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View Full Version : Ramadan Diary 2008

08-30-2008, 03:20 PM
Someone was going to have to make this thread, so I figured it may as well be me.

I've started it a bit earlier so people can talk about how people are preparing for Ramadan in their area..

So feel free to share your thoughts on Ramadan 2008.:)

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08-30-2008, 03:58 PM
August 30, 2008

Ramadan is either tomorrow or the day after, they haven't seen the hilal yet. Tonight everyone is going to be up waiting to hear the news. People are running around town stocking up on food, you'd think there was a nuclear war coming. Shop keepers here are now selling food for more than it's original price, with demand being so high, and them being in control of the supply. Food is a main part of ramadan here, so it's not surprising that that's the one thing people are worried most about, haha. If the hilal is sighted today, there will be taraweeh prayers. There's a mosque at the end of my street, about a 3 minute walk away. Everyone will be there, men, women, children. It's this great cheery feeling you experience in ramadan, especially in it's beginning, and in the end towards eid. Suhoor is also great, I'm thinking of having a shawrma for suhoor tonight, if ramadan is indeed tomorrow. If it isn't, I'll have a shawrma anyway. Because it's just that awesome.

08-30-2008, 04:18 PM
August 30, 2008

I hear People Talking Not to go "Out" in Ramadan and Thats A very Good Thing
People Talking About Diffuculty about The Time They Will break the Fast, 8:31pm!,
And Food .... Yeah Food You already know What I mean lol
Me Myself am Very Excitet , I already Started To Read AND recite The Qu'ran So that I will Finish It in the Ramadan InshAllah ,
I wait and see what will happen next, I am Very excitet :statisfie

08-30-2008, 04:20 PM
August 30th 2008


Ramadhan due to start Monday maybe inshAllah :) typically of my area they are going to do tuesday or even wednesday :( .... that's given me an idea for a post on my site *runs off to get writing book*

:) wsalaam

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08-30-2008, 06:48 PM
August 31st, 2008

Today is the 51st Independence Day of my country Malaysia. But the main focus for tomorrow for most Muslims in Malaysia is to do some shopping for Ramadan.

Usually MAlaysians would be buying lots of dates, salted eggs and fish...

They are setting up many canopies for Ramadan Bazaar all over Malaysia.

We will be observing the hilal today and expected to observe Ramadan on the 1st September 2008.

08-31-2008, 09:29 PM
August 31 2008 (well it's after midnight so technically september 1st)

Attended the first taraweeh prayer of 2008. It was very different than the kind I was used to. I'm used to the imam reading 2 and a half pages in a rak'a, going really slowly, and doing only 8 raka's.
Today we did 20 super fast rak'as. I could barely say "Subhan rabi ala'la" 3 times before he would hop back up! And he would only read a verse or two each rak'a, so it went really fast. Usually taraweeh takes an hour and a half, it took about 45 minutes today.
Ah well. I really loved the spirit everyone had though. I love seeing people walking towards the mosque, and you get a lot of that here. Everyone sees people they know at the mosque and the greet each other, hug, kiss. Lovely atmosphere.
Tomorrow is the first day of fasting inshallah, had a little bit to eat, and now I'm staying up until suhoor time. Eat and pray then go to bed inshallah. The beginning of Ramadan! :)

08-31-2008, 09:48 PM

Aug 30,2008

Ramadan Kariim..Ramadan Mubarak..

Ramadan has already started for some plp around the country...which SubhanALLAH stills amazes me..We leave on the same planet but yet we really dont,SubhanALLAH

Well ive never been more excited about Ramadan untill this year

everyone is obviously runing around to get food...especially since tomorow i labour day here in the states and stores arent really open

i cant wait till i go to Tarweeh Prayer..i think ima go to this new Masjid for Tarweeh..i guess ill go back and forth InshALLAH


08-31-2008, 10:01 PM
Auguest 31, 2008

mom went shopping for food to cook for tommorow's iftaar
i can't wait to go to the Taraweeh tonight :D
we cleaned up and the whole family is ready for ramadan
sad thing is: its still only 2:59 here still a long wait *well it feels like its long*

08-31-2008, 10:04 PM

^ wow..its 6 over here


08-31-2008, 10:08 PM
august 31 (well its 00am So I mean 1 september,)


Just Came back from Taraweeh And I Was a Little disappointed cause I expected That The Masjid Would Be Full any way It was Nice ,There was an Atmosphere , You know That Ramadan Atmosphere :D

08-31-2008, 10:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah421
Auguest 31, 2008

mom went shopping for food to cook for tommorow's iftaar
i can't wait to go to the Taraweeh tonight :D
we cleaned up and the whole family is ready for ramadan
sad thing is: its still only 2:59 here still a long wait *well it feels like its long*

I don't meant to interrupt this thread, but I'm kind of new to Taraveeh prayers. So a person can pray Taraveeh the night Ramadan starts?


08-31-2008, 10:36 PM
well if ramadan is on monday taraweeh starts on sunday night after the isha prayer

08-31-2008, 10:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah421
well if ramadan is on monday taraweeh starts on sunday night after the isha prayer

yes i never new that..ive been Muslim my whole life lbut yet ive been so ignorant,SubhanALLAH..


'Abd al-Baari
08-31-2008, 10:42 PM

I don't meant to interrupt this thread, but I'm kind of new to Taraveeh prayers. So a person can pray Taraveeh the night Ramadan starts?
Yes thats right, Islamically the night comes before the day, so the month starts as soon as the moon is sighted, around sunset so the first Taraweeh is before the first Fast.

August 31st 2008.

Alhamdulillah the first Taraweeh finished a while ago, just came back from the Masjid. It's great that the majority of people started Ramadhaan together even here, even with our own small town we sometimes have two or even three different days that people that start their fasts, but i think this year the majority of people all started together Alhamdulilah.

I'm going to go bed soon, so i can wake up in 3/ 3 1/2 hours for Suhoor.

May Allah SWT accept our Qiyaam..Aameen


08-31-2008, 10:43 PM
yes i never new that..ive been Muslim my whole life lbut yet ive been so ignorant,SubhanALLAH..
we learn new things everyday :)

Augest 31 continued

we're going to be breaking our fast tommorow at 7:49

08-31-2008, 10:43 PM



08-31-2008, 10:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah421
well if ramadan is on monday taraweeh starts on sunday night after the isha prayer
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdul Baari

Yes thats right, Islamically the night comes before the day, so the month starts as soon as the moon is sighted, around sunset so the first Taraweeh is before the first Fast.

August 31st 2008.

Alhamdulillah the first Taraweeh finished a while ago, just came back from the Masjid. It's great that the majority of people started Ramadhaan together even here, even with our own small town we sometimes have two or even three different days that people that start their fasts, but i think this year the majority of people all started together Alhamdulilah.

I'm going to go bed soon, so i can wake up in 3/ 3 1/2 hours for Suhoor.

May Allah SWT accept our Qiyaam..Aameen


JazakAllah khair

true, we learn things everyday.

09-01-2008, 12:01 AM
31st August 2008

Went shopping with the whole family for the preparations of Ramadan. We bought lots of of things for suhoor and iftaar.

There are too many people in the market...I wish I could take some pics of it but the problem is that i was carrying many items in BOTH hands!!

The dates seller was the most popular person this morning!!

After all that, all of us had our last breakfast before Ramadan at an Indian Muslim restaurant called "Haji Mustafa Nasi Kandar" at a place called Kota Kenari. I had two pieces of chapati with vegetarian dhall curry. And washed it up with Neslo (Coffee+chocolate)... it was a very nice breakfast. The owner told us that the restaurant would be closed for the whole month of Ramadan. God bless this restaurant!

Then we went to a frozen food store and bought beefburger patties, sausages, cheese and buns for suhoor. We consumed these for about 1/2 of our suhoor during the month of Ramadan. Easy to cook and very tasty!

I took shower at 7.00 PM and performed maghrib prayer at home. Then I watch the TV for the official proclamation of Ramadan by the spokeperson of the Malaysian Council of the Kings.

The proclamation of Ramadan was aired on 8.15 PM, and I was so happy...It's Ramadan now....:D

Then the whole family went to our makeshift musolla in our neighbourhood by 8.30 PM... it's crowded as usual...

Our Taraweeh prayer was lead by a 16-year old dude, who is the son of one of our neighbour who is still studying in a Tahfeez school. God bless him. He has a very good voice too..

There are some Bangladeshi and Indonesian worshippers too (last year there was none)... I'm glad that they are willingly to join the locals in taraweeh prayers.

After coming back from Taraweeh prayers which finished at 10.40 PM, we had some Temaki (Japanese seaweed roll with rice, cucumber, crabmeat and lots of mayonaise) bought at Carrefour earlier.

Me and my mum woke up for suhoor preparations at 4.00 AM. I made hot Milo (Chocolate drink) in a very big mug for each one of us and my mum cooked Chinese-style Fried Rice. We had our suhoor at 4.30 PM. It was tasty.

09-01-2008, 04:56 PM
1 september,Holland

First Day Of the Ramadan , I went to school and Yeah.... FITNAH all over the place
Its Was so Difficult , I was so happy when I came Home , I have Read A Couple of pages of the Quran , Arabic AND translation,
My mother is making Food now mmm , I cant wait To eat :D
Less than 2 hours Left But I have to say It was easier Than I tought :)

09-01-2008, 05:06 PM
I am fasting, its 6:03, i'll break my fast at 8:07!
I've been fasting since 4:30, I had to go to school today, first day back, very boring, but unleast it passes time! 2 hours left!!

09-01-2008, 05:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Güven
1 september,Holland

First Day Of the Ramadan , I went to school and Yeah.... FITNAH all over the place
Its Was so Difficult , I was so happy when I came Home , I have Read A Couple of pages of the Quran , Arabic AND translation,
My mother is making Food now mmm , I cant wait To eat :D
Less than 2 hours Left But I have to say It was easier Than I tought :)


Ya ALLAH..i dnt no wut ill do when i go to school tomorow..fitnah is every single place you lay ur eyes on,every corner u turn


09-01-2008, 06:02 PM
South Africa- we started fasting today (1st September), it wasn't too bad.
I studied in the morning, then I had a nap, then I just hung around dreaming about food till we broke fast.

So Ramadaan Mubarak to everybody!!!!!!!!!!

09-01-2008, 07:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cihad
South Africa- we started fasting today (1st September), it wasn't too bad.
I studied in the morning, then I had a nap, then I just hung around dreaming about food till we broke fast.

So Ramadaan Mubarak to everybody!!!!!!!!!!

i use to dreamabout wut i would eat then i would end up eating a fraction of wut i thougth..now i read and listen Quran,and lectures..its jus great Alhamdulilah


09-01-2008, 07:17 PM
Inshallah~!Tomorrow Morning Will Be Our First Fast. I'm really Glad about Ramzan This Time. My Day will be Off tomorrow from the University. It will start on 3rd. It will allow to prepare for fasting a day before. Also I have my B'day in Ramzan ^w^

09-01-2008, 07:27 PM
1st of Spetember, Finland.

We finished iftar about 2 hours ago and I had a blast, mashaAllah! I had to wake up at 03:30 AM and ate until 04:08, then we made iftar at 08:35 PM. The day went so smoothly elhamdulillah, although during school's lunchtime my stomach a bit made noise but that's natural; it is used to get food then. It went away. I made an exam and we got the results immediately, I got full-score elhamdulillah. Power of fastin,g I'm telling you. When I came home, it was a lil bit tougher, had nothing much to do and became sleepy, so I slept for an hour.

Otherwise, my mood today was very good and I felt quite refreshed. I always enjoy Ramazan, gives me that special feeling I need from time to time.

Fitnah at school? Nah, not really. ANytime I see something not pleasent, I just look away. Nothing bothers me lately, elhamdulillah. It's like I rather think of my hunger, prayers and getting through the day, than noticing something fintah about my surroundings.

Tomorrow fasting starts almost same time. I gotta wait until 11 o'clock PM, last prayer to pray and then off to sleep. After I eat, I go to sleep and tomorrow school starts at 9:30 AM, not 8:05 AM as today. I'll get more sleep inshaAllah. Waking up wasn't even hard today, I seriously hope it'll be like this the rest of the month.

09-01-2008, 08:55 PM
asalaam alykum
1 sep 2008 UK

we have just finished eating our iftar. we didnt eat that much since we were fasting for 19 hours which was good cos we never made so many food.
but Ahamdullah this day has went really well. its 9:35 right now which means we've got like another 5 hours till suhoor. there isnt much difference between iftar and suhoor just about 6 hours. so i dont think that we gonna even wake up for suhoor but u know its sunnah so we might just wake up and just have some dates and a drink.

Alhamdullah that the first day of Ramadhan i wasnt in school because i was really tired and i felt sleepy not like i did sleep. but it wasnt a good day to start school. tomorrow is my last day of my hoilday then am back to school.

09-01-2008, 09:03 PM
Sept 1

5.01 pm..almost Asr time InshALLAH

west always eats last lol..same difference tho

its always easier wen ur at school although all the fitnah doesnt help


09-01-2008, 11:31 PM
today, first day of Ramadan, I have the day off. it is labor day here, no more white shoes after today ..
22 more mins until maghrib.. we are having red skin potatoes and chicken insha'Allah...

I almost didn't make sihoor today, yesterday I shopped for all kinds of goodies.. there was something I was interested in called Quince, sarfengali in Arabic? had no idea what it is in Arabic or English lol looks like pears or guava.. but I got fig and raspberry jam instead...

Anyhow I did try to be productive today.. have much work to finish but was feeling kinda of lax (on the account it is first day) and wasted it on a couple of posts here...

eh my mom just told me it is time to breakfast wohoo

laters peeps

09-02-2008, 12:45 AM
1st September 2008...

The first day of Ramadan...and it's a public holiday as we celebrated Independence Day on 31.08.08 which is on Sunday...so the holiday was extended one more day.

Managed to read Al Fatihah and Al Baqarah (until verse 155) for several times during the daytime.

It was raining heavily...so the weather was not so hot...

Went to Ramadhan Bazaar at Kilang Lama (5 mins driving from my home) with both of my sisters at 5.00PM...it was still raining heavily and too many people were there. We bought some food and waited 20 minutes as the traffic was so bad.

I watched a Malaysian-made documentary called "Syahadah" at 6.30PM. It was about Muslims in Cordoba, Spain. There are about 1,000 Muslims (mostly Moroccans, with some Spaniard reverts) out of 1.4 million population in Cordoba. They have a small mosque and one Halal Certification Centre for the whole of Spain. Most of the staffmembers are reverts. It showed a Spaniard revert who decided to sell Halal food. Then it showed a Halal-certified farm factory just outside of Cordoba. The documentary also showed the Great Mosque of Cordoba.

At 7.27PM we had our first Iftaar of the year...we had plain rice, chicken cooked in Soy-sauce and oyster sauce, dhall curry, cempedak (a tropical fruit) fritters, roti sorai (a local pancake that looks like a net), fried springrolls, dates and lychee drinks.

We went to the mosque for Isha' and Taraweeh prayers after performing Maghrib at home.

I woke up at 4.00 AM and had fried noodle for suhoor.

09-02-2008, 01:34 AM
2nd september 2008
My 1st day of fasting. Aaah its peaceful! Alhamdoo Lellah!
My high school vacation is started from today. Alhamdoo Lellah!

09-02-2008, 02:00 AM
Preston, England, United Kingdom
Ramadhan 2nd august 2nd 2:58 am on islamic board writing a post for
ramadhan diary also waiting for suhoor or sehri as i sometimes or all the time callit thats it so nyway

late ramadhan mubarak forsome people though

09-02-2008, 12:25 PM
alhamdulillah we just had suhuur at 5:07 i ate a sandwich and drank some milk thats it lol iftaar is at 7:47 so we hav a really long time left

taraweeh last night was the best mashallah soo many people and the kids werent as wild as they use to be lol

09-02-2008, 03:00 PM
Not a good start for me today. I didn't get up for suhoor for some reason and now I pay the price.

09-02-2008, 03:39 PM
AssalamuAlaykum Warahmatullah

Hmm, Ramadaan seems extra special this year for some reason, SubhanAllah walhamdulillah. Been going to the masjid for Taraweeh salah and the atmosphere is just awesome.

Yesterday one of the sisters had her several month old child with her, it kep crying and in the end she prayed whilst holding him, subhanAllah if it had been any other month the other sisters would have gotten impatient and criticised the sis for bringing her crying kid. But during Ramadaan we're filled with so much patience masha'Allah that nobody said anything.

Getting through Ramadaan with the HeartWheelJournal is just amazing and it provides that extra special touch that will make my Ramadaan outstanding Bi'ithnillah. Hmm I think I might try attaching the PDF doc to the post insha'Allah so that others can benefit.

Was talking to momma today and we was remembring the times when Iftar was at 4.30pm, was just saying that although this fast is 3 and a half hours longer, we cant really tell the difference, meaning dont feel as hungry, Alhamdulillah.

Hmm this thread is quite a good idea ya know.

WassalamuAlaykum Warahmatullah

09-02-2008, 03:55 PM
Hmm this thread is quite a good idea ya know.
i know i love coming here to read how others are spending the ramadan :)

09-02-2008, 04:25 PM
2nd of September, Finland

Today I got more tired than yesterday, but my schedule was full and I had so much to do. Elhamdulillah, things went smoothly. I see a change in myself already, when fasting, I feel so much more patient and weirdly enough, more concentrated. You'd think I'd sit there thinking about food, lol.

Only tough thing will be later on Friday this week, when we are suppoused to buy pizzas and eat them at school. I'm going to have to answer to a few people, urgh. Haha, their pizza slize will fall from their mouth, I bet they will go, "WHAAT?!" and ask me how I'm surviving. Haha, aj aj.
I just told my closest friends I'm fasting, the rest will know if they ask (which they will later on).

I'm recently in such a good mood, inshaAllah this won't change. I even took up on me a huge responsibility at school, inshaAllah won't regret it later on, haha.

I just love Ramazan, there's something special about it.

In about an hour it's time for Iftaar! It's 19:25, 7:25 PM now. I woke up at 3:30 AM again.

09-02-2008, 06:37 PM
02 September,
got up at half 3, getting really late, quickly ran downstairs, brush my teeth, my grandma was making chaptises. i then started to make tea for everyone. After the tea was made, i got my curry and my chapti. Then at 4.06 i closed my fast. i read namaz and went to sleep!

09-03-2008, 12:41 AM
2nd September 2008 - Malaysia

It's the first working day in Ramadan...the office hours was changed from 8.30 AM - 5.30 PM to 8.00 AM - 4.30 AM.

It was raining heavily through out the whole day... Alhamdulillah...at least it's not a hot day...

After finished working, went down and bought some doughnuts and Murtabak for Iftaar...

Arrived at home by 6.15 PM....

At 6.30 I watched the second episode of "Syahadah". Today it's about Muslims in Granada. There are more Muslims in Granada than in Cordoba. Their mosque is way bigger that the one in Cordoba. They even allowed to do "call of prayer (azan)" openly. Unlike Cordoba, there are many Spaniard reverts in Granada. The Friday sermon was given in both Arabic and Spanish. There are classes about Islam and Arabic conducted for the reverts and non-Muslims. There is also a very active Muslima centre called Zainab Yahsh centre. They have cooking class, sewing class and dance class. God bless Granada.

Had Mee Hailam (Southern Chinese noodle), murtabak (a kind of pancake with beef in it) and doughnuts for Iftaar... Iftaar time was 7:27PM.

Went to Isha' and Taraweeh prayers at 8.30 PM and the service ended by 10.00 PM.

Woke up for Iftaar at 4.00 AM and had sandwiches, hot milo and plain water...lots of plain water as usual...

09-03-2008, 01:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by crayon
Someone was going to have to make this thread, so I figured it may as well be me.

I've started it a bit earlier so people can talk about how people are preparing for Ramadan in their area..

So feel free to share your thoughts on Ramadan 2008.:)
This is our 3rd day of ramadaan here in Australia and so far so good alhumdulillah. I have already started to memorise more of the quran and I'm onto my second surah to memorise, Wish me luck everyone. May Allah SWT make this month a benficial month for us all and shower his mercy upon us.

09-03-2008, 03:32 AM
:sl: Alhamdulilah fasting today was not that hard, my mother left back to my father (he was spending Ramadan alone, I miss him so much <3) inshaaAllaah she arrives home safely. :) I spent the first day of Ramadan with my extended family because they had asked me to and my grandmother was very surprised that I was leaving to go back home to say goodbye to my mother, but I couldn't do it. I'm always with my mother, it's very hard for me to leave her I'm very attached to her alhamdulilah (being the youngest does that to you you know :) ). Anyway, afuur came fairly quickly mashaaAllaah. Since no one cooked afuur here, I had told my sister to get a roll from the corner store and to ask whether the way they cooked the meat/poultry was halal. Alhamdulilah it was, and the food was sufficient. So we had iftaar/afuur with that and left the rest for suxuur. Now inshaaAllaah I have work tomorrow, so inshaaAllaah by the time I get back I'll sleep for a bit and then wake up for afuur/iftaar. Unfortunately though, I won't be able to go to taraweeh today but inshaaAllaah I will try on the weekend when I don't have work.

Ramadan mubarak everyone, great thread mashaaAllaah.

09-03-2008, 03:33 AM
September 2, 2008

Just had iftaar alhamdulillah :D i felt like i'd eat everything on the table but i got full after three sambusas lol

we're gona go to taraweeh in bout 40 minutes or so inshallah

09-03-2008, 03:37 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah421
September 2, 2008

Just had iftaar alhamdulillah :D i felt like i'd eat everything on the table but i got full after three sambusas lol

we're gona go to taraweeh in bout 40 minutes or so inshallah
lol I love Sambusas, Hmm your making me hungry ;)

09-03-2008, 03:46 AM
i am an egyptian, but now i am in australia..
probably celebrating ramadan in egypt has been the best of all..
in egypt people get ready for ramada two weeks earlier by buying food and special dry fruits with their sugar taste to make for iftar ..
a couple of days before ramadan , u will find people hanging colourful lights everywhere in the sreets, these lights will be left open during the whole night .. so when u walk in the streets at night u will feel as if it during the day ..

well.. it's very safe to walk at night in the streets at any time even until 6a.m .. because lights are everywhere and people are going in the masjid and out of it ..

u will find egypt a lively place and lightening with colourful lights celebrating for ramadan .. " it's very wonderful, i really miss it "

after iftar, we hurry to pray maghrib prayers, then we get ready to go to the masjid for taraweeh prayers..

during the last ten days or ramadan when there is the prayers of " tahajood" we stay up late in the masjid for praying and we go back home in groups .. it's very lovely and nice ..

we also have sohor with everyone in the masjid.. everyone brings in food from home, and we all share it together ..

this is my second Ramadan in Melbourne, it's not very celebrating over here .. but it's cool with the family and in the masjid .. but i don't it's just normal without any preparations done

09-03-2008, 04:10 PM

3 september 2008, UK

today was my first day in school since the hoildays.
no one knows yet that i am fasting only my muslim friends but soon they will know and thats when they will start hiding from me when their eating.
some teachers were wishing me a happy ramadhan and tomorrow i've got R.E and here were we will be talking about what we eat and blah blah my R.E teacher is very nice and is really nice to muslims infact she likes muslims girls more because were soo talented and errrrr u name them lol :p
today has been very bad for me i felt sick and i was dizzy thank god no teacher noticed.
but now am feeling abit better after i've read quran Alhamdullah but i am hungry so am keeping my self busy khayr inshallah.

wow this my first Ramadhan in here and am soo enjoying it. :)

09-08-2008, 02:41 AM
iftaar is only me and my brother today, the rest of my family went visiting some reletives, my stomach's gotten use to fasting, *it doesnt complain anymore* walhamdulillah

Its 7:40 PM here right now, Isha/Taraweeh is at 9:30 bi idhnillah

09-13-2008, 09:16 PM
Sepetember 14, 2008-

The mosque I went to for taraweeh today had a big courtyard, where the women could pray outside. The weather was gorgeous! It was a night with wispy clouds and a beautiful cool breeze, the moon is almost full. Between the raka'as I would just sit and stare at the sky, think. Lovely prayer.

Ramadan is almost half over?!?!...

09-21-2008, 04:45 PM
september 21st
still on my computer,writing a sheet out of what im doing today for ramadhan
oh and early ramadhan mubarak not l8

09-21-2008, 05:29 PM
21 sep

I just came back from even more eid shopping and now have ended up with three different pairs of clothes to wear for eid!
lack of food means high tempers as demonstarted when my sis messed up the custard twice so i had to help out and my bro told her at iftaar that she needed an online tutorial to make it....and we all laughed, so she took a glass full of coke and chucked it over him:muddlehea, then burst into tears :hmm: weired huh.

and now i have to make samosas, does anybody want some.:D

09-21-2008, 09:46 PM
I was nice to my bro :exhausted

Lol kiddin, I is always nice :-[

But yeah, LI is still taking up my time this Ramadaan, better be off now insha'Allah.


09-22-2008, 05:26 AM
22 sep

On LI after sehri
bad idea!, as now dad is telling me to search up houses at this tym in the morning and is reading each property description very very slowly, and has made me serch the entire country.....trying to look sleepy:uhwhat, making it obvious i want to go to sleep....but it just isnt working :mmokay:, hes gone to the bathroom, should i run for it?:X:enough!:

09-27-2008, 07:50 AM
it seems like im the only one using this diary...hoo well

last nites iftaar was the best, invited a couple of crazy girls over for iftaari and we got drunk on coke, pizza and cake:-[ and now i have a hangover. :heated:

InshaAllah hopefully i can read taraweeh in the mosque tonight!

09-27-2008, 07:53 AM
i prayed taraweh yesterday and i payed zakat when i went for friday prayers alhamdulilah and iftar was good

09-27-2008, 12:43 PM
*and the countdown begins*

Ramadaan '08 is nearly over.....who knows, will we live to see another? Keep tuned in for more latest and up to the minute info from the Radio Ramadaan Diary :shade:

Lol kiddin :-[ yah me had a good day yesterday alhamdulillah. Went to somebody else's house for iftaar and stuffed myself with Biryani. the end :D


09-27-2008, 12:51 PM
yeah Its nearly over , will We getting another chance to meet ramadan next year ? InshaAllah we will :cry:

ive been to taraweeh yesterday , nvr missed my taraweeh alhamdullah
yesterday the masijd was full it was nice made lots of dua's....


09-27-2008, 04:33 PM
September 27, 2008

Went to taraweeh and tahajjud last night, the duaas in both were just beautiful.. Everyone got really emotional. The weather was also amazing, rain and thunder and lightning. It POURED early this morning, ahhhh.

Only 2 or 3 more days of fasting! Ramadan passed incredibly fast...

09-28-2008, 09:25 PM

Looks like we're gunna have 2 Eids here in the UK (Or so I've heard)

SubhanAllah thats two fasts left for some and for some 2mrw will be the final one...I hope we've all made the most of it....SubhanAllah how time flies...

09-28-2008, 09:28 PM
Prayed the Last taraweeh of ramadan here :cry:
nvr missed any taraweeh this ramadan Alhamdullah !


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