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View Full Version : Ashamed

07-27-2009, 07:39 PM

Hope your all well and in the highest of imaan. I don’t want to go into detail but recently I have felt my imaan falling, I don’t know how it started but I have let my nafs overpower me and fallen into shaytans trap. As well as my imaan, my self esteem has gone down to almost zero, and I feel so worthless...

Anyway the last few days I have actively tried to pray on time, and make good intentions for the day but nothing seems to be working. Its as if there’s a barrier between me and being able to do good deeds. I do feel ashamed having to make this post, but I don’t know who else to talk to. I feel incredibly lonely in my journey...I tried to talk to someone last week but she didn’t understand.

The thing is I don’t think I can pick myself up on my own, I need help and support from other people, I need a buddy to check that I am up for Fajr prayers, and to check I’m not wasting my day doing useless things. I feel like I’m falling so deep into this trap that it might be impossible for me to turn back. Ive tried to listen to my favourite lectures and read books...but these seem to have only temporary effects on me.

Please pray for meimsad

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07-27-2009, 08:53 PM
You'll have to find some practising muslim friends for that, I've heard of people ringing eachother in the morning to get up for fajr, but you can always set the alarm then hide it so you'll end up having to get up to turn it off anyway.

07-27-2009, 09:58 PM
Firstly its very comendable that you made the post in you name and not anonymous, well done I imagine it was not easy.
Sometimes sister you just have to slog it out with the shayatin. When Allah created them and commanded they bow to men, they held so little respect for us that they chose hellfire rather than obey Him and show us due respect, now dont tell me you willing to let them beat you now. Sister they are only doing what they bsaid they would and constantly whispering to break your imaan, hell fire is theres not yours, you keep on with namaz because you have been promised Jannah. Allah is watching and even if you feel lost I am 100 percent positive you are not, its a trial and soon you will be looking back and using it to help someone else in the position, except then your imaan will be a beacon that scares the shaytin.
Take some meaning from my signature and hang in there, let us know how your going and dont forget Ramadan is approaching and those sly whisperers will try make it hard for all of us to make us fail, how can they, we belong to Allah the best of planners. Alhamdulillah

07-27-2009, 10:00 PM
Assalam aleykoum,

I was like you many times and like other people, I tried something and it work well.

Its very hard and you have to do it every day, I repeat every single day.

I tell you what I did you will understand, what I am doing is to starve my NAFSS inside me :

1) I stoped watching bad things on TV

2) I stopped watching girls in street

3) I stopped talking about people, because when you are talking about people you are DEVIL's friend

4) I stopped lying

5) the best you can not imagine its to do DIKR, you stay in your room and for hours you do DIKR

What I want to tell you, its avoid all bad things forbiden by Allah SWT, its like you are washing yourself deeptly inside.

When I have done that beleive me I was crying automatically, its like by doing that steep by steep you can reach Allah SWT, I do not knwo how to explain its I felt things that I never felt before.

I use to do many things, I do not want to say but its about DOUNIA, now with that behaviour, reading Quran, its not just reading it its trying to understand what Allah SWT wants to say in all the SOURATE. Its like you are looking for god.

After all that do you know what, this world for me worth nothing, I am always afraid when I will die and be in front of Allah SWT, what I will say in judgment day, I have done nothing in my life for Allah SWT, I have spent many years losing my time.

I ask Allah SWT to guide you and guide us my brother, do you know its a everyday fight agains bad things of this DOUNIA.

Ask Allah to forgive us, because we are like foreigners in this world, we are the previous generations ???

Assalam aleykoum sisters and brothers.

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07-27-2009, 10:11 PM
Assalamu alaykum sis,

I agree with Br. Tony. I like the fact you trusted your brothers and sisters in islam enough, not to post anonymously. To me it shows you have a clean heart. MashaAllah. As for your imaan going down, sis it's bound to happen sometime. Can you believe after an incredibly amazing last ramadan, my imaan totally bombed. It stayed down for some time but I accepted it would pass and hamdulillah it did. You know yourself this phase will pass inshaAllah. Keep making duaa and fulfilling your religious obligations as much as you can. The more you panic the more of a burden the deen will feel and the further you will go from it. Accept we are weak and keep asking Allah to help you to increase your imaan. InshaAllah, you will be smiling again soon. Ameen : )

07-28-2009, 05:58 AM
Salam ,

i am having similiar problems too .. i am trying hard too :( .. i many a time miss prayer because iam out of my room or iam sleeping ( fazr ).So , we are in kinda same situation.
what time zone are you in? may be we can make sure that we pray on time :)

07-28-2009, 07:06 AM
In addition to everyone else's great advice, I suggest that you do dua' to Allah that He enables you to become more righteous, pray on time, etc. Because nothing can happen without Allah's help and I've seen that doing dua' really does make a difference.

07-28-2009, 07:15 AM
:( aww... ukhtee.

At least you're trying your best to be better.

I'm doing useless things too and not managing my time well :(...and i'm not trying hard to change. At least you do...

May Allah protect us from falling into category of people that waste alot of time and laziness. May Allah put us among the hardworking people and learning things that benefit us in this world and hereafter... InshaAllah. Ameen.

- IqRa -
07-28-2009, 08:23 AM
May Allaah guide you to the straight path and keep you on that path, Ameen.

07-28-2009, 11:12 AM
Assalam Aleykoum sisters and brothers,

I have very big advice for everyone of you, you have to keep it in mind all your life.

If you you want Allah SWT to be happy with you, you have to avoid doing all what allah SWT prohibited, small and big things but.

I have to give you three things that in all your life you have't to do it, we have to pay attention to :

1) Jealousy

2) Pride

3) hypocritical

I am warning you sisters and brothers about those 3 things above, we had all of us such behaviour, now we know it we have to fight agaisnt it, with help of Allah SWT.

AS said our brother aadil77, you have to find muslims friend and stay with them, and insh'Allah that can help.

Becareful because even a muslim can have those charateristic, we are all human, we are not angels or prophetes.

As i said above, if I can add a 4TH its talking about somebody, if your family or friensd or collaegues are talking about people, do not stay with them or you have to chang the discution.

With those behaviours you are like in darkness with SHYTTAN, DEVIL, DIABLO, DIABLE, ask Allah swt to protect us and forgive us, guide us in the right path, Amine.

Assalam aleykoum, sisters and brothers.

Tanya Khan
07-28-2009, 12:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
May Allah protect us from falling into category of people that waste alot of time and laziness. May Allah put us among the hardworking people and learning things that benefit us in this world and hereafter... InshaAllah. Ameen.

07-28-2009, 12:12 PM

I would advise u to fast, for it is like a boost which liberates us from any hold the shaytaan has over us. It is like what a bath does to u when u are smelly n dirty and don't feel like doing anything. It freshens you n brings u to life. You feel purified when ur in a state of fasting. Any anxiety and depression is replaced by happiness. It motivates u, making it easy to perform acts of Ibaadah. It is like a spiritual recharge, for feeding the soul is in starving the body. Fasting shields you from sins, strengthens your Eemaan and brings you closer to Allaah. You feel sensational when u are fasting. Even your du'aa is accepted more when u are fasting. When u are in a rut and can't get up, fasting is the way out. Fasting is amaaaaaaazing ! :wub:

07-28-2009, 12:22 PM
Assalam Aleykoum,

I have another way to corect ourselves :

What we have to do its before we sleep, we have to judge our day, we have to think what we have done :

1) I prayed in time

2) I respected my parents, relatives, cousin, freinds, people, flowers, grass, tree, animals, all God creations

3) I lied

4) I aws arogant

5) Pride

6) hypocritical

7) I talked behind people

8) I done any DIKR or not

9) Read some even a verse of the Quran

What I want to say before Allah SWT judge us we have to judge ourselves in every day life, correcting our bad beahviour with Help of Allah SWT, Amine.


Allah SWT forgive us and guide us in the right path, Amine.

Assalam Aleykoum Sisters and brothers.

07-28-2009, 12:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender

I would advise u to fast, for it is like a boost which liberates us from any hold the shaytaan has over us. It is like what a bath does to u when u are smelly n dirty and don't feel like doing anything. It freshens you n brings u to life. You feel purified when ur in a state of fasting. Any anxiety and depression is replaced by happiness. It motivates u, making it easy to perform acts of Ibaadah. It is like a spiritual recharge, for feeding the soul is in starving the body. Fasting shields you from sins, strengthens your Eemaan and brings you closer to Allaah. You feel sensational when u are fasting. Even your du'aa is accepted more when u are fasting. When u are in a rut and can't get up, fasting is the way out. Fasting is amaaaaaaazing ! :wub:

Assalam aleykoum my brother,

You are totally right fasten its important, I will fast tomorrow insha'Allah.

It's true when you say that starve the body and can fedd our soul, all Prophets use to fasten.

Assalam aleykoum my brother thank you for that very important advice, god bless you.

Assalam aleykoum sisters and brothers, Allah SWT forgive us and guide us in the right path, Amine.

07-28-2009, 01:31 PM
i especially like the calmness i feel when i fast :)

08-28-2009, 06:08 PM

JazakAllahu Khair to everyone who replied. To be honest I wasnt sure if anyone would reply and regretted making the thread as soon as I clicked submit. I felt too shy to return to the thread for a while afterwards :$

Alhamdullilah your words really mean alot to me and the practical advice has been very helpful. For sure the hunger that we experience when we are fasting purifies us and makes us realise how much we need Allah swt in our lives. I pray that Allah swt brings us all closer to him this ramadhan... Ameen.


08-28-2009, 06:18 PM
assalamu alaikum

sis this is normal

you should expect this struggle !

shaytans hitting you, and his hitting you hard!


08-28-2009, 06:50 PM
Well shaytan is currently locked up lol. Thats why I feel hopeful during ramadhan...the test will be after ramadhan. May Allah swt make it easy on us Ameen

08-28-2009, 06:55 PM

shaytan maybe locked up but his teachings - his whispers - his influence lingers on within us

and thats what we must STILL fight !

08-28-2009, 09:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by peãrl

JazakAllahu Khair to everyone who replied. To be honest I wasnt sure if anyone would reply and regretted making the thread as soon as I clicked submit. I felt too shy to return to the thread for a while afterwards :$

Alhamdullilah your words really mean alot to me and the practical advice has been very helpful. For sure the hunger that we experience when we are fasting purifies us and makes us realise how much we need Allah swt in our lives. I pray that Allah swt brings us all closer to him this ramadhan... Ameen.


How are you doing now sister?

cat eyes
08-28-2009, 10:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by peãrl

Hope your all well and in the highest of imaan. I don’t want to go into detail but recently I have felt my imaan falling, I don’t know how it started but I have let my nafs overpower me and fallen into shaytans trap. As well as my imaan, my self esteem has gone down to almost zero, and I feel so worthless...

Anyway the last few days I have actively tried to pray on time, and make good intentions for the day but nothing seems to be working. Its as if there’s a barrier between me and being able to do good deeds. I do feel ashamed having to make this post, but I don’t know who else to talk to. I feel incredibly lonely in my journey...I tried to talk to someone last week but she didn’t understand.

The thing is I don’t think I can pick myself up on my own, I need help and support from other people, I need a buddy to check that I am up for Fajr prayers, and to check I’m not wasting my day doing useless things. I feel like I’m falling so deep into this trap that it might be impossible for me to turn back. Ive tried to listen to my favourite lectures and read books...but these seem to have only temporary effects on me.

Please pray for meimsad
salaam sis it happens with every muslim trust me... its that shaytaan! he wants to pull the faithful servants down. our weapon against him my sweety is to PRAY when we get these feelings of doubt :statisfie
trust me its the best weapon. the jihad comes against shaytaan when your feeling lazy for prayer, you have to fight to finish that laziness and push yourself as much as you can to get up from that comfy bed your in or that comfortable sofa. of Allah sees your fighting te shaytaan.. he will make your path easy for you of course with patience. ramadhan mubarek:)

08-28-2009, 11:02 PM

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. May He bestow His peace and blessings on His messenger, Muhammad, his family, Companions, and all of those who follow them sincerely.

:sl: Sister Peal,

It happened to me and others, I was down feeling and disappointed but my heart is always straight to Allah. Be patience, keep going to pray everyday. I get better and better when I read Qur'an every night myself and communicated with Almighty Allah (SWT). If you feel like no response from Him, it will definitely answer your prayer anytime when you don't know or see. I noticed it, Insha'Allah! :statisfie

Don't give up your hope!

Allah is always closer to you than your vain and He hears and knows everything.

"And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me." (2:186)

"It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein. (50:16)

"Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from Allah; But whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul." (4:79)

Be Positive, Be Strong, Be Secure, And Read Prayer daily.

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