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View Full Version : Dealing with the world telling you.. YOUR WRONG!!

05-26-2008, 10:27 PM
What spiritual exercises or help can you suggest for dealing with the constant critique coming in from every angle. Atheists on one side, pagans on the other. What are we supposed to do to keep our religious integrity?

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05-26-2008, 10:35 PM
if it has to do with Islam den tell yourself dat dey are da ones dat are wrong not u. y? uz Islam is the right thing, and the only religioin acceptable by Allah. Sorry I’m not dat good at givin advices :X

05-26-2008, 10:39 PM
Ignore. As simple as that, bro :).

05-27-2008, 12:04 AM
but what about when its fellow muslims attacking you from every angle telling you that your wrong

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'Abd-al Latif
05-27-2008, 12:14 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AntiKarateKid
What spiritual exercises or help can you suggest for dealing with the constant critique coming in from every angle. Atheists on one side, pagans on the other. What are we supposed to do to keep our religious integrity?
Al Fudail Ibn 'Iyaad - May Allah have Mercy on him - said; Do not feel lonely on the paths of guidence just because few people travel them, and do not be decieved by the abundance of destroyed travelers [on the paths of misguidence].

And the Prophet (saaws) said "adher to the book of Allah and my sunnah, and you will not go astray"

So my advice is to seek knowledge and act upon it and do not fear the blame of the blamer. Because if the whole world came together to harm you then none of it shall come to pass except what Allah has already destined for you.

medlink student
05-27-2008, 01:39 AM
What spiritual exercises?

Duaa' if you are having a tough time

The decision to burn Ibrahim to death was affirmed by the priests and the king of Babylon, Nimrod. The news spread like a fire in the kingdom, and people were coming from all places to watch the execution. A huge pit was dug up and a large quantity of wood was piled up. Then the biggest fire people ever witnessed was lit. The fire flames were so high up in the sky that the birds could not fly over it for fear of being burned ! Ibrahim's hands and feet were chained, and he was put in a catapult to throw him into the fire. At that time, Angel Jibreel came to him and said: "O Ibrahim! Is there anything you wish for?" Ibrahim could have asked to be saved from the fire, to be taken away, but no, he said: "I only wish that Allah be pleased with me." The catapult was released, and Ibrahim was thrown in the heart of the fire. But Allah would not allow His Prophet to be killed, He ordered the fire: "O fire! Be coolness and safety for Ibrahim!" And the miracle happened. The fire obeyed and burned only his chains. Ibrahim came out from it as if he was coming out from a garden, peaceful, his face illuminated, and not a trace of smoke on his clothes. People watched in shock and said: "Amazing ! Ibrahim' s God has saved him from the fire!"

حَسْبِيَ اللهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
HasbiyAllahu wa ni'mal wakeel
Allah is my availer and protector and the best of aids.

Ibrahim (AS) was sent by a catapult into the fire, and while in the air, Angel Jibril (AS) comes to him asking if he needs anything, and he tells him no, if its from you, then Im good. Allah is sufficient for me and the best disposer of affairs. "Amma Ilaika fa laa hajah. Hasbiyallahu wa nimal wakeel." Now that is true Tawakkul and faith in Allah and Allah alone!
Prophet Yunus (Peace_be_upon_him)
and dua is "La Ilaaha Ilaa Antaa Subhaanaka Inni kunto minudh Dhuaalimeen."21:87

Meaning: There is no God but you (Allah), glory to thee and I was indeed wrong.

One of the greatest du’aa’s which take away distress and anxiety and bring joy is the famous du’aa’ which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged everyone who hears it to learn it by heart:The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no-one who is afflicted by distress and grief, and says:

‘Allaahumma inni ‘abduka ibn ‘abdika ibn amatika naasyati bi yadika, maada fiyya hukmuka, ‘adlun fiyya qadaa’uka. As’aluka bi kulli ismin huwa laka sammayta bihi nafsaka aw anzaltahu fi kitaabika aw ‘allamtahu ahadan min khalqika aw ista’tharta bihi fi ‘ilm il-ghayb ‘indaka an taj’al al-Qur’aana rabee’ qalbi wa noor sadri wa jalaa’ huzni wa dhihaab hammi"

"O Allaah, I am Your slave, son of Your slave, son of Your maidservant; my forelock is in Your hand, Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just. I ask You by every name belonging to You which You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your Book, or You taught to any of Your creation, or You have preserved in the knowledge of the Unseen with You, that You make the Qur’aan the life of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release for my anxiety)

Allaah will take away his distress and grief, and replace it with joy.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him)” He was asked:
“O Messenger of Allaah, should we learn this?”
He said: “Of course; everyone who hears it should learn it.”

'Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer, verily, to him We will give a good life (in this world, with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e., Paradise in the Hereafter).” [al-Nahl 16:97]

When one is worried about what may happen in the future, the following du’aa’ is very beneficial.
Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say:

“Allaahumma aslih li deeni alladhi huwa ‘ismat amri wa aslih li dunyaaya allati fihaa ma’aashi wa aslih li aakhirati allati fihaa ma’aadi w’aj’al al-hayaata ziyaadatan li fi kulli khayri w’aj’al al-mawta raahatan li min kulli sharr

"O Allaah, make me adhere properly to my religion, on which all my affairs depend; make this world good for me in which is my livelihood; make my Hereafter good for me, in which is my ultimate destiny; make my life increase in every good thing and make my death a respite from every evil).

This du’aa’ is very effective in preventing distress before it happens.

some dua's 4 u :D :w:

05-27-2008, 02:43 AM

I read a few times somewhere on this site on a thread, that it's important not to feel bad when criticism occurs and not to feel too good when compliments come your way either.
I'll try to link it when I do find it.

Ibn Abi Ahmed
05-27-2008, 03:21 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AntiKarateKid
What spiritual exercises or help can you suggest for dealing with the constant critique coming in from every angle. Atheists on one side, pagans on the other. What are we supposed to do to keep our religious integrity?

Form a connection with the Qur'an. Read it, learn the Arabic language (most crucial), memorize it, read the different tafseer. Understand that all these groups of people are not new, their criticisms are not new, they are merely repeating what the disbelievers before them said, the exact same thing and they think they have come forth with something new and they delude themselves with arrogance. {So travel through the land and see what was the end of the deniers}[an-Nahl; 36] At the end of the day, be sure that no matter what these different groups of people say, no matter what they criticize, no matter what critique they bring, they will never be able to bring forth something like the Qur'an, not even a single verse. {Say, "If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants."}[al-Isra; 88] Their arguments, claims, delusions, and confused ramblings are like the weightless foam that washes ashore on the beach, all it takes is a little wind or a small wave to get rid of it.

05-27-2008, 09:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AntiKarateKid
What spiritual exercises or help can you suggest for dealing with the constant critique coming in from every angle. Atheists on one side, pagans on the other. What are we supposed to do to keep our religious integrity?

Reading the Qur'aan (with meaning in English), doing Dhikr, performing extra nawaafil prayers, and most of all - dua.

05-27-2008, 09:21 AM
I think it helps if you understand what you are doing. E.g. with Islam I know that at the core I simply need to be a good person (be helpful, respectful etc). So if someone wants to say: oh your religion is false, what you are doing therefore is also false, I can shrug it off cus I know that what I do and how I do it is perfectly fine within the realms of society (the mere fact that I have friends from almost every one of the major religions is proof of this!). The fact that I have also studied psychology helps me keep a better understanding of religion as a whole - it isn't a bad thing at all and certainly in my case, it's been beneficial to me. Heck, without Islam I don't know what person I would be. Maybe an emo, lol.

So, it really doesn't matter if people say Islam is false etc - they can parade it around the world, create vids of desecrating the Quran, insult the muslim community in general and all it will do is annoy me and nothing more. But, I already know that humans are full of crap (thanks psychology!) so any words of insult towards Islam really have little effect, other than ticking me off.

p.s; as others have said, reading the Quran can be very helpful, especially when you are at a low point. Same with prayer.

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