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04-10-2008, 08:38 PM

Islamic Universities Info:

I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread on sharing information about apply to Islamic Universities, tips for those who are applying this summer, and current applicants to share information and those who have connections in saudi to get some up to date information on LI.


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'Abd al-Baari
04-10-2008, 08:45 PM
WaAlaykumus Salaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh,

Awesome thread akhee, JazakAllah Khayr :)

Can you please tell me what the universities look for in applicants, the kind of qualifications they have, character etc etc? JazakAllah


04-10-2008, 08:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ibn Umayr
WaAlaykumus Salaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh,

Awesome thread akhee, JazakAllah Khayr :)

Can you please tell me what the universities look for in applicants, the kind of qualifications they have, character etc etc? JazakAllah


Am on my home inshallah when I get home ill answer your question as best as possible Inshallah.

But for now:

Someone with excellent Akhlaq i think this is the main thing, if they see that in you that would be excellent. My advice is for everyone to change their character, so in the interview your not acting different so we should make our character excellent, interview or no interview.

For Madinah you dont need to have As in every GCSE (but it would help), but general GCSE 5+ but there are many who got in with low GCSE grades so I dont think its a big issues but general GCSE thats all they ask for. For Ummul Qura they like students with higher grades but like i said that does not mean you wont get in, my friend who got in 3 years ago didnt have the best grades but alhamdulilah he is there in his 3rd year.

To be straight with you most brothers have all the right papers and good references but its all about making dua akhi and being sincer with yourself and doing it to please Allah.

Inshallah Ill put some more things up when i get home.

04-10-2008, 09:11 PM

Here are a few pictures Imam Ibn Saud University in Riyadh, Qassim branch inshallah enjoy.

Campus Masjid:

Campus Masjid (Inside):

Inshallah ill add the rest when I get home inshallah.


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04-10-2008, 09:35 PM
MashaAllaah. Please do post more pics if you can, those pics look awesome! :thumbs_up

04-10-2008, 09:42 PM
As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Masha'Allah! Those pictures are look awesome!!

04-10-2008, 10:21 PM

04-10-2008, 11:10 PM

More pictures of Imam Ibn Saud University Qassim Branch



Dorm Lounge

Door Room

Ibn Baz Auditorium

Muhammad Ibrahim Auditorium

More pictures coming up soon stay tuned.......:thumbs_up

04-10-2008, 11:16 PM

If anyone has questions please PM me as I really want to make this thread easy access for brother n sisters looking for information.

I plan on writing a post about referencing and where and who you can go to get a good reference in London and other parts of the UK inshallah.

If there are brothers from other countries who have knowledge of this information please do help, as we want to help brothers and sisters from all nationalities.

04-10-2008, 11:25 PM

This a post ona blog which was made my American Students in Madinah and this was a very beneficial post which has alot in it, the bits in read is my addition as something are more for american students:

As-Salamu Alaikum,In response to those in high school who are interested in studying at the Islamic University:


The general rule at the university is that those who are applying from western countries i.e. America, Canada, Europe and so forth are not allowed to come without a high school diploma.

The following conditions of admission are taken from the application:

1) An applicant must be a holder of the general certificate of secondary education (high school) or its equivalent from any of the kingdoms schools or from abroad. (A G.E.D is also accepted)


2) Not more than 5 years should have passed since the applicant obtained the general certificate of secondary education or its equivalent

For UK students this could mean college as in the American and Saudi system students leave highschool at 18 as we leave 16 but 2 years sixform or college which count.

3) An applicant should not have been dismissed from another university on disciplinary or educational grounds.

4) An applicant should not exceed the age of 25

Students from countries that dnt have student who apply are the exception

6) An applicant seeking admission to the college of Qur’an should have memorized the entire Qur’an.

Along with these conditions, an applicant must present the following documents with his application:

a) A copy of high school diploma GCSEs

b) High school transcript for the senior year. Same as above

c) A certificate bearing witness to the good character and religious practice of the applicant from a reliable source. ( Known as a tazkiyyah, you may acquire one from the Imam of your local mosque or from most reputable callers to Islam (du’aat) insha Allah) two references

d) A birth certificate

e) Six passport size photos (4×6)

f) Please have a copy of your umrah or hajj visa. (This is for students who come for Umrah or Hajj)

between October 23 till January 20 (however they usually allow people to apply as soon as school starts if you come in person) and the address for those who are not able to make umrah or come to the University for an interview is:

Deanship of Admission and Registration

The Islamic University, P.O Box 170

Madinah Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia

As for those applying as American students we request that you send your paper work to:

Note: All information is to be translated into Arabic and notarized, the university will not accept applications without Arabic translations.

Note: We can no longer help in turning in applications. If anyone comes in person we will gladly help them.

May Allah grant you all success, ameen.


04-10-2008, 11:29 PM

I thought I would let every one know i have some information about classes studied in first year along with a current time table and lessons on the prophets masjid taught by the noble scholars in Madinah.

So Stay Tunnneeeedddd....:D

04-10-2008, 11:49 PM

Imam Ibn Saud and Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Universties are both the same i just wanted to make that clear, but it is well known as Imam University by many.

04-11-2008, 06:25 PM

Those of you who are in the uk and are after some good references that are well recognized by the Islamic Universities here is what a senior student in Madinah has said about who to get good references from and I ber witness to what he said because when i went what he said was true.

PS the bits in red are from me:

Assalaamu alaikum

If there is anyone who would like to apply to the Islamic University of Madinah, all they need to do is send their papers to my Address in Madinah and I will personally hand it in. however, I don’t want to un-necessarily get anyone’s hopes up, as getting into the Islamic University of Madinah is purely down to Allaah’s Qadr. Some have got in without even one letter of recommendation and not even knowing what soorah al’faatihah is (like one Chinese brother who was in my class when I first got here) and some people try year after year with a folder full of letters of recommendation, and they don’t get in. It is just down to Allaah’s Qadr and then ones Du’aa. One should take the necessary means for a du’aa to be answered and I personally advise that one should try at least once to stand in prayer during the night and ask Allaah during the last third of the night for the tawfeeq to be allowed to study in the Islamic University of Madinah.

So after one has taken the most important means to get into the Islamic University of Madinah (ie to ask Allaah) the most effective secondary means of getting in is letters of recommendation. I have personally sat down and spoken to those who accept applications and they have told me that the likes of Shaykh Suhaib Hasan of Masjid Tawheed, London, and the ‘Jam’iyyah ahl al.Hadeeth’ are known to them and hold a heavy weight when it comes to choosing those who will be accepted. Also, Shaykh Ahmad Uwais is also well known to those who deal with the acceptance of students however from what I have heard he has left London and gone back to Somalia. However, if one can somehow get a letter of recommendation from him when he visits England, then that would be excellent.

Shaykh Ahmed Uwais is back in the UK and is seen often praying in the Somali run masjid in Tottenham (North London) or in masjid tawheed in Leyton east london. He is very friendly and very approachable mashallah and speaks somali, english and arabic fluently.

After that, all one needs to do is download the application form here => http://www.iu.edu.sa/admissionform.doc

And post it to me at:

Jamah Tucker
Islamic University of Madinah
PO Box 10133
Madinah, Saudi Arabia

Below is some extra criteria that the University looks out for and I have added some extra comments to explain some of the points and to highlight others.

And finally, I have spoken to those in charge of new applications today and I explained to them my course and what I would be teaching over the summer holidays. I was told by the administration that as I am a student at the Islamic university I can give those students who study with Arabic-courses.com a letter of recommendation and this will aid the applicant in the acceptance process and also priority is given to applicants who have a good grasp of the Arabic language both spoken and written. So due to this we will now be offering a written letter of recommendations to all those who complete the Arabic courses with us. Also, if after the course one would like to personally apply to the Islamic University of Madinah and have a formal interview, then we will be happy to take them to the University and show them where to go.

I hope this helps you brother and sisters wishing to apply...


04-11-2008, 06:42 PM

Those of you who want to get a reference from Shaykh Suhiab Hassan you will need to attend a few of his lesson in Masjid Tawheed on Fridays and Saturdays at 6:30pm every week. All my friends who had interviews in Madinah all there interviewers recognized his reference and were pleased with it in fact. The Shaykh was from those who were the first students to study and graduate from the gates of the university and his father Allama Shaykh Abdul Gaffar Hassan al Hini (rh) taught there for over 16years in the faculty of Hadeeth and took over Imam Albani's (rh) position when he left mashallah tabarakallah.

If the Shaykh decided to give you a reference he will first interview you and ask you a few basic questions which is great training for the real one when it comes inshallah.

Hope this helps


04-11-2008, 08:37 PM

More pictures of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University, enjoy:






Inshallah my next aim is to get more pictures of the other Universities...

04-11-2008, 08:42 PM
As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Masha'Allah!! Keep them coming in, Insha'Allah!

04-12-2008, 02:02 PM

More Info on Madinah:

A friend of mine at Madinah was telling me about the lessons taught in the first and second year so i thought it would be a good idea to share to those interested:

During the first year of the Arabic program in the Mahad (Arabic School) there are 4 main lessons; Grammar(Madinah Books), Conversational Arabic Lesson, Writing lesson and a class on Quran and Tajweed. Madinah arabic book 1 and 2 are taught in the first year and Madinah book 3 and 4 are taught in the 2nd year (Madinah book 1,2,3 are available in the west). In the second year more subjects are introduced basic fiqh, hadeeth, seerah and other topics. Students during the first year study from about 8ish to 12ish but i believe college students study longer uptil 2pm if am correct. There are also daily buses that take students back and forth from the University and the Prophets Masjid daily (A similar service is also available in Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud but i think its 4 days a week and the school bus takes them to Shaykh Salih al Fawzan's masjid for his duroos but am not sure about Ummul Qura). The buses in Madinah Take students from asr from the Uni and taken them back after isha from the prophets masjid.

If anyone has more correct information please share inshallah...

I hope this helps more coming soon inshallah stay tuned...


04-12-2008, 02:07 PM

I have a post inshallah coming soon more about Ummul Qura and information for sisters, from a sister who is studying there in the Sharia Faculty inshallah stayed tuned.

04-12-2008, 02:18 PM

Barakallahu feek. thanks and keep em coming

04-12-2008, 02:36 PM

Sisters Information on Ummul Qura University in Makkah:

As salaamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. I’ve sought permission to share some sister to sister advice concerning Ummul Quraa University. We’d like to stress that our sister in the deen is not a representative for the university. Her answers are based off of what she knows as a current student. Her answers were not verified by any faculty member of the school. Ummul Quraa’s rules and regulations are subject to change. May Allaah bless her and her family in their studies and allow them to be a benefit to the Ummah, aameen.
An excerpt regarding the permissibility of sisters “travelling” from Jeddah to Makkah is forthcoming. I hope this is of some benefit to you In Shaa Allaah.
BTW, the questioner is not me (smiles)….really - it’s not.


Questioner: Can I live in Jeddah with my mahram and still attend the school?
Sure. There are a lot of students who travel back and forth to the University from Jeddah. There is even a group of students from the Language Institute who all live in Jeddah with their families (their parents) and they carpool together everyday.


Questioner: Overall, how much would you recommend Umm Al-Qura and how do you like going there?

Alhamdulillah, the University for me has been a beautiful experience. It is, no doubt, A LOT of work, and is very challenging. The Language Institute here is thought to be the most challenging in the Kingdom. I recommend Umm Al Qura to anyone who has the capability and the urge to be a student of knowledge. The life of a student isn’t for everyone. There have been many families who’ve started, but for different reasons were’nt able to finish. There have been many students who’ve failed for various reasons. The Language Institute doesn’t start from “alif baa”. A potential student should come into the institute and at least know how to read ‘Arabic- even if its a slow pace. The curriculum is not impossible, but it definitely takes hard work.


Questioner: How far is it from the Haram?

The school is in a section of Makkah called Az-Zaahir. It’s about 5-7 mins away (by car) from the Haram on a normal day.


Questioner: Jazakum Allahu khayran, mashaAllah very thorough. I just want to clarify my mahram: I live in the United States but my grandfather and my materal uncles live in Jeddah and inshaAllah I am going to live with them. Will this be acceptable?

That’s fine maa shaa Allah. The only question would be would you have an iqaamah (residency) through your relatives, or would you want an iqaamah from the school? It might be to your advantage to have one through your relatives to start out with, then switch over to the school. Maybe you should look into seeing if they can add you onto theirs…that might be quicker than waiting for the school..especially since your mahram wouldn’t be attending with you. Wallahu ‘Alam.


Questioner: The application process:
You can go to Bakkah.net they have everything you need to know. If you don’t have 1 of the required documents they won’t accept your application plain and simple. They won’t even consider it beacuse it’s incomplete. You have to straighten out your situation before applying.


Questioner: After the Language Institute, does a student automatically get accepted into the Islamic Sciences Department? So they have an Uloom al-Hadeeth major/school? Barak Allahu feekum.

No, after the language program only a selected few are accepted into the actual Univeristy. 1) You have to have an accumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher- nothing less than mumtaaz (some students have been accepted w/an overall jayd jiddan), 2) your mahram has to still be present, 3) you also have to take an entrance exam. There are other rules that apply but these 3 seem to be the most important as far as women are concerned from what I’ve seen, Wallahu Alam. The University does have a Kitaab was Sunnah department, in which Uloomul Hadeeth is studied in depth.

Sahar Gordon
Sharee’ah Student- Umm Al-Qura University
Makkah, KSA

04-12-2008, 03:53 PM

For those who are interested, the entire course material for Arabic learning for non-Arabic speaking students at Madinah Uni can be found here

And the curriculum for the actual degrees (Faculty of Qur'an, Faculty of Hadeeth, Faculty of Sharee'ah, Faculty of Arabic Language, and Faculty of Da'wah and Usool ad-Deen) can be found here

04-12-2008, 04:14 PM
Jazakllah Khair Ive been looking for this for a while, inshallah ill try get someone to translate it.

04-12-2008, 05:50 PM
are there any other universities other than ummul Qura for sisters?

04-12-2008, 05:58 PM

Ive heard that there was plans to establish a sisters section in Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University but am not sure if this has been completed.

But my friends in Ummul Qura have told me if a brother gets in theres like a 90% chance his wife would get in if she applied after he is accepted. It can also be any Mahram who is in Ummul Qura.

Sometimes I feel for the sisters because they are very keen on seeking knowledge and this shows when ever you go to a lecture or class of islamic learning sisters always out number the brothers. But remember knowledge is everywhere so if you cant go abroad, dnt mean it stops there.


04-12-2008, 06:14 PM
jazakAllah khayr. :w:

04-12-2008, 08:33 PM

.: Jannati :.
04-22-2008, 10:58 PM
wow humble abodes or what :D mA. they look awesome! :thumbs_up

04-23-2008, 03:22 AM

I'm thought Imaam Muhammad university already accepts females students. :?

The masjid at the Imaam Muhammad uni looks sooo lovely.

Madeenah University's site has some pictures of the uni. Check here

04-23-2008, 08:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jawharah

I'm thought Imaam Muhammad university already accepts females students. :?

The masjid at the Imaam Muhammad uni looks sooo lovely.

Madeenah University's site has some pictures of the uni. Check here

I think they do but i think its best to contact the uni or speak to students.

04-23-2008, 02:49 PM
so its GCSEs that you need?
can you go straight after GCSEs? or are A levels a must?

Ibn Al Aqwa
04-23-2008, 02:51 PM
I forgot to mention earlier...

JazakAllaah Khayr to the the bro for starting this read...Masha'Allaah, found it helpful....

Wa Alaykum Salaam :thumbs_up

04-23-2008, 03:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IceQueen~
so its GCSEs that you need?
can you go straight after GCSEs? or are A levels a must?

Once you have your GCSE's cert's thats enough.

And ALlah knows best


04-23-2008, 03:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by -Ibn Al Aqwa-
I forgot to mention earlier...

JazakAllaah Khayr to the the bro for starting this read...Masha'Allaah, found it helpful....

Wa Alaykum Salaam :thumbs_up

Waiyakum Akhi

04-23-2008, 04:50 PM
u means ders such things as islamic unis?

u mean those abraod?

04-23-2008, 07:45 PM

Thats right islamic uni all over the world saudi, egypt, syria, yemen, pakistan and many other.

05-04-2008, 03:16 PM
Sallamu 3aleikum AbuSalahudeen
i have one question....
how come the tution fees for the universities are free??
i mean, don;t ehy need any mony to pay the teachers and stuff??
just something i am wondering about
wassalam and thanks for starting this thread

'Abd al-Baari
05-05-2008, 01:19 PM
Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh,

Another question from me, Is it is necesaary to be Haafiz to study at Madeenah University, and is the Hifz of a Student tested before being accepted?

JazakAllah Khayr :)


05-05-2008, 01:25 PM
i don;t want to say anything wrong brother, but i doubt that you will need to be haafiz before you study in the university, due to the fact that you are going there to learn, right?
i think it even says that in the description of that website that no previous knowledge of arabic is needed in order to study there... not sure if the same applies to qur'an
wallahu a3lam

05-05-2008, 05:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by teen-omar
Sallamu 3aleikum AbuSalahudeen
i have one question....
how come the tution fees for the universities are free??
i mean, don;t ehy need any mony to pay the teachers and stuff??
just something i am wondering about
wassalam and thanks for starting this thread

The University is funded by the Saudi Goverment from what i know.

05-05-2008, 05:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdul Baari
Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh,

Another question from me, Is it is necesaary to be Haafiz to study at Madeenah University, and is the Hifz of a Student tested before being accepted?

JazakAllah Khayr :)


You dnt have 2 be a hafid 2 b accepted but it helps, but you need 2 be a hafid 2 enter the College of Quran.

And Allah knows best.


05-05-2008, 05:37 PM

If you're going to apply for the Qur'aan department then one of the requirements is that you are a Haafidh, and yh I presume they do test your hifdh.

05-06-2008, 10:09 PM

For the brothers who are interested in applying, I would strongly recommend them to memorise the Quran and make their Hifdh strong before coming to madinah, so that they may benefit from the scholars and not have to spend most of their time memorising the Quran.

05-06-2008, 10:11 PM
akhi, does that also include those who want to go there to learn hadeeth and islamic studies?
or only those who go there for qur'an?

05-06-2008, 10:18 PM

Its not only for the Faculty of Quran, its a basis for any islamic knowledge, if you cant memorise the whole quran atleast set an aim and memorise a few juzz of it.

05-06-2008, 10:19 PM
so what if you know lyk 2-3 juzz
not enough i guess......?

05-06-2008, 10:30 PM

Some people get accepted not knowing juzz ama properly, so do not worry, all i am saying is put all your effort into the quran do not run towards hadith or fiqh until you know the quran.

05-06-2008, 10:36 PM
ok insha'allah
i will keep that in mind akhi

05-08-2008, 09:34 PM
you are doing a great job :Di wanted to ask whether all the papers need to be translated including the a-level results and is it compulsory to give two refrences and what is the last date for applying for madeenah university. As i sidepoint i think it will be hard for me to convince my father to let me study in a islamic university he is actually worried about my welfare after my degree so i just wanted wanted to know what can a student of knowledge do after graduation to earn a living. I will realy appreciate any help.

05-09-2008, 03:23 AM
if its a islamic school. y do u need GCSE ? isnt suppose to be open for anyone....n y is the need of recommendation n how come some can enter with out any n some cant.. isnt suppose to fair... equally. how weird... in yemen .. sanaa game3et el iman.( university. u dont have to go through at that trouble. i mean.. just sign in its free for anyone...! but anyways.. thanxs for lettin us know the process cuz im interested but not now though.. i still got alot of school ahead of.. probably i might go to the one in yemen or egypt... anyways.. thank you once again!

'Abd al-Baari
05-09-2008, 04:07 PM
Assalamu Alaykum Warahamtullahi Wabarakaatuh,

^I suppose that it is to show that you are committed to learning. However i think that some people have said that even with low GCSE Grades they will still take you on if you show to them that you are a dedicated person. Remember that a lot of people apply for UQU and Madeenah University, and they can't take everyone on.

Allahu A'lam

WaAlaykumus Salaam Warahmatullah

05-11-2008, 11:00 PM

Here a few pictures from the annual book fair that is held in the Islamic University of Madinah at the end of each year.


05-11-2008, 11:04 PM


05-11-2008, 11:05 PM


05-12-2008, 07:37 PM

Thats pictures of the annual book fair, the man in the picture is the headmaster of the university.

I would recommend brothers who want to apply to translate the papers and do everything that is recommended from them, because alot of students apply and if your papers arent even complete they wont look twice at your application. And make alot of dua, and always remember knowledge is everywhere, and not only in madeenah. If Allah hasnt decreed it for you move on in life and seek knowledge in different places.

sister arabian princess, its a university, like anyother university in the world you need qualifactions etc along with the qualifactions they look at what country the applicant is from, and how big the need for students is over there, so I wouldnt say its unfair at the end of the day its all in the hands of Allah. If He decreed for you that you shall enrol in the university no one, not even the headmaster himself can do anything to stop it, in the same way if Allah hasnt decreed for you then no one can help you enter the university even if the headmaster was your father.

05-17-2008, 05:09 AM
my bro went Medinah Uni...I can ask him for you people...he had everything translated to arabic and didn't get great results in the school results, he passed tho...he also had some good referrals and recommendations...yeah that's all I can help with at the mo!

05-18-2008, 02:03 PM

This all very interesting. I am new to this forum could you please tell me a bit about this Islamic University.



'Abd al-Baari
05-18-2008, 05:27 PM
WaAlaykumus Salaam

^Is there anything that you wanted to know in particular sis'?

:sl: :)

05-19-2008, 10:11 AM

I wanted to know about some of the courses they run? Can women enrol on the course too?

Please could you provide me the full address of the University or a website link.


05-20-2008, 01:49 PM
I want to know what courses they offer at Ummul Al Qura for sisters.

05-20-2008, 01:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by rehana82

I wanted to know about some of the courses they run? Can women enrol on the course too?

Please could you provide me the full address of the University or a website link.


no women cant enrol

the website is

05-21-2008, 08:48 AM
you know, it helps if you have connections... for example

my bro had to come back 6 months after going there due to marital issues...now that it's all fixed there is this guy who is helping to get back there (this guy knows the scholars there etc.) so Insha Allah he should be back over there soon...

then in two years (when I get education certificate) I'm Insha Allah Insha Allah Insha Allah gonna meet him up there too :D make du'a for me please, that I get the chance of studying there.

05-24-2008, 06:43 AM

There are talk about opening an institute for students wives etc, but at the moment its still just talk, may Allah make it possible.

05-24-2008, 11:11 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AbuSalahudeen

Those of you who are in the uk and are after some good references that are well recognized by the Islamic Universities here is what a senior student in Madinah has said about who to get good references from and I ber witness to what he said because when i went what he said was true.

PS the bits in red are from me:

Assalaamu alaikum

If there is anyone who would like to apply to the Islamic University of Madinah, all they need to do is send their papers to my Address in Madinah and I will personally hand it in. however, I don’t want to un-necessarily get anyone’s hopes up, as getting into the Islamic University of Madinah is purely down to Allaah’s Qadr. Some have got in without even one letter of recommendation and not even knowing what soorah al’faatihah is (like one Chinese brother who was in my class when I first got here) and some people try year after year with a folder full of letters of recommendation, and they don’t get in. It is just down to Allaah’s Qadr and then ones Du’aa. One should take the necessary means for a du’aa to be answered and I personally advise that one should try at least once to stand in prayer during the night and ask Allaah during the last third of the night for the tawfeeq to be allowed to study in the Islamic University of Madinah.

So after one has taken the most important means to get into the Islamic University of Madinah (ie to ask Allaah) the most effective secondary means of getting in is letters of recommendation. I have personally sat down and spoken to those who accept applications and they have told me that the likes of Shaykh Suhaib Hasan of Masjid Tawheed, London, and the ‘Jam’iyyah ahl al.Hadeeth’ are known to them and hold a heavy weight when it comes to choosing those who will be accepted. Also, Shaykh Ahmad Uwais is also well known to those who deal with the acceptance of students however from what I have heard he has left London and gone back to Somalia. However, if one can somehow get a letter of recommendation from him when he visits England, then that would be excellent.

Shaykh Ahmed Uwais is back in the UK and is seen often praying in the Somali run masjid in Tottenham (North London) or in masjid tawheed in Leyton east london. He is very friendly and very approachable mashallah and speaks somali, english and arabic fluently.

After that, all one needs to do is download the application form here => http://www.iu.edu.sa/admissionform.doc

And post it to me at:

Jamah Tucker
Islamic University of Madinah
PO Box 10133
Madinah, Saudi Arabia

Below is some extra criteria that the University looks out for and I have added some extra comments to explain some of the points and to highlight others.

And finally, I have spoken to those in charge of new applications today and I explained to them my course and what I would be teaching over the summer holidays. I was told by the administration that as I am a student at the Islamic university I can give those students who study with Arabic-courses.com a letter of recommendation and this will aid the applicant in the acceptance process and also priority is given to applicants who have a good grasp of the Arabic language both spoken and written. So due to this we will now be offering a written letter of recommendations to all those who complete the Arabic courses with us. Also, if after the course one would like to personally apply to the Islamic University of Madinah and have a formal interview, then we will be happy to take them to the University and show them where to go.

I hope this helps you brother and sisters wishing to apply...


Assalaamu alaikum

I had posted the above and offered to help anyone who wanted to apply to Madeenah Uni. However, this is my last year, so please don’t send your papers as I will soon be in England.

However, we at www.Arabic-courses.com can still help anyone who wants to have a better chance of being accepted. We are able to give recognised letters of recommendation to those students who attend our courses and show a good level of good manners and learning.

Please visit our site for more info.

Assalaamu alaikum


For more information Visit:

06-08-2008, 09:18 PM

Assalaamu alaikum

Just a reminder of the arabic courses we are holding this year.

Arabic courses, covering three levels,
* Basic reading the letters, and writing them, whilst learning words
and common du’aas,
* Book 1 with other important integrated Islamic literature,
* Book 2 with other important integrated Islamic literature.

When looking for a good arabic course to join, consider the following things that make us different than all the rest…

•We endeavour to teach Arabic and connect our lessons to the Qur’aan and the Sunnah, which is something you will not find in most institutes.

•We have teachers who have studied Arabic and have experience in teaching it. Additionally, our teachers have already gone through the process of learning Arabic from scratch, which gives them that advantage of being able to relate to the student as they learn a new language.

•We endeavour to help the student develop their understanding of the Arabic language through practical application of what they learn on Islamic related text. Many teach their students stories about cats and dogs and other irrelevant topics that are not related to Islaam. On the other hand we teach our students stories about the prophets, the sahaabah and other stories and text related to Islam.

•When we teach arabic, we integrate with it du’aas, verses of the Qur’aan, Hadeeth, and also we integrate into our lessons necessary tools to understand Islamic text, like important principles in usool al fiqh, usool al tafseer, balaaghah and other important sciences. Most importantly for this subject, we teach the REASON why the arabic language is the way it is!! We teach the reasons behind them to help the student understand grammar better and make it easier to memorise.

•We aim to arm our students with the necessary weapons needed to combat the whispers of shaytaan and other worldly temptations by teaching the students the prophetic supplications whilst learning the Arabic language. We will connect the du’aa with the rules and words taught and learnt during the lessons.

•We do no teach modern colloquial Arabic, or Egyptian Arabic as they, although called Arabic, have no connection to the Islamic text. We teach classical fus.haa Arabic, the Arabic of the Qur’aan.

•We give the students opportunities to memorise verses of the Qur’aan and hadeeth while learning their meaning.

•We offer free access to our Arabic-Courses.com forum whereby the student will be able to continue their studies, ask questions, communicate freely and move forward online.

•We give genuine accepted letters of recommendation to those brothers who complete the Arabic courses for those who want to apply to the Islamic University of Madeenah, and we offer free aid and advice for those who wish to study abroad.


06-16-2008, 11:21 PM

The other day someone mentioned that Madeenah University has changed - that a person doesn't learn that much from there. He said that to really benefit, you need to attend the external duroos in the Masjids etc. He himself has been to Egypt and said that there are other places where you can learn much more in the same amount of time.

Can anyone clarify or shed some light on this?

He did recommend Dar al hadeeth in Makkah - does anyone have more information about that?

Jazakallaahu khayran.

06-16-2008, 11:28 PM

Yh, I've kinda heard something similiar to that. They said that what might be more productive is if a person can learn Arabic here before going out there, so that way you can actually immidiately spend more time with the mashaayakh at the Masaajid and so on, like Br. Muhammad mentioned.

Wallaahu A'lam.

06-17-2008, 12:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muhammad

The other day someone mentioned that Madeenah University has changed - that a person doesn't learn that much from there. He said that to really benefit, you need to attend the external duroos in the Masjids etc. He himself has been to Egypt and said that there are other places where you can learn much more in the same amount of time.

Can anyone clarify or shed some light on this?

He did recommend Dar al hadeeth in Makkah - does anyone have more information about that?

Jazakallaahu khayran.
It is true I suppose that you learn less and much slower in Madinah University.
There was a brother who was learning in Yemen, and his brother was learning in Madinah University. A book which he learned in 3 months took his brother 1 year to complete on the University's schedule.

06-17-2008, 12:55 PM

In Madinah its all about studying in the Prophets Masjid with the Scholars. ! madinah graduate said through his time in Madinah 95% of his knowledge gained was from the sitting with the scholars and 5% in the University.

But the great thing about the University is its Arabic program mashallah.


06-22-2008, 12:02 AM

Alot of people speak of how Madeenah Uni isnt the way it used to be before and its change, and its true to a certain extent. Yet these people strip the University of all its due credit, its all about the student himself, I cant stress this enough, you meet brothers who have been in Dammaj for some time yet they are very weak in their knowledge and you meet a brother from Madeenah who is very strong in his knowledge and vice versa. If the person is a good student in his home country and used to attend Duruus here, then where ever he decides to go he will be succesful inshAllah, but if the person is lazy and thinks just because he travels away from home he will turn into Imam Shafi'i then that will never happen.

The good things about Madeenah University is that you get a monthly allowance and a place to sleep, everything is made simple for you, all you need to do is to seek the knowledge and you even have the prophets masjid close to you and loads and loads of Ulama, in short the Uni is giving you all the means to seek the knowledge but the rest is up to the student himself.

06-22-2008, 11:44 AM

Jazakallah Khair brother Khaldun

06-23-2008, 10:24 PM
But what do u plan to do when u get your degree from the university? The only professions I can think of are becoming an Imam or teaching a class. What to most graduates do?

06-24-2008, 10:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Shakoor15
But what do u plan to do when u get your degree from the university? The only professions I can think of are becoming an Imam or teaching a class. What to most graduates do?

Its very important that when someone seeks knowledge or planns to seek knowledge they have the right intention. They shouldnt do it for money or to hold hugh positions because they are a graduate. But the seeker should do it only to please Allah, to get closer to Allah and to practise what he or she has learnt and then teach it to there community and those they come in contact with. If that graduate gets a job as a islamic teacher, lecturer or imam alhamdulilah. Many students who graduate do a normal day job and teach actively in the evenings.


06-24-2008, 11:37 AM
Salmu Alaykum
ok...im new to this forum and i love everything it offers,but im kind of confused when it comes to these Islamic universities.ok do they accept sisters,if so can i please get some info on which ones accept sister and those who dont. Im dying to attend one of these universities. ill be getting out of high school soon, Insh ALLAH and would love to get some informationIIIIII

06-24-2008, 11:46 AM
Looks great mashallah. wouldnt it be great if we had an islamic university on the uk, inshallah one day.

06-26-2008, 09:56 AM
Wa Alaykum Assalaam warahmatullaah,

format_quote Originally Posted by ayan333
ok...im new to this forum and i love everything it offers,but im kind of confused when it comes to these Islamic universities.ok do they accept sisters,if so can i please get some info on which ones accept sister and those who dont. Im dying to attend one of these universities. ill be getting out of high school soon, Insh ALLAH and would love to get some informationIIIIII
Welcome to the forum, sister. May your stay be beneficial Insha'Allaah.

Check the following post and the few after that Insha'Allaah:


06-26-2008, 01:16 PM
السلام عليك

Thanks so much for the help,also...umm....Ive been on a couple websites with information dealing with Islamic universities but i never seam to find what you can major in after the 2 years of language courses...i know for the brothers they have Qu'ran and hadeeth ect. but is it the same for the sisters? and i enrolled in many advanced placement and honor classes for this comming school year (Insh ALLAH) but that was before i officially considered going to a Islamic university,so i was wondering when u apply to these schools do they look at what kind of classes you took in school(A.p,honors,regular) or do they just look at overall grade point average.Any kind of information would be helpful..and shukran in advance.

Jazakallaahu khayran.
Assalaamu alaikum

10-15-2008, 01:32 AM
Are there new admissions for the second semester? Can I apply in the second semester for admission for the next year even tho I won't have my highschool diploma until the Summer. As I plan to go for Hajj and this would make it easier for me to hand my things in.

10-19-2008, 04:38 PM
i wish i could join any islamic uni ...mashallah good effort, beneficial thread

10-19-2008, 10:56 PM
Do you have to have memorize the whole quran?

10-19-2008, 11:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Bro
Do you have to have memorize the whole quran?

i think it depends on what you want to study

if you want to study the Qur'an then you probably would have to hav eth ewhole Qur'an memorized

ALLAHO '3lam


10-21-2008, 07:17 PM
That seems like a pretty ostentatious campus. But i guess it is befitting of such a prestigious centre of Islamic learning.

10-29-2008, 01:16 PM
Assalamu Aleykum Waraxmatullahi Wabarakatu.
Brilliant thread,benefitted me a lot.
I have a queries:How shouldI go about having my GCSE results and reference translated into arabic?Jazakallah in advance.And when is the 'right' time to apply for 09?

Abu Ilyas
10-31-2008, 10:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Somalina
Assalamu Aleykum Waraxmatullahi Wabarakatu.
Brilliant thread,benefitted me a lot.
I have a queries:How shouldI go about having my GCSE results and reference translated into arabic?Jazakallah in advance.And when is the 'right' time to apply for 09?

I think you should take them to the Saudi Embassy in your country they'll do it for you. I'm not sure but if you would like to be entered for the year 2009-2010 you should apply before jan-feb 2009.... as I already said i'n not sure:blind:


Abu Ilyas
10-31-2008, 10:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Bro
Do you have to have memorize the whole quran?

No akhi you don't, but as sister ayan said for doing some courses you have to, however if you know the full Qur'aan it will boost you chances by a lot, whatever the subject it.


11-01-2008, 08:24 PM

For Fall 2009, Madeenah Uni / Umm al Qura / Imaam Muhammad Uni accept applications until Hajj. I'm 99% certain after Hajj you cannot apply.

12-26-2008, 03:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jawharah

For Fall 2009, Madeenah Uni / Umm al Qura / Imaam Muhammad Uni accept applications until Hajj. I'm 99% certain after Hajj you cannot apply.
Isn't that really early though?? If they want the grades of your final year in school, wouldn't they need to wait at least until you get them?:blind:

03-11-2009, 07:36 PM
What kind of places can one study at who is past the age of 25? I'm 25 at the moment, but I would not even be able to go to an Islamic University for at least another year.

Places that are respectable and located in decent areas. I also have a wife, but no kids. I really want to focus on studying the Qur'an. I don't know Arabic at the moment, but I am in the process of learning, insha Allah.


03-17-2009, 02:52 PM
^ I'm not too sure about Saudi...but a good place to start, especially if you want to learn arabic, is Egypt. There are many different insitutes which offer a variety of programmes spanning from a period of a month (intensive) to almost 2 years e.g. ww.fajr.com

03-18-2009, 07:21 PM

The age limit is not that strict, specially if your a revert to Islaam, people get accepted in their late 20s so it is always worth a try.

عبد الله
03-31-2009, 07:50 PM
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

I would like to get in contact with brother AbuSalahudeen; does anyone know whether he has an e-mail address I could reach him through?

04-11-2009, 05:06 AM
does anyone know where i can get the application for Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University? I'll make dua for you every time I make dua for myself who ever gets it for me. :D

'Abd al-Baari
04-11-2009, 10:36 AM
Assalamu 'Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh,

I don't think that there is an online application form for Imaam ibn Saud available for downloading at the moment. However you can write to the University to request an application:

Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University (IMIU)
P.O. Box 5701
Riyaadh 11432
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Or you can call them at:
(01) 258-0000 (from America dial 011-966 first)

Or fax them at:
(01) 259-0271

Or contact a student at the university for additional information at



04-11-2009, 10:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Khaldun

The age limit is not that strict, specially if your a revert to Islaam, people get accepted in their late 20s so it is always worth a try.
Hmm is this truly the case? How do I apply? I am 26 btw...

Would the fact that I hold a bachelors degree already hurt or help me?

04-12-2009, 06:06 AM
it would help you tbh. . go on and apply bro. I'm sure you'll get in. people over 30 have gotten in. They just say 25, but their lenient

04-12-2009, 07:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by sudais1
it would help you tbh. . go on and apply bro. I'm sure you'll get in. people over 30 have gotten in. They just say 25, but their lenient
How do I apply?

04-12-2009, 05:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
How do I apply?
Here's the Application for Umm al Qura in Mecca. Its the newest version, version 7. So if anyone wants it here it is. Ill get the Madinah one soon after this as well.


04-19-2009, 06:49 PM
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

I am from Pakistan.i hve completed my Inter. is there any one who can tell me tha how can i get admission in Madinah Uni? Please Help me in detail.my e-mail is EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED.

Jazak Allah.

04-22-2009, 12:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Khaldun

The age limit is not that strict, specially if your a revert to Islaam, people get accepted in their late 20s so it is always worth a try.
How do I apply? Are you sure about that? I am 26 and don't want to waste my time or get my hopes up. I have a degree in computer science already. I speak no Arabic and only have around a half juz memorized right now; I have to teach everything to myself because I cannot find anyone to help me. What, realistically, are my chances of being accepted?

04-22-2009, 03:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
How do I apply? Are you sure about that? I am 26 and don't want to waste my time or get my hopes up. I have a degree in computer science already. I speak no Arabic and only have around a half juz memorized right now; I have to teach everything to myself because I cannot find anyone to help me. What, realistically, are my chances of being accepted?

To be frank akhi it all depends which country you come from and what your background is. If you coming from America or UK its going to be alot harder there are many many applicants reverts and people from all backgrounds. being 26 is going to make it harder but if your a revert and your a white brother your chances are far greater bi'ithniallah. But if your coming from a country with very few Muslims then age doesn't really matter that much. I know a brother from the UK who got in without knowing how to read the Mus'haf, so you can kind of see the picture (in my opinion only the best should enter, they should have a only hafid acceptance policey). But getting accepted or not is totally out of your hands, do what you have to do, apply and leave the rest to Allah, keep your day job and don't make a life changing decision to stop doing what your doing based on something which is uncertain.

04-22-2009, 03:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnuFarah

To be frank akhi it all depends which country you come from and what your background is. If you coming from America or UK its going to be alot harder there are many many applicants reverts and people from all backgrounds. being 26 is going to make it harder but if your a revert and your a white brother your chances are far greater bi'ithniallah. But if your coming from a country with very few Muslims then age doesn't really matter that much. I know a brother from the UK who got in without knowing how to read the Mus'haf, so you can kind of see the picture (in my opinion only the best should enter, they should have a only hafid acceptance policey). But getting accepted or not is totally out of your hands, do what you have to do, apply and leave the rest to Allah, keep your day job and don't make a life changing decision to stop doing what your doing based on something which is uncertain.
Ok, how do I apply?

04-22-2009, 08:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Ok, how do I apply?
You need to prepare all the paperwork, there are a few posts on this thread, explaining exactly what you need; GCSE/High School Certification, Birth Certificate, Two References from (Well known Shaykh or ex students like Shaykh Suhiab Hassan, Ahlul Hadeeth UK, Muslim World League, Shariah Council of Britian etc) etc and then fill in the application form, which can be found on http://www.fatwa-online.com/downloads/dow001/index.htm. Then you can either apply in person (The School is closed for sometime during the Summer, and closed Every Thursday and Friday) or you could give it to a student there, and he will give it in for you, but try attend in person if you can.

04-22-2009, 09:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnuFarah
You need to prepare all the paperwork, there are a few posts on this thread, explaining exactly what you need; GCSE/High School Certification, Birth Certificate, Two References from (Well known Shaykh or ex students like Shaykh Suhiab Hassan, Ahlul Hadeeth UK, Muslim World League, Shariah Council of Britian etc) etc and then fill in the application form, which can be found on http://www.fatwa-online.com/downloads/dow001/index.htm. Then you can either apply in person (The School is closed for sometime during the Summer, and closed Every Thursday and Friday) or you could give it to a student there, and he will give it in for you, but try attend in person if you can.
Well known ex students or just ex students? There is no way I'll be able to apply in person and I don't know anyone there. Do they not have a mailing address?

04-22-2009, 09:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Well known ex students or just ex students? There is no way I'll be able to apply in person and I don't know anyone there. Do they not have a mailing address?
It doesn't have to be a well known ex student but and ex student will do, I wouldn't advise you to post it, try your best to get in contact with a current student.

04-23-2009, 05:42 PM
Assalam walaikum
i finished my A level last year, and im still waiting for uni intake, is there still time for me to get enrolled at King Saug University? I don't want to study Islamic matters, i read on its site that it also offer secular studies, are there too available for non-arabs?
anybody can help with any information about the university.plz plz

04-25-2009, 02:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnuFarah
It doesn't have to be a well known ex student but and ex student will do, I wouldn't advise you to post it, try your best to get in contact with a current student.
When do the applications need to be received by?

04-25-2009, 09:19 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
When do the applications need to be received by?
I don't know the exact cut off date, but give it in before Hajj inshallah.

04-25-2009, 08:42 PM
and when are the intakes??

05-04-2009, 05:33 PM
does anyone know where i can get the application for Madina university?

05-06-2009, 03:03 AM

Bismillah Wasalaatu Wasalaam alaa Rasullulah S.A.W

Do you know of any opportunities for sisters to study islam in muslim
countries ?

This is at any reputable university in a muslim country.

Do you know if scholarships are available?

Jazakhallah khair


05-06-2009, 11:28 AM
ummul qura,Makkah

06-16-2009, 12:11 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by muslima_byallah

Bismillah Wasalaatu Wasalaam alaa Rasullulah S.A.W

Do you know of any opportunities for sisters to study islam in muslim
countries ?

This is at any reputable university in a muslim country.

Do you know if scholarships are available?

Jazakhallah khair

From the Multaqa forums:

format_quote Originally Posted by nasirmuzaffar

InshAllah, from next year Jamiah Islamiyyah, Madinah (Islamic University of Madinah) will be inaugrating its new female wing of the university.

From next year InshAllah, 2 courses will be available to study for the sisters :

1. The Arabic (Lugh) course
2. Shariah Course

Hopefully, this sounds to be some pretty exciting news for sisters !

Dr. Ibrahim Hanif-ur-Rahman, currently studying Fiqh at Madinah University shared this news with me on the phone a couple of days ago.

06-16-2009, 02:27 AM

Ah. That's awesome mashaAllah! :cry:

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
06-16-2009, 02:36 AM
Out of curiousity...why after so long theres finally a section for Muslim women and only a few courses? A lot of times i see things for brothers mostly...Allahu Alam....the thing with age limits bother me too at some unis. Also...what is GSCE??? A lot of us dont live in the UK or other places that follow this form of academic lingo...
If i ever get rejected cuz of my age, i sure as heck wont be happy :X


06-16-2009, 02:35 PM
^ at least there are courses whatever they may be.

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
06-16-2009, 05:58 PM
^^That's not my question. I'm well aware of that.

06-16-2009, 06:01 PM
What I mean is that at least you can study in it. Thank Allah for what you have.

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
06-16-2009, 06:09 PM
I never said or thought I was ungrateful <_<
Still not answering my question. Just do me a favor and don't >.<

10-31-2009, 08:15 PM

I thought this might be more beneficial here and a pleasant read for brothers [and sisters] Schedule of a Taalib-ul-'Ilm

11-02-2009, 12:54 AM
mashaAllah. looks modern!
does it offer short courses for Arabic or Tahfiz programme etc?

11-05-2009, 09:36 PM

Light of Heaven, Umm al Qura does offer all the classes for women. They have a separate females university there that teaches Islamic courses. Madeenah university most probably will some day cater to that too seeing the need. For Americans, a high school diploma is required to apply and I think the cut off age is 23 - 25 for women. I heard it was 23 and was being upped to 25, but I never checked recently to find out.

zircon, if you don't know Arabic, the first two years you take classes there for that. And then you spend 4 years on your Bachelors in Aqeedah, Sciences of Hadeeth, Shari'ah, or a fourth faculty which is slipping from my memory right now. Sorry. But I'm not sure if they actually teach Quran memorization there. InshaAllah somebody else could answer that for you though.

11-06-2009, 09:56 PM

Yes they do teach memorisation. The um al qura uni two year arabic programme includes:

This is a two-year program, divided into four levels. Among the major subjects taught are as follows:

1- The Holy Qur’an memorization, Tafseer (explanation), Tajweed.

2- Hadith-memorization and introduction to Hadith Sciences.

3- Conversation, development of linguistic skills, phonetics, syntax, morphology, rhetoric.

4- Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh).

5- Aqueedah (Islamic Belief).

04-08-2010, 07:18 PM
This year apparently there's going to be a large increase in terms of admission; four-fold ! inshaAllaah

04-15-2010, 07:38 PM

Is there any place to study islam without a high school diploma??

04-09-2011, 09:51 AM
Salaam my dear respected brothers and elders.

I'm just writing to enquire as to how to apply to the University, and what is the deadline for all application?
Also, I live in the UK, South-east, which is miles from London and is very expensive to travel, however, I know many Shaikhs there and some scholars.

I'm really really wanting to go to one of these Islamic Universities. Is it a neccesity to be a Hafiz as I only know about 20-25 surahs off by heart, however, I know many Ahadith in English. Also, my Arabic is very weak.

How does one enter one of these Schools? Do I just send in my Application- also, I am midway through my second year of College or sixth form, and have not yet finished my A2 Courses..

If someone can help me, much appreciated.

05-14-2011, 08:36 AM
^ Wa `Alaykum Salam,

You can appy to the Islamic University of Madinah online (academic year 2011/2012) here ---> http://admission.iu.edu.sa/Selection.aspx

It's not neccessary to be have memorised the Qur'an, though it is recommended in any case.

03-04-2012, 07:21 AM

i had applied for islamic studies in some universities but as was destined for me, i ended up studying engg! but i wish to join some islamic course insha Allah after i finish my bachelors. or is it possible for me to register online for an islamic course which i can do side by side? Any kind of suggestion is welcomed....


03-06-2012, 09:12 PM
Wa Alaykum Assalaam sister,

Yes, I would say it is certainly possible to do something alongside your other studies, even if it is a small and gradual way of seeking knowledge. This could be memorising Qur'an and studying Tajweed, taking up local classes in place, listening to lectures online or reading good Islamic books, or as you mentioned, you could do an online Islamic course of which there are quite a few to choose from.

Here is a thread which might have some useful links for online Islamic courses:

Try to make a goal in your mind and then think of a way to achieve it. And have a structured approach to your studies. Always check your intention and Allaah (swt) will guide you and make the path easy for you.

03-07-2012, 11:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muhammad
Try to make a goal in your mind and then think of a way to achieve it. And have a structured approach to your studies. Always check your intention and Allaah (swt) will guide you and make the path easy for you.
definitely, to have a clean intention is the most important thing ! Insha Allah i am trying. Would be good if people here pray for me so that I can actually do it inspite of the fact that the society at my place doesn't support it much...

jazakallah khairn!

12-18-2013, 09:53 AM
jazek allah bro

12-20-2013, 05:47 PM

12-20-2013, 06:41 PM
Lol my uni is my home :p currently studying at IOU n its gng good alhumdulilah kinda tough at times u have to drag urself, buh alhumdulillah I love the subjects n all its gng gr8 :) remember me in ur duas inshaAllah

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