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07-29-2009, 03:51 PM
I cannot express how it feels to now be a Muslim. There is just too much good feelings and not any words do i know to describe it. I am grateful for everyone who helped me come this far with the answrs to questions and advice.

Allahu Akbar! :happy:

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07-29-2009, 03:54 PM
Subhanallah! Mabrook! Mabrook!

07-29-2009, 03:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by love_quran
I cannot express how it feels to now be a Muslim. There is just too much good feelings and not any words do i know to describe it. I am grateful for everyone who helped me come this far with the answrs to questions and advice.

Allahu Akbar! :happy:
Allahu Akbar!

Gj bro. May Allah reward you for your faith and perseverance.

07-29-2009, 03:58 PM
mashallah congratulations!:D:D:Dyou just embraced islam bro?alf mabrook!

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Mysterious Uk
07-29-2009, 03:59 PM

Muslim Woman
07-29-2009, 04:21 PM

MashaAllah , what a good news :)

PL. make some time to write the full story . U know , you are totally sinless now ; not only that your sins will now transfer in to good deeds , how lucky you are , Alhamdulillah.:D

07-29-2009, 04:30 PM
^yeah please share with us the story why and how did you embrace islam.

07-29-2009, 04:59 PM
:):):):):) yaay!

07-29-2009, 05:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Woman

MashaAllah , what a good news :)

PL. make some time to write the full story . U know , you are totally sinless now ; not only that your sins will now transfer in to good deeds , how lucky you are , Alhamdulillah.:D
Thank you, Insha Allah I will share it. However, it will take time as Allah(swt) has taken me on a looong Journey to find his Truth!

I will start my story in my next post and willl add to it as i have time, through edits.

PS. My wife asked me at what age can one no longer become Muslim. I told her i didnt think there was an age one could not enter in but i would sure appreciate an "official" answer.

07-29-2009, 05:08 PM
Mabrook! Congratulations!

07-29-2009, 05:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by love_quran
PS. My wife asked me at what age can one no longer become Muslim. I told her i didnt think there was an age one could not enter in but i would sure appreciate an "official" answer.

You can become Muslim at any age. Here is a video of a 85 year old convert :shade:


'Abd-al Latif
07-29-2009, 05:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by love_quran
I cannot express how it feels to now be a Muslim. There is just too much good feelings and not any words do i know to describe it. I am grateful for everyone who helped me come this far with the answrs to questions and advice.

Allahu Akbar! :happy:

Welcome to the family ya aakhee!

07-29-2009, 05:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by love_quran
I cannot express how it feels to now be a Muslim. There is just too much good feelings and not any words do i know to describe it. I am grateful for everyone who helped me come this far with the answrs to questions and advice.

Allahu Akbar! :happy:
Masha'Allah Great news.. a huge welcome to the ummah.

07-29-2009, 06:01 PM
My Journey into Islam.

When i was about a year old I first became aware (or recieved a clear sign) that there was a God cared about me...

I remember my dad getting ready to give me my first hair cut and how big the scissors were to me. I got scared ,for some reason, that those big sharp blades would be used to cut off my ears. My father noticed I was not liking thoe scissors near me and told me: "I promise if you will hold still You will not be cut(by the scissors)." I then relaxed and believed my dad and he began to cut my hair. I remember him starting to cut and it going alright. Then he actually cut/nicked my ear with the scissors! I couldnt believe it! I was so disillusioned and shocked he had broken his promise! My parents were (and are) Christian and i guess i had heard them pray. Or it could be i instinctively knew Allah existed. In either case, I recall praying: "God, please heal my wound" I prayed this in my thoughts, not really knowing how to speak. (not sure how i could understood to pray from my parents <shrug>) While I was praying I was holding a small toy near the wound. when i looked on my shoulder where the blood has been pouring onto i saw nothing, even the pain had gone and there was no feeling in the ear that a wound had ever existed. (even now there is no scar i have been able to find and I have looked very hard for it ever since i can remember) When my dad returned from going to find a bandaid he looked dumbfounded as he saw no signs of the wound that had been inflicted.

At the exact moment i had lost faith in the love and trustworthiness of human beings Allah(swt) showed me His trustworthiness and Love.

This experience forged in me a faith that has driven me to seek God and his ways ever since.

My parents brought me up christian. I do not remember the chuches we went to before i was seven. When i was about seven my dad took me "church visiting) every sunday to find a church for the family. I ended up picking out with him a methodist church because the way the pastor there talked to the kids and gave them a good moral lesson before going to sunday school.

At the time I felt good about that and was very happy to recieve my first bible a few years later and be confirmed at age 16 into the church. Some time after getting my first bible and reading it regularly I made my first complete reading of the bible in a single day. a few years after this i repeated "the feat". And i felt during these reading and every time after that God was near me.

Later, when we mved to Massachusetts I remember not feeling good about the church we were going to. In act i can actually remember feeling some of this before we left New York, about the Methodist Church, however the feeling was not as stron as it was when going to the new church. Somethig didnt make sense.

I remember picking up a magazine back then that talked about the paganism in christianity. The organization that published it was another christian church. While i did feel they were accurate in pointing out these paganic aspects of christianity; i did not believe their particulaqr church was the truth either. However, when i did move to Albany i brought with me a copy of this magazine and a couple of their free pamphlets so i would have something to remind me of what falsehoods to look for in other churches i might consider joining.....

Second Installment

When I moved to Albany I became independant from my parents and decided that i need to begin in greater earnest to find the True Path God had made for mankind to follow. No longer was i hindered by the concern of offending my parents in making religious choices. I definitely believed that God loves his children(mankind) and He would not leave them without direction in this life.

However i do believe i became over prideful on my belief that right away i would find this truth. Call it the arrogance of youth as you will, but i thought it would be easy to find God's truth right away. I believe the result of this immature attitude was the very reason Allah allowed me to go through the trials i went through in seeking Him.

I was about 22 years old when the following took place.

[I]I was up late one night and saw a commercial for the LDS church. It spoke alot about "restored truth" and a "free book". One of my weaknesses was for anything free. Also the driving force of my life was in seeking after God's Truth whatever form that might be. I called their toll free number for the free book(they did not say in the commercials back then it would be delivered by missionaries/representatives of their church). About two weeks later I found at my door two young men dressed in suits in ties were sent to deliver this book. I quickly grabbed it from them and thanked them and started to shut the door. They asked :"Can we tell you about the book?". This halted me a moment ... what if this book was God's own truth and i was about to shut the door on learning something about it from those who represent Him? I let the two well groomed strangers in my door and they introduced themselves and they started (unknown to me) a serioes of 6 lectures on their religion. I hadnt realized i had just let in the beginning of one of the biggest trials of my life.

To cut a long story short... suffice it to say i became a member of their church and spent most of my time actively preaching thier "restored truth". I was such a believer because i arrogantly thought "Why would god allow _me_ to have a hard time finding His truth"? I spent about twelve years ardently believing, but Allah hadnt left me behind. After all these years of preaching the book of mormon and Joe Smith I began to realize there were some huge inconsistancies in beliefs. It seemed at one point one of their "prophets" would reveal something and later on when it became either a politically incorrect view or one that seemed silly to the current "prophet and quorum of twelve" they outright denopunced it or changed the wording of the book of mormon to make it seem impossible it was ever believed by them. Allah was guiding me to a realization that took me two more years to act on so prideful was I.

When i finally got passed my pride and recognized God's loving hand of correction in showing me the falsehood that is mormonism I immediately went to my "bishop" and toldf him in no uncertain terms that I wished no further involvement in the church and no further representatives of the church to be sent to my home. Frankly he was dumbstruck by my eagerness to leave. He attempted to reclaim me into the flock by the same strategems they hqad taught me to use during my preaching duties for that church. I recognized immediately what he was doing and left the building... I wasnt going to let anyone keep me from doing what God had showed me to do.

For a while after leaving i was doing pretty good. I no longer read LDS materials of any kind. I even got a new "non denominational" Bible and a few other free christian books on Jesus etc. But after a few months i realized i was basically in the same boat i was in before i became mormon. I still didnt know where God's truth was. I became a little depressed ...I had been fooled before. Even my own emotions and throuight had misled me. I had been manipulated like a puppet into the wrong faith and it really hurt. I didnt know how I could ever find God's truth again...espescially after spending so many years leading others astray along with me. I felt hopeless.

Third Installment

This was a time in a life where i felt both scared and and scarred. I recognized deeply i could not depend on material or "emotional" senses for accurate help in discerning truth. Manipulation of thought processes was one aspect of mormonism that became clearer the closer I got to discovering it's falsehood. I would never again allow someone to manipulate me into belief in anything again. I was wary of entering another "group think" type of religion (often called by many cults).

Yes of Course the truth I had been seeking all my life would certainly have to have certain standards all believers would be reconized by their possesing or striving to live. But a necessary function of truth is the ability of Believers to come to recognize it on their own without pressure be it peer or otherwise.

Eventually the difficulty i was experiencing, in a void of almost non-faith, drove me to seek a place, so to speak, for free spiritual growth without pressures of performance or "big brother" looking over my shoulder to see if i was "living the truth".

During my time in Mormonism I had been tempted away (so to speak) by certain older religions i had recieved fractional exposure to through tarot cards, myth books i read as a child, and other aspects of western education which attempt to make a person more well rounded (and also, to some extent overwhelm, with the freedom to choose ones beliefs as one is wont).

I spent a couple of months buying copies of a few books/kits on divination, occult theosophy, and polytheist beliefs. I spent time in at least four distinct pagan belief sytems....nat actually in group settings so much (though i did talk to other pagans through the internet that were engaged in a life dedicated to that particular pagan belief i was researching at the time.

Eventually i discoverd no satisfaction in any pagan religious system and began losing hope in the idea that Christianity had obscured some vital truth the pagans had all along before the christians wiped paganism off the map. . The groups of pagans i associated with considered themselves basically neo-pagans or reconstructionist pagans. I began constructing, if you will, my own "unique" pagan worship system::cry:embarrass!

07-29-2009, 06:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by rk9414

You can become Muslim at any age. Here is a video of a 85 year old convert :shade:

Thank you!. Now i can tell my wife!

07-29-2009, 06:08 PM
Masha Allah bro!!! Masha Allah! Mabrook! May Allah bless you, Ameen!

07-29-2009, 06:18 PM
Alhumdillah (Praise Allah swt),Also if you would like a site that explains islamic Arabic words then go here:inshAllah


07-29-2009, 06:26 PM
You don't even know how happy hearing this makes me. May Allah bless you, your wife, and the rest of your family, brother. May Allah guide us all to al sirat al mustaqeem.

07-29-2009, 06:30 PM
Congrats, good luck in your journey of Islam.

07-29-2009, 07:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by crayon
May Allah bless you, your wife, and the rest of your family, brother. May Allah guide us all to al sirat al mustaqeem.
Ameen!!! You're now sinless :) :) MABROOK!!!

07-29-2009, 07:55 PM
May Allah bless u brother
I pray that Allah, The Most Merciful blesses u with strong imaan, and sincerity and piety
may Allah make it easy for u

07-29-2009, 08:00 PM
mashAllah, congratulations! aww :)

07-29-2009, 09:10 PM

07-29-2009, 10:58 PM

Allah Akbar.. Allah Akbar.. Allah Akbar

Proud of Islam
07-29-2009, 11:13 PM
Allaho Akbar! Congratulations..

Actually I was very happy when I read your nice news and so I wrote for you a long reply, but then I preferred to say it for all new Muslims ^^
You can find it here:

And about your question:

format_quote Originally Posted by love_quran
PS. My wife asked me at what age can one no longer become Muslim. I told her i didnt think there was an age one could not enter in but i would sure appreciate an "official" answer.

Since you requested an "official" answer, I’ll answer it in details..

Islam is accepted from people at ANY age(as you told your wife, but IF they believe on it during the life..
I’ll tell you what I mean, but here I am talking about both becoming Muslim or repentance from sins..
They will not be accepted only in two conditions:

1) When a person dies, he/she will see the angle of death (Izraeel peace be upon him) who will take out his/her soul. In this moment, all people will realize that the truth is in Islam. However, being Muslim at this last moment will not be accepted..
Allah says in the holy Quran:
[4:18] Not acceptable is the repentance of those who commit sins until death comes to them, then say, "Now I repent." Nor is it acceptable from those who die as disbelievers. For these, we have prepared a painful retribution.

Also, the Prophet Mohammad said what means that: Allah (glorious and exalted is He) accepts the repentance if the person is not gargling.
What the prophet (pbuh) meant here is the moment of taking the soul out because the angle of death takes it out from the gorge, so the person then gargles..

2) After the life finishes, there will be the Day of Judgment (Al Qeyama day), and then each one will be either in the paradise or the hell. The last sign that evidence that the life is finishing and the Day of Judgment is starting is that the sun will rise from the west instead of rising from the east as usual. In this moment, all people who still alive in the earth will believe in Islam since they saw what Allah promised, and how He is powerful; however, their belief in this last moment will not be accepted..
Allah says:
[6:158] Are they waiting for the angels to come to them, or your Lord, or some physical manifestations of your Lord? The day this happens, no soul will benefit from believing if it did not believe before that, and did not reap the benefits of belief by leading a righteous life. Say, "Keep on waiting; we too are waiting."

About the physical manifestations, the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) explained it when he said what means that: the Day of Judgment (Al Sa’a) will happen just after the sun rises from the west. And when people see that, all of them will become believers, but it’s a moment when they will not benefit from this belief..


ALL people from all religions will become believers whatever their original religions are, because they will see the truth by themselves. But it is too late to be accepted!

You know, if we think about it, Allah is fair because Muslim people with good deeds will not be equaled to those who did very bad actions during their lives and then believe at the last moment..

However, if we also think about it, Allah is very merciful as well because he accepts people who become Muslims or repent from their sins at any time, any age, and whatever bad thing they did previously will be replaced by favours (hasanaat) in the book of their deeds..

Hadith Qudsi:
Allah the Almighty said:
O My servants, you sin by night and by day, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness of Me and I shall forgive you.

Allah the Almighty said:
O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great at it.

From these words we can see how merciful Allah is & know that He accepts any new Muslim at any time at any age, and he forgives any sin if we ask truly. But he is also fair, nothing will be accepted when the soul going out or the Day of Judgment starts..

May Allah mercy us in these two situations..
May Allah forgive our sins..
May Allah bless you in your new & nice life in Islam..

Hope You get my points..

& congratulations again for being Muslim..

By the way, I liked your username very much..

Don’t forget to read my thread for all new Muslims ^^


Longing for the Paradise (Al-Jannah) where the endless happiness…

07-29-2009, 11:38 PM
Allahu Akbar!

Congrats, I hope in time you become a stronger and more knowledgable muslim

07-29-2009, 11:44 PM

07-30-2009, 10:22 AM
I am soo happy for you!

- IqRa -
07-30-2009, 11:00 AM

07-30-2009, 11:04 AM
Well done you!!!! Congratssss :D,and please do post the rest of the story, would love to read the rest.

07-30-2009, 11:29 AM

Mabrook brother. Welcome to the religion of peace

07-30-2009, 12:00 PM
Might Allah guide you, inshaAllah, i have a friend of mine who convert to Islamic. MashaAllah i have a best friend who want to be a muslim for a better life.

07-30-2009, 01:37 PM

congrats - welcome to Islam

May Allah bless you and keep guiding you


08-06-2009, 02:55 PM
Thank you all! Please know i have added the next part of my journey into Islam on the same post I initially started it on. If i have more time today Inshallah I shall add to it.

08-06-2009, 08:53 PM
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil A'alameen

Congratulations on coming to the right path! You would have felt that the Islamic way of life will be too hard to live or its with many complications.
But its not right? Its EASY and beautiful.

Step One Foot Towards Allah and he will run towards you!
Go Ahead.Learn the basics.
The 5 pillars; Shahadah(which you have done; Reading with heart, "La Ilaha Illallah" There is no god but Allah), Prayer(which you have to perform regularly of 5 times), Zakah(Charity), Fasting(Abstaining from food for the sake of Allah), Hajj(An event when we praise Allah and when the devil is locked.Its held in Makkah.)

08-06-2009, 09:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by love_quran
I cannot express how it feels to now be a Muslim. There is just too much good feelings and not any words do i know to describe it. I am grateful for everyone who helped me come this far with the answrs to questions and advice.

Allahu Akbar! :happy:
My brother.now that you are a muslim you have jannah.The second you recite teh kalimah allyour sins are forgivin. If you say la ilaa illAllah 100x daily then ur face on the day of qyima will be glowing like the 14(lunar year) moon.

Now that you are new, you must be careful where you get your info from liek avoid going to sites, i just joined this myself so i dont know if its agianst islam or with(allot of sites under muslim names are actually kofirs misguiding low eiman or new muslims).If you got eny questions hit me up at [email address removed] and always comfirm stuff by a scholar or jus ask me:P may allah guide u.


08-08-2009, 01:18 AM
welcome to islam my Brother
Now you are my Brother in islam
iam so Happy when i know thes Great news
Really i want to tell many things but my English not helping me
but iam toooooooo happy for you

mashallah Tabark allah


08-08-2009, 07:38 AM
Alhamdulillah¨, Mabrook!

08-08-2009, 10:21 AM
Thank you Brother "love_quran" for becoming one of us. You are really a great man because you decided to be a muslim today when muslims are attacked and rejected everywhere by non-muslims, this shows the strength of your faith. So congratulations ! and you will find that muslims are like you a very kind people who love each other just for the sake of Allah.

08-08-2009, 03:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by love_quran
I cannot express how it feels to now be a Muslim. There is just too much good feelings and not any words do i know to describe it. I am grateful for everyone who helped me come this far with the answrs to questions and advice.

Allahu Akbar! :happy:
Hi love quran

I have followed your faith journey with great interest.
I pray and hope that God will continue to guide you and keep you and yours. :)


08-08-2009, 07:01 PM
MashaAllah this is great news.

Welcome to Islam Brother :)

08-14-2009, 04:43 PM
Congrats, brother!

You are very lucky that Allah has opened your heart and provides you with hidayah.
May you always increase in taqwa!

08-14-2009, 05:00 PM
MasahAllah :) Congratulation

welcome back brother to your original faith

May Allah keep you on the right path

08-14-2009, 05:39 PM
congrats - welcome to Islam

May Allah bless you and keep guiding you :)

08-14-2009, 05:51 PM

Assalamualaikkum Brother :)

08-14-2009, 06:38 PM
Mashallah. May Allah (swt) always be with you.

Al Ansari
08-14-2009, 07:20 PM
as salaamu 'alaikum brother,

Mash'Allaah!!! Welcome to Islaam. Allaah has chosen you--you should feel wonderful. You will benefit from Islaam, insh'Allaah.

Take it gradual brother. Do not try to learn too much at once.

May Allaah keep you and us on the straight path. Allaahumma ameen.

08-15-2009, 03:02 PM
MashaAllaah, welcome to Islaam :)

Nazia Ansari
08-15-2009, 03:20 PM
MASHALLAH. I pray that Allah (SWT) will always guide u toward doing the righteous things in life. Hope that Islam will be a fulfilling experience and journey. Islam is beautiful.

08-21-2009, 07:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by love_quran
I cannot express how it feels to now be a Muslim. There is just too much good feelings and not any words do i know to describe it. I am grateful for everyone who helped me come this far with the answrs to questions and advice.

Allahu Akbar! :happy:
subhanallaah... allaahu akbar...

you are now like a new-born-baby.... sinless
so, keep yourself clean... my brother... as clean as you can...
just focus to Allah...

what a happy i am just to know that i've got new brother in this world :)

08-21-2009, 07:36 AM

mashallah..brother in islam may allah reward you nd blesss you always. Mabruk! :D:D

08-23-2009, 08:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by love_quran
I cannot express how it feels to now be a Muslim. There is just too much good feelings and not any words do i know to describe it. I am grateful for everyone who helped me come this far with the answrs to questions and advice.

Allahu Akbar! :happy:
Asalamalaikum brother..hope you have a beneficial stay at IB..:)

cat eyes
08-23-2009, 09:41 PM
Mashallaah congratulations :statisfie and may Allah make your path easy for you always ameen

08-24-2009, 03:31 AM
Assalamu Alaykum!! :D

08-24-2009, 03:38 AM
Wonderful, and congrats. :)

- IqRa -
08-24-2009, 07:41 AM
Ameen to all dua's on this thread.

May Allaah grant you Jannah tul Firdous, Ameen.

08-24-2009, 05:34 PM
mashallah thats is amazing news.
can i ask you or any other members here for any good books that would be useful fro me to give to people considering looking in to islam?
thank you

08-24-2009, 05:36 PM
Islam in Focus^^^

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