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View Full Version : My Heart Hurts...

02-23-2008, 05:13 PM
A little reminder: Don't put a question mark where Allah puts a full stop.


My heart hurts today, I think it’s a good thing though, I read somewhere that the pain a believer feels is so that Allah can expiate for him his sins. My heart hurts in the realisation that mankind is at loss without Allah, without a Supreme being to ask from, to have hope and faith in, but not many people realise that…and the ones that do; sometimes realise a little late.

I was thinking last night- I thought and thought till I could think no longer, I cried and cried till I could cry no longer- and I asked myself, where does true happiness lie? I acknowledged the feeling I had been experiencing for the past few days, a calmness settling in my soul due to having repented, and I decided that was it, that true happiness lies in the contentment and calmness of the soul.

But a while later, I saw my father happy because of something I had done, and decided that was it, that true happiness lies in the happiness of your loved ones…but still, there was something missing, so I gave it more thought and came to a conclusion…True happiness lies in faith.

To be continued Insha'Allah

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02-23-2008, 08:09 PM

I’ve lived so much of my life without valuing each moment; I had always been shy as a child- primary school, secondary school, college, university and work, only when it came to the final years or months in each of these places would I begin to open up, that people would see a flower beginning to bloom, but for me then, it was always too late, too late to do anything meaningful as I would have to move on to my next destination or stage in life.

At times I fear the same for my life also, what if my eyes open when it’s too late, what if the realisation of the reality of this life, its temporary pleasures and illusions dawn on me during those last few years or months of my life? Naudhu Billah.

But now, now I have faith Alhamdulillah…

…I have faith…I hurt myself and smile, tell myself I can cope. I fall, I get back up. If I lose, I make an extra effort to win next time; and when I cry, I cry only out of the fear of Allah. I have faith.

I believe that if I turn 360 degrees to face Allah, as I should; He’ll turn towards me, I’m certain of it. Again…I have faith. Now do you believe me when I say true happiness lies in having faith?

All these people we see in the world with broken hearts over trivial worldly pursuits that went wrong; turn your hearts to Allah 100%. We profess to love Allah yet can’t seem to trust Him in all affairs, but tell me this, why do hearts break? Hearts break because we place trust in a person, we trust them to love us unconditionally, across the boundaries of time and space, but when they let us down; our hearts all but break…But now I dare myself to give you a guarantee, to place all that trust you once had –if not more- in Allah, the One who created you and knows you better than you know yourself, give Him your trust…and sure He’ll test you just like He tests all believers, but this time you wont feel as let down…and just because you have faith. I guarantee it; the tests are to strengthen a person.

Last night I was doubled up with grief, literally, I could not stand up straight…But I just stopped for a moment and remembered…remembered that not a single soul or being can help me through this save Allah. Sure people can offer kind words and support, but only He can remove the calamity. And Wallahi I tell no lies, I felt something in me strengthen physically, it was as though a hand was strengthening my spine and forcing me to stand tall…

…And I felt happy in that realisation and moment of awe and wonder, I felt blessed because so many people complain, of misery, sadness and broken hearts, but for all my sorrows, I thought I had gotten off lightly. But now that I have found my own peace I don’t know how to comfort the ones that are still hurting, don’t know how to explain to them….

More to came Insha'Allah, its time for Salatul Maghrib now (At the time of my writing this)

02-23-2008, 08:40 PM
…I don’t know how to explain to them that its ok to despair for a second, a minute, several hours, -we’re only human- but when they refuse to trust Allah, when they turn to everybody but Allah….I feel at a loss, I want them to realise how important faith is and how time is running out for us, life will soon be over…

How many of the people reading this (Assuming you’ve got this far), will cry at the realisation that they spent so many years chasing after the Dunya. But as I write this I smile, I smile knowing that my heart once hurt due to love that couldn’t be…But still I smile because all it took was a hurt heart - not even a broken one – to realise that nothing will work unless its done in the halal way; with Allah’s mercy, blessings, love and care.

I love all my brothers and sisters in Deen and want them to come to the same realisation as me. I want them to thank Allah and cry tears of happiness over tranquillity so sweet and pure that one could forget all the troubles and pain one has ever felt…And all because of their Imaan and hope in Allah…I want them to feel their hearts and souls mending with Allah’s love and pleasure, Bi ithnillah…

02-23-2008, 08:48 PM
mashallah :)

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02-23-2008, 08:57 PM

wow mashallaah

pls continu..

02-23-2008, 09:04 PM
Somebody once said that this life is like a shadow…I say ‘Go with the flow’…don’t try holding onto it, nor making the shadow stay….Just go wherever life takes you, stay strong, stay hopeful and remain true to yourself. Because cant nobody put you down if Allah is by your side. You’re special.

Here’s an idea Insha'Allah, Just look at that rose:

This rose will wilt and die. If the one for whom it was meant, if the love for whom it was meant was halal, then the flower would bloom and be replaced by that special someone. But until then, this rose is but an ordinary flower…it will bloom wilt and die, just like every haram desire….

I'm very sorry for my thoughts being jumbled, this is just a release for me, please bear with me Insha'Allah, I dont mind people ignoring this thread, as long as I can let it out...

The Ruler
02-23-2008, 09:10 PM

This thread is a deffinite heart-warmer. :-)


02-23-2008, 09:16 PM
Lastly, I just wanted to say…somebody wished for me a beautiful Du’aa yesterday, they made Du’aa for the fire of hell to be made haram upon me, Alhamdulillah what did I do? I cried…I cried hot tears of despair….

Who was I? A lowly sinner…. Did the angels recognise my voice when I asked from Allah? Did they say, ‘Oh Allah, we recognise the voice of this servant of yours, they praise you often and are from amongst the obedient, please accept their Du’aa’….is this really what they said? I somehow doubted it...

I felt ashamed asking Allah to accept the Du’aa of my friend, for the fire of hell to be made haram upon this sinner

So this is where I finish with my story and depart, this is where I work hard to make that Du’aa become a reality. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. May Allah guide me and us all. Ameen.



02-23-2008, 09:33 PM

02-23-2008, 09:55 PM
Masahallah that was truly inspiring, i too am looking for happiness, truth is do i really put my trust in allah swt, the answer is no, maybe a bit here and there,.

But the thing is i know thats where true happiness lies, and i pray i get to that point. If i trust allah swt , thats where true happiness lies, doesnt matter if you lose everything you have.

02-23-2008, 10:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous

Who was I? A lowly sinner…. Did the angels recognise my voice when I asked from Allah? Did they say, ‘Oh Allah, we recognise the voice of this servant of yours, they praise you often and are from amongst the obedient, please accept their Du’aa’….is this really what they said? I somehow doubted it...
I feel the same way... There are times I am in Dua, and I am thinking the Dua, but it doesn't escape my mouth because I feel ashamed to Ask ask for more, when He has given me so much... and if we were to count them the list wouldn't end. And at times I would think... it is due to my lack of Emaan that I have been given so much... may be because I ain't ready for hardship....I know Allah(SWT) doesn't burden one more then they can bear... maybe I am getting my reward in Dunya...

How Merciful He is, He gave me Islam for my own good and it does nothing but benefit me, The Salah, the Zakat, the fast it all benefits me in Dunya and it's for the good of mankind, He gains nothing from it, but He will reward me for it. He is Arra7man, Arra7im.


02-24-2008, 08:42 PM

Jazaak Allaah for the kind words and for reading my thoughts, without faith we are nothing, Allaahu Akbar

Wassalam Aleykum

02-25-2008, 03:19 PM
MashAllah :awesome:

sadia faisal
02-25-2008, 03:45 PM
very true... i wonder if the world would be a better place if everyone thought like that... May Allah have mercy on us and guide and keep us on the true path... Insha-Allah...

Ll- TaHiRa
02-25-2008, 04:22 PM
mashallah ..:smile:

dishh was a verry intresting thread.. :thankyou:

02-28-2008, 09:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
A little reminder: Don't put a question mark where Allah puts a full stop.


My heart hurts today, I think it’s a good thing though, I read somewhere that the pain a believer feels is so that Allah can expiate for him his sins. My heart hurts in the realisation that mankind is at loss without Allah, without a Supreme being to ask from, to have hope and faith in, but not many people realise that…and the ones that do; sometimes realise a little late.
i like. :sunny:

and I decided that was it, that true happiness lies in the contentment and calmness of the soul.
true say

format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous

I’ve lived so much of my life without valuing each moment; I had always been shy as a child- primary school, secondary school, college, university and work, only when it came to the final years or months in each of these places would I begin to open up, that people would see a flower beginning to bloom, but for me then, it was always too late, too late to do anything meaningful as I would have to move on to my next destination or stage in life.
nice :D you kinda sound like moi:D
At times I fear the same for my life also, what if my eyes open when it’s too late, what if the realisation of the reality of this life, its temporary pleasures and illusions dawn on me during those last few years or months of my life?
but thats better than not at all, i reckon. :sunny:

All these people we see in the world with broken hearts over trivial worldly pursuits that went wrong; turn your hearts to Allah 100%. We profess to love Allah yet can’t seem to trust Him in all affairs, but tell me this, why do hearts break? Hearts break because we place trust in a person, we trust them to love us unconditionally, across the boundaries of time and space, but when they let us down; our hearts all but break…
sooooo true...good way of looking a it.

format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
Here’s an idea Insha'Allah, Just look at that rose:

This rose will wilt and die. If the one for whom it was meant, if the love for whom it was meant was halal, then the flower would bloom and be replaced by that special someone. But until then, this rose is but an ordinary flower…it will bloom wilt and die, just like every haram desire….

I like ur anology.

all in all, beautiful thread!

04-01-2008, 02:55 PM
My Heart Hurts...
My Tummy Hurts :(

04-01-2008, 05:41 PM
Mashallahhhhh Great Post

04-16-2008, 09:10 PM
:sl: I do hope your heart has stopped hurting now insha Allah :)

04-17-2008, 06:27 AM


Pen Marks
07-24-2008, 06:57 PM

07-24-2008, 07:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
…I don’t know how to explain to them that its ok to despair for a second, a minute, several hours, -we’re only human- but when they refuse to trust Allah, when they turn to everybody but Allah….I feel at a loss, I want them to realise how important faith is and how time is running out for us, life will soon be over…

How many of the people reading this (Assuming you’ve got this far), will cry at the realisation that they spent so many years chasing after the Dunya. But as I write this I smile, I smile knowing that my heart once hurt due to love that couldn’t be…But still I smile because all it took was a hurt heart - not even a broken one – to realise that nothing will work unless its done in the halal way; with Allah’s mercy, blessings, love and care.

I love all my brothers and sisters in Deen and want them to come to the same realisation as me. I want them to thank Allah and cry tears of happiness over tranquillity so sweet and pure that one could forget all the troubles and pain one has ever felt…And all because of their Imaan and hope in Allah…I want them to feel their hearts and souls mending with Allah’s love and pleasure, Bi ithnillah…
May Allah swt bestow upon you Jannah as an eternal obode.
your words were so beautiful and so much in tune with what i once went through that Wallah it brought tears to my eyes.

I remember once i used to be so heart broken so heart broken that my chest physically actually hurted. i used to be fine then in th middle of something my chest would feel like it was being crushed and i litrally could not breath. whatever was in my hands i'd drop and Wallah i'd kneel down and look up and cry and cry to Him, and ask Him for justice, to this day my dua has not been fully answered but i know Insha'Allah it will, but looking at me now and seeing the strength He has blessed me with Alhumdullilah!
its amazing!!!!!!!!!!

08-17-2008, 09:05 AM
Selam aleykum we ahmetallahu we berekathu,

Whoever you are, where ever you might be.

I just love you. Doesn't matter if I know you or not or if I'll ever see you, I love you for the sake of Allah.

And even though you didn't dare to utter that Amiin to the dua, I will, and I am no less a sinner than you, but I will do it, for I believe you deserve it. Whoever you are, you awoke something in me, I felt the noor and I know what I have to do..

AMIIN AMIIN AMIIN!!! May the fire of hell be made haram upon you!! Amiin thumma amiin!!!

Selam aleykum we rahmetallahu we berekathu, your sister in Islam.

08-18-2008, 12:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Al-Zaara
Selam aleykum we ahmetallahu we berekathu,

Whoever you are, where ever you might be.

I just love you. Doesn't matter if I know you or not or if I'll ever see you, I love you for the sake of Allah.

And even though you didn't dare to utter that Amiin to the dua, I will, and I am no less a sinner than you, but I will do it, for I believe you deserve it. Whoever you are, you awoke something in me, I felt the noor and I know what I have to do..

AMIIN AMIIN AMIIN!!! May the fire of hell be made haram upon you!! Amiin thumma amiin!!!

Selam aleykum we rahmetallahu we berekathu, your sister in Islam.
:wasalamex my dear sister,

Who else would use your icons but me?

I love you for the sake of Allah (swt) also, thumma ameen at your du'aa....your post brought tears to my eyes and gave me hope that even if one person from this Ummah makes Du'aa for another, just like you have done, then we all still have some hope of getting into Jannah bi'ithnillah.

May the one for whose sake you love me, love you also and may He shower you with His blessings and Rahmah. Ameen, Allahumma Ameen!


08-18-2008, 02:38 PM
the fact is that whenever i read this i go thru the same closeness with Allah the first time i went thru.

08-18-2008, 03:04 PM

Reading this thread gives me goose-bumps. Its easy to live, when u can accept that this life is a journey to a greater final place. Nothing here is permanent, you came here with nothing and u will go away with nothing to the grave except the rewards allah has given you for your deeds here.

The peace that Islam brings to one's heart is just indescribable. I thank allah for showing us all the right path and may he continue to do so.
AMIIN AMIIN AMIIN!!! May the fire of hell be made haram upon you!! Amiin thumma amiin!!!
AMIIN, May allah bestow his mercy on all of us and show us the right path.

08-18-2008, 03:12 PM

Its funny, it seems almost an age since I made this thread, but its good to know its having an effect, Ameen at above du'aa


08-18-2008, 04:30 PM
Salaam, i find this thread really interesting. im looking for peace and happiness myself, could i talk you personally. i am a muslim sister

08-18-2008, 05:08 PM
i feel like i can relate 2 u about some things, i went through a really difficult time so maybe u could help me a little plz

08-19-2008, 08:15 PM
Mashaa'Allah! Your words are very inspirational and I'm sure many can relate to what you're going through. My advice is to stay strong and put your trust in Allah. I think you know to do this anyway.

By the way, you have a great talent for writing.

08-20-2008, 12:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
Salaam, i find this thread really interesting. im looking for peace and happiness myself, could i talk you personally. i am a muslim sister
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
i feel like i can relate 2 u about some things, i went through a really difficult time so maybe u could help me a little plz
Go for it sis, you're much more anon than I am here so ask/post away insha'Allah

format_quote Originally Posted by Osman
Mashaa'Allah! Your words are very inspirational and I'm sure many can relate to what you're going through. My advice is to stay strong and put your trust in Allah. I think you know to do this anyway.

By the way, you have a great talent for writing.
JazakAllah khayr Akhee


08-20-2008, 04:12 PM
i would prefer to talk to you more closely, as in a proper conversation maybe, do you have an email address, msn? if u dont mind that is. u can also read my thread plz. its under anonymous and called. Salaam, some help and guidance needed? i think

08-20-2008, 04:13 PM
some help and guidance needed please, its about a week old now

jazak allah khair

08-20-2008, 08:58 PM

Yeah sure add me sis: *edit:... get my email from another sis insha'Allah* PiXie knows hu I am.

You can edit this post when u log in as anonymous so please do after you've seen it.


08-21-2008, 07:20 AM
hi, u can add me i dont know any other way really, and please delete it as soon as u read it please. i really would love to talk 2 u soon please, <email address removed>

08-21-2008, 07:38 AM
wheres my address gone?

08-21-2008, 07:52 AM
That was removed. You are not supposed to write it out in public. Gender rooms are reserved for that.

08-21-2008, 08:13 AM
that is a long process, has can i get my emaill address to her plz

08-21-2008, 08:25 AM
if u dont mind can u please read my thread, and reply to me according to that then, thank you sis

08-21-2008, 09:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
if u dont mind can u please read my thread, and reply to me according to that then, thank you sis
Anon 5055559

Give your E-mail addres to Pixie or Ask Pixie for Anon Sisters E-mail, don't put it here =)

08-21-2008, 11:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
wheres my address gone?
The threadstarter wants you to give me your address and I can give it to her.

Confused? So am I Lol.

So just PM whenever you like, I literally live on LI :D

08-21-2008, 02:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
if u dont mind can u please read my thread, and reply to me according to that then, thank you sis

I've passed your email to the original poster. She will contact you when she comes online again insha'Allaah.

08-21-2008, 02:48 PM
Ok this thread has gotten confusing lol

08-21-2008, 03:26 PM
sorry serena lol, anyway how did u get my address and has it been pased onto the original poster

08-21-2008, 03:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous

. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Subhan Allah !

Tanya Khan
08-21-2008, 03:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
i would prefer to talk to you more closely, as in a proper conversation maybe, do you have an email address, msn? if u dont mind that is. u can also read my thread plz. its under anonymous and called. Salaam, some help and guidance needed? i think
I was crying all through the thread. :cry:

Please give me some advice. I am going great heartache and pain. I am in love with someone who doesn't want to be with me. I can't seem to move on from him. I cry so much, I feel misery and pain. I feel like something has taken over my body, mind and soul. :cry:

08-21-2008, 05:20 PM
i know how u feel sis, read my thread its called salaam need some help and guidance. it is a very difficult stage in our life, i went through a horrible time also, 5months down the line i still havent forgotten but i am slowly getting over it and i didnt ever think i would be ok the way i am now. and all that helped me was Allah swt, He says "remember Me and I shall remember you", if u walk towards Allah swt, He will run towards you. thats the best advice i can give you. what ever is written in our destiny thats what will happen sis, leave everything to our Creator

09-08-2008, 10:08 AM
my heart is really hurting today, literally i can feel it aching. no words seem to make me feel better

09-08-2008, 10:15 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by F0z14
my heart is really hurting today, literally i can feel it aching. no words seem to make me feel better

the ammount of stories ive heard

its funny cause you'll end up feeling better later on anyway but you'll still hurt right now, if i was you i KNOW i can change my feelings but it seems to be a gifted ability because so many people say the famous words - I CANT HELP IT!... why? lol seriously i dont get it

nothing we say can make you feel better as you say, how about YOU say things then?

you can always talk, if not to us then Allaah.

things always change, Allaah's in control... doesnt that at least bring some comfort? or does it bring bitterness... let me ask you this do you think Allaah will EVER do something to make things worse? honestly?... think about it :)

09-08-2008, 10:29 AM

^ It happens sometimes sis...

09-08-2008, 10:31 AM
i understand what u are saying brother, i realy do. but it really is the case of i cant help but feel like this. its been 5 months, ive tried everythin, ive started practising, im working full time, i was seeing a counsellor, and now cuz im goin back soon, i feel like im back 2 where i was 5months ago. the pain is becoming unbearable

09-08-2008, 10:32 AM
^ sometimes you come to a halt...but then there is nothing that will help you or give you patience except relying on allah [i am not the original poster]

09-08-2008, 10:36 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by F0z14
i understand what u are saying brother, i realy do. but it really is the case of i cant help but feel like this. its been 5 months, ive tried everythin, ive started practising, im working full time, i was seeing a counsellor, and now cuz im goin back soon, i feel like im back 2 where i was 5months ago. the pain is becoming unbearable
your mind is thinking you are going back to the past, its making you think you are returning to that point of pain once again BUT you need to realise that the times have changed! it IS five months later and things are different now, your different! his different , your whole mentality and hearts are different, the times are different even what you are studying is different.

so you need to stop living in the past, it is NOT the same anymore, your going FORWARD to a different time now, a different situation things will NOT be the same!

i hope im making sense here :exhausted

09-08-2008, 10:37 AM

things are different now, your different! his different , your whole mentality and hearts are different,
Not necessarily...

09-08-2008, 10:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by - Serene -

Not necessarily...
you cant explain that even if you tried

peoples condition change all the time, fact ! and it is a blessing, NOT a bad thing!

09-08-2008, 11:06 AM
i dont know if i am just feeling sorry 4 myself. or whether i genuienly am still hurting from all this. i really just wish i could turn my back completely, and never ever look back again. EVER. and when i go back and i feel nothing if i se him, thats what i pray 4 everyday from the bottom of my heart

09-08-2008, 11:31 AM
^ Do you want to move on or do u still love him?

09-08-2008, 11:33 AM
i think i still do, but i really want to and NEED to move on

09-08-2008, 11:37 AM

^ Can you not be with him in a halal way? Have you thought about marriage?

09-08-2008, 11:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by F0z14
i think i still do, but i really want to and NEED to move on
You know what you need to do so may Allah (swt) help you do it. Ameen.

I'll call you tonight insha'Allah


09-08-2008, 11:50 AM
Thank you sis x

He doesnt even wanna know me serene

09-08-2008, 11:51 AM

^ Don't tell me, he played you? :raging:

09-08-2008, 11:53 AM
sis have u not read my other posts?

09-08-2008, 11:56 AM

Sisters can we please stop going off-topic, I think this thread has served its purpose. Please leave the chit-chat to MSN :)


09-08-2008, 11:58 AM
sorry sis

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