction to others around them. Lets look at the next two verses:
Psa 82:6 I said, "You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.
Psa 82:7 However, you will die like men and fall like any other ruler."
Who said? GOD said, “You are elohim—you are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.” He was referring to Israelite people—Jews who thought they were mightier than GOD Himself. What was the result? GOD was the Almighty and all-powerful GOD and was going to implement the destruction of these people who made themselves to be gods. They were not elohim in the true sense of the word. They were going to “die like men and fall like any other ruler.”
I hope I have brought more clarity to this Psalm 82:6. If I may say, it is very important to consider the context of Scripture verses. We can take many verses out of context and twist them to say what they do not mean.

“In I Corinthians 4:4 Satan is called “theos,” or God of this world.(Ataie, p. 8)”
This quote is from 2 Corinthians 4:4. I do not have a problem with this verse either. Satan is the theos of this world. That is why our world is so evil. It has chosen to worship Satan instead of the Creator of this world. As the theos of this world, that’s the only power Satan has—is in this world. Unfortunately, Satan is running rampant in this world and has many people under his control. He has many people worshiping himself. He is most definitely the theos of this world but he is nowhere near the theos of the universe. He is nowhere near the theos of creation.

“But you told me that God died for your sins.” “But on the other hand, Christians say that God died (i.e. ceased to exist, became extinct) for their sins.”
No, I told you Jesus Christ died for our sins. Yes, for a short period of time, the ice was broken and crushed. But the water never ceased to exist. Jesus Christ never ceased to exist; He never became extinct. He rose from the dead.

“I don't mind that you quote Paul, but it still doesn't answer my question. You believe God is immortal yet you say He died.”
I appreciate you giving me the freedom to quote Paul. Yes, GOD is immortal. But GOD never died. The ice may be crushed, but the water continues to exist.

“But if the purpose of Jesus's coming was to die as God for the sins of man, then why didn't he materialise in front of the people and say something like, "Hello all. I am God. I have come to die for your sins so that I can forgive you. Please kill me." Why did he waste so much time beating around the bush?”
In the garden of Gethsame Jesus said, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39). Have you ever found yourself having to make a really difficult decision; a decision that you knew was going to be for the best in the long run but one that was going to involve sacrifice and difficulty? If you have, I’m sure you found yourself “debating” with yourself; reasoning with yourself as to what you should do. Maybe you did not want to do what needed to be done, but you knew it had to be done. GOD had a terribly hard decision to make. Destroy His creation whom He loved deeply, for their sin or find a way out. He knew the best thing for Himself and his creation in the long run, would be to find a way out. There was only one way—He would have to pay the price for their sin—He would have to be the Atonement. Jesus, as GOD in the flesh did not want to go through the pain and suffering that was approaching. But in His heart, He knew this would be right. So yes, Jesus did approach the cross with boldness, but a great desire to not have to go through that pain. I say this to say that Jesus did not say, “Please kill me.” If Jesus came in the way you suggested, the people would have probably murdered Him immediately. He would not have been able to share His message of salvation and the purpose of His coming would have been null and void. Concerning forgiveness: You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make it drink. Jesus offers us forgiveness. We can accept it or reject it.

“I understand that, but you said that God did this in order to gain the authority to forgive our sins. So now, which sins are forgiven? If it is every kind of sin, as you seem to suggest, then does that mean we can do whatever we want in the world? If not, then why not? If I take you to a resteraunt and tell you that you can eat whatever you want because I've paid for your food, then would it make sense for me to tell you, "Don't eat this" or "Don't eat that". If God paid for the sins, then He has paid for the sins and there's no reason why we can't sin.”
If you really love apples and have an apple tree that constantly produces lousy fruit that’s just not worth eating, what might you do about that situation? Constantly pick the lousy fruit and throw it away? Keep the tree and live with the lousy fruit? Or uproot the whole tree and plant a new tree that produces good fruit? GOD looks at us in a very similar way. We, as people, are like bad apple trees. We sin and produce crummy fruit. But this crummy fruit is not the issue. The nature of the tree produced the nature of the fruit. GOD sees our sinful human nature. GOD is more interested in seeing fresh, healthy apples growing. So, he is not going to live with sinful habits; He’s not going to try destroy our sinful habits. GOD wants to see a fresh, clean, new nature in us. The sinful nature must be destroyed and the sins we keep committing will disappear as well. Too often, people judge one another and say other people commit worse sins. GOD overlooks the fruit of the sinful nature and deals with the sinful nature itself—the sinful nature every human has. You see, this is what is sooo wonderful. When GOD destroys our sinful human nature and gives us a clean, healthy nature, we no longer want to sin; we no longer enjoy sin; we no longer pursue sin. We are given the power over sin. Instead of just words out of the mouth, our nature begins to glorify, honor, and worship GOD.

Again, thank you for this dialogue. Thank you for your in-depth feedback. I hope I have answered your questions. I look forward to hearing from you again.:)

Sincerely…and with prayer

Ansar Al-'Adl
01-12-2006, 02:24 AM
Hi POBook,
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
I'm working on my response to yours. For now, I'm doing what I can to try and keep the thread "singular" if you understand what I mean. But in defense of raising the Trinity, please know that to me, Atonement, the Trinity, Sacrifice, and love are all intimately intertwined. Thanks for your understanding.
I don't mind including the trinity in our discussion, but from experience I know that the consequence of doing this is that the posts are going to get very looooong. :)

format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
Consider this analogy: Water, ice and steam. Water is Water—the Father is GOD; ice is water—the Son is GOD; steam is water—the Holy Spirit is GOD. These are three distinct entities yet they are one. All three exist in their own form but—water is H2O; ice is H2O; steam is H2O. You can destroy the ice, but that does not destroy the water or the steam.
I see you have dropped one analogy and moved on to another. This is typically what happens when trinitarian christians debate - they begin by trying to use analogies to justify the trinity, but once they run out of analogies they end by claiming that "God is beyond our understanding". What this means is that since they have found no logical method of explaining how 3=1, they are agreeing that the trinity is beyond logic, i.e. illogical.

As for this states-of-water analogy that you've used, I've responded to it before as well as the egg analogy, the three dimensional space analogy, the thinker-thinking-thought analogy, the past-present-future analogy and many more. None of them work, but let's examine your water analogy more closely.

The problem here is that the three states of water are simply that - states. They are not distinct entities. If we have a group of water molecules, they will have a certain amount of kinetic (heat) energy. Depending on the amount of energy they have, the molecules will either be in solid state, liquid state, or gaseous state. The same molecules do not exist in all three states at the same time. When they have low energy, they are solid; when they have medium energy they are liquid; and when they have high energy they are gaseous. Does it make sense to say that when God has high energy He is the father, when He has low energy He is the son? No, of course not.

Moreover, Christians maintain that there is still only ONE God, despite the existence of these three 'persons'. On the othert hand, does it make sense to say that there is only one water? No, because water is not an individual object, but a type of molecular compund.

So again, the bottom line is that there is no method of explaining logically how there can be three distinct entities co-existing, each individually God, and yet all-together there is still only one God.

Matthew Henry says concerning this verse: “Moses was God’s representative in this affair, as magistrates are called gods, because they are God's viceregents. He was authorized to speak and act in God's name and stead, and, under the divine direction, was endued with a divine power to do that which is above the ordinary power of nature, and invested with a divine authority to demand obedience from a sovereign prince and punish disobedience.” The next part of this commentary is very important: “Moses was a god, but he was only a made god, not essentially one by nature; he was no god but by commission. He was a god, but he was a god only to Pharaoh; the living and true God is a God to all the world.” Moses was Moses—a great prophet and a great man of GOD. However, Moses did not exist before time and before creation. GOD did not become Moses. Neither was Moses with GOD in the beginning. Jesus was with GOD in the beginning because He was GOD in the beginning.
I don't mind the explanation and I agree that the Bible has used metaphorical and quite ambiguous language in these passages, but my point remains the same. On one hand the Bible says that Moses = God. On the other hand the Bible says that Word = God. The conclusion is that neither of these can be interpreted as a statement of divinity. If you want to prove the divinity of Christ from the scripture, you will ahve to bring explciit unambiguous proof, because there is no other way especially when the Bible employs such figurative language for all the prophets.

I noticed how you try to differentiate by using 'God' and 'GOD' but I must point out to you that in hebrew the word is just elohîm for both - there are no capitals in the language.

Lets look at the next two verses:
Psa 82:6 I said, "You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.
Psa 82:7 However, you will die like men and fall like any other ruler."
Who said? GOD said, “You are elohim—you are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.” He was referring to Israelite people—Jews who thought they were mightier than GOD Himself. What was the result? GOD was the Almighty and all-powerful GOD and was going to implement the destruction of these people who made themselves to be gods. They were not elohim in the true sense of the word. They were going to “die like men and fall like any other ruler.”
I hope I have brought more clarity to this Psalm 82:6. If I may say, it is very important to consider the context of Scripture verses. We can take many verses out of context and twist them to say what they do not mean.
I agree completely. So how do you know that the Israelites were not God in the true sense, and that the word was God in the true sense? How do we even know what the word is?

You've given me some commentary on the verses, so please allow me to share with you some commentary I have on the verses. Dr. Laurence Br. Brown comments on them as follows:
For those who claim the ‘Word’ of John 1:1 (“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”) not only refers to Jesus but also implies equality between Jesus and God, I Corinthians 3:23 appears to muddy the doctrinal waters. This verse states, “And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s.” A person might reasonably question “In what way are ye Christ’s? A follower of his teachings? Then in what way is Christ God’s? An element of His creation, to be sure, but also a follower of His divine law, if the analogy is to be respected. And if Jesus were God, why doesn’t the passage read ‘Christ is God’ rather that ‘Christ is God’s’?”

I Corinthians 3:23 appears to emphasize the fact that just as the disciples were subordinate to the prophet Jesus, so too was Jesus subordinate to God. Surely this distinction comes as no surprise to those who respect the authority of Isaiah 45:22 (“For I am God, and there is no other”), Isaiah 44:6 (“Thus says the Lord...‘I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God.’”), Deuteronomy 4:39 (...the Lord Himself is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; these is no other.”), and Deuteronomy 6:4 (“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!”). Given the above, claiming the wording of John 1:1 to equate Jesus to God certainly could be understood by some to be selective reasoning at best -- which leaves a person to wonder what really is wrong with the Islamic viewpoint on this issue, whether understood in the framework of either Unitarian Christianity or Islam. (Brown, p.55)
This quote is from 2 Corinthians 4:4. I do not have a problem with this verse either. Satan is the theos of this world. That is why our world is so evil. It has chosen to worship Satan instead of the Creator of this world. As the theos of this world, that’s the only power Satan has—is in this world. Unfortunately, Satan is running rampant in this world and has many people under his control. He has many people worshiping himself. He is most definitely the theos of this world but he is nowhere near the theos of the universe. He is nowhere near the theos of creation.
What we see is that here you have a statement in the Bible that Satan is theos and another statement that the word is theos. How can we take the latter as proof of the divinity of Christ and not the former as proof of the divinity of Satan? being the theos of this world does not exclude other worlds, does it?

Now this is where it gets interesting....
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
“But you told me that God died for your sins.”

“But on the other hand, Christians say that God died (i.e. ceased to exist, became extinct) for their sins.”
No, I told you Jesus Christ died for our sins.
This is fascinating! Not only did you explicitly mention before that God died for our sins (which you are now denying) but did you not also say that Jesus WAS God?!

Let me give you your own quotes (emphasis added):
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
We believe in one GOD who came to this earth in the form of the man Jesus Christ to pay the penalty of our sin.

GOD did not commit suicide. Neither did GOD kill anyone else. GOD handed Himself over to the Pharisees and Sadducees. They are the ones who crucified Him--who tortered Him and killed Him by their own choice. They did not have to do this. In His Sovereignty, however, GOD knew what they would do and allowed them to do it.
It is clear from these comments that you not only explicitly claim that God died for our sins, but you equate Jesus with God, saying that Jesus is divine.

Yes, for a short period of time, the ice was broken and crushed. But the water never ceased to exist. Jesus Christ never ceased to exist; He never became extinct. He rose from the dead.
When Ice is broken and crushed, it usually melts quickly, acquiring more energy and transforming from a solid state to a liquid state. However, the water molecules are either in solid sate or in liquid state; the same molecules cannot be in multiple states at the same time. So are you saying that the father (liquid) froze into the son (ice) and then subsequently melted into the father once again? This is not correct according to Christian trinitarian theology as the three persons are said to be coexisting not temporarily transforming from one into another.

I appreciate you giving me the freedom to quote Paul. Yes, GOD is immortal. But GOD never died.
I'm glad we agree on this. So if God never died, then why do you claim that God died for your sins?

If God did not die, then you can't claim that God paid the price for your sins. If God didn't pay the price for your sins, who did? Jesus? But you said Jesus was God, so it can't be Jesus. Or ir Jesus wasn't God, then why put your sins on some innocent human being?

GOD had a terribly hard decision to make. Destroy His creation whom He loved deeply, for their sin or find a way out. He knew the best thing for Himself and his creation in the long run, would be to find a way out. There was only one way—He would have to pay the price for their sin—He would have to be the Atonement. Jesus, as GOD in the flesh did not want to go through the pain and suffering that was approaching. But in His heart, He knew this would be right. So yes, Jesus did approach the cross with boldness, but a great desire to not have to go through that pain.
Are you saying that God suffers from indecision and hesitation just like humans? what kind of omnipotent and omniscient God is this?
I say this to say that Jesus did not say, “Please kill me.” If Jesus came in the way you suggested, the people would have probably murdered Him immediately. He would not have been able to share His message of salvation and the purpose of His coming would have been null and void.
What message of salvation? You told me that the entire purpose was that God wanted to forgive his creation but couldn't since someone needed to bear the punishment so He decided to punish Himself. Isn't this true? So what message does He have to give to the people other than "Hello. I'm God and you're all sinners and I'm going to take the burden of your sins so I have the right to forgive you so please kill me." What else needs to be said?

Concerning forgiveness: You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make it drink. Jesus offers us forgiveness. We can accept it or reject it.
I thought the entire purpose of the atonement was as you said, so God could acquire the right to forgive us. Now He has that right according to you, so why doesn't He forgive us? You mean that He went through all that pain for nothing? His ability to forgive us is still dependent on our will?

If you really love apples and have an apple tree that constantly produces lousy fruit that’s just not worth eating, what might you do about that situation? Constantly pick the lousy fruit and throw it away? Keep the tree and live with the lousy fruit? Or uproot the whole tree and plant a new tree that produces good fruit? GOD looks at us in a very similar way. We, as people, are like bad apple trees. We sin and produce crummy fruit. But this crummy fruit is not the issue. The nature of the tree produced the nature of the fruit. GOD sees our sinful human nature. GOD is more interested in seeing fresh, healthy apples growing. So, he is not going to live with sinful habits; He’s not going to try destroy our sinful habits. GOD wants to see a fresh, clean, new nature in us. The sinful nature must be destroyed and the sins we keep committing will disappear as well. Too often, people judge one another and say other people commit worse sins. GOD overlooks the fruit of the sinful nature and deals with the sinful nature itself—the sinful nature every human has. You see, this is what is sooo wonderful. When GOD destroys our sinful human nature and gives us a clean, healthy nature, we no longer want to sin; we no longer enjoy sin; we no longer pursue sin. We are given the power over sin. Instead of just words out of the mouth, our nature begins to glorify, honor, and worship GOD.
If I understand your analogy correctly, you are saying that (a) yes, God has paid for all our sins but (b) we should still avoid sin because neither we nor God likes it.

With regard to point (b) there are quite a lot of people who love to sin and couldn't care less if God didn't like it. God's already paid for their sins so either way they get salvation in paradise whether they fill their life with sin or spirtuality.

I am not sure what you mean by "When GOD destroys our sinful human nature and gives us a clean, healthy nature". Does God's destruction of our sinful nature refer to when He was allegedly crucified? Clearly humanity is as sinful after that point in time as it ever was before, if not more.

Moreover, you did NOT say that the prupose of the crucifixion was so that He could give us a "clean, healthy nature". You said that it was because God is just and He wanted to pay the price of our sins. Well if He has paid the price of our sins it means that we can sin. If you pay the price of something for me, then its mine.


01-12-2006, 03:27 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
Hello once again Hana_Aku,

OH, you thought yours was long…I’m going to beat you:giggling:;D
lol, ok you beat me on length :okay:

Please allow me to say this again. GOD did not plan and execute the slaughter of Jesus Christ. Yes, GOD allowed this to happen. ... The Pharisees, Sadducees, and teachers of the law in Jesus’ day, along with the Roman government of the time, ...who planned, plotted and executed the slaughter of Jesus Christ.
POBook, what you fail to mention is the fact that NOTHING happens in this world that God hasn't already planned or or doesn't know. He is the best of planners and the knower of all things. If I were to believe Jesus, pbuh, was led to the slaughter, I must believe God planned it, and used the Pharisees, Saducees and teachers, etc. to exectute His plan....but be sure....plan it he did. :)

Let me ask you this: Is it GOD’s will for women to be raped? Is it GOD’s will for children to be abused? ... I believe GOD has two forms of will, as seen in the Bible; as seen in life. One is His perfect will (that which nothing and no one can change); the other is His permissive will (He has the power to change something, but chooses not to). This is another string. So no more detail on this one right now.
Actually, yes, that is a whole other topic, but I will say nothing happens but as He wills and plans. Why do bad things happen to good people? I don't know....none of us can know that. The same as why good things happen for bad people. I believe that those that have a life here of sadness yet still follow the commands of Allah, swt, and worship Him, will be granted the most amazing eternal life in Jannah. Those that do evil and gain from it, forgetting the commands, will never enter Jannah. Again....I'm going off topic...so we'll leave that for another thread, inshallah. :)

GOD came to this earth in the form of a man. Was Jesus Christ the child of an earthly woman and an earthly father? ...then who was his father? Did Satan or some demon impregnate Mary?... Or did GOD do that—not in an earthly fashion but rather in a miraculous fashion?
I am going to be blunt here, and I sincerely apologize if I offend you. God, as we all know, is so glorious is so powerful, so pure, so beyond anything we could possibly imagine. Yet, you will have us believe He lowered Himself to become one of His creations that must eat, drink, uninate, defecate, belch, pass gas, sweat, smell, etc?? Not very becoming of our creator, Astagfirallah :rollseyes

Yes, Jesus, pbuh, did have an human mother and the same one that created her, created Jesus, pbuh. God only needs say "be" and it is. If you could take a dna sample from Jesus, pbuh, do you think it would show the dna of the Almighty? What dna would you find in Adam, pbuh? By comparison, his birth is far more miraculous....created of no mother or father. Then Eve....created from a rib. And how did this happen? Did God provide His dna? No, that's absurd, He only said "BE" and it was. No different from the creation of Jesus, pbuh. Satan was also a creation of God, but no one would be crazy enough to say God fathered him.

GOD came to this earth in the form of a man—Jesus Christ. ...Have you ever not wanted to do something on the one hand, but on the other hand wanted to do what was right? You may not speak so that you can hear yourself, but you find yourself having a conversation with yourself about this decision. In order to do what was right, and through discomfort or sadness or suffering, you may have had to give up something of great value that you had in order to see what was right, become accomplished. Does not wanting to do something on the one hand, yet knowing you need to do it on the other hand, make you two different people? Do you understand this analogy?
As far as God being a man....refer to my comment above. Allah, swt, gave us everything we need to feel emotions, to use logic, etc., He provided everything we need to survive, including free will. Again, this is kinda going off topic, but let me just say, we are all put on a path...a beginning. We know, of course, there is an end, but in between those 2 points are forks and we make our choices. Those choices are what we will answer for in the end. These forks will eventually all lead to the end of the same path we started on, and we can never go back. When we reach the end, we have to answer for that journey. For example: Once I purchased 2 money orders from the post office. One for $500, one for $1000. I used my debit card for payment. I was in a rush, paid, took them and ran to the travel agent to pay for my airline tickets. The next day I realized I had a lot of extra money in my account, and going through the records I realized they only charged me for $500, but gave me $1,500. What to do? I had 2 choices....my fork on my path. I could keep the money, as I had a receipt "proving" I paid, or return and give them the rest of the money. I did return and gave them the money, but don't think for one second that was my first reaction. lool I was going on a trip and could have used an extra $1000 in my account. But, after a short time, I knew keeping it was wrong and no better than being a thief. It was the right thing to do. But, I could have easily kept it. Many people admitted they would have kept it, and just as many said they would have returned it. So, my point is, although the end result of our journey has already been determined, it's how we get there that will matter in the end. Those "forks" are what we will answer for on the Day of Judgement.

When you look at these Old Testament prophets, much of their prophesy focuses on GOD’s judgment of His people at that time—the Jews. In many ways they were evil, evil people. ...This is dishonoring to GOD. In their eyes, they were great people—they fulfilled the laws of sacrifice. This is the context of this verse of Scripture from Hosea. GOD is more interested in a change of heart—...
Yes, there were people then and now that dishonour God, that will never change. That is the purpose in every nation being sent a prophet. They, like Jesus, pbuta, were sent with a message from God, for guidance and truth. Like today....some accepted...some didn't. The one thing all the prophets taught was the Oneness of God....THY LORD THY GOD IS ONE GOD. Many performed miracles, and they all said it was only through the will of God they did this, including Jesus, pbuh.

I find it very interesting that you provide this quote. .... “For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Yes, Jesus, phuh, was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel. Why would He need to reiterate the message from God to the righteous? He told the people, He did not come to destroy the law and teachings of those that came before him, but to fulfill it. He taught the same messages as the others. And, as I quoted previously, anyone that changed the laws would not enter the kingdom of heaven. (See Matthew 5:17-20) There is a severe punishment for anyone that goes against the law, (See Matthew 13:40-42). So, when you follow Paul...who was NOT sent by God, and discard the teachings of Jesus, pbuh, you are putting your salvation in a man destined for Hell.....just as Jesus, pbuh, said would happen to anyone who changed the laws.

What is your understanding of atonement? Websters dictionary defines atonement as reconciliation. It also says: “the reconciliation of God and man through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ; the reparation for an offense or injury.” ....
Atonement does mean a reconciliation....I pay for something I did. I commit a crime, I may atone for that through a fine or prison...but not through an innocent man. I am responsible for Atonement of my punishment and sins. If you could provide the verse that quote came from, I'd be more than happy to look at it. Not that I don't trust you, loool, I just like to read it for myself, as well as the verses before and after to get the context. :)

Taking away the sin of the world was not taking away sinful acts by people, ...Man had been given atonement by Jesus Christ.
Of course we will sin, there is only one that is perfect and that is God. Again, you have to ask yourself what the purpose in taking punishment away is. It makes no sense that we are not going to be responsible for what we do. Where is the incentive to be the best we can be and turning to God in all sincerety when we err or need guidance. God loves those that repent in all sincerety and those that seek His guidance. He does not love those that cause hate, mischief and grief.

That is exactly what I am saying. Can you imagine making a very hard decision; one you know you needed to make and one which might have some very difficult consequences. But you know you must make that decision. Once you have made it, you go through a time of great struggle. ... They want out. At the same time they know they must decide and follow through with that decision. GOD had a decision to make. Destroy mankind for its sin or do something else. This was a very difficult decision for GOD. His decision was to make an atonement for us...It was the most difficult thing He ever had to do. On the one hand He wanted out—He wanted that cup to pass. On the other hand, He wanted what was best for you…best for me…best for the whole world! And so he stayed the course of torture and slaughter for your sake and for my sake.
Ummmm, you're not actually saying that God wasn't sure what He wanted to do?? God second guessed Himself? God could have destroyed all of mankind and made us all worship Him the way we are suppose to.....but again, you have to ask yourself why He would do that? We have been given intelligence, logic, feeling, etc., we have the ability to know and learn the truth. Allah, swt, will guide all who seek Him with a sincere heart. As with your analogy of the sun....this is totally illogical. When you remove part of something, it becomes less than what it was. You are describing a God with human attributes, which is blasphemous in my mind. He is so far beyond our comprehension and understanding that you lower him to talk about Him as one of His own creations. He understands us better than we understand ourselves. He didn't need to walk amongst His creations.....He's the creator!!

Do parents need their children. ... GOD LOVES His creation!
No, I don't need my child, but my child needs me, (at least at this age), and I love him more than I could express in words....BUT....if he does wrong, I will punish him. I teach him there are consequences for his actions and choices and to choose wisely. Just as God tells us to do. There will be consequences for our actions and choices on the Day of Judgement. Yes, Allah, swt, does love His creations more than we could ever love, and that's why we have the Qur'an and the word of God. It guides us through life knowing our final abode will be Heaven or Hellfire. How closely we adhere to what He's told us, will determine our eternal life.

He loves them so much that He was willing to sacrifice Himself—make the atonement—for them. He did not sacrifice another innocent person. He sacrificed Himself...
Sacrificing Himself, is the same as saying He committed suicide.....a MAJOR sin. He could, today, wipe out every evil person on the planet....but doesn't do that, why? Is the person that rapes and murders forgiven of punishment? NO, of course not. So the sacrifice was for nothing. People still sin, people will still pay the price for it....now and in the hereafter.

Again, you are exactly right. GOD does not need us. ....
Yes, I agree. Allah, swt, is the provider and knower of all things.

This is a truly great question…it really is! The purpose of relieving this punishment is built on the foundation of grace. GOD, through His mercy, provided a way for us to come to Him; ... Or, we can acknowledge that we are sinful and accept GOD’s mercy. It’s a gift He offers, not a task He expects of us.
Allah, swt, is full of mercy for those that sincerely seek it. Sure we can earn His mercy, we only need to be truly and sincerely sorry and ask Him for forgiveness, and not continue with a life of sinning. He knows we will sin...what we need to learn is how to avoid sin as much as possible and know how to seek forgiveness. The Qur'an teaches that and it's not difficult or impossible. Again, there are no free passes.

It does my heart good to know that you love GOD with every ounce of your being. Jesus Christ said, “Love the Lord your GOD with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might, and with all your strength.” ...Do you follow GOD’s commands all the time? Are you perfect in keeping His commands? ...
It's not enough to just say you love God....show it, do what He asks of you. And, no, I am a mere human, imperfect and certainly will make mistakes. But, when I do, I sincerely seek to be forgiven. Recognizing our errors, regretting them, not repeating them and seeking forgiveness is what we must do. We must always turn to Allah, for guidance. You can love him, but turn away from Him by ignoring what He has commanded so there is no point. If you love Him, show Him, by following what He has taught.

I did not leave my sin on his back. He took my sin and the consequences of my sin and placed them on Himself, sacrificing Himself for me…for you…for the whole world.
I think I covered that already, but if not, let me know and I will go over it again, inshallah :)

God took on the punishment of our sin because He loves us…...May I encourage you to read 1 John in the Bible. Here are two verses from this short letter of love:

1 John 3:16: “This is how we have come to know love: God laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers.”
1 John 4:10: “Love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation (the atonement) for our sins.
Well, 1 John contradicts itself all over the place, POBook. It says you must follow the commandments to achieve eternal life, and those that don't are liars, no one has ever seen God, etc. Then goes on and says what you added, it's craziness. And, actually, Biblical Scholars agree that 1John, as well as some other general Epistles, are not authentic and the authors cannot be identified. And based on what I read...although I'm not a scholar...I have agree. And, even if it didn't contradict itself, those are Paul's teachings, not the teachings of Jesus, pbuh. :)

Again, you are right. GOD owes us NOTHING….we owe Him everything. The problem is us humans, by nature cannot give GOD all He expects from us. ...
Of course we can't be perfect and do all He asks. He knows this. He created us, remember. :) What He does want is for us to worship Him, only Him, and go to Him for guidance and forgiveness. He tells us to stop praying to all these saints and not to associate partners or worship others. The first commandment tells you that, POBook. For some reason, christians still want to associate divinity to a man....one of the greatest prophets, yes, but a man none the less. A man that never claimed divinity or claimed to be a sacrificial human to give you permission to sin while He never did. Just look at the injustice that represents. You want to give a sinless man all the sins of the world?? Allah, swt, is NEVER unjust.

Thank you again for your willingness to dialogue. I know this has been long. But I try to address everything as clearly as I can. Please know that we pray for you.:)
Ok, this is long too, sorry again. It's interesting dialogue, I enjoy it very much. And know we pray you find the path to truth. :)


01-12-2006, 05:00 AM
Jesus Christ(God) died for our sins. but once a person turns to Christ the heart of the person changes. when we say He died for our sin it just means He died to take away the POWER of sin.

01-12-2006, 05:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by PrIM3
Jesus Christ(God) died for our sins. but once a person turns to Christ the heart of the person changes. when we say He died for our sin it just means He died to take away the POWER of sin.
Peace PrIM3:

To take away the Power of sin? You mean to give the power NOT to sin? How can that be? Many criminals accept Jesus, pbuh, and yet there they are....sinning.

God, is all powerful....He can take away sin as easy as we blink. Why not just come face the people and say, "I am God, obey me." No need for all this confusion and mixed messages.


01-12-2006, 05:24 AM
Peace Hana_Aku:

format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku
Peace PrIM3:

To take away the Power of sin? You mean to give the power NOT to sin? How can that be? Many criminals accept Jesus, pbuh, and yet there they are....sinning.
please let me tell you being christian doesn't mean you'll stop sinning.. being a Christian means that you are a sinner who is in desperate need of a savior.. which is Jesus Christ the one who will break the bondages of sin so that- that person can break away from the sin.

format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku
God, is all powerful....He can take away sin as easy as we blink. Why not just come face the people and say, "I am God, obey me." No need for all this confusion and mixed messages.

God is all-powerful what God would he be if He wasn't.. He can take away sin as easy as a blink of an eye..
tell me why doesn't Allah take away sins in the blink of an eye right now?

this is all just a big story and we are the main characters of it.
The beginning which is God
The Creation of human beings
The fall of human beings
The Hero comes to save the day
Then a period of time till everything is set right.
Then the end

God bless you

01-12-2006, 05:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by PrIM3
Peace Hana_Aku:

please let me tell you being christian doesn't mean you'll stop sinning.. being a Christian means that you are a sinner who is in desperate need of a savior.. which is Jesus Christ the one who will break the bondages of sin so that- that person can break away from the sin.

God is all-powerful what God would he be if He wasn't.. He can take away sin as easy as a blink of an eye..
tell me why doesn't Allah take away sins in the blink of an eye right now?

God bless you
Peace PrIM3:

A Christian means you are suppose to follow the teachings of Jesus, pbuh. He taught the way to salvation is to obey the commandments.

I'm glad we agree God is all powerful and can take away sins....so why use Jesus, phub, as a scapegoat. If you want to be forgiven, repent and ask for forgiveness from the one that is all powerful. That one, wasn't Jesus, pbuh, as he said Himself....on His own He can do nothing.

First, Allah, swt, is the same God of the Christians and Jews....so use the arabic word Allah or the english word God....we're still speaking of the same creator. Allah, swt, never said He would come and remove sin that way. He gave us the laws, we know what we should do and when we don't, it's up to us to turn to Him and ask for forgiveness. As I said before, as His creations, we need Him, not the other way around. If we want to enter Paradise we must try to earn it. Giving everyone a free pass isn't going to keep you on the straight path. Fear of displeasing God should be enough. Wanting to worship Him alone, turning to Him in times of need with all sincerety and regret of our sins, not repeating them, etc.

Your salvation is based on the opposite of everything Jesus, pbuh, taught. Jesus never changed the laws and taught the consquences of someone doing that. Paul, who was NEVER a disciple, (other than self-appointed), who never learned from Jesus, pbuh, or His disciples, changed the laws, created Original Sin, Atonement and taught the concept of the Tri-union, etc., went totally against what Jesus, pbuh said. This is what you think will save you?

Where did Jesus, pbuh, say it was now ok to eat pork or that you don't have to follow the laws, (which means He would have had to change His mind about his purpose here). Why ignore the message from His mouth that fathers and sons are not responsible for the sins of the other?

May Allah, swt, guide you to the truth path. Ameen


01-12-2006, 06:44 AM
Okay I had questions,.. where are my answers?

01-12-2006, 07:05 AM
Hello Again Hana_Aku,

Regarding message 15:

"the wages (payment) of sin is death and when christ died on the cross, the law was corrupted?"
Why do you think the law was corrupted when Christ died on the cross?

"And, by logic....Jesus, pbuh, didn't die sinless....He died with the sins of the world on Him....who forgave Him those sins? Don't you see the circular logic here?"
You have a friend who tells a lie about their teacher, for eg., and the teacher finds out about this lie and confronts your friend, telling your friend she will need to be punished for telling this lie. You step into the conversation and tell the teacher she must punish you and not your friend. Does this mean that you told the lie? No. Your friend told the lie--she sinned. You were innocent but willing to pay the price for her sin. Jesus commited no sin but through His love for us, He was willing to pay the price for our sins--He was the atonement. If your teacher said, fine, you pay the price for your friend, would your teacher need to forgive you or your friend?

PrIM3: Please explain WHY God would need to kill an innocent man....using logic, not analogy.
Let me say this again. GOD did not kill an innocent man. GOD is not a murderer. GOD came to this earth in the form of Jesus Christ and allowed PEOPLE--sinful people--to kill Him. If your parents make a rule with consequences if you break that rule, who is responsible for those consequences, should you break the rule? Are your parents responsible or you? This is logical, is it not?

Peace to you:)

01-12-2006, 07:19 AM
Hello again,

Regarding # 17:

Yes, I know that's what you believe, but I'm asking for what purpose? What's the purpose in sending an innocent, sinless man, to endure torture and eventual slaughter? God is more than capable of forgiving sin or disposing of those that are evil. He took a sinless man, gave him the sins of the world and killed him so you wouldn't have to be responsible for your actions???
Again, is GOD merciful? Of course He is merciful. Is God just? I hope you believe and know that He is just. How do you combine mercy and justice? If your parents have to punish you for doing something they told you not to do, does this make them not love you? Does this make them horrible people? I hope your answer is no. Justice needs to be fulfilled. If your parents were merciful, they could say they would not punish you for what you did wrong. But would this make them just in keeping their own law they established? No. The only way your parents would be able to fulfill mercy and justice would be to punish themselves on your behalf. This is what GOD did for us. He bore the consequences for our sin against Him. He fulfilled His own nature of mercy and justice at the same time.

Again let me say: GOD did not kill Himself. He came to this earth and allowed other people to kill Him.


01-12-2006, 08:45 AM
Hello Sumay28,

Thanks for your involvement in this discussion. Thanks also for your patience.

Everybody pop out your bibles, folks.
I love this!!;D ;D ;D

1. According to the gospels, what were the last words of Jesus before he "died"?
Luke 23:46 says, "Jesus called out with a loud voice, 'Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit.' When He had said this, He breathed His last.
John 19:30 says, "When He had received the drink, Jesus said, 'It is finished.' With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.

2. Did Jesus pray to God to prevent his crucifixion?
I assume you are thinking about Jesus' prayer in the garden of Gethsemane?

-if your answer is yes, then how is it that God is praying to himself, if he is coming down in the form of a man?
If you have a very difficult decision to make about something you know you have to do, do you not find yourself struggling with yourself. You are trying to weigh up the pro's and con's of this decision. On the one hand, you don't want to do what must be done. On the other hand you you know you must do it. There is a struggle there. GOD knew that something had to be done about our sin. This was a very difficult decision for Him to make. On the one hand, He wanted to offer us a way out of our punishment. On the other hand, He did not want to go through the pain and suffering that awaited Him. But He chose to go the way that was going to be to our benefit, not His. What was going to be good for us, was going to cost Him His life. Did we deserve this? No! He loved us enough to sacrifice Himself for us--to be the atonement.

3. Can you explain this please? "God is not a man, that he should lie ; neither the son of man that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" (Numbers 19:23 )
This quote is from Numbers 23:19. First, may I encourage you to read this whole story and better understand its context (Numbers 22 and 23). For now, Balak was an evil man who was wanting GOD to destroy the Israeli nation. He called on Balaam, a man of GOD, to invoke GOD's power of destruction. Balaam had already told Balak that GOD was not going to do that. Balak was trying to push Balaam and GOD to do what he wanted to see done. Balaam's second response from GOD to Balak contains this verse about which you are asking. "GOD is not a man that he should lie." He had told Balaam to tell Balak the first time that He was not going to destroy the people. Why would He lie the first time by destroying these people upon the second request? People need to repent. We are the sinners; we are the ones who do wrong, not GOD. In this context, GOD as the "son of man" is simply saying that He is not like children who are like their parents; GOD is not some normal, sinful human being that He needs to repent of things He has done wrong. The implication here is that GOD was wanting Balak to understand that He was a sinful person--a son of man--who needed to repent. Does this help you better understand this verse?

4,5,6, maybe 7. Where is your guidance in Christianity? What guidelines and who do you follow? What is Christianity, besides accepting Jesus as your personal lord and savior? Why do we repent for our sins if they are already forgiven? Explain that whole sins-forgiven thing for me. Although these questions are a bit rhetorical, I do want to read your answers to these.
Let me say that I really do appreciate your willingness to understand true Christianity. Many people say they are Christians and they believe in the Bible, but when you look at their behavior, you begin to question Christianity. New Christians, like new born babies, also need to grow up and mature. So...
1. Where is your guidance in Christianity? My guidance in true Christianity is the Bible, especially the New Testament--the new covenant of grace. It's also a correct understanding of the Bible and the truth that the Bible contains. The Holy Spirit in connection with the teaching of the Bible is also my guidance in Christianity. If you want to know more about the work of the Holy Spirit, I will be happy to discuss this as well. For now, the work of the Holy Spirit is to convict me of sin; to comfort and to counsel me as a child of GOD.
2. What guidelines and who do you follow? My guideline for life is the Bible. It contains all I need to know to live productively and constructively. Am I some amazingingly perfect person? By no means. I am learning every day. I follow Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior. He is my Master and my very best Friend. He meets my need as a human in a way that no other human can match.
3. What is Christianity, besides accepting Jesus as your personal lord and savior? Well, the first step in true Christianity is accepting Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior. This is what Christianity is. It is not trying to do a lot of good things with the hope of getting to heaven. Christianity is a daily and humble walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. It's doing the best we can, but living with that sense of peace that when we fail, we have already accepted His forgiveness. He is not going to count that against us. Christianity is also a change of heart. We don't try to change because we feel we have to. We want to change; we want to be better; we want to serve others.
4. Why do we repent for our sins if they are already forgiven? If we don't then we are trying to get to heaven by our efforts and we will never make it. Pride is the biggest obstacle between GOD and people. No one likes to be humble enough to admit they were wrong. They keep doing everything they can to prove they are right--including an attempt to prove they are good enough--right enough to go to heaven. Correct words may come out of the mouth, but they are not truly meant from the heart. If we don't repent then all we do is reject GOD's offer of forgiveness. We remain focused on ourselves and GOD has no true part of our lives.
5. Explain that whole sins-forgiven thing for me. If your parents tell you that you will be punished if you don't do what they tell you, and you do not do what they tell you, you face punishment. I'm using a human illustration--be aware of that. Parents are not Righteous and Holy like GOD. Now, your parents made a deal--break the law; be punished. If they are "righteous parents" they will keep this agreement. So, punishment must be given. But what if they don't want to punish you? At the same time, they have to administer punishment? How can they put these two things together. There is only one way...only one way. They can hand out the punishment to themselves. If they did this, they would fulfill justice and they would fulfill mercy on you. Your parents can then tell you, they have punished themselves for your sin and so you don't have to be punished. You can either reject that or accept it. In pride, we reject. In humility we accept. This is what the "sins-forgiven thing" is all about.

Again, thanks for your dialogue. I really hope and pray I have made things more clear to you. Please ask any more questions you may have.

Praying for you:)

01-12-2006, 01:06 PM
Why do you think the law was corrupted when Christ died on the cross?
Actually I don’t believe the law was corrupted when Christ died on the cross. I can’t believe that because I don’t believe He died on the cross. :) That was in response to what PrIM3 had said. I understand your confusion though…it didn’t make sense to me either.

You have a friend who tells a lie about their teacher, for eg., and the teacher finds out about this lie and confronts your friend, telling your friend she will need to be punished for telling this lie. You step into the conversation and tell the teacher she must punish you and not your friend. Does this mean that you told the lie? No. Your friend told the lie--she sinned. You were innocent but willing to pay the price for her sin.
Jesus commited no sin but through His love for us, He was willing to pay the price for our sins--He was the atonement.
If your teacher said, fine, you pay the price for your friend, would your teacher need to forgive you or your friend?
Ummmm, POBook….where is the logic here? Even if I took my friend’s punishment, it doesn’t change the fact she sinned. SHE, not me is still going to answer for her sins and, yes of course, my friend will still need to be forgiven for the sin she committed. Even by agreeing to take the punishment doesn’t make her sinless. So again, this is circular logic. You’re trying to shuffle sins around like I do with paper on my desk….it makes me feel I’ve accomplished something, when it’s just different piles. :)

Actually, NO, Jesus, pbuh, was NOT WILLING. We established this earlier. The man prayed to God begging for his life. When being “tried”, he did not remain silent as one part of the bible says, he tried, in vain, to have Himself cleared of wrong doing. He tried to defend Himself. You want us to believe He was happy and content to be tortured, beaten, battered, bruised and hung? That is not the case. Only a man would beg for his life. God, would NEVER beg. And to put God on the same status as man, as I said before is nothing less than blasphemous.

Let me say this again. GOD did not kill an innocent man. GOD is not a murderer. GOD came to this earth in the form of Jesus Christ and allowed PEOPLE--sinful people--to kill Him. If your parents make a rule with consequences if you break that rule, who is responsible for those consequences, should you break the rule? Are your parents responsible or you? This is logical, is it not?
And I will reiterate what I said to both you and PrIM3: God is the planner of ALL things, both before the creation of this world and long after it’s gone. NOTHING happens here but by His will and planning. Remember in the bible when it says, before you were, I knew you. Meaning, long before your birth, I knew who you were. And of course God knew, HE planned for that. So, yes, when you say Jesus, pbuh, was sent to be slaughtered, you are saying God planned to have an innocent man murdered. And you said what I’ve been saying all along, If I break a rule, I am responsible…no one else. So, yes, I agree, if my parents make a rule and I break it, I am solely responsible for the consequences….no one else can take that. Finally, it seems you understand why it is totally illogical to have Jesus, pbuh, take sins from those who committed them. :)

Again, is GOD merciful? Of course He is merciful. Is God just? I hope you believe and know that He is just. How do you combine mercy and justice? If your parents have to punish you for doing something they told you not to do, does this make them not love you? Does this make them horrible people? I hope your answer is no. Justice needs to be fulfilled.
parents were merciful, they could say they would not punish you for what you did wrong. But would this make them just in keeping their own law they established? No. The only way your parents would be able to fulfill mercy and justice would be to punish themselves on your behalf.
what GOD did for us. He bore the consequences for our sin against Him. He fulfilled His own nature of mercy and justice at the same time.
Ummmmm, POBook, you’re kidding, right. lol Now, please tell me know how punishing the 2 people will totally relieve you of your sin. Punish whoever you want….you still sinned, you are still responsible. And what kind of justice would I be giving my child if I didn’t teach him to be responsible for them. Teaching him “don’t worry, someone else has already taken your punishment….go, be free, sin, God will love you even if you disobey Him….” Come on, POBook, THINK….your logic keeps going in circle after circle and becomes contradictory.

Peace :)

01-12-2006, 02:40 PM
Hello again Hana_Aku,

I admire your persistence, patience, and commitment to dialogue. Thank you!

“POBook, what you fail to mention is the fact that NOTHING happens in this world that God hasn't already planned or or doesn't know. He is the best of planners and the knower of all things. If I were to believe Jesus, pbuh, was led to the slaughter, I must believe God planned it, and used the Pharisees, Saducees and teachers, etc. to exectute His plan....but be sure....plan it he did.”
I have to disagree with you. If GOD planned for these people to commit what they did, then He planned for babies to be aborted; He planned for women to be raped; He planned for children to be molested and abused; He planned and orchestrated every form of evil in this world. He is then the Author and the Fulfiller of all that’s evil. Is this a Holy, Mighty, Sovereign and Righteous GOD? No, it cannot be!
Yes, GOD has a will. He has a perfect will and He has a permissive will. In His perfect will, no one can alter or change what He desires. In His permissive will, He allows His creation to make a choice. If GOD did not have a permissive will, we would all be robots living in a world of destruction and evil. Nobody would be accountable for their transgression. GOD would then be the author and fulfiller of everything that is anti-GOD.

“Actually, yes, that is a whole other topic, but I will say nothing happens but as He wills and plans.”
Again may I ask: Does GOD will and plan the evil that takes place? Is He the author and fulfiller of transgression?

“I am going to be blunt here, and I sincerely apologize if I offend you. God, as we all know, is so glorious is so powerful, so pure, so beyond anything we could possibly imagine. Yet, you will have us believe He lowered Himself to become one of His creations that must eat, drink, uninate, defecate, belch, pass gas, sweat, smell, etc?? Not very becoming of our creator, Astagfirallah”
I appreciate your honesty, I really do. You do not offend me. Consider this verse of Scripture from Philippians 2:5-7:

“Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage. Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men.”

Consider this verse from John 1:1, 14
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD…The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”

Can you imagine a greater act of love; a greater act of humility than what GOD was willing to do in order to set the path between Himself and us straight. He was willing to dwell among us and be part of us for our benefit! What an amazing act of love on His part!

“Yes, Jesus, pbuh, did have an human mother and the same one that created her, created Jesus, pbuh. God only needs say "be" and it is. If you could take a dna sample from Jesus, pbuh, do you think it would show the dna of the Almighty? What dna would you find in Adam, pbuh? By comparison, his birth is far more miraculous....created of no mother or father. Then Eve....created from a rib. And how did this happen? Did God provide His dna? No, that's absurd, He only said "BE" and it was. No different from the creation of Jesus, pbuh. Satan was also a creation of God, but no one would be crazy enough to say God fathered him.”
I’m going to answer from last to first here. Obviously GOD did not Father satan. But neither did GOD create satan for whom we know him to be. Satan was created as an angel but in his desire to become GOD, he found himself eternally punished by his Creator. There is a big difference between satan and Jesus. Satan is only a spirit. Jesus left the spiritual realm and came to dwell among people—His creation. Concerning DNA, you would have found exactly the same DNA in Jesus as you find in any person. Does this make Jesus evil? No. Jesus existed on this earth and was without sin—the only human who has never sinned. He was fully human but more than that; He was fully GOD. The Almighty has no DNA. He is Spirit. DNA is part of the flesh; the body. Adam had the same DNA as we have. We all come from Adam and Eve.

“He provided everything we need to survive, including free will.”
A quicky; Earlier you said, “POBook, what you fail to mention is the fact that NOTHING happens in this world that God hasn't already planned or doesn't know.” We does our free will fit in with your earlier statement?

“So, my point is, although the end result of our journey has already been determined, it's how we get there that will matter in the end. Those "forks" are what we will answer for on the Day of Judgement.”
First, if the end result of our journey has been determined, then the logic of this is that there must be at least two possible results and only one will come to fruition. The end result of our journey has been determined, (I assume you mean determined by GOD) to be place B instead of place A or visa versa. The end result cannot be both A and B. Now, if GOD determines your end result to be A, but you take the path leading to B, how are you going to get to A? There is only one way. GOD has to pick you up and bring you to result A that He had determined for you. Do you understand what I am saying? My question now is, where is your free will in this situation? You don’t have any.
Second, on the day of Judgement, where is GOD going to tell you to go? To heaven or to hell? Do you know?

“Yes, Jesus, phuh, was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel. Why would He need to reiterate the message from God to the righteous? He told the people, He did not come to destroy the law and teachings of those that came before him, but to fulfill it. He taught the same messages as the others. And, as I quoted previously, anyone that changed the laws would not enter the kingdom of heaven. (See Matthew 5:17-20) There is a severe punishment for anyone that goes against the law, (See Matthew 13:40-42). So, when you follow Paul...who was NOT sent by God, and discard the teachings of Jesus, pbuh, you are putting your salvation in a man destined for Hell.....just as Jesus, pbuh, said would happen to anyone who changed the laws.”
Hana_Aku: Please know that I say this with respect and not in a critical way: You have a great misunderstanding of the Scriptures and the context in which these Scriptures were written. Please let me explain. Your first question says, “Why would He need to reiterate the message from God to the righteous?” These righteous people needed to understand that they were righteous by human evaluation. They were not righteous in GOD’s eyes. Why? These righteous people upheld the law, didn’t they? Jesus did not teach the same message as others. Others taught the skeleton; Jesus taught the flesh. Lets consider this example. In Matthew 5:17, Jesus says, “I have not come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come to fulfill them.” In the 5:21-22 Jesus begins to flesh out what He is saying: “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgement.’ But I tell you, that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment.” Let me ask you: Have you ever been angry with someone? If you have, you are subject to GOD’s judgement. Do you understand that? You see, it is very easy not to murder someone, but a whole different story not being angry with someone. In GOD’s eyes, anger is murder in the heart. Jesus was not changing this law. He was fulfilling this law. Paul teaches the same as Jesus. Paul did not abolish the law. He was, like Jesus, pointing out to people that we cannot keep the law by GOD’s standards and expectations. We just cannot do that. If we are commiting murder (and this is just one example…see the rest of Matthew 5), what is our destiny on the day of Judgment?

“Atonement does mean a reconciliation....”
Is Webster’s dictionary incorrect?

“I pay for something I did. I commit a crime, I may atone for that through a fine or prison...”
You are exactly right. You can atone for crime through a fine or through imprisonment. The problem we all have is that our atonement for our sins is eternity in hell. Because GOD so loved us, He was willing to come to this earth and become the atonement for us. We do not have to pay the “fine” for our sins. We can choose to if we want. Or, we can choose to accept what He has already done for us.

“If you could provide the verse that quote came from, I'd be more than happy to look at it. Not that I don't trust you, loool, I just like to read it for myself, as well as the verses before and after to get the context.”
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life—a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
The ransom Jesus paid was the sacrifice of His own life. This was his atonement; the reconciliation; the reparation between GOD and man.

“The next day, John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the lamb of GOD who takes away the sin of the world!’” (John 1:29). This is Atonement.
Are these the quotes you were referring to?

“God loves those that repent in all sincerity and those that seek His guidance. He does not love those that cause hate, mischief and grief.”
Allow me to say this again. GOD does not look at each individual sin. He does not weigh sins. GOD looks at the sinful nature of every human being. He does love every one of us. No one, in GOD’s eyes is better than someone else. We are all the same…sinners; transgressors. You name me one person in all of human history that has never transgressed. I can name only one—Jesus. Us sinners—we are the people GOD loves. Jesus said in Matthew 9:13, “For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

“He didn't need to walk amongst His creations.....He's the creator!!”
You right. GOD ddid not and does not need to walk amongst His creation. But, GOD wants to walk among us. If God did not want to walk among us, why create us? Do you spend a lot of time and energy painting the best picture you ever painted (imagine this), and then when finished, lock it up in a cupboard and never do anything with it again? Or, do you hang it on a wall to see each day; to show other people. Your painting is not you, but it’s part of you. We are the wonderful work of GOD’s hands. Unfortunately, our sin has distorted our beauty but it has not distorted our value to GOD. He wants us to be the picture He made in the first place—for our joy; for His honor and glory. He wants to be an intimate part of our lives and wants us to know Him better. Yes, He’s the Majestic Creator—but He loves His creation with an undying love.

“How closely we adhere to what He's told us, will determine our eternal life.”
How closely do you adhere to God’s laws?

“No, I don't need my child, but my child needs me, (at least at this age), and I love him more than I could express in words.”
Great to know you have a child—boy or girl. My wife and I have two girls—13 and 11.

“Sacrificing Himself, is the same as saying He committed suicide”
Maybe I can say it this way. GOD offered Himself as the sacrifice for our sins. He did not commit suicide. People killed Him on the cross. Jesus did not find a cross, lie on and nail Himself to that cross. Jesus did not shove a crown of thorns onto His head. Jesus did not spit in his own face. Jesus did not give himself bitter stuff to drink. Jesus did not lift up the cross and drop it into the ground. Jesus did not take a spear and shove it into His side to see blood and water flow. Jesus gave himself up to us. People crucified and killed Jesus.

“People still sin, people will still pay the price for it....now and in the hereafter”
Do you still sin?

“Sure we can earn His mercy, we only need to be truly and sincerely sorry and ask Him for forgiveness, and not continue with a life of sinning. He knows we will sin...what we need to learn is how to avoid sin as much as possible and know how to seek forgiveness. The Qur'an teaches that and it's not difficult or impossible. Again, there are no free passes.”
I have to disagree with you. We can never earn GOD’s mercy. How many people do you know that continue with a life of no sin? If there is no one who lives without sin, does that not tell us that we cannot, in and of ourselves, we cannot learn how to avoid sin. To say that as long as we do our best for GOD He will have mercy on us, is to lower His standards to meet that of our own. We become our own measurement of righteousness. We make ourselves to be GOD.

“Well, 1 John contradicts itself all over the place, POBook. It says you must follow the commandments to achieve eternal life, and those that don't are liars, no one has ever seen God, etc.”
Please point out to me specific verses in this letter that coincide with what you are saying.

“A man that never claimed divinity or claimed to be a sacrificial human to give you permission to sin while He never did. Just look at the injustice that represents.”
First, Jesus did more than simply claim divinity. He acknowledged His divinity and pointed His divinity out to the Jews. John 8:58 says, “’I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, ‘Before Abraham was born, I am.’” Sadly, the Jews wanted to stone Jesus (vs 59) for informing them of His divinity. Second, Jesus atonement does not give us permission to sin. Anybody who assumes he now has the right to sin, assumes wrong. They are people who have rejected GOD and His forgiveness. They are people who are a law unto themselves.

Again, I know this is long. I appreciate the opportunity to dialogue.:)

01-12-2006, 02:46 PM
You all are fast;D Hope you have patience--I'll try keep up. Order of response...if I may
Ansar Al-'Adl -- Atonement
Hanar_Aku -- Atonement
Azim -- Judgment Day

Umm Yoosuf
01-12-2006, 02:48 PM
Very interesting debate :)

Patience is the key ....

01-12-2006, 02:58 PM
Thanks Jannah.

Ansar Al-'Adl,
I will address your previous message but one quick question: How much of the Bible do you accept as authority and truth?

01-12-2006, 06:40 PM
Okay. Thank you for your response. This is why I love Islam. Islam gives you 100% guidance if you follow it correctly. It's like a handbook for this life. Follow them, it'll all be gravy. Don't follow them... things are going to be difficult. The bible kind of leaves you like a blind chicken.

forget the story i had. nobody's business, really.

01-12-2006, 09:03 PM
Hello Sumay28,
You seem to have pulled out from my clear responses to your questions. May I ask why?:?


01-12-2006, 09:08 PM
Hello again Ansar Al-‘Adl,

“I see you have dropped one analogy and moved on to another.”
First let me say that you are very skilled in debate. I sense you are also very knowledgeable. What chance do I have?

I would not say that I have dropped the analogy. Yes, if you do not understand the Trinity, I would like to find a way that will help you understand it. At the same time, I acknowledge that I can run out of finite illustrations to describe an Infinite GOD.

“The problem here is that the three states of water are simply that - states. They are not distinct entities.”
What do you mean by “distinct entities”? Are a pot, a carpet, and a clock distinct entities?

“If we have a group of water molecules, they will have a certain amount of kinetic (heat) energy. Depending on the amount of energy they have, the molecules will either be in solid state, liquid state, or gaseous state. The same molecules do not exist in all three states at the same time.”
Yes I agree. However, I would add that the molecules in a particular volume do not exist in all three states at one time. You have to set up a limit or specific volume of water. To say that all the water in the world is either in the state of liquid, solid, or gas would be incorrect. We all know that while water runs from a faucet in the form of liquid, water also sits in a freezer in the form of a solid and water steams from a boiling kettle in the form of gas. H2O around the world contains all three forms of molecular structure at some point and at some time. They all co-exist. I think it’s also important to understand that the alteration of the state of the molecule is not an alteration of the identity of the molecule. H2O is H2O whether in the molecular state of liquid, solid, or gas.
GOD is the H2O. Because God is eternal and is not confined or limited to a particular volume, as H2O, He exists in the molecular structure of liquid, the molecular structure of solid, and the molecular structure of gas all at the same time. He does not move from one molecular structure to another.

“Moreover, Christians maintain that there is still only ONE God, despite the existence of these three 'persons'.”
Christians maintain the triune molecular structure of H2O—GOD the Father, GOD the Son, and GOD the Holy Spirit. We do not maintain only ONE God and the existence of these three ‘persons’. GOD exists as three at the same time He exists as one.

“On the other hand, does it make sense to say that there is only one water?”
I’m not sure what you are saying here.

“So again, the bottom line is that there is no method of explaining logically how there can be three distinct entities co-existing, each individually God, and yet all-together there is still only one God.”
If you have H20 liquid on the continent of Africa; H20 solid on the continent of Asia; and H20 gas on the continent of South America, do you not have the three distinct entities co-existing? While distinct entities, are they not all H20?

“The conclusion is that neither of these can be interpreted as a statement of divinity”
What does this verse of Scripture mean to you: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1)?

“If you want to prove the divinity of Christ from the scripture, you will have to bring explicit unambiguous proof.”
In Exodus 3:14 we read, “GOD said to Moses, ‘I AM who I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” The expression ‘I AM’ is the translation of the Hebrew word Yhwh—Yahweh—and is translated “Lord.” It was the personal name by which GOD revealed Himself. It occurs more than 6000 times in the Old Testament.

In John 8:58-59 we read, “’I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, before Abraham was born, I Am.’ At this, they picked up stones to stone Him, but Jesus hid Himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.” The Greek word for ‘I Am’ used here is eimi—to be. This term is not used in any context that contains limitation. ‘To be’ is eternal existence—no beginning and no end. People knew GOD existed before time. Jesus made them aware that He existed before time—that He was H2O in the molecular structure of liquid and He was also H20 in the molecular structure of solid.

“I noticed how you try to differentiate by using 'God' and 'GOD' but I must point out to you that in hebrew the word is just elohîm for both - there are no capitals in the language”
The only reason that I use the form GOD is in respect to Muslim people. They have a high regard for GOD, and I would like to respect that.

“I agree completely. So how do you know that the Israelites were not God in the true sense, and that the word was God in the true sense? How do we even know what the word is?”
The context of Psalm 82 clearly points out that the Israelites were not GOD in the true sense. John 1:1 clearly points out that the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD. There is no ambiguity here.

“This verse states, “And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s…And if Jesus were God, why doesn’t the passage read ‘Christ is God’ rather that ‘Christ is God’s’?”
The literal greek translation of this verse says, “And Christ is of God.” As ice is of H20, so Jesus Christ is of GOD. “Christ, the Messiah, is the gift of God’s eternal love and mercy to mankind; for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that they who believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Christ in his human nature is as much the property of God as any other human being. And as mediator between God and man, he must be considered, in a certain way, inferior to God, but in his own essential, eternal nature, there is no inequality - he is God over all” (Clark).

“What we see is that here you have a statement in the Bible that Satan is theos and another statement that the word is theos. How can we take the latter as proof of the divinity of Christ and not the former as proof of the divinity of Satan? being the theos of this world does not exclude other worlds, does it?”
If you take either of these two verses out of context, you can twist them to mean what you want. 2 Corinthians 4:4 reads, “Regarding them: the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” GOD is not simply the theos of this age. He is the theos of all creation; of all time. GOD does not seek to blind the minds of unbelievers. The mind is about truth. Satan is a deceiver and a liar—a blinder of the mind. GOD wants us to see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ—who by the way, is “the image of GOD. Again, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD.” In the beginning means from eternity in what we know as the past. Before anything else came into existence, the Word existed. We need to remember that Satan was an angel created by GOD. Satan never existed in the beginning. So Satan could not have been GOD. Jesus was GOD.

“Now this is where it gets interesting....
Originally Posted by POBook Quote:Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl “But you told me that God died for your sins.” “But on the other hand, Christians say that God died (i.e. ceased to exist, became extinct) for their sins.”
No, I told you Jesus Christ died for our sins.
This is fascinating! Not only did you explicitly mention before that God died for our sins (which you are now denying) but did you not also say that Jesus WAS God?!”
H2O in the molecular structure of ice was crucified. However, H2O, still existed. GOD is GOD. GOD is Jesus. GOD is the Holy Spirit. The context of the discussion is going to determine whether I call Jesus GOD or call Him Jesus. Either way, Jesus is GOD; GOD is Jesus.

“It is clear from these comments that you not only explicitly claim that God died for our sins, but you equate Jesus with God, saying that Jesus is divine.”
I do not equate Jesus with GOD. That would be two separate beings. Jesus was GOD Himself in the flesh. As GOD in the flesh, Jesus was Divine.

“However, the water molecules are either in solid state or in liquid state; the same molecules cannot be in multiple states at the same time.”
Are all the water molecules around the globe in the ice state, the liquid state, or the gas state? Or, can you find water molecules around the globe in each of these three states?

I said, “I appreciate you giving me the freedom to quote Paul. Yes, GOD is immortal. But GOD never died.” You responded, “I'm glad we agree on this. So if God never died, then why do you claim that God died for your sins?” You have taken my statement out of context. GOD came to this earth in the form of Jesus Christ. In this sense, GOD died for us. But as Creator of the universe, the H2O never died. H2O as the solid was crushed. But H2O never ceased to exist.

“Are you saying that God suffers from indecision and hesitation just like humans? What kind of omnipotent and omniscient God is this?”
To say that GOD suffers from indecision and hesitation suggests that indecision and hesitation have power and control over whom they effect. Carefully considering the consequences of your future actions is not the same as suffering from indecision and hesitation. These two factors involve lack of self-control. GOD was perfectly self-controlled.

“What message of salvation? You told me that the entire purpose was that God wanted to forgive his creation but couldn't since someone needed to bear the punishment so He decided to punish Himself. Isn't this true? So what message does He have to give to the people other than "Hello. I'm God and you're all sinners and I'm going to take the burden of your sins so I have the right to forgive you so please kill me."”
First, the message of salvation is this: “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This is the simple message of Salvation. Jesus tried sharing this message for 3 years. Many Christians have tried sharing this message for two centuries—and still people do not believe. How would they believe the message in one statement if they cannot believe it after it has been clearly shared over and over again (I suspect you will make a certain response to this…but I will wait and see). Second, GOD did not come to this earth begging people to kill Him. He did not need to make this request. They…all of us…were in the wings, waiting to kill Him. Our sin is what took Jesus Christ to His death. He did not have to ask.

“I thought the entire purpose of the atonement was as you said, so God could acquire the right to forgive us. Now He has that right according to you, so why doesn't He forgive us? You mean that He went through all that pain for nothing? His ability to forgive us is still dependent on our will?”
We all have a choice to accept what GOD has done or we can reject it. GOD will no longer send us to hell for our sin. Unfortunately, too many of us choose to walk right past Him, rejecting His free offer of forgiveness, and we ourselves march down the road to eternal destruction. Because He has forgiven us, does not me that He is going to impose His desire on us. We have a free choice to accept his forgiveness or reject it.

“If I understand your analogy correctly, you are saying that (a) yes, God has paid for all our sins but (b) we should still avoid sin because neither we nor God likes it.”
Yes, GOD has paid the price for our sin. If we try to avoid sin simply because we don’t like it and GOD does not like it, then our motive is wrong and I question a sincere commitment of ourselves to GOD. We choose not to sin, because that’s the right thing to do. We choose not to sin, because we desire to please our Savior. We choose not to sin, not because we are trying to avoid it, but because we don’t want to sin.

“With regard to point (b) there are quite a lot of people who love to sin and couldn't care less if God didn't like it. God's already paid for their sins so either way they get salvation in paradise whether they fill their life with sin or spirituality.”
People who love to sin and couldn’t care less if GOD didn’t like it, are people who by their own choice are walking down the road to destruction. Jesus said in Matthew 7:14, “How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it.” Through Jesus Christ, GOD has made a way for us to come to Him. The choice as to which road we take is up to us.

“I am not sure what you mean by "When GOD destroys our sinful human nature and gives us a clean, healthy nature". Does God's destruction of our sinful nature refer to when He was allegedly crucified? Clearly humanity is as sinful after that point in time as it ever was before, if not more.”
In Isaiah 1:18 we read, "Come, let us discuss this," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are as red as crimson, they will be like wool.” By identity, a born-again Christian has a clean, healthy nature. The old nature of sin, guilt, insignificance, and unimportance are gone. In our heart’s, mind, and conscience we sense freedom and purity. Yes, humanity is as sinful today as it was before. But through Jesus Christ, we can have a new life—a new nature; a new sense of identity.

“Moreover, you did NOT say that the purpose of the crucifixion was so that He could give us a "clean, healthy nature". You said that it was because God is just and He wanted to pay the price of our sins. Well if He has paid the price of our sins it means that we can sin. If you pay the price of something for me, then its mine.”
The purpose of the crucifixion was to pay the price for our sin. It was our atonement. When we humble ourselves and accept what GOD has done for us, and ask Him to change who we are, He does it…He simply does it. I speak from personal experience. Yes, GOD has paid the price for our sins. Yes, we can still sin. But that’s our choice. GOD is not going to force us to travel down the road of forgiveness and grace. He offers this road to each of us. If we choose to travel this road, GOD removes the load of sin we carry, at no cost to us, and we are holy in his sight and we have every right to enter the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity. Or, we can say no thanks; I can do this on my own; I’m not ready. And we continue down the path to destruction. It’s simple…it’s very simple.

Thanks again for your detailed response. I look forward to continuing dialogue.:)

01-12-2006, 11:57 PM
Peace POBook:

Ok, we have to figure out a way to make these shorter. lol

I have to disagree with you. If GOD planned for these people to commit what they did,..
Ok, are you telling me God didn’t know this was going to happen? He just came down to wander among His creations and, darn, look what happened!! Come on, of course He planned for it to happen. And, yes, the atrocities committed by others against others also happens through His will. Why? We can’t know that. There are things only known by Allah, swt. You think God only created the good in this world? God created absolutely everything you can possibly imagine. I never attempt to put limitations on God and I try not to questions why He allows bad things to happen….regardless of what happens either to individuals or countries by way of catastrophes….all is by His will and all has been planned long before man was ever created.

Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage. Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men.”
What really puzzles me is why you want to have God be less than what He is. Why, would the creator need to become a creation. He knows better than we do what we are capable of as He gave us everything we have. Do you think He was unaware of what it was like to be a slave? What exactly becomes of a God that empties Himself? An empty God is no God at all.

Consider this verse from John 1:1, 14
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD…The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”
Yes, I am very familiar with that quote, and you should realize that even your most respected Christian scholars agree, this is not a proper translation and could very possibly be another addition to biblical text.

However, these statements were not made by Jesus Christ, nor were they attributed to him by the author of the Gospel according to John. Therefore, these verses do not constitute evidence for Jesus’ divinity, especially considering the doubts held by Christian scholars about the Fourth Gospel. The Bible scholars who authored The Five Gospels said: “The two pictures painted by John and the synoptic gospels (i.e., the Gospels of Matthew, Mark & Luke) cannot both be historically accurate. The words attributed to Jesus in the Fourth Gospel are the creation of the evangelist for the most part, and reflect the developed language of John’s Christian community.”

This can also lead to another thread, as I can go on and on about that verse. lol but for the purpose of this discussion, I think I’ve said enough about it. :)

Can you imagine a greater act of love; a greater act of humility than what GOD was willing to do in order to set the path between Himself and us straight. He was willing to dwell among us and be part of us for our benefit! What an amazing act of love on His part!
Are you saying that God is of no benefit to us unless He lowers Himself to that of a human and walks among us? Are you saying He doesn’t have the power, the knowledge or understanding to love us without becoming us? His amazing acts of love comes when He forgives because the sinner is sincerely sorry and repents and prays to Him for guidance. The love is Him accepting our prayers and continuing to guide us. Alhamdulillah!

I’m going to answer from last to first here. Obviously GOD did not Father satan. But neither did GOD create satan for whom we know him to be. Satan was created as an angel but in his desire to become GOD, he found himself eternally punished by his Creator.
Ummmm, If God didn’t created satan….who did??? You think satan out-smarted God? You really believe God didn’t know about satan and that satan would rebel? Why so much limitations on God? You don’t give Him a lot of credit, POBook. There is nothing you can do or plan to do that God is not aware….absolutely NOTHING.

There is a big difference between satan and Jesus. ...Concerning DNA, you would have found exactly the same DNA in Jesus as you find in any person. ...
POBook, I agree there is a HUGE difference between satan and Jesus, pbuh, my point was that regardless of the amount of evil found in one and the goodness in the other, both are creations of God. And, do really believe satan isn’t roaming about creating evil, etc?

Errrmmm, I doubt very much you find the DNA of Jesus, pbuh, in me or anyone else. Lol DNA comes from both parents….who provided the other ½ of His dna? You’re not suggesting that you, Adam and Jesus, pbut, share the same dna, which means the same parents. You’re tip-toeing around the dna problem here. You know as well as I do that some random person on the street today would probably not share my dna and the only ones who would share it are those that are related to me. So, I will ask you again….who provided the DNA for Eve, Adam and Jesus, pbut??

Actually, you also contradicted yourself here. You said Jesus, pbuh, was not a spirit….He became a man, then you said God doesn’t have DNA because he’s a spirit. He can be one or the other, but not both…so which is He? Oh and we know He can’t be both because your bible explains the difference between a spiritual being and non-spiritual.

First, if the end result of our journey has been determined, then the logic of this is that there must be at least two possible results and only one will come to fruition. ...
Second, on the day of Judgement, where is GOD going to tell you to go? To heaven or to hell? Do you know?
Ok, I guess you didn’t understand what I was trying to explain to you. There are 2 things we know with absolute certainty….1. We’ve been born, 2. we will die. God, knows both when we will be born and the day, hour and minute of our death. How we will die and when is already known by God. For all we know it could be 5 minutes from now, tomorrow, next week, etc. Our life here is temporary, it is not our final destination. Our goal is to be granted Jannah. Our life is a test. The start of our destination and the end of it….already known by God, (as He also explains in the bible). The tests come in forms of obstacles, decisions, choices, etc. My example for you was to show you one of these tests. I could have easily kept the money not caring that the girl could have lost her job or be made to pay it back from her pocket. As I said, there were many who said they would have kept it. My other choice was to return it, as many others would have also done. This is a small, simple example of a test. Of course these tests go on for a lifetime…..hence the forks in the path and our freewill to choose which path we take. But, all these forks, will ultimately lead to our time of destined death and there is no one who can prevent that from happening. I never said the ending changed, I said what transpires in the middle of the two points (beginning and end) is our freewill. We will be judged on the choices we make, the fork we opt to take.

Can I tell you I will achieve Jannah….nope. No one knows that….and quite frankly if you followed the teachings of Jesus, pbuh, instead of Paul, you would realize that too. Not knowing is what should keep up striving for it, not assuming that it will be handed to us and forgetting what God has commanded.

Hana_Aku: Please know that I say this with respect and not in a critical way: You have a great misunderstanding of the Scriptures and the context in which these Scriptures were written.
It’s ok that you feel that way, but it was because of studying the scriptures that I found truth in Islam. Alhamdulillah. :)

With all due respect, if you would read the scriptures without listening to all the analogies and parables, you would see the truth too. I have an enormous amount of respect for Christianity….don’t get me wrong about that. But, it’s the true Christianity taught by Jesus, pbuh, that you should be following, not a self-appointed disciple that is willing to lead you to Hellfire. These things we are discussing now I questioned when I was a little girl!!! No one then or now can explain them. When they can’t, they say, “you don’t have enough faith”, “you dare question God?” or your line, “You don’t have an understanding of the scriptures.” :) Tell me….why must it be me with the lack of understanding? :)

These righteous people upheld the law, didn’t they? Jesus did not teach the same message as others. ... In Matthew 5:17, Jesus says, “I have not come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come to fulfill them.”
That part is correct. lol we agree on one part at least. (The verse, I mean). But, I have to disagree that His message was different from the prophets before Him….and the one that came after Him, Prophet Muhammed, pbuh. The basis of His (Jesus, pbuh), message was submission to the will of God, because that is the foundation of the religion which God prescribed for man since the beginning of time. Matthew 7:22, Jesus is quoted as saying: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.” In this statement, Jesus places emphasis on “the will of the Father”, submission of the human will to the will of God. In John 5:30, it is narrated that Jesus also said: “I can do nothing on my own authority; as I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.”

The “will of God” is contained in the revealed laws the prophets taught their followers. Obedience to divine law is the basis of worship.

Jesus, pbuh, also said in the Gospel according to Matthew 19:16-17, to have made obedience to the divine laws the way to paradise: “16 Now behold, one came and said to him,“Good teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” 17So he said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.” [50] Also in Matthew 5:19, Jesus Christ was said to have insisted on strict obedience to the commandments saying,

“Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

Jesus,pbuh stressed to his followers that his mission did not cancel the laws received by Prophet Moses, pbuh. As the prophets who came after Moses, pbuh maintained the law, so did Jesus, pbuh.

You put so many human attributes on God it’s like you’re trying to always drag him down to our level. We were created to worship Him and He gave instruction on how to do that. If you choose to follow a man NOT sent by God, your salvation is in serious jeopardy. You always talk like God owes us something, that He felt bad that we had to answer for our sins, our mistakes. Well, of course we do!!

How closely do you adhere to God’s laws?
Anyone that knows me will tell you I am far from perfect and I do make mistakes and I do sin.

Part of worshipping Allah, swt, is also turning to Him in repentance and asking Him for guidance. Allah, swt, knows the heart, knows our intentions, knows if we are sincere in our prayers and requests. As I’ve said over and over….I am solely responsible and will have to answer for all I do as will you.

Great to know you have a child—boy or girl. My wife and I have two girls—13 and 11
I have a wonderful little boy, 9 years old, Alhamdulillah. :)

Do you still sin?
Yes, unfortunately, I do. I am not perfect as I said. Do I set out to intentionally go against the laws just to spite Him….NEVER. But, of course I do sin, as all humans do, in various degrees perhaps, but sin they do.

To say that as long as we do our best for GOD He will have mercy on us, is to lower His standards to meet that of our own. We become our own measurement of righteousness. We make ourselves to be GOD.
These words come from Allah, swt. He tells us how much He loves us and how much He loves to forgive. Just a small part of his attributes, all merciful, just, all knowing, etc. Remember, it is not the Muslims that bring God down to our standards. Never would you hear a Muslim say that God became a human with all our impurities that degrade God rather than raise Him up to the status of the MOST high.

Please point out to me specific verses in this letter that coincide with what you are saying
1 John 1:3 ”…that which we have seen…” 1 John 1:8 “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves….” 1 John 1:9: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 2:2: Then it goes on to say that Jesus, pbuh, takes them away….and for the whole world. Which is kinda odd, considering He was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel….hardly the whole world.

1 John 2:3: “And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.”

And more, but this is too long already to be writing 1 John. lol

First, Jesus did more than simply claim divinity. He acknowledged His divinity and pointed His divinity out to the Jews. John 8:58 says, “’I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, ‘Before Abraham was born, I am.’”
The concept of the pre-existence of the prophets, and of man, exists in both the Old Testament, as well as in the Qur‘an. Jeremiah described himself in The Book of Jeremiah 1:4-5 as: “ 5Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, 5 ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.’ ”

Prophet Solomon is reported in Proverbs 8:23-27, to have said, “23Ages ago I was set up at the first, before the beginning of the earth. 24When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no springs abounding with water, 25Before the mountains had been shaped, before the hills, I was brought forth; 26before he had made the earth with its fields, or the first of the dust of the world 27When he established the heavens, I was there.”

According to Job 38:4 and 21, God addresses Prophet Job as follows: “4Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding... 21You Know, for you were born then, and the number of your days is great!”

So, yes, as I have been saying all along, Allah, swt, is the best of planners and knows everything that has happened and will happen before we know it.
Hmmm, ok, I hope I have answered everything, if not, please remind me. :)


01-13-2006, 08:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
Hello Sumay28,
You seem to have pulled out from my clear responses to your questions. May I ask why?:?


I've been very lathargic lately. And I'm usually fierce when it comes to the Bible. Thank you for smacking me to wake up and get in on the debate. It's on like donkey kong!!!!!! ;D

If you have a very difficult decision to make about something you know you have to do, do you not find yourself struggling with yourself. You are trying to weigh up the pro's and con's of this decision. On the one hand, you don't want to do what must be done. On the other hand you you know you must do it. There is a struggle there.
This is GOD we're talking about here. I just can't imagine God, coming down as a human being, struggling like a human being, and yet he's clearly not human. He's walking on water, bringing life to the dead, yet he's struggling with a decision?

Luke 23:46 says, "Jesus called out with a loud voice, 'Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit.' When He had said this, He breathed His last.
John 19:30 says, "When He had received the drink, Jesus said, 'It is finished.' With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.
Which one is it??

My guideline for life is the Bible. It contains all I need to know to live productively and constructively.
And could you list these guidelines?

Well, the first step in true Christianity is accepting Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior. This is what Christianity is. It is not trying to do a lot of good things with the hope of getting to heaven.
Islam is the opposite. We are taking a test and trying to get all the right answers in before Allah tells us to put our pencils down. As you probably know. Some of us burn holes in our wallets in God's cause. We look at this life as nothing but a bridge that we're trying to get across. You can't get any more humble than that. Nothing wrong with it..

POBook, honey, I really enjoy reading your posts. Masha Allah, you seem to have so much patience. I don't agree with a lick of what you're saying, but I like ya. May Allah lift the veil from your heart, may he open your eyes so you can see the beautiful light around Islam, may he open your ears to the truth, may he guide you and make your children pious. Ameen. I hope you get a nice taste of Islam because I will put my life on the line for this deen. It's the truth, it's the meaning of life, and it just makes me a happier person overall. To know that everything is in Allah's hands, comforts me. I hope someday you will take that passion that you have and direct it toward what is true. Christianity is a puppet show. You've gotta look closely to see the strings.

01-13-2006, 08:58 AM

According to Gospel of John 3:18 you are condemned (probably to hell) if you do not believe in Jesus as the Son of God. So before you wish well to others you should take care of yourself first.

01-13-2006, 09:56 AM
Hello again Hana_Aku,

You are fast:happy: I will respond again. Please be patient...and thanks for your patience and your continuing dialogue.

“I don’t believe He died on the cross.”
Why do you believe Christ never died on the cross?

“Even if I took my friend’s punishment, it doesn’t change the fact she sinned.”
Exactly. She sinned. Nothing can change that.

“SHE, not me is still going to answer for her sins and, yes of course, my friend will still need to be forgiven for the sin she committed. Even by agreeing to take the punishment doesn’t make her sinless.”
Why will either of you have to answer for the sins? What is your understanding of forgiveness? What is your understanding of a “sentence served”? You taking the punishment does not make her sinless, but the punishment has been given and the sentence has been served. Must the sentence be served by two different people? It’s like your friend coming to you and saying, “Look, I know you have served my sentence. I realize that I do not have to serve the sentence as well. However, I just cannot accept what you have done for me. I need to go and serve the sentence as well.” This is the rejection of forgiveness and the choice to bear consequences. What GOD first saw, was sin. Then He saw a punishment for that sin. As a Holy, Righteous GOD, He no longer sees the sin. He sees the sentence served. Because a prisoner served his time in jail, does not mean that he never committed a crime. What it does mean is that he no longer has to pay a price for his crime. The price has been paid.

“He tried, in vain, to have Himself cleared of wrong doing. He tried to defend Himself.”
Where in the gospels is this self-defense recorded? Can you give me references?

“You want us to believe He was happy and content to be tortured, beaten, battered, bruised and hung?”
No. I do not want you to believe this at all. He was not happy. This was the saddest and loneliest time of His life on this earth. I would say He was content in some respects. He prayed to His Father, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” Contentment does not always reflect happiness. But it always reflects acceptance.

“And to put God on the same status as man, as I said before is nothing less than blasphemous.”
I apologize if I have offended you in any way. Was Jesus an ordinary man? Did Jesus sin?

“And I will reiterate what I said to both you and PrIM3: God is the planner of ALL things, both before the creation of this world and long after it’s gone. NOTHING happens here but by His will and planning.”
And I will ask you once again…and please answer this question: Did GOD will and plan little children to be aborted? Did GOD will and plan woman to be raped? Did GOD will and plan people to take drugs? Did GOD will and plan for people to steal, kill, destroy, lie, and deceive? Did GOD will and plan all these things? If you came home and found that your child had been severely raped and beaten (this happens all the time all around the world), are you going to say that GOD willed and planned that?

“Finally, it seems you understand why it is totally illogical to have Jesus, pbuh, take sins from those who committed them”
Allow me to say again. Jesus does not remove the sins we have committed. He removes the price that needs to be paid for those sins. So many people do not understand forgiveness. They say they forgive but each year they remember pain that may have been inflicted on them and they still struggle with feelings of anger and hatred. This is not true forgiveness.

“Now, please tell me know how punishing the 2 people will totally relieve you of your sin. Punish whoever you want….you still sinned, you are still responsible. And what kind of justice would I be giving my child if I didn’t teach him to be responsible for them. Teaching him “don’t worry, someone else has already taken your punishment….go, be free, sin, God will love you even if you disobey Him….”
Allow me to make myself a little more clear. There is a difference between discipline and punishment. Discipline has the purpose of education and improvement. Punishment is simply paying the price for something done wrong. It has no particular purpose to it. The issues of mercy and justice are attached to punishment, not discipline. Parents who simply punish their children, accomplish nothing. Parents who discipline their children work toward their growth, maturity, and well-being. It is good to discipline. Discipline must never be taken away. Discipline must be experienced. In this sense, punishment is neither good or bad. It’s simply a fulfillment of a law. To break a law of punishment means the punisher must be punished. When I talked about “parents” I did not have in mind 2 people. The principle of a law giver paying the price for a law breaker is my point. One last question on this issue: If your child disobeys you, are you going to hate your child or are you going to hate the action he or she performed?

Again, thanks for your continuing dialogue. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your answers to my questions.


01-13-2006, 02:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mansio

According to Gospel of John 3:18 you are condemned (probably to hell) if you do not believe in Jesus as the Son of God. So before you wish well to others you should take care of yourself first.


Who is this John? Who is the author of that book? If you know, you might want to inform the most respected biblical scholars, as they have already admitted they don't know who authored John and are convinced the author is not quoting Jesus, pbuh, but is speaking as an evangulist to his community. The book of John has been a major controversy for many years within the Christian and Biblical scholar community. The vast majority agree....this author was definitely not an eyewitness to anything and the authenticity of this book is in serious doubt.

So, unless you find the Gospel according to Jesus, pbuh, stating in no uncertain terms He is the biological son of God and condemns you to Hell if you don't believe it....you might want to find something a little more reliable to quote. :)


01-13-2006, 04:12 PM
Hana Aku

You're right, nobody knows who wrote the Gospel of John. I used the word John to show were the verse stood in the Gospels.
You do not believe either that the longest chapter of the Quran was written by a prophet called Baqara.
I think it was the authorship of the Gospel who raised controversies and not its content.
Quite on the contrary that Gospel is the most read part of the NT, and when Christians distribute their scriptures it is always the Gospel of John that is distributed first. I have a number of those John booklets in various languages.

As a Muslim you should know that faith does not rest on solid ground, but on what the believers think of reality.
So Christians believe their scriptures are from God, and as the Gospel of John belongs to them, it is also from God.
It must be added that many Christians also think it is the apostle John himself who wrote it.
As of the Gospel according to Jesus, it exists at the moment more in Muslim imagination than in reality.

01-13-2006, 05:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mansio
Hana Aku

You're right, nobody knows who wrote the Gospel of John. I used the word John to show were the verse stood in the Gospels.
You do not believe either that the longest chapter of the Quran was written by a prophet called Baqara.
I think it was the authorship of the Gospel who raised controversies and not its content.
Quite on the contrary that Gospel is the most read part of the NT, and when Christians distribute their scriptures it is always the Gospel of John that is distributed first. I have a number of those John booklets in various languages.

As a Muslim you should know that faith does not rest on solid ground, but on what the believers think of reality.
So Christians believe their scriptures are from God, and as the Gospel of John belongs to them, it is also from God.
It must be added that many Christians also think it is the apostle John himself who wrote it.
As of the Gospel according to Jesus, it exists at the moment more in Muslim imagination than in reality.

Actually, you are mistaken, BIG TIME. Not only the authorship of John is in question, the content is also in question. The one verse Christians quote most..."The word...." has been totally mis-translated and it is believed more and more that this was introduced into the book for dramatics. I don't particularly care how often a Christian chooses to quote from the book of John, lol, it doesn't mean the content is correct. All it means is they have been mislead for centuries.

Quotes are taken from both the NT and OT where it serves the purpose at the time. Where it doesn't serve, it is dismissed as "oh, that's the old law which has been abolished". Gimme a break, everyone knows that. The OT is accepted sometimes and sometimes not. When trying to defend Paul....ohhh, you can't quote from the OT. It doesn't matter that Jesus, pbuh, was clear the laws were not to be changed.

Christians can believe whatever they want about who wrote John, who added what and who didn't. It makes no difference to me whatsoever. I take the word of Biblical and Christian scholars and when they say there are serious problems with the book of John....then I would recommend Christians stand up and take notice. Should they choose not to see it....it's not my problem. But, when their entire salvation is based on it...sure I'm concerned for them, otherwise I wouldn't bother giving Da'wa.

Since when do Muslims have "the Gospel according to Jesus inside the Qur'an?" The Holy Qur'an doesn't tell stories "according to" anyone. Muslims believe the entire Qur'an is directly from God....not from some writers over centuries and translators that took liberties with it's content. What makes you think any prophet has a book inside the Qur'an? I think you might want to learn a little more about Islam before you jump into a debate that, I might add, was going on with total respect for the others' opinion.

This was not going as a bashing session and I won't be part of turning it into one. This thread is also not about who wrote John, but if you would like to start one, please feel free.

So, unless you have something beneficial to add, with respect, to the topic of Atonement, I will not reply to your posts.

Regards and Peace,

01-13-2006, 07:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mansio

According to Gospel of John 3:18 you are condemned (probably to hell) if you do not believe in Jesus as the Son of God. So before you wish well to others you should take care of yourself first.

Dude..... :uhwhat

01-13-2006, 10:18 PM
hello, All

Atonement... by definition terms The reconciliation of God and humans brought about by the redemptive life and death of Jesus..

Philippine 2:6-11 who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant. being made in humans likeness. And being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to death even death on a cross.
therefore God exalted him to the Highest place and gave him the name that is above every name. that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth. and every tongue confess that Jesus christ is Lord. to the glory of God the Father.

not sure if this has anything to do with anything.. please forgive me if it doesn't but us Christians. well atleast some of us. view it like this:
God is more like a horse trainer and you are the horse that was raised in the wild by its own mother horse and papa horse. now God captured you and is now set on taiming you.
and you as a horse will have to accept him or not..

thanks for listening
God bless you guys.

not sure if I missed any questions so if I did please tell me.

01-14-2006, 12:12 AM
Peace POBook:

Why do you believe Christ never died on the cross?
Ohhhh, all the reasons are far too numerous to mention here, but to name a few: 1. Not ONE single eye witness to this “miraculous” event. "All his disciples forsook him and fled"- (Mark 14:50). 2. Jesus, pbuh, never taught it or talked about it. 3. He faced His disciples “after” as a man. "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself handle me and see; for A SPIRIT has no flesh and bones, as you see me have. . . And he showed them his hands and his feet." Luke 24:39-403. Paul, a hater of Jesus, pbuh, created this fabrication. Anyway, that too is a topic in itself and I could go on and on about that. loool

Where in the gospels is this self-defense recorded? Can you give me references?
Here is one verse of the bible: "to the slaughter like a lamb, like a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth" - (Isaiah 53:7).
And here are other verses that show He most certainly did try to defend Himself: Before Pontius Pilate: "My kingdom is not of this world" — (John 18:36). Before the Sanhedrin: "... I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, where the Jews always gather; and in secret have 1 said nothing John 18:20 "If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil, but if well, why smitest thou me?" — (John 18:23).

So, to say “he opened not his mouth” isn’t exactly the truth, is it. Or, maybe it’s John that’s wrong here? Whichever one is wrong makes little difference really. It only takes one error and you have to wonder how many other verses are also in error.

I apologize if I have offended you in any way. Was Jesus an ordinary man? Did Jesus sin?
You haven’t offended me at all, but I doubt God is too happy being compared to one of His creations. :) Yes, Jesus, pbuh, was a man. One of the greatest Prophets, chosen by God to bring His message. If He were just an “ordinary” man, He wouldn’t be a prophet of God. He was exceptional in His character and free of sin as was the will of Allah, swt. If you’re asking if He was ordinary in requiring what all men need to survive, yup, he sure was. He would hunger, thirst, cry, relieve Himself, etc. No divinity in that.
And I will ask you once again…and please answer this question: Did GOD will and plan little children to be aborted? Did GOD will and plan woman to be raped?
Actually, I have answered you numerous times about this. NOTHING happens but by the will of Allah, swt. If you ask me why bad things happen to good people, and vice versa, I can’t answer you. Just as Jesus, pbuh, didn’t have all the answers only known by God, neither do I or anyone else on the planet. You’ll have to wait and question Him on His wisdom and knowledge and if you feel He is wrong, then you better take that up with Him….but I don’t want to be standing next you when you do. :okay:

Allow me to say again. Jesus does not remove the sins we have committed. He removes the price that needs to be paid for those sins. So many people do not understand forgiveness. They say they forgive but each year they remember pain that may have been inflicted on them and they still struggle with feelings of anger and hatred. This is not true forgiveness.
By what you say, removing the consequences from sinning is the same as removing sin. There is no incentive to stop sinning. I can forgive someone that wrongs me, as a fellow human being, and have many times. Inshallah, they have also forgiven me when I made mistakes. But, when you blatantly break the laws of God…you alone will answer to Him. You can bounce around the issue, but the fact remains, just as Jesus, pbuh, taught, each person will be responsible for themselves.

There is a difference between discipline and punishment. Discipline has the purpose of education and improvement. Punishment is simply paying the price for something done wrong.
Webster’s English Dictionary definition: Discipline: n. training; subjection to control; punishment; vt. Train: bring under control; punish. Punish: vt. Chastise or discipline for a fault; punishment n. And if you look in the Webster’s English Thesaurus, you will see these two words are also interchangeable.

So, as I’ve told you before, yes I would punish/discipline my son when he makes a mistake and no, it doesn’t mean I don’t love him. And, God, with all His love and mercy, will have me answer for my mistakes on The Day of Judgment. The difference is, He is far more loving, merciful and just than any of us could ever hope to comprehend.

Hope this cleared it up for you. :)


01-14-2006, 12:35 AM
Atonement... by definition terms The reconciliation of God and humans brought about by the redemptive life and death of Jesus..
Hello and Peace PrIM3:

Thank you for the Christian definition of Atonement. :p Now I will provide the universal definition as per Webster's Dictionary: vi. & vt. expiate; make reparation. And the online dictionary: 1. making of amends: the making of reparation for a sin or a mistake
2. A·tone·mentreconciliation between God and people: in Christian belief, the reconciliation between God and people brought about by the death of Jesus Christ (as you see, a slight variation of the word).

Philippine 2:6-11 who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,...
This comes from Paul, not Jesus, pbuh. Can you show me where Jesus, pbuh, is quoted as saying that?

not sure if this has anything to do with anything.. please forgive me if it doesn't but us Christians. well atleast some of us. view it like this:
God is more like a horse trainer and you are the horse that was raised in the wild by its own mother horse and papa horse. now God captured you and is now set on taiming you.
and you as a horse will have to accept him or not..
God, doesn't capture, He guides. He sent the same message to all the prophets, "Thy Lord Thy God is ONE God." Do not worship other's beside Allah, swt. It is your first commandment. Don't try to bring God down to our level, this is impossible. Just as it is impossible for us to fully comprehend the greatness of God. God sent the message to you through Jesus...the way to eternal life is to keep the commandments. No need for all these other additions to His message. It's simple and it's clear....Worship God, obey the commandments.

thanks for listening
God bless you guys.
You're welcome and may Allah, swt, continue to guide you to truth. Ameen :)


Ansar Al-'Adl
01-14-2006, 12:45 AM
Hello POBook and thank you for your post,
This is what I meant by looooong posts :) .
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
At the same time, I acknowledge that I can run out of finite illustrations to describe an Infinite GOD.
I am not asking you to illustrate for me the measure of God's attributes, which are of course infinite. I am asking you to explain to me the nature of those attributes, specifically the trinity, which I find to be logically incoherent.

What do you mean by “distinct entities”?
I suppose it is really up to Christians to define this, but basically by 'distinct entities' what is meant is that there are independent identifiable units, the father, the holy spirit, the son. Each of these three has unique characteristics which they do not share. For example, the father is unbegotten where as the son is 'begotten' (or generated) from the father and the spirit proceeds from the father. See this diagram for what is meant by distinct:

The above diagram is a perfect example of what I find logically incoherent.

H2O around the world contains all three forms of molecular structure at some point and at some time. They all co-exist.
But here we are not talking about the same substance existing in three different states. The trinity says that ONE God exists in three different persons. By analogy, you need to bring me an example of ONE entity existing as three seperate entities, each being co-equal and equal to the overall entity. Can you bring me molecules of water that exist IN ALL THREE STATES AT THE SAME TIME? Of course not. The closest to this is the triple point of water in thermodynamic equilibrium, but of course here it is different water molecules in different states, not the SAME molecules existing in all three states.

GOD is the H2O.
H2O is the molecular formula for a TYPE OF MOLECULE. It is not an entity in itself. God, on the other hand is a SINGLE ENTITY. 'God' is not the name of a type of entity for which there are many entities. There is only ONE God. But there is a immeasurable quantity of water molecules. The two are not analogous. The former is a single entity, the latter is the chemical classification of a number of entities.

We do not maintain only ONE God and the existence of these three ‘persons’.
GOD exists as three at the same time He exists as one.
What is the difference between these two statements?

If you have H20 liquid on the continent of Africa; H20 solid on the continent of Asia; and H20 gas on the continent of South America, do you not have the three distinct entities co-existing? While distinct entities, are they not all H20?
If this analogy works, then it means that you believe in three gods. Because there are three seperate entities, and they are all God. Can you show me how you get ONE God from the above analogy? You don't because there is not a single thing mentioned in your analogy that is only one. There are three different things mentioned that are the same type of thing. It is only comparable to three Gods - three different things, but all the same type of thing.

What does this verse of Scripture mean to you: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1)?
It doesn't mean very much to me. First of all, it is not Jesus speaking who never claimed to be God, but it is only the words of John, at best. Secondly, the context of the verse itself does not really allow for attributing divinity to anything. As Dr. Ali Ataie comments on the grammar of the verse:
In the first occurrence of the predicate noun “God,” it is preceded by the definite article “ton.” Therefore, the translation, “and the Word was with (the) God” is correct. The second occurrence of the predicate noun “God,” is not preceded by a definite article ton yet the Christians continue to render it as “and the Word was God” when in reality it should read, “and the word was a god.” According to Greek rules on grammar, however, a predicate noun that is preceded by a verb may be
translated as definite according to context. For example in John 4:19 we are told: “The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.” This verse can also be translated as “I perceive that thou art the
Prophet,” because the predicate noun “prophet” is preceded by the verb “ei,” or “art.” In John 1:21, the Jews ask John the Baptist, “Art thou the Prophet?” This is in reference to the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18, not
just any prophet. The Jews are asking him a very specific question. The woman in John 4:19 simply remarks that Jesus is a prophet. Again, the context is what determines the usage. Jesus never claims that he is
God in the Bible and always considers himself subordinate to Him, so while the translation offered by Christians of John 1:1 is grammatically correct, it is contextually incorrect.
So whatever meaning you wish to ascribe to the 'word' of God, it is clear that it is only as much a 'god' as Moses was.

In Exodus 3:14 we read, “GOD said to Moses, ‘I AM who I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” The expression ‘I AM’ is the translation of the Hebrew word Yhwh—Yahweh—and is translated “Lord.” It was the personal name by which GOD revealed Himself. It occurs more than 6000 times in the Old Testament.

In John 8:58-59 we read, “’I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, before Abraham was born, I Am.’ At this, they picked up stones to stone Him, but Jesus hid Himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.” The Greek word for ‘I Am’ used here is eimi—to be. This term is not used in any context that contains limitation. ‘To be’ is eternal existence—no beginning and no end. People knew GOD existed before time. Jesus made them aware that He existed before time—that He was H2O in the molecular structure of liquid and He was also H20 in the molecular structure of solid.
To make things easier, I will once again quote Dr. Ali Ataie:
John 8:58 – Before Abraham was, I AM
The Christians claim that Jesus uses the Divine Name “Yahweh” that God gave to Moses in Exodus 3:14 as referring to himself in this oft-repeated verse. Let’s examine this claim more closely. The New Jerusalem Bible has translated this phrase “I am that I am” from “Ehe’ye asher ehe’ye” (Hebrew) as “I am He who is: Ego emi, Ho on” (Greek). The commentary of this verse states that this rendering of the original Hebrew of Exodus 3:14 is exactly how the seventy translators of the Greek Septuagint (LXX)2 understood the meaning to be, and these were highly educated Greek-speaking Hebrew scholars. Essentially God is telling Moses that “He who is” or He that can never die has sent him unto Pharaoh.

The Divine attribute is the phrase “Ho on” (He who is), yet Jesus in John 8:58 simply says, “Before Abraham was, ego emi.” He does not claim the divine attribute used in the Septuagint which educated Jews at the time of Jesus would have been aware of. Again, we have Christian word games being played here. The words in English are the same, namely “I am.” The Greek of John, however, is different than the Greek of Exodus 3:14. Let’s look at the entire passage:

“Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death. Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself? Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God: Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying. Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw [it], and was glad. Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.” – John 8:52-59.
So what does Jesus mean by “Before Abraham was, I am,” and why do the Jews pick up stones? Jesus is simply claiming his legitimacy in a very clever way. The Jews were so proud that they were the progeny of Abraham, so he (Jesus) hits them where it hurts most. He basically says, “Before Abraham was born into this earthly existence, I was in the knowledge and Will of God. When we all existed before the creation of the physical universe in spiritual form, Abraham longed to see my day, the day of the Messiah.” Jesus is saying that since God knew him and made him Christ before the creation of Abraham, he (Jesus) is just as legitimate as Abraham. God tells the Prophet Jeremiah: “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). This is precisely what Jesus meant when he said: “And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was”
(John 17:5). Is it unusual for a Prophet to speak like this? Did any other prophets prove their “bona-fides” by suggesting their pre-existence in the Will and infinite knowledge of God? The best of creation, the Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace and blessings) once said, “I am the seal the of the Prophets when Adam was in clay.” Surely this makes Muhammad more worthy of being a god-incarnate since Adam predates Abraham chronologically. Alas, the fundamentalist Christian’s programmed mind can only see in black and white.

Even the Baptist cousin of Jesus warns the Jews: “And think not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham to [our] father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham” (Matthew 3:9). - See Chapter 6 for a meaning of this verse. Your Christian friend may explode, “Then why do the Pharisees pick up stones?” The answer is because Jesus is claiming to be genuinely sent from God and His anointed. We are told in the Book of Deuteronomy 18:20 that false prophets must be killed. Turn the tables on your Christian buddy and ask him, “If the Jews truly believed that Jesus claimed to be God, then why don’t they use these ‘claims’ as evidence against him in the religious High Court of the Sanhedrin?” We are told in Mark 14:55: “And the chief priests and the whole council gathered together to find evidence that would warrant a death sentence, but failed to find any” (Revised English Bible). They couldn’t even get two witnesses to agree with each other! Having no reason to kill Jesus, the Jews pulled a “180” and changed their charge from blasphemy, a religious crime, to sedition or treason, a political crime. Why? Because they knew that Pilate, the Roman Procurator, would have little mercy on enemies of the state. After Pilate tells the hoards of Jews shouting for Jesus’ execution that he finds no fault in Jesus, the Jews very cleverly answer, “If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend: whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar” (John 19:12). Therefore, Pilate had little choice but to hand him over to be crucified.

The Christian will at this point be obstinate. He will cry, “No! They killed him because he claimed to be God, not just a prophet!” Answer this by simply asking him if any of the previous Hebrew prophets ever claimed to be God. He will say no. Then inquire as to why they were killed by the Jews? Jesus lashes out against his people: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, [thou] that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under [her] wings, and ye would not” (Matthew 23:37). Is it surprising that the Jews are constantly picking up stones against Jesus when many of the previous prophets were stoned, and they never claimed to be God?

Josh McDowell says in his book More than a Carpenter whose cover boasts over 10,000,000 copies printed worldwide (emphasis mine): “An analysis of Christ’s testimony shows that he claimed to be 1) the Son of the Blessed One (God); 2) The One who would sit at the right hand of power, and 3) the Son of Man who would come on the clouds of heaven. Each of the affirmations is distinctively messianic.” I agree. They were claims to be the Christ, not God. (Ataie, In Defense Of Islam, pp. 9-12)
And from Dr. Laurence Brown:
‘Evidence’ #4 -- Jesus is recorded in John 8:58 as having said, “...before Abraham was, I AM” and Exodus 3:14 records God as having informed Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.”
First of all, according to the words of Jesus, is a person to conclude that Jesus had a pre-human existence? According to Jeremiah 1:5, so did Jeremiah. According to the Islamic religion, so did all mankind. Next, is a person to draw a parallel between the ‘I AM’ attributed to Jesus and that attributed to God? Once again the foundational text pokes fun at the translation. Jesus is not recorded to have said “...I AM” in capital ‘makes-me-look-like-God’ letters. Jesus is translated as having said “...I AM” in a ‘looks-like-God’s-words-in-Exodus, think-they’ll-buy-it?’ effort at textual synchronization. What Jesus is recorded to have said is ‘eimi’ in small, humble, uncapitalized, unprepossessing and non-exclusive (found 152 times in the New Testament) Greek letters which don’t justify capitals or comparison with the supposed words of God in Exodus (which themselves are not capitalized, either in the Hebrew ‘hayah’ or the Greek Septuagint ‘ho ohn’). By no means can the New Testament Greek ‘eimi’ attributed to Jesus be compared with the Old Testament Greek ‘ho ohn’ attributed to God in the Septuagint. By no means of honesty or accuracy, that is. Likewise, neither can either one of these phrases honestly be capitalized “I AM,” especially in light of the 151 other instances of ‘eimi’ being translated to the uncapitalized, “I am.” Why is ‘eimi’ capitalized once and not capitalized 151 times, if not due to the selective desires of the translators? To their own credit, most reputable Bibles avoid this textual games-playing, and translation of the words of Jesus are not capitalized to ‘I AM’ in the New International Version, the Revised Standard Version, the New Revised Standard Version, the American Standard Version, and many others. (Brown, The First and Final Commandment, p. 112)
At this stage I should probably mention that in discussion of Christianity and Islam and the Bible and Qur'an, I will often quote from Dr. Ali Ataie and Dr. Laurence Brown who have authored the best works of Comparative Religion from the Islamic Perspective.

Dr. Ali Ataie, of the Muslim Interfaith Council, has written the book In Defense of Islam which is a comparative religion book for Muslims. His material is available from his website http://www.voiceforislam.com/

Dr. Laurence Brown MD, has written a encylopedic work on Christianity, Judaism and Islam entitled, The First and Final Commandment which is intended for Non-Muslims. Some of his material is available from his website http://www.leveltruth.com

I will skip over the points I've already commented on; if you feel I;ve missed something important, please let me know.

I do not equate Jesus with GOD.
When you say that God is Jesus and Jesus is God, that is equating the two, to me at least.

Are all the water molecules around the globe in the ice state, the liquid state, or the gas state? Or, can you find water molecules around the globe in each of these three states?
Likewise, are you saying that we can find differnt Gods in different states? Some Gods are fathers, some Gods are sons, and some Gods are Holy Spirits? Because that is the only thing that is analogous to what you;ve described.

I said, “I appreciate you giving me the freedom to quote Paul. Yes, GOD is immortal. But GOD never died.” You responded, “I'm glad we agree on this. So if God never died, then why do you claim that God died for your sins?” You have taken my statement out of context. GOD came to this earth in the form of Jesus Christ. In this sense, GOD died for us.
Either God died or He didn't die. You'll have to choose. The only way your water analogy works is if there are multiple Gods and only one from many of them dies.

To say that GOD suffers from indecision and hesitation suggests that indecision and hesitation have power and control over whom they effect. Carefully considering the consequences of your future actions is not the same as suffering from indecision and hesitation. These two factors involve lack of self-control. GOD was perfectly self-controlled.
God is also All-knowing. He already knows the consequences of what He will do and He is not a human to have to think them over.

First, the message of salvation is this: “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This is the simple message of Salvation. Jesus tried sharing this message for 3 years.
Why waste time? Just tell everyone, "Hey I'm going to die for your sins because I love you so much" and get it over with.
Many Christians have tried sharing this message for two centuries—and still people do not believe. How would they believe the message in one statement if they cannot believe it after it has been clearly shared over and over again (I suspect you will make a certain response to this…but I will wait and see).
Well I wasn't even planning on responding to this point since I have previously, but since you are anticipating a response I would just point out that nothing was said about belief in the discussion on atonement. The point was that God just had to die because someone needed to be punished for all these sins.

Secondly, there were believers before the time of Prophet Jesus who already had a perfect system of forgiveness in effect. They believed in God, they prayed, repented, made sacrifice to Him. There was no need for an atonement. And why the atonement in the middle of humanity's stay on earth? Why not at the beginning or at the end?

Second, GOD did not come to this earth begging people to kill Him. He did not need to make this request. They…all of us…were in the wings, waiting to kill Him. Our sin is what took Jesus Christ to His death. He did not have to ask.
But He wanted to be killed and seeing as that was the purpose of His vacation on earth, He should have said so immediately.

We all have a choice to accept what GOD has done or we can reject it. GOD will no longer send us to hell for our sin. Unfortunately, too many of us choose to walk right past Him, rejecting His free offer of forgiveness, and we ourselves march down the road to eternal destruction. Because He has forgiven us, does not me that He is going to impose His desire on us. We have a free choice to accept his forgiveness or reject it.
So from a Christian perspective, there is now no difference between a pious Christian and a mass-murder and rapist. Both will go to paradise because Go has paid for their sins. People should have fun and do whatever they like in this world, sinning as much as possible, because God has paid for their sins.

People who love to sin and couldn’t care less if GOD didn’t like it, are people who by their own choice are walking down the road to destruction.
What do you mena by destruction? God has paid for their sins so why will they be punished?

In Isaiah 1:18 we read, "Come, let us discuss this," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are as red as crimson, they will be like wool.” By identity, a born-again Christian has a clean, healthy nature. The old nature of sin, guilt, insignificance, and unimportance are gone. In our heart’s, mind, and conscience we sense freedom and purity. Yes, humanity is as sinful today as it was before. But through Jesus Christ, we can have a new life—a new nature; a new sense of identity.
So from the crucifixion of Jesus the only difference that it made is that we will no longer be blamed for what Adam did (original sin)? But we still sins and still will be punished for our sins? Seems a little pointless to me.

The purpose of the crucifixion was to pay the price for our sin. It was our atonement. When we humble ourselves and accept what GOD has done for us, and ask Him to change who we are, He does it…He simply does it. I speak from personal experience. Yes, GOD has paid the price for our sins. Yes, we can still sin. But that’s our choice. GOD is not going to force us to travel down the road of forgiveness and grace. He offers this road to each of us. If we choose to travel this road, GOD removes the load of sin we carry, at no cost to us, and we are holy in his sight and we have every right to enter the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity. Or, we can say no thanks; I can do this on my own; I’m not ready. And we continue down the path to destruction. It’s simple…it’s very simple.
Let me be more specific. What happens to a Christian who rapes and steals and tortures and murders innocent people. God paid for his sins so he is set for paradise, right?

Thanks once again for your post.

01-14-2006, 01:14 AM
Salam Alaikum Bro Ansar Al-'Adl:

Jazak Allah Khair for putting those links on your last post. Excellent sites!!

Wa'alaikum salam

01-14-2006, 01:45 AM
you are very religious I can see Ansar Al-'Adl.

we don't look at the trinity as an entitie but as an essence. by definition both are not the same.
I think a better example is Money: first you have the Nickle, then the Dime, then the Qouter.

Ansar Al-'Adl
01-14-2006, 04:04 AM
:sl: Sister Hana_Aku,
Jazak Allah Khair for putting those links on your last post. Excellent sites!!
I'm glad you found them to be useful. I can certainly say that out of all the great Muslim contributions to comparative religion (and there have been numerous by many scholars and da'ees), those of Dr. Ali Ataie and Dr. Laurence Brown are truly exceptional. I highly encourage people to purchase The First and Final Commandment by Dr. Brown, whether Muslim or Non-Muslim.


Hello PrIM3,
format_quote Originally Posted by PrIM3
we don't look at the trinity as an entitie but as an essence.
God is an entity. The essence of something is simply its nature or core property.
I think a better example is Money: first you have the Nickle, then the Dime, then the Qouter.
I am not sure how you plan to use this as an example of the trinity. Here we have three coins. Do you believe in three gods?


M H Kahn
01-14-2006, 04:30 AM

The chain of prophets started with sending Adam and Eve from the heaven to the earth. Adam was the first human and first prophet and Muhammed (pbuh) was the last and Jesus(pbuh) was probably the penultimate prophet of the chain which has been closed with Muhammed (pbuh), the last prophet.

All the prophets including Jesus(pbuh) were messangers of Allah and all of them came with the same message for the whole mankind of their respective time:

* Allah is the creator and sustainer of the universe

* Humans are here on the earth to pass a transient period and then
return to Allah through death.

* Humans should never worship anything other than Allah and should
never believe that none but Allah has any power to do any good or
bad to any one. In other words, Allah is all-powerful.

* No human should associate any partner, wife, childrenetc. with
Allah either in faith or in worship.

* Every human should perform the prescribed prayers and abide by all
the other laws revealed to them through the prophets and divine
books of guidance, the last being the Quran.

* On the day of resurrection, every human will be judged if he, during
his life on the earth, believed in Allah and what He had ordained
through divine books and prophets, and acted accordingly.

* Every time Allah sent a messenger, it was obligatory for the mankind
of that time to abide by the teachings brought to them from Allah,
because Allah sent a new prophet when the people had forgotten the
teachings of the previous prophet and indulged in misdeeds.

* Every new prophet came to tell the people to be submissive to Allah in
faith and performance of the assigned duties.

* It seems that the assigned duties and sometimes the nature thereof
to be done on this earth varied from time to time.

Since Muhammed (pbuh) is the last and the seal of the prophets, all
humans now on this planet are to believe what Allah has said in the last
divine book Quran and what other teachings have been brought for the
mankind by Muhammed (pbuh).The revealtions in all the previous divine
books and teachings of the then messengers were the code of life for the
mankind of that time. But with lapse of time, previous divine books and
teachings of the then prophets have been corupted. So, all people not
following the Quran and the last prophet Muhammed (pbuh) should atone
at once and start learning and practicising Islam, the only divine code of
life for the mankind from the time of Muhammed (pbuh) to all to be born
till the day of resurrection.

01-14-2006, 07:08 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl

I am not sure how you plan to use this as an example of the trinity. Here we have three coins. Do you believe in three gods?

Yes three coins but each are a form of money... of course I could use it with other coins or money but since we have 3 essence of God we have 3 coins.
so it is kind of like God 3 people but each are a form of God

01-14-2006, 09:20 AM
Hana Aku

It is the millenaries old opinion of Christians against your opinion.
I was citing from the Gospels according to Christians' opinion, as you cite from the Quran according to Muslims' opinion and not according to your own opinion.

I live in France in a Christian surrounding and I draw my information from French, English and German sources. I have not yet heard of the amazing news you have about the Gospel of John.

Saying that Christians have been mislead for centuries has the same value as saying that Muslims have been mislead by a false prophet.

That parts of the OT are accepted and others not is a problem of Christians. It is exactly the same with Muslims who accept some of the Bible and reject the rest.

I never said Muslims have a gospel of Jesus "in the Quran".

I think it is a good idea to put this post in another thread as I don't want to interfere any longer with Atonement.

01-14-2006, 01:18 PM
Hello again Hana_Aku,

You are too fast for me:heated:

“Ok, are you telling me God didn’t know this was going to happen?”
No, I’m not telling you that. GOD knows everything that happened, is happening and ever will happen. He is the all-knowing GOD.

“And, yes, the atrocities committed by others against others also happens through His will.”
One more time: You honestly believe in your heart that the loving GOD of this universe wants to see children abused; women raped; people murdered? You honestly believe this? Think about that carefully. To say that those atrocities are GOD’s will is to say that He planned them, orchestrated them, and carried them out. Do you honestly believe this?
Think carefully…you say “atrocities committed by others against others.” I want to see you say, “And, yes, the murder of little children by evil people also happens through His will; And, yes, the rape and sexual abuse committed by evil men against innocent women also happens through His will; And, yes, the cold-blooded abortion committed by heartless parents and abortion providers against innocent, unborn children also happens through His will.” I challenge you to write those words out as your sincere and honest belief as to who GOD is. I challenge you!

“Come on, of course He planned for it to happen… I try not to questions why He allows bad things to happen.”
OK, what do you believe…I’m not exactly sure. Does GOD plan for bad things to happen or does GOD allow bad things to happen? Which of these two do you believe. You cannot believe them both. They are extremely different. I believe GOD allows bad things to happen. Does that mean I believe it’s His will for bad things to happen? No, most definitely not. I really want to know what stand you take here.

“What really puzzles me is why you want to have God be less than what He is. Why, would the creator need to become a creation. He knows better than we do what we are capable of as He gave us everything we have. Do you think He was unaware of what it was like to be a slave? What exactly becomes of a God that empties Himself? An empty God is no God at all.”
I do not want GOD to be any less than He is. The fact is, however, He was willing to humble Himself and become like a slave. How willing are you to become a slave or servant to someone else…to your family?…to your friends?…how about to your enemies? If you were to willingly do that, do you realize that you would be putting into action stronger, nobler, humbler character traits than anyone else? You say an empty GOD is no GOD at all. Again, let me say this: a humble servant attitude to the least deserving person is a reflection of real strength, honor, and nobility. GOD demonstrated this to the max. You quoted my quote of Scripture from Philippians 2:6-8. Let me quote the rest of this wonderful passage of Scripture: “Therefore GOD exalted Jesus to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of GOD the Father. GOD’s willingness to empty Himself was actually culminated in Him filling Himself as the greatest and only GOD in all of creation.

“Yes, I am very familiar with that quote, and you should realize that even your most respected Christian scholars agree, this is not a proper translation and could very possibly be another addition to biblical text.”
Who are these respected Christian scholars? I would like to know who they are so I can read their commentaries?

“He forgives because the sinner is sincerely sorry and repents and prays to Him for guidance. The love is Him accepting our prayers and continuing to guide us.”
Yes, I agree with you on this. However, what about GOD’s justice? You believe he punishes, don’t you? Why punish? You have got to understand that while GOD is merciful, extremely merciful, He is also a Holy, Righteous and Just GOD. Think about this: if He was not a just GOD, then it would be OK to sin; there would be no need to repent and ask forgiveness. The very fact that you repent and ask forgiveness implies that GOD is Just. If He is Just, how does He deal with our sin?

“Are you saying that God is of no benefit to us unless He lowers Himself to that of a human and walks among us?”
No I am not saying this. To suggest that GOD is of no benefit to us is to suggest that He is at our disposal for us to do with Him as we please. We are at His disposal for Him to do with us as He pleases.

“Are you saying He doesn’t have the power, the knowledge or understanding to love us without becoming us?”
No, I am not saying this. GOD loved us before He came to us. If He did not, He would have had no motivation to come to us. He would have left us to pay the price for our sin (His justice). He would have had no mercy on us.

“His amazing acts of love comes when He forgives because the sinner is sincerely sorry and repents and prays to Him for guidance.”
Please try to understand what I am saying here. Do you understand the meaning of forgiveness—true and real forgiveness? Please give me your definition of forgiveness. To say “He forgives because…” is a contradiction of terms. True forgiveness; real forgiveness is not based on the offender being sorry and repenting. True forgiveness is offered out, period! The problem is that too many people do not want to accept forgiveness. They feel they must pay back the person they offended; they must be good people for GOD. Do you know—and again, please think about this—GOD has forgive you and I for every sin we ever committed; every sin we commit, and every sin we may commit in the future. He has forgiven us, forgiven us, forgiven us! Why is it so hard for us to unconditionally accept His unconditional forgiveness?

“And, do really believe satan isn’t roaming about creating evil, etc?”
“The devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Satan does not create evil in the strict sense of this term. Satan means deceiver and liar. Satan is a liar and a deceiver. He will do what He can to get us to commit evil.

“If God didn’t created satan….who did???”
If I can use this example: Do people give birth to criminals or innocent children? Do some innocent children grow up to be criminals? Are criminals made criminals or is that a choice to make? In this sense, GOD did not create Satan. Satan chose to become a criminal.

“You think satan out-smarted God?”
To think that Satan out-smarted GOD is to suggest that He is more powerful than GOD; is to suggest that he is GOD. No, satan did not outsmart GOD.

“You really believe God didn’t know about satan and that satan would rebel?”
Did satan have to rebel against GOD? Did GOD create him as a rebel or did GOD create Satan with a free choice?

“There is nothing you can do or plan to do that God is not aware….absolutely NOTHING”
I could not agree more with you on this. But allow me to ask you a question: you said, “…all is by His will and all has been planned long before man was ever created.” Does GOD plan my life or do I plan my life? What gives me the ability to plan on my own, if GOD is the one who plans? Do you understand my question?

“I doubt very much you find the DNA of Jesus, pbuh, in me or anyone else”
My point here was not differing or same DNA patterns, but rather just how we have DNA as people on the earth, so Jesus had DNA as a person on this earth.

“Actually, you also contradicted yourself here. You said Jesus, pbuh, was not a spirit….He became a man, then you said God doesn’t have DNA because he’s a spirit. He can be one or the other, but not both…so which is He?”
First, Jesus did not become a man. GOD became a man…he became the man Jesus. Think carefully about this again. H20 is manifested as solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (steam). In your home you can have all three of these at the same time. Despite their physical appearance or structure, they are all H20. GOD exists in the same way. While GOD was the solid structure of ice while in Heaven (the Father), GOD was also the liquid structure of water while on the earth (Jesus Christ). GOD can also be the gas structure of steam that lives in our hearts (The Holy Spirit). Do you understand what I am saying?

“We will be judged on the choices we make, the fork we opt to take.”
Once again let me refer you to a statement you made: “….all is by His will and all has been planned long before man was ever created.” If all is by the will and planning of GOD, where are your free choices? If all is by the will and plan of GOD, you do not have a free choice, do you understand that? The final outcome of this logic is that you can be the holiest person in the world, but in the end, it’s not going to matter one bit. What matters is GOD’s will and what He has planned. He may have planned and willed the most righteous people to go to hell or the most evil people to go to Heaven. This is the logic of what you are saying.

“…and forgetting what God has commanded.”
Do you do everything GOD has commanded you to do, every day, all day and without any fault?

“Matthew 7:22, Jesus is quoted as saying:….In John 5:30, it is narrated that Jesus also said…. Jesus, pbuh, also said in the Gospel according to Matthew 19:16-17…. Also in Matthew 5:19, Jesus Christ was said….”
Why have you quoted verses of Scripture from the gospels? Do you really believe they are true? Do you really believe that have any means of authority?

“I have a wonderful little boy, 9 years old, Alhamdulillah.”
That’s great. I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are you married?

“But, of course I do sin, as all humans do, in various degrees perhaps, but sin they do.”
Once again, please let me refer you to that statement of yours: “…all is by His will and all has been planned long before man was ever created.” Is it GOD’s will and has He planned for you to commit your sins? Is that not to say that He is the sinner and not you?

“Just a small part of his attributes, all merciful, just, all knowing, etc”
Can you describe to me how you combine GOD’s characteristics of Mercy and Justice?

“1 John 1:3 ”…that which we have seen…” 1 John 1:8 “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves….” 1 John 1:9: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 2:2: Then it goes on to say that Jesus, pbuh, takes them away….and for the whole world. Which is kinda odd, considering He was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel….hardly the whole world.
1 John 2:3: “And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.”
How do you know these verses have not been corrupted and changed?

“First, Jesus did more than simply claim divinity. He acknowledged His divinity and pointed His divinity out to the Jews. John 8:58 says, “’I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, ‘Before Abraham was born, I am.’”
You did not address this verse of scripture in your reply. You talked about the prophets. Please address this verse of Scripture and let me encourage you to look up the Greek and Hebrew meanings of this statement, “I AM” also found in Exodus 3:14-15.

Great to talk. Thanks for participating.;D

01-14-2006, 02:24 PM
Hello Again Sumay28,

Glad your back on like donkey kong;D !!

“And I'm usually fierce when it comes to the Bible…This is GOD we're talking about here. I just can't imagine God, coming down as a human being, struggling like a human being, and yet he's clearly not human.”
From the Bible, Philippians 2:5-8:

Phi 2:5 Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus,
Phi 2:6 who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage.
Phi 2:7 Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of men. And when He had come as a man in His external form,
Phi 2:8 He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death--even to death on a cross.

How fierce are you about this passage from the Bible?

Luke 23:46 says, "Jesus called out with a loud voice, 'Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit.' When He had said this, He breathed His last. John 19:30 says, "When He had received the drink, Jesus said, 'It is finished.' With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.
“Which one is it?? “
It’s only one. If two people heard the same story and were asked to repeat that story, would they say exactly the same words? Probably not. Would what they say however, mean exactly the same thing. Yes, especially if they were concerned about conveying the truth. Another way of saying, “Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit” is saying, “It’s finished” or it’s over, or my task has come to completion, or I have nothing more to do. These all mean the same thing.
My guideline for life is the Bible. It contains all I need to know to live productively and constructively.

”And could you list these guidelines? “
The New Testament in its entirety is the guideline. You have one by the sounds of things.

“We are taking a test and trying to get all the right answers in before Allah tells us to put our pencils down.”
You have given a good illustration. My daughter came home from school the other day very upset with her teacher. I asked her why and she told me she had been given a test and the teacher told them to stop before they had even finished. What will happen to you if GOD tells you to put your pencil down before you have given all the right answers? Even if you have given all the answers, what if some of them are wrong?

“May he open your ears to the truth…”
Again, you believe the Bible, if I am right. In John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the Way the Truth and the Light. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Have you accepted Jesus as the Truth? If not, I pray He may open your ears to Himself.

Ansar Al-'Adl
01-14-2006, 08:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by PrIM3
Yes three coins but each are a form of money... of course I could use it with other coins or money but since we have 3 essence of God we have 3 coins.
so it is kind of like God 3 people but each are a form of God
Again, this is just like the water analogy which refuted. Here thee coins means three different objects. Money is the classification of these objects. Likewise, if you believe in three gods, then you have three seperate objects, each can be classified as god.

The problem with your example is that there is nothing analogous to monotheism in it. Christians believe in one God but here you are giving me an example of three different objects. Can you show me three coins where each coin is a coin, and YET ALL TOGETHER THERE IS STILL ONLY ONE COIN?! Of course not. It doesn't make sense.

Nice try though.

01-14-2006, 09:43 PM
No, I’m not telling you that. GOD knows everything that happened, is happening and ever will happen. He is the all-knowing GOD.
Ok, we agree on this.

One more time: You honestly believe in your heart that the loving GOD of this universe wants to see children abused; women raped; people murdered?
I felt like I answered this many times so I went over what I had said and maybe I’m not explaining this very well. I will try again, but will ask if there is another bro or sis who can do better, please feel free. I really do want you to understand this.

I told you about the path we all start on at the time of birth. The beginning (birth) and end (death) is already determined. Nothing will change that. Regardless of the choices we make the end result will not change. As I explained. the forks on the path represents our free will, our choices, decisions, our tests, etc., that will be used to judge us. Allah, swt, does not will us to do evil, He gives us free will to make choices. He provided the laws, we know what is Halal (permitted) and what is Haram (forbidden). We are free to obey or not obey. If I ask Allah, swt, to help me not to do something, He will guide me, but if I decide to do it, knowing it’s wrong, He won’t prevent me.

The food we eat, the wealth we obtain, the children we have, our health, etc. This is all accomplished, or not, through the will of Allah, swt. He has given us freedom to make decisions, (via the forks in our path), be they good, bad or indifferent. Otherwise, there would be no point in decreeing what is Halal, what is Haram or creating Paradise and Hell.

Does He know the bad things that will happen, yes. Why does He allow bad things to happen to innocent people? Allah, swt, is all knowing, I am not. I can’t tell you that because I don’t have the knowledge or wisdom He has. You can’t attach human attributes to God and question His motives or purpose. We can never know that. In Islam, we submit ourselves totally to Him and accept that no matter what happens, it is part of a greater plan. The other thing that Muslims realize, is that this life here is only short and temporary. So, no matter how bad things may be for us here, it’s short-lived. It’s the life of eternity that we strive for knowing how wonderful it is, no sadness, no death, no poverty, no pain, etc. This limited knowledge of Jannah is nothing compared to the reality of it. We could never comprehend exactly how euphoric Jannah is, just as we can never comprehend the complete greatness in Allah, swt. We are limited in that capacity. Because of these limitations, we as simple humans, make the mistake of associating human attributes to the creator. You can’t do that, ever.

I hope this explains the Islamic stance on this. Really, I don’t know how else to explain it to you.

You say an empty GOD is no GOD at all. Again, let me say this: a humble servant attitude to the least deserving person is a reflection of real strength, honor, and nobility. GOD demonstrated this to the max.
Ummmmm, I think you have that backwards, POBook. I am a slave and servant….to Allah, swt. He is not my servant or slave. Astagfurillah. I do not submit to, worship or fear my family, friends, enemies, etc. I fear only Allah, swt. Allah, swt, has more strength, honour and nobility, etc. than you could ever hope to imagine. He has already demonstrated that through all He has created, through all His revelations and prophets, etc. And, as He said would happen, even after all this, you still refuse to believe. :(

Who are these respected Christian scholars? I would like to know who they are so I can read their commentaries?
Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts, Dr. Frederic Kenyon, Eyre and Spottiswoode, p. 3

In the latter part of the second century, Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth says: "As the brethren desired me to write epistles(letters), I did so, and these the apostles of the devil have filled with tares (changes), exchanging some things and adding others, for whom there is a woe reserved. It is not therefore, a matter of wonder if some have also attempted to adulterate the sacred writings of the Lord, since they have attempted the same in other works that are not to be compared with these."

Bruce M. Metzger's "The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration", 1964

The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture, Bart Ehrman, pp. 3-4

Knox, New Testament Commentary, Introduction, 1955, pg. xiii

"The Apostolic origin of the book, however, is contested by a large body of modern scholars whose position vary from a complete rejection of both its authenticity and its historicity to the admission of Apostolic inspiration and a certain historical value. The unity of the book has been disputed esp. by German scholars, e.g. J. Wellhausen, R. Bultmann. Where its unity is admitted, its attribution to John the Presbyter is favored." [The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, John The Apostle, 1974, pg. 743]

Rev. Professor David Jenkins, the fourth highest-ranking Bishop in the Church of England and the Bishop of Durham had the following admission to make:
"[some of the events in the early mission of Jesus] were not strictly true but were added to the story of Jesus by the early Christians to express their faith in him as a Messiah." [London Daily Mail, page 12, 15/July/1984]

"The Five Gospels," is a 550 page book containing translations of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It was the result of a six year study by 24 Christian scholars from a number of Western universities. They decided to produce a translation of the Gospels which would be uncolored by the translator's personal faith. Their conclusion (page 5) was:
"Eighty-two percent of the words ascribed to Jesus in the gospels were not actually spoken by him."

"The text about the three heavenly witnesses (I John 5:7 KJV) is not an authentic part of the NT." [The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. 4, p.711, Abingdon Press.]

"1 John 5:7 in the KJV reads: 'There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one' but this is an interpolation of which there is no trace before the late fourth century." [The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. 4, p. 871, Abingdon Press.]

"1 John 5:7 in the Textus Receptus (represented in the KJV) makes it appear that John had arrived at the doctrine of the trinity in explicit form ('the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost'), but this text is clearly an interpolation since no genuine Greek manuscript contains it." [The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary, Edited by Allen C. Myers, p. 1020]

"The Dictionary of the Bible," bears the Nihil Obstat, Imprimatur, and Imprimi Potest (official Church seals of approval).

Ingersoll's Works, Vol. 4, p. 266-67

Ok, I have included numerous scholars for you and there are far more, and I’m sure if you researched yourself, which you should, you will see that for yourself.

Yes, I agree with you on this. However, what about GOD’s justice? You believe he punishes, don’t you? Why punish?
I think we have been over this many times already. Of course I believe He punishes and we are warned of punishment for disobeying the commands of Allah, swt. Again, just ask yourself why He told us what is allowed and what is forbidden. Ask yourself why He created a Heaven and Hell. YES, YES, YES, you will be held accountable for your sins. Each one of us responsible for what we do. We were given laws for a reason…..you think He was just bored one day and threw the laws into the holy books….then announced, hehe, just kidding, don’t pay no mind to that. THINK!!! No free passes to Paradise! Strive for it. Free passes to Hell though….just disobey God and live your life as if He doesn’t exist. Achieving Hell is easy for those that want it.

We are at His disposal for Him to do with us as He pleases.
format_quote Originally Posted by -
He would have left us to pay the price for our sin (His justice). He would have had no mercy on us.
He doesn’t leave us….not ever. When we turn to Him in worship and week seek His guidance, he is always there. That is the enormity of His mercy. We don’t have to be perfect to turn to Him. We will be responsible for our sins, sure we will. But, His mercy far out-weighs his anger.

They feel they must pay back the person they offended; they must be good people for GOD. Do you know—and again, please think about this—GOD has forgive you and I for every sin we ever committed; every sin we commit, and every sin we may commit in the future. He has forgiven us, forgiven us, forgiven us!
You don’t think you owe something to God when you sin? You just take his mercy for granted and assume you will be forgiven? Where is the submission to your creator in that logic? If He has already forgiven us there is no incentive to worship Him, no incentive to strive to be better, no incentive to follow His laws. You seem to think God created us so He could worship us. He owes us NOTHING, we owe Him EVERYTHING. That includes turning to Him in complete submission asking for forgiveness and mercy.

Satan means deceiver and liar. Satan is a liar and a deceiver. He will do what He can to get us to commit evil.
Yes!!! Again we agree on something. However, in your case, there are no consequences to you accepting what he suggests. So, you can commit evil….who cares….you don’t answer for anything, right?

If I can use this example: Do people give birth to criminals or innocent children? Do some innocent children grow up to be criminals? Are criminals made criminals or is that a choice to make? In this sense, GOD did not create Satan. Satan chose to become a criminal.
So, if God didn’t create Satan, you’re saying he’s always been around for as long as God, which, by logic, would mean he carries the same powers as God. I will ask you again….WHO created satan? Where did he come from?

No, satan did not outsmart GOD
Well, using your logic, yes he did. You said God didn’t create him and yet God is the creator of all things. If God is the creator of all things, He knows very well what He created in Satan. If Satan shocked God by turning out bad….then yes, you’re saying he tricked or out-smarted God.

Does GOD plan my life or do I plan my life? What gives me the ability to plan on my own, if GOD is the one who plans?
I think I covered that at the beginning of this post.

My point here was not differing or same DNA patterns, but rather just how we have DNA as people on the earth, so Jesus had DNA as a person on this earth.
Ok, whose dna did He share….that was my question.

First, Jesus did not become a man. GOD became a man…he became the man Jesus. Think carefully about this again. H20 is manifested as solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (steam).
According to you God is Jesus, God as Jesus became a man. I don’t care by which name you call Him, the fact remains, He did not appear in the upper room after this “resurrection” as a spirit. I know I mentioned the water/ice/steam analogy before and brother Ansar Al-'Adl has covered this in great detail. You can talk about the chemical breakdown to your heart’s content, but we all know steam evaporates…..you can’t put that back in the jar with your melted ice and water. Even Christian missionaries abroad have stopped using that analogy. :p

The final outcome of this logic is that you can be the holiest person in the world, but in the end, it’s not going to matter one bit. What matters is GOD’s will and what He has planned. He may have planned and willed the most righteous people to go to hell or the most evil people to go to Heaven. This is the logic of what you are saying.
Nope, that’s not what I said at all. I said you will be judged by the choices you make. As far as the righteous going to Hell and the evil entering Jannah, we know where evil people go because we are told in the Qur’an. Only Allah, swt, knows the heart of someone you call righteous. I said this before as well. You might see someone attending a mosque 5 times a day to pray, giving zakat, etc. But you don’t know his heart. You don’t know what else he does in his life. That’s why we can’t say to you, “You are definitely going to Hell, or this one will definitely enter Jannah…..we can’t possibly know what Allah, swt, knows.

Do you do everything GOD has commanded you to do, every day, all day and without any fault?
Of course not, I’ve never claimed divinity. There is only one that is perfect, that is Allah, swt. That is why we have the mercy and love of Allah, swt. He knows we are not perfect and we can turn to Him when we falter to ask for forgiveness and guidance. :)

Why have you quoted verses of Scripture from the gospels? Do you really believe they are true? Do you really believe that have any means of authority?
LOOOOL I quoted your own scripture to show you where what you believe and what it says differ. And, don’t pretend you don’t know that. :p

That’s great. I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are you married?
I am engaged. Inshallah, I will marry later this year.

Once again, please let me refer you to that statement of yours: “…all is by His will and all has been planned long before man was ever created.” Is it GOD’s will and has He planned for you to commit your sins? Is that not to say that He is the sinner and not you?
And, once again, let me refer you to the beginning of this post. :)

Can you describe to me how you combine GOD’s characteristics of Mercy and Justice?
Ummmm, I really don’t think you need me to explain mercy and justice. Quite sure you can do that on your own, so I’m not going into detail about that. lol First, I don’t claim to define the characteristics of God….couldn’t begin to do that…..I can only tell you some. Mercy He gives to those that ask for it and deserves it, not for those who don’t. And, don’t come back and ask me who deserves it. As I explained, that is something only known by Allah, swt. I cannot make that judgment.

How do you know these verses have not been corrupted and changed?
The question is: Do you know which ones have been corrupted and changed? They don’t mean anything to me. I have the Qur’an, remember. :p But, by that statement, you seem to be questioning it yourself. If you are, you better start asking how many others have been changed. In all seriousness POBook, your salvation depends on it.

“First, Jesus did more than simply claim divinity. He acknowledged His divinity and pointed His divinity out to the Jews. John 8:58 says, “’I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, ‘Before Abraham was born, I am.’”
I think I did cover this before, but even if I didn’t, brother Ansar Al-Adl covered it in complete detail in the previous post.

Uffff, you added another post before I could finish this one. Ok, see ya in a bit. loool


Ansar Al-'Adl
01-15-2006, 01:07 AM
Is it okay with everyone if I create a new thread for a discussion on the crucifixion and move POBook's post (#64) to that thread? The crucifixion is a detailed subject that should recieve a thread of its own.


01-15-2006, 03:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
Again, this is just like the water analogy which refuted. Here thee coins means three different objects. Money is the classification of these objects. Likewise, if you believe in three gods, then you have three seperate objects, each can be classified as god.

The problem with your example is that there is nothing analogous to monotheism in it. Christians believe in one God but here you are giving me an example of three different objects. Can you show me three coins where each coin is a coin, and YET ALL TOGETHER THERE IS STILL ONLY ONE COIN?! Of course not. It doesn't make sense.

Nice try though.
Hello, Ansar Al-'Adi
you are very smart in your religion I know that. thank you for caring for my comment.. sorry if this is the wrong topic board for this.. but I saw you posted it on the other pages.

well not really... I am giving you an example of three types of this one MONEY ( God ).

God bless,

01-15-2006, 04:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
Is it okay with everyone if I create a new thread for a discussion on the crucifixion and move POBook's post (#64) to that thread? The crucifixion is a detailed subject that should recieve a thread of its own.

Salam Alaikum Bro Ansar Al-Adl:

lol I think this little tiny post got lost amongst the others. I think it's a good idea. I agree, it's definitely a topic on it's own. :)

Wa'alaikum salam

01-15-2006, 06:55 AM
Greetings Ansar Al-'Adl,

Yes, great idea concerning re-arrangement. I have four quick questions:

1. We are talking about the Trinity. Do we need to start a new thread?
2. Is the metal mercury, a liquid or a solid?
3. Concerning your previous reply, I want to make sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying that if you have a cup of water, for eg., that cup of water cannot be water, ice, and steam at the same time. While it can be either one of these three, it cannot be them all at the same time?
4. Is GOD finite or infinite?

Let me say thank you again for your DETAILED :) involvement.


Oh, one more question. I know you are a Muslim. Do you mind me asking if you are Indian, Arab, Pakastani or of another idendity? It has nothing to do with our conversation. I'm just interested to know. I'm caucasian originally from South Africa and currently living in Europe.

01-15-2006, 07:47 AM
Hello Hana_Aku,

You are responding fast and furious. I think I missed out on one of your earlier responses. I'll get to that--please be patient. I'm going to try and keep up. For now, let me go back and and try clear up one important issue you raised. You are not answering or addressing this issue directly. Let me quote you again:

"The atrocities of others against others happen through His [GOD's]will."
Let me quote my previous questions to you again:

One more time: You honestly believe in your heart that the loving GOD of this universe wants to see children abused; women raped;
people murdered? You honestly believe this? Think about that carefully. To say that those atrocities are GOD’s will is to say that He
planned them, orchestrated them, and carried them out. Do you honestly believe this?
Think carefully…you say “atrocities committed by others against others.” I want to see you say, “And, yes, the murder of little children
by evil people also happens through His will; And, yes, the rape and sexual abuse committed by evil men against innocent women also
happens through His will; And, yes, the cold-blooded abortion committed by heartless parents and abortion providers against innocent,
unborn children also happens through His will.” I challenge you to write those words out as your sincere and honest belief as to who GOD is. I challenge you!
I realize this is another thread--God's Will. But for now, I challenge you to write those words out as your sincere and honest belief as to who GOD is. If you cannot write these out as a reflection of your true beliefs, then you do not understand your own understanding of GOD. I hope I am not coming accross as disrespectful. That is not my intent.

With Sincerity,

01-15-2006, 08:29 AM
Phi 2:5 Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus,
Phi 2:6 who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage.
Phi 2:7 Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of men. And when He had come as a man in His external form,
Phi 2:8 He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death--even to death on a cross.

How fierce are you about this passage from the Bible?
I've got a different version of that, but nevermind....

Pauline authorship of Philippians is "universally accepted" by virtually all Bible scholars, ancient and modern, with the exception of the kenosis passage in Philippians 2:5-11. This may have been an early Christian hymn that Paul quoted, rather than an original Pauline composition. Thank you Mr. Encyclopedia.

And Mr Dictionary lol... Kenosis: The relinquishment of the form of God by Jesus in becoming man and suffering death.
Now lets put the spotlight on Jesus. IS JESUS GOD?

John 5:30 "I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.

John 8:14 Jesus answered them, "Even if I testify about myself, my testimony is true, for I know where I came from, and where I am going; but you don't know where I came from, or where I am going. 8:15 You judge according to the flesh. I judge no one. 8:16 Even if I do judge, my judgment is true, for I am not alone, but I am with the Father who sent me. 8:17 It's also written in your law that the testimony of two people is valid. 8:18 I am one who testifies about myself, and the Father who sent me testifies about me."

Clearly Jesus (AS) is saying that he's not alone. He was sent by the father, who is God. He clearly says the number 2! Don't tell me that he's testifying about himself, and then he's testifying about himself again.

so you might want to come back with ...
8:19 They said therefore to him, "Where is your Father?" Jesus answered, "You know neither me, nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also."

You can interpret this in your way, and I'll interpret it in mine. I see him as a prophet of God, you see him as God. If you know Muhammed (saw), you would know God. If you know Moses (as), you would know God. Because they would have taught you the message of God, therefore, you would be closer to God and know God. But like I said... you can interpret that in your own way, that's fine...

8:29 He who sent me is with me. The Father hasn't left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him."

Mark 10:18 Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good except one-God.

You have given a good illustration. My daughter came home from school the other day very upset with her teacher. I asked her why and she told me she had been given a test and the teacher told them to stop before they had even finished. What will happen to you if GOD tells you to put your pencil down before you have given all the right answers? Even if you have given all the answers, what if some of them are wrong?
Hey, we do the best we can. It's better to get a D then to fail. It's said in the Quran numerous times, and I wish I can count them all for you but it's too many, that God, Allah, is the most merciful. He's the judge on Judgement Day... he knows every disguisting thought we've ever had, every doubt we've ever had in his existence, every time we've disobeyed him... we'll all be accountable for it. He knows every tear we've ever cried for him, every penny we've ever given, every creature we've helped, every time we said his name... God is wise, and he's fair.

Again, you believe the Bible, if I am right. In John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the Way the Truth and the Light. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Have you accepted Jesus as the Truth? If not, I pray He may open your ears to Himself.
I think that a lot of things in the Bible speak truth, but there's a lot of false. And I don't want to endanger my soul by deciding myself which is true, and which is not. Muslims use the Bible a lot for da'wah because there's no way you're going to walk up to a Christian with the Qu'ran and start pointing out passages when they don't believe a lick of it, anyway. Might as well show them their own book, because it does have a ring of truth in it. But it contradicts itself like no tomorrow, and in some passages it makes God to be lesser than God.

01-15-2006, 10:40 AM
Hello again Sumay28,

Thanks for your response. I'm going to respond in more detail to your message. Before doing so, I think we need to make decide on something. Are the gospels truth and lies? If they are lies, you cannot use certain scriptures to refute others. You may be using a lie to refute a truth. You cannot believe some parts of the gospels and not others. Either you have everything to do with the gospels or nothing to do with them. You are using some of the gospel to refute other of the gospel. The logic behind this is that what you are using to refute the gospel may infact not be true in and of itself. Do you understand what I am saying.


01-15-2006, 04:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
Hello Hana_Aku,

If you cannot write these out as a reflection of your true beliefs, then you do not understand your own understanding of GOD. I hope I am not coming accross as disrespectful. That is not my intent.
Peace POBook:

In one of my last 2 posts to you I have clarifed and explained to the best of my ability. I cannot make it any clearer than that. You're asking me the same question over and over and it's like beating a dead horse now. I sincerely apologize if I haven't spoken with clarity. No, you are not being disrespectful at all, I think the problem comes from my end as I am definitely not a writer and oftentimes I have in my head what I want to say but it doesn't come out that way on paper. :giggling: So, in one last attempt on this subject, I will quote from an article written by akulion, a very knowledgeable brother and member of this forum:

What is free will?

Free will (Iridah) means doing things out of ones own decision. It is a concious decision, a decision which demonstrates an objective. The free will of humanity is only restricted to the point of making decisions and acting upon them. But the free will of Allah is the ultimate will. If Allah wills a thing it happens without the least bit of effort. Like he created Adam(as) and Jesus(as) with the command Be and they were. So all the free will of all creation exists by the free will of Allah alone. So he says in the Quran "How can ye will except by the will of Allah?"

What does the Oneness of God mean?

The Oneness of God is an attribute which can be best understood by imagning that nothing exists except Allah. Allah is the One and the only one. All other things that we see hear feel or experience were created by Allah. Wether good or bad things, he is the creator of everything. Thus in turn he is the Only being that exists because He is self-existant, every other thing is dependant upon Him for their existance. Thus Allah is The One.

Why should we submit to Allah if he created so many evil things too and then on top of it we get blamed for it?

This is what the entire trial of life is about! There is no dispute that Allah created ALL things. But the trial is will we after knowing this still be steadfast or will we give up the struggle? Will we after knowing the truth bow in submission to our creator or will we rebel?

The End :)


01-15-2006, 05:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
Hello again Sumay28,

Thanks for your response. I'm going to respond in more detail to your message. Before doing so, I think we need to make decide on something. Are the gospels truth and lies? If they are lies, you cannot use certain scriptures to refute others. You may be using a lie to refute a truth. You cannot believe some parts of the gospels and not others. Either you have everything to do with the gospels or nothing to do with them. You are using some of the gospel to refute other of the gospel. The logic behind this is that what you are using to refute the gospel may infact not be true in and of itself. Do you understand what I am saying.

Salam alaikum sister Sumay and Peace POBook:

I apologize for jumping in on your conversation but I wanted to comment to POBook about this. First YOU believe every word written in the Bible, we as Muslims do not. The parts that agree with the Qur'an we believe, of course. You don't believe the Qur'an at all, so no point in refuting the Bible using the Qur'an. When we, as Muslims, use your own quotes from the Bible, we are using them to show you the contradictions and errors. Can you think of a better way to refute something than using the same words you hold as "gospel" truth.

When you quote from the Bible and say, "This is true because it's in the Bible" What is wrong with someone finding another verse that contradicts and then ask, "If that is true, how can this also be true?" It doesn't mean that person believes in the verse, it means they are pointing to reasons why they can't believe or have reasons to believe there are untruths or errors within the pages of this book of "God's word". If you are shown clear errors and contradictions, as the Christian, you might want to find out why. As Muslims, we already know why.

In the same way, I can ask you why you are using the Bible to explain Trinity, Atonement, etc., when you know we believe it has been corrupted. Wouldn't it be better for you to try to show us where the trinity and atonement exist in the Qur'an? Especially because you know we believe there are some true words of God still contained in the Bible and Torah. If you could do that....well, then you would have accomplished something really amazing. :)

Again, sorry for butting in, :)
Wasalam and Peace,

Ansar Al-'Adl
01-16-2006, 01:22 AM
Hello POBook,
Briefly I'll just respond to the questions you asked.

1. We are talking about the Trinity. Do we need to start a new thread?
At this point the debate on trinity has become mixed with atonement so it would be too difficult to seperate it now.
2. Is the metal mercury, a liquid or a solid?
I'm assuming you mean at room temperature, in which case it is a liquid. More info on mercury here:

I think it is important to point out that a viscous liquid is not both solid and liquid at the same time. It is merely a state that is between solid and liquid.

3. Concerning your previous reply, I want to make sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying that if you have a cup of water, for eg., that cup of water cannot be water, ice, and steam at the same time. While it can be either one of these three, it cannot be them all at the same time?
You cannot have the same matter in three different states at the same time. You could have an ice cube floating in water and some steam on top, but this isn't the same matter existing in three different states.
4. Is GOD finite or infinite?
Although the obvious answer is infinite, this often becomes a semantical issue. i.e. determining what exactly it means to be infinite.

Hello PrIM3,
well not really... I am giving you an example of three types of this one MONEY ( God ).
Does it make sense to say one money?? Is money an object itself that can either be one or two or three, etc. ? Does it make sense to you if I said, "I have three moneys and he has one money" ? No it doesn't. I already pointed out that money is a TYPE of resource. It is not an object itself. Coins are objects and so you can have multiple coins, but money is not an object itself. So for you to say that you have [b]three coins but altogether one money[/i] is a meaningless statement and fails to save the trinity.


01-16-2006, 03:57 PM
Hello again Hana_Aku,

In message # 69 I said, “I assume if you accept as truth certain verses from the gospels, you accept as truth all verses of the gospels? Yes or No?”

This was part of your response:
“Never assume anything. Lol Who said I accepted those as truth?”
Does this mean that you do not accept any of the gospels as truth? Or do you accept some of the gospels as truth and the rest not?

“As I said the disciples of Jesus were not eye-witnesses or ear-witnesses to the actual events of the previous three days, as attested to by Mark who says that at the most critical point in the life of Jesus: "they all forsook him and fled." (Mark 14:50).”
First, I assume that if you use this verse to support your argument, then this verse is truth? Am I correct? Second, please understand the context of this verse. When the crowd came to arrest Jesus, yes the disciples did run. They did not want to be arrested and go through what Jesus went through. Does this mean that that they were no longer eye or ear witnesses? I don’t think it means this. Please allow me now to use a verse of Scripture to support my argument. First, let’s consider the disciple Peter. Yes, Mark 14:50 says they all forsook Him and fled. In vs 53 we read how these men who arrested Jesus took him to the high priest. In vs 54 we read,

“Peter followed Him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest. There he sat with the guards and warmed himself by the fire.”

Now, you have used a verse of scripture to support your argument, so I assume you accept this verse of scripture as truth as well. If I may, I would like to turn your attention to the gospel of John and continue with this situation. John 18:15-16 reads,

“Simon Peter and another disciple were following Jesus. Because the disciple was known to the high priest, he went with Jesus into the high priest’s courtyard, but Peter had to wait outside the door. The other disciple, who was known to the high priest, came back, spoke to the girl on duty there and brought Peter in.”

At this point, Peter begins his denial of Jesus. We know that Peter denied that he knew Jesus three times and Mark’s Gospel records that when the rooster crowed three times, Peter broke down and wept (Mark 14:72). We can see from these verses that we have two disciples who were following Jesus and watching all that was going on. Now look at John 19:26 where Jesus had been sentenced to death and was now being crucified,

"When Jesus saw His mother there, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, ‘Dear woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’” From that time on this disciple took her into his home.”

Now, is it not fair to say that the disciples of Jesus were eye-witnesses and ear-witnesses of the previous three days? It is easy to take one verse of scripture and make it mean what you believe. But if you are going to take one verse of Scripture and use it as truth, then you must take other verses and use them as truth. You cannot take one and throw the others away because they do not reflect what you believe. What is also important in any material you read, is to understand things in context. When you take anything out of context, you can make it mean what you would like it to mean and not what it actually means.

I will respond to other questions you posed. For now, lets keep it shorter and try work through one issue at a time. I look forward to your reply and I glad to know that you continue in dialogue. Thanks!:)

01-16-2006, 09:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku
Salam alaikum sister Sumay and Peace POBook:

I apologize for jumping in on your conversation but I wanted to comment to POBook about this. First YOU believe every word written in the Bible, we as Muslims do not. The parts that agree with the Qur'an we believe, of course. You don't believe the Qur'an at all, so no point in refuting the Bible using the Qur'an. When we, as Muslims, use your own quotes from the Bible, we are using them to show you the contradictions and errors. Can you think of a better way to refute something than using the same words you hold as "gospel" truth.

When you quote from the Bible and say, "This is true because it's in the Bible" What is wrong with someone finding another verse that contradicts and then ask, "If that is true, how can this also be true?" It doesn't mean that person believes in the verse, it means they are pointing to reasons why they can't believe or have reasons to believe there are untruths or errors within the pages of this book of "God's word". If you are shown clear errors and contradictions, as the Christian, you might want to find out why. As Muslims, we already know why.

In the same way, I can ask you why you are using the Bible to explain Trinity, Atonement, etc., when you know we believe it has been corrupted. Wouldn't it be better for you to try to show us where the trinity and atonement exist in the Qur'an? Especially because you know we believe there are some true words of God still contained in the Bible and Torah. If you could do that....well, then you would have accomplished something really amazing. :)

Again, sorry for butting in, :)
Wasalam and Peace,

You said it...thank you. Butt in anytime. Saves me some typing work. :)

This is your book, POBook. This is what you use as guidance, as you have said. So Allah is using me as the means to guide you with your own book to the truth.

01-16-2006, 11:04 PM
Peace POBook:

Ok, before we go any further I want to make my position perfectly clear....although I felt I did that already but maybe you didn't read it yet.

Now, you have used a verse of scripture to support your argument, so I assume you accept this verse of scripture as truth as well.
First, NO, I do not follow the people who authored the Bible. Saying "as well" means you are trying to make it seem like I believed in that and other verses. I have said very clearly, I did not.

YOU claim your book is truth, all truth, the word of God. That is not MY claim. You are telling me you believe such and such is true because of a particular verse. I am responding to you and explaining WHY that can't be true. I'm not telling you "because the Qur'an said so". (If it were that easy you would have said the Shahadah.) I am showing you, with the very words you claim to be God's, that there are errors, contradictions, plays with translations, etc. I don't have to believe what these verses say, I only need show you WHY what you claim to be true, cannot be true or why I don't believe them.

If you ask me a question about Islam and I quote a verse from the Qur'an, and you come back and say, "Well, I think this verse says different." Does that mean you believe in that one particular verse?? Of course not, that's absurd.

I am refuting verses contained in the bible using the very words inside the Bible you claim to be truth. The Bible contradicts Itself I am simply showing you.

As far as context of verses go, yes, I agree, you can make a verse appear to be anything you want, but when you look at it with logic, it should make sense, and if that verse is inside a book you call The Word of God, there shouldn't be ONE error or contradiction. If one, and it only needs one, is pointed out to you, it is your responsibility to search the truth. It's your salvation on the line here, not mine.

I don't like it when someone tries to twist things to move away from the topic at hand. If I ask you something and you don't know, there's nothing wrong with saying that you don't know, and vice versa. It's an opportunity to learn. But, do not make assumptions about what I hold as truth. My truth is in the Qur'an NOT the Bible.

Having said that, if you completely understand where I am coming from, I will be more than happy to continue our dialogue as I was enjoying it up until this point.

I will wait to hear from you.

Take care and peace,

01-17-2006, 12:15 AM
Peace POBook:

I decided to respond to this one part while waiting for you to decide if you want to continue with our conversation. I didn't want you to think I was backing away, I just don't like where your tactics were headed.

Now look at John 19:26 where Jesus had been sentenced to death and was now being crucified,

"When Jesus saw His mother there, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, ‘Dear woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’” From that time on this disciple took her into his home.”

Now, is it not fair to say that the disciples of Jesus were eye-witnesses and ear-witnesses of the previous three days? It is easy to take one verse of scripture and make it mean what you believe.
Yes, it is absolutely fair to say there were no eye/ear witnesses. The writer of John is writing on hearsay....he wasn't there. Peter, ran out on Jesus, he didn't stick around to see him hanging on the cross.

Speaking of making text believe what you want, the perfect example is in your quote. Please show me where ONE eye-witness wrote about seeing Jesus on the cross. All they knew they HEARD, that's why they thought they were looking at a ghost. They believed from all they were told that He was dead. The most important event in Christian doctrine and not ONE person recorded the event as it transpired....not ONE. Yet, the man who absolutely hated Jesus and tried to kill him writes something years later (again, not an eyewitness), and you believe it is the answer to your salvation. :rollseyes


01-17-2006, 07:51 AM
Hello Hana_Aku,

I can tell you are getting aggravated. Please understand that this is not my intention. But I have to tell you that a lot of what you say does not make sense--is not logical. Again, I do not mean this in a derogatory way. Please think about this. Allow me once again to give you an example of what I am talking about: Earlier you made the following statement:
“As I said the disciples of Jesus were not eye-witnesses or ear-witnesses to the actual events of the previous three days, as attested to by Mark who says that at the most critical point in the life of Jesus: "they all forsook him and fled." (Mark 14:50).”
Here you are using a verse of scripture to support your statement that Jesus did not have any eyewitnesses. This was a later statement by you:
First, NO, I do not follow the people who authored the Bible. Saying "as well" means you are trying to make it seem like I believed in that and other verses. I have said very clearly, I did not.
Please allow me to ask you once again: If you do not follow the people who authored the Bible; if you do not believe "in that and other verses", then how can you use a verse to support your point of view? It's like saying, "I don't believe this but I will base my argument on it." Do you understand what I am saying? You cannot choose parts of scripture and ignore others. You cannot decide some of it to be true and other to be false. If some of it is true, all of it is true. If some of it is false, all of it is false. If it is all false, you cannot use it to support your argument.

Again, I don't intend to be disrespectful. I respect you for what you believe. I simply want you to see the "dis-logic" (if there is such a word) behind your approach. I would like to read a reply to this message.


01-17-2006, 02:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
Hello Hana_Aku,

I can tell you are getting aggravated. Please understand that this is not my intention. But I have to tell you that a lot of what you say does not make sense--is not logical...Here you are using a verse of scripture to support your statement that Jesus did not have any eyewitnesses. This was a later statement by you:

Please allow me to ask you once again: If you do not follow the people who authored the Bible; if you do not believe "in that and other verses", then how can you use a verse to support your point of view? It's like saying, "I don't believe this but I will base my argument on it."
Peace POBook:

Actually, I am not at all aggravated. But, the point is that if you can't see the logic in how the Bible is refuted, then what is the point in having dialogue? And, right, I don't have to believe it to base an argument on it, especially when my argument is about contradictions of verses that you claim are both true. When you say, "Everything in this book (any book), is the absolute truth, be assured, there will be people looking at it for untruths and when they find them, they will comment." THAT is logic. When you are referring to a book you say is God's word, there is absolutely NO room for error. If you say this is true because the bible says so here and I am showing you it cannot be true because of the verse I found here...(one contradicting the other), THAT is logic. If I said, "oh, I believe this verse is God's word, but this verse is not, but the Bible is still God's word." THAT is beyond illogical. Either the whole book is God's word or it isn't. It's not rocket science, POBook. If there is ONE error, contradiction, man-made verse, etc., it is no longer the word of God.

This is how the debating of a topic works, POBook....it is not my invention. Again, in clear, simple words: If you claim the Bible is ALL truth, you better be prepared for people to look at it for untruth and when they clearly show you, don't try to say, "your point isn't valid because you don't believe in the bible." That's another way of saying, "I have no answer to explain that error, so I'll side-step the issue with accusations that invalidate the dialogue that was accepted prior." Watch any debate between Christians and Muslims, or any political debate....the process is no different. Sorry, that's a cop out and I feel you are trying to side-step the issue because you can't logically explain the contradictions. For me, it makes no difference if you can explain them or not or whether you choose to believe them even after people have shown you the problem. That choice is yours. I would think no different of you one way or another. The old adage, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." What you hope to do is post any verse you want and have it accepted, blindly and use the scape-goat...."you can't say anything different because you don't believe in the bible." Sorry, again, as Muslims we don't share your blind faith. God has taught us to use our minds and our logic to see the errors in what the People of the Book claim to be His word,He tells us they are there and what to look for, and He goes so far as to challenge anyone to find one error or contradiction in the Qur'an.

So, basically, if you can't understand how the process of refuting statements works, why do you bother engaging in such dialogue? And, no, I don't feel disrespected at all, it's just that you are resorting to typical tactics when you can't explain something, and I would prefer to have you say, "I don't know, but I have faith it's true." It's better than creating a scape goat. :) We are going off topic here, so if you want to continue, we can just pick up where we left off.

Sincerely and Peace,

01-18-2006, 01:11 AM
Hello Hana_Aku Peace.

format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku
Hello and Peace PrIM3:

Thank you for the Christian definition of Atonement. :p Now I will provide the universal definition as per Webster's Dictionary: vi. & vt. expiate; make reparation. And the online dictionary: 1. making of amends: the making of reparation for a sin or a mistake
2. A·tone·mentreconciliation between God and people: in Christian belief, the reconciliation between God and people brought about by the death of Jesus Christ (as you see, a slight variation of the word).
Actually, the definition I gave you was the online definition.

format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku
This comes from Paul, not Jesus, pbuh. Can you show me where Jesus, pbuh, is quoted as saying that?
hope you don't mind me quoting from Hebrews
but in Hebrew 1:1-8
1In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. 3The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 4So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.
5For to which of the angels did God ever say,
"You are my Son;
today I have become your Father"?
Or again,
"I will be his Father,
and he will be my Son"?
6And again, when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says,
"Let all God's angels worship him." 7In speaking of the angels he says,
"He makes his angels winds,
his servants flames of fire." 8But about the Son he says,
"Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever,
and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.

format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku
God, doesn't capture, He guides. He sent the same message to all the prophets, "Thy Lord Thy God is ONE God." Do not worship other's beside Allah, swt. It is your first commandment. Don't try to bring God down to our level, this is impossible. Just as it is impossible for us to fully comprehend the greatness of God. God sent the message to you through Jesus...the way to eternal life is to keep the commandments. No need for all these other additions to His message. It's simple and it's clear....Worship God, obey the commandments.
ok well before a guide starts guiding he must first do something to capture your attention.. and it was His love that captured my heart nothing else.

"Thy Lord Thy God is ONE God."
Yes He is one... have you ever read the ONE as plural?
like the us army... the ARMY of ONE... how can so many people be 1?

though they are different they are all one..

may I ask what do the commandments mean to you?

thanks agian,
God bless

01-18-2006, 01:16 AM
Hello Ansar Al-'Adl-- How are you doing today?

format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl

Hello PrIM3,

Does it make sense to say one money?? Is money an object itself that can either be one or two or three, etc. ? Does it make sense to you if I said, "I have three moneys and he has one money" ? No it doesn't. I already pointed out that money is a TYPE of resource. It is not an object itself. Coins are objects and so you can have multiple coins, but money is not an object itself. So for you to say that you have [b]three coins but altogether one money[/i] is a meaningless statement and fails to save the trinity.

what I am saying even though the dime the nickle and the quoter are all different they are all types of this MONEY

01-18-2006, 01:33 AM
Peace be upon yall

Part of the creator is created? 'being made in human likeness'

This is Justice>>'It's like a judge who hands down a sentence to a criminal. The judge then steps down from his judgement seat and takes the criminal's sentence and serve the sentence he gave to the criminal, on behalf of that criminal.'

A man comits a crime and the man goes free, because someone wants to pay the price for him, for example, we have a killer on death row, imagine justice, a man comes and says 'I will take the place of that killer but let the killer free' interesting idea of justice.

01-18-2006, 01:49 AM
Salam, hope you're all ok.

I was reading this thread and there are a couple of things which kind of confuse me and i hope POBook can explain. (sorry i've not used direct quotes etc this is my first post so still getting used to it)

I don't understand how can God be Just if everyone is born a sinner without doing anything wrong? I do not see the justice in that, why should a man have to pay for something that someone did way before his time? For example a man commits robbery but the judge sentences all his family for it, his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren, i'm sure you catch my drift, where's the logic and justice behind that?

Assuming that everyone was born a sinner then wouldn't God prefer people, His creation, to ask for his forgiveness, don't you agree that God is most Merciful? If so then surely he would forgive everyone for their 'sins'. According to Christianity, if you believe in Jesus (pbuh) then you will go to heaven, does that mean if you're a bad person who commits robbery, rape etc but believe in Jesus (pbuh) you will still go to heaven? Surely God would not like someone who has committed lots of crime to go straight to heaven.

Final point, i don't see the logic behind God coming down into human form to wash away the sins of mankind. Why would God come down to earth and sacrifice Himself to forgive the sins? You gave an analogy earlier on of this being similar to a judge taking the punishment of a criminal. Do you not agree that it would be better for the criminal to serve his punishment so that he learns his lesson instead of letting someone completely innocent having to pay for the criminal's crimes? When Jesus (pbuh) was being sacrificed and he looked up to the sky and said "Father, Father why hast thou forsaken me?" does this mean that the Father part of God has more power than the Son if He can forsake Him? (sorry i don't really seem to be able understand trinity) If He knew this was going to happen all along why did Jesus (pbuh) say this?

It's getting late so i'm going to head off now, hope you can clear up my confusion POBook, thanks.

(P.S. Is Adam (pbuh) Jesus' (pbuh) brother? Neither had a father and Adam (pbuh) did not even have a human mother! Then that means there are 4 essences to God, right?)

Ansar Al-'Adl
01-18-2006, 03:33 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by PrIM3
Hello Ansar Al-'Adl-- How are you doing today?
Praise be to God, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

what I am saying even though the dime the nickle and the quoter are all different they are all types of this MONEY
I understand that, and I pointed out before that this analogy doesn't work because you believe in ONE God yet there is nothing in your analogy that is only ONE. You can't say that there is ONE money, because money is not an object, it is a type of resource. You have three coins in your analogy, but how are those three coins ONE OBJECT/ENTITY? They aren't. Yes they are all money but that is describing what type of thing they are, not how many things there are.

I hope that makes sense.

01-18-2006, 11:18 AM
Trying to figure out how to post graphics through URL

01-18-2006, 01:56 PM
Hello Ansar Al-‘Adl,

Thank YOU for that looooooong post. Thank you too for your patience. Again, I appreciate your continuing dialogue! Thank you for answering the questions I posted earlier. I realize you are pretty busy with this forum. I was able to finally enter the chat room. Those guys are fast in typing!!

I’m going to try another route. I am including three detailed illustrations and I hope I am clear in my communication concerning these. I appreciate what you are saying concerning the use of water as a solid, liquid, gas and it’s “inability” to describe the Trinity. If I may repeat myself: my understanding of what you are saying is that while water can be either one of these three, it cannot be them all at the same time. It is either solid or it is liquid or is gas. Gas is gas, not liquid. Gas cannot be gas and liquid at the same time. So, GOD can be either Father, Son, or Holy Spirit, but He cannot be each of them at the same time. Am I correct in my understanding of what you are saying? If I am correct and while I say this, to me personally, I believe it is an acceptable illustration from the point that I mentioned earlier—that around our globe water is water and can be found in the forms of liquid, solid, and gas all at the same time. So, while GOD may be a solid, He is also a liquid, and He is also a gas—all at the same time. However, allow me to provide further illustrations.

Concerning the illustration you provided: I do not think this illustration is totally accurate.

I agree that the Father is not the Son; the Son is not the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is not the Father. If I am correct in my understanding of this illustration, it says that GOD can be either one of these three, but He cannot be all three of them at the same time. Am I correct? The problem with this illustration is that it separates these three entities from one another, making them each GOD on their own. GOD does not exist in this fashion. I understand your point about this issue not being about measure but about nature. For one thing, however, part of GOD’s nature is His measure. Part of our nature as humans is that we are finite creatures. Part of GOD’s nature is that He is an infinite Creator—we can never truly measure GOD out. I think that to say GOD cannot be all three of these at the same time is to limit Him; is to make Him finite. This is what this illustration does. I am not suggesting that my illustrations are infinite. They are not. They are simply finite illustrations trying to illustrate an infinite GOD.

You said:
“Each of these three has unique characteristics which they do not share. For example, the father is unbegotten where as the son is 'begotten' (or generated) from the father and the spirit proceeds from the father.”
Yes, I agree with the fact that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit each have unique characteristics otherwise they would not be Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. However, they do share in some of their characteristics. Yes, the Father is un-begotten and the Son is begotten. However, the Father is perfect and without sin and the Son is perfect and without sin and the Holy Spirit is also perfect and without sin. Yes the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, but the Father and the Spirit are both Spirit beings. Yes, there certainly are distinguishing characteristics but there are also identical characteristics.

Allow me to try and illustrate once again (illustrations I’m sure you have already encountered and ones I’m sure await rebuttal). First, I would like to try and use a simple triangle to illustrate the Trinity. A triangle is comprised of three lines. Each of these three while they can be different in some respects (different colors), are identical in other respects (exactly the same length). In order for a triangle to be a triangle, each of the three lines must be present and they must be connected. Consider these next three illustrations:

Allow me to make something clear concerning these three graphics. While the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are GOD, they are not GOD on their own. This would either make three gods or it would not define who GOD truly is. It is impossible for a triangle to be what it is using only one or two lines. The triangle is not one of it’s own lines. I hope you can understand my point. A triangle is not a triangle when there is an attempt to define it for what it is by using only one or two of its identical and differing entities. Either the triangle is the triangle with the yellow line, the red line and the blue, or it is not a triangle. Consider this next illustration:

In the same way, it is impossible for GOD to be who He is with only one or two of His entities.

GOD is not GOD when there is an attempt to define Him for what He is by using only one or two of His identical but also differing entities. Either GOD is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit at the same time, or He is not GOD at all.

Consider this next illustration:

Matthew 16:17: “And Jesus responded, ‘Simon son of Jonah, you are blessed because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father in heaven.’”
Matthew 16:16: “Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!"
John 14:16-17: “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever. He is the Spirit of truth. The world is unable to receive Him because it doesn't see Him or know Him. But you do know Him, because He remains with you and will be in you.”

Again, the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father. There are distinguishing characteristics between these three. The Son is not all-places. The Holy Spirit is not a human being. The Father is un-begotten. However, they each have identical characteristics that they do share. The Father and the Son are all-powerful. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all-knowing. The Father and the Holy Spirit are all-places. The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit are all perfect in character. The Father and the Son are Workers of Miracles. The Father and the Holy Spirit are a Comforter and a Counselor. Yes, there are people who are comforters and counselors, but are they all-places? Yes, there are people who are workers of miracles, but are they all-knowing? Yes, their maybe people who are perfect in character (although I have my doubts) but are they all-powerful? The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all share in these characteristics because they are one and they same.

A third illustration in words. Consider the head, the arms, and the legs of a body. The head is not the arm; the arm is not the leg, and the leg is not the head. The head, arm, and leg are each separate entities. Can they survive on their own? Of course not. But that’s not who are what they are. They each have differing attributes. The leg has a foot; the arm has a hand and the head has eyes. However, they each have identical attributes as well. The leg and the arm each have five body parts. The leg and the arm each have nails. The leg, the arm, and the head each have skin; they each have pores. Would the body be what it is without these? Again, this is a limited illustration in the sense that a body can be a body without an arm. But can it be a perfect body without an arm?

I realize that you probably have rebuttals for these illustrations. But please know, born-again followers of Jesus do not believe in three gods. Our GOD is one GOD—the Creator of the universe; the Sustainer of our souls; the Savior of our human spirit.

In my previous message I said:
“We do not maintain only ONE God and the existence of these three ‘persons’. GOD exists as three at the same time He exists as one.”
This was your question:
“What is the difference between these two statements?”
To maintain one GOD and the existence of three ‘persons’, is to say that GOD and these three ‘persons’ are separate entities from one another. The three lines of the triangle cannot be separate entities from one another. They have to be joined together to be a triangle. GOD is not a separate entity from Himself. He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit joined together. This is who GOD is. In this context, it takes three joined together to make one.

Concerning my question in my last message to you,
“What does this verse of Scripture mean to you: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD”? (John 1:1)
Part of your response was the following:
“First of all, it is not Jesus speaking who never claimed to be God.”
Am I correct in assuming then, that if Jesus was the one speaking, you would accept that as truth (My dad always told me assumptions are dangerous!)? What do these words of Jesus mean to you:
“The Father, in fact, judges no one but has given all judgment to the Son, so that all people will honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Anyone who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him” (John 5:22-23)?

What do these words of Jesus mean to you: “Then the Pharisees asked Jesus, ‘Where is your father?’ ‘You don’t know me or my Father,’ Jesus replied. ‘If you knew me, you would know my Father also’” (John 8:19)?

What do these words of Jesus mean to you: “"We aren't stoning You for a good work," the Jews answered, "but for blasphemy, because You--being a man--make Yourself God (These were not the words of Jesus but those of the Pharisees as quoted by John). Jesus responded, “But if I am doing them and you don't believe Me, believe the works. This way you will know and understand that the Father is in Me and I in the Father” (John 10:35, 38)?

What do these words of Jesus mean to you, “When he looks at me, he sees the One who sent me” (John 12:45)?

Finally, what do you think about these words of Jesus: “Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you know Me, you will also know My Father. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him." "Lord," said Philip, "show us the Father, and that's enough for us." Jesus said to him, "Have I been among you all this time without your knowing Me, Philip? The one who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I speak to you I do not speak on My own. The Father who lives in Me does His works. Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Otherwise, believe because of the works themselves” (John 14:6-11)?

Through these verses, Jesus was not simply claiming to be GOD. If He claimed to be GOD, then GOD would not exist. Jesus would exist. Jesus was pointing out that He was GOD--GOD in the flesh.

I will certainly do some research on the commentary by Dr. Ali Ataie and Dr. Lawrence Brown. I will respond to these.

In my previous message I said,
“I do not equate Jesus with GOD.”
This was your response,
“When you say that God is Jesus and Jesus is God, that is equating the two, to me at least.”
I think there is a difference between equating Jesus with GOD and saying that Jesus is GOD. To say that Jesus is GOD is exactly who He is. To equate Jesus with GOD is to suggest that Jesus is one entity and GOD is another entity and these two entities are the same. GOD is not two entities. He is one triangular entity.

“God is also All-knowing. He already knows the consequences of what He will do and He is not a human to have to think them over.”
I agree with you. GOD is not simply a human to have to think over anything. Do you see GOD as One who can change His mind? Do you believe that GOD created man “in His own image” (Genesis 1:27)?

“Why waste time? Just tell everyone, "Hey I'm going to die for your sins because I love you so much" and get it over with.”
My personal understanding here is that Jesus did not want anyone to say that He did not give them a chance to accept who He was and why He came. Jesus was willing to spend time with people to make His message clear, so no one could say, “You didn’t tell us; we had no time to decide; we didn’t understand you.”

“The point was that God just had to die because someone needed to be punished for all these sins.”
GOD did not have to die. The only people who needed and deserved to be punished for their sins were those guilty of committing sins. I know I can be repetitive, but God loved us so much, that He was willing to come to this earth and pay the penalty for the sins we committed against Him. This was a choice He made for our benefit.

”Secondly, there were believers before the time of Prophet Jesus who already had a perfect system of forgiveness in effect.”
This is another thread but for now, there was never a perfect system of forgiveness in effect.

“But He wanted to be killed and seeing as that was the purpose of His vacation on earth, He should have said so immediately.”
First, and again, GOD to not want to be killed. He was willing to come to this earth and pay the price for our sins--He was`willing to die. This is not to say that He wanted to be killed. What He wanted to do was redeem us Himself. His desire for this was sooo great, that He was willing to do what it was going to take. This is not the same as saying He was wanting to be killed. There is a difference between a willingness to die and a wanting to be killed.

Second, GOD did not come to this earth for a vacation. He came to this earth to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

“So from a Christian perspective, there is now no difference between a pious Christian and a mass-murder and rapist. Both will go to paradise because God has paid for their sins. People should have fun and do whatever they like in this world, sinning as much as possible, because God has paid for their sins.”
I keep seeing people respond to me with this form of thinking. I’m not sure where I might be going wrong in my communication. But let me try again. Because GOD has paid the price for our sins does not mean that every person is going to paradise. Before GOD became our sacrificial atonement, there was only one way for us—hell; punishment; retribution. There was no other option. There was no choice. When we chose to sin, we lost the right to choose our eternal destiny. We placed ourselves at the disposal of GOD’s punishment for our sin. When GOD came to this earth and became our sacrificial atonement, what He did was create a road to heaven. He did not have to do this. Because He loves us greatly, He was willing to do what it would take to create this way. Does He instruct us to take the way of forgiveness? No. It's a simple offer that did not exist before. We can choose to reject His forgiveness.

Think about this example again. If a judge hands out a sentence to a law breaker, say, the payment of 100 pounds and then goes with the law breaker to the payment office, takes out the 100 pounds and pays the sentence on behalf of the law breaker, a couple of things have been accomplished. First, the sentence has been paid, has it not? Second, neither the Judge nor anyone else can tell that law breaker they still need to pay the 100 pounds. Third, the law breaker has a choice now: He can willingly acknoweldge from his heart that he was a true law breaker and make a sincere commitment to follow the law and then humbly accept what the Judge has done for him, and leave in freedom, or he can insist on paying the fine so he feels better about himself (if he has any conscience). Sure, he can say sorry for his crime and then leave and carry on a life of crime. This is a choice he has taken to not follow the road of forgivness, but rather the road of sin. True repentance is seen in more than words. It is seen in lifestyle and motives.This is a very small example in that our sin does not cost money; it costs life—and it cost GOD his life on behalf of us. We can acknowledge that by nature we are sinful people, tell GOD we are truly sorry for what we have done wrong and accept that gift of forgiveness that He offers us through the His death on the cross. Or, we can reject the offer of forgiveness and stay on the road leading to hell. The choice is ours. GOD is not going to force this on us. But no one will ever be able to say that GOD did not give them a fair chance.

“What do you mean by destruction? God has paid for their sins so why will they be punished?”
By destruction I mean eternity in hell as opposed to eternity in heaven. People will pay for their sins because they have rejected GOD’s forgiveness. They pay for their sins because that is now their choice. Before the atonement, there was no choice. Now, there is a choice. We simply have to make it.

“So from the crucifixion of Jesus the only difference that it made is that we will no longer be blamed for what Adam did (original sin)? But we still sins and still will be punished for our sins? Seems a little pointless to me.”
We are never blamed for what Adam did. We are blamed for what we do. Every single person on the face of this earth who has ever existed, exists, and ever will exist, has sinned, sins, and will sin. There is no perfect human being. The only human being who was without sin because He was more than simply a human being, was Jesus Christ.

Yes, we still sin. But if we have accepted the forgiveness of GOD through His atonement, He has forgiven us of every sin we committed in the past, every sin we commit in the present and every sin we will commit in the future. Does this mean it’s OK to sin? NO! If it's OK to sin, then we have not truly accepted; we have not truly repented. Many people think that as long as they say sorry to GOD, they will be OK. That's not going to work! But I question someone who says they have taken the road of forgiveness and at the same time are still willingly sin.

“Let me be more specific. What happens to a Christian who rapes and steals and tortures and murders innocent people? God paid for his sins so he is set for paradise, right?”
Wrong. First of all, true Christians—born-again Christians (John 3)—do not continue on in a lifestyle of raping, stealing, torturing, and murdering innocent people. They do not continue on in this lifestyle as it may relate to guilty people. True born-again Christians have a change of lifestyle that intrigues many people. Does this mean that I say are true born-again Christians are perfect people who are better than the rest? NO! But this life and the people and things of this life are no longer our priorities and our senses of identity and happiness. A close and daily walk with Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior becomes our priority. A sinner who has raped, stolen, tortured, or murdered someone and who has come to GOD in sincere repentance for his sin, accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, will receive GOD's forgiveness. This is where many people stumble. They have committed what are in our eyes, terrible sins. They feel that GOD can never forgive them. They fail to realize that GOD sees us all the same--sinners--and loved us sooo much, He was willing to sacrifice Himself on our behalf.

In a way, I’m very glad you asked this question. I realize this is also another thread but if I may say this for now: born again Christianity is not some religion about GOD; it’s a personal relationship with GOD. Born-again Christianity is not Crusader in the historical understanding of this word; it is not Roman Catholicism; it is not Baptist (I am a Baptist by denomination), Methodist, Presbyterian, or Pentecostal; it is not Mormonism, Seventh-day-Adventist or Church of Science. These (some more than others) are all religions. Many people who are not Christian by religion or are true born-again Christians are members of these churches and attend church each week. This is not true Christianity by Biblical definition. They are just differing religious people.

Again, thank you for your time and partnership in this dialogue. Thank you for reading through this looooooong message. I look forward to your reply.


01-18-2006, 02:18 PM
Hello PrIM3 and Peace:

Actually, the definition I gave you was the online definition.
Well, I think you must have left off the other definition, because I also gave the online definition and there was a difference, as you could plainly see. Doesn't really matter, as I'm sure you're not trying to imply the word "atonement" was a solely Christian created word. It's simply an english word you use to describe what you believe Jesus did for you.

hope you don't mind me quoting from Hebrews
You can quote whatever you like, but Hebrews wasn't written by Jesus. It is the author's perception and ideas. It has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus. There was not ONE word attributed to Jesus in that passage you quoted. So, it proves nothing, except the author has an imagination and wasn't taught by Jesus, as the messages vary greatly. I would like to thank you though. You are proving my point that Jesus never taught what Christians claim but you do follow the doctrine created by Paul.

.. before a guide starts guiding he must first do something to capture your attention.. and it was His love that captured my heart nothing else.
God isn't a tour guide. He sent revelation...that should have been enough to grab your attention, and it worked for a short time, until man decided to destroy what was ordained. Then He sent His last prophet and messenger, Muhammed, pbuh, with the final AND protected revelation to ALL mankind....not just a particular nation. Did He capture your attention and make you stand up and take notice?? Of course He loves His creations, but not those that disobey what He commanded. The first commandment, do not associate partners with God, (not an exact quote, but the meaning). You are breaking the most important commandment of God. Thy Lord Thy God is ONE God. Not one God divided into 3, ONE!!

"Thy Lord Thy God is ONE God."
Yes He is one... have you ever read the ONE as plural?
like the us army... the ARMY of ONE... how can so many people be 1?
First....the word ARMY is singular...ONE army. The plural of army is ARMIES.
And, once again, you have proven what we have been trying to tell you all along. "Army of One", means ONE person that had the abiblity to do everything on his own without the need of others. That one individual was able to perform all functions ALONE, NO PARTNERS, NO ASSISTANT. If you want to use that analogy to compare God, then yes, you are correct in the sense He can do everything on His own without help. He stands ALONE!

But, let me try to look at it from your point of view, One Army, consisting of many men working for the same cause. I assume this is where you were going with this....if not, please correct me. So, you have different platoons within this army, each platoon performing a specific function necessary to maintain the oneness of the army as a whole. But, what happens when you remove one of these platoons, say the artiliary guys?? The army fails to function as a whole....the army becomes less than what it was. So, either way, the analogy still doesn't work the way you would like, but it does prove the ONENESS of God, as taught by all the Prophets. :)

may I ask what do the commandments mean to you?
It's not what they mean to me....the commandments are not open for interpretation. You are commanded to follow them. As I said, the first one is the most important and you break it by associating others with God. Don't you think God would have made it perfectly clear that He is one, divided into 3, rather than consistently insisting on the ONENESS of God?

I've mentioned to you before that you will never come up with an analogy that will work to explain the trinity for one simple reason....it doesn't exist. Where your salvation is based on this concept, I am confident God would make it perfectly clear and unquestionable...He is not the author of confusion...remember that.

Take care and peace

01-18-2006, 03:00 PM
Salam Tahir,

Thanks for your questions and your interest.

“I don't understand how can God be Just if everyone is born a sinner without doing anything wrong?”
Someone may not be born a sinner by behavior. We are all born sinners by nature. A point comes in all our lives where the first sin of many to come is committed. We all know that none of us is perfect by nature. A point also comes where our conscience convicts us. We know we sin. This is an age when we can make decisions and choices. This is the point at which GOD is going to hold us accountable. Jesus said in Matthew 18:3, “I assure you," He said, "unless you are converted and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” To us, the only way to take on the innocence of childhood through “GOD’s glasses” is to acknowledge we are sinful beings, confess that sin to GOD, telling Him we are truly sorry for our sin and then accept His wonderful forgiveness provided for us through what Jesus did on the cross.

“I do not see the justice in that, why should a man have to pay for something that someone did way before his time?”
We do not pay the price for Adam’s sin. We do not pay the price for any other person’s sin. We only pay the price for our own sin, because we all have the sinful nature of Adam and we all sin, every single one of us sin before a Holy, Righteous, and Mighty GOD who is Sovereign over His creation.

“Don't you agree that God is most Merciful?”
Yes, I agree completely that GOD is most merciful. Is God also most Just? How does GOD combine His great mercy and His great justice?

“According to Christianity, if you believe in Jesus (pbuh) then you will go to heaven, does that mean if you're a bad person who commits robbery, rape etc but believe in Jesus (pbuh) you will still go to heaven?”
This is not according to true Christianity. Many, many people believe in Jesus Christ but this does not make them Christians. To believe in Jesus is to commit your heart and life to Him; to entrust yourself to Him; to make Him your true and personal Lord and Savior. This is true Christianity. You can believe in Jesus in the worldly sense of belief and not go to heaven.

“Surely God would not like someone who has committed lots of crime to go straight to heaven.”
I don’t know all of your beliefs and understanding. The greatest sacrifice any person has to make is truly acknowledging their sinful nature; is truly seeing how they deserve hell and not heaven. This is a major sacrifice. We just do not like to acknowledge that we are sinful. A criminal who recognizes himself for what He is and truly confesses his sin and decides to follow Jesus, will find the path to heaven through Jesus Christ. GOD does not see any of us worse than the other. He sees each of us with a sinful nature. Any sin is sin in GOD’s eyes. He does not measure it—it is sin and dishonors Him greatly.

“Why would God come down to earth and sacrifice Himself to forgive the sins?”
This is a question that so many people ask. Why would GOD do this? Why? He does it because He loves us. He is a just GOD. A price must be paid for our sin. He loves us soooo much that He was willing to come and pay the price for our sins. He is the ultimate Giver of love. Would you step in and be punished on behalf of a friend? How about an enemy? Our sins made us enemies of GOD. In His love for us, He paid the price for our sin.

“Do you not agree that it would be better for the criminal to serve his punishment so that he learns his lesson instead of letting someone completely innocent having to pay for the criminal's crimes?”
What is your definition of mercy? To show this criminal mercy, the judge let him go—but the judge had also been just--the judge gave a penalty that he paid. If someone is guilty of just a very small crime and is forgiven, how much mercy is involved? If someone commits a big crime and is forgiven, how much mercy is involved? I know that as a Muslim you believe GOD is merciful—most merciful. Well, if GOD is most merciful, are we not most sinful then? Many people feel they are pretty good people. In GOD’s eyes, we are all sinful.

“When Jesus (pbuh) was being sacrificed and he looked up to the sky and said "Father, Father why hast thou forsaken me?" does this mean that the Father part of God has more power than the Son if He can forsake Him? (sorry i don't really seem to be able understand trinity) If He knew this was going to happen all along why did Jesus (pbuh) say this?”
The Father part of GOD does not have more power than the Son. As Father, however, He has more authority than the Son. There are many children who, as they grow up, become just as powerful as their Dads. Does this give them authority over their Dads? No. They can choose to disobey or disappoint their Dads, but as a son, you will never have authority over your Father—as long as He lives. Even after his death you will respect your Dad and what he asked you to do. The Father part of GOD has the authority to forsake the Son. That is why so many people do not like to accept the crucifixion of Jesus. God chose to sacrifice Himself—His Son on our behalf. Can you imagine sacrifice yourself—sacrificing your Son for someone else? This would be an enormous step of love. Concerning your second question: If you felt very frustrated, alone, sad, and felt defeated, would you not ask questions to which you already had answers? Would you not want to know why; want to receive explanation? If things were all going well, you probably would not want answers. Jesus was hanging on a cross and felt left all alone. We can never imagine what He had to go through. I’m sure he did feel forsaken by His Father—He was forsaken—for you and for me—for the whole world.

“(P.S. Is Adam (pbuh) Jesus' (pbuh) brother? Neither had a father and Adam (pbuh) did not even have a human mother! Then that means there are 4 essences to God, right?)”
No, Adam is not the brother of Jesus. When GOD created Adam, He created Him from the dust of the earth. When GOD created Jesus, He used a super natural course of pregnancy. Neither GOD nor any person had sex with Mary in order for her to be pregnant with Jesus. GOD, through the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary and she gave natural birth to Jesus. GOD has only three essences—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I really appreciate your interest and your questions:) . I look forward to more dialogue.


01-18-2006, 04:22 PM
Hello once again Hana_Aku,

In one of your earlier messages you mentioned something about beating a horse to death. I understand that and I agree with the principle of that statement. I have been known to do that:giggling:. On the other hand, the only way to revive someone is to keep shaking them gently. I hope you understand what I am saying:happy:.

“When you say, "Everything in this book (any book), is the absolute truth," be assured, there will be people looking at it for untruths and when they find them, they will comment. THAT is logic.”
Upon what are these people going to base their assessment of what is truth or untruth? If I may, let’s look at these verses of Scripture again.

Mark 14:50 Then they all deserted Him and ran away.
Mark 14:51 Now a certain young man, having a linen cloth wrapped around his naked body, was following Him. They caught hold of him,
Mark 14:52 but he left the linen cloth behind and ran away naked.
Mark 14:53 They led Jesus away to the high priest, and all the chief priests, the elders, and the scribes convened.
Mark 14:54 Peter followed Him at a distance, right into the high priest's courtyard. He was sitting with the temple police, warming himself by the fire.

Now, verse 50 says they all ran away. Verse 54 says that Peter followed Jesus at a distance. Which one of these two verses is the untruth and which one is the truth. How are you going to determine which one is truth and which one is untruth? If you use one of these verses to say the other one is untrue, upon what do you base your assessment? You cannot base an assessment like that on itself. If you could, then someone else can say, “Well, you are not right, because this verse says something different, and this one is right.” Can you understand what I am saying? You cannot use one source of information to say that same source is wrong. You can point out a contradiction but you cannot use the contradiction itself to make a determination of what is right or what is wrong. The logic of that is that you will be basing truth upon falsehood. In order to determine a source of information as truth or untruth, you have to step outside of that information and find an independent source of information and then make a determination. Sometimes that determination may be true; other times it may be wrong. But either way, you can use an independent source to make a determination.

Think about it. How can you use a source of untruth to determine an untruth? You said, “Either the whole book is God's word or it isn't.” If one part of it isn’t, then all of it isn’t. Then there is no authority in GOD’s word that can be used to determine what’s true or false; what’s right or wrong.

If you want to make your point that something is false in the Bible, then you have to look for a source outside of the Bible to prove the point. As I said, you can point out contradictions, but you cannot use the contradiction to determine what’s true and what’s untrue. If you cannot find a source outside of the source, then a better understanding of the source must be developed. I really hope I’ve communicated this clearly.

01-18-2006, 06:37 PM
Thank you for the reply POBook :) Could you please explain the following verses?

"Think NOT that I am come to send PEACE on earth; I came NOT to send PEACE, but a SWORD."
(Matthew 10:34)

"I am come to send FIRE on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?
Suppose ye that I am come to give PEACE on earth? I tell you, NAY; but rather DIVISION."
(Luke 12:49 & 51)

From these verses it seems like Jesus (pbuh) did not want peace on earth but instead wanted violence and division. If he really came down to sacrifice himself then why would he want to cause divisions and violence?

"Woman, why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou? - (John 20:15)
"She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him Sir, if you have taken HIM hence, tell me where have you laid HIM . . . "
(John 20:15)

These verses are from after Mary Magdalene found that the Jesus' (pbuh) body was not inside the tomb anymore. If Jesus (pbuh) had really died on the cross then what was the need to disguise himself as a gardner? If he had died then surely there would be no need to disguise himself as the Jews and Romans could not kill him again

". . . it is ordained unto all men ONCE to die, and after that the judgement."
Book of Hebrews 9:27

Also the big stone covering the entrance of Jesus (pbuh) tomb was moved as , surely you will agree that a stone is a barrier to a person still alive and not to a person who is now a spirit as a spirit should be able to pass through anything, so why was the stone moved? Does this mean that Jesus (pbuh) was still alive and did not die on the cross?

"Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself handle me and see; for A SPIRIT has no flesh and bones, as you see me have.
. . . And he showed them his hands and his feet."
(Luke 24:39-40)

This means that Jesus (pbuh) is not dead therefore he can not have sacrificed himself for mankind.

Ansar Al-'Adl
01-18-2006, 09:49 PM
Hello POBook,
Thank you for your post.
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
I appreciate what you are saying concerning the use of water as a solid, liquid, gas and it’s “inability” to describe the Trinity. If I may repeat myself: my understanding of what you are saying is that while water can be either one of these three, it cannot be them all at the same time. It is either solid or it is liquid or is gas. Gas is gas, not liquid. Gas cannot be gas and liquid at the same time. So, GOD can be either Father, Son, or Holy Spirit, but He cannot be each of them at the same time. Am I correct in my understanding of what you are saying? If I am correct and while I say this, to me personally, I believe it is an acceptable illustration from the point that I mentioned earlier—that around our globe water is water and can be found in the forms of liquid, solid, and gas all at the same time. So, while GOD may be a solid, He is also a liquid, and He is also a gas—all at the same time.
I already answered this, so to avoid repeating myself I will just paste my response from before:
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
H2O around the world contains all three forms of molecular structure at some point and at some time. They all co-exist.
But here we are not talking about the same substance existing in three different states. The trinity says that ONE God exists in three different persons. By analogy, you need to bring me an example of ONE entity existing as three seperate entities, each being co-equal and equal to the overall entity. Can you bring me molecules of water that exist IN ALL THREE STATES AT THE SAME TIME? Of course not. The closest to this is the triple point of water in thermodynamic equilibrium, but of course here it is different water molecules in different states, not the SAME molecules existing in all three states.

GOD is the H2O.
H2O is the molecular formula for a TYPE OF MOLECULE. It is not an entity in itself. God, on the other hand is a SINGLE ENTITY. 'God' is not the name of a type of entity for which there are many entities. There is only ONE God. But there is a immeasurable quantity of water molecules. The two are not analogous. The former is a single entity, the latter is the chemical classification of a number of entities.

We do not maintain only ONE God and the existence of these three ‘persons’.
GOD exists as three at the same time He exists as one.
What is the difference between these two statements?

If you have H20 liquid on the continent of Africa; H20 solid on the continent of Asia; and H20 gas on the continent of South America, do you not have the three distinct entities co-existing? While distinct entities, are they not all H20?
If this analogy works, then it means that you believe in three gods. Because there are three seperate entities, and they are all God. Can you show me how you get ONE God from the above analogy? You don't because there is not a single thing mentioned in your analogy that is only one. There are three different things mentioned that are the same type of thing. It is only comparable to three Gods - three different things, but all the same type of thing.
Concerning the illustration you provided: I do not think this illustration is totally accurate.
Well, its not my illustration, it was made by trinitarian Christians themselves, but I'm willing to take your explanation.

I agree that the Father is not the Son; the Son is not the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is not the Father. If I am correct in my understanding of this illustration, it says that GOD can be either one of these three, but He cannot be all three of them at the same time.
The illustartion does not imply that.

Part of GOD’s nature is that He is an infinite Creator—we can never truly measure GOD out. I think that to say GOD cannot be all three of these at the same time is to limit Him; is to make Him finite. This is what this illustration does. I am not suggesting that my illustrations are infinite. They are not. They are simply finite illustrations trying to illustrate an infinite GOD.
Again from my last post:
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
I am not asking you to illustrate for me the measure of God's attributes, which are of course infinite. I am asking you to explain to me the nature of those attributes, specifically the trinity, which I find to be logically incoherent.
Yes, I agree with the fact that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit each have unique characteristics otherwise they would not be Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. However, they do share in some of their characteristics. Yes, the Father is un-begotten and the Son is begotten. However, the Father is perfect and without sin and the Son is perfect and without sin and the Holy Spirit is also perfect and without sin. Yes the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, but the Father and the Spirit are both Spirit beings.
I understand that, but I meant that they do not share in their essence. i.e. they are distinct independent entities.

Allow me to try and illustrate once again (illustrations I’m sure you have already encountered and ones I’m sure await rebuttal).
I am familiar with the triangle illustrations. It reminds me of Dr. Ali Ataie's comments:
Geisler and Saleeb state: “Only if one and the same person, who is God and man, dies on the cross for our sin can we be saved. For unless Jesus is both God and man he cannot reconcile God and man” (page 268). Despite having a divine nature as God, Jesus also has a human nature as man. Geisler explains this dualism: “Did Christ die? In his human nature, he did die. But in his divine nature he did not die. The person who died was the Godman, but his Godness did not die.”

Confused yet? It is little wonder why nearly all Christian apologists who have tried to explain the Trinity find themselves reduced to drawing triangles and scribbling grade-school level equations. So to recap: Christ died as God in his person, he died as man in his nature, but not as God in his nature. In other words, he was two-thirds dead, but the one-third that really counted, the divine nature, survived and resurrected him on the third day. Therefore, Jesus has the unique honor of being of two natures, God and man in one person. (Ataie, pp. 41-42)

First, I would like to try and use a simple triangle to illustrate the Trinity. A triangle is comprised of three lines. Each of these three while they can be different in some respects (different colors), are identical in other respects (exactly the same length). In order for a triangle to be a triangle, each of the three lines must be present and they must be connected. Allow me to make something clear concerning these three graphics. While the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are GOD, they are not GOD on their own. This would either make three gods or it would not define who GOD truly is. It is impossible for a triangle to be what it is using only one or two lines. The triangle is not one of it’s own lines. I hope you can understand my point. A triangle is not a triangle when there is an attempt to define it for what it is by using only one or two of its identical and differing entities. Either the triangle is the triangle with the yellow line, the red line and the blue, or it is not a triangle.
True. So how can the triangle be an adequate analogy for the trinity when you say "Jesus IS God", yet you will never find even the most mentally challenged of people claiming "the red line IS the triangle"!

Actually what you have given me is no different that the parts-of-a-whole analogy that Christians used to offer, but then they realized its problems and moved on to another analogies like time, water, etc. The problem with the parts-of-a-whole analogy is that we would never say that any one of the parts IS the whole, yet Christians maintain that each of the three persons IS God. If Christians really want to make their concept of God analogous to parts-of-a-whole, they need to say that the father is 1/3 of God, and the Son is 1/3 of God and the Spirit is 1/3 of God, and they need to admit that they split their God into thirds and gave each third its own qualities and personaility (or identity, if you will).

Thanks for the diagrams by the way.

A third illustration in words. Consider the head, the arms, and the legs of a body.
Parts-of-a-whole analogy, once again. We don't say that the head IS the body, yet you claim that Jesus IS God, not just 1/3 of God.

I realize that you probably have rebuttals for these illustrations. But please know, born-again followers of Jesus do not believe in three gods.
I am aware that Christians claim that they only believe in One God and I would love to believe them, but I find it impossible to reconcile trinity with monotheism (and maintain one's sanity at the same time).

To maintain one GOD and the existence of three ‘persons’, is to say that GOD and these three ‘persons’ are separate entities from one another.
Not necessarily, it is just like maintaining one triangle and the existence of three lines. I think you're nitpicking here.

Am I correct in assuming then, that if Jesus was the one speaking, you would accept that as truth
I wouldn't necessarily accept it as the truth because the Qur'an is my criterion in determining the truth, but it would certainly damage my claim that the Christian notion of Christ's divinity has no support even from the present day form of the Bible. You've given me a list of quotes from the Bible. I could paste Muslim commentary of these verses but I think it would be more beneficial if you picked one that you felt strongly supported the divinity of Christ and then we analyzed that specific verse.

I think there is a difference between equating Jesus with GOD and saying that Jesus is GOD. To say that Jesus is GOD is exactly who He is. To equate Jesus with GOD is to suggest that Jesus is one entity and GOD is another entity and these two entities are the same.
This is not correct. 'Equate' means to say that the two are the same, and it is the mathematical equivalent of the english word 'IS'. Saying Jesus is God is to equate Jesus with God. Once again, I think you are nitpicking with words.

I agree with you. GOD is not simply a human to have to think over anything. Do you see GOD as One who can change His mind? Do you believe that GOD created man “in His own image” (Genesis 1:27)?
No I do not believe God changes His mind, nor do I believe that man was created in the image of God.

My personal understanding here is that Jesus did not want anyone to say that He did not give them a chance to accept who He was and why He came. Jesus was willing to spend time with people to make His message clear, so no one could say, “You didn’t tell us; we had no time to decide; we didn’t understand you.”
Why would they say that? Weren't they supposed to kill Jesus? Wasn't that the purpose of his coming to earth? What do you mean they would say, "we had no time to decide" ? Decide about what?

GOD did not have to die.
But God had to die in order to forgive His creation?

This is another thread but for now, there was never a perfect system of forgiveness in effect.
Another thread it is.

First, and again, GOD to not want to be killed. He was willing to come to this earth and pay the price for our sins--He was`willing to die. This is not to say that He wanted to be killed. What He wanted to do was redeem us Himself. His desire for this was sooo great, that He was willing to do what it was going to take. This is not the same as saying He was wanting to be killed. There is a difference between a willingness to die and a wanting to be killed.
Once again, you're nitpicking with words. By saying that God wanted to die, I'm not saying that He desired death, but that He intended to die.

Before GOD became our sacrificial atonement, there was only one way for us—hell; punishment; retribution. There was no other option.
No forgiveness? Numbers 14:20 seems to disagree with you.

Unfortunately, you still did not answer my question. My question is, once again:
So from a Christian perspective, there is now no difference between a pious Christian and a mass-murder and rapist. Both will go to paradise because God has paid for their sins. People should have fun and do whatever they like in this world, sinning as much as possible, because God has paid for their sins.”
Please specifically tell me what will be the fate of a mass-murderer and rapist in the afterlife. How can you say 'Hell' when God has already paid for his sin? it means that God did not really pay for his sins because now he has to be punished for them again.

People will pay for their sins because they have rejected GOD’s forgiveness.
What do you mean "they rejected God's forgiveness" ? After God died He forgave everyone, right? That was the whole purpose of Him allowing His creation to kill Him, right? Now you're telling me that He still won't forgive a sinner. Why not? What is it about this criminal that makes you say he has rejected God's forgiveness? What constitutes a rejection and what constitutes an acceptance of His forgiveness?

We are never blamed for what Adam did. We are blamed for what we do. Every single person on the face of this earth who has ever existed, exists, and ever will exist, has sinned, sins, and will sin.
Tell me about the innocent human babies who were murdered throughout history - what sin did they do?

Yes, we still sin. But if we have accepted the forgiveness of GOD through His atonement, He has forgiven us of every sin we committed in the past, every sin we commit in the present and every sin we will commit in the future. Does this mean it’s OK to sin? NO! If it's OK to sin, then we have not truly accepted; we have not truly repented.
Why is that? If God has forgiven every single sin you did and will do in your life, and has even punished himself for it, then He cannot reasonably hold you accountable for it. It does not make sense for him to punish you after He has already died for your sins. What about those Christians who murdered and slaughtered innocent people (like the Crusaders) yet still accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. According to Christianity, these people will not be punished for the tremendous atrocities they committed because God already died for their sins.

If God paid for future sins as well, as you believe, then there should be no blame on the Christian who decides to lead a sinful life.

Wrong. First of all, true Christians—born-again Christians (John 3)—do not continue on in a lifestyle of raping, stealing, torturing, and murdering innocent people.
So which sins are they allowed to do and which sins are they not allowed to do?
True born-again Christians have a change of lifestyle that intrigues many people.
Why could God not give people this change of lifestyle without having to die Himself?


Abu Zakariya
01-18-2006, 10:10 PM
I have a question concerning this statement:

By destruction I mean eternity in hell as opposed to eternity in heaven. People will pay for their sins because they have rejected GOD’s forgiveness.
I assume that by "rejecting God's forgiveness", you mean that one doesn't believe that God died for the sins of human beings and refuses to accept that.
Well, my question is:

Isn't rejecting this gift of God a sin?
If God already died for the sins, why would humans be punished for the sin of rejecting Him?
I guess there's a loop-hole?
All sins were forgiven when God died, except the sin of not believing He died?

01-18-2006, 11:25 PM
Hello and Peace POBook:

Now, verse 50 says they all ran away. Verse 54 says that Peter followed Jesus at a distance. Which one of these two verses is the untruth and which one is the truth. How are you going to determine which one is truth and which one is untruth? If you use one of these verses to say the other one is untrue, upon what do you base your assessment? You cannot base an assessment like that on itself. If you could, then someone else can say, “Well, you are not right, because this verse says something different, and this one is right.”
You don't seem to understand something here, POBook. That statement you just made proves my point exactly!! One thing is for CERTAIN!! One statement is NOT correct, the other possibility is that NEITHER are correct. It doesn't matter if one is right or if I believe one over the other.....IT IS A CONTRADICTION!!!! God does not make contradictions!! Your book of absolute truth is NOT absolute truth. The other thing we know with absolute certainty is that God does NOT make mistakes....man makes mistakes. So, who is wrong here? God or the man that wrote the verse claiming it came from God? Your book is not God's word and you've just proven it yourself. Now that you have seen the bible contains contradictions and errors, you need to ask yourself how many more are there? In my opinion, ONE error/contradiction is enough to dismiss the entire book. It is obviously not from God. You are following a man....that man is Paul and unknown others who took liberties writing the other books and changing the true teachings of Jesus, pbuh, and the true message from Allah, swt.

Stop insisting one statement must be true....it doesn't. It only needs to contradict what you claim is truth....then we know one is wrong or both are wrong....but both are definitely NOT correct.

May Allah, swt, continue to guide you ever closer to the truth. Ameen

Regards and peace,

01-19-2006, 03:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku
Hello PrIM3 and Peace:

God isn't a tour guide. He sent revelation...that should have been enough to grab your attention, and it worked for a short time, until man decided to destroy what was ordained. Then He sent His last prophet and messenger, Muhammed, pbuh, with the final AND protected revelation to ALL mankind....not just a particular nation. Did He capture your attention and make you stand up and take notice?? Of course He loves His creations, but not those that disobey what He commanded. The first commandment, do not associate partners with God, (not an exact quote, but the meaning). You are breaking the most important commandment of God. Thy Lord Thy God is ONE God. Not one God divided into 3, ONE!!

Army of One means they work together--- again notice the plurallity of this word ONE
when one person isn't able to do a job by himself.

format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku
It's not what they mean to me....the commandments are not open for interpretation. You are commanded to follow them. As I said, the first one is the most important and you break it by associating others with God. Don't you think God would have made it perfectly clear that He is one, divided into 3, rather than consistently insisting on the ONENESS of God?
Yes actually it does matter what you belief of them.. are they Laws of Love or are they Laws of Restrictions?


format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku
I've mentioned to you before that you will never come up with an analogy that will work to explain the trinity for one simple reason....it doesn't exist. Where your salvation is based on this concept, I am confident God would make it perfectly clear and unquestionable...He is not the author of confusion...remember that.
I've just have... made one that will work. of course if you want me to make another one I will.. but I don't want to sit here and fill this whole page with analogy of the trinity. since this is about atonement rather than the TRINITY.

01-19-2006, 03:37 AM
Hana Peace
Ps.. I am so sorry if I sounded rude.. I am going through stress lately..
God bless you

01-19-2006, 10:47 AM
Hello once again Tahir,

I appreciate your questions and thank you for your interest!:)

"Think NOT that I am come to send PEACE on earth; I came NOT to send PEACE, but a SWORD." (Matthew 10:34)
People have often struggled to understand this verse, yet it is not very difficult to understand. The context of this verse involves Jesus sending out his disciples to share the following message, “The Kingdom of heaven is near” (vs 7). Jesus pointed out to his disciples in vs. 16, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves.” In vs 17 Jesus said, “Be on your guard against men; they will hand you over to the local councils and flog you in their synagogues.” In vs 19 Jesus tells these disciples they can be “arrested”. In vs 21 Jesus talks about families betraying other members and having them put to death. In vs 22, Jesus says to His disciples, “All men will hate you because of me.” Jesus makes reference to the His disciples’ persecution in vs 23. In vs 28 Jesus says, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” Then in vs 32 and 33 Jesus says the following, “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” Then Jesus says, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

Jesus was not talking about carrying a physical sword. He was not promoting violence. He was using this as an illustration to portray the effect His message would have on the people. As you have seen in the context of this verse, the message of Jesus struck a very sore spot in the lives of many people—His message was His sword. The message of Jesus makes most people very uncomfortable; it makes people feel attacked—this is the sword. The result for the disciples was not going to be words used in return, but rather physical arrest and beating. The sword and lack of peace that Jesus’ message brought to the hearts of the Jewish people of His day, was so powerful, that they eventually arrested Him and crucified Him. Many people today, view Jesus’ message as a sword—and it is. It pierces the conscience and the moral and ethical standards of people. I hope this helps you better understand this verse.

"I am come to send FIRE on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled? Suppose ye that I am come to give PEACE on earth? I tell you, NAY; but rather DIVISION." (Luke 12:49 & 51)”
This verse is spoken in the same context and means the same as the verse above. When people accept Jesus and His message, families are divided; fires of family feud are ignited.

“From these verses it seems like Jesus (pbuh) did not want peace on earth but instead wanted violence and division. If he really came down to sacrifice himself then why would he want to cause divisions and violence?”
I know these verses seem like this, but I hope my explanation of these verses helps you understand what they are about. Jesus wanted eternal peace between GOD and man. That is the whole reason He came to the earth. Jesus did not propagate violence. If He did, many of his enemies would have been killed when they came to crucify Him. One of his disciples used his sword to cut of the ear of a servant who was part of a crowd arresting Jesus. Jesus rebuked this disciple and said, “Am I leading a rebellion that you came out with swords and clubs to capture me (Matthew 26:55). The message of Jesus was going to be like a sword to people, bringing much division. I think that is still evident today.

"Woman, why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou?” She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, “Sir, if you have taken HIM hence, tell me where have you laid HIM . . . " (John 20:15).
These verses are from after Mary Magdalene found that the Jesus' (pbuh) body was not inside the tomb anymore. If Jesus (pbuh) had really died on the cross then what was the need to disguise himself as a gardner? If he had died then surely there would be no need to disguise himself as the Jews and Romans could not kill him again.

Jesus had not disguised Himself as the gardner. Try to put yourself in the shoes of Mary Magdelene. She was an avid follower of Jesus and loved Jesus very much. Jesus meant everything to Mary. His death was a major loss to her and brought about a lot of sadness and weeping (John 20:11). Mary thought that somebody had taken away the body of Jesus, and she focused on one thing only—finding the body of Jesus. Mary had to have been in some form of panic; not very relaxed; not very focused. In some ways, I’m sure she had slightly blurry eyes from all her weeping. John 10:16 says, “Jesus said to her, ‘Mary.’ She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, ‘Rabboni!’” If she turned toward Jesus, she was obviously not looking at Him the whole time. Her mind was not on identifying the people around her; it was on wanting to know where Jesus was. Only when Jesus got her attention and called her by name, did she look at him long enough to recognize him. Keep also in mind, that in Mary’s mind, Jesus was dead. She was not expecting to see Him again. When he was there it’s no wonder she did not recognize Him initially for who He was.

". . . it is ordained unto all men ONCE to die, and after that the judgement."
Book of Hebrews 9:27”
You included this verse with no question. Do you have a question regarding this verse?

“Also the big stone covering the entrance of Jesus (pbuh) tomb was moved as , surely you will agree that a stone is a barrier to a person still alive and not to a person who is now a spirit as a spirit should be able to pass through anything, so why was the stone moved? Does this mean that Jesus (pbuh) was still alive and did not die on the cross?”
No, this does not mean that Jesus did not die on the cross. He died on the cross and was buried in this tomb. If I may ask you, read through these verses carefully:

“The next day, which followed the preparation day, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate and said, "Sir, we remember that while this deceiver was still alive, He said, 'After three days I will rise again.' Therefore give orders that the tomb be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, His disciples may come, steal Him, and tell the people, 'He has been raised from the dead.' Then the last deception will be worse than the first." "You have a guard of soldiers," Pilate told them. "Go and make it as secure as you know how." Then they went and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone and setting the guard”(Matthew 27:62-66).

The stone was moved so that people could understand that Jesus was truly raised from the dead. If the stone was never put in place, people could say that someone stole his body. If the stone was never moved out of place, people would not be able to go into that tomb and see for themselves that the body of Jesus was no longer there. Jesus was crucified; He died on the cross; He was taken off that cross and buried in a tomb; that tomb was closed and sealed; an angel came and opened that tomb once again (Matthew 28:1-4); Jesus got up and left the tomb on the third day after He was placed in it.

"Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself handle me and see; for A SPIRIT has no flesh and bones, as you see me have. . . . And he showed them his hands and his feet" (Luke 24:39-40).
“This means that Jesus (pbuh) is not dead therefore he can not have sacrificed himself for mankind.”
Yes—Jesus was no longer dead. But these words do not mean that he did not sacrifice Himself for mankind. Read these words of Jesus in Luke 24:46: “Then Jesus told them, ‘This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem.’” Jesus showed people his living body and tried to help them understand that He was raised from the dead—He was not some spirit. Jesus showed them His hands and feet so they could see the wounds inflicted on his body through the crucifixion.

Again let me say thank you for your questions and your willingness to research information and come to a better understanding of it.

Blessings to you,

01-19-2006, 11:31 AM
Hello again Abu Zakariya:

It is good to hear from you once again.

You addressed the following statement that I had made:
“By destruction I mean eternity in hell as opposed to eternity in heaven. People will pay for their sins because they have rejected GOD’s forgiveness.”
You said:
“I assume that by "rejecting God's forgiveness", you mean that one doesn't believe that God died for the sins of human beings and refuses to accept that.”
You are partially right here. Many people do actually believe that GOD died for the sins of human beings, but like you said, they refuse to accept that; they refuse to accept the whole Gospel message. They do not truly seek to honor and glorify GOD with their lives.

“Isn't rejecting this gift of God a sin?”
If your parents offered you a gift and you chose not to take it, would they consider that a sin or an act of wrongdoing on your part and punish you for it? However, if they instructed you to take something and you refused, would that not be a sin? Gifts are offered to be accepted or rejected. It is not sinful to reject something offered free of charge. It is sinful to reject an instruction given.

“If God already died for the sins, why would humans be punished for the sin of rejecting Him?”
Again, rejecting God’s gift is not a sin. If GOD instructed us with a command, “You will take this; you will accept this,” and we chose to ignore that command, we would be committing a sin. GOD does not instruct us to accept Him and His gift. He freely offers it. If we choose not to take it, we bear the consequences of our sins. If we choose to accept that gift, we experience the security of eternal life. How do you accept this gift: “For God loved the world so much, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in His Son, will never perish, but have everlasting life.”

“All sins were forgiven when God died, except the sin of not believing He died?”
Again, believing He did not die is not a sin. That’s a choice people make. Believing GOD did not die is rejecting his gift. It’s like saying to the judge who paid the fine, “You didn’t pay it. You are lying.”

Again, thanks for your feedback. I hope I’ve been able to answer your questions. I look forward to hearing from you again.


Abu Zakariya
01-19-2006, 01:30 PM
Oh, okay.

I was assuming that it was a sin, hence the question.
Thanks for the explanation.

01-19-2006, 01:55 PM
Hello and Peace PrIM3:

Not to worry, I didn't think you were being rude at all. :) I hope you're feeling better soon, inshallah.

Army of One means they work together--- again notice the plurallity of this word ONE when one person isn't able to do a job by himself.
Sorry, PrIM3, but you are not understanding that phrase. To say an army of one, it means you are describing a person so dedicated and loyal to a cause (as an example) that they perform the job of an entire army. ie: PrIM3 is an army of one. One person, perfoming a mulititude of functions.

However, even if we took your understanding, it won't work because you're saying you need all these people to do the job to make the army whole and operate properly. By saying that, you're saying no one can operate independently because if you break the whole, the army fails to perform as it did. Meaning it has become less than what it is. Which again, proves the trinitarian concept won't work.

And, no, you don't have to come up with another analogy....you won't find one that will work anyway.

Yes actually it does matter what you belief of them.. are they Laws of Love or are they Laws of Restrictions?
Nope, it does't matter to me at all. I don't hold the bible as God's word. The bible is not my guide, it is yours. My guide is the Holy Qur'an. I follow the word's of God as He, Himself, revealed them to mankind. The things God has made Halal (permissable) or Haram (Forbidden), are listed in the Qur'an. What do I think of the commands in the Qur'an? Anything forbidden to us is to protect us from harm. It is not because He is trying to restrict pleasure, etc. Anything He has made Halal is because it is for our benefit.

POBook, in a previous post, already admitted there was a contradiction:
You can point out a contradiction but you cannot use the contradiction itself to make a determination of what is right or what is wrong.
As I explained to him, I don't have to decide if one is wrong or both are wrong. The one thing for sure is that one is wrong, yet it is written in your book as "the word of God". It's not me that has to determine which, if any, are correct. My salvation doesn't depend on it....yours does. Even if one were true, it still doesn't change the fact that the other is a lie and you are being told it came from God, Astagfirallah. Jesus, pbuh, has already told you how too obtain paradise...obey the laws. It's not complicated.

Take care and peace,

01-19-2006, 03:21 PM
You're welcome Abu Zakariya:) !


01-19-2006, 03:27 PM
Hello Hana,

One last time…and let me use another example to try and explain what I am saying. In your message # 27 you made the following statement:

“Yes, Jesus, phuh, was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.” In #27

In Matthew 10:6 Jesus says to his disciples, “Instead, go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Now, in your statement above you are agreeing with this verse, am I right? That’s all I want to know right now.


PS. In your response to PrIM3 you quoted me as saying there is a contradiction in the Bible. Please understand the context of what we were talking about. You are the one saying there are contradictions. I'm trying to address this issue from your perspective. Accurate Biblical interpretation requires contextual consideration before coming to conclusions. Within the context of these two verses, there is no contradiction.

01-19-2006, 07:30 PM
Thank you for your reply POBook

"For as Jonah was THREE days and THREE nights in the whale's belly; so shall the son of man be THREE days and THREE nights in the heart of the earth."

As it is led to believe that Jesus (pbuh) died on a friday hence people celebrate good friday and then Mary Magdalene saw him on the first day of the week which is sunday then the maths just does not add up.

Friday=1 night
Saturday=1 day and 1 night

Now if you add them up you will get 1 day and 2 nights which does not equal 3 days and 3 nights and Jesus (pbuh) was not discovered on the third day. However somehow assuming that the above verses are true this still does not mean Jesus (pbuh) was dead, when Jonah (pbuh) spent 3 days and 3 nights in the whale's body he was still alive and therefore for the above verses to be true Jesus (pbuh) must have still been alive.

Also may i ask why did Mary Magdalene go to visit Jesus' (pbuh) tomb? According to the Gospel writers she went "TO ANOINT HIM", Mark 16:1 The Hebrew word for anoint is "masaha" which basically means to rub, ro massage to anoint. Now why would a woman want to go and massage a dead body? After 3 hours of a person being dead rigor mortis sets in and the body starts to decompose so if someone tried massaging a dead body after 3 days it would fall to pieces! It would however make sense if she was looking for a live person, you see she was about the the only person besides Joseph of Arimathe'a and Nicodemus who had given the final rites to the body of Jesus. If she had seen any sign of life in the limp body of Jesus when he was taken down from the cross, she was not going to shout, "HE IS ALIVE!" She returns after 2 nights and a day, when the Jewish Sabbath had passed, to take care of Jesus.

About the stone which covered the tomb, now if Jesus really was a spirit then surely he could walk straight out of the tomb without having to move the stone and if it was to make people believe that he has truly risen from the dead then would it not be better if the stone was not moved? If he walked through the stone it would prove that he risen from the dead as no live human being can walk through physical barriers. Also if people saw Jesus then they could easily go and check the tomb as it was not too heavy to move as one man himself could move it "HE (Joseph of Arimathea) rolled a stone against the door of the tomb" (Mark 15:46).

"When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye anything?" And they said, "Nothing."
Then said he unto them, "But now, he that hath no purse, let him take it, and likewise his bag; and he that hath no SWORD, let him sell his garment and buy one!"
(Luke 22:35-36)

". . . Lord, behold, here are two SWORDS." And he said unto them, "It is enough".
(Luke 22:38)

These sound like a physical sword to me and it seems that Jesus wanted to defend himself but if he knew what was going to come and was going to sacrifice himself then why the need for defence?

Why did Jesus go there to pray? Surely if he is God then why the need to pray to himself?

"And he went a little further, and fell on his face and prayed, saying, 'O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt'." (Matthew 26:37-39)

"And being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground."
(Luke 22:44)

If Jesus knew his job was to sacrifice himself for the peoples sins then why all this worrying? Plus as he is 'God' he shouldn't be worried about what other people are going to do him.

If Jesus is really 'God' then how he have ancestors? "The generations of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham." (Matthew, 1:1) "Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne." (Acts, 2:30)

"And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." (Mark, 1:35) Who is Jesus praying to if he is 'God'?

"Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, THE SON OF JOSEPH," (John, 1:45) Does this mean that Jesus had two fathers?

"I can of mine own self do nothing." (John, 5:30) If Jesus is 'God' then surely he should be able to do anything, right?

"But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew, 15:24) Does this mean that the only meant to follow Jesus was meant to be the people of Israel and not the world?

"And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, STRENGTHENING him." (Luke, 22:43) Isn't God all powerful? Then why does he need an angel strengthening him?

01-19-2006, 10:27 PM
Hello Tahir and peace to you.

well about the days.. back then they did not count time like we did. days were alot different..
if Jesus was in the tomb part of friday then the whole sabbath day then saturday then sunday. it would surely be 3 days.. even if the body was in the tomb for 1 whole day and 2 whole nights they still counted it as 3 days.

according to this book.. but before I do qoute from it.. I just want to ask if I can?

thanks.. and God bless you


01-19-2006, 10:30 PM
Hey PrIM3

go for it you can quote from the book, not like i can stop you anyways lol

01-19-2006, 10:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku
Hello and Peace PrIM3:

Not to worry, I didn't think you were being rude at all. :) I hope you're feeling better soon, inshallah.

Sorry, PrIM3, but you are not understanding that phrase. To say an army of one, it means you are describing a person so dedicated and loyal to a cause (as an example) that they perform the job of an entire army. ie: PrIM3 is an army of one. One person, perfoming a mulititude of functions.

However, even if we took your understanding, it won't work because you're saying you need all these people to do the job to make the army whole and operate properly. By saying that, you're saying no one can operate independently because if you break the whole, the army fails to perform as it did. Meaning it has become less than what it is. Which again, proves the trinitarian concept won't work.

And, no, you don't have to come up with another analogy....you won't find one that will work anyway.

Nope, it does't matter to me at all. I don't hold the bible as God's word. The bible is not my guide, it is yours. My guide is the Holy Qur'an. I follow the word's of God as He, Himself, revealed them to mankind. The things God has made Halal (permissable) or Haram (Forbidden), are listed in the Qur'an. What do I think of the commands in the Qur'an? Anything forbidden to us is to protect us from harm. It is not because He is trying to restrict pleasure, etc. Anything He has made Halal is because it is for our benefit.

Take care and peace,
Hello Hana--- how are you doing?

I would like to post these rules about our religion: it is How I know I am a Christian.. so you can get a better meaning of what we should and should not do if I can.. I don't want to go off topic.. but of course the trinity I guess is not on this topic.. and I am deeply sorry for that.. though I did see someone have a post about the trinity so I posted anyway.. but I do have another analogy.. though it is up to you to reject it or not I can't push you to go out on the limb and trust someone you don't want to trust..

We believe that this one God-- communicated to us through three different essence. in a way it is like communication we do today...
there is the Phone ( the Father ), communication in person ( The Son ), then communication through the Letter ( the Spirit )..
now all three is a way of this one person to get a hold of us...

God Bless you..

01-19-2006, 11:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tahir
Hey PrIM3

go for it you can quote from the book, not like i can stop you anyways lol
ok thanks... like I said before---but the book explains a little better

"the expression one day and one night was an idiom employed by the jews for indicating a day even when only part of a day was indicated.
in 1 samuel 30:12-13.. then in Genesis 42:17-18.. He releases them all on the third day."

thank you agian tahir
God bless you

01-19-2006, 11:01 PM
Hello POBook:
In Matthew 10:6 Jesus says to his disciples, “Instead, go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Now, in your statement above you are agreeing with this verse, am I right? That’s all I want to know right now.
I told you that was what YOUR book said....whether I believe it or not makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. If I said I'm reading a book that claims everything in it is true and it says, "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear" does that mean I believe it? It doesn't make it a wrong statement either. But, if 2 chapters later it said, "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a goldfish." Then you have 2 possibilities: 1. One of the statements is a lie or; 2. Both statements are a lie. But for sure BOTH cannot be the truth.

THAT is logic and THAT is my whole point.

POBook, you are trying to avoid the topic we were discussing because you have seen clear contradictions and you don't know how to respond or explain them. I don't play word games or twist text. I call it like I see it using logic. You are intentionally trying to play with words and use circular logic....when that doesn't work, you pretend you don't know how to properly question the authenticity of a book that you claim contains nothing but truth and the words of God. I could use hundreds of outside sources to prove my point and what excuse would you have then? You made the claims that the Bible is the word of God, I don't have to believe it, I only need prove that what you claim is wrong based on other verses from the same book. I do believe I did that as well as the other brothers and sisters that have participated so diligently in this thread.

The ball is in your court, POBook. You have been shown, clearly, the Bible cannot be the word of God, unless of course you believe God makes mistakes, Astagfirallah. Now it's up to you to search the truth for yourself.

May Allah, swt, guide you and bring you to that truth. Ameen


01-19-2006, 11:49 PM
Hey PrIM3, i didn't fully understand the expression from the book, could you please explain it? Thanks

01-20-2006, 12:27 AM
Hello PrIM3 and Peace:

Hello Hana--- how are you doing?
Alhamdulillah (All thanks be to Allah), I am doing great, ty for asking. How are you?

I can't push you to go out on the limb and trust someone you don't want to trust..
It's not a matter of trust, PrIM3, it's totally a matter of logic.

We believe that this one God-- communicated to us through three different essence. in a way it is like communication we do today...
there is the Phone ( the Father ), communication in person ( The Son ), then communication through the Letter ( the Spirit )..
You're actually closer to the truth here than you realize.

God did use different resources to communicate. 1. God, is the knower of ALL things. 2. He sent Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, etc. (pbuta), as prophets and messengers. HE communicated through them to give us His message. 3. The "letter" is the Qur'an. The word of God, recorded, exactly how it was recited and protected for all time.

PrIM3, please keep learning, ask questions, use logic and put what you believe to be true aside and try to look at things with an open mind. Try to learn as if you're learning it for the first time. Then, just ask yourself, "Does this makes sense? Is this the word of God or the word of Man?" Do this regardless of the Holy Book you are reading.

Peace to you,

01-20-2006, 09:53 AM
Greetings Ansar Al-'Adl,

If I may, I would like to take a different approach to our dialogue concerning the Trinity.

“Praise be Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, and made the darkness and the light. Yet those who reject Faith hold (others) as equal, with their Guardian-Lord” -- Al-Anaam 1 (Sura 6:1)."
What is your definition or understanding of creation?

“I could paste Muslim commentary of these verses but I think it would be more beneficial if you picked one that you felt strongly supported the divinity of Christ and then we analyzed that specific verse.”
I will choose one.

“Why would they say that? Weren't they supposed to kill Jesus? Wasn't that the purpose of his coming to earth? What do you mean they would say, "we had no time to decide" ? Decide about what?”
No one was supposed to kill Jesus. If someone was supposed to kill Jesus, that would imply that Jesus was guilty of some crime and deserved a payment or retribution for that crime. If you said, “Wasn’t Jesus supposed to die?” I would agree with you. Death was the payment of sin. Did GOD allow people to kill Jesus? Yes, He allowed it. Did He implement it? No.

The purpose of His coming to earth was to pay the ultimate price for our sin and create a way for us to have eternal life. His purpose was to sacrifice His life. In His foreknowledge, GOD knew how Jesus would die. The decision people needed to make was the decision to follow Jesus. Many people understood that Jesus was the Son of GOD; they chose to follow Him. Many others did not understand who He was and why He came. They accused Him of blasphemy and finally crucified Him. They had heard the message of salvation but chose not to follow Him and His Gospel. Instead, they decided to kill Him.

GOD did not have to die.
But God had to die in order to forgive His creation?
Yes, GOD did have to die in order to forgive His creation. There is a difference, however, between these two statements. GOD did not have to forgive His creation and in that sense, He did not have to die. He chose, however, to make a way for us to have eternal life. Once He made this choice, yes, then He had to die. His having to die was part of His plan for our salvation. GOD was abiding by His own laws that He implemented.

“Once again, you're nitpicking with words. By saying that God wanted to die, I'm not saying that He desired death, but that He intended to die.”
I realize that I am being a bit nitpicky but I would rather err on the side of caution. Yes, GOD intended to die and was willing to die. I was responding, I think, to the “GOD wanting to be killed” idea. There is a vast difference between wanting to be killed and willing to die.

“No forgiveness? Numbers 14:20 seems to disagree with you.”
What’s your opinion concerning Numbers 14:21-23?

“Unfortunately, you still did not answer my question. My question is, once again:
So from a Christian perspective, there is now no difference between a pious Christian and a mass-murder and rapist. Both will go to paradise because God has paid for their sins. People should have fun and do whatever they like in this world, sinning as much as possible, because God has paid for their sins.”
Please specifically tell me what will be the fate of a mass-murderer and rapist in the afterlife. How can you say 'Hell' when God has already paid for his sin? it means that God did not really pay for his sins because now he has to be punished for them again.”
People who sin as much as possible are people who have continued on the road to hell. They are people who have not truly confessed their sin to GOD from their hearts; who have not truly been sorry for their sin; who have not been willing to truly acknowledge themselves as sinful and who have not truly accepted the gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ. A mass-murderer and rapist who truly come to an understanding of their sinful nature and humbly come before GOD, committing themselves wholeheartedly to Him; confessing Jesus as Lord and Savior will experience GOD’s forgiveness. When Jesus hung on the cross He prayed, “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing”. Forgiveness is not imposed on us. It is offered to us to accept or reject. People who reject GOD’s forgiveness choose the road to hell. Allow me to say this again. Before GOD brought “into effect” His way of salvation for us, there was no other road other than the road to hell. His forgiveness of our sin entitled Him to open a road to eternal life. By nature, we are sinful. We all travel the road to hell. Now we have a choice. Stay on this road or follow Jesus, the new road to eternal life. Because the price for our sin has been paid, we no longer have to go to hell. Through His grace, mercy, and love, GOD has offered us the free road to heaven. We can choose to take this road or we can choose to take the road to hell. We now have a choice.

“What constitutes a rejection and what constitutes an acceptance of His forgiveness?”
Allow me to explain. You used the term “pious Christian” earlier. Again, true Christianity is not pious by nature. However, many Christians struggle with the issue of piety—so do many Muslims; so do all people of the world. No one likes to admit they are wrong. Many times we may know we are wrong about something, but we are not going to confess that; we are not going to accept that. The sinful human nature goes against the willing and humble attitude and mindset of acknowledging, accepting, and confessing we are sinful by nature. Acceptance of forgiveness can only take place when we recognize and then acknowledge, accept, and confess that we are sinful. As long as we believe and think we are not sinful by nature; as long as we recognize our sinful nature but refuse to humble ourselves and confess our sin, we cannot accept forgiveness. As long as we keep justifying our actions and behavior; as long as we keep justifying our nature, we cannot accept forgiveness. True acceptance of forgiveness buries our piety and pride. It buries excuses; it buries our mindset of being good enough for GOD. When this happens, the way of forgiveness is truly accepted. Rejection involves rejecting the ideas and the principles and the truths about who we are as people by nature. Many people will say, “Yes, I have confessed my sin to GOD and asked His forgiveness, so I will go to heaven.” Often, however, this is said and done so that people can say that their salvation and way to heaven has been an amazing accomplishment on their own. This will never work. This is a form of rejection and piety that dishonors GOD greatly. GOD does not listen to words we say; He does not watch deeds we do. GOD searches the heart and examines our motives.

“Tell me about the innocent human babies who were murdered throughout history - what sin did they do?”
These babies did not commit any sin. But they, like every other baby in the world, were born with a sinful nature—a natural tendency toward sin. At their age, they do not understand what sin is. A point in time comes when they know the difference between right and wrong. This is when they will be accountable.

“Why is that? If God has forgiven every single sin you did and will do in your life, and has even punished himself for it, then He cannot reasonably hold you accountable for it. It does not make sense for him to punish you after He has already died for your sins. What about those Christians who murdered and slaughtered innocent people (like the Crusaders) yet still accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. According to Christianity, these people will not be punished for the tremendous atrocities they committed because God already died for their sins.”
GOD will not hold us accountable for our sin. The price was paid. What GOD is going to hold us accountable for is our acceptance or rejection of His forgiveness. You are right, GOD will not punish. If GOD punishes then His forgiveness is of no effect. We, however, will implement punishment on ourselves. Just like there is eternal life in heaven, there is eternal life in hell. We now decide to which one we want to go. Many, many people call themselves Christians. In the name of Christianity they murdered people. Crusaders were not true followers of Jesus Christ. Christianity is not a religion about violence, retribution, and pay back. True Christianity—biblical born again Christianity—is about forgiveness, love, servitude, perfect moral and ethical standards, and grace. Crusaders did not implement true Christianity in their lives. People who truly accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, are people who become “born-again.” They no longer have desires to sin; they no longer have a pious and proud attitude; they desire in the depths of their heart to follow Jesus at all costs. People who continue to commit atrocities are people rejecting GOD’s forgiveness and continuing down the road to hell.

“If God paid for future sins as well, as you believe, then there should be no blame on the Christian who decides to lead a sinful life.”
Again, someone who chooses to lead a sinful life, is someone who has not accepted GOD’s forgiveness from the heart. Someone choosing to lead a sinful life is not a true Christian; is not a true born again believer; is not a true follower of Jesus. The desire to lead a sinful life has died in the life of true Christians. People who have this desire, are not true Christians at all. They may go by the name of Christian; they may attend church every week; they may give money to the poor—but those things do not make them true born again believers. Christianity to them is simply a religion about GOD and not a relationship with GOD.

“So which sins are they allowed to do and which sins are they not allowed to do?”
True Christians are not allowed to do any sins—they have no desire to sin. Again, please allow me to quote the apostle Paul in Romans 6:1, “What should we say then? Should we continue in sin [breaking the law] in order that grace may multiply? Absolutely not! How can we who died to sin still live in it?” GOD’s standard is that of perfection. What He has done for us does not give us the right to do as we please. If we still have the desire to sin, we are not true Christians. Does this mean Christians are perfect people. No! But we no longer have desires to sin. We no longer feel it’s OK to commit one or two sins.

True born-again Christians have a change of lifestyle that intrigues many people.
Why could God not give people this change of lifestyle without having to die Himself?”
God does not impose this change of lifestyle on people. When we recognize ourselves for who we truly are as sinful human beings; when we recognize GOD for who He is as the Almighty, Holy, Creator of this Universe, our eyes are suddenly opened to see and understand the great divide between ourselves and GOD—a divide that we cannot cross on our own. At this point, the natural inclination is to say that yes, we deserve to go straight to hell. Then on top of that, we see and understand that this Holy, Almighty Creator of the Universe, against whom we sinned, actually came to this earth to sacrifice Himself on our behalf as sinful people—to pay the price for our sin against Him—this becomes the most humbling experience. People who are willing to put their pride in their pocket and acknowledge their sinful human nature and then truly accept this gift, are people who literally die to themselves and become alive to Jesus. Without this Almighty Creator doing what He did for His creation, people would never be able to see themselves for who they truly are by nature—sinful human beings that deserve absolutely nothing from GOD—nothing at all!

Once again, thanks for your feedback and continuing dialogue.


01-20-2006, 11:23 AM
Greetings once again Hana_Aku,

“When John says that the soldiers "saw" He was dead, he means that they assumed.”
Here you have changed a text of Scripture in support of your view. You also chose to use some commentary in support of changing the meaning of the text.

“"they all forsook him and fled." (Mark 14:50).”
Here you have kept a text of Scripture the same in support of your view. If we can change the first text of scripture, then can we not change the second text? Who's to say which one is right and which one is wrong? Why not simply change the second text to mean something different and leave the first one the same? Or, why not simply change them both? Or, why not keep them for what they are and look at context to gain a better understanding of the texts?


01-20-2006, 11:49 AM
Greetings Sumay28,

I realize this response has taken some time. Thanks for your patience.

In your message #71, you said:
“Pauline authorship of Philippians is "universally accepted" by virtually all Bible scholars, ancient and modern, with the exception of the kenosis passage in Philippians 2:5-11. This may have been an early Christian hymn that Paul quoted, rather than an original Pauline composition. Thank you Mr. Encyclopedia.

And Mr Dictionary lol... Kenosis: The relinquishment of the form of God by Jesus in becoming man and suffering death.”
What’s your point?

“Might as well show them their own book, because it does have a ring of truth in it. But it contradicts itself like no tomorrow…”
Please point out a contradiction for me.

Thanks:) !!

01-20-2006, 12:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hana_Aku

God did use different resources to communicate. 1. God, is the knower of ALL things. 2. He sent Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, etc. (pbuta), as prophets and messengers. HE communicated through them to give us His message. 3. The "letter" is the Qur'an. The word of God, recorded, exactly how it was recited and protected for all time.

Peace to you,
well I did not mean it from like that.... the Phone (the Father) which before people dreamed or had visions of the God speaking. then the in person which is the Son which God spoke through Him.. then the Letter which the Holy Spirit (God speaks to us through ).
please allow me to write something that God told me about last night.. though I did not check it to see if it is alright to say though I will say:

Don't you think if God has raised Christ from the grave that He to will do the same for you for following Him ( Jesus Christ )?

I used to be in bootcamp and they all stated that if one-falls then we all fall. like in football if one steals but yet doesn't confess we all pay the price because we are all one as a team. one cannot boast about being better because one does not complete the job Jesus never boasted about being God directly but he did say that he had power over things no one else did is one of the signs.
Jesus was at the beginning the Son of God but moses was appointed during his life time.

I would like to ask you if I can write down something... that tells a Christian that he is definiately a Christian? though if you want I can start another thread but before I do I want to ask if I can.

01-20-2006, 12:31 PM
Greetings to you Hana_Aku,

I have quoted your entire message just to refresh your memory.

“I apologize for jumping in on your conversation but I wanted to comment to POBook about this. First YOU believe every word written in the Bible, we as Muslims do not. The parts that agree with the Qur'an we believe, of course. You don't believe the Qur'an at all, so no point in refuting the Bible using the Qur'an. When we, as Muslims, use your own quotes from the Bible, we are using them to show you the contradictions and errors. Can you think of a better way to refute something than using the same words you hold as "gospel" truth.

When you quote from the Bible and say, "This is true because it's in the Bible" What is wrong with someone finding another verse that contradicts and then ask, "If that is true, how can this also be true?" It doesn't mean that person believes in the verse, it means they are pointing to reasons why they can't believe or have reasons to believe there are untruths or errors within the pages of this book of "God's word". If you are shown clear errors and contradictions, as the Christian, you might want to find out why. As Muslims, we already know why.

In the same way, I can ask you why you are using the Bible to explain Trinity, Atonement, etc., when you know we believe it has been corrupted. Wouldn't it be better for you to try to show us where the trinity and atonement exist in the Qur'an? Especially because you know we believe there are some true words of God still contained in the Bible and Torah. If you could do that....well, then you would have accomplished something really amazing.”
“When you quote from the Bible and say, "This is true because it's in the Bible" What is wrong with someone finding another verse that contradicts and then ask, "If that is true, how can this also be true?"”
This is an excellent definition of open-minded dialogue;D ! There is nothing wrong with this at all. This is an objective and healthy approach to dialogue. It is the right approach to dialogue. The fact that a question is asked about the contradiction is evidence of an open-mind to better understanding. I am very happy to be involved in this form of dialogue. There is a difference, however, in this approach and the approach I have sensed or understood you to be taking. You have been coming across in a way where you seem to choose verses that suite your understanding to contradict verses with which you say are untrue. All this is then, is the use of untruth to prove untruth. If you see a seeming contradiction, point out both verses, lay them on the table and then seek an answer or a valid explanation—if one exists.

“If you are shown clear errors and contradictions, as the Christian, you might want to find out why.”
Again, I do not have a problem whatsoever in dealing with “seeming” contradictions. As much as I might be part of considering the contradiction, you must be part of considering the contradiction to not be a contradiction. You cannot point out what to you is a contradiction and not be open minded enough to see that you may be wrong. I cannot be close-minded enough not to see that I may be wrong.

“In the same way, I can ask you why you are using the Bible to explain Trinity, Atonement, etc., when you know we believe it has been corrupted.”
I know you believe the Bible has been corrupted. But who decides what parts of the Bible have been corrupted? If you use a verse to point out a contradiction, which of those two verses are you going to say is corrupt? If the Bible is corrupt, then all of it is corrupt and you cannot use verses to point out contradiction. A verse that is a contradiction may actually be the corrupted verse and then there will be no contradiction.

Again, I do not have a problem with open-minded dialogue and discussion. Allow me to repeat your excellent definition of dialogue: “When you quote from the Bible and say, "This is true because it's in the Bible" What is wrong with someone finding another verse that contradicts and then ask, "If that is true, how can this also be true?"

Sincerely and with hope for open-minded dialogue:) .

01-20-2006, 12:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tahir
Hey PrIM3, i didn't fully understand the expression from the book, could you please explain it? Thanks

sorry.. I have to go to school... but please note that I will get to you as sooon as I get off from school.

have a nice day..

Ps Hana.. I am doing well myself thanks for asking.

01-20-2006, 12:34 PM
POBook.. sorry for bothering you.. if I am being a pain on the forum please tell me to leave or something.

01-20-2006, 01:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
Greetings once again Hana_Aku,

Here you have changed a text of Scripture in support of your view. You also chose to use some commentary in support of changing the meaning of the text.

Here you have kept a text of Scripture the same in support of your view. If we can change the first text of scripture, then can we not change the second text? Who's to say which one is right and which one is wrong? Why not simply change the second text to mean something different and leave the first one the same? Or, why not simply change them both? Or, why not keep them for what they are and look at context to gain a better understanding of the texts?
You accused me of changing text? Show me where I intentionally misquoted one of the authors. Listen, you don't like the truth, that's painfully obvious. It's ok for you to pick a verse and use your words to explain it, but if a Muslim does that, they are changing text? I have never changed ONE verse, but you do not understand the verses as they are presented and choose to twist their meaning to how they best suit you.

Don't ever accuse me of altering verses I quote from the bible. I don't have to resort to such pathethic tactics. The bible proves itself man-made, it doesn't need me to do that.

I know you believe the Bible has been corrupted. But who decides what parts of the Bible have been corrupted? If you use a verse to point out a contradiction, which of those two verses are you going to say is corrupt? If the Bible is corrupt, then all of it is corrupt and you cannot use verses to point out contradiction. A verse that is a contradiction may actually be the corrupted verse and then there will be no contradiction.
It is exactly that train of thought that allowed the bible to be corrupted and continues to be corrupted today. How can you make such a ridiculous statement like that?? You have the audacity to say it's ok the word of God is corrupted!!! Does it really matter which verse is corrupt???? ONE CORRUPTED VERSE INVALIDATES THE BIBLE!!!

And yes, now I am getting aggravated. I don't appreciate being falsely accused because YOU can't handle the truth. You resorting to such lows in an attempt to evade the topic is all the proof I need to see you cannot respond to what I asked days ago. And, now you admit the bible also contains corrupted verses and you expect us to still accept it is the word of God???!!!!

As Prophet Muhammed, pbuh, taught when dealing with those so blind they only argue for the sake of argument, "To you be your religion, to me be mine."

You can go practice your missionary style tactics on someone else. They won't work with me. When you can learn to handle truth without accusations you may try again to correspond, until then, our conversation is over.


01-20-2006, 07:20 PM
Greetings again Tahir,

I appreciate all your questions and willingness to dialogue.

“Now if you add them up you will get 1 day and 2 nights which does not equal 3 days and 3 nights and Jesus (pbuh) was not discovered on the third day. However somehow assuming that the above verses are true this still does not mean Jesus (pbuh) was dead, when Jonah (pbuh) spent 3 days and 3 nights in the whale's body he was still alive and therefore for the above verses to be true Jesus (pbuh) must have still been alive.”
I think it is important to understand that when Jesus was talking about Jonah, He was not focusing on the time frame of Jonah’s circumstance as much as He was focusing on the principle of what happened. If a whale swallowed you into it’s stomach, what are the chances of you getting out alive? It would have to be some amazing miracle, wouldn’t it? When someone is buried in a tomb, what are the chances of that person actually coming out alive? Yet, like the miracle of Jonah, Jesus came out of His burial alive. I think it is also important to read other passages of Scripture that refer to the burial of Jesus. While a couple of verses mention 3 days (Mark 9:31; 10:34) several also talk about the resurrection being “on the third day” (Matthew 16:21; 17:23; 20:19; Luke 18:33; 24:46). What’s important to realize here is that Jesus was buried on the Friday and rose from the dead on the Sunday. If you want to read this in more detail, check out http://www.hevanet.com/jamoran/Chris...l%20Nights.htm

“Also may i ask why did Mary Magdalene go to visit Jesus' (pbuh) tomb? According to the Gospel writers she went "TO ANOINT HIM", Mark 16:1 The Hebrew word for anoint is "masaha" which basically means to rub, ro massage to anoint. Now why would a woman want to go and massage a dead body? After 3 hours of a person being dead rigor mortis sets in and the body starts to decompose so if someone tried massaging a dead body after 3 days it would fall to pieces! It would however make sense if she was looking for a live person, you see she was about the the only person besides Joseph of Arimathe'a and Nicodemus who had given the final rites to the body of Jesus. If she had seen any sign of life in the limp body of Jesus when he was taken down from the cross, she was not going to shout, "HE IS ALIVE!" She returns after 2 nights and a day, when the Jewish Sabbath had passed, to take care of Jesus.”
If you do not mind me saying so, I am very impressed with your research and attention to detail. That is great!! I would like to address a couple of things you’ve raised here. I found it very interesting that you used the Hebrew word for “anoint.” Why did you use the Hebrew word? It means basically the same thing as the Greek word used in the New Testament “for anoint”—Aleipho—to rub, smear, daub, message in, cover over. Concerning this issue of massaging: We know that live people can be massaged for relief or comfort. Many people use oils to message the body. In the context of Mark 16:1, it is important to understand that in the time of Jesus, every dead person was massaged with oil and fragrances. This served the dual purpose of fulfilling religious obligations at the time as well as preparing the body for burial. In this situation, Jesus died on the preparation day of the Sabbath—sometime in the late afternoon. The priority was to get the dead placed in a tomb. People could do nothing on the Sabbath and that’s why they came as early as they could on the morning after the Sabbath to “anoint” this body. Now, concerning rigor mortis, I did some research and found the following information. Please take a few moments to read it:
Chemistry of Muscle Fibers
A few hours after a person or animal dies, the joints of the body stiffen and become locked in place. This stiffening is called rigor mortis. Depending on temperature and other conditions, rigor mortis lasts approximately 72 hours. The phenomenon is caused by the skeletal muscles partially contracting. The muscles are unable to relax, so the joints become fixed in place.

However, muscles need ATP in order to release from a contracted state (it is used to pump the calcium out of the cells so the fibers can unlatch from each other). ATP reserves are quickly exhausted from the muscle contraction and other cellular processes. This means that the actin and myosin fibers will remain linked until the muscles themselves start to decompose.

Yes, rigor mortis does set in fairly quickly. But the decomposition of the body only begins when the rigor mortis begins coming to an end. This helps explain why these ladies took these anointing oils as early as they could on the third day. In their minds, the body of Jesus was getting ready to start rotting and stink and before that happened, they wanted to “anoint” this body and stop the smell of death. Does this make any sense to you?

“About the stone which covered the tomb, now if Jesus really was a spirit then surely he could walk straight out of the tomb without having to move the stone and if it was to make people believe that he has truly risen from the dead then would it not be better if the stone was not moved? If he walked through the stone it would prove that he risen from the dead as no live human being can walk through physical barriers. Also if people saw Jesus then they could easily go and check the tomb as it was not too heavy to move as one man himself could move it "HE (Joseph of Arimathea) rolled a stone against the door of the tomb" (Mark 15:46).”
Once again, I’m very impressed with your attention to detail! Yes, I agree with you. If Jesus was a spirit, He would have been able to exit that tomb any way He desired. There would have been no way to lock Him in there. If the stone was not moved, and Jesus came back to life, then he would have simply been a spirit and not who He was when he died—a human being. Jesus came back to life in the same way He lost His life and then made people see he was back as a human being. Luke 24:39 says, “Look at My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself! Touch Me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have." In order for Jesus to come out that tomb as the same human being He entered the tomb, the stone needed to be moved. I hope this makes it clear. If you have more questions, please let me know.

“"When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye anything?" And they said, "Nothing." Then said he unto them, "But now, he that hath no purse, let him take it, and likewise his bag; and he that hath no SWORD, let him sell his garment and buy one!"
(Luke 22:35-36)

". . . Lord, behold, here are two SWORDS." And he said unto them, "It is enough".
(Luke 22:38)
These sound like a physical sword to me and it seems that Jesus wanted to defend himself but if he knew what was going to come and was going to sacrifice himself then why the need for defence?”
I will answer this question. For now, tell me what you think these next few verses in Luke mean, “When those around Him saw what was going to happen, they asked, "Lord, should we strike with the sword?" Then one of them struck the high priest's slave and cut off his right ear. But Jesus responded, "No more of this!" And touching his ear, He healed him. Then Jesus said to the chief priests, temple police, and the elders who had come for Him, "Have you come out with swords and clubs as if I were a criminal?” (Luke 22:49-52)

““Why did Jesus go there to pray? Surely if he is God then why the need to pray to himself?”
The question deals with the Trinity of Jesus. All I want to say right now is that Jesus was the “Son of GOD”; He was also GOD in the flesh. Like you may be both a son and a brother, Jesus was both GOD and man. We can certainly discuss this more if you like.

"And he went a little further, and fell on his face and prayed, saying, 'O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt'." (Matthew 26:37-39)

"And being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground."
(Luke 22:44)

If Jesus knew his job was to sacrifice himself for the peoples sins then why all this worrying? Plus as he is 'God' he shouldn't be worried about what other people are going to do him.”
I don’t think Jesus was worrying. I think He was in full control of Himself. I think He was very sad. He was about to go through remendous pain and suffering. As a human being, He did not want to do this. As GOD in the Flesh, He was willing to do it.

“If Jesus is really 'God' then how he have ancestors? "The generations of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham." (Matthew, 1:1) "Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne." (Acts, 2:30)”
Jesus had ancestors in that He was born of a woman. He did not simply come to this earth as some spirit. He was born as a person into this world and therefore He naturally adopted a human lineage.

"And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." (Mark, 1:35) Who is Jesus praying to if he is 'God'?
Jesus was praying to His Father in Heaven. Again, this is a Trinity issue.

"Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, THE SON OF JOSEPH," (John, 1:45) Does this mean that Jesus had two fathers?
No. GOD was the Heavenly Father of Jesus. Joseph was the earthly Father of Jesus, but Joseph was not the fleshly Father of Jesus in the sense that you have a father and a mother.

"I can of mine own self do nothing." (John, 5:30) If Jesus is 'God' then surely he should be able to do anything, right?
Yes, Jesus could do anything. The best way I know how to illustrate this is how each of us have the “I and me”. Have you ever known yourself to have to make a hard decision and you find yourself debating this decision with yourself. Part of you says to do this and yet another part of you says to do that. In a way, you are two people but one. Do you understand this?

"But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew, 15:24) Does this mean that the only meant to follow Jesus was meant to be the people of Israel and not the world?
No, not at all. Jesus probably knew this woman would have faith and He was trying to point out the importance of faith in Him to the Jews and to His disciples. He was trying to help His own people understand that even the worst people in the eyes of the world are accepted and loved by Him.
"And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, STRENGTHENING him." (Luke, 22:43) Isn't God all powerful? Then why does he need an angel strengthening him?”
Yes, GOD is all-powerful. But He came to this earth in the form of a man. He had a body like a man; He was tempted and tested like us; He ate, drank, and went to the toilet like us; He worked and learned. But Jesus was a little more than a man; He performed miracles; He knew things people didn’t know; He amazed people with His teaching; He loved and cared for everyone. He experienced joy and He experienced times of sadness, pain, and suffering—the worst of which was just prior to and the implementation of His crucifixion. As a man, He needed strengthening through a very difficult time in His life.

I really hope I have helped answer your questions. If not, please let me know. If you have more questions, feel free to ask.


01-20-2006, 10:57 PM
Hey POBook, hope you're ok

Although i do not think that the Bible is entirely true anymore could you please supply some evidence or proof from the Bible that people used to rub oils on dead people to prepare them for burial? I could not find any evidence for this as i was doing my research last time.

I'm kinda confused now, do Christians believe that at the end of time we will all be resurrected too? If we will all be resurrected to then will we be resurrected as a spirit or still with our human with flesh and bones?

"No more of this!" And touching his ear, He healed him. Then Jesus said to the chief priests, temple police, and the elders who had come for Him, "Have you come out with swords and clubs as if I were a criminal?” (Luke 22:49-52)

I believe that Jesus intended to fight back but knew now there was no point in fighting back as most of his disciples were falling asleep when they were meant to be keeping an eye out for Jesus.

"And when he (Jesus) rose from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for SORROW."
(Luke 22:45)

However there was one disciple who managed to stay awake in the need of Jesus and said

". . . Master, shall we smite them with the sword?"
(Luke 22:49)

But Jesus knew that resistance was now futile as most of his disciples were dreary and a fight would just lead to unnecesary bloodbath of his disciples.

“I ascend unto my Father and your Father; and to my God and your God.” John 20:17

Does this mean that every Christian is the 'Son of God'? How can a 'God' have another 'God'?

Sorry i keep going back to the topic of trinity, i'm not very clear on it

Thanks POBook

01-20-2006, 11:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tahir

“I ascend unto my Father and your Father; and to my God and your God.” John 20:17

Does this mean that every Christian is the 'Son of God'? How can a 'God' have another 'God'?
Yes it does mean that but not in the same like what Christ..
My Father and your Father. God is Father both of Christ and of believers, but in different senses
John 1:12- 13 Yet to all who recieved him, to those who believed his name, he gave the right to become children of God. children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husbands will, but born of God.

01-20-2006, 11:16 PM
Hey PrIM3, hope you're ok

If may be two different senses of a Father but it is still the same Father as Jesus. If it was not the same Father then surely he would have used a different word instead of Father? Did Jesus have a God then?

01-20-2006, 11:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tahir
Hey PrIM3, hope you're ok

If may be two different senses of a Father but it is still the same Father as Jesus. If it was not the same Father then surely he would have used a different word instead of Father? Did Jesus have a God then?
His Father was His God.. if that sounds right... just as a son calls apon his Father to ask what he should do.. just is the same way that Christ did.. Christ was the Son of God.. we are Sons through the Holy Spirit. making us step children

Romans 8:16-17The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs-- heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

-- everything really belongs to Christ, but by grace we share in what is his. if indeed we share in his sufferings. the meaning is not that there is some doubt about sharing Christ's glory. Rather, despite the fact that Christians presently suffer, they are assured a future entrance into their inheritance

Hebrew 12:7-10 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. for what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline, then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our Spirits and live! our fathers discplined us for a little while as they thought best; but GOd disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.

01-21-2006, 12:00 AM
yes I am ok.. thanks for asking.. how about you?

01-21-2006, 05:38 PM
Hey, i'm not bad thanks alhamdulilah. Just busy with boring revision and exams!

Why didn't God just forgive the sins instead of sacrificing Himself?

01-21-2006, 05:51 PM
I appreciate your intrest of knowing why God did what He did:

I will state this before I go look into my Bible: but according to my Bible before the Word of God set foot on this earth people had to be forgiven through animal sacrifise.
Abraham which is the stating as being the friend of God had to go kill his son to prove just how much he was he followed God and when he got to where God told him( Abram ) to go ( he was distraught or kind of weary since he had to kill a son ) right before he was going to kill his son he looked up and saw a ram for a sacrificial offering. which in that statement God says that bad things happen for no reason but they happen for the good.
if you understand that..
please I will go study my Bible for further studying but this is my understanding of it for now.

01-21-2006, 06:28 PM
Why did people have to be forgiven through an animal sacrifice?

01-22-2006, 12:32 PM
“I ascend unto my Father and your Father; and to my God and your God.” John 20:17

This is all the proof I need, dude.. You're worshipping TWO Gods and you want to say that the "trinity" means that it's all one God... 3-in-1 sort of deal. There are many times in the bible that Jesus is proving that he isn't God. He's praying to God. He didn't state that his purpose was to have all of our sins forgiven. It was as if he didn't know about the whole deal until it happened. And he didn't seem too thrilled about it either.

Not to knock y'all, but why is it so easy to follow confusion? Diversity of opinion is a central characteristic of Christianity. I've seen a Jehova's witness and a Christian debate for YEARS. They would visit eachother's houses with their Bible in hand and start debating eachother. This is the SAME BOOK!! Isn't that a bit odd? Alhumdulilah I found Islam, dude... I'm not looking through stained glass anymore.

01-22-2006, 03:45 PM
Salam Alaikum sister:

Yes, I agree.

This is one of my "favourites".

Jesus is referring to the disciples in this verse: John 17:20-22 “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” To me there are 14 gods here, well 15, if you count the Holy Ghost. (12 disciples, 1 Jesus, 1 Father and 1 Holy Ghost)

Christians will claim that John 10:30 "I and my father are one", refers to them both having the same status as God, and that it is proof of the divinity of Jesus, pbuh. But, when they quote the above verse, they say it has different meaning.

However, The Greek for “one” in both verses is “hen", and it means oneness in purpose. But, they pick and choose the meaning of words during translations so the average Christian is none the wiser.

It makes me angry that they have corrupted the true word of God so bad that it is barely recognizable and because of it they are giving Christians a false sense of security, (salvation).

May Allah, swt, continue to guide them, and us all. Ameen

Wa'alaikum salam,

01-23-2006, 05:23 AM
Hello once again Ansar Al-'Adl,

Thank you for your patience regarding my response to your message #55 in which you addressed the divinity of Jesus Christ. This response is somewhat …well, very detailed…I hope that’s OK. I look forward to hearing back from you.

I am going to be very nitpicky here. This is why: If you were headed in a straight line toward Mecca and started off just 1 degree off of direction, by the time you had traveled the distance, you would be nowhere near your point of destination (obviously, if you lived right next door to Mecca, this illustration would not apply). It's the same with interpreting text from one language almost 2000 years ago to another language of today. If we make a minor err in translation, we will end up nowhere near our destination of correct understanding.

Dr. Ali Ataie asks two questions:
"So what does Jesus mean by “Before Abraham was, I am,” and why do the Jews pick up stones?"
In answer to the first question, Dr. Ataie makes two statements: First,
"[Jesus] basically says, “Before Abraham was born into this earthly existence, I was in the knowledge and Will of God."
This is a false interpretation of the words "I am." First, neither the Bible nor, I'm sure, the Qu'ran "basically" say something. To "basically" say something implies that there are other ways of saying it. This opens the door to misinterpretation and the expression of opinion instead of an accurate understanding of fact. Both the Bible and, and I'm sure the Qu'ran, are very clear and evident in what they say. Second, the words, "I am" do not mean or say, "I was in the knowledge and Will of God." This is Dr. Ataie's opinion and not what the Bible actually says. I cannot understand how someone can just twist the meaning of Scripture like this!

"When we all existed before the creation of the physical universe in spiritual form, Abraham longed to see my day, the day of the Messiah."
Again, this is a false interpretation of the words "I am." These words do not mean or say "when we all existed before…." First, "I am" is singular (I) and not plural (we). To say "we all existed…in spiritual form" is an assumption that has nothing to do with this verse. In addition to this, the statement, “I was in the knowledge and will of God,” is very different in meaning to the statement, “When we all existed before creation…” The first statement speaks about our future existence that God knows about; the second statement says we existed before creation. According to Dr. Ataie, did we exist or didn’t we exist?

Before I talk about the overall context of John 8:58, I want us to make sure we look at the original Greek and original Hebrew renderings of this phrase "I am". Dr. Ataie says,
"Again, we have Christian word games being played here."
This is not a word game. If it is, then he is participating in it and obviously feels it is more than simply a game. I appreciate what Dr. Ataie has pointed out concerning John 8:58 and Exodus 3:14. It is very important, however, to understand these verses in their original languages in which the Bible was written as well as the relationship between these verses. Dr. Ataie points out that "
Jesus in John 8:58 simply says, “Before Abraham was, ego emi.
” He was right in his presentation of the Greek "I am" as "ego emi", apart from the fact that the word should read "ego eimi". He has fallen very short, however, in his presentation of the overall context of this phrase and its usage.

I realize I am being a little repetitious here, so please be patient. The New Testament was written in Greek; the Old Testament was written in Hebrew. Now, the LXX is a Greek translation of the original Hebrew manuscript. Dr. Ataie points out how this phrase "I am" was translated from the Hebrew phrase "Ehe’ye asher ehe’ye." In Greek, the Hebrew word "ehe'ye" means "ego eimi" and in English it means, "I am". After God declared His identity to Moses, He instructed Moses to say to the Israelites, "Ehe'ye has sent me to you." The same Hebrew word is used three times in this verse. A literal translation of the Hebrew into Greek reads, "'Ego eimi who Ego eimi.' This is what you are to say to the the Israelites: 'Ego eimi has sent me to you.'" Now, consider the following:

"A significant point overlooked by most who approach the text of John 8:58, is that Jesus was likely speaking in Hebrew and used "EHYEH" and said none of the Greek words in the text. John actually translated Jesus' actual dialogues in Hebrew to Greek in his gospel. John 8:58 may echo Exodus 3:14 either based on the Hebrew text or the LXX. Jesus was likely speaking in Hebrew in the actual story and John may have chosen to use the LXX rendering of EHYEH in its first occurrence in Exodus 3:14 as ego eimi to report Jesus' words to the Jews in John 8:58. The fact that the LXX translates "EHYEH" as ego eimi many times, proves that there is no reason why the John 8:58 cannot echo Ex 3:14."

"The Hebrew phrase, 'ani hu' is used only of Jehovah and signifies that Jehovah alone is God. The Phrase 'ani hu' occurs six times in Isaiah 40-55 (41:4; 43:10; 46:4; 52:6; 45:18 twice) and is translated by the LXX as "ego eimi", the same phrase in John 8:58. (52:6 is rendered by the LXX as "ego eimi autos at") Further, the phrase "anoki anoki hu" is found twice in Isaiah 40-55 (43:25; 51:12) and the LXX translates it "ego eimi ego eimi". The important thing is to note that the Septuagint (LXX) translates "ani hu", which is only attributed to Jehovah in Isaiah 40-55, as "ego eimi". 'Ani' alone is translated by the LXX as 'ego eimi' in Isa 47:8,10 where Babylon says, "I am, and there is no one besides me." But we note this is a blasphemous echoing of Jehovah's words, proving further that it is the language of deity. This contrast of use between Jehovah and Babylon, clearly confirms this conclusion. (see Philip Harner, The 'I am' of the fourth gospel, p 6). The phrase "I am [He]" is virtually unique to Isa 40:55, whereas "I am Jehovah" is used throughout the Old Testament."

"There is a direct connection of thought ("you may believe that I am He") between Isa 43:10 and John 13:19. Jehovah said in Isaiah 43:10 [Septuagint], "hina ... pisteusete ... hoti ego eimi". Jesus said the same thing in John 13:19, [hina pisteusete hoti ... ego eimi]. The similarity in thought and Greek words cannot be overlooked."

(If you are interested, you can see much more concerning this at http://www.bible.ca/trinity/trinity-texts-john8-58.htm.)

Dr. Ataie says,
"The Divine attribute is the phrase, 'Ho on.'"
Yet, when looking at the Divinity of God in the LXX, as seen in the Scripture references above, God is also described using the phrase 'Ego eimi.'" The context determines which phrase to use in describing the same person (For what it's worth, the description of 'Ho on' is used in Hebrews 1:3 in reference to Jesus Christ).

Am I trying to counter highly educated Greek-speaking Hebrew scholars? No, not at all. It is important, however, to understand that scholars of this nature, to change the text in their translation work, had to have a very solid reason to do so. If I may use a simple personal example here to illustrate this. In English I would say, "You are right." If I translated that literally into German, I would say, "Du bist richtig." However, the phrase "You are right" is expressed in German as, "Du hast recht." The literal translation of this German back into English is "You have right/correctness." However, nobody would ever say this in English. The purpose of LXX translators was not to change the meaning of the original Hebrew, but to take into consideration the particular context and then express an unchangable truth in the way the Greek language would express this truth within context. Do these phrases, while expressed slightly differently in different languages alter the meaning. Not at all. They mean exactly the same thing based on the original text and context.

If I may briefly point out the grammatical structure of this phrase "I am". In Greek, this phrase is found in the present active indicative form.

By present is meant a "linear or progressive action and presents an event as it occurs…The present tense may be used in any time frame and with several different semantic emphases."
By active is meant "the action is being carried out by the subject of the sentence."
By indicative is meant that a "mood may be defined as the mood of assertion…It is used primarily to make declarations or ask questions."
(Hebrew-Greek Key Word study Bible, by AMG Publishers).

For Jesus to make the statement "before Abraham was, I am" was for Jesus to say that He is "always occurring;" that existed before Abraham, that He exists, and that He will always exist." This statement by Jesus was not a suggestion for people to think about; it was an assertive declaration of His identity. This leads me to my next point.

Dr. Ataie suggests that Jesus was saying,
"When we all existed before the creation of the physical universe in spiritual form, Abraham longed to see my day, the day of the Messiah."
First, I cannot understand how he can make this statement!? I could understand him going in this direction if Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, we are." Jesus does not say this, however. Jesus is making reference to Himself as the one who existed before all creation of the physical universe. He is not making reference to all other people.

Second, we have looked at the Greek-Hebrew concerning Jesus as the "I am". For a moment, lets look at the Greek relative to Abraham. The phrase "Before Abraham was…" is the aorist middle infinitive form.

By aorist is meant the "simple assertion of an action or the naming of an event without suggesting anything about the time or manner of the action…the function of establishing background events in narratives. It is ideal for creating a setting as it calls no attention to itself and merely points out events incidental in a story."
By the middle voice is meant the "general indication of the direct involvement of the subject in the action."
By infinitive is meant a "verbal noun. Like the verb, an infinitive has tense and voice, and can take objects and modifiers."
(Hebrew-Greek Key Word study Bible, by AMG Publishers).

What Jesus was therefore saying, was "Before Abraham ever existed…". Whether Jesus was meaning Abraham's existence on this earth, or as Dr. Ataie suggests, Abraham's existence before all creation of the physical universe--either way--Jesus' existence was in effect before Abraham. There is only one who has been in existence before all else, and that is GOD (Concerning Dr. Ataie's analysis of Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sactified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." All I want to say at this point concerning an attempted parallel between this verse and Jesus satement in John 17:5, "And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was," is that these verses cannot be paralled. In God's foreknowledge, He knew about the creation and existence of Jeremiah. Jeremiah, like any other human, did not exist until he was born into this world. Jesus, on the other hand had glory before He came into existence on this earth; Jesus is the "I am" who has always existed; always exists; and always will exist").

I would like to consider the overall context now of this verse, "Before Abraham was, I am." This statement that Jesus made in John 8:58, is the culmination of a dialogue that began between the Pharisees and Jesus in John 8:13, "The Pharisees challenged him…" In response to their challenge, Jesus immediately begins identifying Himself and His authority as a witness in connection with Himself and GOD. Unlike humans who could connect their identity to important people, Jesus was making an identity assertion that was of more significance and sovereignty than that of the Pharisees. And they did not like it. Each of them had valid and important fathers in the line of Pharisaical work. So the next question they pose to Jesus is, "Where is your father?" (vs 19), still thinking Jesus was referring to an earthly father. Again, Jesus equates Himself with His Father by pointing out that if these Pharisees really knew who Jesus was, they would know who His Father was (vs 19). Jesus then makes a statement that challenges these religious leaders who thought they were alive and on their way to heaven. He says in vs 21, "I am going away and you will look for me, and you will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come." Jesus again repeats Himself in vs 24, "I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins." These Jews then ask a question in vs 25 that all people who have heard about Jesus Christ have been and are constantly asking of Jesus, "Who are you, they asked?" Before making a clear answer to this question concerning His own identity, Jesus raises their thinking and understanding of their own identity in vss 31-38. No, they were not slaves; yes, they were descendents in the lineage of the most important person they had ever known, Abraham. They understood Abraham's identity. In light of Abraham, they understood their own identity--or at least they thought they did.

Jesus now takes this conversation a step further in His challenge of their identity in vs 38. These Jews respond, "Abraham is our Father (vs 39)." Jesus points out to them that if Abraham was their father, they would model their lives after him. However, they were not modeling their lives after their historical father, but rather after their immediate earthly fathers. This life was one of wickedness and deceit. These Jews now try elevating themselves from being the children of Abraham to being the children of God Himself (vs 41). Remember, when Jesus said he was the Son of God, the Jews took this as an offense (John 10:36). The very statement they made implies the same statement Jesus made and was therefore accused by them for committing blasphemy. Jesus now points out that their true identity does not rest in Abraham or God; it rests in the devil. Jesus begins drawing the major contrast between who these Jews were by identity and who He is by identity. These Jews are naturally so angry they cannot even think straight. They want confirmation of Jesus' identity as a Samaritan (people they hated and considered to be low-class) who is demon possessed. They knew He was neither of these two. When Jesus connected eternal life with Himself (vs 51), this aggravated these Jews even further. In their minds, the great people like Abraham and the prophets died. How could Jesus say that people who believed Him and kept His word would never taste death (vs 51). The implication here was that Jesus was not only higher by identity than Abraham and the prophets, but He was also the provider and sustainer of everlasting life. In vs 53 the Jews ask, "Are you greater than our father Abraham?" This was their way of saying you are not greater than our father Abraham. These Jews then point out the fact that Abraham and the prophets died, and again ask "Who do you think you are?" (vs 53). This was their sarcastic way of saying, "You are absolutely nothing! You are less than them." Jesus continues taking these Jews down the road to their understanding of His own identity and it's contrast to His. Jesus points out that God His Father was glorifying Him--the very thing the Jews were trying to quench and bury. Jesus also points out that His Father, "whom [they] claim as [their] God" (vs 54), glorifies Jesus. Then Jesus draws another major contrast to their whole mindset and understanding of their identity as opposed to Jesus' identity. He says, "Though you do not know him (Abraham), I know him" (vs 55). How was Jesus able to know Abraham? In vs 56 Jesus says, "Your Father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; He saw it, and rejoiced" (For excellent commentary on this passage in Genesis where GOD appeared to Abraham in human form, see http://www.bible.ca/trinity/trinity-...esis19-24.htm). Jesus pointed out that Abraham saw Him. The Jews respond with the question in vs 57, "'You are not yet fifty years old,' the Jews said to Him, 'And you have seen Abraham!'" In their minds, Abraham came into existence many years before and also died many years before. How could Jesus say that He had seen Abraham? This is when Jesus makes the ulitimate statement of blasphemy in the eyes of the Jews: "Before Abraham was, I am;" "before Abraham ever came into existence, I have been existing, am existing, and always will be existing; I am GOD." "At this, the Jews picked up stones to stone Him" (vs 59). Jesus had turned the tables on everything these Jews had ever understood and believed about who they were and who Jesus was. They understood and in their pride and religious upholding of the law, they sentenced Jesus to death. Sad; sad; sad!!

Dr. Ataie continues,
"Your Christian friend may explode, “Then why do the Pharisees pick up stones?” The answer is because Jesus is claiming to be genuinely sent from God and His anointed."
Again, I realize I may be nitpicky here, but these Jews did not want to stone Jesus simply for saying He was sent from God. They were wanting to stone Him because He claimed to be God--blasphemy--religious crime that permitted stoning. Dr. Ataie states,
"Turn the tables on your Christian buddy and ask him, 'If the Jews truly believed that Jesus claimed to be God, then why don’t they use these ‘claims’ as evidence against him in the religious High Court of the Sanhedrin?"
There is a very good reason they did not use these claims. What is very important to understand here is that while the Jews had their own laws and penalties for breaking those laws, the Jews were also under Roman rulership at the time. Roman laws were not all the same as Jewish laws, especially in the area of religion. As far as the Jews and Jesus were concerned, Jesus' crime of blasphemy deserved execution. The Romans had no such law in effect. All the Jewish leadership--the priests, Pharisees, Sadducees, and High priest were fully aware of the basis for the charges against Jesus. They were caught between a rock and a hard place. They had a law that had been broken and was deserving of death but at the same time, did not have the authority to implement the major consequences of that law. The leadership of the Jews were not going to and could not place themselves above the leadership of the Romans. They had to conform in some way or another to Roman laws. So, when Mark 14:55 states that the "Chief priests and the whole council gathered together to find evidence that would warrant a death sentence, but failed to find any," it is important to understand that they were not looking for evidence that would demand a death sentence in light of their own law. To them, that was already clear. They were seeking some kind of evidence that was in comformity with the breaking of Roman law. If they found this, they would be fully justified in bringing Jesus before the Roman government--Pilate--and they would have a clear case to present Pilate for the execution of Jesus. Unfortunately, within Roman laws, these people failed to find any basis to present Jesus to the Romans as one deserving punishment. In Mark 16:60-65, we see how these religious leaders publicly set Jesus up to claim who He was within their legal system, giving them the right to say he was guilty of official blasphemy: "Then the high priest tore his robes and said, "Why do we still need witnesses? 'You have heard the blasphemy! What is your decision?' And they all condemned Him to be deserving of death" (vss 63-64). What we notice, is that these Jewish leaders could still not implement the death sentence. But at least they had some sort of official breaking of a Jewish law and a good reason to take Jesus to Pilate, the Roman procurator. Dr. Ataie says,
"Having no reason to kill Jesus, the Jews pull a "180" and changed their charge from blasphemy, a religious crime, to sedition or treason, a political crime."
The Jews, under their own law, had every reason to kill Jesus. Yes, they eventually provoked Pilate to hand Jesus over for crucifixion by charging Jesus with sedition or treason.

Again, if I may, please let me talk for a few moments about this whole situation before Pilate. Very specific details are given in John's gospel. In John 1:29, Pilate comes out to the Jews and asks, "What charges are you bringing against this man?" Notice the "non-specific" response of the Jews, "'If he were not a crimminal,' they replied, 'we would not have handed him over to you'" (vs 30). These Jews knew exactly why they were trying to get Jesus killed. They also knew that this reason would have no basis for charge under Roman law. So they try to portray Jesus as a crimminal--that person who under Roman law needed to be charged and sentenced. Pilate is not stupid. He responds, "Take Him yourselves and judge Him by your own law" (vs 31). Their response: "But we have no right to execute anyone" (vs 31). So Pilate takes Jesus inside the palace and begins to question Him. He finally goes out to the Jews and says, "I find no basis for a charge against this man." Jesus had not broken any Roman laws. Pilate is now caught between a rock and a hard place. He has no reason to charge Jesus, yet if He does not, he has to deal with these Jewish leaders. So he puts himself in a position where he can try and stay within Roman rule and government as well as please the Jews. He points out His custom in releasing a Jewish prisoner, asking the Jews if they want Jesus back. Pilate is very sly here. He is placing the ball back in the Jewish court. No one will be able to say that Pilate broke Roman governing laws; no one will be able to say that it was his choice to keep Jesus. The blame needed to rest officially with the Jews. Unfortunately for Pilate, his conscience would not let him rest. When the Jews asked for Barabbas, Pilate has Jesus flogged and then comes out to the Jews again, stressing that he has no legal basis for a charge against Jesus (19:4). All the Jews can say in response is, "Crucify him! Crucify him!" (vs 6). Pilate insists that the Jews take Jesus and crucify him. He again stresses his lack of basis for charging Jesus. The Jews insist, "We have a law and according to that law He must die, because He claimed to be the Son of God" (vs 7). Once again, Pilate speaks to Jesus. John 19:12 says, "From then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the Jews kept shouting, 'If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king is no friend of Caesar". The clever Jews found a way to manipulate Pilate. As a Roman governor, Pilate was under the authority of Caesar, the ultimate ruler of the Roman empire--the "king" of the Roman empire. Jesus was considered by many Jews to be their King. If Pilate was to release Jesus, he would be a friend of another King instead of being a friend under the authority of Caesar--treason! Very good manipulation by these Jews. As much as the Jews hated Caesar they said, "We have no king but Caesar" (vs 15). Pilate suddenly finds himself on the side of Jesus and the Jews on the side of Caesar. This could not happen. Finally, Pilate hands Jesus over to them to be crucified. Again, the Jews had every reason within their law to crucify Jesus. The Roman law had no reason to crucify Jesus. So the Jews manipulate Pilate into giving the crucifixion sentence to Jesus. Without realizing it, the Romans end up fulfilling the Jewish law of death for blasphemy.

Dr. Ataie says
,"The Christian will at this point be obstinate. He will cry, “No! They killed him because he claimed to be God, not just a prophet!"
As a Christian, I hope I have gone beyond the point of mere obstinacy and shown that Blasphemy was exactly the reason the Jews were able to get Jesus killed. Were any of the previous Hebrew prophets claiming to be God? Dr. Ataie is right--I say no. Why then were these prophets killed by the Jews? These prophets were killed because of the truth they spoke against the Jews. God used the prophets to bring to the attention of the Jews, their many evil and godless ways of life. He used the prophets to enlighten the Jews about the punishment they were getting ready to receive from Himself. The Prophets were like doctors revealing the infection and gangerine of serious wounds that had been covered up in the Jewish nation. As a result, the Jews hated them and killed them--their very own people. These prophets were not murdered under Jewish laws. They were the people who exposed the evils of the law and the evils of the people who claimed to abide by the laws--and they payed the price with their lives. Jesus on the other hand, was put to death because in the eyes of the religious leaders, He committed blasphemy. These proud religious people could not face the fact that Jesus was exactly who He told them to be--"I am".

I think what I have said above also addresses the comments by Dr. Laurence Brown.

Again, thanks for your continuing dialogue and I look forward to your response:)


Eric H
01-23-2006, 06:53 AM
Greetings and peace Hana, I have put in bold what I believe to be the most important part of your quote.
Jesus is referring to the disciples in this verse: John 17:20-22 “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me”
The parables of oneness are there to inspire us to be one through the spirit, and maybe if you were to ask the question;

How can a Muslim and Christian be one?

If they tried to be one through beliefs it would not work, if they tried to be one through love for each other there is the hope that this would work.
In marriage if two people love each other and serve each other and put the needs of the other person before their own needs on occasions, they have the feeling of oneness.

A Muslim and Christian could marry and each retain their faith, they can each love the other above all else, even though their respective communities might put pressures on them to change their partner.

Muslims and Christians could live together in the same community, if they have love for each other.

When it comes to working for justice for the oppressed, poor, sick, disabled, and the elderly then there will be opportunities for each community to support each other.

We are given opportunities to be as one with each other, often we let our conflicting beliefs get in the way of loving each other as we love ourselves; and unless you believe the same as I do we will oppose each other and work against each other.

Could the words of the greatest commandments possibly describe how Christ is one with the Father?

God loves Christ as he loves himself.
Christ loves God as he loves himself.

Can God love Christ more than he loves himself?

Is the oneness of God and Christ in the Bible there to inspire us to seek loving relations with all people?

In the spirit of seeking greater interfaith relations


01-23-2006, 12:36 PM
Peace Eric:

With all due respect....I have no idea what you're on about. :rollseyes

Those 2 verses have the same meaning as they both use the greek word "hen", (one), in purpose. However, Christians use one as "proof" of the divinity of Jesus, and the other as proof of purpose.

That they may all be as one, Jesus is referring to His disciples, not the community or the world.

It doesn't say anything about Muslims and Christians being one, living together, marriage, love....so I have no clue where all that came from.

This is a typical example of twisting the exact same word and giving it another meaning....nothing more. :)


Eric H
01-23-2006, 06:25 PM
Greetings and peace Hana, I have gone back to your post again and noticed that you did not quote the title of the verse which is; Jesus prays for all believers. He is not referring only to his present disciples as you suggest. He is also praying for all who will believe in the future as he states in the first two sentences of John 17;20

Jesus prays that all believers may be one, Muslims have Jesus as a prophet, so how can Muslims and Christians be as one?

Jesus Prays for All Believers
John 17:20"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: 23I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. 24"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25"Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them."

I believe one of the messages of John is to inspire unity through love

In the spirit of seeking interfaith relations


01-27-2006, 05:53 PM
Greetings Ansar Al-‘Adl,

I apologize for taking so much time in responding to your response in message #55 concerning John 1:1. To refresh your memory, if that's OK:

What does this verse of Scripture mean to you: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1)?
It doesn't mean very much to me. First of all, it is not Jesus speaking who never claimed to be God, but it is only the words of John, at best. Secondly, the context of the verse itself does not really allow for attributing divinity to anything. As Dr. Ali Ataie comments on the grammar of the verse:
In the first occurrence of the predicate noun “God,” it is preceded by the definite article “ton.” Therefore, the translation, “and the Word was with (the) God” is correct. The second occurrence of the predicate noun “God,” is not preceded by a definite article ton yet the Christians continue to render it as “and the Word was God” when in reality it should read, “and the word was a god.”
So whatever meaning you wish to ascribe to the 'word' of God, it is clear that it is only as much a 'god' as Moses was.
First, I agree with you in the fact that this was not Jesus speaking. John, however, based his Gospel on the teaching of Jesus as well as on what Jesus had to say about Himself regarding His identity. Concerning the use of the article or lack thereof in relation to God, please note the following (These excerpts are taken from http://www.bible.ca/trinity/trinity-texts-john1-1.htm in refute of the Jehovah’s Witness belief that Jesus is not God):

  • In John 20:28, Thomas says to Jesus, “My Lord and my GOD.” In this verse, God is used without the definitive article. As Lord, Jesus was not “a god” to Thomas; He was God.

  • In the first chapter of John, the word 'God' ('theos' in Greek) is used 13 times. In 7 places theos has the definite article (1:1b; 1:2; 1:29; 1:34; 1:36; 1:49; 1:51) In a remarkable 6 instances (1:1c; 1:6; 1:12; 1:13; 1:18a; 1:18b) theos (God) lacks the definite article. Every Greek scholar will tell you that the lack of a definite article does not mean that the noun must be indefinite. Clearly the meaning of these instances is the Only True "God", even though no definite article is used.

  • In John 1:1; 3:2 and 13:3, "theos" is found twice in each verse, once with the definite article and once without. Jehovah’s Witnesses, based on their principle concerning the definite and indefinite article, have only translated John 1:1 as “God” and “a god”. The other verses, they have translated as “God” in both references to “theos”.

  1. John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with [the] God and the Word was [a] God” (JW’s – “a god”).
  2. John 3:2, “Rabbi, we know that you have come from [a] God (JW’s – God) as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless [the] God is with him.”
  3. John 13:3, “Jesus knew that the Father had given everything into His hands, that He had come from [a] God (JW’s – God), and that He was going back to [the] God.”

  • In the New Testament, there are over 278 times where "theos" appears without the definite article but the JW’s always translates it "God" not "a god", except in John 1:1.

  • Jehovah is called 'a God". (Ge 16:13; Dt 32:4; 1 Sa 2:3; 1 Sa 17:46; 1 Ch 17:24; Ne 9:17; Ps 5:4; Ps 7:11; Ps 68:20; Ps 86:15; Ps 89:7; Is 30:18; Is 45:15; Je 23:23; Je 51:56; Da 2:28; Mic 7:18; Luke 20:38; 1 Cor 14:33.) Even the Watchtower sectarian paraphrase, (NWT—New World Translation) calls Jehovah "a God", in passages using the exact same construction in Greek. "He is a God, not of the dead, but of the living..." Luke 20:38.

  • In 2 Cor 4:4, "theos" is used of Satan WITH the definite article, yet the NWT renders this verse, as "the god" If we follow the grammatical rules of the NWT, is Satan Jehovah?

  • It is obvious, then that the Watchtower knows it is translating on theological bias, not "Greek rules". Even The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge points out, that translators and translations which choose to render this phrase 'a god' or 'divine' are motivated by theological, not grammatical, considerations.

"According to Greek rules on grammar, however, a predicate noun that is preceded by a verb may be translated as definite according to context. For example in John 4:19 we are told: “The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.” This verse can also be translated as “I perceive that thou art the Prophet,” because the predicate noun “prophet” is preceded by the verb “ei,” or “art.” In John 1:21, the Jews ask John the Baptist, “Art thou the Prophet?” This is in reference to the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18, not just any prophet. The Jews are asking him a very specific question. The woman in John 4:19 simply remarks that Jesus is a prophet. Again, the context is what determines the usage. Jesus never claims that he is God in the Bible and always considers himself subordinate to Him…"
The Greek text for John 4:19,
“λεγει αυτω η γυνη κυριε θεωρω οτι προφητης ει συ.”

The Greek text for John 1:21,
“και ηρωτησαν αυτον τι ουν | [συ] | συ | ηλιας ει και λεγει ουκ ειμι ο προφητης ει συ και απεκριθη ου."
Dr. Ataie says that John 4:19 can be translated as, “I perceive you are the Prophet.” The Greek article for “the” ( o) is not in this verse as it is in John 1:21. Dr. Ataie is inaccurate in his understanding and explanation of the text and its grammatical structure. The woman was showing her misunderstanding of Jesus’ identity.
“…so while the translation offered by Christians of John 1:1 is grammatically correct, it is contextually incorrect.”
Not only is the translation offered by Christians grammatically correct, it is also contextually correct. Consider the context for a few moments.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:2 He was with God in the beginning.
John 1:3 All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created.
John 1:4 Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men.
In the beginning was the Word…” Who was in the beginning? The Word was in the beginning.
And the Word was with God…” Who was with God? The Word was with God. Therefore, the Word was both in the beginning and the Word was with God in the beginning.
And the Word was God.” Who was the Word? In this context, Jesus was the Word. Therefore, Jesus was in the beginning; Jesus was with God; Jesus was God.
He was with God in the beginning”: Who was with God in the beginning? The Word—Jesus--was with God in the beginning. As God has always existed, so has Jesus always existed because Jesus is the Word that was in the beginning.
All things were created through Him…” Through whom were all things created? All things were created through the Word—created through Jesus.
Apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created.” What was created apart from the Word—apart from Jesus? Nothing was created apart from Jesus. Only with Jesus, did creation come into effect—Only with God did creation come into effect.
Life was in Him…” Life was in whom? Life was in the Word—in Jesus. Existence was initiated and came into effect through and from Jesus—Jesus is God.
“…and that Life was the light of men.” Who was the Light of men? The Life. Who was the Life—Jesus was the Life. Therefore, Jesus was the light of men—Jesus was God—the one Whom all men seek, knowingly and unknowingly.

Contextually, the Word was with God and the Word was God. Contextually, Jesus was with God and Jesus was God.

Again, I apprecaite your dialogue and look forward to hearing from regarding this message as well as my previous loooooong message concerning the Trinity.


01-27-2006, 11:19 PM
Hello Eric and Peace:

format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H
He is not referring only to his present disciples as you suggest. He is also praying for all who will believe in the future as he states in the first two sentences of John 17;20

Jesus prays that all believers may be one, Muslims have Jesus as a prophet, so how can Muslims and Christians be as one?

Jesus Prays for All Believers
John 17:20"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21that all of them may be one,
Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: 23I in them and you in me.
May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. 24Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory,
[B]the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world[B].
25"Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them."

I believe one of the messages of John is to inspire unity through love

In the spirit of seeking interfaith relations
I apologize for not getting back to you. I've been too busy these days to respond on the forums.

Eric, my point was that if you claim Jesus, pbuh, is God based on the statement, "My father and I are one", then you must also believe, (according to this verse you posted), that not only are all the disciples also God, but also everyone that believes in the message of Jesus, pbuh. You cannot pick one wording and say He is claiming divinity, and then choose the exact same wording when He is speaking of the disciples and everyone else, and say He is not. So, unless you are claiming all these people are also God, then you must see that He, God, the Disciples, the believers are all one in PURPOSE not in essence.

God is the creator of all things and as the Qur'an says, He is the best of planners. God knows of everyone long before they are born, and knows everything before they happen, just as He told Prophet Jeremiah. “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I 11 ordained thee a prophet unto the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5).

God didn't just wake up one morning and decide to plant a prophet here and a prophet there. God planned the creation of the entire universe and everything that would happen and everyone that exists here. Of course He knew all the prophets before they were created or born. HE created them.

And yes, Jesus, pbuh, prayed. He wanted people to hear His message. That was His purpose in being sent. The message is the same as all the Prophets before him, "The Lord Thy God is ONE God." He says, the way to eternal life is to keep the commandments." He never once said, the way to eternal life is for me to be beaten, humiliated, hung on a cross and die so you will believe in me. And, logically, if that were the way to salvation, He would have made that perfectly clear. If He were God, He would have said, "I am God, believe in me." God can make anyone do anything. If He wanted the world to believe, He could do that faster than you could blink. If He wanted to forgive your sins so you wouldn't have to take responsibility for them, He could do that too. But, ask yourself, what would be the purpose? What would you strive for? The answer is nothing.

As far as John hearing the message of Jesus, pbuh, from His lips....it never happened. He was not there to hear the message from Jesus, pbuh. And, if you believe He was, then why did He write in a language different from Jesus, pbuh? Why does John differ so greatly from the synoptics, especially when his book was the last of the canonical gospels to be written, (around 90 - 100 AD). John, or whoever authored this book, was not taught by Jesus, pbuh, and never saw Jesus, pbuh, nor heard Him speak. And the synoptic books were not written in the lifetime of Jesus, pbuh, either. No one knew who wrote these books, and it wasn't until around 200 AD that they were attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

John may have wanted to promote interfaith relations and harmony, I have no idea about his intentions, but that is not what the message of the Prophets was. God is ONE, do not associate partners or idols with Him, He is the only one worthy of worship, obey the commandments. There is your message. :)

Take care and peace,

Ansar Al-'Adl
01-27-2006, 11:50 PM
Hello POBook,
Please forgive my delay in responding to your posts; I've been very busy recently.

Let's begin by re-examining the meaning of John 8:58.

format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
This is a false interpretation of the words "I am." First, neither the Bible nor, I'm sure, the Qu'ran "basically" say something. To "basically" say something implies that there are other ways of saying it. This opens the door to misinterpretation and the expression of opinion instead of an accurate understanding of fact.
Actually, the usage of the word 'basically' denotes that the intended meaning is about to be paraphrased. As for the Qur'an and the Bible, it is characteristic of language itself that it can be paraphrased. What else is a translation?!

Second, the words, "I am" do not mean or say, "I was in the knowledge and Will of God." This is Dr. Ataie's opinion and not what the Bible actually says. I cannot understand how someone can just twist the meaning of Scripture like this!
The point that you've missed is that the verse is basically confirming the notion of a prehuman existence. As Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips also points out:
The Pre-existence of Christ
Another verse commonly used to support the divinity of Jesus is John 8:58: “Jesus said unto them, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.’ ” This verse is taken to imply that Jesus existed prior to his appearance on earth. The conclusion drawn from it is that Jesus must be God, since his existence predates his birth on earth. However, the concept of the pre-existence of the prophets, and of man in general, exists in both the Old Testament, as well as in the Qur‘aan. Jeremiah described himself in The Book of Jeremiah 1:4-5 as follows: “ Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.’ ”
Prophet Solomon is reported in Proverbs 8:23-27, to have said, “Ages ago I was set up at the first, before the beginning of the earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no springs abounding with water, Before the mountains had been shaped, before the hills, I was brought forth; before he had made the earth with its fields, or the first of the dust of the world When he established the heavens, I was there.”
According to Job 38:4 and 21, God addresses Prophet Job as follows: “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding... You Know, for you were born then, and the number of your days is great!”
In the Qur‘aan, Chapter al-A‘raaf, (7):172, God informed that man existed in the spiritual form before the creation of the physical world.

“When your Lord gathered all of Aadam’s descendants [before creation] and made them bear witness for themselves, saying: ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They all replied: Yes indeed, we bear witness. [That was] so you could not say on the Day of Judgement: ‘We were unaware of this.’ ”

Consequently, Prophet Jesus’ statement, “Before Abraham was, I am,” cannot be used as evidence of his divinity. Within the context of John 8:54-58, Jesus is purported to have spoken about God’s knowledge of His prophets, which predates the creation of this world. (Phillips, The True Message of Jesus Christ, pp. 6-7)
So the important point is that a simple statement like "I am" in no way constitutes the concrete evidence of Jesus's divinity that we should see if he truly preached it.

Again, this is a false interpretation of the words "I am."
This wasn't an interpretation of the words 'I am'! It was the next sentence explain Jesus's point.

A significant point overlooked by most who approach the text of John 8:58, is that Jesus was likely speaking in Hebrew and used "EHYEH" and said none of the Greek words in the text. John actually translated Jesus' actual dialogues in Hebrew to Greek in his gospel. John 8:58 may echo Exodus 3:14 either based on the Hebrew text or the LXX. Jesus was likely speaking in Hebrew in the actual story and John may have chosen to use the LXX rendering of EHYEH in its first occurrence in Exodus 3:14 as ego eimi to report Jesus' words to the Jews in John 8:58. The fact that the LXX translates "EHYEH" as ego eimi many times, proves that there is no reason why the John 8:58 cannot echo Ex 3:14.
This actually makes things worse for you since now your so-called 'proof' of Jesus's divinity is constructed upon speculation concerning the original language of the statement, and even the meaning here is hard to distinguish. If Jesus wanted us to know he was God he would have made it clear, not have the meaning lost in obscure hebrew that even the greek translators allegedly couldn't grasp.

Again, I realize I may be nitpicky here, but these Jews did not want to stone Jesus simply for saying He was sent from God. They were wanting to stone Him because He claimed to be God
What makes you so sure? What about the other prophets they killed? Did they also claim to be God?

Jesus on the other hand, was put to death because in the eyes of the religious leaders, He committed blasphemy.
On what basis do you make this distinction?

I'm going to jump back to your previous post I didn't answer.

No one was supposed to kill Jesus. If someone was supposed to kill Jesus, that would imply that Jesus was guilty of some crime and deserved a payment or retribution for that crime. If you said, “Wasn’t Jesus supposed to die?” I would agree with you.
Was he supposed to die by choking on his food or accidently falling off a cliff? No, according to you, he was supposed to die at the hands of the people as part of the atonement. This is the justification behind sayin he was supposed to be killed.

Many others did not understand who He was and why He came.
Did it really matter? They only had to kill him - he should have told them and got it over with.

What’s your opinion concerning Numbers 14:21-23?
The Lord forgives.

When Jesus hung on the cross He prayed, “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing”.
How do we reconcile atonement with this statement. God prays to God to forgive the people because of their ignorance, even though God can't forgive them until He dies? Why would God ask himself to forgive them for what they are doing if he knows that he can't forgive them unless they do what they are doing!!

Acceptance of forgiveness can only take place when we recognize and then acknowledge, accept, and confess that we are sinful.
Okay, so there are many sinning criminals who know that they are sinning criminals and like to be sinning criminals - do they get paradise because Christ paid for their sins?

I feel that my question has still not been given a proper response:
“What constitutes a rejection and what constitutes an acceptance of His forgiveness?”

Please provide a consise response to this question. I find that you are simply repeating the same ideas while evading the question. You keep saying that God died for us, now the choice is ours, we can accept his forgiveness or reject it but you still have not given a concise definition of what constitutes an acceptance of his forgiveness and what constitutes a rejection. Why do you consider a sinful evil person who proffesses belief in Christianity to have "rejected" God's forgiveness. If Jesus died for everyone's sins then a sinful evil person is no longer sinful or evil; his punishment has already been paid for so he can't be punished.

GOD will not hold us accountable for our sin. The price was paid. What GOD is going to hold us accountable for is our acceptance or rejection of His forgiveness. You are right, GOD will not punish. If GOD punishes then His forgiveness is of no effect. We, however, will implement punishment on ourselves. Just like there is eternal life in heaven, there is eternal life in hell. We now decide to which one we want to go.
Well the crusaders who killed many innocent people, they want to go to heaven, so I guess they get to go to heaven because their sins have been paid for and logically God could not punish them after paying for their sins.


01-29-2006, 07:43 AM
Hello Ansar Al-‘Adl,

“Please forgive my delay in responding to your posts; I've been very busy recently.”
No problem:) !
“Actually, the usage of the word 'basically' denotes that the intended meaning is about to be paraphrased. As for the Qur'an and the Bible, it is characteristic of language itself that it can be paraphrased. What else is a translation?!”
There are at least two “paraphrased” versions of the Bible—Good News for Modern Man as well as The Message. Both versions contain Scriptures that are not reliable in their accuracy relative to the original manuscripts. They reflect basic truths and messages that people can read and understand in modern English. But they can also be prone to misinterpretation. I feel that neither Muslims (relative to the Qur’an) nor Christians (relative to the Bible) can afford to say a verse of Scripture is “basically” saying something. The moment you say this, you open yourself to misinterpretation. We must say exactly what it says and not basically what it says—Yes very nitpicky!

Second, the words, "I am" do not mean or say, "I was in the knowledge and Will of God." This is Dr. Ataie's opinion and not what the Bible actually says. I cannot understand how someone can just twist the meaning of Scripture like this!
The point that you've missed is that the verse is basically confirming the notion of a prehuman existence.
Was this verse “basically” confirming the notion of a pre-human existence or was it “basically” saying, “I was in the knowledge and Will of God”? Pre-human existence implies spiritual existence. Being in the knowledge and will of God does not mean spiritual existence. God’s knowledge and will can bring into existence—be it spiritual or physical—what was not in existence. For what it’s worth, I stand a lot closer to the idea of the “pre-human existence” of “I am” as opposed to “I am” being “in the knowledge and will of God.” While this verse may confirm the notion of pre-human existence, it confirms a lot more.
Dr. Philips says, “The Pre-existence of Christ: Another verse commonly used to support the divinity of Jesus is John 8:58: “Jesus said unto them, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.’ ” This verse is taken to imply that Jesus existed prior to his appearance on earth. The conclusion drawn from it is that Jesus must be God, since his existence predates his birth on earth.”
First of all, this verse is not taken to imply anything. It does not say one thing, meaning something else. The verse means exactly what it says. Second, Dr. Philips uses this word “predates” relative to Jesus existence. This is the wrong word to use concerning the existence of Jesus because to “predate” Jesus birth on earth is to imply that he was born or came into existence at an earlier time. Jesus never came into existence. He has always been in existence.

Allow me to once again show you the original Greek of this statement by Jesus, “I am”:

In Greek, this phrase is found in the present active indicative form.

By present is meant a "linear or progressive action and presents an event as it occurs…The present tense may be used in any time frame and with several different semantic emphases."
By active is meant "the action is being carried out by the subject of the sentence."
By indicative is meant that a "mood may be defined as the mood of assertion…It is used primarily to make declarations or ask questions."
(Hebrew-Greek Key Word study Bible, by AMG Publishers).

For Jesus to make the statement "before Abraham was, I am" was for Jesus to say that He is "always occurring;" that He existed before Abraham, that He exists, and that He will always exist." This statement by Jesus was not a suggestion for people to think about; it was an assertive declaration of His identity. Jesus was not saying that he came into existence “through the knowledge and will of God”; He was not making a simple statement that He pre-existed His appearance on earth. When Jesus said “I am”, He was pointing out His existence from eternity to eternity. There was and is no beginning and end to Jesus’ existence.

The issue of existing in the knowledge and will of God is very applicable to Jeremiah, Solomon, Job as well as David (see Psalm 139). Existing in the knowledge and will of God is exactly where these men existed. They did not, however, exist in spiritual form or in any other form.
  • Concerning Jeremiah 1:4-5: “The word of the LORD came to me: I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” This is very clear that Jeremiah existed in the knowledge and will of God. But prior to his existence on earth, Jeremiah was not some form of created being or spirit. The first time he came into any form of existence was his formation in the womb. For God to “set Jeremiah apart before [he was] born” was to say that God had a will and purpose for Jeremiah before he ever came into existence. God then confirms this will and purpose by saying, “I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” All that Jeremiah came to do existed in the knowledge and will of God. But in and of himself, Jeremiah existed for the first time when born into this world.
  • Concerning Solomon in Proverbs 8:23-27: “I was formed before ancient times, from the beginning, before the earth began. I was brought forth when there were no watery depths and no springs filled with water. I was brought forth before the mountains and hills were established, before He made the land, the fields, or the first soil on earth. I was there when He established the heavens, when He laid out the horizon on the surface of the ocean,” Ansar Al-‘Adl---please take a few minutes to read Proverbs 8. Dr. Philips has given a very good example of de-contextualizing passages of Scripture to make them mean something they do not mean. He is quoting these few verses to support the idea that Solomon was the one “formed before ancient times.” He was not. Look at Proverbs 8:1-3, “Doesn't Wisdom call out? Doesn't Understanding make her voice heard? At the heights overlooking the road, at the crossroads, she takes her stand. Beside the gates at the entry to the city, at the main entrance, she cries out:” Proverbs is all about wisdom and understanding. In this chapter, Solomon is painting a word picture, not of himself, but of wisdom and it’s existence. Wisdom is the one speaking the rest of Proverbs 8. It has nothing to do with Solomon’s pre-existence.
  • Concerning Job 38:4 and 21, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding... You Know, for you were born then, and the number of your days is great!” Dr. Philips is once again showing his ignorance and his de-contextualization of these verses. Job 38 and 39 record God’s expression of His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence in contrast to man’s understanding and knowledge of God. He is saying that when He existed and created, man was nowhere around. The book of Job deals with people who think they have all the answers to life. God is pointing out just how finite we are relative to His infinity. Within the context of these two chapters in which God was asking a lot of questions to Job, God ironically answers His questions on Job’s behalf and was saying to Job, “You don’t know, for you were not born when I created all these things and the number of your days had not even come into existence.” This verse in Job actually means the exact opposite to what Dr. Philip’s is suggesting it means. I have more respect for Dr. Ataie and his efforts to refute Scripture.

Again, I realize I may be nitpicky here, but these Jews did not want to stone Jesus simply for saying He was sent from God. They were wanting to stone Him because He claimed to be God
What makes you so sure? What about the other prophets they killed? Did they also claim to be God?
Concerning what makes me so sure, is the whole context of Jesus statement in John 8:58. I explained that in detail. Again, the Jews killed the other prophets because of how they brought to the forefront the evil of those people. The prophets were exposing these Jews and the Jews did not want that. Therefore, they killed the prophets. These prophets did not claim to be God but they came in the authority of God and confronted the Jewish people. Jesus and the prophets were on the same side against the Jews and therefore suffered the same penalties. They found different ways of getting Jesus crucified and the other prophets killed, but their motives were all the same—shut the prophets and Jesus up!
These prophets were not murdered under Jewish laws. They were the people who exposed the evils of the law and the evils of the people who claimed to abide by the laws--and they paid the price with their lives. Jesus on the other hand, was put to death because in the eyes of the religious leaders, He committed blasphemy.
On what basis do you make this distinction?
I hope the above answer, answers this question.
When Jesus hung on the cross He prayed, “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing”.
How do we reconcile atonement with this statement. God prays to God to forgive the people because of their ignorance, even though God can't forgive them until He dies? Why would God ask himself to forgive them for what they are doing if he knows that he can't forgive them unless they do what they are doing!!
This was Jesus appeal to His Father as an expression of His love for the very people who crucified Him. The Father is the only one who has the right to forgive. The Son could make an appeal on behalf of the people—a great expression of love. We must remember (and this is another thread I would think) that from God’s perspective what is past, present, and future to us, is always present to God.
Acceptance of forgiveness can only take place when we recognize and then acknowledge, accept, and confess that we are sinful.
Okay, so there are many sinning criminals who know that they are sinning criminals and like to be sinning criminals - do they get paradise because Christ paid for their sins?
No they do not get paradise. Christ’s atonement does not pick us up and put us in heaven. It creates a way to heaven that before did not exist. Again, God’s atonement has opened a way that before did not exist. People can still choose to continue down the road of sin or they can choose to go down the road of forgiveness. I think it is also important to understand that true repentance and acceptance of forgiveness is reflected in a change of lifestyle. Many people can say they have taken the road of grace and forgiveness and continue a life of sin. They have not taken the road of grace and forgiveness; they have stayed on the road of sin and rejected the road of grace and forgiveness.
I feel that my question has still not been given a proper response:
“What constitutes a rejection and what constitutes an acceptance of His forgiveness?” Please provide a concise response to this question. I find that you are simply repeating the same ideas while evading the question. You keep saying that God died for us, now the choice is ours, we can accept his forgiveness or reject it but you still have not given a concise definition of what constitutes an acceptance of his forgiveness and what constitutes a rejection.
Rejection of God’s forgiveness happens when people refuse to believe and accept that by nature, they are sinful. When someone does not believe that by nature they are sinful, they see no true need of forgiveness and therefore do not truly seek forgiveness. They see themselves as basically good people. Sure they, do things wrong, but in essence, they are good. With this mindset, someone will not and cannot seek and accept God’s forgiveness. The first step toward acceptance of forgiveness is a recognition and an understanding that as humans, we are evil by nature. When we see this and accept it, we suddenly ask ourselves the question, “What is going to be done about this?” As a Christian, I know that what needs to be done about this took place through Jesus Christ 2000 years ago on the cross. He paid the price for our sin. People can humble accept that forgiveness or they can reject it. Acceptance of forgiveness will only come through the recognition and confession that in and of ourselves we cannot make it to heaven, and we bury our pride and humbly accept the gift of forgiveness that God offers us. Until we recognize, understand, and accept that by nature we are sinful and evil, we will never be able to accept the road of forgiveness and travel down that road. Instead, we are choosing to reject the truth of our sinful nature and so are rejecting forgiveness.
“Why do you consider a sinful evil person who professes belief in Christianity to have "rejected" God's forgiveness? If Jesus died for everyone's sins then a sinful evil person is no longer sinful or evil; his punishment has already been paid for so he can't be punished.”
Many, many people profess a belief in Christianity. Eternal life from the Biblical perspective has nothing to do with “belief in Christianity.” Belief in Christianity is simply another religion and has nothing to do with a personal relationship with God through Jesus. It is very easy to go to church each week; become baptized; participate in communion; sing hymns; say prayers; confess sins. All of these things can be and are done by people as their attempt by their own efforts to get to heaven. People want every reason to say, “Yes, I am quite a good person. I do all these good things. I will probably go to heaven.” To these people, heaven is about what they can do for God and not what He has already done for them. What they fail to confess is that by nature, they are sinful evil people. This nature manifests itself in practical ways. Forgiveness does not bring about a change of nature. Jesus’ death on the cross does not change who we are by nature. A recognition and acceptance of a sinful, evil human nature is the first step toward accepting forgiveness and experiencing a change of nature—what us Christians call being “born-again.” Belief in Christianity does not constitute being born-again.
GOD will not hold us accountable for our sin. The price was paid. What GOD is going to hold us accountable for is our acceptance or rejection of His forgiveness. You are right, GOD will not punish. If GOD punishes then His forgiveness is of no effect. We, however, will implement punishment on ourselves. Just like there is eternal life in heaven, there is eternal life in hell. We now decide to which one we want to go.
Well the crusaders who killed many innocent people, they want to go to heaven, so I guess they get to go to heaven because their sins have been paid for and logically God could not punish them after paying for their sins.
Crusaders, while crusading in the name of Christianity, were not Christians themselves. What is so sad to me, is that many people say they are Christians, but they do not pattern their lives after the teachings of Jesus—they are not true born-again believers. The crusaders were not people who followed the teaching of Jesus; the teaching of the Bible. Christianity is about love and forgiveness, not about retribution and violence. Yes, like everyone else in the whole world, the sins of the crusaders were paid for. But these people, as reflected in their lifestyles, chose not to go down the road of forgiveness. If they had truly chosen this road from their hearts, they would have realized that in and of themselves, they were just as evil as anyone else. They would have realized that they were no better than anyone else; they would have put their weapons behind them and chosen the road of peace instead of vengeance.

Again, the consequence of our sin was an eternal separation from God. This eternal separation—this punishment—could never be taken away. However, through His love for us, God did what it would take to create a way to eternal life with Him. God created a fork in the road. We must choose which road we are going to travel. The judge who steps down and pays the consequence for the criminal does not stop that criminal from paying. If the judge did nothing, the criminal would have had no choice but to pay. Now, the criminal has a choice. What he does is up to him.

Again…looong…I hope that’s OK. I try to be as clear as a I can. Thanks for your persistence in this dialogue.

Eric H
01-29-2006, 07:48 PM
Greetings and peace Hana_Aku;
God is ONE

Our beliefs bring us to different conclusions and I would not like to challenge the beliefs that help you on your journey of faith. We are all created by the same God and we each seek a relationship with our God, we must pray for each other that we may all find eternal salvation.

God bless you


01-30-2006, 07:09 AM
Greetings Ansar Al-'Adl,

In message #112 I asked you about your definition of creation. What is your definition of creation?


Ansar Al-'Adl
01-31-2006, 12:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
There are at least two “paraphrased” versions of the Bible—Good News for Modern Man as well as The Message.
While these versions are paraphrased in a way that fits more loosely around the intended meaning, even the best attempt at a literal translation would be paraphrasing, as that is the nature of language.

Was this verse “basically” confirming the notion of a pre-human existence or was it “basically” saying, “I was in the knowledge and Will of God”?
The latter is the interpretation taken by Dr. Ataie while the former is taken by Dr. Philips and Dr. Brown. Both demonstrate that this is a very weak text to quote as evidence for Jesus's divinity, given the fact that it is quite open to interpretation.

The verse means exactly what it says.
And it certainly does not say, "I am God".
Second, Dr. Philips uses this word “predates” relative to Jesus existence. This is the wrong word to use concerning the existence of Jesus because to “predate” Jesus birth on earth is to imply that he was born or came into existence at an earlier time. Jesus never came into existence. He has always been in existence.
That is your personal belief, there is no biblical evidence you can bring that would support that.

In Greek, this phrase is found in the present active indicative form.
Why are you pasting something that was in a post already responded to? Repeating the same points over and over does not make a difference; we call it argumentum ad nauseum. As I pointed out, the exact same grammatical tenses have been used by those humans and prophets I pointed out earlier.

Concerning Jeremiah 1:4-5: “The word of the LORD came to me: I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” This is very clear that Jeremiah existed in the knowledge and will of God.
I don't have a problem with your interpretation but you've simply interpreted one verse one way and another verse another without giving me any biblical evidence. If you had explicit biblical evidence that Jesus was God, then maybe your explanation of the "I AM" statement would be plausible. The fact that out of all of Jesus's teaching recorded in the Bible the only evidence of his divinity is a few ambiguous texts makes the problem worse, especially when we consider that according to Christian theology, Jesus's SOLE purpose in coming to earth was to die, as God, for the sins of humanity. Logically, he should have been very clear on this point.

However, concerning the context of proverbs 8, I stand corrected. Nevertheless, my point remains the same. At best Jesus's "I am" statement can be taken to impy his pre-human existence, but it certainly cannot be taken as evidence of divinity. Ever a cursory search on this subject on the internet reveals the great amount of debate over it, for example this Jewish website:

Would Jesus really have disguised his divinity in such an obscure fashion that could not easily be recognized? Wasn't everyone supposed to know that he was coming to die for our sins?

Job 38 and 39 record God’s expression of His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence in contrast to man’s understanding and knowledge of God. He is saying that when He existed and created, man was nowhere around. The book of Job deals with people who think they have all the answers to life. God is pointing out just how finite we are relative to His infinity. Within the context of these two chapters in which God was asking a lot of questions to Job, God ironically answers His questions on Job’s behalf and was saying to Job, “You don’t know, for you were not born when I created all these things and the number of your days had not even come into existence.”
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. The verse says quite clearly what it says, and the only way out is to argue sarcasm, which can lead to the 'misinterpretations' you spoke of earlier.

Concerning what makes me so sure, is the whole context of Jesus statement in John 8:58. I explained that in detail. Again, the Jews killed the other prophets because of how they brought to the forefront the evil of those people. The prophets were exposing these Jews and the Jews did not want that. Therefore, they killed the prophets. These prophets did not claim to be God but they came in the authority of God and confronted the Jewish people. Jesus and the prophets were on the same side against the Jews and therefore suffered the same penalties. They found different ways of getting Jesus crucified and the other prophets killed, but their motives were all the same—shut the prophets and Jesus up!
I agree. The Prophets and Jesus recieved the same response from the Jews because they did the same thing.

This was Jesus appeal to His Father as an expression of His love for the very people who crucified Him. The Father is the only one who has the right to forgive. The Son could make an appeal on behalf of the people—a great expression of love.
Yet again, the problem is that here you have God asking himself to forgive the people, when he does not posses that power yet. And why would he ask himself such a thing when he knows that it is ONLY through this that they WILL be forgiven!

You said the father is the only one with the right to forgive - please help me in understanding this. So 1) God couldn't forgive his creation without dying 2) the son was sent to die not the father 3) the father was the one who had the right to forgive all along

Please clarify this issue. Did the father have the right to forgive when Jesus made this prayer or did he not?

We must remember (and this is another thread I would think) that from God’s perspective what is past, present, and future to us, is always present to God.
I would agree wholeheartedly, but the problem is that in saying God became a man, it is you has placed him within the limits of time and space because now there is a past (before he died when he could forgive) and a present/future (when he dies and gains the ability to forgive). What you are saying is that God changes with the passing of time - that at one point of time He has no right to forgive and at another point in time He has died and He does have the right to forgive. So you have already given God a past, present and future.

No they do not get paradise. Christ’s atonement does not pick us up and put us in heaven. It creates a way to heaven that before did not exist. Again, God’s atonement has opened a way that before did not exist. People can still choose to continue down the road of sin or they can choose to go down the road of forgiveness. I think it is also important to understand that true repentance and acceptance of forgiveness is reflected in a change of lifestyle. Many people can say they have taken the road of grace and forgiveness and continue a life of sin. They have not taken the road of grace and forgiveness; they have stayed on the road of sin and rejected the road of grace and forgiveness.
You've mentioned that
1. Christ's atonement made a way for us
2. Human beings can choose to accept or reject that way

Yet you still have not defined what that way is that has been created for us. Firsty you told me that when God died he gained the right to forgive us, now you're telling me that he has only opened up some mystical 'way'.

Rejection of God’s forgiveness happens when people refuse to believe and accept that by nature, they are sinful. When someone does not believe that by nature they are sinful, they see no true need of forgiveness and therefore do not truly seek forgiveness. They see themselves as basically good people. Sure they, do things wrong, but in essence, they are good. With this mindset, someone will not and cannot seek and accept God’s forgiveness. The first step toward acceptance of forgiveness is a recognition and an understanding that as humans, we are evil by nature. When we see this and accept it, we suddenly ask ourselves the question, “What is going to be done about this?” As a Christian, I know that what needs to be done about this took place through Jesus Christ 2000 years ago on the cross. He paid the price for our sin. People can humble accept that forgiveness or they can reject it. Acceptance of forgiveness will only come through the recognition and confession that in and of ourselves we cannot make it to heaven, and we bury our pride and humbly accept the gift of forgiveness that God offers us. Until we recognize, understand, and accept that by nature we are sinful and evil, we will never be able to accept the road of forgiveness and travel down that road. Instead, we are choosing to reject the truth of our sinful nature and so are rejecting forgiveness.
SUMMARY:Acceptance of forgiveness means that one recognizes that they are sinful by nature and acknowledges that God died for their sins.

I was just asking for a concise point like that. Anyway, there are many evil people in the world, who know that they are evil and acknowledge that Christ died for their sins, and that is why they don't feel there is a problem in sinning. So they fulfill your two conditions of acceptance of forgiveness. Therefore, according to you they will be in paradise. Crusaders who murdered innnocent people will be in paradise so long as they believed that they were sinful by nature (which they did, being Christians) and as long as they believed that Christ died for their sins (which they did, being Christians).

Many, many people profess a belief in Christianity. Eternal life from the Biblical perspective has nothing to do with “belief in Christianity.” Belief in Christianity is simply another religion and has nothing to do with a personal relationship with God through Jesus. It is very easy to go to church each week; become baptized; participate in communion; sing hymns; say prayers; confess sins. All of these things can be and are done by people as their attempt by their own efforts to get to heaven. People want every reason to say, “Yes, I am quite a good person. I do all these good things. I will probably go to heaven.” To these people, heaven is about what they can do for God and not what He has already done for them. What they fail to confess is that by nature, they are sinful evil people. This nature manifests itself in practical ways. Forgiveness does not bring about a change of nature. Jesus’ death on the cross does not change who we are by nature. A recognition and acceptance of a sinful, evil human nature is the first step toward accepting forgiveness and experiencing a change of nature—what us Christians call being “born-again.” Belief in Christianity does not constitute being born-again.
I read this entire paragraph, and I see nothing but re-iteration of the same ideas you mentioned before without directly answering my question. I think we can be a lot more productive if we are concise and to the point here.

Crusaders, while crusading in the name of Christianity, were not Christians themselves. What is so sad to me, is that many people say they are Christians, but they do not pattern their lives after the teachings of Jesus—they are not true born-again believers. The crusaders were not people who followed the teaching of Jesus; the teaching of the Bible. Christianity is about love and forgiveness, not about retribution and violence. Yes, like everyone else in the whole world, the sins of the crusaders were paid for. But these people, as reflected in their lifestyles, chose not to go down the road of forgiveness. If they had truly chosen this road from their hearts, they would have realized that in and of themselves, they were just as evil as anyone else. They would have realized that they were no better than anyone else; they would have put their weapons behind them and chosen the road of peace instead of vengeance.
The bold part is the only part I'm interested in. If they were already forgiven, then they cannot logically be punished for their crimes against humanity, and war criminals in the modern age like the crusaders should be exempted from being brought to justice because their sins have been paid for.

Again, the consequence of our sin was an eternal separation from God.
Who's sin, specifically? Adam's?

In message #112 I asked you about your definition of creation. What is your definition of creation?
It depends on the context of the discussion. Please present the full argument and then we can discuss it. I think it will be much more productive if we are open with eachother, rather than attempting to string together a list of leading questions.


Eric H
01-31-2006, 08:04 AM
Greetings and peace Ansar Al-'Adl;

The fact that out of all of Jesus's teaching recorded in the Bible the only evidence of his divinity is a few ambiguous texts makes the problem worse, especially when we consider that according to Christian theology, Jesus's SOLE purpose in coming to earth was to die, as God, for the sins of humanity. Logically, he should have been very clear on this point.
I have to agree with you that more concrete proof would be good, But!!!

It seems that God has sort of given us the minimum amount of proof for his own existence, there seems to be just enough evidence but it stops short of being absolute proof. If we could prove beyond a doubt that God exists then there would more than likely be one faith and there might not be any atheists or agnostics.

We are left searching for God and whatever we might say about our own belief system it does not leave us any unity of beliefs, Islam, Christianity are divided on the interpretation of their own books. We might just about be able to agree on a few points that could be written on a single page.

I wonder if God has given us all the information in the way he has as a test in how we relate to each other despite our differences.

Or has he given us so many choices in belief that it is only for scholars and theologians to work out the clues.

Or should we each strive to convert each other?

In the spirit of searching for answers


Ansar Al-'Adl
01-31-2006, 04:49 PM
Greetings Eric, it's always a pleasure to dialogue with you. :)

Your views on the existence of God and multiple religions deserve a thread on their own, but for the purpose of this thread I would just like to point out that we are speaking of textual evidence. Based on textual evidence it seems quite clear that all the Prophets preached the same belief in One God; there doesn't seem to be enough textual evidence to support this whole notion of trinity and atonement - it just isn't logically coherent.

As for the existence of God, please do read my points in these threads to understand my perspective:

Or should we each strive to convert each other?
If all the Prophets preached the same message, I think it must be a message of sufficient importance that we should call humanity to it.


02-01-2006, 01:06 PM
Greetings to you Ansar Al-'Adl,

Was this verse “basically” confirming the notion of a pre-human existence or was it “basically” saying, “I was in the knowledge and Will of God”?
The latter is the interpretation taken by Dr. Ataie while the former is taken by Dr. Philips and Dr. Brown. Both demonstrate that this is a very weak text to quote as evidence for Jesus's divinity, given the fact that it is quite open to interpretation.
The reason this verse is open to many interpretations is people’s unwillingness to accept the simplicity of what it says.

The verse means exactly what it says.
And it certainly does not say, "I am God".
Neither did Exodus 3:18 say “I am God”. Again, if I may point out God’s usage of Hebrew as an identification of His identity is exactly the same as the Greek and is exactly the same as the English—I Am—without beginning and without end.

Second, Dr. Philips uses this word “predates” relative to Jesus existence. This is the wrong word to use concerning the existence of Jesus because to “predate” Jesus birth on earth is to imply that he was born or came into existence at an earlier time. Jesus never came into existence. He has always been in existence.
That is your personal belief, there is no biblical evidence you can bring that would support that.
This is not my personal belief; it’s not the words of men. Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I am.” The word “predates” does not fit in with the Biblical grammar of the Greek and Hebrew.

Concerning Jeremiah 1:4-5: “The word of the LORD came to me: I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” This is very clear that Jeremiah existed in the knowledge and will of God.
I don't have a problem with your interpretation but you've simply interpreted one verse one way and another verse another without giving me any biblical evidence.
What evidence are you wanting?

If you had explicit biblical evidence that Jesus was God, then maybe your explanation of the "I AM" statement would be plausible. The fact that out of all of Jesus's teaching recorded in the Bible the only evidence of his divinity is a few ambiguous texts makes the problem worse, especially when we consider that according to Christian theology, Jesus's SOLE purpose in coming to earth was to die, as God, for the sins of humanity. Logically, he should have been very clear on this point.
Logically, He was very, very clear on this point—that’s the whole reason why they crucified Him.

However, concerning the context of proverbs 8, I stand corrected.
I appreciate your willingness to stand corrected.

Would Jesus really have disguised his divinity in such an obscure fashion that could not easily be recognized?
Jesus did not disguise His divinity. That is the whole reason He was crucified. Jesus made it very clear who He was. The Jews had no other reason to crucify Him, other than that of what they called blasphemy—His reference to Himself as the Son of God; His reference to His Father and Himself being one. The Jews understood clearly that this was His mindset.

Wasn't everyone supposed to know that he was coming to die for our sins?
If some strange guy stood before you right now and said, “I am coming to die for your sin,” what would be your response?

Job 38 and 39 record God’s expression of His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence in contrast to man’s understanding and knowledge of God. He is saying that when He existed and created, man was nowhere around. The book of Job deals with people who think they have all the answers to life. God is pointing out just how finite we are relative to His infinity. Within the context of these two chapters in which God was asking a lot of questions to Job, God ironically answers His questions on Job’s behalf and was saying to Job, “You don’t know, for you were not born when I created all these things and the number of your days had not even come into existence.”
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. The verse says quite clearly what it says, and the only way out is to argue sarcasm, which can lead to the 'misinterpretations' you spoke of earlier.
Please allow me once again to explain the context here. The book of Job in the Bible is one of the oldest books and was the first book written in Hebrew poetry—particularly the form of poetry known as “parallelism.” One characteristic of this form of poetry is that it does not involve the rhyming of sounds but the rhyming of thoughts and ideas. Another aspect to Hebrew parallelism, particularly in the book of Job, is that it is expressed either in synonymous form where the thoughts are similar to one another or it is expressed in antithetical form where the thoughts are opposite to one another. The only parts of Job that are not written in poetry form are chapters 1 and 2 as well as chapter 42:7-16. With this in mind, lets look at the opening verses of God’s response to Job, Bildad, Zophar, Eliphaz, and Elihu.

Job 38:1 Then the LORD answered Job from the whirlwind. He said:
Job 38:2 Who is this who obscures My counsel with ignorant words?
Job 38:3 Get ready to answer Me like a man; when I question you, you will inform Me.
Job 38:4 Where were you when I established the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.

The very first question God asks here is, “Who is this who obscures My counsel with ignorant words?” Did God not actually know who was obscuring His counsel? Was He wanting information He did not know? Or was God making the point that these people were in fact obscuring His counsel with ignorant words? Then God says, “Get ready to answer Me like a man; when I question you, you will inform Me.” This is an example of synonymous parallelism—“answer me…inform me.” The question we need to ask ourselves here is this: Did Job have answers to questions that God had not yet discovered or was God getting ready to point out to Job that he did not have answers to questions like he thought he had discovered? The latter is what was getting ready to take place. God is saying to Job, “Job, you are not the man you think you are and when I question you, you are not going to have all the answers you think you have.” To make this point very clear right at the outset, God asks Job a very personal question: “Where were you when I established the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.” If I asked you where you were when God established the earth, would you be able to tell me? Again, God is saying to Job, “You were no where around when I established the earth. You have no understanding and so you cannot tell Me anything.” Allow me now to skip to Job chapter 40.

Job 40:1 The LORD answered Job:
Job 40:2 Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? Let him who argues with God give an answer.
Job 40:3 Then Job answered the LORD:
Job 40:4 I am so insignificant. How can I answer You? I place my hand over my mouth.
Job 40:5 I have spoken once, and I will not reply; twice, but now I can add nothing.

When God asks the question, “Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him?” God is saying, “You contend with the Almighty but you are wrong; you will never be able to correct Him.” God follows His question with the statement, “You argue with me but you have no answers.” Job recognizes, understands, and accepts what God is saying: “I am so insignificant. How can I answer you (in other words, I cannot answer you)? I place my hand over my mouth. I have spoken once, and I will not reply; twice, but now I can add nothing.”

I sincerely hope this helps you understand the greater context of Job and the fact that when God said in Job 38:21, “Don't you know? You were already born; you have lived so long!”, God was saying to Job, “You don’t know, for you were not born when I created all these things and the number of your days had not even come into existence.”

Concerning what makes me so sure, is the whole context of Jesus statement in John 8:58. I explained that in detail. Again, the Jews killed the other prophets because of how they brought to the forefront the evil of those people. The prophets were exposing these Jews and the Jews did not want that. Therefore, they killed the prophets. These prophets did not claim to be God but they came in the authority of God and confronted the Jewish people. Jesus and the prophets were on the same side against the Jews and therefore suffered the same penalties. They found different ways of getting Jesus crucified and the other prophets killed, but their motives were all the same—shut the prophets and Jesus up!
I agree. The Prophets and Jesus recieved the same response from the Jews because they did the same thing.
The Prophets never said they were the Son of God. The prophets never claimed Divinity. The prophets never committed blasphemy. Jesus and the prophets were not killed for doing the same thing.

You said the father is the only one with the right to forgive - please help me in understanding this. So 1) God couldn't forgive his creation without dying
If God simply forgave, He would not be a just God; He would not be upholding His own laws. He would simply be saying to people, “It’s OK if you commit sin. I will forgive you.” He would dishonor Himself and fail to hold us accountable. The wage of sin is death. We had to pay the price or God could pay the price. As the Law implementer, He could become the law fulfiller on our behalf.

2) the son was sent to die not the father
Yes, the Son was sent to die, not the Father, but the Father and the Son are one

3) the father was the one who had the right to forgive all along
Yes, the Father had the right to forgive, but not all along. A price needed to be paid. Then forgiveness could come into effect.

Please clarify this issue. Did the father have the right to forgive when Jesus made this prayer or did he not?
Yes, he had the right to forgive, but if He simply forgave, he would have broken His own law and contradicted His character. As a parent, if I have told my child they will receive a punishment for something they do wrong, and they commit the wrong, I have no joy, excitement, and happiness in administering the punishment. I don’t want to punish my child. In fact, I hate having to punish my child, but if I said there was a punishment for a behavior, I have to fulfill that punishment.

We must remember (and this is another thread I would think) that from God’s perspective what is past, present, and future to us, is always present to God.
I would agree wholeheartedly, but the problem is that in saying God became a man, it is you has placed him within the limits of time and space because now there is a past (before he died when he could forgive) and a present/future (when he dies and gains the ability to forgive). What you are saying is that God changes with the passing of time - that at one point of time He has no right to forgive and at another point in time He has died and He does have the right to forgive. So you have already given God a past, present and future.
God the Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit. As much as God exists as eternity, He existed in this world in time. We can discuss this more along the Trinity line of dialogue.

No they do not get paradise. Christ’s atonement does not pick us up and put us in heaven. It creates a way to heaven that before did not exist. Again, God’s atonement has opened a way that before did not exist. People can still choose to continue down the road of sin or they can choose to go down the road of forgiveness. I think it is also important to understand that true repentance and acceptance of forgiveness is reflected in a change of lifestyle. Many people can say they have taken the road of grace and forgiveness and continue a life of sin. They have not taken the road of grace and forgiveness; they have stayed on the road of sin and rejected the road of grace and forgiveness.
You've mentioned that
1. Christ's atonement made a way for us
2. Human beings can choose to accept or reject that way
Yet you still have not defined what that way is that has been created for us.
In John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way…” He is the way to God. “…I am the truth…” All that Jesus said and taught is the truth. “…I am the life.” Jesus is the life we all seek—life on this earth and life for eternity. “No one comes to the Father…" No one can get to God the Father, “…except through me.” A wholehearted belief in Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord is the way that has been created for us. “For God so loved the world that he sent His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

SUMMARY:Acceptance of forgiveness means that one recognizes that they are sinful by nature and acknowledges that God died for their sins.
Not quite. Recognition of a sinful nature and an acknowledgement that God died for one’s sins can be done without acceptance of forgiveness. The first step toward accepting forgiveness is the recognition of a sinful nature and is the recognition that God died for one’s sins. If we never recognized this, we would never see a need for forgiveness. But recognition of these does not mean acceptance of forgiveness. Many people recognize this but they do not truly accept Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and the life. They still try to see themselves and their efforts as the way, the truth, and the life.

Anyway, there are many evil people in the world…
Yes. There are many evil people in the world.

who know that they are evil…
Yes. They know they are evil.

and acknowledge that Christ died for their sins…
Yes. They acknowledge that Christ died for their sins.

and that is why they don't feel there is a problem in sinning.
No. This is not why they don’t feel there is a problem sinning. They don’t feel there is a problem sinning, because that’s how they like to live their lives. They seem to find their happiness and joy in living a sinful life. They have not chosen the road of forgiveness.

So they fulfill your two conditions of acceptance of forgiveness.
No. They have not accepted forgiveness; they have rejected it.

Therefore, according to you they will be in paradise.
No. According to me they will be in hell.

Crusaders who murdered innocent people will be in paradise so long as they believed that they were sinful by nature (which they did, being Christians) and as long as they believed that Christ died for their sins (which they did, being Christians).
Allow me to quote a verse of scripture from the letter of James in the Bible, chapter 2:19, “You [people] believe that God is one; you do well. The demons also believe--and they shudder.” It is one thing to believe something and another to place your belief in something. You can believe a story but not place much in it. If you have belief in a story, the story affects your life and how you live. To believe in something is to entrust yourself over to whatever you believe in. To simply believe something, is not an entrustment of yourself to what you may believe. Many people believe that God exists. Many people believe that Jesus is the Son of God; Many people believe that Jesus died on the cross. Many people believe that He was raised from the dead. But people who believe in this way are not always people who believe in God Himself and His atoning sacrifice. They do not entrust themselves to Him. Again, crusaders may have gone in the name of Christianity, but a crusader was not a born-again believer in and follower of Jesus Christ. Crusading was against the teachings of the Bible.

Yes, like everyone else in the whole world, the sins of the crusaders were paid for.
If they were already forgiven, then they cannot logically be punished for their crimes against humanity, and war criminals in the modern age like the crusaders should be exempted from being brought to justice because their sins have been paid for.
God’s punishment handed out to us for our sin was an eternal punishment. There was going to be no way for people to serve a certain “prison sentence” in hell and then come out and go to heaven. The punishment was going to be and is eternal. The crusaders, like every other person were and are headed to hell. As I have said before, because God loved us so much, he was willing to make a way for us to go to heaven, a way that was before, non-existent. He no longer punishes us. We choose to experience eternal punishment. Before, we did not have a choice to go to heaven. Now the choice lies before us. We can accept forgiveness or we can reject it.

Again, the consequence of our sin was an eternal separation from God.
Who's sin, specifically? Adam's?
Our own sin. We do not get punished for someone else’s sin. We stand to be punished for our own. We are all sinners. There is no person on this earth who is without sin.

In message #112 I asked you about your definition of creation. What is your definition of creation?
It depends on the context of the discussion. Please present the full argument and then we can discuss it. I think it will be much more productive if we are open with each other, rather than attempting to string together a list of leading questions.
The context of the discussion is the Trinity, which you say is illogical. The following verses from the Qur’an address creation:
Al-Qur'an, 035.001 (Fatir [The Angels, Originator])
Praise be to Allah, Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels, messengers with wings,- two, or three, or four (pairs): He adds to Creation as He pleases: for Allah has power over all things.

Al-Qur'an, 036.082 (Ya-Seen [Ya-Seen])
Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, "be", and it is!

I just want to understand the logic of creation—making everything that exists (the heavens and the earth) out of nothing; saying “be” and it is. If you want to know my thinking, creation is what it is because God can do things, which to us are illogical. No man can create something out of nothing. Yet God, because of who He is, can do things we can’t do; He can do things, which to us are illogical. As much as God can create something out of nothing, God can be three distinct beings, all at the same time, but still be God. Totally illogical—but God cannot be confined to or defined by our logic. If he is, He is not God.

Again, Ansar Al-'Adl, thanks for your continuing dialogue:) .

Ansar Al-'Adl
02-01-2006, 06:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
The reason this verse is open to many interpretations is people’s unwillingness to accept the simplicity of what it says.
If anything, it is not simple. Can anyone change a statement saying "I am" into a statement of divinity without long drawn out linguistic discouurses involving hebrew and greek? Again, the link I gave earlier:

If Jesus was divine, we should expect explicit biblical evidence. You have not refuted any of the points raised in response to this verse, you have simply pasted Christian commentary to counter it.

Logically, He was very, very clear on this point—that’s the whole reason why they crucified Him.
Was it? Can you prove that from biblical evidence? How do we know that they did not kill him just because he claimed to be a prophet? They did it before.

If some strange guy stood before you right now and said, “I am coming to die for your sin,” what would be your response?
Jesus was not "some strange guy" according to you, he was God. He should have demonstrated to the people that he was God, immediately call them to gather around and kill him.

Please allow me once again to explain the context here. The book of Job in the Bible is one of the oldest books and was the first book written in Hebrew poetry—particularly the form of poetry known as “parallelism.” One characteristic of this form of poetry is that it does not involve the rhyming of sounds but the rhyming of thoughts and ideas. Another aspect to Hebrew parallelism, particularly in the book of Job, is that it is expressed either in synonymous form where the thoughts are similar to one another or it is expressed in antithetical form where the thoughts are opposite to one another. The only parts of Job that are not written in poetry form are chapters 1 and 2 as well as chapter 42:7-16. With this in mind, lets look at the opening verses of God’s response to Job, Bildad, Zophar, Eliphaz, and Elihu.

Job 38:1 Then the LORD answered Job from the whirlwind. He said:
Job 38:2 Who is this who obscures My counsel with ignorant words?
Job 38:3 Get ready to answer Me like a man; when I question you, you will inform Me.
Job 38:4 Where were you when I established the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.

The very first question God asks here is, “Who is this who obscures My counsel with ignorant words?” Did God not actually know who was obscuring His counsel? Was He wanting information He did not know? Or was God making the point that these people were in fact obscuring His counsel with ignorant words? Then God says, “Get ready to answer Me like a man; when I question you, you will inform Me.” This is an example of synonymous parallelism—“answer me…inform me.” The question we need to ask ourselves here is this: Did Job have answers to questions that God had not yet discovered or was God getting ready to point out to Job that he did not have answers to questions like he thought he had discovered? The latter is what was getting ready to take place. God is saying to Job, “Job, you are not the man you think you are and when I question you, you are not going to have all the answers you think you have.” To make this point very clear right at the outset, God asks Job a very personal question: “Where were you when I established the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.” If I asked you where you were when God established the earth, would you be able to tell me? Again, God is saying to Job, “You were no where around when I established the earth. You have no understanding and so you cannot tell Me anything.” Allow me now to skip to Job chapter 40.

Job 40:1 The LORD answered Job:
Job 40:2 Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? Let him who argues with God give an answer.
Job 40:3 Then Job answered the LORD:
Job 40:4 I am so insignificant. How can I answer You? I place my hand over my mouth.
Job 40:5 I have spoken once, and I will not reply; twice, but now I can add nothing.

When God asks the question, “Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him?” God is saying, “You contend with the Almighty but you are wrong; you will never be able to correct Him.” God follows His question with the statement, “You argue with me but you have no answers.” Job recognizes, understands, and accepts what God is saying: “I am so insignificant. How can I answer you (in other words, I cannot answer you)? I place my hand over my mouth. I have spoken once, and I will not reply; twice, but now I can add nothing.”

I sincerely hope this helps you understand the greater context of Job and the fact that when God said in Job 38:21, “Don't you know? You were already born; you have lived so long!”, God was saying to Job, “You don’t know, for you were not born when I created all these things and the number of your days had not even come into existence.”
In other words, you are going to argue sarcasm as I already pointed out.

The Prophets never said they were the Son of God.
There are hundreds of references in the bible where people other than Jesus are called 'son of God'.

The prophets never claimed Divinity.
Nor am I convinced that Jesus did either. Simply saying "I am" does not constitute a claim to divinity.

The prophets never committed blasphemy.
Nor did Jesus as I'm sure both you and I would agree.

If God simply forgave, He would not be a just God; He would not be upholding His own laws. He would simply be saying to people, “It’s OK if you commit sin. I will forgive you.” He would dishonor Himself and fail to hold us accountable. The wage of sin is death. We had to pay the price or God could pay the price. As the Law implementer, He could become the law fulfiller on our behalf.
i.e. you agree with point #1. As I wasn't asking for an explanation as we've been through this already.

Yes, the Son was sent to die, not the Father, but the Father and the Son are one
Yet they are not the same as you already mentioned. So you also agree with point #2.

Yes, the Father had the right to forgive, but not all along. A price needed to be paid. Then forgiveness could come into effect.
Okay, so then why would God ask Himself to forgive the people for what they were doing at this point when He knew that He could forgive them unless they did what they were doing. Please answer this question.

Yes, he had the right to forgive, but if He simply forgave, he would have broken His own law and contradicted His character.
So God asked Himself to break His own laws?

Thanks for the analogies, but I don't need them.

God the Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit. As much as God exists as eternity, He existed in this world in time.
So you admit that you place God within the constraints of time.

In John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way…” He is the way to God. “…I am the truth…” All that Jesus said and taught is the truth. “…I am the life.” Jesus is the life we all seek—life on this earth and life for eternity. “No one comes to the Father…" No one can get to God the Father, “…except through me.” A wholehearted belief in Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord is the way that has been created for us. “For God so loved the world that he sent His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
The answer to my question please? What is this way? It doesn't help to hide behind metaphors and simply say "Jesus is the way" I want a practical explanation of what this way is and a concise list of what someone needs to do to follow this way, please.

Not quite. Recognition of a sinful nature and an acknowledgement that God died for one’s sins can be done without acceptance of forgiveness. The first step toward accepting forgiveness is the recognition of a sinful nature and is the recognition that God died for one’s sins.
So in other words, you still have not answered my question on what entails acceptance of forgiveness, but instead you've only told me what is the first step to forgiveness.

No. They have not accepted forgiveness; they have rejected it.
Why? How can you say they have rejected it when they clearly believe that Jesus died for their sins so that they are SAVED? What does it mean to be saved and at what point is one truly saved?

Christians like to boast that they have an absolute guarantee into paradise yet they don't explain how they are guaranteed. How do you know you are guaranteed and how can you claim that this guarantee is absolute yet at the same time claim that people should not perform evil, despite the fact that their sins are paid for.

Allow me to quote a verse of scripture from the letter of James in the Bible, chapter 2:19, “You [people] believe that God is one; you do well. The demons also believe--and they shudder.” It is one thing to believe something and another to place your belief in something. You can believe a story but not place much in it. If you have belief in a story, the story affects your life and how you live. To believe in something is to entrust yourself over to whatever you believe in. To simply believe something, is not an entrustment of yourself to what you may believe. Many people believe that God exists. Many people believe that Jesus is the Son of God; Many people believe that Jesus died on the cross. Many people believe that He was raised from the dead. But people who believe in this way are not always people who believe in God Himself and His atoning sacrifice. They do not entrust themselves to Him. Again, crusaders may have gone in the name of Christianity, but a crusader was not a born-again believer in and follower of Jesus Christ. Crusading was against the teachings of the Bible.
Thanks for this, but you still haven't answered the question. Why do you say that the Crusaders did not accept Christ's forgiveness. I'm looking for concrete criteria.

The crusaders, like every other person were and are headed to hell.
Since their sins are already paid for, they should not be sent to Hell, according to you.

Our own sin. We do not get punished for someone else’s sin. We stand to be punished for our own. We are all sinners. There is no person on this earth who is without sin.
But you just admitted previously that there are millions of people on earth without sin - all the innocent babies and children. And the mentally handicapped? All these people are without sin.

The context of the discussion is the Trinity, which you say is illogical. The following verses from the Qur’an address creation:
Al-Qur'an, 035.001 (Fatir [The Angels, Originator])
Praise be to Allah, Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels, messengers with wings,- two, or three, or four (pairs): He adds to Creation as He pleases: for Allah has power over all things.

Al-Qur'an, 036.082 (Ya-Seen [Ya-Seen])
Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, "be", and it is!
I don't understand the relevance of these verses. If you want to say that Creation is illogical, we can discuss that, but what do you think you are demonstarting by quoting these verses?

I just want to understand the logic of creation—making everything that exists (the heavens and the earth) out of nothing; saying “be” and it is. If you want to know my thinking, creation is what it is because God can do things, which to us are illogical. No man can create something out of nothing.
No, Creation is not illogical. It may be impossible for human beings, but it is not illogical. Where is the error in logic in creation? I don't say that trinity is illogical because human beings cannot do it, I say that it is illogical because it is self-contradictory.

Nevertheless, I'm glad you seem to have realized the futility of analogies for trinity and have accepted that it is illogical. Thus, my first point of the following two has been established:

1. Trinity is illogical
2. Trinity was not preached by Prophet Jesus

The question you need to ask yourself is, "Why do you believe in the trinity? Is it simply because that is what Church or your parents taught you? Or do you honestly believe that it is the truth, and the true message of Prophet Jesus?"

God is not the author of confusion!

Eric H
02-01-2006, 09:55 PM
Greetings and peace Ansar,

As ever it is a pleasure to be in dialogue with you and you may have guessed what my motives are on this forum; it is simply to strive to be as one with people who might be considered different to me.

I have read through your posts and also those of POBook and whilst I could argue against both points of view my desire is to seek friendship and relationships in order to build communities.

My desire above all else is justice for all people resulting in peace on Earth.

My journey takes me on a path of striving to love God above all else and to love my neighbour as I love myself regardless as to whom they are and what they might believe.

This is what Trinitarian doctrine inspires me to do; it is to strive to be as one with all people.

I can understand the continuous debate on the trinity amongst Christians because we don’t agree with each other, and I can understand the disagreements between people of other faiths about the trinity.


My thoughts go beyond our differences because the same God created all people, and we have a great need to acknowledge that one point above all else.

Take care and have a nice day.

God bless you


02-02-2006, 09:31 PM
Greetings Ansar Al-‘Adl,

If Jesus was divine, we should expect explicit biblical evidence. You have not refuted any of the points raised in response to this verse, you have simply pasted Christian commentary to counter it.
To you, what is “explicit Biblical evidence”?

How do we know that they did not kill him [Jesus] just because he claimed to be a prophet? They did it before.
Joh 19:6 When the chief priests and the temple police saw Him, they shouted, "Crucify! Crucify!" Pilate responded, "Take Him and crucify Him yourselves, for I find no grounds for charging Him."
Joh 19:7 "We have a law," the Jews replied to him, "and according to that law He must die, because He made Himself the Son of God."
Joh 10:36 do you say, 'You are blaspheming' to the One the Father set apart and sent into the world, because I said: I am the Son of God?
No prophet ever claimed to be the Son of God. Jesus was the only one who said He was the Son of God—in the eyes of the Jews, blasphemy and a crime deserving the death sentence.

If some strange guy stood before you right now and said, “I am coming to die for your sin,” what would be your response?
Jesus was not "some strange guy" according to you, he was God. He should have demonstrated to the people that he was God, immediately call them to gather around and kill him.
Ansar Al-‘Adl, we can take a small part of the three years of Jesus ministry recorded in a Gospel and read it in 1 hour. We have the history behind us. When Jesus came, it was all present tense. The next three years of His ministry were going to be a learning phase for people. People did not know all about Him other than what had been prophesied about Him. So when He came, he was some stranger making comments. Jesus was simply not the man many people expected. Through His words and His miracles, Jesus gave much demonstration of His Divinity—and people still did not believe.

I sincerely hope this helps you understand the greater context of Job and the fact that when God said in Job 38:21, “Don't you know? You were already born; you have lived so long!”, God was saying to Job, “You don’t know, for you were not born when I created all these things and the number of your days had not even come into existence.”
In other words, you are going to argue sarcasm as I already pointed out.
No, I’m not arguing sarcasm. All I’m trying to do is help you to better understand the Scriptures within their context. It is easy to take Scripture out of context and twist it to mean something that is not true. What I would like to know from you is do you better understand Job 38:2 and 21 within their context? Yes or No?

The Prophets never said they were the Son of God.
There are hundreds of references in the bible where people other than Jesus are called 'son of God'.
I have tried to find some of these but have been unable. Can you please give me a few references in the Bible where “son of God” is used in reference to anyone except Jesus Christ?

The prophets never claimed Divinity.
Nor am I convinced that Jesus did either. Simply saying "I am" does not constitute a claim to divinity.
God said to Moses in Exodus 3:14, “I AM has sent you.” In using this statement, did God fail to point out His divinity?

The prophets never committed blasphemy.
Nor did Jesus as I'm sure both you and I would agree.
Of course Jesus did not commit blasphemy. However, if He did not commit blasphemy, then He must have been who he said He was--God in the flesh, otherwise, He did commit blasphemy and deserved to die.

Yes, the Father had the right to forgive, but not all along. A price needed to be paid. Then forgiveness could come into effect.
Okay, so then why would God ask Himself to forgive the people for what they were doing at this point when He knew that He could forgive them unless they did what they were doing? Please answer this question.
I don’t quite understand your question here. Please rephrase it.

Yes, he had the right to forgive, but if He simply forgave, he would have broken His own law and contradicted His character.
So God asked Himself to break His own laws?
Yes, in a way, I think God out of love for us, would have liked to break His own law. His emotions of love compelled Him to forgive. However, as the Holy, Righteous, and Almighty God, He could not break His own law. So, instead of us having to pay the price for our sin, He stepped out of His glory and He Himself paid the price for our sin. This was no longer just emotional love for us. It was practical love that we will never understand. He fulfilled His justice and His mercy. We can accept that or reject it.

The answer to my question please? What is this way? It doesn't help to hide behind metaphors and simply say "Jesus is the way" I want a practical explanation of what this way is and a concise list of what someone needs to do to follow this way, please.
  • Joh 5:24 "I assure you: Anyone who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life.”
  • Joh 5:39 You pore over the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them, yet they testify about Me.
  • Joh 5:40 And you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.”
  • Joh 6:40 For this is the will of My Father: that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day."
  • Joh 17:3 This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and the One You have sent--Jesus Christ.”
What is this way? Jesus is the way. Go to Jesus for eternal life; Know that Jesus is God in the flesh; Accept Jesus for who He is; Become a devout follower of Jesus. This is the way to eternal life.

Not quite. Recognition of a sinful nature and an acknowledgement that God died for one’s sins can be done without acceptance of forgiveness. The first step toward accepting forgiveness is the recognition of a sinful nature and is the recognition that God died for one’s sins.
So in other words, you still have not answered my question on what entails acceptance of forgiveness, but instead you've only told me what is the first step to forgiveness.
What entails acceptance of forgiveness?
  • Recognizing and accepting we are sinful by nature
  • Willingly confess that we are sinful
  • Willingly accept that God has paid the price for our sin
  • Becoming a follower of Jesus

No. They have not accepted forgiveness; they have rejected it.
Why? How can you say they have rejected it when they clearly believe that Jesus died for their sins so that they are SAVED? What does it mean to be saved and at what point is one truly saved?
Luk 18:18 A ruler asked Him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
Luk 18:19 "Why do you call Me good?" Jesus asked him. "No one is good but One—God (if you want to know what Jesus meant by this, let me know).
Luk 18:20 You know the commandments: Do not commit adultery; do not murder; do not steal; do not bear false witness; honor your father and mother."
Luk 18:21 "I have kept all these from my youth," he said.
Luk 18:22 When Jesus heard this, He told him, "You still lack one thing: sell all that you have and distribute it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me."
Luk 18:23 After he heard this, he became extremely sad, because he was very rich.
One is truly saved when one becomes a true follower of Jesus; when one makes Jesus Lord of one’s life; when one’s life is not about oneself, but about Jesus and His will; when one forsakes all and everything in order to follow Jesus.

Christians like to boast that they have an absolute guarantee into paradise yet they don't explain how they are guaranteed.
Our guarantee rests on a Holy, Righteous God who does not break His promises. When you become a child of God you will always be a child of God. God adopts His children for eternity and He loves them for eternity. Jesus paid the price for all sin. Nothing more can be done; nothing more needs to be done—“It is finished.” This is where the guarantee lies.

How do you know you are guaranteed and how can you claim that this guarantee is absolute yet at the same time claim that people should not perform evil, despite the fact that their sins are paid for.
I do not claim that people should not perform evil. We are all going to perform evil in some way or another. God looks at the heart. Is there a sincere acknowledgement and acceptance of ourselves as sinful people? Is there a sincere desire not to sin? What is the motive behind that desire? Do we desire not to sin so we can be proud, saying we are better than other people; that we are great righteous people? That, in and of itself, reveals that we are not truly repentant. Or, do we desire not to sin in order to bring glory, honor, and praise to God?

Thanks for this, but you still haven't answered the question. Why do you say that the Crusaders did not accept Christ's forgiveness. I'm looking for concrete criteria.
If the crusaders had truly accepted Christ’s forgiveness, they would have realized that in and of themselves they were sinful people. They would have chosen to follow Jesus and not men. They would have put into practical application the teaching of Jesus to, “Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.” Many people say they are Christians but when you look at their practical daily lifestyles, their way of living does not conform to the teaching of Jesus. They have not truly understood their sinful nature and have not truly asked God to forgive them. Accepting forgiveness is an understanding of the sinful nature and a sincere desire to change one’s lifestyle—to become born-again and to follow Jesus every step of the way.

Our own sin. We do not get punished for someone else’s sin. We stand to be punished for our own. We are all sinners. There is no person on this earth who is without sin.
But you just admitted previously that there are millions of people on earth without sin - all the innocent babies and children. And the mentally handicapped? All these people are without sin.
By nature we are sinful. Does this mean that little babies and tiny children commit sins? No. But the natural inclination of children and sad to say, adults as well, is to sin. A point comes in everyone’s life when we know the difference between right and wrong, and we still choose to do wrong. We all come to a point where our conscience is born. Concerning mentally handicapped people—I cannot answer for that. If they have no conscience and no understanding of right and wrong, I cannot see them being judged by God. God does not judge the physical status of people. He deals with the heart. It’s in the heart that conscience works; it’s in the heart that pride or humility reside; it’s in the heart that confession of sin comes to light.

Can you please explain to me the logic of creation—the logic of making something out of nothing?

Thanks again for your time Ansar Al-'Adl. I truly appreciate it:) !

Ansar Al-'Adl
02-02-2006, 10:00 PM
Hello POBook,

On the issue of 'son of God':
And in any case, one would think that if anyone should be considered a ‘son of God,’ the first candidate according to the Bible should be Adam, as stated in Luke 3:38: “...Adam, which was the son of God.”

Those who rebut by quoting Matthew 3:17 (“And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, ‘This is My beloved son, in whom I am well pleased’”) have overlooked the point that the Bible describes many people (Israel and Adam included) as ‘sons of God.’ Both II Samuel 7:13-14 and I Chronicles 22:10 read, “He (Solomon) shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his Father, and he shall be My son.” What follows is a clear reference to the humanity of this ‘son of God,’ for the very next verse points out that not even a ‘son of God’ is exempt from iniquity and error, and if so deserving, will be punished.

Entire nations are referenced as sons, or children of God. Examples include:

Genesis 6:2, “That the sons of God saw the daughters of men…”

Genesis 6:4, “There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men…”

Deuteronomy 14:1, “Ye are the children of the Lord your God.”

Job 1:6, “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD…”

Job 2:1, “Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD…”

Job 38:7, “When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

Philippians 2:15, “that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation…”

1 John 3:1-2, “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!…Beloved, now we are children of God…

Jesus, himself, is recorded as having declared, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). In Matthew 5:45, Jesus is recorded as having prescribed to his followers the attainment of noble attributes, “that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.” Not exclusively his Father, but their Father. Furthermore, John 1:12 reads, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God…”. If the scripture of the Bible and the words of Jesus were respected, it would appear that the office of ‘child of God’ could be aspired to by any person of piety, and not just an imaginary birthright of one particular prophet.

Graham Stanton comments,
“In the Graeco-Roman world heroes, rulers, and philosophers were called sons of God. In the Old Testament ‘son of God’ is used of angels or heavenly beings (e.g. Gen. 6:2,4; Deut. 32:8; Job 1:6-12), Israel or Israelites (e.g. Ex. 4:22; Hosea 11:1), and also of the king (notably in 2 Sam. 7:14 and Psalm 2:7).”
And Joel Carmichael elaborates,
“The title “son of God” was of course entirely familiar to Jews in Jesus’ lifetime and indeed for centuries before: all Jews were sons of God; this was in fact what distinguished them from other people….
During the postexilic period in Jewish history the word was further applied to any particular pious man; ultimately it became common in reference to the Righteous Man and the Prince.
In all these cases of Jewish usage, the phrase was plainly a mere metaphor to emphasize a particularly close connection between individual virtue and divine authority.”
So if the phrase ‘son of God’ was “plainly a mere metaphor,” why does modern Christianity elevate Christ Jesus to ‘son of God’ in the literal sense of the phrase? The question echoes down the corridors of the establishment, “So where does the concept of an exclusive, unique Jesus as ‘Son of God’ come from?”

If a person were not confused before, they almost certainly would become so upon reading Hebrews 7:3, where Melchizedek, king of Salem, is described as, “without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, remains a priest continually.” An immortal, preexisting without origin and without parents? Fanciful thinking, or does Jesus have scriptural competition?

Harper’s Bible Dictionary, under the heading ‘Son of man,’ points out that, “With one exception (Acts 7:56)…the term (Son of man) is used exclusively by the earthly Jesus in reference to himself.” Furthermore, “Jesus must have used ‘Son of man’ as a simple self-designation, perhaps as a self-effacing way of referring to himself simply as a human being.” The New Catholic Encyclopedia, under the heading of ‘Son of man,’ complements this view by stating, “This title is of special interest because it was the one employed by Jesus by preference to designate Himself and His mission.” ?

As a matter of detail, a concordance search should confirm that whereas Christ Jesus described himself as ‘son of man’ a total of 88 times in the New Testament, it is doubtful that he ever called himself ‘son of God.’ The term ‘son of God’ is encountered 47 times in the New Testament, but always on the lips of others, and most likely never from the mouth of Jesus himself. As per Harper’s Bible Dictionary,

“Although the synoptic tradition contains two sayings in which Jesus refers to himself as “son” in relation to God as his Father (Mark 13:32; Matt. 11:27 [Q]), the authenticity of these sayings is widely questioned, and it remains uncertain whether Jesus actually called himself “son” in relation to God as Father.”
Taken from ch. 2.B.6 of The First and Final Commandment.

02-05-2006, 08:05 AM
Greetings once again Ansar Al-'Adl,

You provided a very detailed feedback on the "son of God" issue. I appreciate that. If you know me by now, you know I can provide a very detailed response. For now, I would like to respond to one part of your quote:
“The title “son of God” was of course entirely familiar to Jews in Jesus’ lifetime and indeed for centuries before: all Jews were sons of God; this was in fact what distinguished them from other people….
During the postexilic period in Jewish history the word was further applied to any particular pious man; ultimately it became common in reference to the Righteous Man and the Prince.
In all these cases of Jewish usage, the phrase was plainly a mere metaphor to emphasize a particularly close connection between individual virtue and divine authority.”
If this phrase was a mere metaphor within Jewish usage, then why did the Jews decide to crucify Jesus for His usage of this phrase?

"We have a law," the Jews replied to him, "and according to that law He must die, because He made Himself the Son of God" (John 19:7).


02-05-2006, 12:38 PM
hey POBook, sorry if this seems like a stupid question but why didn't Jesus pay for the sins of the devil? If he is 'God' then surely he would be able to do this

02-05-2006, 02:01 PM
Hi there tahir,

Thanks for your response. You asked a very interesting question and it is not a stupid question.

sorry if this seems like a stupid question but why didn't Jesus pay for the sins of the devil? If he is 'God' then surely he would be able to do this
Satan's sin against God was not quite like ours. Yes, we have all sinned. But God paid the price for our sin. We simply have to choose to accept His gift of forgiveness or reject it--the choice is ours. Satan's sin was not a "sin" in the sense that people sin. In a way, nobody wants to sin. Everybody would ultimately like to be right with God. The problem is we try do it in our own way and not God's way. So God paved a way for people to make the choice that ultimately lies on their heart. Unfortunately, many people in pride refuse to travel the road God has paved. Satan's deepest desire is to conquer God and destroy God if he could. Satan has taken on a character that rejects God for eternity. He wants nothing to do with God and never will have anything to do with God--other than an attempt to destroy God. The issue of forgiveness is just not in the world of Satan. I hope this answers your question. If not, please let me know.


02-05-2006, 02:42 PM
thanks for your reply, i understand what you mean but i thought the only sin that the devil committed was to not bow down to adam pbuh? or is this different in christianity? sorry going off topic

02-05-2006, 03:51 PM
Hey tahir,

thanks for your reply, i understand what you mean but i thought the only sin that the devil committed was to not bow down to adam pbuh? or is this different in christianity? sorry going off topic
You're welcome and don't worry--I often go off topic as well--something I have to work on:) .

What got the devil to where he is was his attempt and desire to become God--to destroy God. Now, he does what he can to destroy people--not physically, but mentally in the sense of messing with our thinking. The word "devil" means deceiver or liar--and that's what he does. The greatest battle in the world is that of truth vs. lies. The devil is on the side of lies and deception.


Ansar Al-'Adl
02-05-2006, 04:35 PM
Hi POBook,
The point I'm interested in is only that other people have been called son of God in the Bible. Therefore, you can't take this as a statement of divinity.

02-05-2006, 07:39 PM
Hi there Ansar Al-'Adl,

"We have a law," the Jews replied to him, "and according to that law He must die, because He made Himself the Son of God" (John 19:7).
Please allow me to ask you again: If this phrase "son of God" was a mere metaphor within Jewish usage, then why did the Jews decide to crucify Jesus for His usage of this phrase?

Also, can you explain the logic of creating something out of nothing?

Again thanks for your time. I also hope you did not find the signature I had to be offensive. If you did, please know that was in no way my intention. As a follower of Jesus, His birth, death, resurrection and my acceptance of that is what has given me "life...life to the full." When I accepted Jesus as my lord and Savior, He brought freedom and tremendous joy to my life. I simply desire to share that with others. At the same time, I want to respect other people for their beliefs.


Ansar Al-'Adl
02-05-2006, 07:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by POBook
Please allow me to ask you again: If this phrase "son of God" was a mere metaphor within Jewish usage, then why did the Jews decide to crucify Jesus for His usage of this phrase?
What of the Prophets before Jesus who were called 'son of God' ? We see an inconsistency here if you wish to say that by 'son of God' Jesus implied divinity. Other Prophets have been likewise called 'son of God', why didn't the Jews crucify them?

Also, can you explain the logic of creating something out of nothing?
What's illogical about it? Can you show me a logical contradiction in God's ability to create? Even most atheists don't see such a notion as illogical. The concept of a frist cause is generally acknowledged as a logical philosophy.

I've pointed out why the trinity is self-contradictory and illogical, if you can do the same for creation, by all means go ahead.

Thanks for your post.

02-05-2006, 07:52 PM
Salam and Peace:

With all due respect, PO, do you really believe a Holy, Righteous, Just and Merciful God would torture and slaughter a sinless man so you could be forgiven? Why does God have to be portrayed as something less that what He is. He has the power to do anything He wants, which means he doesn't need someone else to die so you can be forgiven. He has the ability to forgive you on His own.

The message of Jesus, pbuh, was clear in Ezekiel 18:20 - "A chld shall not suffer for the iniquity of the parent, nor a parent suffer for the iniquity of a child; the righteousness of the righteous shall be his own, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be his own."

Jeremiah 31:30 - "...everyone shall die for his own iniquity."

Deuteronomy 24:16 - "Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, not sons for their fathers; each shall be executed for his own crime."

Jesus, pbuh, never taught anything remotely similar to original sin let alone Atonement. The concept of Atonement was a creation of Paul after Jesus, pbuh, was taken up.

You have to look at these things with an open mind and logic. Ask yourself WHY the creator of ALL things would have to resort to killing one of His creations in order to forgive sins??? Look at all He has created, every tiny detail, and yet they only way to forgive sins is to kill an innocent man?

Wasalam and Peace

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched...but are felt in the heart.
-Helen Keller

02-05-2006, 08:40 PM
Salam and Peace to you as well Hana:

With all due respect, PO, do you really believe a Holy, Righteous, Just and Merciful God would torture and slaughter a sinless man so you could be forgiven? Why does God have to be portrayed as something less that what He is. He has the power to do anything He wants, which means he doesn't need someone else to die so you can be forgiven. He has the ability to forgive you on His own.
I appreciate your response. Please allow me to clarify to you who Jesus is. Jesus was not only a sinless man who was disconnected from God like us people. Jesus was God in the flesh. You are exactly right...God is Holy, Righteous, Just, and Merciful. Through His Holiness and Righteousness, He cannot be mixed with sin. Through His Justness, He punishes sin. Through His Mercy, He forgives sin. The question is, how does God combine His justice and His mercy? There is only one way...He can pay the penalty for our sin that we commited against Him. He fulfills His justice and His mercy at the same time. Please hear me again: God did NOT torture and slaughter a sinless man so I could be forgiven. God allowed HIMSELF to be tortered and slaughtered on my behalf. This was His justice and mercy combined. Again, I agree with you...God has the ability to forgive me on His own. But He is a just God, and he has the ability to pay the price for my sin--HE paid the price, no one else did.

The message of Jesus, pbuh, was clear in Ezekiel 18:20 - "A child shall not suffer for the iniquity of the parent, nor a parent suffer for the iniquity of a child; the righteousness of the righteous shall be his own, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be his own."
This passage means that a child will not be punished for the sins committed by his or her parents. That is very unjust. God is not punishing someone else for our sins; He is allowing Himself to be punished for our sins against Him. he has the right to do this.

Jeremiah 31:30 - "...everyone shall die for his own iniquity."
Allow me to ask you: Have you ever commited "iniquity"--Have you ever sinned? If you believe this verse and you have commited iniquity, what is going to happen to you?

Deuteronomy 24:16 - "Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, not sons for their fathers; each shall be executed for his own crime."
Once again, God did not hand anyone over, other than Himself to be punished for our crime.

Jesus, pbuh, never taught anything remotely similar to original sin let alone Atonement. The concept of Atonement was a creation of Paul after Jesus, pbuh, was taken up.
You have quoted several verses of Scripture to make your point. Please allow me to quote a verse of prophecy about Jesus and His whole reason for coming to this earth:

Isa 53:4 Yet He Himself bore our sicknesses, and He carried our pains; but we in turn regarded Him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted.
Isa 53:5 But He was pierced because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on Him, and we are healed by His wounds.
Isa 53:6 We all went astray like sheep; we all have turned to our own way; and the LORD has punished Him for the iniquity of us all.
This prophecy by Isaiah was all about Jesus and His reason for coming to this earth--to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

You have to look at these things with an open mind and logic. Ask yourself WHY the creator of ALL things would have to resort to killing one of His creations in order to forgive sins??? Look at all He has created, every tiny detail, and yet they only way to forgive sins is to kill an innocent man?
Please hear this...please understand this: God did not send an innocent man to pay for our sins. That would make Him evil. God HIMSELF came to this earth in the form of a man to pay the price for our sins. Yes He is Merciful. But He is also Just. We cannot put aside the Just nature of God in order to focus on the Mercy side. God is Merciful; God is Just--both! Only He Himself can combine those two aspects for our benefit. What an act of love...one we could never appreciate.

Wasalam and Peace to you too!

Ansar Al-'Adl
02-05-2006, 08:48 PM
On the subject of Isaiah 53, here are dozens of Jewish responses:

02-05-2006, 08:52 PM
Peace POBook:

Ummmmm, you are responding to a very old post I made. I stopped dialogue after you resorted to accusing me of twisting/altering biblical text.


02-05-2006, 08:53 PM
Are you able to respond to #155 Ansar Al-'Adl?


PS -- You did...I missed it...thanks!

02-05-2006, 08:56 PM
hey POBook, you never replied to one of my earlier posts, it was post# 121 i think. thanks

02-05-2006, 09:14 PM
Please allow me to ask you again: If this phrase "son of God" was a mere metaphor within Jewish usage, then why did the Jews decide to crucify Jesus for His usage of this phrase?

What of the Prophets before Jesus who were called 'son of God' ? We see an inconsistency here if you wish to say that by 'son of God' Jesus implied divinity. Other Prophets have been likewise called 'son of God', why didn't the Jews crucify them?
That's a question I would like you to answer for me. Think about this: If the earlier Scriptures in which the prophets were referred to as "sons of God" are not corrupted, and therefore represent an accurate account of things, and the Jews did not kill these prophets for going by the term "son of God", then the context in which this term was used was not blasphemous. As a follower of Jesus, I am a "son of God"--a child of God. The difference between all of how people use this term "son of God" and how Jesus used this term and implied this term, is that all other means of using this term were not used to identify people as God. The Jews hated Jesus because His use and implication of this phrase was in the sense of blasphemy--He Himself having God's nature, character, and identity.

Also, can you explain the logic of creating something out of nothing?
What's illogical about it? Can you show me a logical contradiction in God's ability to create?
Can you show me a logical congruince of creation. I do not want to decide on whether it's logical or illogical. I do not want to question God's ability. I just want a logical explanation of creating something out of nothing. The logic of creating ice out of water is freezing the water. The logic of creating steam out of water is heating it to 100 degrees. All I ask you to do is give me a logical explanantion of how something can be created out of nothing.

Thanks for your post.

02-05-2006, 09:34 PM
Hey again tahir,

Thanks for referring me back to your post #121. I'm reading through some of your questions and I feel kinda bad that I missed this:? . I apologize for taking so long. Thanks for your patience and thanks especially for referring me back there.

As soon as I have the answers, I will post them. I am going to be out of town for a couple of days and then I'll be back.

Sincerely...and thanks again for your patience:) !

Eric H
02-05-2006, 10:49 PM
Greetings and peace Ansar Al-'Adl;,
The point I'm interested in is only that other people have been called son of God in the Bible. Therefore, you can't take this as a statement of divinity
Even today we are asked to look on God as our father; Jesus taught us to pray,

Our Father who art in Heaven.

This implies every one is the son or daughter of God.


Taking the Bible as a whole, the over riding message for Christians is that Jesus is the Son of God and he existed before creation began, and he will judge the living and the dead.

Beliefs are important to the individual but it is our words and actions and how we build our relationship with God and his creation that matter more.

God bless you


02-09-2006, 10:45 AM
My christian frineds and my muslims brothers!

theres this 1 forum in ezboard, that is cristcizing Islam and Christianity but the forum is mostly based on mocking Islam...

the most common evidence used is the hadiths and i donno if the hadiths are valid or not... by the way, their arguements are very stupid... i feel very disturbing not to see any reply from anyone! if u want the website , juz send me a quick reply- request!!!

the forum is by the hindus...


02-09-2006, 05:15 PM
Hey tahir,

I’m back. Thanks for your patience. Thanks for your willingness to dialogue and do research. I think we all want to know truth—and truth is found when you truly seek it with your heart. Keep up the good work:) !

Although i do not think that the Bible is entirely true anymore could you please supply some evidence or proof from the Bible that people used to rub oils on dead people to prepare them for burial? I could not find any evidence for this as i was doing my research last time.
Another example, once again relating to Jesus from Mark 14:3-9:
"And while He was in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper, and reclining at the table, there came a woman with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume of pure nard; and she broke the vial and poured it over His head. 4 But some were indignantly remarking to one another, “Why has this perfume been wasted? 5 “For this perfume might have been sold for over three hundred denarii, and the money given to the poor.” And they were scolding her. 6 But Jesus said, “Let her alone; why do you bother her? She has done a good deed to Me. 7 “For the poor you always have with you, and whenever you wish, you can do them good; but you do not always have Me. 8 “She has done what she could; she has anointed My body beforehand for the burial. 9 “And truly I say to you, wherever the Gospel is preached in the whole world, that also which this woman has done shall be spoken of in memory of her.”
There are not many examples in the Bible that share the details of peoples burials. This statement by Jesus reflects the thinking of the people in their time. Does this mean everyone was anointed with oil who had died? I don’t know. However, for Jesus to talk about having his body prepared beforehand for the burial is a reflection of the culture in the times of Jesus when peoples dead bodies were anointed or massaged with oil before being buried. I hope this helps you.

I'm kinda confused now, do Christians believe that at the end of time we will all be resurrected too? If we will all be resurrected to then will we be resurrected as a spirit or still with our human with flesh and bones?
We believe that we will not be resurrected in flesh and blood. We each have a soul-spirit that lives in a body. The body will eventually die but the soul-spirit lives for eternity—either in heaven or in hell. The people back in Jesus day did not quite understand resurrection of the dead. They thought that when people died, they ceased to exist, and that the resurrection meant they came back to life in the body. All people, when they die on this earth, are resurrected to a new life in eternity. The question is, Where are they going to spend eternity. If I may ask you, where are you going to spend eternity when you die in body form and are resurrected in spirit form?

"No more of this!" And touching his ear, He healed him. Then Jesus said to the chief priests, temple police, and the elders who had come for Him, "Have you come out with swords and clubs as if I were a criminal?” (Luke 22:49-52)

I believe that Jesus intended to fight back but knew now there was no point in fighting back as most of his disciples were falling asleep when they were meant to be keeping an eye out for Jesus.
One of the things I have always learned and tried to apply when reading the Bible is to never say, “I believe…” . Many Christians use these words, “I believe…” For me, the issue is not what I believe but what the Bible says. It would be easy for me to say to you, “Yes, tahir, you might belive that Jesus intended to fight back, but I believe this was never his intention.” Someone else may add, “You guys have your beliefs and they are both wrong. I believe Jesus was trying to suction up to the Pharisees so they would not arrest him.” Everybody can say what they believe but what they say they believe, the Bible may not actually say. I hope this makes sense to you.

“I ascend unto my Father and your Father; and to my God and your God.” John 20:17
Yes this is a Trinity issue. What Jesus was trying to help Mary understand is the relationship that she now had to God—her Father. He was no longer God “out there”; He was now a Father in her presence. Look at the next verse: “Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord!" And she told them what He had said to her” (John 20:18). Mary identifies Jesus as God Himself—the Lord—not “a lord” or “some lord,” but “the Lord.” Throughout His ministry on this earth, Mary was a devout follower of Jesus. Mary was very connected to Jesus. Jesus was now helping her to understand her connection to God through Him.

Does this mean that every Christian is the 'Son of God'? How can a 'God' have another 'God'?
No, not every Christian is the Son of God. Only Jesus is the Son of God. Christians are considered as children of God. If a Christian said he or she was the Son of God, that would be blasphemous because it would be saying, “I am God.” As the “Son of God”, God was not the Father of Jesus in the sense of a human Father. God did not have sex with Mary and impregnate her. When Jesus and other people used this term, they were acknowledging Jesus as God in the flesh. As a Christian, I believe in God’s ability and power to do what is beyond my understanding; what is beyond logic. Us people do not have the ability to understand and reason how God can be Father and Son at the same time, without being separate. If we could, we would confine God; we would define God---and He would no longer be God. God can do what is beyond our understanding

Sorry i keep going back to the topic of trinity, i'm not very clear on it
No problem. The Trinity is a major issue for many people. What I want people to understand most concerning the Trinity, is that Christians are not polytheistic—we do not believe in three gods. We believe in one God who is all powerful and all knowing and can be in all places at all times. We believe that God loved us soooo much that He came to this earth in the form of a man, was crucified on the cross, and resurrected Himself from the dead, gaining all authority to forgive sin—He fulfilled his mercy and justice at the same time—for our benefit and for His honor and glory.

Sincerely and I look forward to your reply,

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