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08-17-2009, 10:45 AM
As salamu alayk brothers and sisters, i thought it would be beneficial for us to see what a taweez looks like so we can avoid them and warn others against this shirki phenomenon.


The first two pictures are of a taweez i confiscated from a Pakistani "brother" (he was brailvi) who came to have cupping done. Only when i started cupping his back did i notice he had a taweez on, so i asked him where he got it from....

He claimed the taweez was given to him by a HUGE shiekh in India.
(Rather it was a "shiekh" who works with huge shaytaan!!)

He was complaining of pains in his left leg (thigh)- there was no medical reason.... he didn't come back for ruqya (because he realized i was *******)- but i had a strong feeling it was a jinn that was settled in his leg, sometimes referred to as "partial possession".

Taweez 1 (FROM INDIA)






* Ruqya water= Water that has had selected verses of the Qur'an recited and dry-spat in to.


The next three pictures are of taweez that was given to me by a relative. They were from Bangladesh. She only came to me because my sister mentioned that i do exorcism and she said "I see white whispery, Casper like figures in front of my eyes..." (either real external jinns taking form of fog, or a illusion caused by the jinns)

So she was definitely possessed, i wouldn't be surprised if she had black magic done on the couple.

Her husband got a taweez 2 weeks ago (thinking it would make them love each other more) and since then they have been fighting and bickering for no apparent reason.

But no one can create love between husband and wife except Allah (swt)!!! (Surah Rum 30:21) How shaytaan deludes people!! they should have attended Fiqh of Love seminar.

He sees nightmares of being chased. (A sign of possession)

I found out from my wife that the same woman has had a miscarriage.... can be caused by jinn.

So thier problems only increased because they chose to commit shirk with Allah (swt) in the hope of getting a "quick fix solution"!!

That family didn't come for any ruqya, but i met this relative a few weeks later after getting rid of the taweez in a proper manner and she said "I feel so much better, like a burden that has been taken off me"

Alhamdulila hi Rabil A'lameen!!






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08-25-2009, 12:42 PM
:o so there's a certain method that 1 has to follow when disposing of the taweez, you can't just throw it in the bin cos the affects will still carry on??

08-25-2009, 12:47 PM
woah O_o .. never knew there were people who were such experts at black magic :(

08-25-2009, 04:39 PM
La hawlawala quwwata illa billah, I hate this kind of talisman thing. It's syirk. We should rely only in Allah SWT, not talisman. In my country too there are people doing this including my father in our time of ignorance. My mother had smashed the talisman with a "parang" two years ago when she founds that in my father closet and later threw it into thrash can.

I don't know whether it can affect anything??? My father had met "shaman" when he worked in a state in my country where people there frequently "poisoning" people using black magic (syaithan), he's not a religious person.

Don't perform this syirk borthers and sisters, please...

Talisman in my country look like this... I thought there's no black magic anymore in India and Pakistan... They look almost similar to each other...

Black magic to harm people... Laa Ilaaha Illallah!!!


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08-25-2009, 08:21 PM
May Allah save us from all these kinds of shirk :(

08-27-2009, 03:55 PM
isn't taweez meant to be verses of da quran written on a piece of paper by imans and given to put around the afflicted area i.e where da pain is like arm, neck to the person

once this iman gave me this taweez to put around my neck said that i had sum jinn around me thats y i got these chest pain and said dat the other taweez he'll have to bury in the graveyard so that that jinn stay upto the point where he buried the taweez and wont bother me.........when he told me that i thought it was kinda weird neva heard anything like that

please reply

08-27-2009, 10:08 PM
all this is shirk. 99% of taweez is shirk not Quran.

08-27-2009, 10:09 PM
Do you have to be a specialist to get rid of taweez?

Who so ever fears the Creator Allah, everything in the creation fears him (the slave of Allah).

So no. You do not have to be a specialist of any sort.

Just have taqwa of Allah.

If you want to dispose of the taweez, it is better for a male, member of the family who is practising to dispose of it.

How to dispose of a taweez properly

1. The precautions one needs to take is to have prayed fajr in the morning, and make the adkhaar-
Only attempt to dismantle a taweez if you have prayer fajr and made adhkaar after (specifically 4th kalima x100 La ilha illallahu wah da hu la sharika la lahul mulku walahul hamdu wa huwa ala kulli shayin Qadeer)

2. Make wudu, read ayat al kursi.

3. Make ruqya water*

4. Pour the water into an ice cream tub or container.

5. Now you can begin to remove the item from its locket, leather case etc.

6. Make sure you collect everything- including the case, sting, wax and keep it all to soak together in ruqya water.

7. As your opening the taweez read last two quls and blow on it. Most taweez will be covered in a plastic wrapper, or sellotape. Take it out carefully. Untie the knots in the string or cut them.

Once you have taken out the taweez from the packet, or locket, or wax sealed case, etc... don't waste time reading it and studying it, look at it breifly (if you must) then bismillah and tear it, and put EVERYTHING into the ruqya water.

The thread, strings, paper, plastic, wax, metal, every last bit of the taweez.

8. Dont waste time trying to read it and understanding it, just soak it, making sure its completely submerged.

9. Close the lid saying bismillah

10. Place the container away from the house for a day or two. Then open the lid, throw away the content of it and the opened container into a flowing river, stream, canal etc.

If Allah Wills this will invalidate the taweez.

Allah Knows Best

*How To Make Ruqya Water

1. Fill a container or bucket with normal tap or spring water or zamzam water (max recommended size is 5 liters) but not right to the top, but leave some space empty for air (approx. 5cm).

2. Make sincere intention to recite ruqya to treat, jinn possession, magic, evil eye, health problem.

3. Recite the following verses or any verses that you know by heart.

A'uzubillahi minash shaytanir rajeem
Proctive dua from sunnah (optional)
Surah Fatiha x7
2:102 (to treat black magic) x7
7:117-119 (to treat black magic) x7
10:81-82 (to treat black magic) x7
20:65-69 (to treat black magic) x7
Surah Yaseen 36 (Optional)
Surah Dukhaan 44 (optional)

After reading each surah or set of verses (eg. 10:81-82) dry spit lightly into the water.

The water can be used to drink, or bath in. Some classical scholars like Abdullah ibn Mubarak recommended adding 7 louts leaves (sidr in arabic) for magic

Allah Knows Best

08-27-2009, 11:15 PM
^ wow jazakallah khair for that information akhi incredibly helpfull.

The bit about the intention was interesting, if you don't make the intention to harm the jinn will it not have any effect?

I ask because I know some 1 who has a jinn and they're able to attend the masjid and pray salat and listen to the imam reciting Qur'an. But it doesn't seem to have any effect on the person who is possessed, is this because there was no intention to harm the jinn?

Also, when playing ruqya cds do you have to have the intention of harming the jinn before you play the ruqya cd.

If you don't have the intention to harm the jinn by playing the ruqya cd will it not have any effect upon the possessed person?

08-27-2009, 11:57 PM
The effect will be more.

The most effective intention is the one for the Sake of Allah (swt).

Then there are intentions less than that- eg. punishing the jinn.

but ultimately all effects are from Allah (swt).

08-28-2009, 12:00 AM
Barak Allah fi kum

08-31-2009, 12:20 PM
Dear Abu Musaab,

The first Taweez that you displayed is not a demonic or jinni conjuration. It is something that is made by ignorant people thinking that it will protect. It has nothing on it except the names of the four angels, the four khalifat Al-Rashidoon, and the names of Adam, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, and the center Mohamed. Other than that just La Ilaha Illa Allah.

Of course it does not negate that it is shirk, because the one who did it is seeking the aid and help of those other than God.

The second Taweez is a proper jinni conjuring "AAamal" or "work" as in spell. Yes it contains names of a person along with his father (usually it should be mother) and specific notches and numbers and symbols that I have seen on many works like those.

Abu Mosaab, I was also told by many Sheikhs that you can burn the spell and its attachments and read on the person afflicted the required Quran (Fatiha, Baqara verses you mentioned, Jinn, Yaseen, etc.), and they also said it's more important for the person to read to have strong faith and piousness. It is in Saheeh Sunna that Omar Ibn Al-Khattab -RA- used to make Al-Ruqya only with the Fatiha, and when he was gone they tried it and it didn't work, and the famous statement was said "Here is the Fatiha but where is the faith of Omar"

You're right though, we don't have to be experts in magic to break it. Just experts in supplication to guard ourselves from ever getting so misguided, and hard workers in making da'waa to reduce the ignorance that is spreading in the lands of muslims with all this reliance on jin and magic rather than the one who created us all.

08-31-2009, 11:47 PM
The first Taweez that you displayed is not a demonic or jinni conjuration. It is something that is made by ignorant people thinking that it will protect. It has nothing on it except the names of the four angels, the four khalifat Al-Rashidoon, and the names of Adam, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, and the center Mohamed. Other than that just La Ilaha Illa Allah.
the names of prophets, angels, and khalifa rasheeda- for protection= shirk.

Abu Mosaab, I was also told by many Sheikhs that you can burn the spell
some still do say that, but there are particular types of taweez when burned, activate a secondry spell and the person becomes affected by it or a jinn.

hence we advice people to avoid that method and stick to the safer option- soaking it in ruqya water.

11-11-2009, 12:02 PM

As a bit of an adivce to fellow brothers and sisters, to stay away from these type of jinni things. If you are not qualified leave it to someone that knows what he is doing.

I have personally been to many exorcisms and sometimes it might go horribly wrong and the Jinn actually leaves the afflicted persons body only to enter the person who is doing the exorcism , why? To show that this person does not have what it takes.

11-11-2009, 05:34 PM
i know taweez is shirk

Isit ok to wear a paper with Allahs name on even after rukya has been preformed on you many times? From the affects of black magic

Only Allah can protect me.

11-12-2009, 09:25 PM
Thank you for this information. Very useful.

Personally i disagree on Taweez. I believe its a shirk. Shirk is BIG sin in Islam. Full stop.

Because my family believe in taweez. My dad visited an 'great', 'knowledgeable' sheikh/imam. The sheikh/imam told my dad that im more likely to suffer. Dad gave me taweez to wear even tho really dont want to.

I tried to explain my mum about this case.
I asked mum, 'do you bring the Holy Qur'an in tiolet?'
She replied 'no'.
I said 'inside the taweez there's verse form Holy Qur'an, its disgraceful and shameful to wear taweez especially in tiolet'.
Mum clearly understood but she couldnt answer me. She replied 'Dad' (which meant its dad's decision- end of)

Do you guys think it is okay for me to wear taweez for dad's 'peace of mind'. I dont believe in taweez, i don't think taweez can help me, only Allah (subhanallahu wa tala) can help me.

I once tried to argue with my brother that we should seek help form Allah (subhanallahu wa tala) ONLY.
He argued that Taweez cotain powerful verse form Holy Qur'an, words directed by Allah (subhanallahu wa tala). He said Taweez is like when i have headache i use tablet to help my headache.

Im confused. I dont want to commit biggest sin in Islam. May Allah forgive me for my sin.

Help? :muddlehea

Peace KNX :peace:

11-13-2009, 12:11 AM
He argued that Taweez cotain powerful verse form Holy Qur'an, words directed by Allah (subhanallahu wa tala). He said Taweez is like when i have headache i use tablet to help my headache.
The first word of the Quran to be revealed was "Iqra!" which means to read and contempate.

And the prophet (pbuh) always adviced us to "recite" the Quran for protection, blessings etc...

Not one hadith exists that the prophet (pbuh) said "Hang the Quran around the neck"

If you understand that wear taweez is shirk- i can provide the evidence if you want- then you should know as well that it is not allowed to obey the creation while disobeying the Creator.

There is no sin if you disobeyed your parents in this issue because it entails obeying Allah (swt).

Allah Knows Best.

Keep away from taweez, you would never wear it if you know the dangers of it.

And dont burn it.

11-13-2009, 06:26 AM
I was an amateur motocross racer when I was teenager in 80's.

Okay, okay, I know this is not a thread about racing. But, do you know ?, in my time taweez were used by some racers.

Those taweez were not only written on paper. Some taweez were written on a vest/underwear t-shirt, and worn under racing jersey. Also written inside the helmets.
In motorcycle, those taweez usually placed under gas tank. Or even written in seat/saddle, over the spoon under the seat leather.

Not only used taweez, some racer also used other kinds of black magic for getting a victory in race. Ironically, I never heard pro racers on top ranks used taweez or other kinds of black magic. That's means, taweez used only by someone who has low self confidence.

I don't know about this time, but I heard from my junior, taweez is still used by some amateur racer in motorsport competition.

11-13-2009, 10:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461

The first word of the Quran to be revealed was "Iqra!" which means to read and contempate.

And the prophet (pbuh) always adviced us to "recite" the Quran for protection, blessings etc...

Not one hadith exists that the prophet (pbuh) said "Hang the Quran around the neck"

If you understand that wear taweez is shirk- i can provide the evidence if you want- then you should know as well that it is not allowed to obey the creation while disobeying the Creator.

There is no sin if you disobeyed your parents in this issue because it entails obeying Allah (swt).

Allah Knows Best.

Keep away from taweez, you would never wear it if you know the dangers of it.

And dont burn it.

Aslamu Alaykum,

Thank you for your reply. This is insightful and valueable information! May Allah (subhanahu wa tala) reward u for your effort inshaAllah.

Can you please give me evidence, so that i can understand fully. Please?
:-\ :confused:

Peace KNX :peace:

- IqRa -
11-13-2009, 10:15 AM
It depends on your belief and how you have been bought up. I believe in taweez 100% because I have seen the effects of it.

11-13-2009, 10:24 AM

Even though taweez might work just like magic might work the ultimate payment is loss of faith and wretchedness.

وَلَقَدْ عَلِمُواْ لَمَنِ اشْتَرَاهُ مَا لَهُ فِي الآخِرَةِ مِنْ خَلاَقٍ وَلَبِئْسَ مَا شَرَوْاْ بِهِ أَنفُسَهُمْ لَوْ كَانُواْ يَعْلَمُونَ
وَلَوْ أَنَّهُمْ آمَنُواْ واتَّقَوْا لَمَثُوبَةٌ مِّنْ عِندِ اللَّه خَيْرٌ لَّوْ كَانُواْ يَعْلَمُونَ

"And they certainly knew that whoever bought it [i.e aquired magic] he would not have a share in the here after, and evil is what they sold their souls for if only but they knew!

But if they had believed and have had taqwah of Allah then the reward with Allah would have been [much] better if only but they knew!"

11-13-2009, 10:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by T.I.A
It depends on your belief and how you have been bought up. I believe in taweez 100% because I have seen the effects of it.
I also have seen the effect of taweez, and I know it work.
That's why I decided to avoid use taweez.

Sister, do you know what is taweez ?, do you know how taweez work ?.


11-13-2009, 01:38 PM
Everyone can writes aayah from Qur'an on a paper, but only certain persons who can fill this paper with 'something' and change it into taweez. People know certain persons like this as shaikh or imam, but actually they are magician.

Taweez is not only paper with aayah from Qur'an. But taweez is a magical storage media that contains magic for calling jinns. In fact, taweez is another kind of filled amulet.

Taweez is really work. It can protect you from 'other evil', can makes you easy to get money. But actually taweez is also makes a 'wall' between you and Allah. Malaikah will not come to someone who use taweez when this someone seek a help from Allah.

If people thinking taweez is halal, that because they assume taweez is a recorded du'a. That's wrong, taweez is a satanic stuff.

I was a taweez user and I had threw away my taweez.

11-13-2009, 07:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by candle09
i know taweez is shirk

Isit ok to wear a paper with Allahs name on even after rukya has been preformed on you many times? From the affects of black magic

Only Allah can protect me.
No sister

Wearing Allah's name will not protect u in nay way , nor will it repel n take evil away from u or divert it from u


Or just buy for ur self the book Fortification of a muslim , its easily avialabe worldwide n online as well

N do ur Morning n evening Adhkaars , trust me they are so easy with in a couple of months u will remmber them n then u can say them easily aftre maghrib n fajr or in morning n eveing generally

It is with the recitation of these adhkaars that Allah will replel evil from u

and if u were to hang this whole book on ur neck it wil not ebnefit u at all sister. I know u wont im just saying it to make a point/

So wearing any Ayah from the Quran , Or Allahs Name , or anyother thing like Ayah Al kursi does not in any way benefit a person or safeguard him/her


1- and if u can understand this in all your religious afairs then InshahAllah u will be saved from a lot of evil

SO WHAT WAS NOT DEEN AT THAT TIME IS NOT DEEN TODAY , WHAT WAS NOT TAUGHT BY THE PROPHET , NO HUMAN BRAIN CAN REACH IT OR INVENT IT AND CLAIM IT TO BE GOOD , WHAT IS NO BROUGHT BY THE PROPHET has no place for us because his guidance is ENOUGH for us in our deen n religious matters . Deen was sent down to Muhammad sala lahu alihi wa sallam who completely delivered the message , n if i invent new things that He did not teach or bring , then u are caiming that he was not honest and did not deliver the whole deen and missed this thing so i will go ahead and introduce this in the deen, u are claiming that the prophet was decitful , ASTAGHFIRULAH and AOUZOUBILLAH. The prophet never asked any sahabi to wear any ayah , or Allah name or verse on his neck , arm or thigh.

so this right here should shatter all the taweez , Quranic or non quranic , no matter WHO gives them to u , Just tel them , The prophet did not teach us this , He did not give his sahaba any things like this , For us his Sunnah is enough

And it is well said THE SUNNAH THE BETTER

2- Quran or Allahs name or hanging anything can have two intentions

i- This thing or taweez will take harm away from me , It will protect me , i will geta job because of this .. this is ALL shirk coz this taweez can neither benefit nor harm even if it is Quranic ayaat

ii- Allah will save me n take harm away from me n protect me BECAUSE of this taweez , We say this is Shir Al Asghar because making anything a Sbbab that Allah n his Messenegr did not amek sabbab is shirk al Asghar n it leads t othe Shirk al akbar , so what ever leads to shirk al akbar is shirk al asghar
It can easily make u put trust n faith n tawakul in it , n take ur faith m, trust n fear away from Allah hance making u commit shirk.

I dont ahve time but i hope it makes sense to u

So no , in no way may a person wear anything lke that , nor will it help in any way , but might just be a cause for ur destruction

11-13-2009, 07:58 PM
Jazakallah for the information.

I just have a question and a statement:

Are all Taveez bad? What about ones which have Quranic verses inside?

Also, I have noticed that some Muslim brothers wear Taveez as a fashion statement, since Allah (SWT) prohibits them from wearing necklaces, they achieve it by wearing taveez.

11-13-2009, 11:12 PM
I disagree with Taweez for the obvious reasons of shirk. Read it. Don't wear it.

Yusuf -Jamal
11-14-2009, 01:19 AM
tawiz is not haram as long as it does not cross the limits of shariah. For it to constitute shirk you would have to put ur faith in tawiz as opposed to allah.


Also tawiz means diff things to diff people. as for the brother who feels the prophet saw never used such things.
Surah falaq & surah naas were used to remove knots off strands of hair.

11-14-2009, 01:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by brotherubaid
No sister

Wearing Allah's name will not protect u in nay way , nor will it repel n take evil away from u or divert it from u


Or just buy for ur self the book Fortification of a muslim , its easily avialabe worldwide n online as well

N do ur Morning n evening Adhkaars , trust me they are so easy with in a couple of months u will remmber them n then u can say them easily aftre maghrib n fajr or in morning n eveing generally

It is with the recitation of these adhkaars that Allah will replel evil from u

and if u were to hang this whole book on ur neck it wil not ebnefit u at all sister. I know u wont im just saying it to make a point/

So wearing any Ayah from the Quran , Or Allahs Name , or anyother thing like Ayah Al kursi does not in any way benefit a person or safeguard him/her


1- and if u can understand this in all your religious afairs then InshahAllah u will be saved from a lot of evil


so this right here should shatter all the taweez , Quranic or non quranic , no matter WHO gives them to u , Just tel them , The prophet did not teach us this , He did not give his sahaba any things like this , For us his Sunnah is enough

And it is well said THE SUNNAH THE BETTER

2- Quran or Allahs name or hanging anything can have two intentions

i- This thing or taweez will take harm away from me , It will protect me , i will geta job because of this .. this is ALL shirk coz this taweez can neither benefit nor harm even if it is Quranic ayaat

ii- Allah will save me n take harm away from me n protect me BECAUSE of this taweez , We say this is Shir Al Asghar because making anything a Sbbab that Allah n his Messenegr did not amek sabbab is shirk al Asghar n it leads t othe Shirk al akbar , so what ever leads to shirk al akbar is shirk al asghar
It can easily make u put trust n faith n tawakul in it , n take ur faith m, trust n fear away from Allah hance making u commit shirk.

I dont ahve time but i hope it makes sense to u

So no , in no way may a person wear anything lke that , nor will it help in any way , but might just be a cause for ur destruction

salaam jazakallah
very few people i have seen follow the correct teachings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. So many these days are adding innovations into Islam.
If Muhammad PBUH was here today he could have destroyed these innovations, he would have brought peace into my heart. I miss Muhammad PBUH and its true the greatest calamity was his death, every real tear from my eyes only fall for Allah and Muhammad PBUH.
No one is here to tell me to keep away from this sort of stuff, all of the sheikhs i have seen all use taweez.
black magic or what ever issue i have can only be cured by the correct teaching of Muhammas PBUH.
Thanks fr shedding lights on this topic.

11-14-2009, 02:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Everyone can writes aayah from Qur'an on a paper, but only certain persons who can fill this paper with 'something' and change it into taweez. People know certain persons like this as shaikh or imam, but actually they are magician.

Taweez is not only paper with aayah from Qur'an. But taweez is a magical storage media that contains magic for calling jinns. In fact, taweez is another kind of filled amulet.

Taweez is really work. It can protect you from 'other evil', can makes you easy to get money. But actually taweez is also makes a 'wall' between you and Allah. Malaikah will not come to someone who use taweez when this someone seek a help from Allah.

If people thinking taweez is halal, that because they assume taweez is a recorded du'a. That's wrong, taweez is a satanic stuff.

I was a taweez user and I had threw away my taweez
Its not so easy to get rid of your taweez especially when your parents and EVRYONE around you has no knowledge of what the correct teachings are and are too ignorant to listen to a 'little girl' like me.

11-14-2009, 03:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yusuf -Jamal
tawiz is not haram as long as it does not cross the limits of shariah. For it to constitute shirk you would have to put ur faith in tawiz as opposed to allah.


Also tawiz means diff things to diff people. as for the brother who feels the prophet saw never used such things.
Surah falaq & surah naas were used to remove knots off strands of hair.

But can u prove it that the prophet WORE surah al falaq n surah an Nas on his neck or wrote it on a paper n wore it on his arm??


This is the diffrence between taweez n rukya

The Islamic n Shareeah Rukya like surah al falaq n naas are to be recited by the one who is afflicetd or if his condition is too bad then some one else can recite t upon him


prove to me that the Prophet taught us to wear the quran , ONE HADITH!! jUST BRING ONE HADITH!! even bring one weak or fabricated hadith that the prophet told some one to write something on a apaper n wear it

Please get ur facts

N brothet OurISLAMIC

No All tawez are bad , Please read my earlier post in this thread brother.

for first reason that the Prophet did not teach them and wear them and ask or teach his sahab to wear them , so this point right ehre ends the story of ALL taweez , the ones with crazy numbers n shapes in them and the Quranic ones , Coz teh Quran WAS not sent down to be worn around the necks , arms n even Astaghfirullah Thighs.

Second it coudl be a disrespect as u might have to go to restroom n toilet etc with it

Third Wearing taweez can geta person atached to it hence can take him to do shirk with ALLah if his Trust , Faith , Hope , fear , tawakul turns to this taweez, For exaple this person fears to take this taweez off thinking tat he will be harmed if he toof kit off , or he will ose his job if he took it off coz it is this taweez due to which he got this job , HERE this particular person has done CLEAR shirk with Allah , and Shaytaan has beautified this action for him to take him astray from the path of Allah.

Fourth A Quranic taweez is not allowed as it was proved by Sahaba like Ibn Masood radi Alahu anhu so WHO in our time or in the time after Ibn masood can come to aprove it

Please be careful

N subhanAllah brother , How bad is our situation , i cannot believe we will go as far as wearing taweez for fashion , The prophet was right

Abu Sayeed reported that the messenger of Allah said: "You shall follow the practices of those before you, inch by inch and mile by mile, to the degree that if they enter into the hole of a lizard, you will follow them." He was asked: "O messenger of Allah, are they the Jews and Christians?" He replied: "Who else?" (Agreed)

So since we cannot wear jewellery we CANT LIVE RIGHT?? we gotta ave something in our neck as well just coz the christian n jew felloow is having something , ohh lets get a taweez , that is an islamic amulet n charm , Now our problem is solved , we can be COOL and also be doing something ISLAMIC!!

Wow great .. May Allah help the Ummah n give BRAINS to its youth

So no it REALLLY Might not be worn for fashion of any sort , u will look cool but u just might be possesed by a jinn coz of that taweez n taken away from the path of Allah n good , or u might just disrespect the Quran n Name of Allah and achieve ur "Coolness"

May Allah guide us

Some time si log into this frum n im COMPLETELY heart BROKEN at what i read. It really hirts to read some of the stuff n issues

Assalam o Ala Man Itaba Al huda..

11-14-2009, 04:17 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by KNX
Thank you for this information. Very useful.

Personally i disagree on Taweez. I believe its a shirk. Shirk is BIG sin in Islam. Full stop.

Because my family believe in taweez. My dad visited an 'great', 'knowledgeable' sheikh/imam. The sheikh/imam told my dad that im more likely to suffer. Dad gave me taweez to wear even tho really dont want to.

I tried to explain my mum about this case.
I asked mum, 'do you bring the Holy Qur'an in tiolet?'
She replied 'no'.
I said 'inside the taweez there's verse form Holy Qur'an, its disgraceful and shameful to wear taweez especially in tiolet'.
Mum clearly understood but she couldnt answer me. She replied 'Dad' (which meant its dad's decision- end of)

Do you guys think it is okay for me to wear taweez for dad's 'peace of mind'. I dont believe in taweez, i don't think taweez can help me, only Allah (subhanallahu wa tala) can help me.

I once tried to argue with my brother that we should seek help form Allah (subhanallahu wa tala) ONLY.
He argued that Taweez cotain powerful verse form Holy Qur'an, words directed by Allah (subhanallahu wa tala). He said Taweez is like when i have headache i use tablet to help my headache.

Im confused. I dont want to commit biggest sin in Islam. May Allah forgive me for my sin.

Help? :muddlehea

Peace KNX :peace:
A good point for ur brother

Tablent is given or prescribed by a doctor right??

Now our deen is given n prescribed by Prophet Slaa lahu alihi wa sallam right?

Did He sala lahu alihi wa sallam EVER prescribe a taweez to any one or teach us to Hang Quran or any taweez on our necks?


then sorry bro ur argument is over

Deen n anything related to deen is prescribed by the prophet n legistlated by him sala lahu lihi wa sallam , If it is not proved from him then it can neber be deen , May Allah save us.

If some one says that powerful verses from quran can help us if we hang them on our neck or tie them to our arm Then NAUOZOBILLAH MAY be they are MORE SMARTER than Allah n His messenger , Astaghfirullah. The messneger did not know that?? Could he not taught us that? Did Allah did not know that? Did the sahaba did not need protection? How did u reach the conclusion that Allah , His messneger n his sahaba did not reach?? U must be reallllly smart? Wow im impressed .

So Alwasy see if there is a DALEEL a proof n evidence for any thing realted to our deen n do not follow the opinions of peole like ur brothers opinion of tablet n headache

The deen is
1- Allah said
2- His messnger said
3- The sahaba said or did

So ask for daleel from sahih n authnetic sunnah m keep ur opinion to ur self.

After that what could be deen , if u are on something diffent than what they were n then u seriously have some issues n u are definetly not from the saved sect that will enter jannah out of the 73 sects coz that sect is the one who is upon what The messenegr n his sahaba were upon N alhumdolILLAH how it relates to our discussion is that They were not upon NO taweez of any sort , Quranic or non quranic , so STAY AWAY from em InshahAllah

11-14-2009, 04:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AhlaamBella
I disagree with Taweez for the obvious reasons of shirk. Read it. Don't wear it.
Read Arabic words on taweez ?.
No, I found in some taweez, words that written on it are not pure from Qur'an but mixed with other words.

11-14-2009, 07:16 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Read Arabic words on taweez ?.
No, I found in some taweez, words that written on it are not pure from Qur'an but mixed with other words.
I didn't mean read what's on taweez I mean read the Qur'an. I have never seen an authentic Hadith which describes the prophet s.a.w wearing anything even remotely like a taweez. He always recommended the recitation of Qur'an.

11-14-2009, 09:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AhlaamBella
I didn't mean read what's on taweez I mean read the Qur'an.
Ooppss, sorry.

11-14-2009, 12:04 PM
No problem :)

11-14-2009, 06:06 PM
what about this

Hazrat Abd Allah ibn `Amr used to hang a protective invocation taught by the Prophet around the necks of his young children. (Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi - hasan)

People say it is ok as long as the words are not jumbled and contain other things besides Quran

Uqbah ibn Amir Al-Juhani reported that a group came to the Messenger of Allah to pledge their allegiance to him. He accepted the allegiance of nine of them but not of one of them. They said, “O Messenger of Allah, you accepted the allegiance of nine but not of this one.” He (the Prophet) said, “He is wearing an amulet.” The man put his hand (in his shirt) and took it off, then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) accepted his allegiance. He then said, “Whoever wears an amulet has committed shirk.”

A question, The man wearing the amulet must have been wearing something other than Quran? Please explain

11-14-2009, 07:40 PM
Wearing the Qur'an in a amulet or taweez is like a sick man given a prescription by the doctor. Instead of reading it and getting the medicine, he rolls the prescription into a ball, puts it in a pouch, and hangs it around his neck, believing that it will make him well.

11-14-2009, 09:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Insane Insaan
Wearing the Qur'an in a amulet or taweez is like a sick man given a prescription by the doctor. Instead of reading it and getting the medicine, he rolls the prescription into a ball, puts it in a pouch, and hangs it around his neck, believing that it will make him well.
;D nice way of putting it. Well said

11-14-2009, 11:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Insane Insaan
Wearing the Qur'an in a amulet or taweez is like a sick man given a prescription by the doctor. Instead of reading it and getting the medicine, he rolls the prescription into a ball, puts it in a pouch, and hangs it around his neck, believing that it will make him well.
I can understand that also good point, Can sme one explain this to me

Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Sa'id from Sulayman ibn Yasar that 'Urwa ibn az-Zubayr told him that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, entered the house of Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. There was a child weeping in the house, and they said that it was from the evil eye. 'Urwa said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Why do you not find someone to make a talisman to protect him from the evil eye?' "

[Bukhari and Muslim]

11-15-2009, 12:00 AM
Sis, I am no scholar. But 2 things struck me about that hadith.

1/ The narration chain was horribly long - uncharacteristic of Bukhari and Muslim hadiths as the chain is usually very short; hence their authenticity

2/ The word talisman is commonly connected to charms and magic which the prophet s.a.w. fobade quite clearly. I have seen a similar hadith howver the prophet s.a.w recommended Ruqyah which is the recitation of the Qur'an. Not he adornment of it.

Maybe someone more knowledgeable than myself could add some better comments for you :)

11-15-2009, 06:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yusuf -Jamal
tawiz is not haram as long as it does not cross the limits of shariah. For it to constitute shirk you would have to put ur faith in tawiz as opposed to allah.


Also tawiz means diff things to diff people. as for the brother who feels the prophet saw never used such things.
Surah falaq & surah naas were used to remove knots off strands of hair.
That's exactly what I was thinking. :exhausted

11-15-2009, 10:53 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by candle09
I can understand that also good point, Can sme one explain this to me
Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Sa'id from Sulayman ibn Yasar that 'Urwa ibn az-Zubayr told him that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, entered the house of Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. There was a child weeping in the house, and they said that it was from the evil eye. 'Urwa said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Why do you not find someone to make a talisman to protect him from the evil eye?' "
[Bukhari and Muslim]
I am also no scholar. I found the hadeeth in the Muwatta of Imaam Maalik, book 50, Chapter of the evil eye. I am not qualified to talk about the chain of narration, however if you look at the original Arabic wording of the hadeeth, the wording used is tastarqoona. This is a verb, from the root istarqaa, which literally means to seek to do ruqyah, or to get someone to do ruqyah which, I believe, is a type of supplication said so as to be protected by allah from evil things ie by prescribed qur'anic recitations. I could not see a noun or word meaning talisman in this hadeeth. I hope that those brothers and sisters who have a deeper knowledge of Arabic than me will kindly correct me if I am wrong.

format_quote Originally Posted by Yusuf -Jamal
Also tawiz means diff things to diff people. as for the brother who feels the prophet saw never used such things.
Surah falaq & surah naas were used to remove knots off strands of hair.
Exactly. He taught the recitation of it, not hanging it around people's necks.


cat eyes
11-15-2009, 02:48 PM
I Know muslims who hang it in there houses like as a plaque but not on there necks can somebody please tell me is this allowed??

11-15-2009, 03:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes
I Know muslims who hang it in there houses like as a plaque but not on there necks can somebody please tell me is this allowed??
Hang a taweez is not allowed because taweez contains magic. But hang a paper with aayah written on it and it doesn't contain magic .... ?. I cannot give you a right answer but I have a story.

Few years ago, I and my uncle visited an empty house and we found a sticker of ayatul Qursi in a room. And my uncle asked me.
"Why they stuck a sticker of ayatul Qursi in this room ?"
"For prevent syaithan entering this room" I replied.
"Is it work ?".
"Of course, this is aayah Qursi, and aayah Qursi can prevent syaithan come to this place".
My uncle laughed, then he told me.
"That is if you recite this aayah Qursi, but this is a paper. A paper cannot recites any aayah, a paper cannot do anything".

cat eyes
11-15-2009, 03:40 PM
well my friends bought this plaque with the quranic surahs ingraved on it and they hanged it on there wall i felt weird about it and i just went with them to buy it because these plaques looked nice they said and they said that it stops evil from coming into your home but i said but don't you have to recite these surahs and they said no and i told them i never heard of that thing before apparently its there culture. id really like to know if its haraam because they also gave me one as a gift now i am really worried ive just committed a major sin? because it is just quranic surahs that we pray everyday

11-15-2009, 04:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes
well my friends bought this plaque with the quranic surahs ingraved on it and they hanged it on there wall i felt weird about it and i just went with them to buy it because these plaques looked nice they said and they said that it stops evil from coming into your home but i said but don't you have to recite these surahs and they said no and i told them i never heard of that thing before apparently its there culture. id really like to know if its haraam because they also gave me one as a gift now i am really worried ive just committed a major sin? because it is just quranic surahs that we pray everyday
:sl: Sister,

It depends on the intention behind it. If it is merely with decorative intent because the plaque looks nice and has lovely calligraphy, then there is no harm in that. However, if there is a belief that that plaque will somehow protect you from evil, then that is wrong. Only recitation of the ayatul kursi and other verses, as per the sunnah, will protect you, not objects with the verses written on them.

Allah knows best.


11-15-2009, 04:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Insane Insaan
:sl: Sister,

It depends on the intention behind it. If it is merely with decorative intent because the plaque looks nice and has lovely calligraphy, then there is no harm in that. However, if there is a belief that that plaque will somehow protect you from evil, then that is wrong. Only recitation of the ayatul kursi and other verses, as per the sunnah, will protect you, not objects with the verses written on them.

Allah knows best.

I agree with sister Insane Insaan.

cat eyes
11-15-2009, 05:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Insane Insaan
:sl: Sister,

It depends on the intention behind it. If it is merely with decorative intent because the plaque looks nice and has lovely calligraphy, then there is no harm in that. However, if there is a belief that that plaque will somehow protect you from evil, then that is wrong. Only recitation of the ayatul kursi and other verses, as per the sunnah, will protect you, not objects with the verses written on them.

Allah knows best.

:sl: thank you sister i appreciate your quick reply to my matter. my intent is innocent however my friends believe that it will protect without reciting how can i change there thinking? they do not want to believe that it won't protect without reciting because its the words of Allah swt. the plaques are nice but i know well enough it will not protect you from anything without reciting yourself. jazakAllah.

11-15-2009, 07:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes
:sl: thank you sister i appreciate your quick reply to my matter. my intent is innocent however my friends believe that it will protect without reciting how can i change there thinking? they do not want to believe that it won't protect without reciting because its the words of Allah swt. the plaques are nice but i know well enough it will not protect you from anything without reciting yourself. jazakAllah.
:sl: Baarakallahu feeki sister,

Hmm....good question sis.

That could be hard as some people can be set in their ways. I think you'll just have to explain to them that rasoolullah sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam never taught us to use the Qur'an in that manner from any hadeeth. It may be the words of Allah, but if an object with Qur'anic verses written on it could have protected us from evil like that then rasoolullah would have been the first to do so, and he would have taught us to do so too. He taught us to read the required verses. The verses written on the object will not protect you. If we think that they will, then it's almost like saying that we know better than the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

Worth a try?

11-15-2009, 07:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by T.I.A
It depends on your belief and how you have been bought up. I believe in taweez 100% because I have seen the effects of it.
Why do u believe in taweez 100% if you dont mind me asking?

format_quote Originally Posted by candle09
Its not so easy to get rid of your taweez especially when your parents and EVRYONE around you has no knowledge of what the correct teachings are and are too ignorant to listen to a 'little girl' like me.
This is so TOTALLY TRUE! I feel that too imsad imsad imsad Its just shame that people are not following the sunnah of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. SubhanAllah! May Allah guide them to right path. Ameen.

format_quote Originally Posted by brotherubaid
A good point for ur brother

Tablent is given or prescribed by a doctor right??

Now our deen is given n prescribed by Prophet Slaa lahu alihi wa sallam right?

Did He sala lahu alihi wa sallam EVER prescribe a taweez to any one or teach us to Hang Quran or any taweez on our necks?


then sorry bro ur argument is over

Deen n anything related to deen is prescribed by the prophet n legistlated by him sala lahu lihi wa sallam , If it is not proved from him then it can neber be deen , May Allah save us.

If some one says that powerful verses from quran can help us if we hang them on our neck or tie them to our arm Then NAUOZOBILLAH MAY be they are MORE SMARTER than Allah n His messenger , Astaghfirullah. The messneger did not know that?? Could he not taught us that? Did Allah did not know that? Did the sahaba did not need protection? How did u reach the conclusion that Allah , His messneger n his sahaba did not reach?? U must be reallllly smart? Wow im impressed .

So Alwasy see if there is a DALEEL a proof n evidence for any thing realted to our deen n do not follow the opinions of peole like ur brothers opinion of tablet n headache

The deen is
1- Allah said
2- His messnger said
3- The sahaba said or did

So ask for daleel from sahih n authnetic sunnah m keep ur opinion to ur self.

After that what could be deen , if u are on something diffent than what they were n then u seriously have some issues n u are definetly not from the saved sect that will enter jannah out of the 73 sects coz that sect is the one who is upon what The messenegr n his sahaba were upon N alhumdolILLAH how it relates to our discussion is that They were not upon NO taweez of any sort , Quranic or non quranic , so STAY AWAY from em InshahAllah
Thats so clear! Thank you so much for explaining me! May Allah subhananhu wa tala reward you for your effort. Ameen. :D

11-15-2009, 07:49 PM

May Allah (swt) protect us from it. By the way, I never seen magic before,alhamdullilah.


11-15-2009, 08:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by candle09
I can understand that also good point, Can sme one explain this to me

Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Sa'id from Sulayman ibn Yasar that 'Urwa ibn az-Zubayr told him that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, entered the house of Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. There was a child weeping in the house, and they said that it was from the evil eye. 'Urwa said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Why do you not find someone to make a talisman to protect him from the evil eye?' "

[Bukhari and Muslim]
may Allah reward u sister for trying to find the right ruling n seeking knowledge

Sister can u please tell me where u are getting these evidences from?

Coz this above one has been DISTORTED , they did the wrong translation to reach their evil goals.

The word like the siter explained is "Tastarqona" Which very clearly means WEhy dont u PERFORM RUQYA on him ?? and Alhumdolillah The peophet did teach us the Ruqya , so he is in this hadith just telling the to perform the ruqyah , i have no idea how stupid n ignorant of the arabic language a person has to be to do the translation that they gave u

Sister be careful coz the people of innovation and desires ALWAYS DO this they translate the clear verses and ahadith in the wrong way to reach their evil concusions , So please let me know were u are getting these wrong translations.

11-15-2009, 08:45 PM
aslamualykum. can some one answer my question jazakallah
my friends girlfriend who he was going to marry has left him. some 1 recomended him a paper taweez which you put in water. when she drinks it how long does it take for taweez to work ??????

11-15-2009, 09:06 PM
that i dont know but it will not take long for ur friend to GET OUT OF ISLAM coz he performed Magic on her , Prophet did not teach any taweez to get girls n keep them n to make them want to marry u

So when ur friend went to a magician who was dressed like a peer he actualy became a kafir coz these people are kafirs as is in the quran ,Magicians are as kafir as it gets , ur friend has also commited kufr , may Allah guide him back to ISLAM!

11-15-2009, 09:24 PM
Ameen.... maybe your friend should learn that having a girlfriend is a zina-relationship, so he should not do the kufr (disbelief of using magic= taweez) to keep her.

Either do the nikkah or let her be.

11-19-2009, 11:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by nokiabad
aslamualykum. can some one answer my question jazakallah
my friends girlfriend who he was going to marry has left him. some 1 recomended him a paper taweez which you put in water. when she drinks it how long does it take for taweez to work ??????
You cant make a person to love ur friend. It doesnt work that way. Using taweez will NOT work.

peace KNX :peace:

11-19-2009, 08:37 PM
maybe it will "work" but it will have some very devastating effect on you and your akhirah

11-20-2009, 01:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461
maybe it will "work" but it will have some very devastating effect on you and your akhirah
That's right.
But the problem is, people always believe to taweez makers because taweez makers are look like Ulama and they always say taweez is safe dunya and akhirah. :heated:

11-20-2009, 10:00 PM
those who claim to heal the illness of others can not even cure their own problems- aka Peers.

muslimah 4 life
11-21-2009, 09:04 AM

Afew years ago my family had some problems and my dad in a weak moment was talked into getting taweez. He went to several people with the help of his friend who is the local imam.
My dad was astonished as these people were able to tell him about the problems without him telling them, they then made taweez using my mothers and brothers name.
Now our problems have gone from bad to worse! I believe ALLAH withdrew HIS help and left my dad to the taweez. My brother suffered mentally, felt like somebody was strangling him etc, this is all works of the jinn that comes with taweez.
I started to practise Islam and looked at taweez. Every taweez comes with a jinn and will harm you inthe long run I have seen this before my own eyes.
Problem now is I don't know anyone onthe haq in birmingham who will perform ruqya on my family the correct way. The people I know won't do it as they are related to my dad and feel he may be embarrased that they are aware he used taweez.
Can anyone please let me know were I can take my parents to have ruqya performed on them?

11-21-2009, 11:34 AM
Aslaam alaykum sister, sorry to hear your circumstances am going through something similar :( annyway check out this thread.


For free confidential advice, please contact

R u q y a _ S h a r i y a @ y a h o o . c o . u k

11-21-2009, 12:52 PM
Birmingham is crazy , The innovators n shaytans of the humans n magicians are wide spread , i have been there my self n been to one of their mosques know as ghanqol shareef or something , man are they some ignorant n deviated people, may Allah save us.

Sister u know how they were able to tell ur dad his problems , they do that with te help of the jinn as well , well what they do is ask His mothers name, coz jinns know us by other mothers names , then the jinns that they "WORSHIP" and sister by Allah the jinn only works for the humans when He is worshipped or the person seeking help from the JINN commits the worst form of shirk n kufr , then only the jinns work for u , so they cal the jinns that work for them n tell them ur dad n grand moms names n they go ask other jinns n also ur QAREEN , "the Shaytann that is with each n every one of us " This is exactly why they can tell the unseen things , They do not know the UNSEEN , they just ask our qareen who sees all our problems n all , nlets say if some one lost his wallet the areen would know where he lost it n the personw ho picked it up his qareen would know he picked it up , so when one of us goes to them to ask where have i lost my wallet n who has it , they can tel , not coz they know the unsees , but because their jins n our qareenn the next persons qareen come together to bring him this info.

Now just like u mentioned ur dad was guided to these MAGICIANS by an imam , sister this is our biggest problem , these people are known in society as peers , Auliyah , Pious people , and imams n people think that these people perform miracles , while they are KAFIRS , who commit shirk n kufr n worship the devil so the devil will work for them and perform magic n people think that he s a great wali and has been given karamaat n miracles.

Well sister just by going to these people ur dad has lost a lot , coz there is a hadith that clearly states that a personw ho goes to a fortue teller his 40 days prayers will not be accepted and the one who believes inwhat they tell him has DISBELIEVED in what was revealed to Muhammad sala lahu alihi wa sallam. So this is as serious as it gets , its way too serious.

And yes alhumdoLILLAH its good to know that u know the right rulings on taweez , sister all we need to know about the taweez is that it was not taught by the prophet , and if we loved the prophet we would stay away fom the tawezz naturally , and taweez is a form of shirk , minor or major , depending on what the person belives ,

Well in birmingham sister i would suggest u go to the masajid of people of sunnah n jamaah , There is brother Abu khadeejah , there are many other masajid as well , well sister these people are called wahabis n ahle hadith n all sort of names n hatered is filled in our comunities hearts against these people only because of the fact that they warn against such superstiotions , such innovations, Shirk n kufr , taweez n peers n all , warn against worshipping the graves and seeking help from the dead and from other than Allah ,By Allah sister this is the only reason why these people have been defamed by these magicians.

So sister try t find out and i will also try to find oiut but InshahALLah the solution for ur complete problem lies in the shareeah Ruqya , which is so easy even u could perform but since magic has been perfoemed on ur dad n brother , they might need to be taken to the right person who would do the ruqya on them , i do not know of any raqi , bu tsister do not ask any one for raqi , or someone might just guide you to YET another MAGICIAN who will use magic to break magic , n Ur dad n bro will lose more n more from their hereafter n akhirah.

May Allah help us n save us n gudei us to the quran n sunnah , n let the guidance of MUhamad sala lahu alihi wa salam be enogh for us

It realllly breaks my heart to read these thing , May Allah rewar u sis n make ur affairs easy .

Assalam O Alikum

cat eyes
11-21-2009, 02:42 PM
:sl:im totally cönfused with the stories im reading so people are using taweez as a form of black magic? And how can you simply inflict somebody with magic without knowing your personal details and without something that belongs to the person? I never belived it was that easy and y would imam do that? Could it not be possible that he knew stuf abt ur dad b coz he simply heard?.. Could it not be just a mental illness ur brother is suffering from? Like i knw people can get infected with jinn i totally believe but could it not be ur confusing jinn with just struggles and trials that people naturally get in this life? My brother sufferz from depression and his depression is severe so much that he believes things are happening 2 him. Once he woke up in the middle of da nite coz he heard some noise out side and he started shouting that the people are coming with chains and they are going 2 tie me up! It was just the wind outside that was making things to move believe its not jinn! Sometimes its just a persons mental health but me and my sis were well freaked out after my brother gave him a cigarette 2smoke 2 cam him down he was grand after that. The depression which hes suffering from him gives him the IQ of a child! After my mother died, he lost all ability 2 read and to write. He was a brilliant artist and a champion swimmer he wanted to be a lifeguard now he cnt even go in the water or pick up a paint brush! He even forgets peoples names sometimes and loses his memory! Its a very severe depression! And im sure if u speak with a doctor you'd be able 2get answerz that make more sense believe me

muslimah 4 life
11-21-2009, 04:18 PM

jizakhAllAH khair bros for your replies and concerns. May Allah swt forgive my father and make him repent from this major sin.

imam bukhari
11-21-2009, 09:39 PM

i have a collection of videos of me burning taweezes i find.... i make videos of me burning them...

one has to recite ayatul qursi while burning it. im not sure of the authenticity of the method about throwing it in the river....

may Allaah save u, ameen


11-23-2009, 12:35 AM
Imam Ibn Qayyim (rh) mentions the method of disposing taweez, in one of his book in arabic that has not been transerlated and many other arabic books mentions it too.

The Imam (rh) said that ripping the paper invalidate the magic, but it should be thrown into a flowing river too.

The issue of burning has been mentioned by Shiekh Bin Baaz (rh) that it is permissible to do. But there are some type of taweez that specially made to have counter-magic placed on them so the one who burns them will either get affected with magic or possessed by a jinn.

Hence i personally wouldn't take the unnecessary risk of burning them, when there is a much safer and proven to work method of disposing of such things.

Allah Knows Best

11-23-2009, 03:55 AM

Brother abu_musab,
Is it possible if the taweez 'run and disapear' when they know we will terminate them ?.

I think taweez is not so far from amulet. There was a case, someone lost her amulet, and in the night she was dreamed saw that amulet in a place. Then in the morning she found that amulet in that place.

11-26-2009, 01:57 PM
I trully think black magic works. Black magic destroyed my mums life. Ever since my mum visited Pakistan life was never the same again. She was constantly telling us of scary feelings she had. also she would see things in her room. I think this was all because of the magic. My mum and dad also found taweez in our house. She tried showing it to a molvi but you can never trust these people. It also affected one of my brothers, there was too much jealousy around him, he was doing well from a young age but now his life is totally destroyed. I wish i could change from bad to good for my family. We have been through far too much in life.

11-26-2009, 01:58 PM
Yes it is true because i remember my mum saying they dissapear

11-26-2009, 05:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by uksister
I trully think black magic works. Black magic destroyed my mums life. Ever since my mum visited Pakistan life was never the same again. She was constantly telling us of scary feelings she had. also she would see things in her room. I think this was all because of the magic. My mum and dad also found taweez in our house. She tried showing it to a molvi but you can never trust these people. It also affected one of my brothers, there was too much jealousy around him, he was doing well from a young age but now his life is totally destroyed. I wish i could change from bad to good for my family. We have been through far too much in life.
:sl: Sister,

I am truly saddened and sorry for what your family has been through.imsad

May Allah help you.

What magic is:

1) Magic is a knot or spell that has effects on the heart and body, It causes the heart or body to become sick, it can kill a person, it separates a man and his wife, and destroys family ties.

2) It is an incantation, knot, spell, and statement that are used in speeches, written or in actions that have an effect on the body, heart or intellect of a person wihtout having direct contact with that person. It is a reality that kills, causes sickness, or prevents relationships (sexual) between a man and his wife, causes separation between them, or between families, places anger betwen families or friends, and causes a person to love those whom he hates in order to have a relationship and to be a source of spreading destruction.

Magic and its existence is confirmed by the Qur'aan and Sunnah and is agreed upon bythe scholars. It is a reality and a truth, and it affects a person only by Allah's will. There is a consensus among the scholars of Tafseer that Surah Al-Falaq was revealed because of Habeebbin Asum who did magic on the Prophet

Magic is an art that requires skill and proficiency from the one who performs it. It is a type of knowledge that has a foundation, methodology and priniciples. However, learning it is not permissible and it is kufr (disbelief) because it cannot be learned or practiced without requesting the help of SHaytaan, worshipping him, and using forbidden and unlawful things. So it is kufr to learn or practice it.

What is taken as prevention form magic before it occurs:

a) Be mindful and perform all compulsary acts, and leave off all that is unlawful, and seek
repentance form all evil deeds.

b) Constantly recite, contemplate, and act on the glorious Qur'aan in which it becomes a daily

c) Seek protection with supplications, seeking refuge and remembrances that are legislated by
Allah and his messenger

1) From among those supplications are the following:
* " In the name of Allah, with whose name nothing is harmed on the Earth,
nor in the Heavens, and He is the All-hearing, All-Knowing." i.e. Bismillaahillathee laa yaDurru ma'asmihi shay'un fil arDi wa laa fissamaa'i wa huwassamee'ul aleem.Three times morning and evening. Link for du'aa: http://www.makedua.com/print_dua.php?duaid=85

* Recite Ayah-tul-Kursy after every prayer, before sleeping, every morning,
and every evening. As-Sahih Ibn Majah 2/332

* Recite the following three times in the mornings, evenings, and before

Surah Al-Ikhlaas, Al-Falaq, and An-Naas

Also recite the following du'aa three times morning and evening : A'oothu bi kalimaatillaahittaammati min sharri maa khalaq, i.e. ‘I take refuge in Allaah’s perfect words from the evil He has created.’ Link for du'aa is here:http://www.makedua.com/print_dua.php?duaid=82

2) One must be mindful and recite the remembrances and supplications of the
mornings and evenings , as well as the remembrances and supplications
after every prayer, before sleep, upon waking, before travelling etc.

d) Eat seven dates in the morning if its possible, as stated by the Prophet

" Whoever wakes up in the morning and eats seven Ajwah dates, (preferrably from the boundaries of Madinah) he will never be afflicted
by poison nor magic. " Al Bukhari 10/247, Al Muslim 3/1617

Here is some information on the treatment of magic extracted from islamqa.com:

What is the treatment for someone who has been affected by sihr (magic or witchcraft, including spells aimed at causing hatred or love)? How can the believer save himself from this or avoid being harmed by it? Are there any du’aa’s or dhikrs from the Qur’aan or Sunnah for these things?

Praise be to Allaah.

Whoever is affected by sihr (magic) should not treat it with sihr, because evil cannot be removed by evil, and kufr cannot be removed by kufr. Evil is removed by good. Hence when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about al-nushrah (treating sihr with sihr), he said: “This is the work of the Shaytaan.” Nushrah means removing sihr from a person who has been affected by it by using more sihr. But if it is treated by means of the Qur’aan and permissible medicines or good ruqyahs, there is nothing wrong with that, but treating it with sihr is not permitted, as previously stated, because sihr means worshipping the shayaateen (devils). The saahir (magician, practitioner of witchcraft) does sihr or learns sihr only after worshipping and serving the shayaateen, and drawing close to them by means of the things that they like. After that, they teach him the means of sihr. But, praise be to Allaah, there is no reason why the person who has been affected by sihr should not be treated by means of reciting Qur’aan and the prayers for refuge with Allaah that are prescribed in sharee’ah, and permissible medicines, just as patients with all kinds of sicknesses are treated by doctors. The patient does not necessarily recover, because not every sick person does recover. A sick patient might be treated and then recover if his appointed time (of death) has not yet arrived, or he may not recover and may die from this sickness, even though he may be been seen by the most skilled physicians and knowledgeable doctors. When the appointed time of death comes, no medicine or treatment will be of any avail, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And Allaah grants respite to none when his appointed time (death) comes”
[al-Munaafiqoon 63:11]

Medical treatment is of benefit when the appointed time has not yet come, and Allaah decrees that His slave should be healed. The same applies in the case of one who has been affected by sihr; Allaah may decree that he should recover, or He may not decree that, as a test and a trial, or for other reasons which are known to Allaah. Among those reasons may be the fact that the one who is treating him does not have the right treatment for this problem. It was narrated in a saheeh report that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “For every disease there is a medicine, and if that medicine is applied to the disease, he will recover by Allaah’s Leave.” And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah has not sent down any disease but He has also sent down the cure; the one who knows it knows it and the one who does not know it does not know it.”

Among the treatments prescribed in sharee’ah is the treatment of sihr with recitation of the Qur’aan. The greatest soorah in the Qur’aan, which is al-Faatihah, should be recited over the person who has been affected by sihr. This should be repeated several times. If it is recited by a believing, righteous reader who knows that everything is subject to the will and decree of Allaah, that Allaah is in control of all things, that when He says to a thing ‘Be!’ it is, if the reciting is based on faith, taqwa and sincerity, and is repeated several times, then the sihr may be removed and the person may recover by Allaah’s Leave. Some of the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) passed by some Bedouins whose shaykh, i.e., their leader, had been bitten. They had done everything they could but he had not gotten better. They said to one of the Sahaabah, “Is there any raaqi (one who performs ruqyah) among you?” They said, “Yes.” So one of them recited Soorat al-Faatihah over him, and he immediately got up full of energy as if nothing had happened; Allaah healed him of the ill-effects of that snakebite.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is nothing wrong with ruqyah so long as it does not involve shirk.” He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed ruqyah and had it performed for him. There is a lot of good in ruqyah, and a great deal of benefit. Al-Faatihah, Aayat al-Kursiy, “Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahad”, al-Mi’wadhatayn (surahs al-Falaq and an-Naas) and other aayahs may be recited over the person who has been affected by sihr, as well as good du’aa’s narrated in the ahaadeeth from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), such as the du’aa’ he said when he performed ruqyah for a sick person and said, “Allaahumma Rabb al-naas, adhhib il-ba’s, washfi anta al-Shaafi laa shifaa’a illa shifaa’uka shifaa’an laa yughaadir saqaman (O Allaah, Lord of mankind, remove the harm and heal him, for You are the Healer and there is no healing except Your healing, with a healing which does not leave any disease behind).” This may be repeated three times or more.

And it was also narrated from him (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that Jibreel (peace be upon him) performed ruqyah for him and said three times: “Bismillaahi arqeeka min kulli shay’in yu’dheeka, wa min sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin haasidin, Allaah yashfeek, bismillaah arqeek (In the name of Allaah I perform ruqyah for you, from every thing that is harming you, from the evil of every soul or envious eye may Allaah heal you, in the name of Allaah I perform ruqyah for you).” This is a great ruqyah which was narrated in a saheeh hadeeth from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

It is prescribed to perform ruqyah for the one who has been bitten or stung, and the one who has been affected by sihr, and the one who is sick.

Allaah may heal the sick person and the person affected by sihr, and others, without any ruqyah and without any action on the part of other people, because He is Able to do all things, and He is Wise in all that He does. Allaah says in His Holy Book:

“Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, ‘Be!’ and it is!”[Yaa-Seen 36:82]

To Him be praise and thanks for all that He wills and decrees, for He is wise in all that He does.

There are different kinds of treatment:

1 – He can look at what the saahir (person who practices sihr) has done. For example, if he has put some of his hair in a place, or in a comb, or somewhere else, if it is discovered that he has put it in such-and-such a place, it should be removed and burnt or destroyed. This will cancel out what has been done and will foil the intentions of the saahir.

2 – Reciting Qur’aan, for it has a great effect in removing (the effects of) sihr. Aayat al-Kursiy, the aayahs of sihr from Soorat al-A’raaf, Soorat Yoonus and Soorat Ta-Ha, Soorat al-Kaafiroon, Soorat al-Ikhlaas and al-Mi’wadhatayn should be recited over the person who has been affected by sihr, or into a vessel. Du’aa’ should be made for healing and good health; in particular the du’aa’ which has been narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):

“Allaahumma Rabb al-Naas, adhhib al-ba’s wa’shfi, anta al-Shaafiy, laa shifaa’a illa shifaa’uka, shifaa’an laa yughaadiru saqaman (O Allaah, Lord of mankind, remove the evil and grant healing, for You are the Healer. There is no healing except Your healing, which does not leave any sickness).”

One may also recite the words used by Jibreel when he treated the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with ruqyah:

“Bismillaah arqeeka, min kulli shay’in yu’dheeka, wa min sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin haasidin Allaah yushfeeka, bismillaah arqeek (In the name of Allaah I perform ruqyah for you, from everything that is harming you, from the evil of every soul or envious eye may Allaah heal you, in the name of Allaah I perform ruqyah for you).”

This should be repeated three times, as should the recitation of “Qul Huwa Allaah Ahad” and al-Mi’wadhatayn.

He may also recite the above into water, some of which should be drunk by the person who has been affected by sihr, and he should wash with the rest, one or more times as needed. This will remove the sihr by Allaah’s Leave. This was mentioned by the scholars (may Allaah have mercy on them), and by Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Hasan (may Allaah have mercy on him) in Fath al-Majeed Sharh Kitaab al-Tawheed, in (the chapter entitled) Baab Ma jaa’a fi’l-Nushrah, and by others.

3 – He can take seven green lotus leaves, grind them up, and put them into water, then recite into it the aayahs and soorahs mentioned above, and the du’aa’s. Then he can drink some and wash with the rest. Seven green lotus leaves should be placed in water, the verses referred to above should be recited into it, then he should drink from it and wash with it. This is beneficial, by Allaah’s leave.

The verses which should be recited into the water and the lotus leaves for those who have been affected by sihr are as follows:
1- Soorat al-Faatihah

2- Aayat al-Kursiy from Soorat al-Baqarah, which is as follows (interpretation of the meaning):
“Allaah! Laa ilaaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), Al-Hayyul-Qayyum (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists). Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter. And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Kursiy extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great” (al-Baqarah 2:255)

3- The verses from Soorat al-A’raaf, which are as follows (interpretation of the meaning):

“[Pharaoh] said: ‘If you have come with a sign, show it forth, if you are one of those who tell the truth.’
Then [Moosa] threw his stick and behold! it was a serpent, manifest!
And he drew out his hand, and behold! it was white (with radiance) for the beholders.
The chiefs of the people of Pharaoh said: ‘This is indeed a well-versed sorcerer;
He wants to get you out of your land, so what do you advise?’
They said: ‘Put him and his brother off (for a time), and send callers to the cities to collect —
That they bring to you all well-versed sorcerers.’
And so the sorcerers came to Pharaoh. They said: ‘Indeed there will be a (good) reward for us if we are the victors.’
He said: ‘Yes, and moreover you will (in that case) be of the nearest (to me).’
They said: ‘O Moosa! Either you throw (first), or shall we have the (first) throw?’
He [Moosa] said: ‘Throw you (first).’ So when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people, and struck terror into them, and they displayed a great magic.
And We revealed to Moosa (saying): ‘Throw your stick,’ and behold! It swallowed up straight away all the falsehood which they showed.
Thus truth was confirmed, and all that they did was made of no effect.
So they were defeated there and returned disgraced.
And the sorcerers fell down prostrate.
They said: ‘We believe in the Lord of the ‘Aalameen (mankind, jinn and all that exists).
The Lord of Moosa and Haaroon (Aaron).’” [al-A’raaf 7:106-122]

4- The verses from Soorat Yoonus, which are as follows (interpretation of the meaning):
“And Pharaoh said: ‘Bring me every well-versed sorcerer.’
And when the sorcerers came, Moosa said to them: ‘Cast down what you want to cast!’
Then when they had cast down, Moosa said: ‘What you have brought is sorcery, Allaah will surely make it of no effect. Verily, Allaah does not set right the work of Al-Mufsidoon.
And Allaah will establish and make apparent the truth by His Words, however much the Mujrimoon may hate (it).’” (Yoonus 10:79-82)

5- The verses from Soorat Ta-Ha, which are as follows (interpretation of the meaning):
“They said: ‘O Moosa! Either you throw first or we be the first to throw?’
[Moosa] said: ‘Nay, throw you (first)!’ Then behold! their ropes and their sticks, by their magic, appeared to him as though they moved fast.
So Moosa conceived fear in himself.
We (Allaah) said: ‘Fear not! Surely, you will have the upper hand.
And throw that which is in your right hand! It will swallow up that which they have made. That which they have made is only a magician’s trick, and the magician will never be successful, to whatever amount (of skill) he may attain’” [Ta-Ha 20:65-69]

6- Soorat al-Kaafiroon

7- Soorat al-Ikhlaas and al-Mi’wadhatayn (i.e., Soorat al-Falaq and Soorat al-Naas) – to be recited three times.

8- Reciting some of the du’aa’s prescribed in sharee’ah, such as:

“Allaahumma Rabb al-Naas, adhhib al-ba’s wa’shfi, anta al-Shaafiy, laa shifaa’a illa shifaa’uka, shifaa’an laa yughaadiru saqaman (O Allaah, Lord of mankind, remove the evil and grant healing, for You are the Healer. There is no healing except Your healing, which does not leave any sickness).”
This is good, and it may also be accompanied by the du’aa’:
“Allaahumma Rabb al-Naas, adhhib al-ba’s wa’shfi, anta al-Shaafiy, laa shifaa’a illa shifaa’uka, shifaa’an laa yughaadiru saqaman (O Allaah, Lord of mankind, remove the evil and grant healing, for You are the Healer. There is no healing except Your healing, which does not leave any sickness).”

If the above verses etc. are recited directly over the person who has been affected by sihr, then the reciter blows on his head and chest, these are also among the means of healing, by Allaah’s Leave, as stated above.

It is very important that the person performing this treatment and the person who is being treated should both have sincere faith and trust in Allaah; they should know that He is control of all things and that when He wills a thing it happens, and when He does not will a thing it does not happen. The matter is in His hand, whatever He wills happens and whatever He does not will does not happen. When both the reader and the one who is read over have faith and are sincere towards Allaah, the sickness will disappear quickly by Allaah’s Leave, and both physical and spiritual medicine will be beneficial. We ask Allaah to help us all to please Him, for He is All-Hearing and is ever Near.

It is good to keep abundant recitation of the above verses if you think you have or your family have been affected by magic. I do actually know a lady who had magic done on her...caused terrible problems, she just kept the above verses and du'aas on her lips, read lots of Qur'aan,made lots of du'aa, cried in front of Allah at night, and and never lost hope and trust in Allah, alhamdulillah her problems are over now, and she feels it was due to Allahs help and recitations/du'aas. However the magic did not result in illnes or death, but other problems. I know your situation is completely different, but inshaAllah I think you should try. Allah knows best, and may He ease all your problems. Ameen.

11-28-2009, 12:33 AM
very through masha Allah

Br. Issam
12-03-2009, 03:03 AM
Salamaleikum wrb,

At home i came across a very small book that looks suspicious. Having a read through the small book (the book is in arabic), i found it contained a number of surahs from the holy Quran and others things like dua and listing of asma' al husna.

Although, on the last page of the book i found a page with some writing on it that looked suspicious. With the poor print quality and my arabic reading not being the strongest (im currently in the process of learning arabic) i initially assumed it was an index of some sort. But after further examination i noticed i could not decifer or understand what was written on the page apart from the writting stating in arabic "i seek refuge in allah from shatan, bissmillah alrahman alraheem".

I dont believe it to be an index as the numbers are randomly scattered, i cant make sense of it & when i first looked at it i had a feeling that this doesn't look right. To me it looks like some sort of taweez or sihr disguised in a book containing quran and dua, although i could very likely be wrong.

I have taken photos of a few pages of the book, particularly the last page which is what i am referring to, although i could not figure out how to attach photos to this thread. So the photos can be found on a previous thread i posted on another forum: http://forums.alkauthar.org/showthread.php?t=7520

Unfortunatelly i havn't received a response from anyone on this so im hoping this forum may be able to help. Is abu_musab461 or anyone else knowledgable in this able to tell me if this page contians magic or if i just can't read arabic very well lol!

I hope someone is able to help jazakumallah kheir.

Wasalamaleikum wrb.

12-15-2009, 10:44 PM
I'm guessing the issue has been resolved?

12-15-2009, 10:47 PM

I don't think so. I wanted to have a look but you have to be a member of that forum for the link Bro Issam gave, and you need to log in. So I can't see them. I believe you are a member of that forum though as you have posted in that link, so maybe you could have a look, or maybe you can upload the pics here as you are a full member.

Jazaakallah khair.


desert winds
12-16-2009, 02:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Br. Issam
Salamaleikum wrb,

At home i came across a very small book that looks suspicious. Having a read through the small book (the book is in arabic), i found it contained a number of surahs from the holy Quran and others things like dua and listing of asma' al husna.

Although, on the last page of the book i found a page with some writing on it that looked suspicious. With the poor print quality and my arabic reading not being the strongest (im currently in the process of learning arabic) i initially assumed it was an index of some sort. But after further examination i noticed i could not decifer or understand what was written on the page apart from the writting stating in arabic "i seek refuge in allah from shatan, bissmillah alrahman alraheem".

I dont believe it to be an index as the numbers are randomly scattered, i cant make sense of it & when i first looked at it i had a feeling that this doesn't look right. To me it looks like some sort of taweez or sihr disguised in a book containing quran and dua, although i could very likely be wrong.

I have taken photos of a few pages of the book, particularly the last page which is what i am referring to, although i could not figure out how to attach photos to this thread. So the photos can be found on a previous thread i posted on another forum: http://forums.alkauthar.org/showthread.php?t=7520

Unfortunatelly i havn't received a response from anyone on this so im hoping this forum may be able to help. Is abu_musab461 or anyone else knowledgable in this able to tell me if this page contians magic or if i just can't read arabic very well lol!

I hope someone is able to help jazakumallah kheir.

Wasalamaleikum wrb.
asslam alaikum taweez or lucky charms or perndant are a form of shirk in islam- the prophet pbuh did never wear a good luck charm or taweez ect(astaghfriullah) the quran is to read there are cures in the quran! there are ways as to how these are apllied-

the taweez is forbideen for 3 reasons- 1 it influneces other people who see you as a role mdole an dyou are spreading something-
2 when you go to the toilet/ maintian a husband and wife relationship you become in a state of impurity and the 3rd i cant remeber-
im sorry

12-17-2009, 03:24 AM
no comment!!!

02-02-2010, 02:19 AM
Brothers and Sisters,
I have never written a comment or asked a question on any boards before in my life. I believe in All Mighty Allah and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). I just want some kind of guidance from my fellow Muslims to what i need to do......

I will keep this as short as possible without loosing any meaning.
I live in the US for last 16 years and travel to Pakistan every few years. All my family lives in Pakistan. Last time I went to Pakistan on the 12th of Dec 2009 for the death of my younger sister. She was 25 years old and died of heart complications. We knew that she had heart problems from a very young age and that deteriorated really fast in the last year. I got home one day after her funeral to Islamabad from Oregon.

I'll get to the point. My older sister told me the next day that my cousin found a folded piece of paper from under my dead sisters body when they were getting ready to take her to the grave. The paper seemed like some one just placed there recently to be accompanied with her dead body to the grave but it fell off some how from the white sheet covering her body.
I asked if I could see the paper and took some pictures of the front and back of the paper with my iphone.
On the back of the paper (as can be seen in the picture) it says in Urdu, "to be buried in the grave with the body".

Attaches pics of front and back:
/Users/chrisna99/Desktop/Taweez Pics/securedownload-3.jpeg
/Users/chrisna99/Desktop/Taweez Pics/securedownload-4.jpeg
[IMG]/Users/chrisna99/Desktop/Taweez Pics/securedownload-3.jpeg[/IMG]
[IMG]/Users/chrisna99/Desktop/Taweez Pics/securedownload-4.jpeg[/IMG]

Next day there was another folded piece of paper found from underneath the from door of our house. This one had names of my cousins, uncles and some relatives. i also took front and back pictures with my phone.
Attaches pics of front and back:
/Users/chrisna99/Desktop/Taweez Pics/securedownload-1.jpeg
/Users/chrisna99/Desktop/Taweez Pics/securedownload-2.jpeg
[IMG]/Users/chrisna99/Desktop/Taweez Pics/securedownload-1.jpeg[/IMG]
[IMG]/Users/chrisna99/Desktop/Taweez Pics/securedownload-2.jpeg[/IMG]

Next few days were very sad as I was dealing with the grief with all the relives and family members. I never thought of anything else at the time and forgot all about it.

I came back to the US on 23rd of Dec 2009 (10 days) later. My brother called me and asked me if I still have the pictures of those papers because when he was cleaning the room he by mistake ended up burning those papers with rest of the news papers and other stuff in the fireplace. I sent him the pictures the next day and that was the end of it.

Its been over 5 weeks now and I forgot all about the papers until last night. I had a dream where an unknown person talked to me about those papers and said that one of them was some kind of spell on me to not being able to get a job or to financially suffer all my life. (Side note: I don't have a job for almost one year. I apply for jobs and no matter what I do I haven't landed a job yet. My last job a year ago was an great job that was paying me over $100,000.00 a year and everything is going down hill for me).

Please tell me what I need to do specially when we don't have the original papers that we found because they were accidentally burnt in fire.


02-03-2010, 12:15 AM
I just realized that its not letting me upload the pictures. I'll be able to email to anyone who is interested in helping me with this. Thanks everyone

02-03-2010, 10:08 PM
Walikum as sallam Brother

Well first of all we would have to see the papers n see what is written on them.

Also would like to know what sect do u or ur sister or family members belong to, Please do not mind but it is important for me to know that, Is the deo bandi creed , the brelvi , or salafi/ ahul hadeeth as they are called in pakistan.

If the papers seem to be some kind of talisms , shirk , pictures n shapes n drawings , or other words that do not mean anything n could be shirk n magic n all , then its good that such stuff was not buried with her

Also if its some kind of a leter to help her in her grave or in the hereafter, Like from a piuos person or peer or, some how interviening for her in her grave , then its not to be buried with her , Only ur duaas can help the deceased , or any sadaqah jariah that she did in her life or any beneficial knowledge that she taught some one , than that will make her scales of good deeds heavy untill the day of judgement InshahAllah as the Prophet Sala Lahu Alhi W asallam told us . These are the only three things that help a deceased person. now when i say duaa its the dua of her friends n family n not of those peers n fake pious people wwho charge a fee to make duaa for her all day n read quran for her all day coz well first of all they dont n they are just scams , second reading quran n dedicating it to her canot help her in any way nor any other act of worship, just the duaa that u make for her , for mercy n forgiveness n all.

There are actually sects of muslims where they pay These fake peers n righteous people to write letters that are to be buried with them , like a recommendation letter n intermission n in some cases a gurantee to enter jannah , astaghfirullah n also how much land they allot u on that paper in jannah..!!!

This whole thing is kinda fishy , and here i will like to remind everyone n myslef abiout writing a will , it is considered mandatory by many scholars n it is sunnah n the companions used to keep their wills under their pillows , we never write our wills , and death comes n all sort of problems arise.

Im sure as u did not mention this is not part of her will , she never wrote anything about it , that such and such papaers be buried with me, so some one is acting on their own out there , ssome one is placing things under her n at ur door , so may be you guys should inquire on who it might be and why is he/she doing that.

The dream u had brother , know that the dreams can be from Allah n also can be from shaytaan n from his folowers n helpes n friends. If tis is some kind of magic or other innovation or shirk then offcourse they will try to scare u like that in ur dreams , and they mentioned its a spell , so u should know that spels of this sort are only from magicians n shaytaans, n a maagician never becomes a magician untill he comits kufr n pleases the shaytaans so they in return do him favors n help him. Know that Allah , n those who Follow n love Allah n follow Islam n sunnah wil never do any sort of spells n never harm any one in any way, like creating hurdlesin getting jobs , this is all the work of shaytaans n their friends from the humans.

As far as ur job goes , well know that Its allll in control of Allah , If he wills to give u a job no one can deny u , and if He wills to keep u unemployed ( and only He knows teh wisdom behind it) then no one in the world can get u a job. They are just trying to scare u , but be strong , Be a Muwahid ( Monotheist) , Establish tawheed, Single out Allah , Know that He is enough , He is the sustainer , He owns the universe n what ever is in it n owns teh everlasting n vast gardens of paradise that He has created for his obeying servants, do not let these small little temporary problems n tests of the world n the threats of the shayateen scare u brother.

I have not had a job for a year , i mean a proper job in my field of study n according to my qualifications , i studied in the states , came back in 2005 , since then never really got a job , studied some more here n AlhumdoLILAH things are looking good now but still dont have a job in my field. It is all decreed , i on my part can only work hard n keep searching n keep trying n rest is not in my hands , no one can come to me n tell me there is some kind of magic or spel done on me so i must go to such n such people n get that spell removed , i wont go to them n add to my problems , coz by going to such people who claim to remove spells i will oly lose my deen coz they are mostly magicians n kafirs n dealing with them is haram, n if there really is a spell then teh one who did it upon me is the one losing out on the Jannah whose width is like that of the heavens and earth , full of al kinds of rewards, I can only live one day at a time worshipping Allah n following what he commands n trying to stay away from what He forbade n hope to enter The gardens n fear the hell fire n work , n wait till death comes to me and i get out of this world n its small little tiny problem that in no way compare to the misery n torment of fire, So all im saying is Always keep ur eyes on the prize , Even if u think its some kind of spell , do what is prescribed by the Prophet sala lahu alihi wa sallam , what is called a shareeah rukya , it is easy u could do it ur self n its the proper way of seeking help from Allah agaisnt these devils n shaytaans.

Brother the most Important thing is to protect ur self n put ur self in the protection of Allah , The best of Protectors, HOW ? Well its easy and very practical , The Prophet Sala lahu alihi wa salam taught us some very easy and do-able adkhars of morning and eveneing , The best collection of those can be found in the book "Fortification of a msulim" Hisn ul muslim , it is available in urdu english n all languages , it has a section of morning and evening zikrs , and they are easy , not like 419 times n 786 times n 1017 times n all those non sense wazeefas n wiirds , the book contains the Authentic Sunnah zikrs n they are easy n beautiful full of tawheed n just amazing.

Brother Know that Allah is enough for u , teh more u Put ur faith , trust , hope , love , in Allah the More InshahAllah ur imam will increase n the more Allah will proptetc u.

But there is a beautiful Fundamental Qaidah n usool (principle)
ان تنصرو الله ينصركم

If you help (in the cause of) Allâh, He will help you, and make your foothold

If we seek help from Allah , Protection From Allah , Sustinanace n rizq from Allah we have to on our part do what we are supposed to , Allah's help does not come to those who do not give Allah his rights n obey Allah.

So basically Brother,
One must first of All practically do what Allah has ordered , Obey him , folow his rules n regulations , Love him n put their trust in him , Thank him for what ever He has blessed n constantly ask for forgiveness n repent n constantly ask for his protection when beginning the day n evening , n do it the proper way , do it as prescribed by the Prophet and what was proved from him sala lahu alihi wa sallam , n what he taught us n let that be enough for us coz what was not deen at his time cannot be deen today, So basically do ur prayers first n foremost , n after fajr n maghrib do ur adkhaars , start ur day and evening with Ayah Al kursi.

Only Allah can save u and protect u , He is the Most Powerful , Only Allah can take all sort of magic n spells n evil eye n hasad n all away from u n break it, It is all too easy fro him n those other than Allah cannot do it , Only Allah can help u get a job again n make ways for it n no one can stop u from getting it if Allah has willed it.

From uran Surah Taha
إنما صنعوا كيد ساحر ولا يفلح الساحر حيث أتى

That which they have made is only a magician's trick, and the magician will never be successful, no matter whatever amount (of skill) he may attain. verse 68

surah yunus
verse 80
فلما ألقوا قال موسى ما جئتم به السحر إن الله سيبطله إن الله لا يصلح عمل المفسدين
Then when they had cast down, Mûsa (Moses) said: "What you have brought is sorcery, Allâh will surely make it of no effect. Verily, Allâh does not set right the work of Al-Mufsidûn (the evil-doers, corrupts, etc.).

Brother know that no matter HOW strong the spell n magic is ( tahts IF there is any sort of spell) Allah can surely break it n make it of no effect n punish the ones responsible.

So do ur namaz , salah first n foremost , Turn to Allah in complete submission n repentence , Use ur shields n fortification , the adkhaars of morning and evening , do the sharie rukyah and InshahAllah u will be fine.

here is a site for the book i mentioned , it has it all online very easy to use as well www.makedua.com

Also i wil mention some of the remmbereances of morning and evening

Reciting Ayah Al kursi in morning n evening , best after just praying fajr n maghrib ,

Reciting Surah Al Ikhlaas , Al Falaq , An Naas ( The three quls) after fajr and maghrib three times ( The prophet said in a hadith that this will suffice u from everything)


بسم الله الذى لا يضر مع اسمه شىء فى الارض و لا فى السماء و هو السميع العليم

In the name of Allaah with those name nothing is harmed on earth nor in the heavens and He is The All-Seeing, The All-Knowing.’ (three times)
(Isnt this BEAUTIFUL)?

اعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلق
‘I take refuge in Allaah’s perfect words from the evil He has created.’ (three times)


The sunnah is beautiful , easy , practical , n well authentic n saheeh , rest is just inovations n misguidance with no effect n well pretty difficult as well.

so chekc that web site out

browse for E n go to evening n you will see all these n some other beautiful n easy duas of morning n evening to protect u from All evil

There is still so omuch i wana say , i wrote all this is such a hurry n i wish i could write more , i hope it helps in any way

Just know that Allah is sufficient for u , turn to him n seek help n protection from Him n InshahAllah u will be fine

N i ask Allah to have mercy on ur sister , n to accept all her good deeds n multiply them , n to forgive alll the bad ones n erase them n look over them n to enter her in the gardens underneath which rivers flow , and to bring u all together in jannah n join u again in jannah

N i ask Him to protect u n forgive u n watchover u , n to save u from all evil n make ur affairs easy n to take away any spells n magic or any evil there might be , n to help u n suffice u.

Personally i think those who brought those papers n those who are trying to scare u cannot in any way be friends of Allah , rather such things n actions are only by the rebellious ones n enemies of tawheed n those who disobey Allah n do not believe in him,the enemies of Allah.

What ever happened happened . now what can be done is that u could protect ur self , n also try t o repel the evil from ur self.

This n Allah knows best

I have said what i have said , if ight then from Allah n by his grace n if wrong then from my self n from shaytaan , and i ask Allah for forgiveness indeed He is the most Forgiving


02-04-2010, 11:24 AM
Also i just thought about it ,

This cold just be a psychological thing , i mean the dream

You obviously do not have a job for a while and are concerned and it is something on yor mind.

You found these papers n they got destroyed andd all n tis is also something that is on your mind constantly and something that concerns you.

Dreams can at many times be because of what we thinkabouta dn are stressed about , like if i have to travel or have an interview i usually get a related dream where i am having an interview n all or i am traeliing or something related.

So this dream can just be a waswasa, wiswaas as it is called in arabic or a whispering from ur own self , which turned into a dream at night , coz its obviously something on your mind,

coz look at it , if u are not having the job for the past year then it just proves that it has notthing to do with the papers n all , coz that only happened recently , while ur job issue is much older than that , so this is juts wiswaas n whispering from ur own self , or frm shaytaan to scare you, dont worry about it InshahAllah , and do read my first answer as wlel , i know its long but InshahAllah it will benefit. youi not having or getting a job can never eb InshahAlah de to this issue and Allah knows best.

02-09-2010, 02:06 PM
@bro ubaid are there any specific virtues mentioned in hadith about this dua "How perfect You are O Allaah, and I praise You. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except You. I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance"

02-20-2010, 02:42 PM
abu_musab461, Thanks for this post. After having a look around the house I found 2 Taweez stuck on the entrance to the house and one on the back.

My Urdu is poor so ive upped it to RS. Its 24mb.


First few words read "Ya Allah" then "Ya....."

Any Advice to what the above reads/mean would be grateful, it will give me an excuse to knock some sense into my sister. Apparently she got it for Luton.

In the mean time, does anyone know of any experts in the field of removing Taweez?

While we are on the subject of Taweez and those who create them, Anyone in the Tower Hamlets area of London know of a Man known as "Nuzrul"? I went with a friend (Ive tried to convince him not to use him but he don't listen) who uses him a lot to get things done like...well hurting others, getting remedies for illnesses and stuff like that. He's a big fan of "Atar" bottles, and his whole front room is full of em.

Thanks again abu_musab461.

02-24-2010, 10:30 PM
Brothers n sisters

Please lets return to Allah n do ALL our salats on time n do our morning n evening adkhaars , get the book fortification of the muslim , hisnul muslim

I just witnessed a case of magic on a poor family , an indian family where the wife is being tortured by the jinns

They burn her clothes n they have had fires in their house , i mean how could u have fire in the bathroom??

Dead Black Roosters found five times in washroom with blood comming out of their mouth!( they live in a tower on the 10th floor!)

she is constantly being cut , cuts all over her body even face! they cut her wrists n she can easily die!

house is filled with black n white smoke!

crazy crazy crazy stuff , their pain n suffering is unbearable n cant eveb describe

some one has done magic on her and jinns are constantly coming to hurt her , to kill her n try to seperate her from her husband

what i have told u guys is just the tip of the ice berg , if i go into details u guys will go crazy n wont even sleep!

well she disappeared from mumbai once n called in few hours from madras airport where security was trying to figure out where n how did she get inside this area of the airport without a ticket n passport n she does not know or remeber how she got there , its a 2000 km journey !! she had only went out to get some vegetables

May Allah protect us all , may Allah help us all protect ourselfs n turn back to Allah , n do our namaz on time n the adkhaars www.makedua.com

02-24-2010, 10:49 PM
jinns ain't that strong to do all that by them selves...

02-24-2010, 10:59 PM
Brother its magic , where the magician sends his shaytaans to harm people , jinns can do all that n more

remmber they brought for salman alihi as sallam the throne of the queen bilqees in a BLINK OF AN EYE!

Bro i went to their house n seen it all may Allah reward u .

Abdul Qadir
02-24-2010, 11:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by muslimah 4 life

Afew years ago my family had some problems and my dad in a weak moment was talked into getting taweez. He went to several people with the help of his friend who is the local imam.
My dad was astonished as these people were able to tell him about the problems without him telling them, they then made taweez using my mothers and brothers name.
Now our problems have gone from bad to worse! I believe ALLAH withdrew HIS help and left my dad to the taweez. My brother suffered mentally, felt like somebody was strangling him etc, this is all works of the jinn that comes with taweez.
I started to practise Islam and looked at taweez. Every taweez comes with a jinn and will harm you inthe long run I have seen this before my own eyes.
Problem now is I don't know anyone onthe haq in birmingham who will perform ruqya on my family the correct way. The people I know won't do it as they are related to my dad and feel he may be embarrased that they are aware he used taweez.
Can anyone please let me know were I can take my parents to have ruqya performed on them?
look for a salafi brother in birmingham...they will do it in accordance to sunnah...birmingham has a salafi base...

02-24-2010, 11:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by brotherubaid
Brother its magic , where the magician sends his shaytaans to harm people , jinns can do all that n more

remmber they brought for salman alihi as sallam the throne of the queen bilqees in a BLINK OF AN EYE!

Bro i went to their house n seen it all may Allah reward u .
why don't they get ruqya water and sprinkle it in each corner of the house.

02-25-2010, 06:54 AM
Majority of the musafireen who talked about the one who said i can bring the thrown in a blink of an eye have concluded that it was a human not jinn who said that. The Ifreet said i can bring it before u finish the meeting/ get up from the gathering.

Thus added that humans are stronger than jinns.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that jinn can not directly start fires etc... yes they can influence humans to do it but they them selves do it?

Doubt it.

02-25-2010, 06:55 AM
@ Squiggle good idea bro!

02-26-2010, 06:56 AM

Me and my friend recently purchased a car hanging decoration with "Allah" written on it. I bought it cos it looked nice and also to make any passerby to know that it is a Muslim's car. After reading this thread, I am scared if it might fall into taweez category, though my intention had nothing to do with protection. I recite the dua that one should say when getting inside a vehicle.

02-26-2010, 07:29 AM
Fairy Tales. Dont believe in this stuff.

02-26-2010, 08:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by squiggle
why don't they get ruqya water and sprinkle it in each corner of the house.
Yes Alhumdolillah we took a raaqi there , n he listenned to their whole story n told them some things to do , the one u mentioned is one of them and more also , so Alhumdolillah they are doing better now , and Please make dua for them , i have never seen such pain n suffering, may Allah save us all.

But mashahAllah bro u have the right idea , that is one of the treatments in this case n they have been doin it.

02-26-2010, 04:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SMA89
Fairy Tales. Dont believe in this stuff.
You don't believe in what stuff? You don't believe in the existance of jinn, or you don't believe in their ability to possesse people? or you don't believe in their ability to cause harm?

02-26-2010, 07:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SMA89
Fairy Tales. Dont believe in this stuff.
Salam bro,

I know where ur coming from , and im not one of those superstitous people who have notthing better to do but talk about jinns n magic n spells n all , but what has been proved by our religion n quran n sunnah , we believe in it n use quran n sunnah n way of the prophet alone to protect ourselfes n also to remove such spells.

U might meet people who blame everything on magic or some kind of spell , for instance if their daughter cant get married they are quick to blame n accuse such n such relative for doing magic on her n all.

There are psycholoical issues , n not everyone is under a spell , and the brothers n raaqis i know most of the time suggest people to see a doctor , coz people ae always quick to thik its some kind of magic or evil eye , but most of the times its genuine sickness n also psychological matters as well.

One of the brothers here is a PHD in psychology n also a beneficial student of knowledge who uses quran n shareeah ruqya n also his psychological knowledge to help the people that call him or visit him.

Unlike the crazy magician babas n peers n all n sufis of indo/pak , they dont do crazy stuff n rituals , rather recite the beautiful ayaat in beautiful recitations over the victim, this raaqi i dealt with has such a nice recitation i wanted to record his ruqya , i loved it.

Bro the jinns are true , proved by quran n sunnah

The magic n its effects n harms are true , proved by quran n sunnah , n even our beloved Prophet sala lahu alihi wa sallam fell a victim to it , n magic was performed on him by the jews n he suffered , and Allah revealed to him the two last surahs n relieved his suffering. so u cant just dent magic

I know ur thinking its 2010 n these things are of old , n only illeterate people n backward people believe in it , but the truth is that its wide spread in the indo/pak/bangla comunities all over the world n in those countries , n even on famous desi channels on air u have magicians who ask the nam eof the mother of the person who calls to heal them n answer their questions , a trait of the magicians that the whole ummah is agreed upon , that they ask the nam eof the mom of the victim to heal them.

Any way i wana keep it short

what i said in this thread about that particular indian family , its in no way fairy tales or psychological thing

How in earth can a dead black rooster get in ur rest room n ur living on the 10th floor of a state of the art tower out of the towers of dubai/sharjah??

How can her wrists get sliced in front of everyone JUST LIKE THAT !!??

How can u EVER have a fire in ur rest room??

How can u ever have burnt marks of foot n heels on ur bathroom door mat?


u should thank Allah u are not in their situation

How can the house get filled with black n whit smoke?? when notthing is being cooked or notthing like that

How can her clothes get on fire sitting in the living room?? FAIRY TALES??

bro , may Allah save us n save u from such things , the jinns are real , their harm is real , magic is real, may Allah guide our desi people , how could some one do this to her , how evil n cold hearted are the magicians , there is no doubt they are kafirs.

And bro i wanted to add something on here

U know whats fairy tales??

Laal shahbaz qalandar used to FLY! now thats a fairy tale

Sheikh abdul qaadir jeelani rahimahullah pulled out of a river a ship carrying people who wre bringin a bride from the other side of the river, the whole entourage after 11 YEARS of sinking , all came out alive after 11 years n hence he is refered to as the " Gyarwein wala peer" The peer of the 11

such a great lie agaisnt such a great islamic scholar n righetous servant of Allah , now thats a fairy tale

Imam abu haneefa used to pray 1000 rakats each night!!! Now thats a fairy tale

shamsudeen tabreiz couldnt find no one to cook the meat he had , so he asked the sun to come down to cook it , it came down n cooked it for him while he himself made of flesh didnt get cooked n ever sicne that Multan is soo hot , coz the sun in multan is sooo close!! NOw thats a fairy tale

yet our people believe all that n more ,

may Allah save us


02-27-2010, 09:17 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by nightingale

Me and my friend recently purchased a car hanging decoration with "Allah" written on it. I bought it cos it looked nice and also to make any passerby to know that it is a Muslim's car. After reading this thread, I am scared if it might fall into taweez category, though my intention had nothing to do with protection. I recite the dua that one should say when getting inside a vehicle.

Don't worry, it does not fall into taweez category. Taweez is a paper or other stuff with Arabic words written on it and filled with magic.

02-27-2010, 10:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by brotherubaid
U know whats fairy tales??

Laal shahbaz qalandar used to FLY! now thats a fairy tale

Sheikh abdul qaadir jeelani rahimahullah pulled out of a river a ship carrying people who wre bringin a bride from the other side of the river, the whole entourage after 11 YEARS of sinking , all came out alive after 11 years n hence he is refered to as the " Gyarwein wala peer" The peer of the 11

such a great lie agaisnt such a great islamic scholar n righetous servant of Allah , now thats a fairy tale

Imam abu haneefa used to pray 1000 rakats each night!!! Now thats a fairy tale

shamsudeen tabreiz couldnt find no one to cook the meat he had , so he asked the sun to come down to cook it , it came down n cooked it for him while he himself made of flesh didnt get cooked n ever sicne that Multan is soo hot , coz the sun in multan is sooo close!! NOw thats a fairy tale
......... and many more fairy tales. We can find the rest in Sufi's books.

02-27-2010, 10:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by brotherubaid
Salam bro,

I know where ur coming from , and im not one of those superstitous people who have notthing better to do but talk about jinns n magic n spells n all , but what has been proved by our religion n quran n sunnah , we believe in it n use quran n sunnah n way of the prophet alone to protect ourselfes n also to remove such spells.

U might meet people who blame everything on magic or some kind of spell , for instance if their daughter cant get married they are quick to blame n accuse such n such relative for doing magic on her n all.

There are psycholoical issues , n not everyone is under a spell , and the brothers n raaqis i know most of the time suggest people to see a doctor , coz people ae always quick to thik its some kind of magic or evil eye , but most of the times its genuine sickness n also psychological matters as well.

One of the brothers here is a PHD in psychology n also a beneficial student of knowledge who uses quran n shareeah ruqya n also his psychological knowledge to help the people that call him or visit him.

Unlike the crazy magician babas n peers n all n sufis of indo/pak , they dont do crazy stuff n rituals , rather recite the beautiful ayaat in beautiful recitations over the victim, this raaqi i dealt with has such a nice recitation i wanted to record his ruqya , i loved it.

Bro the jinns are true , proved by quran n sunnah

The magic n its effects n harms are true , proved by quran n sunnah , n even our beloved Prophet sala lahu alihi wa sallam fell a victim to it , n magic was performed on him by the jews n he suffered , and Allah revealed to him the two last surahs n relieved his suffering. so u cant just dent magic

I know ur thinking its 2010 n these things are of old , n only illeterate people n backward people believe in it , but the truth is that its wide spread in the indo/pak/bangla comunities all over the world n in those countries , n even on famous desi channels on air u have magicians who ask the nam eof the mother of the person who calls to heal them n answer their questions , a trait of the magicians that the whole ummah is agreed upon , that they ask the nam eof the mom of the victim to heal them.

Any way i wana keep it short

what i said in this thread about that particular indian family , its in no way fairy tales or psychological thing

How in earth can a dead black rooster get in ur rest room n ur living on the 10th floor of a state of the art tower out of the towers of dubai/sharjah??

How can her wrists get sliced in front of everyone JUST LIKE THAT !!??

How can u EVER have a fire in ur rest room??

How can u ever have burnt marks of foot n heels on ur bathroom door mat?


u should thank Allah u are not in their situation

How can the house get filled with black n whit smoke?? when notthing is being cooked or notthing like that

How can her clothes get on fire sitting in the living room?? FAIRY TALES??

bro , may Allah save us n save u from such things , the jinns are real , their harm is real , magic is real, may Allah guide our desi people , how could some one do this to her , how evil n cold hearted are the magicians , there is no doubt they are kafirs.

And bro i wanted to add something on here

U know whats fairy tales??

Laal shahbaz qalandar used to FLY! now thats a fairy tale

Sheikh abdul qaadir jeelani rahimahullah pulled out of a river a ship carrying people who wre bringin a bride from the other side of the river, the whole entourage after 11 YEARS of sinking , all came out alive after 11 years n hence he is refered to as the " Gyarwein wala peer" The peer of the 11

such a great lie agaisnt such a great islamic scholar n righetous servant of Allah , now thats a fairy tale

Imam abu haneefa used to pray 1000 rakats each night!!! Now thats a fairy tale

shamsudeen tabreiz couldnt find no one to cook the meat he had , so he asked the sun to come down to cook it , it came down n cooked it for him while he himself made of flesh didnt get cooked n ever sicne that Multan is soo hot , coz the sun in multan is sooo close!! NOw thats a fairy tale

yet our people believe all that n more ,

may Allah save us

If any of those stuff happened.. It would be in the news. The news would put anything that would attract people to watch these stuff. So why dont I see ANY of these things on the news. Why doesn't Jinns and Black Magic exist in the West? All these stories are fabricated from the uneducated people of the east.

02-27-2010, 11:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by SMA89
If any of those stuff happened.. It would be in the news. The news would put anything that would attract people to watch these stuff. So why dont I see ANY of these things on the news. Why doesn't Jinns and Black Magic exist in the West? All these stories are fabricated from the uneducated people of the east.
I have met that family my self n seen some of that stuff

So u are saying Jinns n black magic does not exist

why dont u pick the quran up n see if there is a surah named surah Al jinn n also many many other refrences of jinns n what they are capable of

hmmmm good thing u mentioned west

there are magicians there , like david copper field n othes , i cant remmber which one of them came to our university n we saw him lift up the ground in open air , i knew he was dealing with jinns right there

Bro , im not an uneducated person from the east ,I was born n raised in dubai, i studeied in the states , i stayed in london n eurpoe n worked there , im not one of those u think i am. u can choose to not believe it , but its true , yes may be not as wide spread in the west coz the magicians usually become magicians when they disrecpect the quran n Allah so the jinns do favors for them , so these type of people are all over the indian subcontinent , who deliberately commit kufr so the jinns will be pleased n do them favors.

what i told u bro about that family is not from the east , its right here in our city in UAE , and i meet n see these people often , a friend just caled me n told me the marks n cuts are back n this time they hurt her a LOt! what do u want me to tell him , its a fairy tale , the poor lady is bleeding and does not have a place on her body that has not been cut!

Yes i believe that people in east blame everything on jinns n magic , thats why i exolained in my last post ( which i dont think u even read) that the brothers i know ususalyy n most of the times refer such patients to doctors n to psychiatrist n therapy n counselling n alll , only in cases like these where its evident that a magician is sending shataans to hurt the poor girl we do ruqya n do the treatment from quran n sunnah , so yess u are right about people believeing in this stuff and blaming literaly everything on jinns n magic , Which is not right but at the same time we cannot just completely deny it all n say its fairy tales , coz if u say so u will be even going against quran n sunnah my brother.

N ur reasoning that why is it not on the news is pretty strange , so if something is not on the news its not TRUE! and similarly if something is on the news its TRUE! come on no one will ever buy that.

Its not on the news coz the family has not told people about it n they wont, its something private, they wouldnt want people to run away from them n break ties with them now would they? i dont even know why would they go to the local TV station n ask them what they are facing , thats probably the last thing on their mind , n do u think the jinns will leave them of they went to news ? No , rather they are trying to get rid of the magic n get cured.


02-27-2010, 02:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SMA89
If any of those stuff happened.. It would be in the news. The news would put anything that would attract people to watch these stuff. So why dont I see ANY of these things on the news. Why doesn't Jinns and Black Magic exist in the West? All these stories are fabricated from the uneducated people of the east.
To deny the jinn and magic is kufr since surah baqrah verse 102 says

"and they followed what the deviils gave out of magic in the life time of Solomon, Solomon did not disbelieve but the devils disbelieved, teaching mankind magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels Harut and Marut.

but neither of these two angels taught anyone anything untill they had said "we are but a trial for you so disbelieve not by learning this magic from us, and from these two angels people learnt that which can be used to cause seperation between man and his wife, but they could not harm anyone except with the permission of Allah,

and they learnt that which harms them and benefits them not, and indeed they knew that the practitioners of magic would have no share in the Hereafter, and how bad indeed is that for which they sold their own selves, if only they knew".

Qur'an and magic is mentioned in qur'an as a reality to deny it's existance would be to deny the verses of qur'an that pertain to it. To deny verses of Qur'an leads to :hmm:

02-27-2010, 03:35 PM
brother please don't be so nieve as to think that just become u haven't seen a jinn that they don't exist. you need to open your eyes and realise that the power of the jinn over the human is to be able to manipulate our minds and mess with our heads to make us fear them. thus they can only do it if they maintain their main ability of being invisible. if they walked around visible to us we would be afraid of them cos they are very weak. black magic and jinns is rampant in the best u do not have the skill or ability to notice them. but if u really insist feel free to contact me maybe I can introduce u to a few shayateen I know. obviously I bear no responsibility for any harm, possession or threat that might come to your life wealth and property as a result of challenging them. your welcome at ur own risk. u should thank Allah that He has kept u protected from these things. those who experience them become a changed person forever.

02-27-2010, 05:54 PM
If there are so many events around the world with all these black magic, I'm sure the news would put it up. The ratings the news casts will get will be really high. Even if its true or not, the news will put it up if its an interesting find. brotherubaid, I am not calling you uneducated. I have been to Dubai, and I love that place because it is one of the most modern cities in the Middle East. There are a lot of smart people there also but it depends WHO you talk to. These muslims might consider these stories to be a fact just by listening to fake stories. People are more Gullible in the East, especially the uneducated ones. Go and see her for urself, While you are at it, why dont you take her to a doctor? Why is she sitting at home and crying about it when she can get help from the people around her. Why doesnt she tell the news to be aware? Get the truth out so others wont be in her position. I mean thats how we learn dont we?

You guys are giving me reference from a book which means nothing. People can write many books, but am I going to blindly follow it without knowing that they are 100% a fact? Its basically like telling me to believe everything on the internet that a random person writes. I am not a conservative that follows rules that a book has told us to do. I am a modern muslim. I follow the things I believe are right in the Quran. I drink at social gatherings. Wine has been proved to be good for the heart and if prophet Mohammed was alive today he also would approve drinking wine. I do not drink irresponsibly, I make sure I know where my limits are. The verse in the Quran are more directed for the people that abuse the habit.

I dont fear Jinns. As a kid, when I use to live in the east. Everyone had different stories that contradict to your description of a Jinn is. Now that I am old enough, I am smart enough to know that those stories were fake. I have experienced your so called Jinn Attacks and I went to the mosque and the Imam told me it was a Jinn. Few days later I got scared and told my dad. He took me to a doctor and the doctor told me it was sleeping paralysis, which is normal for some human beings. So for muslims, this is called Jinn Attacks; for christians, this is called alien attacks; for educated Doctors; it is called sleeping paralysis. Who should I believe?, I chose the Doctor because it makes the most sense and also he was the most educated with FACTS.

02-27-2010, 06:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SMA89
If there are so many events around the world with all these black magic, I'm sure the news would put it up. The ratings the news casts will get will be really high. Even if its true or not, the news will put it up if its an interesting find. brotherubaid, I am not calling you uneducated. I have been to Dubai, and I love that place because it is one of the most modern cities in the Middle East. There are a lot of smart people there also but it depends WHO you talk to. These muslims might consider these stories to be a fact just by listening to fake stories. People are more Gullible in the East, especially the uneducated ones. Go and see her for urself, While you are at it, why dont you take her to a doctor? Why is she sitting at home and crying about it when she can get help from the people around her. Why doesnt she tell the news to be aware? Get the truth out so others wont be in her position. I mean thats how we learn dont we?

You guys are giving me reference from a book which means nothing. People can write many books, but am I going to blindly follow it without knowing that they are 100% a fact? Its basically like telling me to believe everything on the internet that a random person writes. I am not a conservative that follows rules that a book has told us to do. I am a modern muslim. I follow the things I believe are right in the Quran. I drink at social gatherings. Wine has been proved to be good for the heart and if prophet Mohammed was alive today he also would approve drinking wine. I do not drink irresponsibly, I make sure I know where my limits are. The verse in the Quran are more directed for the people that abuse the habit.

I dont fear Jinns. As a kid, when I use to live in the east. Everyone had different stories that contradict to your description of a Jinn is. Now that I am old enough, I am smart enough to know that those stories were fake. I have experienced your so called Jinn Attacks and I went to the mosque and the Imam told me it was a Jinn. Few days later I got scared and told my dad. He took me to a doctor and the doctor told me it was sleeping paralysis, which is normal for some human beings. So for muslims, this is called Jinn Attacks; for christians, this is called alien attacks; for educated Doctors; it is called sleeping paralysis. Who should I believe?, I chose the Doctor because it makes the most sense and also he was the most educated with FACTS.
So you pick and choose the bits of the Qur'an you agree with and follow them? :hmm: and forget the bits that you don't agree with. subhanallah look at what has become of the ummah of Muhammed (saw) :cry:

do you deny the sunnah also and the hadith also?

02-27-2010, 06:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by KittenLover
So you pick and choose the bits of the Qur'an you agree with and follow them? :hmm: and forget the bits that you don't agree with. subhanallah look at what has become of the ummah of Muhammed (saw) :cry:
Exactly, because I have a brain and can choose which I believe are right and wrong. I don't let someone decide for me. I personally would not want more than one wife. I personally would never hurt my wife. I personally would not force my wife to put a hijab over her head. Men and women are equal, then why do women have less freedom than men? I would not want any human to behead or stone another person because it was against shariah law. YES you can take actions to punish him like time but I personally find it wrong to TAKE THEIR LIFE. Why are people so eagered to kill the person who has done a crime if they know already that Allah will punish him in the afterlife? Just lock him up. You cant just take someones life like that.

I take the best of the sunnah and the hadiths. I follow the Quran more than the hadiths because the hadiths were not verified OR confirmed by Prophet Mohammed, THUS it could be fabricated and fake. Nonetheless I STILL LOOK AT THEM and choose with my brain which is right and which is wrong to my personal beliefs and values.

02-27-2010, 06:21 PM
Salam .............

02-27-2010, 06:23 PM
it is pointless us bringing you evidence from the Qur'an because you reject the bits that don't agree with ur desires or logic. and the same for the sunnah. You have taken your own logic and intellect to be your God. and not submitted to rabil 'alamin.

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