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View Full Version : Iran Fires Rocket into Space, Opens Space Center

02-04-2008, 05:16 PM
Iran on Monday fired a rocket into space to mark the opening of its first space centre, triggering swift condemnation from the United States amid continued tensions over the Iranian nuclear drive.


The space centre, located in the remote desert of western Iran, will be used to launch Iran's first home-produced satellite "Omid" (Hope) in May or June this year, officials said.

"We witness today that Iran has taken its first step in space very firmly, precisely and with awareness," declared President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as he gave the order for the rocket's launch.

"The evil and dominant system's most important instrument is humiliating people and nations by making them think that they are incapable," he said.

The United States, which has led international efforts to pressure Iran to freeze controversial nuclear activities, said Tehran's activities in space risked further isolating the Islamic republic.

"I saw this morning that Iran, again, tested a ballistic missile. It's unfortunate that they continue to do that because it further isolates the country from the rest of the world," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino.

The rocket launch is believed to be the second time Iran has tried to put an object into space after it claimed to have successfully fired a missile outside the atmosphere in February 2007.

State television broadcast pictures of the launch of the rocket, which is dubbed Kavoshgar-1 but bore a close resemblance to Iran's longer-range missile Shahab-3.

The Shahab-3 has a range of 1,300 to 1,600 kilometres (800 to 1,000 miles), enough to put Tehran's arch regional foe Israel and US bases in the Gulf within reach.

The new space centre includes an underground control centre and launchpad which will be used to fire Omid into space, followed by other planned satellites in the future, state media said.

The opening of the space centre comes as Iran has been trumpeting its progress in its nuclear programme, which the West fears could be used to make atomic weapons.

Ahmadinejad has made Iran's scientific development one of the main themes of his presidency, asserting that the country has reached a peak of progress and no longer needs to depend on foreign states for help.

"No power can overcome the Iranian nation's will," he said.

"The world must know that the Iranian nation will preserve the principles and ideals of the Imam (revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini) until the end."

State television made great play of the space centre opening, which comes amid celebrations for the 29th anniversary of the Islamic revolution. It repeatedly showed footage of the launch and played patriotic music.

Iran has been pursuing a space programme for several years, and in October 2005 a Russian-made Iranian satellite was put into orbit by a Russian rocket.

But Omid would be Iran's first domestically manufactured probe and the first to be launched from Iranian territory.

The rocket blasted off after a countdown to cries of "Allahu Akbar!" (God is Greatest), from the space centre in a desert region in the northern Semnan province, state television showed.

The pictures showed the rocket heading towards space but no information was given on what height it reached. A small probe was seen falling back to earth under a parachute but it was not clear what this contained.

State media said the rocket was a sounding probe sent to conduct experiments to pave the way for the launch of the Omid satellite.

Defence Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar was quoted as saying by the Fars news agency that the satellite would be launched in the Iranian month of Khordad, which begins on May 21.

The Russian-launched satellite Sina-1 was Iran's first -- and so far only -- probe to be launched into space, and was described by the Iranian press at the time as being for research and telecommunications.

Iran has said it plans to construct and launch several more satellites over the next three years.


i must say i find the american spokespersons comments to be so funny! Iran isolates itself for conducting a missile test?!! HAHA, not only does the USA conduct thousands of such tests a year, but the USA has also conducted NUCLEAR TESTS! and now they wanna nag about Iran making a missile test? when will their hypocrisy and stupidity ever end?

Either way as an Iranian Muslim I must say this does make me very proud, with all the pressure Iran is under they continue to make good strides....Iran should be an example to the Arab puppet regimes in the mid-east, but too bad those regimes will never learn and will continue to rely on the west for every single thing they have, from weapons, to nuclear energy etc etc.................and btw im not trying to sound mean neither by saying that, i am half Arab as well! :D

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02-07-2008, 06:17 PM
lol strange, no neocons have made any of their silly comments.

02-07-2008, 06:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by The_Prince

i must say i find the american spokespersons comments to be so funny! Iran isolates itself for conducting a missile test?!! HAHA, not only does the USA conduct thousands of such tests a year, but the USA has also conducted NUCLEAR TESTS! and now they wanna nag about Iran making a missile test? when will their hypocrisy and stupidity ever end?

Either way as an Iranian Muslim I must say this does make me very proud, with all the pressure Iran is under they continue to make good strides....Iran should be an example to the Arab puppet regimes in the mid-east, but too bad those regimes will never learn and will continue to rely on the west for every single thing they have, from weapons, to nuclear energy etc etc.................and btw im not trying to sound mean neither by saying that, i am half Arab as well! :D
subhanAllah I totally agree with you, I can't stand the thought of 'arab puppet regimes' they are absolutely useless, no help to muslim world!

02-07-2008, 10:15 PM
Come on neocons. Post something would you? <crickets chirping>

Maybe Scoop Jackson or Jeane Kirkpatrick will come back from the dead and post something.

Here is an interesting bit from Wiki:

Criticism of the term "neoconservative"
Some of those identified as neoconservatives refuse to embrace the term. Critics argue that it lacks coherent definition, or that it is coherent only in a Cold War context.

Many writers, such as Barry Rubin, director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Institute, argue that the neoconservative label is used as a pejorative by anti-Semites: "neo-conservative" is a codeword for Jewish. Some[attribution needed] claim that just as antisemites did with big business moguls in the nineteenth century and Communist leaders in the twentieth, the term is used to take all those involved in some aspect of public life and single out those who are Jewish, implying that this is a Jewish-led movement conducted not in the interests of all the, in this case, American people, but to the benefit of Jews, and in this case Israel.[32]

Critics of Rubin's position might argue that because neoconservatives aren't necessarily Jewish, this criticism is not valid. As with the contested concept of the "New Anti-Semitism", these critics claim that it is anti-Semitic to identify support for Israel with the Jewish people. For example, according to Norman Finkelstein, it would be anti-Semitic "both to identify and not to identify Israel with Jews."[33]

The fact that the use of the term "neoconservative" has rapidly risen since the 2003 Iraq War is cited by some conservatives as proof that the term is largely irrelevant in the long term. David Horowitz, a conservative author, offered this critique in a recent interview with an Italian newspaper:

[Neo-conservatism] is a term almost exclusively used by the enemies of America's liberation of Iraq. There is no "neo-conservative" movement in the United States. When there was one, it was made up of former Democrats who embraced the welfare state but supported Ronald Reagan's Cold War policies against the Soviet bloc. Today "neo-conservatism" identifies those who believe in an aggressive policy against radical Islam and the global terrorists.[citation needed]

Many other supposed neoconservatives, similarly, believe that the term has been adopted by the political left to stereotype supporters of U.S. foreign policy under the George W. Bush administration, or as a conspiracy theory, saying the term is used simply to label Jews in a negative way, or to downcast any support given of Israel or some supposed Jewish tenet often associating Jews with control of the media, the entertainment industry, the government of the United States of America, or the concept of capitalism.


As for the Iranian "space" program...one can say this much. Anything they build may not be able to put useful commerical payloads into orbit but it just might reach Tel Aviv.

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02-08-2008, 12:38 AM
Bravo Iran! Defy those western powers! (Though I hear your allies in Russia are a little curious now too)

02-08-2008, 12:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AvarAllahNoor
Bravo Iran! Defy those western powers! (Though I hear your allies in Russia are a little curious now too)
Russia?? Allies????? I wouldnt ever put those two words in the same sentence

02-08-2008, 12:49 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by MTAFFI
Russia?? Allies????? I wouldnt ever put those two words in the same sentence
Well they have been the only ones who have sided with Iran through all this USA/UK propaganda.

02-08-2008, 01:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AvarAllahNoor
Well they have been the only ones who have sided with Iran through all this USA/UK propaganda.
They are just trying to sell weapons and show how powerful the emergent Russia is.

The only time we have been "allied" with the Russians is to fight the greater threat....the Nazis.

02-08-2008, 11:12 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Cognescenti
They are just trying to sell weapons and show how powerful the emergent Russia is.

The only time we have been "allied" with the Russians is to fight the greater threat....the Nazis.
Well it is powerful isn't it? I know how that really niggles the yanks. China, dare i say it India *spits* are also to be the most powerful countries soon. Are you making way, or are you losing sleep over it? :okay:

02-08-2008, 02:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AvarAllahNoor
Well they have been the only ones who have sided with Iran through all this USA/UK propaganda.
wouldnt say "sided" since they have voted for 2 rounds of sanctions against the Iranians. Russia is in it for 3 things, 1 they can sell all of their old junk and make a nice profit, 2 cheaper energy for their up and coming country, and 3 to flex their newly born muscle

02-08-2008, 02:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AvarAllahNoor
Well it is powerful isn't it? I know how that really niggles the yanks. China, dare i say it India *spits* are also to be the most powerful countries soon. Are you making way, or are you losing sleep over it? :okay:
they really havent become all that powerful... they do have a large bank roll, but what have they really done? Majority of their people live in poverty... sad to think about... A tougher trade stance against China would be crippling to their economy, over half of their exports go to the US, less exports from China, means more american made products, more american jobs, more american money. Every superpower rises and falls, it is the way of the world and the universe... I dont think that the US's time is up, people said the same thing back in the early and mid 90's, people in the US wouldnt know it, and if there is a "bigger" superpower, who cares anyway it certainly isnt effecting our GDP or way of life, just more people enjoying better life... As long as they dont become a military threat more "power" to them :)

02-08-2008, 02:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AvarAllahNoor
Well it is powerful isn't it? I know how that really niggles the yanks. China, dare i say it India *spits* are also to be the most powerful countries soon. Are you making way, or are you losing sleep over it? :okay:
Given the price of oil and natural gas, Russia is enjoying a bit of a gold rush these days so they can begin to modernize weapons and that sort of thing. That is why Eastern European nations are so keen to join NATO. They are not the bear they were before the fall of the Soviet Union.

India? Nah. All the smart Indians come over here to work in Silicon Valley or become Cardiologists.

China? China is a serious threat. Their "sovereign wealth fund" is huge and they are buying up everything they can. Still, economic interdependence bodes well for peaceful resolution of problems. Their economy and sytem of government are still a major handicap. A sudden conflict over Taiwan is the major threat to peace and it would be very ugly.

I am more worried about the **** gophers digging up my yard or the brakes on my car than the Chinese.

02-08-2008, 02:54 PM
I think we need British imperialism...Restart the colonisation again...

02-08-2008, 04:44 PM
Your right, the arabic western allied cruel regimes should learn something from Iran, and realise that what they are doing is wrong, realise that without the west the Islamic nations will rise and greater empires will be born.

I love Iran for their anti-western way of thinking, but I hate them for their anti-sunni way of thinking.

02-08-2008, 05:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AvarAllahNoor
I think we need British imperialism...Restart the colonisation again...

you aint right :)

02-08-2008, 06:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by krypton6
Your right, the arabic western allied cruel regimes should learn something from Iran, and realise that what they are doing is wrong, realise that without the west the Islamic nations will rise and greater empires will be born.

I love Iran for their anti-western way of thinking, but I hate them for their anti-sunni way of thinking.
Anti-sunni way of thinking?? Have you not read any of Khomeini's books or watched any of his speeches? He is all about sunni's and shia's uniting. Just because Iran is all Shia doesn't mean they hate Sunni's... Here, check this out:


Oh, and please don't give a few examples where sunni's were mistreated by Shia's, you and I know very well this happens all the time of all faiths and beliefs. Also, how is Iran against sunni's when they help and care for palestinians all the time when they are all Sunni's? Inshallah we will all be united and be able to live with our beliefs.

02-08-2008, 09:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Kidman
Anti-sunni way of thinking?? Have you not read any of Khomeini's books or watched any of his speeches? He is all about sunni's and shia's uniting. Just because Iran is all Shia doesn't mean they hate Sunni's... Here, check this out:


Oh, and please don't give a few examples where sunni's were mistreated by Shia's, you and I know very well this happens all the time of all faiths and beliefs. Also, how is Iran against sunni's when they help and care for palestinians all the time when they are all Sunni's? Inshallah we will all be united and be able to live with our beliefs.
duude.... lets just leave this.....

02-12-2008, 10:42 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Cognescenti
As for the Iranian "space" program...one can say this much. Anything they build may not be able to put useful commerical payloads into orbit but it just might reach Tel Aviv.
:hiding::hiding: Nothing will happen.

Many in Iran bear the U.S. no ill will

International Herald Tribune
February 11, 2008

TEHRAN: When the shah ruled Iran, the Westernized elite would enjoy Hollywood movies at a small theater in the center of the city. Today, that theater is an Islamic cultural center and a meeting place for fundamentalists.

So it was a bit of a surprise that in the gift shop, where everything was infused with a religious theme, the best selling items last week were American children's movies: "Rugrats Go Wild," "Meet the Robinsons" and "The Incredibles." All bootlegged, of course, and each for $1.50.

"Yes, we sell a lot of these," said Amin Gorbani, a young bearded clerk at the cash register. And then he stood up, extended his hand and said: "When it comes to disputes between Iran and America, that is between governments. But when it comes to people, I don't see any problem between the people."

Generally speaking, Iranians like Americans, not just American products, which remain very popular, but Americans. While that is not entirely new - Iranians on an individual level have long expressed desires to restore relations between the two countries - the sentiment seems much more out in the open now.

It is spreading not just on the streets of Tehran, but in the way politicians talk.

Iran's top leaders still define themselves in large measure by their opposition to America. The supreme leader is still the "guardian of the revolution." The clerics who lead Friday prayers still keep one hand on a weapon as they preach. Revolutionary identity and anti-Americanism remain inseparable. There is a fear that easing up on the anti-Americanism will dilute Iran's revolutionary identity, and with that undermine its theocratic system.


Evident from the fact that we have pro Iran Govts in Iraq and Afghanistan after US military actions :haha:

02-13-2008, 07:42 PM

You are right bro prince, those dependable Arab "leaders" give me a headache for the things they do.

Whenever Muslims make a good move we should be happy, Hooray for Iran on this.

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