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View Full Version : The next time you admirer...

06-06-2009, 08:56 PM

The next time you admire the wonderful things ALLAH has created remember
You’re one of them
Wonderful inside and out
You’re blessed !
You’re Special!
You’re Loved

Ya Allah:
I ask for Your protection for myself, my family, my friends and
all those who send and receive this Duaa, from all forms of evil and
calamities as well as Your protection to safeguard us all from
punishment of the Qabr and safeguard and protect us from the punishment of Jahannam.

Birth was not our choice....
Death will not be our choice.....
But the way we live our life is our choice,

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06-06-2009, 09:00 PM
Jazakallah khayran , beautiful reminder

06-07-2009, 04:11 AM
JazakiAllahu kheyran sis.
We all need to hear something like this from time to time.


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