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View Full Version : What For Muslims: What do we mean when we say " I respect your faith"???

08-27-2008, 05:19 PM
Reading through posts here, I often note brothers and sisters saying, " It doesnt matter to me what the guy next to me belives" or "I respect other faiths".

I am lead to wonder if this is timidness on our behalf being covered up by this excuse.

We are called upon to be polite and respectful to other people and IF they are open to hearing our case, we should let them know that they are wrong.

What would have happened if the Prophets said " hey, let these guys worship their idols in peace" or " it doesnt matter what these people around me believe".Even Allah cares waht the people belive as evidenced by his constant teaching through the Prophets.

The fact is Abraham smashed his fathers idols, Moses made a fool of the Pharoh and Muhammad (pbuaot) smashed the idols int he Kaaba.

We SHOULD care about what the guy next to me belives. We SHOULD respect their RIGHT to belive what they want. BUT we SHOULD NOT respect their belifs as equals.

"The Religion in the sight of Allah is Islam." (Qur'an 3:19)

It has been ince th ebeginning, it will be till the end.

These are my opinions, and I would like yours too brothers and sisters as I may have gone overboard a bit!:D:D

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08-28-2008, 02:30 PM
Thread Approved - some good points raised.

Abdul Fattah
08-28-2008, 02:34 PM
Selam aleykum
Good point, I guess it would be more correct to say: "I respect your decision of faith.", rather then: "I respect your faith.".

08-28-2008, 02:39 PM
to them is their faith and to us is ours

there is no compulsion in religion

but no way will i ever respect another religion, they are all fabrications branched from distortion and desires

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08-28-2008, 04:03 PM
Thing is we aren't Prophets - so we can't go around smashing idols etc - calling people to Islam we can do (but I believe that I am not adequate in terms of knowledge to do this as well as/to the extent of scholars or imaams etc).

One of the main reasons why I respect people's beliefs is that if one is to look at the core teaching of (pretty much any) religion as a whole, one sees beauty and not destruction (as certain people would like you to believe). But I think the Qur'an sums it up nicely: to you your religion and to me mine.

It is more important (to me atleast) that I practice Islam properly and completely (there is so much to learn about Islam - 1400 or so years worth of history!) rather than criticise someone elses religion. And whilst I am able to make educated decisions between the many faiths (one of the reasons I have remained Muslim!), I try to do so without disrespecting them. That's just how I was raised and due to the city I live in, which is considerably mulicultural and VERY tolerant (to my knowledge, there are people of all the abrahamic religions actually inhabiting the ciy of Leicester - not to mention the many buddhists, sikhs and hindus!)

And there are probably a lot of people who hate me for this stance (that's just the way the world goes - I accepted that a long time ago...remember my marmite 'love me hate me' signature?) but what does it matter? A person's judgement of me or Allah's?

08-28-2008, 04:09 PM
I think it is perhaps also important to remember that all people are on a journey with God - even those who don't believe at all!

God may lead people on paths and in ways we may never imagine in our wildest dreams!

08-28-2008, 04:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I think it is perhaps also important to remember that all people are on a journey with God - even those who don't believe at all!

God may lead people on paths and in ways we may never imagine in our wildest dreams!

I disagree, the other paths, assuming that they have heard the truth, are only to their detriment because they followed their desires and lies. All people are indeed on a journey to Allah but we do our Lord a disservice when we paint all the false paths with rainbows and roses.

08-28-2008, 06:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AntiKarateKid
We SHOULD care about what the guy next to me belives. We SHOULD respect their RIGHT to belive what they want. BUT we SHOULD NOT respect their belifs as equals.
That is, of course, completely fine as long as you don't expect 'the guy next to you' to respect your beliefs as equal to his own.

08-28-2008, 06:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AntiKarateKid
I disagree, the other paths, assuming that they have heard the truth, are only to their detriment because they followed their desires and lies. All people are indeed on a journey to Allah but we do our Lord a disservice when we paint all the false paths with rainbows and roses.
What I meant was that it is always possible for God to lead somebody on the path to truth ... no matter how lost they are!
In that sense there are no unbelievers ... only potential believers-to-be. :)

I agree with you in that we should stay true to our own beliefs and convictions - and not tire to share what we believe to be the truth with those who are willing to hear.

08-28-2008, 07:11 PM
I saw this posted, on another forum.

Mr A is walking down the street. He is a Labour voter and has been all his life. He bumps into Mr B who is a Tory voter. They have a chat and Mr A says the following:

"I don't agree with your opinions on the economy but I respect your right to believe them and to express those views however you want."

All happy with that scenario?

Mr A carries on walking. He also happens to be an atheist and bumps into Mr C who is a theist. They have a chat and Mr A says the following:

"I don't believe in God but I respect your right to believe in Him and express that belief however you want."

What's the difference?

08-28-2008, 07:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AntiKarateKid
The fact is Abraham smashed his fathers idols, Moses made a fool of the Pharoh and Muhammad (pbuaot) smashed the idols int he Kaaba.
None of us are prophets. If we smash idols that do not belong to us, we get arrested for property damage. :)

08-29-2008, 05:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin
None of us are prophets. If we smash idols that do not belong to us, we get arrested for property damage. :)
Of course there are other ways to smash them as in refuting false beliefs.

Remember, the ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr.

08-29-2008, 05:54 PM
The following is not my opinion it is the opinion of the Islam according to What Allah has said in the Quraan and what stated in the Sunnah and what the scholars said along more than 1400 years ..

Islam respects the humanity of All people , Allah bestow Both Muslims and non-Muslims in this life.

But Allah doesn't respect any other belief, than Islam. how can he respect a path then punish those who follow it.

Muslims are following their God in this, they respect the humanity of all the human being but they don't respect other beliefs.

Islam respects the humanity of non-muslims

these are 3 examples:

1-Soul respect : narated by Jabir ibn Abdellah : A funeral passed before us,the Prophet (peace be upon him) stood up , we said O messenger of Allah its a Jewish funeral? The Prophet replied, "Is it not a human soul?" (Al-Bukhari-1228).

here the prophet respected the soul not the religion.

2- Honoring children of Adam : Surat Al-issra : verse 70 : And indeed We have honored the Children of Adam, and We have carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with At-Taiyyibât (lawful good things), and have preferred them above many of those whom We have created with a marked preferment. (70)

3- feeding captives : Surat Alinsan: verse-8 :And they give food, inspite of their love for it , to Miskin[] (the poor), the orphan, and the captive, (8)

Islam doesn't repects other beliefs

1- Surat Maryam verses from 88-91 :And they say: "The Most Gracious (Allâh) has begotten a son (88) Indeed you have brought forth (said) a terrible evil thing. (89) Whereby the heavens are almost torn, and the earth is split asunder, and the mountains fall in ruins, (90) That they ascribe a son to the Most Gracious (Allâh). (91)

Heavens, earth and mountains Follow their God's displeasure and anger , so should be the Muslim.

2- Surat Almumtahanh verse -6 :Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in Ibraaheem (Abraham) and those with him, when they said to their people: ‘Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allaah, we have rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and hatred for ever until you believe in Allaah Alone”

we do respect the humanity of non-Muslims but we reject their faith .look attentively to what the prophet Ibraham said.

contact me if you want more evidences from the Quraan and sunnah and the scholars quotes.



08-29-2008, 05:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AntiKarateKid
Of course there are other ways to smash them as in refuting false beliefs.
Oh, I know, I'm just being facetious.

Remember, the ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr.
Very true.

08-29-2008, 07:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AntiKarateKid
"The Religion in the sight of Allah is Islam." (Qur'an 3:19)

It has been ince th ebeginning, it will be till the end.

These are my opinions, and I would like yours too brothers and sisters as I may have gone overboard a bit!:D:D

My Dear Brother what you mentioned isn't just your own opinion , its the only Valid opionion in Isalm. jazak Allah khairn.

08-29-2008, 07:53 PM
What do I mean when I say, "I respect your faith"?

For myself, I can respect the sincerity of a person's faith in the One God as he understands Him to be and the purity of his life as he tries to follow the teachings of his religion.

08-29-2008, 07:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc
What do I mean when I say, "I respect your faith"?

For myself, I can respect the sincerity of a person's faith in the One God as he understands Him to be and the purity of his life as he tries to follow the teachings of his religion.
Perhaps then you mean that you respect their "devotion" and not their faith which used as a noun is another thing altogether. Allah never put down people who strive hard, just what they are striving towards so that they may redirect their efforts towards truth.

08-29-2008, 07:57 PM
When I say "I respect your faith", I mean I respect the fact that they truly believe their faith is the right one. And, I hope not to insult or offend them with things I say. But, I can't refrain from challenging them all the same :)

08-29-2008, 08:01 PM
I want a pony

08-29-2008, 08:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by RoseGold
When I say "I respect your faith", I mean I respect the fact that they truly believe their faith is the right one. And, I hope not to insult or offend them with things I say. But, I can't refrain from challenging them all the same :)
format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc
What do I mean when I say, "I respect your faith"?

For myself, I can respect the sincerity of a person's faith in the One God as he understands Him to be and the purity of his life as he tries to follow the teachings of his religion.
Brother MustafaMC
Sister Rosegold

please read this post in this thread.. very important.


08-29-2008, 08:17 PM
I agree brother. Yet, I always have Da'wah in mind. Regardless of what I feel inside, I won't start insulting and getting angry because that will surely drive a person away from Islam rather than towards it :)

08-29-2008, 08:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis
I want a pony
I DON'T respect your wish. :D

08-29-2008, 09:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AntiKarateKid
Perhaps then you mean that you respect their "devotion" and not their faith which used as a noun is another thing altogether. Allah never put down people who strive hard, just what they are striving towards so that they may redirect their efforts towards truth.
Yes, I respect the apparent sincerity of a non-Muslims belief without respecting that belief and the apprarent purity of their life while realizing that it may all be for naught since it is outside of Islam.

08-29-2008, 09:19 PM
Think in terms of the Negus of Abyssinia who gave the Muslim immigrants refuge and refused to hand them over to the Meccans despite the fact that their faith was directly counter to his own regarding the Sonship of Jesus. Don't you think that he respected the Muslim's devotion to their religion? In fact the Qur'an tells us that the closest to us in our devotion is the Christian.

08-29-2008, 09:29 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc
Think in terms of the Negus of Abyssinia who gave the Muslim immigrants refuge and refused to hand them over to the Meccans despite the fact that their faith was directly counter to his own regarding the Sonship of Jesus. Don't you think that he respected the Muslim's devotion to their religion? In fact the Qur'an tells us that the closest to us in our devotion is the Christian.
If I remember correctly, the Negus claimed that the teachings of 'Isa and those of the Muslims were one and the same. Did that mean that he didn't worship 'Isa (pbuh)?


08-29-2008, 10:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Osman

If I remember correctly, the Negus claimed that the teachings of 'Isa and those of the Muslims were one and the same. Did that mean that he didn't worship 'Isa (pbuh)?

No, the claim against the Muslims by the Meccans before the Negus was that the Muslims did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God in order to turn him against them. This implied that it was understood that the Negus did believe that Jesus was the Son of God.

08-30-2008, 03:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc
Think in terms of the Negus of Abyssinia who gave the Muslim immigrants refuge and refused to hand them over to the Meccans despite the fact that their faith was directly counter to his own regarding the Sonship of Jesus. Don't you think that he respected the Muslim's devotion to their religion?
Please read my post in this thread.

In fact the Qur'an tells us that the closest to us in our devotion is the Christian.

Quran never tells us that the closest devottion is the christians, Can you bring a verse?

08-30-2008, 03:54 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Makky
Please read my post in this thread.
I have read it twice and I don't see what you are getting on about. I never said that I respected any other religion. I once was a Christian and I was sincere in my faith. I can recognize that same sincerity of belief in some Christians, and I respect that they sincerely believe that they are following the Truth. I also recognize some Christians as living a very moral life and I respect that as being infinitely better than an immoral life.

Please, clarify where you disagree with what I have written.
Quran never tells us that the closest devottion is the christians, Can you bring a verse?
Qur'an 5:82 You will find the most violent in enmity to the believers are the Jews and the mushrikin (pagan Arabs); and nearest in affection to the believers are those who say: "We are Christians." That is because among them there are men that are priests and monks, who do not behave arrogantly.

08-30-2008, 04:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc
I have read it twice and I don't see what you are getting on about. I never said that I respected any other religion. I once was a Christian and I was sincere in my faith. I can recognize that same sincerity of belief in some Christians, and I respect that they sincerely believe that they are following the Truth. I also recognize some Christians as living a very moral life and I respect that as being infinitely better than an immoral life.

Please, clarify where you disagree with what I have written
:D My Dear brother no disagreement i just wanted you to read my post thats it.

.Qur'an 5:82 You will find the most violent in enmity to the believers are the Jews and the mushrikin (pagan Arabs); and nearest in affection to the believers are those who say: "We are Christians." That is because among them there are men that are priests and monks, who do not behave arrogantly.
I was sure that you will bring this verse .i guess the known misunderstanding might be from the verse translation , anyway!
nearest in affection doesn't mean nearest in devotion
the arabic word in the verse is : Mawadah : which means friendliness/love/like/cordiality.
one more thing i'm not sure if you mean by the word devotion faith or worshipping or what.
find me an excuse.. i'm an Arab :statisfie

08-30-2008, 11:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Osman

If I remember correctly, the Negus claimed that the teachings of 'Isa and those of the Muslims were one and the same. Did that mean that he didn't worship 'Isa (pbuh)?

I reread the hadith and you may be right.


Meantime the news of what the Negus had said about Jesus spread among the people, and they were troubled and came out against him asking for an explanation, and accusing him of having left their religion. He thereupon sent to Ja'far and his companions and made ready boats for them and told them to embark and be ready to set sail if necessary. Then he took a parchment and wrote on it:
“He testifieth that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger and that Jesus the son of Mary is His slave and His Messenger and His Spirit and His Word which He cast unto Mary."
Then he put it beneath his gown and went out to his people who were assembled to meet him. And he said them: "Abyssinians, have I not the best claim to be your king?" They said that he had. “Then what think ye of my life amongst you?" “It hath been the best of lives," they answered. "Then what is it that troubleth you?" he said. "Thou hast left our religion," they said, "and hast maintained that Jesus is a slave." “Then what say ye of Jesus?” he asked. “We say that he is the son of God," they answered. Then he put his hand on his breast, pointing to where the parchment was hidden and testified to his belief in “this”, which they took to refer to their words. So they were satisfied and went away, for they were happy under his rule, and only wished to be reassured; and the Negus sent word to Ja'far and his companions that they could disembark and go back to their dwellings' where they went on living as before, in comfort and security.

It seems that the Negus was a "closet Muslim" in his heart and that his followers did not know it.

08-30-2008, 11:29 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Makky
:D My Dear brother no disagreement i just wanted you to read my post thats it.
I understand and I am in full agreement.:)
nearest in affection doesn't mean nearest in devotion
the arabic word in the verse is : Mawadah : which means friendliness/love/like/cordiality.
Yes, you are correct about the meaning. My understanding of the verse is better now. Thanks.
one more thing i'm not sure if you mean by the word devotion faith or worshipping or what.
find me an excuse.. i'm an Arab :statisfie
I don't mean their religion or their worship as I believe that they are not what Jesus (as) taught his disciples. I mean that I believe that they are following what they believe is the Truth the best they can. Since guidance comes but from Allah, may He guide them to the Truth and reveal the falsehood to them.

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