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04-04-2009, 06:28 PM
Alsalamo alykom wa rahmato Allah wa barakato dear sisters and brothers.
I will use this thread in shaa Allah to post simple Arabic lessons for beginners.
First here is Arabic alphabet with audio.

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04-04-2009, 07:08 PM
Here is a simple Arabic conversation
مَا اسمُكَ؟
pronounce: ma esmoka?
meaning : what`s your name ?(when I am talking to a male)

مَا اسمُكِ؟
pronounce: ma esmoky?
meaning : what`s your name ?(when I am talking to a female)

so ما means what
اسم means name
كَ (ka) at the end of the noun means your for a male.
كِ (ky) at the end of the noun means your for a female.

Here is another example

كًم عُمرُكَ؟
pronounce : kam `omroka?
meaning: how old are you? (when I am talking to a male)

كًم عُمرُكِ؟
pronounce : kam `omroky?
meaning: how old are you? (when I am talking to a female)

كًم means how how much or how many.
عُمرُ means age .

كَ (ka) at the end of the noun means your for a male.
كِ (ky) at the end of the noun means your for a female.

04-04-2009, 07:45 PM

JazakALLAH Khair this is very helpful


04-05-2009, 12:11 AM
Thank u dear sister Ayan .

Lets continue the lesson

lets answer the questions.

مَا اسمُكِ؟
اسمِى فاطِمَة
pronounce : esmy Fatima.
Meaning : my name is Fatima.

مَا اسمُكَ؟
اسمِى محمد
pronounce : esmy Mohammed.
Meaning : my name is mohammed.

so اسم means name .
ى at the end of the word means my (it`s the same whether if I am a male or a female).

كًم عُمرُكَ؟
عُمرِى عِشرُنَ عَام.
pronounce : 3omry 3eshrona 3am (I mean by 3 the letter ع as there isn`t a simillar letter in english).
meaning : I am 20 years old.
the answer will be the same if I am a male or a female.

عُمر means age.
ى means my .
عِشرُن means twenty.
عام means year.

lets add a new question:

مِن أَينَ أَنتَ؟
pronounce : men ayna anta ?
meaning : where are you from? (when I am talking to a male)

so مِن means from
أَينَ means where.
أَنتَ means you( when I am talking to a male).

مِن أَينَ أَنتِ؟
pronounce : men ayna anty ?
meaning : where are you from? (when I am talking to a female).

أَنتِ؟ means you for a female.

The answer:

أَنَا مِن مِصر.
pronounce :ana men masr.
meaning : I am from Egypt.

the answer will be the same whether if I am a male or a female .

أَنَا means I.
مِن means from.
مصر means Egypt.

If I am from America
أَنَا مِن أمرِيكَا
ana men Amrica.

If I am from Ingland
أَنَا مِن بريطانيا
ana men bretanya

If I am from Somalia
أَنَا مِن الصومال
ana men alsomal

If I am from Turkey
أَنَا مِن تُركِيا
ana men turkeya

If I am from Pakistan
أَنَا مِن باكِستان
ana men bakestan.

A simple test:

مَا اسمُكَ؟....................

كًم عُمرُكَ؟....................

مِن أَينَ أَنتَ؟....................

waiting for your answers in shaa Allah :)

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04-05-2009, 04:55 AM

04-06-2009, 07:56 PM

ismy ayan

3omry thamaniat ashra

ana min Somalia


04-06-2009, 09:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ayan333

ismy ayan

3omry thamaniat ashra

ana min Somalia

ma shaa Allah,very good .

I ll just add a simple correction to the third answer, it will be ana min al somale ( أَنَا مِن الصومال ) as Somalia in Arabic is الصومال (al somale).

04-06-2009, 10:37 PM
Lets begin the next lesson.

هَذَا أَخِى ,هُوَ مُدَرِس
pronounce : hatha akhy hwa modares.
meaning : This is my brother,he is a teacher.

so هَذَا means this (for a male only)
أخِ means brother.
ى at the end of a word means my, it shows owner ship ( it is the same whether I am a male or female).
هُوَ means he.
مُدَرِس means a teacher.

another example:
هَذِهِ أُختِى ,هِىَ طَبِيبَة
pronounce : hathehy okhty heya tabiba.
meaning :this is my sister she is a doctor.

so هَذِهِ means this for a female .
أُخت means sister.
ى at the end of a word means my.
هِىَ means she.
طَبِيبَة means a medical doctor.

another example :
هَذَا أَخِى ,هُوَ طَالِب pronounce : hatha akhy hwa taleb.
this is may brother he is a student.
طَالِب means a male student.

هَذِهِ أُختِى ,هِىَ طَالِبَة
pronounce : hathehy okhty heya taleba.
this is may sister she is a student.
طَالِبَة means a female student.

04-06-2009, 11:07 PM
أّنَا ana = I ( whether I am a male or a female).

أَنتَ anta = you (for a male).

أَنتِ anty = you (for a female).

هَذَا hatha = this (for a male).

هَذِهِ hathehy = this (for a female).

هُوَ hwa = he.

هِىَ heya = she.

أ َخ Akh = brother.

أ ُخت okht = sister.

طَالِب taleb = a student (for a male).

طَالِبة taleba = a student (for a female).

مُدَرِس modarres = a teacher (for a male).

مُدَرِسَة modarresa = a teacher (for a female).

طَبِيب tabib = a doctor (for a male).

طَبِيبَة tabiba = a doctor (for a female).

we just add ( ة ) at the end of the adjective to be for a female.

04-06-2009, 11:11 PM
A simple test :

1 - How to say : This is my brother ,he is a doctor.

2 - How to say : This is my sister ,she is a teacher.

04-12-2009, 11:57 AM
Jazakallah for that, I know the basics, all the above, learned it in madressah. I'm trying to learn the rest now.

04-13-2009, 05:04 PM
جزاك الله الف خير اخي الكريم

اسال الله العلي العظيم ان يرزقنا جميعا الفردوس الاعلى

04-14-2009, 12:53 AM
lets continue
here`s a conversation in Arabic then it`s translation:

الأ ُمُ :هَذَا أَذَنُ الفَجرِ alomo:haza azano alfajr

Mother: This is alfajr azan

الأ َبُ : أ َينَ الأ َولاد؟ alabo:ayna alawlad

Father :Where are the boys

الأ ُمُ : مُحَمَد ِفى الحَمامِِِِِ alomo:mohammed fy alhamam

Mother : Mohammed is in the bathroom

الأ َبُ : وَأ َينَ أحمَد alabo :wa ayna ahmad

Father: And where is Ahmed

الأ ُمُ : أحمَدُ فِى الغُرفَةِ يَقرأ ُ القُرآن alomo: ahmed fy alghorfah yqraa alquan

Mother:Ahmed is in the room reading quran

الأ َبُ : وَ أ َينَ زَينَب؟ alabo :wa ayna zaynab

Father: And where is Zaynab

الأ ُمُ : زَينَب فِى الغُرفَةِ تُصَلِى alomo:zaynab fy alghorfah tosaly

Mother: Zaynab is in the room doing her prayer

الأ َبُ : أ َينَ النَظَارَة يَا مُحَمَد alabo: ayna alnazara ya mohammed

Father: Where is the glasses Mohammed

مُحَمَد : هَذِهِ هِىَ النَظَارَة , يَا أ َبِى mohammed: hazehy heya alnazara ya aby

Mohammed : this is the glasses dad

الأ َبُ : وَأ َينَ المِعطَفُ يَا أحمَد alabo: wa ayna alma`taf ya ahmad

Father:And where is the coat Ahmed

أَحمَد : هَذَا هُوَ المِعطَفُ , يَا أ َبِى ahmad : haza howa alma`taf ya aby

Ahmed:this is the coat dad

الأ َبُ :هَيَا بِنَا إلَى المَسجِد alabo: hya bena ila almasjed

Father: Lets go to the the mosque

مُحَمَد وَأَحمَد : هَيَا بِِنَا mohammed wa ahmad: haya bena

Mohammed and Ahmad : Let`s go

04-14-2009, 01:08 AM
jazakallahu khair sis! this is really useful!

04-14-2009, 01:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by nebula
jazakallahu khair sis! this is really useful!
glad that u find it useful.

here`s the vocablary of the last lesson:

ال=at the beginning of any noun means (the).

الأ ُم=mother.

هَذَا=this ( for males only).

هَذِهِ=this ( for females only).

الأ َب=father.

أ َينَ=where.

الأ َولاد=the boys.


الحَمامِِِِِ =the bathroom.


الغُرفَة=the room.

يَقرأ =reading (it begins with ىَ because he is a male).

تُصَلِى=praying (it begins with ت because she is a female).

النَظَارَة=the glasses (in Arabic we consider it as a female as objests in arabic are either males or females).

يَا =in Arabic we use it when we call some one.

المِعطَف=the coat ( we considere it as a male, most of the words which don`t end with ة are males).

أ َبِى =أ َب+ىِ means my father.

هَيَا بِنَا =lets go.

إلَى =to.

المَسجِد=the mosque.

04-18-2009, 06:08 PM
Peace be with you : السلام عليكم
pronouncing : Alsalamo `alykom.

wish you well : أتمنى أن تكون بخير
Atamana an takona bekhayr.

how are you : كيف حالك ؟
pronouncing :kayfa haloka (if u r talking to a male).
pronouncing :kayfa haloky (if u r talking to a female).

thank you : شكراً
pronouncing : shokran.

greetings : تحياتى
pronouncing : taheyaty.

goodbyes : مع السلامة
pronouncing : ma`a alsalama.

أبو سليمان عمر
04-18-2009, 06:12 PM
Jazakum Allahu Khayr
may Allah reward you all

04-20-2009, 05:21 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by islamlover_girl
A simple test :

1 - How to say : This is my brother ,he is a doctor.

2 - How to say : This is my sister ,she is a teacher.


Please correct me if I am wrong.

This is my brother ,he is a doctor.

هذا اخى هو طبيب

This is my sister ,she is a teacher

هذه اختى هى مدرسة


04-20-2009, 02:25 PM

^sounds right... :)


04-20-2009, 10:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by nightingale

Please correct me if I am wrong.

This is my brother ,he is a doctor.

هذا اخى هو طبيب

This is my sister ,she is a teacher

هذه اختى هى مدرسة

Its correct ma shaa Allah
very good :)

04-21-2009, 02:35 AM
lets learn numbers in Arabic:











احدى عَشَر=11
ehda 3ashr

اثنَى عَشر=12
ethna 3ashr

ثَلاثَةَ عَشَر=13
thalathata 3ashr

أربَعَةَ عَشر=14
arba3ata 3ashr

خَمسَةَ عَشر=15
khamsata 3ashr

سِتََةَ عَشر=16
setata 3ashr

سَبعَةَ عَشر=17
sab3ata 3ashr

ثَمَانِيَةَ عَشر =18
thamanyata 3ashr

تِسعََةَ عَشر=19
tes3ata 3ashr


وَاحِد وَ عِشرون=21
wahed wa 3eshron

from 21 to 99 I just wright the unit then( وَ )which means (and) then the tens
for example 26= سِتَة وَ عِشرون (seta wa 3eshron).
29= تِسعَة وَ عِشرون (tes3a wa 3eshron) ...............................etc.










as I mentioned before :from 21 to 99 I wright the unit then (وَ) then the tens.


57= سَبعَة وَ خَمسون sab3a wa khamson

93= ثَلاثة وتِسعون thalatha wa tes3on

72= اثنان وَسَبعون ethnan wa sab3on

I hope u got it.

a simple test:
how to write : 54 , 24 , 37 in arabic

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