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View Full Version : Proof on prohibiting celebrating the holidays of the Infidels

02-05-2008, 08:16 PM
As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

A) Celebrating the holidays of the infidels is an innovation. These celebrations are not from within Islam, nor are they conduct of the salaf [6](sahabah). Therefore anything not established in Islam should not be followed, as this will lead to punishments, especially in area of [7]ebaddah.

Every single detail of ones life from birth to grave falls under one of the following categories “munkar (evil), mubaah (permissible), haram (prohibited), mustahabb (encouraged) and waajib (obligatory).

Islam is complete, and we derive our total lifestyle from Islam that Allah has completed for us, we cannot add nor eliminate any teachings from this co,pleted religion as the Prophet (sallah Allahu alayhi Wasalam) said,[8] “nothing of what would bring you closer to the Jannah and further away from the fire but I have clarified for you.”

As we will see not only is celebrating, and contributing by any means to the holidays of the kuffar an innovation to Islam but it is disobeying the explicit sayings forbidding it.

b) Celebrating the holidays of the infidels is an imitation of the kuffar. The prophet [9] (sallah Allahu alayhi Wasalam) in a plenty of ahadith prohibited imitating the infidels, he said “Whomever imitates the kuffar is one of them ”.

c) Muslims must differ in areas of similarities with non-Muslims.

Being different from the infidels is an important principle in Islam. Following the path of those cursed by Allah [10](Subhanahu wa ta’aala) is not part of Islam.

There is a pattern of showing this important principle that one can clearly see through the Koran and sunnah:

1. The changing of the Kiblah from Beit El Makdus to the Kabah was to be different from the Jews who faced the same direction.

2. Ibn Umar (radiya Allahu Anh) said the Prophet (sallah Allahu alayhi Wasalam) said [11] (Be different than the Jews and Christians and grow your beards and trim your mustaches).

3. Abu Hurairah (radiya Allahu Anh) said the Prophet (sallah Allahu alayhi Wasalam) said,[12]”The Jews and Christians do not [13]dye their hair, therefore be different than them.”

4. Anas Bin Malik (radiya Allahu Anh) said, [14] “when Jewish women used to get their monthly period the Jewish men used to refuse to eat or sleep with them, the companions asked the Prophet (sallah Allahu alayhi Wasalam) about that and Allah revealed [15] ‘They ask thee concerning wome’s courses. Say: they are a hurt and a pollution so keep away from women and do not approach them until they are clean.’ They heard about that and said, ‘There is nothing this man is attempting to leave common amongst us and them’.”

5. Ibn Abbas (radiya Allahu Anhuma) said the Prophet (sallah Allahu alayhi Wasalam) said,[16] “Fast Ashura and be different from the Jews by fasting a day before it or a day after it along with it.”

6. Amro Bin Maymoon said, [17] “I seen Umar in [18]Juma’ and I heard him say the people of jahilyah used to leave this area after sunrise and the Prophet Muhammad (sallah Allahu alayhi Wasalam) wanted to be different and departed this area before sunrise.”

7. Deterring from praying after fajer until sunrise and before Maghrib was also because non-Muslims specialized those times for worship.

This is a mere sample of the tens of orders that the Prophet Muhammad (sallah Allahu alayhi Wasalam) deterred from doing or changed because we had them common with non-Muslims. So just as it was clear to the Jews during the Muhammad (sallah Allahu alayhi Wasalam) in the previously mentioned hadith that his goal was to change everything in common with the non-Muslims, we must realize this important principle of Islam and apply it.

The prophet Muhammad (sallah Allahu alayhi Wasalam) ran a pattern of trying to be different from the Kuffar and we see those ignorant heads with spoiled followers who attempt to run a contradicting pattern of imitating and enjoining them!

However, there are issues of tradition we are similar in, but we do not derive it from them, so there is a difference between innovating practices, traditions, saying and greetings to become similar to the infidels and those traditions that just coincidently continued on.

From showing you some examples of proof, we see clearly that celebrating the holidays of the infidels in any manner is prohibited because it is not from Islam.
]From the Quran:

[19]“Those who witness no falsehood and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass by it with dignity.”

Ibn Taymiyyah [20](Rahimahu Allah) narrated a Hadeeth that Muhammad Bin Sireen said [21]“Falsehood” in this verse means the holiday of “Shaneen” where the Christians claim Iesa [22](Alayhi Alsalam) entered [23]Palestine.

Ibn Abbas [24](Radia Allahu anh), [25]Abu Alaieh, Tawoos, Ibn Sireen, Al-Dahak, Al Rabee bin Anas and others all said “falsehood” in this verse means the holidays of the [26]infidels.

“ Who witness no falsehood,” means they do not participate in [27]it.

There were other meanings given by other companions and major scholars regarding “falsehood.” Some said it was a statue, some said it was music, and some even said it meant associating a partner with Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala). All of the above does not contradict the verse referring to the holidays of the infidels. This was the path of the salaf to name a certain detail of a broad meaning of a verse to allow the listener to understand.

Therefore, Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala) commanded the believers not to witness falsehood, let alone participate in it. This includes giving greetings, gifts or anything of that nature.

From the Sunnah:

1. Hadeeth narrated by [28]Thabeit Ibn Al-Dahhaak (radia Allahu anh) said, [29] “At the time of the Messenger of Allah (sallah Allahu Alayhi Wasalam), a man vowed to sacrifice some camels in [30]Bawanah. He came to the Messenger of Allah (sallah Allahu Alayhi Wasalam) and said, ‘I have vowed to sacrifice some camels in Bawanah.’ The Prophet of Allah (sallah Allahu Alayhi Wasalam) said, ‘were there any idols there that were worshipped during the [31]Jahiliyah?’ He said, ‘No.’ The Prophet (sallah Allahu Alayhi Wasalam) said ‘Did they hold any of their holidays there?’ He said, ‘No.’ The Messenger of Allah (sallah Allah Alayhi Wasalam) said: ‘Then fulfill your vow, for there is no fulfillment of any vow which involves disobeying Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala), or with regard to something that the son of Adam does not own.’”

· This clearly shows the prohibition of conducting ceremonies or Islamic gatherings in areas where the Kuffar have used and were known by them to be used for worship and holidays.

· In the Hadeeth the Prophet (Sallah Allahu Alayhi Wasalam) said, “Then fulfill your vow.” Meaning the only reason he was ordered and ordained to fulfill his vow was because his vow was free from those two aspects: no idols worshipped and no holidays. The Prophet (Sallah Allah Alayhi Wasalam) asked him because had he said yes to any of those two, he would have prohibited him from sacrificing there.

· The Prophet (Sallah Allah Alayhi Wasalam) concluded the Hadeeth by saying, “There is no fulfillment of any vow which involves disobeying Allah.” Meaning that sacrificing an area where the Kuffar used to sacrifice in is prohibited. This is due to the fact that it involves disobeying Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala), otherwise this phrase of the Hadeeth would be meaningless.

· If it were permissible for one to sacrifice in an area where the kuffar held their holidays, then the Prophet (sallah Allahu Alayhi Wasalam) would have immediately responded, ordering him to carry out with his [32]vow. It would be meaningless talk of the prophet (sallah Allahu Alayhi Wasalam) to ask about those two factors if he was not going to base a prohibition on them.

· When the man came asking about his vow, the prophet (sallah Allahu Alayhi Wasalam) would have immediately told him to carry out his vow, but there were restrictions that the Prophet (sallah Allahu Alayhi Wasalam) had to ask about.

· If carrying one of the most important matters of [33]worship and obeying Allah (subhanahu wa ta’aala) is prohibited in these areas because the kuffar had held their celebrations there. What should be said about those that go to the infidel’s celebrations and participate with them? These people who participate with the infidels will be dirtying themselves and not following Islam.

· Note that this was not an ongoing event; the Prophet (sallah Allahu Alayhi Wasalam) said ‘Did they hold any of their holidays there?’ in the past.

Wa salaam

Allah Hafiz
Sister Fatima

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