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Ummu Sufyaan
12-18-2008, 09:49 AM

Laban (Milk)

Allah said:
((و ان لكم في الأنعام لعبرة نسقيكم مما في بطونه من بين فرث ودم لبنا خالصا ساءغا للشاربين))
“And verily, in the cattle, there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, from between excretions and blood, pure milk; palatable to the drinkers.” (16:66)

Also, Allah said, while describing Paradise:

((فيها أنهار من ماء غير ءاسن وأنهار من لبن لم يتغير طعمه))
“In it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed, rivers of milk of which the taste never changes.” (47:15)

In the Sunan, it is also narrated:

((من أطعمه الله طعاما, فليقول: اللهم بارك لنا فيه, وارزقنا خيرا منه. ومن سقاه الله لبنا, فلبقول: اللهم بارك لنا فيه, وزدنا منه. فاني لا أعلم ما يخزيء من الطعام والشراب, الا البن))
“Whoever Allah gives some type of food, let him supplicate, ‘O Allah! Bless it for us and grant us what is better.’ Whoever Allah grants some Laban, let him say, ‘O Allah! Bless it for us and grant us more of it,’ for I do not know of a more complete food or drink than milk.’”

Although milk is a simple type of food, it is very natural to the body as it contains three major substances: cheese, fat and water. Cheese is cold and wet and provides good nutrition. The fat contained in the milk regarding warmth and wetness, and it is very beneficial for healthy bodies.
The water part contained in milk is hot and wet, and it softens the stomach and provides the body with beneficial moistures. Laban in general is mild regarding warmth and wetness, although there are other opinions in this regard.

Milk is best when it has just been milked, and its value decreases by the passage of time thereafter. When it is freshly milked, milk is less cold and, more humid. Sour milk is the opposite. Also, milk is better forty days after the animal has given birth. The best type of milk is the mot white in color, as it has a good scent, delicious taste, mildly sweet, less fat and light consistency. It is also best when young healthy animals are milked, especially those that have less meat and which graze in healthy grazing lands. Milk is good and produces red blood, brings wetness to the body and is also a nutritious food. Also, milk helps relive depression, obsession and black bile ailments. When milk is drunk with honey, it will help cleanse the insides of septic materials. Drinking milk with sugar makes the color of the skin fairer. Milk is favorable for the chest, lungs and for those suffering from tuberculosis.

Furthermore milk is not favorable for the head, the stomach, the liver and the spleen. Also, drinking milk excessively is armful for the teeth and the gums, and this is why it is better to rinse the mouth after one drinks it. In the Sahihain, it is narrated that the Prophet, sallahu aleyhi wa sallam, once drank some milk and then asked for some water and rinsed his mouth, saying: “It has fat.”

Milk is not good for those suffering from fever and headaches and is not favorable for the weakness in the head and the brain. Excessive drinking of milk causes darkness in the sight, sight impairment, gout, kidney clogs and swelling in the stomach and the intestines. These side effects will be neutralized when mixing milk with honey, ginger, and so forth, for those who are not used to drinking it.

Sheep Milk

Sheep milk is the most watery, and it has more fat and bad odour than goat or cow milk. Sheep milk produces phlegm and causes white spots or stains on the skin if one drink it on a regular basis. This is why it is better that sheep milk is mixed with water so that its concentration becomes less. Sheep milk quenches the thirst quicker and cools the body faster than other milks.

Goat Milk
Goat milk is mild and light, works as a mild laxative, is wet for dry bodies, and helps cure mouth cankers, dry cough and epistaxis (nosebleeds).
Milk in general is the most beneficial drink for the body due to its nutritional value and closeness to the nature of the body and to the childhood of mankind. In the Sahihain it is narrated:

((أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أتي ليلة أسري به, بقدح من خمر, وقدح من لبن. فنظر اليهما, ثم أخذ اللبن فقال جبرائيل عليه السلام: الحمد لله الذي هداك للفطر, لو أخذت الخمر: غوت أمتك))
“The night of the Isra’ (the Prophet journey from Makkah to Jerusalem and then to heaven). The messenger of Allah, sallahu aleyhi wa sallam, was given two cups, one containing milk and the other wine. The Prophet, sallahu aleyhi wa sallam, looked at them and then took the cup of milk. Jibreel said: ‘If you had taken the wine, your followers would have gone astray.’”

Sour goat milk is not digested quickly and produces unfavourable moistures. The hot tempered stomach benefits from goat milk, though, and easily digests it.

Cow Milk
Cow milk provides nutrition for the body and is also a mild laxative. Cow milk is one of the best milks, between sheep milk and goat milk regarding thickness and fat.
‘Abduallah bin Masood narrated that the prophet, sallahu aleyhi wa sallam, once said:

((عليكم بألبان البقر, فانها ترتم من كل الشجر))
“Drink cow milk because it grazes on all types of trees.”

Taken from: "Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet," by Ibn ul-Qayyim

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12-18-2008, 10:37 AM
Milk is best when it has just been milked, and its value decreases by the passage of time thereafter.
I remember drinking milk straight from a bull while it was being milked lol. Fresh milk, fresh butter, fresh air, fresh everything. No wonder people used to be so healthy back home.

Also after my aunty use to milk her bulls early morning, she'd put some in a large clay vat and whisk until butter-milk was formed. We would put this freshly whisked buttermilk on our chappatis for breakfast. God, how I miss that pure fresh food! :(

12-18-2008, 09:32 PM
Why Camel milk is not mentioned?

Mr. Baldy
12-18-2008, 09:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
I remember drinking milk straight from a bull while it was being milked lol. Fresh milk, fresh butter, fresh air, fresh everything. No wonder people used to be so healthy back home.

Also after my aunty use to milk her bulls early morning, she'd put some in a large clay vat and whisk until butter-milk was formed. We would put this freshly whisked buttermilk on our chappatis for breakfast. God, how I miss that pure fresh food! :(
bull? or cow?

Jazakallah for the post

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12-19-2008, 12:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mr. Baldy
bull? or cow?

Jazakallah for the post

The black things that look like cows. I only know them as bulls. They are not cows though. So I dunno what else to call them lol.

12-19-2008, 04:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Chuck
Why Camel milk is not mentioned?
I think it isn't because no one drinks camel milk , the animals given there provide most of the milk. Any maybe camel milk is dry... Correction on wording "why IS camel milk not mentioned"
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah

The black things that look like cows. I only know them as bulls. They are not cows though. So I dunno what else to call them lol.
Do the animals that your aunt milks have horns or a nose pin if so it's a bull.:D

12-19-2008, 04:39 AM

People do drink camel milk... Fresh milk from any animal is niiicer, not that I've ever had, but I've heard.

I drank goats milk once though. I begged my parents to buy it cuz it seemed so cool, and um, I didn't really appreciate it because the taste is quite different from cow milk...

12-19-2008, 04:45 AM
To tell you the truth I don't know which milk I drink except that it's homo which I don't know what it means but I am PROUdD with a double d because heres a real story:
I was born 3 months b4 I was suppose to and I was a few ONZES and a hand lenght tall but because of homo I am 14 but look like 16 even though I don't shave yet... I'm 5'10.

12-19-2008, 05:16 AM

^ You most probably drink cows milk. That's what regular milk is.

Homo is short for homogenized... I think that's when they remove 2% of the fat from the milk...

12-19-2008, 06:15 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yanal
I think it isn't because no one drinks camel milk , the animals given there provide most of the milk. Any maybe camel milk is dry... Correction on wording "why IS camel milk not mentioned"

Do the animals that your aunt milks have horns or a nose pin if so it's a bull.:D
:sl: People do drink camel milk, back home in Somalia we'd drink camel milk and goat milk. It's not unusual, and it actually tastes quite good.

Milk and water make my skin more vibrant and healthier, alhamdulilah. JazakAllaah khair for this great article sis Rahmah.

Ummu Sufyaan
12-19-2008, 08:05 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by zAk
You may like to correct the arabic text in a couple of places there.

وَإِنَّ لَكُمْ فِي الأَنْعَامِ لَعِبْرَةً نُّسْقِيكُم مِّمَّا فِي بُطُونِهِ مِن بَيْنِ فَرْثٍ وَدَمٍ لَّبَنًا خَالِصًا سَآئِغًا لِلشَّارِبِينَ
jazakallahu khair! :exhausted

format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
Also after my aunty use to milk her bulls early morning, she'd put some in a large clay vat and whisk until butter-milk was formed. We would put this freshly whisked buttermilk on our chappatis for breakfast. God, how I miss that pure fresh food! :(
lol no worries sis..just plant your own veges/fruits...worked for us :D

format_quote Originally Posted by Chuck
Why Camel milk is not mentioned?
Im not sure, for the "camel milk" section the book just said that it had already been mentioned at he beginning of the chapter...but its not there either... so i just left it out...

format_quote Originally Posted by Ameena*
JazakAllaah khair for this great article sis Rahmah.
wa iyaaki :)

12-19-2008, 09:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yanal
I think it isn't because no one drinks camel milk , the animals given there provide most of the milk. Any maybe camel milk is dry... Correction on wording "why IS camel milk not mentioned"
People do drink camel milk and a doctor in UAE did research on camel milk, he found camel milk helps prevent diabetes and joint problems.

12-19-2008, 09:29 AM
Not the same doctor but similar news:
The people of West Bengal, suffering from diabetes, will get an easy and alternative panacea for the disease as camel milk powder will soon hit the markets here.

A doctor in Rajasthan has come out with a new treatment for diabetes, not with insulin injections or bittergourd juices, but with camel milk.

Head of Diabetes Care and Research Centre, Bikaner S P Medical College, Dr R P Agarwal has claimed that the camel milk helps in curing the disease caused due to high level of sugar in the blood. Dr Agarwal, who had been researching since last seven years, recently held a joint research with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), and found out that the camel milk helps in reducing the blood sugar level.

Dr Agarwal also claimed that people in Rajasthan, who have consumed camel milk regularly, would never suffer from this disease.


Mr. Baldy
12-19-2008, 12:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah

The black things that look like cows. I only know them as bulls. They are not cows though. So I dunno what else to call them lol.
You mean a Buffalo? Yeah there milk is nice, different from cows milk. Back on the farm my uncle would squirt the milk straight into my mouth from the udder! Talk about fresh!!!

12-19-2008, 01:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yanal
Do the animals that your aunt milks have horns or a nose pin if so it's a bull.:D
format_quote Originally Posted by Mr. Baldy
You mean a Buffalo? Yeah there milk is nice, different from cows milk. Back on the farm my uncle would squirt the milk straight into my mouth from the udder! Talk about fresh!!!
Omg I feel so embarrassed!!! I just found out they are called Oxen/Ox. I had thought a bull could be female. They looked like the bulls in bull-fighting and gave milk. Its not my fault lol. :-[:'(

ol no worries sis..just plant your own veges/fruits...worked for us :D
Good thinking! ^^^Sure sounds easier than breeding livestock!^^^ :p

12-19-2008, 07:03 PM
Mother's milk is the best. I was never breastfed as a baby :(

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