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09-26-2008, 10:54 AM
Lessons on Tawhid - Approximately 50 Classes - from Dar-ul-Hadith, Dammaj, Yemen

Source: http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/tawhid - lessons/
These were lessons conducted on the book 'al-Qawl-ul- Mufeed Fee Adillatit-Tawhid' [Beneficial Speech in Establishing the Evidences of Tawhid] written by one of the major scholars of the Sunnah in Yemen, Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Wasabi (may Allah preserve him).
They were explained live via a telephone conference calling system by the Imam of the Masjid in Dar-ul-Hadith, Dammaj (Yemen), who is one of the senior scholars of the center of learning in Dammaj, Shaikh Ahmad al-Wasabi (may Allah preserve him). These lessons were conducted every Saturday from the period of April 2005 to June 2006. The .pdf files also contain questions which were asked in relation to the topic of the lesson in question.
The reviver of the Sunnah in Yemen, Shaikh Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi'ee (rahimahullah) [d.1422H], said regarding this book: "This treatise deserves to be instilled in students in centres of learning due to the much good in contains since it is small in size and large in benefit...I also advise all the scholars of the Sunnah in Yemen to increase in their efforts in spreading knowledge, writings and lectures. And by the Praise of Allah this book has benefitted much and it has been recommended as a syllabus for students in many of the centres for learning the Sunnah. And few will you find on the Sunnah except that this book is in their homes."
Then Shaikh Muqbil (rahimahullah) goes on to praise the author of the book by saying: "The Shaikh Abu Ibrahim Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Wasabi al-Abdali established upon teaching, writing and calling to Allah. Allah has given him patience and full comprehension in all the branches of hadith and therefore the ability to judge the authenticity and weakness of the hadith...Our brother, Abu Ibraheem is assisted upon continuation of the journey in seeking and spreading knowledge by his Zuhd and by his concentration on knowledge and teaching until he became a reference and his fatawa and his statements became dependable, and that is by the Grace of Allah upon him. And Allah is the only one to bestow this Grace."
All files are in PDF format.
Class 01 : April - 2 - 05
The Meaning and Pillars of Laa Ilaaha illa-Allaah
Class 02 : April - 9 - 05
The Conditions of Laa Ilaaha illa-Allaah - Condition # 1: Knowledge
Class 03 : April - 16 - 05
The Conditions of Laa Ilaaha illa-Allaah - Condition #2: Certainty, Condition #3: Acceptance
Class 04 : April - 23 - 05
The Conditions of Laa Ilaaha illa-Allaah - Condition #3: Acceptance, Condition #4: Surrender
Class 05 : April - 30 - 05
The Conditions of Laa Ilaaha illa-Allaah - Condition #5: Truthfulness, Condition #6: Sincerity, Condition #7: Love
Class 06 : May - 7 - 05
The Conditions of Laa Ilaaha illa-Allaah - Condition #7: Love; Condition #8: Disbelief in Taghoot; Requirements of Laa Ilaaha illa-Allaah; Meaning of Muhammad-Rasoolullaah
Class 07 : May - 14 - 05
Meaning of Muhammad-Rasoolullaah; Conditions of Muhammad-Rasoolullaah - 7 Conditions; Requirements of Muhammad-Rasoolullaah
Class 08 : May - 21 - 05
Where is Allaah?; The Three Levels of the Religion; Introduction to Islaam; The Five Pillars of Islaam
Class 09 : May - 28 - 05
The Ten Invalidators of Islaam - Invalidator #1: Shirk, Invalidator #2: Voluntary Apostasy, Invalidator #3: Not Deeming a Disbeliever to be a Disbeliever, Invalidator #4: Believing that the Guidance of Other than the Prophet is More Complete than his Guidance
Class 10 : June - 4 - 05
The Ten Invalidators of Islaam - Invalidator #4: Believing that the Guidance of Other than the Prophet is More Complete than his Guidance, Invalidator #5: Hating Anything that the Messenger came with, Invalidator #6: Mocking Allaah, or the Messenger, or the Qur?aan, or the Religion
Class 11 : June - 10 - 05
The Ten Invalidators of Islaam - Invalidator #7: Magic, Invalidator #8: Aiding the Disbelievers Against the Muslims, Invalidator #9: Believing that some have the Choice to Leave off the Shari'ah of Muhammad, Invalidator #10: Aversion to the Religion, not Learning it nor Acting upon it
Class 12 : June - 18 - 05
The Ten Invalidators of Islaam - Invalidator #10: Aversion to the Religion, not Learning it nor Acting upon it; The Ruling Concerning the Joker, the Liberal one, the Fearful one, and the one who is Forced with Regards to These Ten Invalidators; The Definition of Eemaan
Class 13 : June - 25 - 05
The Six Pillars of Eemaan; Proofs for the Increasing of Eemaan; Proofs for the Decreasing of Eemaan
Class 14 : July - 9 - 05
Proofs that Deeds and Actions Enter into Eemaan; Fatwa of The Lajnah ad-Daa'imah in Saudi Arabia Regarding the Inclusion of Deeds and Actions Within The Fold of Eemaan
Class 15 : July - 23 - 05
Ihsaan is a Separate Pillar
Class 16 : July - 30 - 05
The Definition of Tawheed; The Evidences of Tawheed; The Divisions of Tawheed Are Four - Ar-Ruboobeeyah, Al-Ulooheeyah, Al-Asmaa was Sifaat, Al-Mutaabi?ah
Class 17 : August - 6 - 05
Tawheed Ar-Ruboobeeyah; Tawheed Al-Ulooheeyah
Class 18 : August - 13 - 05
Tawheed Al-Asmaa was Sifaat; Tawheed of Ittibah
Class 19 : August - 20 - 05
Tawheed Al-Mutaabi?ah; The Whole of the Qur?aan is Tawheed; The Categories of Abodes and the Categories of their People
Class 20 : August - 27 - 05
The Danger of Shirk with Allaah (Ascribing Partners to Allaah); The Categories of Shirk are Many - 15 Categories
Class 21 : September - 3 - 05
A Summary of Shirk; A Summary of Kufr; The Kuffaar are of Two Types
Class 22 : September - 10 - 05
Open Question and Answer Session
Class 23 : September - 17 - 05
The Great Risk and Hazard of Mocking the Kitaab (Qur'aan) and the Sunnah or Those who call to the Kitaab and the Sunnah, and the Danger of Opposing the Kitaab and the Sunnah
Class 24 : September - 24 - 05
Distinction and Separation from Shirk and its People; The Categories of Fear are Five - Category #1: The Fear which is Worship
Class 25 : October - 1 - 05
The Categories of Fear are Five - Category #2: The Fear which is Shirk, Category #3: Fear Causing Disobedience, Category #4: Natural Fear, Category #5: Fear of Self-Deception
Class 26 : October - 8 - 05
The Categories of Love are Four - Category #1: The Love which is Worship, Category #2: The Love which is Shirk, Category #3: The Love which is Disobedience, Category #4: Natural Love
Class 27 : October - 15 - 05
The Categories of Love are Four - Category #4: Natural Love; The Prohibition of Supplicating to Other Than Allaah
Class 28 : October - 22 - 05
Vowing and Making Oaths is Worship, and Worship is not Directed Towards Anyone Except Allaah; The Conditions of Vowing are Six
Class 29 : November - 12 - 05
The Prohibition of Sacrificing for Other than Allaah; The Categories of Sacrificing are Three - Category #1: Legal/Legislated Slaughtering, Category #2: Allowable Slaughtering, Category #3: Forbidden Slaughtering
Class 30 : January - 14 - 06
The Black Stone does not Harm and does not Benefit
Class 31 : January - 21 - 06
The Prohibition of Swearing by Other Than Allaah
Class 32 : January - 28 - 06
Is the Astrologer a Magician?
Class 33 : February - 4 - 06
Is the Magician a Disbeliever?
Class 34 : February - 11 - 06
The Prohibition of Approaching Soothsayers and Fortune Tellers
Class 35 : February - 25 - 06
The Prohibition of Wearing Amulets
Class 36 : March - 4 - 06
No one Knows the Unseen Except Allaah
Class 37 : March - 11 - 06
The Obligation to Trust in Allaah Alone
Class 38 : March - 25 - 06
The Obligation to Rule by What Allaah has Revealed, and the Prohibition of Ruling by Other than What Allaah has Revealed
Class 39 : April - 1 - 06
The Prohibition of Making Pictures that Contain Souls
Class 40 : April - 8 - 06
Hypocrisy is of Two Types; The Summary of Hypocrisy; The Hypocrites are of Two Types
Class 41 : April - 22 - 06
The Five Divisions of the Sunnah; The Definition of Worship; The Types of Worship are Five
Class 42 : April - 29 - 06
The Two Necessary Conditions for the Acceptance of an Action; The People Divide into Four Categories with Regards to Sincerity and Adherence to the Guidance of the Prophet
Class 43 : May - 13 - 06
The Six Conditions of Adhering to the Guidance of the Prophet; The Religion of al-Islaam is Based on Two Fundamental Principles; Whosoever the Qur?aan and the Sunnah does not Suffice, then may Allaah not Suffice him
Class 44 : May - 27 - 06
Definition of Innovation; Another Division of Innovation; The Innovators are of Two Types; Be Careful of Innovation in the Religion
Class 45 : May - 28 - 06
The Ruling of Building Shrines and Mausoleums upon the Graves; The Prohibition of Praying Towards the Graves; The Ruling Regarding the Annual Visiting of Some Appointed Graves; The Ruling Regarding Making the Graves into Roads, Playing Fields and Car Parks; The Prohibition of Harming the Muslims
Class 46 : June - 3 - 06
Calling to Allaah
Class 47 : June - 17 - 06
The People have a Choice and are Under Dominion; Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa?ah are the Best from Amongst the Various Innovated Sects of this Nation, Just like this Nation is the Best from Amongst all of the Nations; The Conclusion

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09-29-2008, 09:08 AM
May Allah reward you with good!!

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