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View Full Version : would you feel embarrassed?

Ummu Sufyaan
09-07-2009, 06:24 AM
say for example you were at work/school, etc and for some odd reason the bathrooms/prayer room were locked or you couldn't access them so you had to take the next best thing which is making wudoo/praying in front of people (you live in a non-muslim country so these things seem extremely foreign to them)

Qn: would you be embarrassed to do wudoo/pray in front of them, or would you go ahead and do it anyway and not care about what they say and consider it as an act of dawah?

why/why not?

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09-07-2009, 06:42 AM
Definitely would be embarrassed. WEAK FAITH! Though, I think I overdo it though. People have better things to do. I remember I had to pray at LAX (busy airport) in the corner. Hardly anyone to nobody noticed. Last semester in college, my dhuhr Salaah was a conflict. So I contacted the MSA and they organized a room for me to pray in the middle of my classes lol.

Wudoo? Oh yes. That's most embarrassing. Alhamdulillah, Didn't have to go that far yet.... Except once at a gas station... (or was in McDonalds..?). It was the most embarrassing thing. This was 5-7 years ago. I washed one limb at a time, while nobody was looking. lol...

- IqRa -
09-07-2009, 09:17 AM
I would do wudhu and pray, Alhamdulillah.

09-07-2009, 10:14 AM
it would be considered dawah but shirk must be avoided by focusing to perfect the salah to please allah and not to perfect it to grab the attention of bystanders

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09-07-2009, 10:47 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
it would be considered dawah but shirk must be avoided by focusing to perfect the salah to please allah and not to perfect it to grab the attention of bystanders

taking wudhu is not a problem though but for Salaah It would be better if you could find a room to pray where you can atleast concentrate.

09-07-2009, 10:47 AM
not at all inshALLAH..its just the matter of fact!
the more the man is strong in faith the more of its acts will effect (Attract) the others towards the islam.
our non-verbals shows the faith of our heart purely.

09-07-2009, 11:24 AM
ive had to do this quite a number of times and dont feel at all embarassed about either wudhu or praying, just a bit weird at washing feet in sinks since its considered rude. so i wait till its quiet or i fill a bottle and wash them somewhere else if possible :p

09-07-2009, 01:50 PM
I've done it many times in my school, so many times that i do it spontaneously. Ive had people come in ''giving me the wth u doing look' lol. I remember my first few times this girl came in saw me ran out brought 4 of her friends to just stare at me. I felt like a celebrity..

I don't feel emberrassed at all, but I do like to pray with privacy.

09-07-2009, 01:54 PM
i prefer privacy but i dont feel embarassed at all

its called cleaning myself (cleaning body = wudhu, cleaning soul =salaah) - its something to be proud of :D

09-07-2009, 01:58 PM
Salaams i thought id join this discussion, luckily my uni has got a prayer room but at times when i cannot get to it, i tend to book a room, at first when my friend told me to book one of the uni rooms i was like noway there are windows in the doors people can see through them. Well now i dont care what people think.

09-07-2009, 02:01 PM
:wa: Im not sure because i have not been in such situations and i dont have many non-Muslims around me, but if i will be in such situation, then i guess i will know then if i would be embarrassed or if i'd just go ahead and pray there in the open.

09-07-2009, 04:08 PM

hmm I don't know embarassed but maybe I would think I hope this isn't making them think Muslims are prayer crazy or attention seekers.

I have had 2 pray in public before and I think it's actually good it acts as dawah for non-muslims.

As for wudu if it's gotta be done it's gotta be done. Its better to purify yourself than to be seen leaving the toilets without washing your hands! ewww... now that would be embarassing!!

09-07-2009, 04:12 PM
i done wudoo in my college toliets once but no one came in so it was kool, gd thread

cat eyes
09-07-2009, 04:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by nebula
i done wudoo in my college toliets once but no one came in so it was kool, gd thread
I think knowing the fear of Allah in my heart, id have 2 pray. I am sure yous all would and not miss your prayers. I just would not be able 2go through the day stressing that i missed that pray for fear of being embarassed! :)

09-07-2009, 04:40 PM
Lol this really wouldn't be a problem for me -I'd have no problem doing that or explaining it to anyone who may be puzzled. Your question actually reminds me of an incident in my college years, where we would use the lavatory sinks for wudhu purposes.

Anyway, a worker was on site that day and he saw me put my foot in the sink. His face was priceless. But alas, I couldn't think of something to say at the time - I had the chuckles after seeing the expression on his face, and just carried on about my business.

I should say our college teachers were very nice and accepting by allowing us a room to pray dhur in (it was during lunch hours anyway) - and we were always very grateful to whichever teacher let us use their room for the 10 minutes or so.

09-07-2009, 04:49 PM
Once, I went to Eritrea, Africa for my summer break, my family and I went to festival (where holidaymakers learnt the culture include myself) I realise it was Muhrib prayer time but men were praying, I thought why can’t I prayer too to Allah has created me, so I prayer alone when dad, little bro and big bro done the prayer. Infont of everybody in restaurant, when I did, men were speechless and stare at me. Allah knows why! I didn’t feel embarrassed or anything! will you let ur sins of not prayer on time 2 get increased bec ur just embarrassed of strangers??

Ibn Abi Ahmed
09-07-2009, 04:58 PM

The foot in the sink is something accepted in my college now due to many people doing it :p

09-07-2009, 10:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Maalik

The foot in the sink is something accepted in my college now due to many people doing it :p
It's ok for a guy doing it, how is a girl menno do it, might rip your jilbab in the process, I find it really embarrassing, I try and avoid lessons during that time and come home and do it, but then I end up having a lot of late prayers,

I don't like praying or even doing wudu outside my house, it's uncomfortable, plus 'cause I'm weak sometimes I can't keep bending up and down, it will hurt me so I sit down and pray and if I do that in someone elses house, they will talk and it will bug me :hmm:

I guess it's easier to wipe over your socks or even take them off and wipe the water over your feet instead of lifting them up..

I know my friends pray in like public places, even in the middle of busy markets, I doubt I can ever do that, I end up watching their bags imsad

09-07-2009, 10:39 PM
Well, it was embarrassing for me to ask to go and pray but it wasn't to pray in public. It's funny how people react to it.
If you are, it doesn't necessarily mean that your faith is weak. I'd just say that you need to go through many of these experiences and not care anymore. I use to care what others thaught about Islam. I wouldn't even start threads because I felt as if they would look violent ,but kufis will always make fun of Islam and the Muslims, no matter what you do. People 1400 years ago would make the same mockeries people of today do.
You're an individual. Your soul is connected to Allah through salah and that's all it matters.

Read about ashaba,especially Umer Ibn Al Hattab. I find it very helpful to read the Qur'an in the night. It strenghtens me. Forget all the negative affects when it commes to ALLAH'S comends.When it comes to his commends you only need to figure out one way on how it will work out,forget all the reasons why it wont, that one way,stick to it. Try everything possible to obey him, that's jihad.
These ar eyour emosions. The shaytan tries his best to scare you.

Yeah, people run in the morning then slow down to look at me praying!!!. When making wudu they ask "are you okay" Do I look sick?!

09-07-2009, 11:31 PM
well, I didnt know exactly how it feels to do that if you are in a place where there a lot of non-muslims around since I am in a muslim country. But if that happen, I don't think that I will feel embarrassed to pray or to make wudu. I remember I was in heathrow airport and I did wudu me and my mom without giving anyone around a second look!

Of course I will prefer a private quiet place to pray but if there is no place available, its totally okay for me to pray in the public, why I should care or think about what they think??

I think many will understand it as a kind of worshiping even if they have no idea about Islam.
Some of them even respect such act even if they are not muslim. My brother told me today that his "non-muslim" colleague in work entered his office while he was reading the quran sitting on the mat prayer, and he said that when he came to the office seeing him on that situation he said:"Oh! sorry" put a file on the desk and left the room.

Something I am wondering about when I read all replies here!!! :?
One question for all of those who was talking about putting their feet into the sink....cant u just make wudu before u go out and then wear your socks and when its time for prayer and you need to make wudu in work or Uni you can just "wipe" over your socks instead of putting your feet in the sink if that is hard for you....actually this is what I always do when I am in Uni

Scholars of Islam, As-Salamu `alaykum. What is the Fatwa regarding wiping over the socks in wudu’? Please, explain how to do it. Jazakum Allah khayran.

Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear brother in Islam, thanks a lot for your question which reflects your care to have a clear view of the teachings of Islam. Allah commands Muslims to refer to people of knowledge to get themselves well-acquainted with the teachings of Islam as well as all aspects of life.

First of all, it should be clear that the Shari`ah specifies that the top of the sock is to be wiped.

In his well-known book, Fiqh As-Sunnah, the late Sheikh Sayyed Sabiq states:

“The Shari`ah prescribes that the top of the sock is to be wiped. Al-Mughirah narrated: "I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) wipe over the top of his socks." (Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi)

`Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) observed: If religion (Islam) was based on one's own reason, the bottom of socks would take precedence in being wiped over the top of socks. (Reported by Abu Dawud and Ad-Daraqutni)”

Focusing more on your question, Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, former President of the Islamic Society of North America, states:

“It is permissible to wipe over the socks whether they are made of leather or some other material. So many Prophetic hadiths state that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wiped over khuffayn or the leather socks and jawrabaiyn or light socks.

Al-Mughirah Ibn Shu`bah said: “I was in the company of Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) on one of the journeys and he went out to answer the call of nature (and after he finished) I poured water and he performed ablution; he washed his face, forearms and passed his wet hand over his head and over the khuffayn.”

The socks must cover the whole foot including the ankles. The rule is that one should make full ablution and then one should put on the socks. One can wipe over the socks if one has put them on first time after ablution.

After that the wiping over them can be done for five prayers for those who are not traveling. The traveler is allowed to wipe over the socks for three days and nights as long as he/she keeps them on.

Wiping can also be done over the shoes if they are full like socks and cover the ankles. Also one has to keep them on like socks if one wants to wipe over them.

It is not allowed to wipe over the shoes that we normally wear, because they do not cover the ankles and we take them off at the time of prayer."

May Allah guide you to the straight path, and guide you to that which pleases Him, Amen.
How to wipe over socks in Wudu-IslamOnLine

I saw many people "prefer" to wash their feet but I think that its very okay for them to just wipe
“Allah loves people to make use of His allowances just as He loves them to comply with His commandments.”

09-07-2009, 11:33 PM
AsSalamOAlaikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu

format_quote Originally Posted by T.I.A
I would do wudhu and pray, Alhamdulillah.
Alhamdulillah, thats what i'd do!

format_quote Originally Posted by Fighting4Iman
i prefer privacy but i dont feel embarassed at all

its called cleaning myself (cleaning body = wudhu, cleaning soul =salaah) - its something to be proud of :D

format_quote Originally Posted by Pk_#2
It's ok for a guy doing it, how is a girl menno do it, might rip your jilbab in the process, I find it really embarrassing, I try and avoid lessons during that time and come home and do it, but then I end up having a lot of late prayers,

I don't like praying or even doing wudu outside my house, it's uncomfortable, plus 'cause I'm weak sometimes I can't keep bending up and down, it will hurt me so I sit down and pray and if I do that in someone elses house, they will talk and it will bug me :hmm:

I guess it's easier to wipe over your socks or even take them off and wipe the water over your feet instead of lifting them up..

I know my friends pray in like public places, even in the middle of busy markets, I doubt I can ever do that, I end up watching their bags imsad
I remember this guy ripping his jooba lol too funny. Anyways dont wipe over you socks!

May Allah give you courage to pray in public place! Ameen. next time hold the bag, and join in!


09-08-2009, 07:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Maalik

The foot in the sink is something accepted in my college now due to many people doing it :p
In Indonesia, since majority population are muslims, putting foot in the sink during wudlu is understandable, but frowned upon in office buildings or in malls because normally there are already dedicated prayer rooms and wudlu facilities in every buildings.

09-08-2009, 09:23 AM
I had some Islamic courses in a Finnish upper secondary school and there it was no problem to pray in the hallways or you'd get a room if you wanted. The teachers were so used to it, having so many Muslims praying there. MashaAllah, it was ecstatic! I hadn't experienced that ever in my Finnish-Swede schools. Well, I had always been almost the only Muslim who did pray in the whole school and we weren't more than a few, 2-4 maybe.

May Allah guide us all and strengthen our Emaan before it is too late! Amiin!

09-10-2009, 08:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Maalik

The foot in the sink is something accepted in my college now due to many people doing it :p
That really is considered rude. Washing feet in the sinks at my workplace is banned and there is a notice on the wall telling them not to. People wash their hands/face at the sinks, the thought of someone washing their feet in that very same basin is revolting.

09-10-2009, 08:26 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Blackpool
That really is considered rude. Washing feet in the sinks at my workplace is banned and there is a notice on the wall telling them not to. People wash their hands/face at the sinks, the thought of someone washing their feet in that very same basin is revolting.
The thought of inebriated fools spitting and retching in the sink after a night of binging is also revolting..
perhaps if you washed or bathed more often you wouldn't find the thought of a limb being washed so revolting?

all the best

09-10-2009, 08:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye
The thought of inebriated fools spitting and retching in the sink after a night of binging is also revolting..
perhaps if you washed or bathed more often you wouldn't find the thought of a limb being washed so revolting?

all the best
Spitting and "retching" is also considered rude and disgusting, what point are you trying to make? I wash twice a day, morning and night. I, and many people find the thought of washing their hands and face in a sink that has been used to wash feet as revolting. The sight of this will annoy a few if you haven't already experienced it. You should request a mini-shower to be installed to wash your feet in.

09-10-2009, 08:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Blackpool
Spitting and "retching" is also considered rude and disgusting, what point are you trying to make? I wash twice a day, morning and night. I, and many people find the thought of washing their hands and face in a sink that has been used to wash feet as revolting. The sight of this will annoy a few if you haven't already experienced it. You should request a mini-shower to be installed to wash your feet in.
Rude and disgusting is relative, whatever the case when it occurs it is tolerated given necessity and circumstance!.. that is the point I am trying to make.
Good for you, that you wash twice a day, Muslims need to wash five times and your feelings of revolt really have no bearing on that.

Also I fail to see whether your hands and face touch the sink, do you lick the sink with your tongue? wipe it dry with your hair? and stick your mouth and face on the water fountain? Why don't just grow up, not every thread is in need of your comments!

all the best

09-10-2009, 08:54 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye
Rude and disgusting is relative, whatever the case when it occurs it is tolerated given necessity and circumstance!.. that is the point I am trying to make.
Good for you, that you wash twice a day, Muslims need to wash five times and your feelings of revolt really have no bearing on that.

Also I fail to see whether your hands and face touch the sink, do you lick the sink with your tongue? wipe it dry with your hair? and stick your mouth and face on the water fountain? Why don't just grow up, not every thread is in need of your comments!

all the best
Rude and disgusting are 2 different words.
Rude = inconsiderate
Disgusting = Offensively unpleasant

It doesn't matter whether you wash 25, 30 or 50 times a day. In the UK, washing feet in a sink where people would normally wash their hands or face is inconsiderate. You obviously have a different way of thinking.

Stupid questions. If I puked in a sink would you continue to use it to wash your feet? You wouldn't have to touch it...:hmm:

Anyway, I'm gone.


09-10-2009, 09:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Blackpool
Rude and disgusting are 2 different words.
Rude = inconsiderate
Disgusting = Offensively unpleasant
Are you confabulating? I don't need definitions!
It doesn't matter whether you wash 25, 30 or 50 times a day. In the UK, washing feet in a sink where people would normally wash their hands or face is inconsiderate. You obviously have a different way of thinking.
Rudeness and revolt need to have a logical reason behind them, I asked you whether your face of fingers come in contact with the sink itself specifically where the feet are being washed? it is a Yes or No answer, if yes, please describe how!

Stupid questions. If I puked in a sink would you continue to use it to wash your feet? You wouldn't have to touch it...:hmm:
Will your puke linger there? do you not have cleaning people in England?
Again, if you washed your feet often perhaps you wouldn't have many hangups and revolt surrounding them.. feet don't retch, and chances are if they are being washed often enough then they are cleaner than some people's mouths and thoughts!

Anyway, I'm gone.

Fantastic ..

all the best as usual!

09-10-2009, 06:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Najm
Anyways dont wipe over you socks!
Why do you say that?

09-10-2009, 07:45 PM
I wouldn't be embarrasse at all. The only difficulty I would have is if it is a totally public place (like if there were no separate female wash rooms) I would find it difficulty to do wudhu because it would be necessary to expose certain parts of my body (e.g. to do masah of the head).

Other than that it doesn't bother me what other people think Alhamdulillah.

May Allah increase us in our Imaan and Taqwah and grant us forgiveness and saviour from the fire of Jahannam during these blessed nights of Ramadhaan. Ameen

09-10-2009, 07:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by crayon
Why do you say that?
AsSalamOAlaikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu

Generally she cant wipe over socks, as it may invalidate her wudu, and so her salah too. However it does depend on the situation.


09-10-2009, 07:49 PM
I'd do wudu, and don't care what they say / think. I know Allah will ask them on the Judgement day "did you pray? Did you do wudu before praying?". And I'd do pray also, but I'm a bit scarred of it. I never prayed at a public place yet. And I asked the boss of the school there is a place for me to pray. She said, there aren't any. Anyway, she didn't say, but I saw on her face that she looked at me like I be a terrorist... She was scarred. Maybe that's why she doesn't want me pray there. But what's not late, that comes. But I'm ready to pray anywhere if the time comes, and don't really care about the others say or think of me.

09-11-2009, 08:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Najm
AsSalamOAlaikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu

Generally she cant wipe over socks, as it may invalidate her wudu, and so her salah too. However it does depend on the situation.

As long as the required conditions are met, wiping over your socks is absolutely acceptable.


09-11-2009, 09:36 AM
SubhanAllah I am not bothered, sometimes it bugs me if theres is noise, I think t embarrasses my husband, Sometimes it is Salah time and I am with my kids in the park, I confess it is easier if anyone isnt there but I ahve done my salat ( due to excessive travel) in strange places.

I think in the beginning it would bug me especiallys since being a woman one has to show hair.hands and feet to do Wudu. That is still a problem bt if its women only it doesnt bug me, its weak imaan, defintaely when I use to fear people more, sometimes it still ahppens, although Alhamdolillah not much.

09-11-2009, 05:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by crayon
As long as the required conditions are met, wiping over your socks is absolutely acceptable.

AsSalamOAlaikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu


format_quote Originally Posted by Najm

Generally she cant wipe over socks, as it may invalidate her wudu, and so her salah too. However it does depend on the situation.


09-11-2009, 07:38 PM
I use the disabled toilet ;) you can lock them so no can come in and they have a sink inside aswell.

Ummu Sufyaan
09-22-2009, 07:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Blackpool
That really is considered rude. Washing feet in the sinks at my workplace is banned and there is a notice on the wall telling them not to. People wash their hands/face at the sinks, the thought of someone washing their feet in that very same basin is revolting.
i guess one could just soap and wipe the basin after use with the paper towel if they feel it to be offensive to others.

09-22-2009, 01:14 PM
its good to pray whenever you can, but myself, id avoid praying in these situations.. I really believe that Allah would not mind very much if we missed our prayers for a reason like this one..

09-22-2009, 01:39 PM
I, and many people find the thought of washing their hands and face in a sink that has been used to wash feet as revolting.
Well, I think the thought of using the lavatory without any fresh water is a lot more revolting than washing your feet in the sink....and thats considered 'normal' in the uk!

Ummu Sufyaan
09-23-2009, 07:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ChOcCi
its good to pray whenever you can, but myself, id avoid praying in these situations.. I really believe that Allah would not mind very much if we missed our prayers for a reason like this one..
are you sure about that? prayer is obligatory and to be prayed on time. so you may need to check that one up.

09-23-2009, 08:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by expat1
Well, I think the thought of using the lavatory without any fresh water is a lot more revolting than washing your feet in the sink....and thats considered 'normal' in the uk!
How can washing your hands with tap water be revolting when that very same tap water has met the guidelines of the World Health Organisation for DRINKING that water? Washing feet in hand-wash basins is not right.

09-23-2009, 08:58 AM
^She isn't talking about washing hands.. :><:

09-23-2009, 11:32 AM
How can washing your hands with tap water be revolting when that very same tap water has met the guidelines of the World Health Organisation for DRINKING that water? Washing feet in hand-wash basins is not right.
Thankyou Crayon! I am not talking about washing your hands! I am talking about washing YOURSELF in the lavatory......is the concept really that alien to you?

09-23-2009, 11:47 AM
^You must not get out much. 'Lavatory' is a universal, more appropriate word for toilet. Chill out.

09-23-2009, 11:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by expat1
Thankyou Crayon! I am not talking about washing your hands! I am talking about washing YOURSELF in the lavatory......is the concept really that alien to you?
Pfft you must be American ^o)

The word "lavatory" is used in many meanings. For some it's a TOILET. For some it's a BATHROOM. For some it's a WASHROOM SINK! It's a place for washing therefore as I said the water is CLEAN according to W.H.O guidelines.

Ummu Sufyaan
09-23-2009, 11:59 AM
^what is your bloody problem! lavatory is commonly known as freaking toilet...and yes out of the states as well.

09-23-2009, 12:01 PM
"Nevertheless the word was later associated with toilets and the meaning evolved into its current one, namely the polite and formal euphemism for a toilet and the room containing it"

She was referring to the toilet. What expat1 is trying to say, is that after using the toilet, muslims wash their private parts with water, while non muslims usually content themselves with only using toilet paper. Why is that considered less 'revolting' than washing feet (which are washed an average of 5 times a day- more times than some people wash their faces and hands) in a sink?

format_quote Originally Posted by expat1
Well, I think the thought of using the lavatory without any fresh water is a lot more revolting than washing your feet in the sink....and thats considered 'normal' in the uk!
And no, I'm not American.

09-23-2009, 12:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by crayon
"Nevertheless the word was later associated with toilets and the meaning evolved into its current one, namely the polite and formal euphemism for a toilet and the room containing it"

She was referring to the toilet. What expat1 is trying to say, is that after using the toilet, muslims wash their private parts with water, while non muslims usually content themselves with only using toilet paper. Why is that considered less 'revolting' than washing feet (which are washed an average of 5 times a day- more times than some people wash their faces and hands) in a sink?

And no, I'm not American.
The difference IS that the toilet is not a bowl where you wash yourself. You can wait until you get home to go to the loo. The handwash basin is where people go to wash their HANDS and NOT their feet.

At my workplace alot of complaints were put forward to the managers that we all felt that it's wrong for people to wash their feet in the sinks where we wash our hands. The managers responded to the complaints and have now banned it.

09-23-2009, 12:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Blackpool
At my workplace alot of complaints were put forward to the managers that we all felt that it's wrong for people to wash their feet in the sinks where we wash our hands. The managers responded to the complaints and have now banned it.

"Washing feet in hand-wash basins is not right."

"I, and many people find the thought of washing their hands and face in a sink that has been used to wash feet as revolting. "

You keep saying it is revolting, and yet have not provided a single logical reason as to why you feel that way.

Ummu Sufyaan
09-23-2009, 12:48 PM
^maybe where some people are from people rarely wash their feet so when someone washes their feet in a basin they image grotty stuff falling off :p

09-23-2009, 01:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Umm ul-Shaheed

are you sure about that? prayer is obligatory and to be prayed on time. so you may need to check that one up.
Well, you can obvious pray your Magrib prayers later (I forgot the name of that term for this) right? I mean, are you saying that if your in the middle of a job interview, your gonna tell your to be boss that you've gotta pray cuz the time is almost over and go pray putting your job at risk? Im sure Allah understands if we're in tough situations and those times, you can skip the prayers and do it later. Ever heard of the joke where theres this religious guy who got stuck in flood and he refused all offers for help with the statement that God will save him? If not, ill be happy to say it :)

format_quote Originally Posted by crayon

You keep saying it is revolting, and yet have not provided a single logical reason as to why you feel that way.
hmm, along with that, should we provide you a reason to why humans feel like throwing up when they see a person pulling out the intestine from animals while their eating?

Basins are meant to wash your hands, not your feet. I agree with that. If you guys HAVE to do it, then try a better solution which doesnt bother people AS MUCH (except the cleaners maybe;D):

Roll up QUITE abit of tissue papers, wet them in the sink, then roll it up into a ball. Go to the TOILET or lavatory, and then wash your feet on top of that.

This way, you wont even get bothered while finishing your wudu nor will you come off as an ill mannered person.

09-23-2009, 01:07 PM
The rolling up into a ball thing (after the tissue has been soaked in water) helps prevent much water from falling off.

09-23-2009, 01:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ChOcCi
Well, you can obvious pray your Magrib prayers later (I forgot the name of that term for this) right? I mean, are you saying that if your in the middle of a job interview, your gonna tell your to be boss that you've gotta pray cuz the time is almost over and go pray putting your job at risk? Im sure Allah understands if we're in tough situations and those times, you can skip the prayers and do it later. Ever heard of the joke where theres this religious guy who got stuck in flood and he refused all offers for help with the statement that God will save him? If not, ill be happy to say it :)

hmm, along with that, should we provide you a reason to why humans feel like throwing up when they see a person pulling out the intestine from animals while their eating?

Basins are meant to wash your hands, not your feet. I agree with that. If you guys HAVE to do it, then try a better solution which doesnt bother people AS MUCH (except the cleaners maybe;D):

Roll up QUITE abit of tissue papers, wet them in the sink, then roll it up into a ball. Go to the TOILET or lavatory, and then wash your feet on top of that.

This way, you wont even get bothered while finishing your wudu nor will you come off as an ill mannered person.
A muslim must do their best to pray on time, and they will be sinning if they miss a prayer. It's not an 'oh well, I need to work, I'll just pray later' kind of thing- it's a serious matter.

And yes, in the scenario that you described, you would tell your boss that you need a short break from the interview to pray. Why wouldn't you? It all goes back to the person you are- if you value work over your religion, then stay in the interview; if however your priorities are straight, you will let your boss know that your religion has certain requirements that you need to meet, and if they are incompatible with the job, then don't go for it in the first place.

So seeing animal intestines causes the same feeling as seeing a foot in the sink would? Frankly, I think that's ridiculous. I've seen countless people wash their foot in sinks and- by some strange miracle- I have not yet felt the urge to vomit.

"Basins are meant to wash your hands, not your feet. I agree with that"
Again, an opinion, unsupported by any facts or logical arguements.

09-23-2009, 07:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Blackpool
That really is considered rude. Washing feet in the sinks at my workplace is banned and there is a notice on the wall telling them not to. People wash their hands/face at the sinks, the thought of someone washing their feet in that very same basin is revolting.


1st of all i am not a fan of "public" toliets as it is and after what happened today, i dont think i'll be entering one (unless its life or death)

There is nothing revolting about washing the feet in the basin, furthermore when
you compare that to other issues that occur which ARE GREATLY REVOLTING.

1. People dont flush the toilet
2. People who make a mess dont clean up
3. Tissues are not availble
4. There is not hot water and/ or even no water
5. People dont wash/clean their parts anyways
6. People puke in the sink
7. People dont wash their hands, even after doing number 2.

And my biggest issue happened today at my work place......

I came into the toilet, and some guy was doing number 2, and then flushed. He didnt wash his hands and walked out. To walk out of the toilet he needs to push the 1st first door and then pull the second door.:raging:

in other words all the dieases in the world is stuck on both doors/ door handles.............THAT my friend is well and trully revolting. On top of that, i just washed my hand, how do i walk out without touching the crap.:raging:
I am in the opinon that the sink should be outside toilet i.e after the doors!

Anyways if washing feet was revolting, then it would be last on the list.


09-23-2009, 08:08 PM
I always take a water bottle and when opening doors i use my feet or tissue
the male toilets are like a crime scene you have to tip toe and have a handkerchief covering your mouth and tissue to slowly open the doors of the separaters ready to face the blackened dinosaur eggs almost cracking in the toilet bowl

09-23-2009, 08:22 PM
what is revolting is the common way in which men in the west pee. standing up -do their business, shake off zip up pants and thats it. no washing hands. then eating/shaking other peoples hands etc. now THATS revolting.

09-23-2009, 09:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amani
what is revolting is the common way in which men in the west pee. standing up -do their business, shake off zip up pants and thats it. no washing hands. then eating/shaking other peoples hands etc. now THATS revolting.
AsSalamOAlaikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu

I didnt want to say that one for various reasons, but now that you mention it. When it is done standing up - to do their business, a lot of the times it goes soooo wrong +o(+o( Also, i have seen people take and sometimes eat their food in the toilet +o( THATS revolting.

What is more terrible is the fact that theses are grown ups, and maybe in their parenthood, yet they have no toilet ettiquettte, and even the signs have to be put up to wash their hands. What example is this to the children and society as a whole.:raging:

p.s. brothers should not be standing up at all, thats what the shaithan does. Learn to sit. Audubillah.

09-23-2009, 10:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amani
what is revolting is the common way in which men in the west pee. standing up -do their business, shake off zip up pants and thats it. no washing hands. then eating/shaking other peoples hands etc. now THATS revolting.
No that is just digusting. Washing your hands is a MUST in the West after going to the toilet. If it's not done then it will be deemed disgusting and you will also get a disgusted look from others in the toilets.

I wash my hands with soap everytime I go to the public toilets, however I try not to use public toilets, apart from when washing my hands, as the it stinks, the men smear the toilet blocks with green bits from their noses and brown from... The Asians at my workplace do this too and I feel sorry for the poor Polish girl who has to clean this. She has told me that the women's toilets are just as bad with the cubicles smeared with BLOOD. +o(

Feel free to wash your feet in the sink then... you might aswell. I've seen people spit in them which is just as revolting! I'll stick to my home loo.

09-23-2009, 10:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Najm


1st of all i am not a fan of "public" toliets as it is and after what happened today, i dont think i'll be entering one (unless its life or death)

There is nothing revolting about washing the feet in the basin, furthermore when
you compare that to other issues that occur which ARE GREATLY REVOLTING.

1. People dont flush the toilet
2. People who make a mess dont clean up
3. Tissues are not availble
4. There is not hot water and/ or even no water
5. People dont wash/clean their parts anyways
6. People puke in the sink
7. People dont wash their hands, even after doing number 2.

And my biggest issue happened today at my work place......

I came into the toilet, and some guy was doing number 2, and then flushed. He didnt wash his hands and walked out. To walk out of the toilet he needs to push the 1st first door and then pull the second door.:raging:

in other words all the dieases in the world is stuck on both doors/ door handles.............THAT my friend is well and trully revolting. On top of that, i just washed my hand, how do i walk out without touching the crap.:raging:
I am in the opinon that the sink should be outside toilet i.e after the doors!

Anyways if washing feet was revolting, then it would be last on the list.
That's why I refuse to use public toilets unless I'm desperate. When I DO use the toilets I use hand towels to open the doors. However, washing feet in handwash basins is still considered rude.

09-23-2009, 10:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Blackpool
I wash my hands with soap everytime I go to the public toilets, however I try not to use public toilets, apart from when washing my hands, as the it stinks, the men smear the toilet blocks with green bits from their noses and brown from... The Asians at my workplace do this too and I feel sorry for the poor Polish girl who has to clean this. She has told me that the women's toilets are just as bad with the cubicles smeared with BLOOD. +o(

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe +o( i really wonder, the people who do these kinda things, what are their homes like? are they that disgusting? i doubt it:raging:

Washing your hands is a MUST in the West after going to the toilet.
unfortunately and im sure you will agree, that is not the case. which is why men have no problem using corners in streets etc where theres no water. which reminds me, remember the london marathon, whats her name peed right on the street. the olympic runner woman paula or something?

thinking about it-feet are generally covered with socks/shoes..much more cleaner than hands in any case. :-\

09-23-2009, 10:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amani
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe +o( i really wonder, the people who do these kinda things, what are their homes like? are they that disgusting? i doubt it:raging:
Is it heck. Their toilets at home will be crystal clean. Unfortunately they have no care in the world about other users by peeing on the toilet seats, not flushing the toilets and the examples of what I stated. I don't use them.

format_quote Originally Posted by amani
unfortunately and im sure you will agree, that is not the case. which is why men have no problem using corners in streets etc where theres no water. which reminds me, remember the london marathon, whats her name peed right on the street. the olympic runner woman paula or something?
She should have been arrested for a public disorder offence so I don't know why she wasn't. She didn't use leaves surely ^o)

format_quote Originally Posted by amani
thinking about it-feet are generally covered with socks/shoes..much more cleaner than hands in any case. :-\
Sweat which produces bacteria is what springs to mind. I walked in Dubai airport a few years ago and the whole airport stunk of feet. I felt physically sick.

09-23-2009, 10:38 PM
the name is paula radcliffe

09-23-2009, 10:41 PM
have you got a solution blackpool?

09-23-2009, 10:46 PM
Blackpool, what about urinating standing up in the first place?

Stand in the sun whilst you pee and see all the droplets that hit your trousers.

Isn't that disgusting? +o(

09-23-2009, 11:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
have you got a solution blackpool?
Either wait until you get home or request a sink solely for the purpose of washing feet on religious grounds. Signs should be put up on that particular sink to warn those who are washing their hands and face.

format_quote Originally Posted by Güven
Blackpool, what about urinating standing up in the first place?

Stand in the sun whilst you pee and see all the droplets that hit your trousers.

Isn't that disgusting? +o(
It isn't pleasant but I wouldn't say that it was inconsiderate to other people. It is the person that has urinated on himself that faces the problem.

09-23-2009, 11:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Blackpool

Sweat which produces bacteria is what springs to mind. I walked in Dubai airport a few years ago and the whole airport stunk of feet. I felt physically sick.
Sweat doesn't produce bacteria, there are sweat type glands such as the 'apocrine glands' which maybe broken down by bacteria to produce pungent odor. Everyone has bacteria in various parts of their body as part of their natural flora in fact lack of may give rise to various fungal infections... your skin for instance has Staphylococcus epidermidis! in and of itself is harmless until you have a breech in the integrity of your skin.
see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staphylococcus_epidermidis

Let's see if common knowledge to fifth graders escape you, should anything else be taken with other than a grain of salt? Perhaps it was your own odor clouding your judgment ey?
Too much hatred breaking your olfactory sensors translating it into peptides construed as an emission from others when it is yours all the time...

Isn't it fun to make up bull **** and pass it off as science and give a full reason why something is particularly offensive? I am finding you particularly offensive and yet you remain a member of this forum and I have to simply adjust to that fact?

all the best of course!

09-23-2009, 11:26 PM
I disagree, blackpool. People covered in urine tend to reek bad. It can inconsiderate to other people.

There's also the likelihood that people could accidently brush against the "pee stains" on their pants whilst walking past them or something.

09-23-2009, 11:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Blackpool
Either wait until you get home or request a sink solely for the purpose of washing feet on religious grounds. Signs should be put up on that particular sink to warn those who are washing their hands and face.

It isn't pleasant but I wouldn't say that it was inconsiderate to other people. It is the person that has urinated on himself that faces the problem.


When someone washes their hands, they don't actually touch the sink, they merely use the water coming from the tap. With the feet its touching the sink, so any durt left behind should be washes. Anyways why only on religious grounds?? Are you saying people dont have stinky/sweat feet? People who work and spend the whole day out, will have stinky/sweaty feet etc etc. Do people in the UK have a high standard of Hyigene?........I suggest your request be made made on health grounds!!

Regarding the person standing and doing his business..... THAT is a problem to other people because they "spray" it on to the floor and on the surroundings too!! << Dont tell me, these people who cant clean themselves decide to clean up the place which they made a mess of.

Maybe you should start a campaign on getting these "feet sinks" < if that bothers your more than all the other REVOLTING issues mentions as per other posts etc


Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
09-24-2009, 04:07 AM

I've done both before but I have to say, when people are passing by or watching you, it's a distraction for me. Wudhu I can do, that is if it's all women only...salah might be tricky. Although it's better now alhamdulillah. I dont get easily distracted. I can do it! :D

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
09-24-2009, 04:08 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Najm


When someone washes their hands, they don't actually touch the sink, they merely use the water coming from the tap. With the feet its touching the sink, so any durt left behind should be washes. Anyways why only on religious grounds?? Are you saying people dont have stinky/sweat feet? People who work and spend the whole day out, will have stinky/sweaty feet etc etc. Do people in the UK have a high standard of Hyigene?........I suggest your request be made made on health grounds!!

Regarding the person standing and doing his business..... THAT is a problem to other people because they "spray" it on to the floor and on the surroundings too!! << Dont tell me, these people who cant clean themselves decide to clean up the place which they made a mess of.

Maybe you should start a campaign on getting these "feet sinks" < if that bothers your more than all the other REVOLTING issues mentions as per other posts etc

Dittooooo :thumbs_up

09-24-2009, 07:08 AM

Someone was performing wudhu and washing the feet in the wash basin in an aeroplane. The air hostess objected to it, so he asked her, how many times you wash your face in a day? She replied twice or thrice.
He said, I wash my feet 15 times daily (3 times for each prayer). Obviously my feet are cleaner than your face.

Is it still disgusting to wash cleaner-than-your-face feet in the basin?

09-24-2009, 03:08 PM
^^ this post remind me of a story how a former minister of Indonesia when he visited Uni Soviet (this happened years ago when the UUSR was still intact).
The Russian counterparts held a dinner in his honor.
To his hosts' horror, he used his hands to eat instead of using cutlery. They objected and asked why he didn't use the cutleries.
He replied:
"I know my hands are very clean, I washed them myself regularly. Those cutleries were washed by cleaners, who knows if they are clean"

09-24-2009, 04:59 PM
Sweat which produces bacteria is what springs to mind. I walked in Dubai airport a few years ago and the whole airport stunk of feet. I felt physically sick.
i found dubai airport to be very open and advanced not smelly. people sweat under their arms muchhhhhhhhhh worse

09-24-2009, 05:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by crayon
A muslim must do their best to pray on time, and they will be sinning if they miss a prayer. It's not an 'oh well, I need to work, I'll just pray later' kind of thing- it's a serious matter.
OK, this kinda ticked me off. Allah isnt forcing us to be slaves in a military concentration prison camp alright? He understands everything, he knows everything. If your sitting at home doing work (even if it is important), you MUST pray as you can easily spare 5 minutes to do this with proper facilities.. But are you ACTUALLY suggesting that your gonna tell your boss in an INTERVIEW to give you 5 minutes to pray and come back? Really? Would you?

hmm, question time!! (God forbid) Suppose you were praying (at the FIRST part of it) and god forbid your kid who was playing on the bed (beside the spot where you are praying) suddenly suffers brains hemorrhage and starts spluttering on your bed. Are you going to FINISH your prayers and THEN go help out your son? Answer me honestly because I cant stand people who lie.

I for one would stop my prayer immediately and take my son to the hospital. Once I make sure hes safely in the operation room under doctors care, ill finish my prayers THEN and ONLY THEN (unless Allah sends me a message to do otherwise). And this wouldnt even be a sin in my opinion. You know why? I skipped the prayer because I had to save my sons life which is worth ALOT more than just a 1 rakat prayer. But miss extremist here would probably claim that she would do otherwise. Now, wouldnt you?

format_quote Originally Posted by amani
what is revolting is the common way in which men in the west pee. standing up -do their business, shake off zip up pants and thats it. no washing hands. then eating/shaking other peoples hands etc. now THATS revolting.
Oh really mr. hypocrite? Is that true? Do you know why I called you an hypocrite?

Well, lets put it this way, do you get offended when stereotype western people call us muslims - terrorists? If you do, that makes you a hypocrite (if you dont, that proves that you agree with them) because you just stated that "men in the west pee and dont wash their hands" which is blatantly untrue and was a stereotype comment.

Infact, sometimes almost ALL of us act like hypocrites including me. I mean, whenever we talk about the "western culture" we ALWAYS say that the western people freely have sex and wear inappropriate clothes. But apart from the middle east, are the muslim population in this world so different? People in these other "muslim countries" go around wearing quite revealing clothes and they change boyfriends / girlfriends every month or so. What do you say to that?

If we want the west to stop calling us terrorists, we MUST change first, and we can start by stop associating them with adultery ALL the time.

I for one really get upset when I see someone acting like a hypocrite or lying in order to make oneself look better than he / she is so I apologize for the aggressiveness in my post.

But really, I want ALL of you here to answer this question:

What is more important? Your sons life or a 1 rakat prayer?

09-24-2009, 05:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amani
i found dubai airport to be very open and advanced not smelly. people sweat under their arms muchhhhhhhhhh worse
He is full of crap.. not sure where he is hanging out to smell feet in a monolithic open space.. probably took a detour to the scavenge express!


09-24-2009, 05:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ChOcCi
OK, this kinda ticked me off. Allah isnt forcing us to be slaves in a military concentration prison camp alright? He understands everything, he knows everything. If your sitting at home doing work (even if it is important), you MUST pray as you can easily spare 5 minutes to do this with proper facilities.. But are you ACTUALLY suggesting that your gonna tell your boss in an INTERVIEW to give you 5 minutes to pray and come back? Really? Would you?

hmm, question time!! (God forbid) Suppose you were praying (at the FIRST part of it) and god forbid your kid who was playing on the bed (beside the spot where you are praying) suddenly suffers brains hemorrhage and starts spluttering on your bed. Are you going to FINISH your prayers and THEN go help out your son? Answer me honestly because I cant stand people who lie.

I for one would stop my prayer immediately and take my son to the hospital. Once I make sure hes safely in the operation room under doctors care, ill finish my prayers THEN and ONLY THEN (unless Allah sends me a message to do otherwise). And this wouldnt even be a sin in my opinion. You know why? I skipped the prayer because I had to save my sons life which is worth ALOT more than just a 1 rakat prayer. But miss extremist here would probably claim that she would do otherwise. Now, wouldnt you?

What is more important? Your sons life or a 1 rakat prayer?
You're comparing a life or death situation to a job interview?

And I don't appreciate being called an extremist, thanks. :)

09-24-2009, 05:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by crayon
You're comparing a life or death situation to a job interview?

And I don't appreciate being called an extremist, thanks. :)
I reported his tirade, hopefully it will get removed insha'Allah


09-24-2009, 05:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye
I reported his tirade, hopefully it will get removed insha'Allah

Oh I don't mind really, it reflects negatively on him, not me.

I'm still unsure why we even have a matter as simple and insignificant as washing feet in a sink being discussed at such length.

Alpha Dude
09-24-2009, 05:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ChOcCi
But are you ACTUALLY suggesting that your gonna tell your boss in an INTERVIEW to give you 5 minutes to pray and come back? Really? Would you?
Are you ACTUALLY suggesting that one should care more for a job, interview and the boss's reaction than the reaction of an All-Powerful God upon missing something that he has COMMANDED you to do else face punishment? That's kind of ticking me off.

hmm, question time!! (God forbid) Suppose you were praying (at the FIRST part of it) and god forbid your kid who was playing on the bed (beside the spot where you are praying) suddenly suffers brains hemorrhage and starts spluttering on your bed. Are you going to FINISH your prayers and THEN go help out your son? Answer me honestly because I cant stand people who lie.
Learn fiqh. Obviously, you break your prayer.
What is more important? Your sons life or a 1 rakat prayer?
Misplaced question.

09-24-2009, 05:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by crayon
Oh I don't mind really, it reflects negatively on him, not me.

I'm still unsure why we even have a matter as simple and insignificant as washing feet in a sink being discussed at such length.
meh.. slow news day?.. no one took interest in a potential new AIDS vaccine out on the market but washing your feet gets a fifty page diatribe! ^o)

strange world..


09-24-2009, 05:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude
Are you ACTUALLY suggesting that one should care more for a job, interview and the boss's reaction than the reaction of an All-Powerful God upon missing something that he has COMMANDED you to do else face punishment? That's kind of ticking me off.
No dude, the thing is, your out of a job, broke, and DESPERATELY in need for money and after failing at quite a few job interviews, you finally get to one where there is ALOT of competition but you actually do stand a chance. Now, you see that the time for your Magrib prayers are slipping by and as you know, these "bosses" have QUTIE a busy schedule but still made time for your interview, so are you going to tell him to sit there for five minutes while you finish your prayers?

Even here, I think 1 rakat prayer can be sacrificed for this situation. Im sure this would not qualify as a sin as Allah would understand the situation, BUT if you DO ask for time off to pray, Allah will be extra please with you, thats for sure.. Thats according to my beliefs ofcourse...

One thing you people dont get is Allah is our creator of EVERYTHING and he is fair and just. He is Allah and his laws of suwab and sin arent all written down in a formula. He obviously gives fair judgements to EVERY single action of yours. And if you missed 1 rakat of prayers JUST in order to survive, he would most definitely forgive you (in my opinion). I know my opinion isnt enough, but all of you people are acting like extremists.. Its good to be religious, but "extremity" of ANYTHING is bad.

Learn fiqh. Obviously, you break your prayer.
And well, I dont know what you mean by this, but what exactly is fiqh?

P.S my prayers do break sometimes when weird stuff suddenly flock into my head while im praying and I mess up the procedure... can you shed any light on this?

@the dude who reported me and thinks he's all cool by doing that: I would have removed the word "hypocrite" from my post if I had an EDIT button, but hey, my post just stings a little due to its aggressive style.. but it doesnt have anything against the rules.

09-24-2009, 06:07 PM
OK, this kinda ticked me off. Allah isnt forcing us to be slaves in a military concentration prison camp alright? He understands everything, he knows everything. If your sitting at home doing work (even if it is important), you MUST pray as you can easily spare 5 minutes to do this with proper facilities.. But are you ACTUALLY suggesting that your gonna tell your boss in an INTERVIEW to give you 5 minutes to pray and come back? Really? Would you?
ok so 5 times a day prayer. is the prayer limit only 10 mins that in those 10 mins one MUST pray or is the timing longer? if youre in an interview and you needed to vomit or take some pills or use the bathroom, what would you do? excuse urself or do whatever u need to right on the table?

hmm, question time!! (God forbid) Suppose you were praying (at the FIRST part of it) and god forbid your kid who was playing on the bed (beside the spot where you are praying) suddenly suffers brains hemorrhage and starts spluttering on your bed. Are you going to FINISH your prayers and THEN go help out your son? Answer me honestly because I cant stand people who lie.
break prayer and help the child duh. Allah is Most Merciful, there are instances in which breaking the prayer is totally done

I for one would stop my prayer immediately and take my son to the hospital. Once I make sure hes safely in the operation room under doctors care, ill finish my prayers THEN and ONLY THEN (unless Allah sends me a message to do otherwise). And this wouldnt even be a sin in my opinion. You know why? I skipped the prayer because I had to save my sons life which is worth ALOT more than just a 1 rakat prayer. But miss extremist here would probably claim that she would do otherwise. Now, wouldnt you?
you not having any knowledge or sense coming here and calling a member an extremist is quite hilarious. and pathetic

09-24-2009, 06:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amani
ok so 5 times a day prayer. is the prayer limit only 10 mins that in those 10 mins one MUST pray or is the timing longer? if youre in an interview and you needed to vomit or take some pills or use the bathroom, what would you do? excuse urself or do whatever u need to right on the table?
Id definitely postpone my pills (it gives the impression that i get sick easily) and id hold my "call to nature" feeling for as long as I can (it breaks schedule letting off a bad impression) in order to finish the interview and let off a good first impression. Please, do refer to my reply to alpha dude and consider that situation.

And at both amani and crayon, I apologize for my aggressiveness on my post back there, I sometimes get very emotional over things I dont agree with and I DID want to edit my post there but my low number of posts did not allow me to do so. I hope you understand.

09-24-2009, 06:15 PM
Oh really mr. hypocrite? Is that true? Do you know why I called you an hypocrite?
listen missy. id like to know why u called me a mr.

Well, lets put it this way, do you get offended when stereotype western people call us muslims - terrorists? If you do, that makes you a hypocrite (if you dont, that proves that you agree with them) because you just stated that "men in the west pee and dont wash their hands" which is blatantly untrue and was a stereotype comment.
quote me full. and whilst youre at it look at the full topic to see what context im speaking of. i couldnt care less what you call me.

Infact, sometimes almost ALL of us act like hypocrites including me. I mean, whenever we talk about the "western culture" we ALWAYS say that the western people freely have sex and wear inappropriate clothes. But apart from the middle east, are the muslim population in this world so different? People in these other "muslim countries" go around wearing quite revealing clothes and they change boyfriends / girlfriends every month or so. What do you say to that?
if a person is muslim and freely having sex-same thing if not worse. all thats in the west isnt bad just like all thats in muslim countries isnt good. but because the west for example may think homosexuality is normal and fine i will not think thats a good thing in the west. and any so called muslim who agrees with it-the same to them. we dont make the rules as muslims, we follow them.

If we want the west to stop calling us terrorists, we MUST change first, and we can start by stop associating them with adultery ALL the time.
where did this adultery business come up?

I for one really get upset when I see someone acting like a hypocrite or lying in order to make oneself look better than he / she is so I apologize for the aggressiveness in my post.
and i for one really get upset when stupid people make stupid posts that are totally irrelevant. but what the heck

09-24-2009, 06:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ChOcCi
Id definitely postpone my pills (it gives the impression that i get sick easily) and id hold my "call to nature" feeling for as long as I can (it breaks schedule letting off a bad impression) in order to finish the interview and let off a good first impression. Please, do refer to my reply to alpha dude and consider that situation.

And at both amani and crayon, I apologize for my aggressiveness on my post back there, I sometimes get very emotional over things I dont agree with and I DID want to edit my post there but my low number of posts did not allow me to do so. I hope you understand.
ok i read your reply.
if an interview is going to be really long like over 1 hour then salah could be a problem. if a person is about to interview u but sees you praying i doubt they are gonna tell you to get up NOW. salah doesnt take long and if you need to pray then u need to pray.

09-24-2009, 06:54 PM
hmm, well, point taken.. ill try not to judge people so quick from now on..

But listen, I think if you think over this properly, even YOU cannot deny this FACT.

As long as we associate the western people with things like shallowness, sinful adultery, drugs, etc. The western people are not wrong in calling us Muslims terrorists.

If we want THEM to change, WE OURSELVES have to change first.

And yes, I made this analogy (donno if I used it correctly here) to show you that what you said about the western people (that they dont wash their hands after they use the toilet) is not true and EXTREMELY stereotyped of you to say so...

09-24-2009, 06:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ChOcCi

As long as we associate the western people with things like shallowness, sinful adultery, drugs, etc. The western people are not wrong in calling us Muslims terrorists.
lmao talk about nonsense seriously.

considering the west to be shameless and sinful is not wrong - it is very correct. CALLING THEM it like a fool, in a way which will make them angry may not be the most intelligent thing to be done however they should DEFINITLY one way or another be WARNED about their way of life.

this in NO WAY gives them the right to call us TERRORISTS because we have caused NO ACT OF TERROR but have acted out of the goodness of our hearts.

If we want THEM to change, WE OURSELVES have to change first.
no arguments there bob :thumbs_up

Assalamu Alaikum

09-24-2009, 07:05 PM

This is a really big problem for me. I get really embarrassed easily over many things. I'm used to praying at my house in extreme privacy and among people I know.
Even though there is nothing to be embarrassed about I just get these feelings of anxiety, which is nothing new but it distracts me from prayer. I wish I didn't care what people think, but since I was little it's been a natural instinct. One that is a constant struggle to get over.

But my roommate is nonMuslim. We have a sink on our dorm. I put my feet in it. She doesn't care much. I was soooooo worried when I moved in. Then I pray in front of her and outside in the lounge (now that she has posters everywhere in our dorm). People come by all the time. Most of my neighbors are used to. So it's like yeah that's just Transition praying. she does it everyday. But new passerbys are always popping in.

But there is only one thing that really crosses my mind... It's something Anwar Al Awlaki once said.."If there is something worth taking pride in, it's your religion."

There's a line between being proud of your religion and praying for the sake of other than Allah (swt). I don't have a problem praying to show other people, but sometimes I get nervous praying. But it's something I have to do, my mind kicking and screaming. I'm overwhelmed with my anxiety. It's like a rush of feelings. I've been shy most of the my childhood. But that natural anxiety is something you'll have to get over with when there's so much more at stake.. the value of a few rakats.

Be confident, find your salat, what can passerbys do? Have the thoughts of nonMuslims have interferred of what you believe?

My roommate has gotten used to the sticking my feet in the sink lol.

Most people are just baffled by your prayer. It's nothing to get nervous about.

That's what I keep telling myself everyday, It's been working for the most part.

It's something you just have to get used to.

09-24-2009, 07:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ChOcCi
hmm, well, point taken.. ill try not to judge people so quick from now on..

But listen, I think if you think over this properly, even YOU cannot deny this FACT.

As long as we associate the western people with things like shallowness, sinful adultery, drugs, etc. The western people are not wrong in calling us Muslims terrorists.

If we want THEM to change, WE OURSELVES have to change first.

And yes, I made this analogy (donno if I used it correctly here) to show you that what you said about the western people (that they dont wash their hands after they use the toilet) is not true and EXTREMELY stereotyped of you to say so...
AsSalamOAlaikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu

Your posts suggest you may have many issues with the rulings of prayer etc. I suggest you research the area. To put it simply for you under certain circumstances such as life or death one can break prayer.

Moreover, i suggest you use your words carefully, and suggest you avoid terms which you may not fully understand.

Moreover the western people are wrong in calling us (Muslims) terrorists, as i havent seen ANY acts of terror. Its just a label given by the media and only accpeted by you as per your post.

Moreover yes we Muslims do need to change. But your suggesting we change for them, we change for their sake. And that is wrong, we Muslims take only into account what our Lord commands us, we change only for his sake. We dont fear anyone except Him.

Moreover, you may not have left your house for a long time, but "in the west", adultery, drugs, clubbing, pubbing, anit-social behaviour, as well as the revolting level of toilet ettiquettes as suggested by this thread is very common practice. This isnt "Extemely stereotypical", spend a day in the public toilets and you'll see for yourself the revolting activites that commonly occur.

Finally when i say "you", i am not refering to you, i am refering to anyone reading


09-24-2009, 07:57 PM
Whats going on here from blackened dinosaur eggs to smelly feet to aids vaccine to dubai airport to extremism to brain hemorrhage ??

09-24-2009, 08:13 PM
AsSalamOAlaikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu

Sorry, Lets stay on topic.....From the OP....u

Qn: would you be embarrassed to do wudoo/pray in front of them, or would you go ahead and do it anyway and not care about what they say and consider it as an act of dawah?

why/why not?
No i wouldnt get embarrassed!! I rather do my wudu, keep my body clean, and pray for the sake of Allah!!


'Abd al-Baari
09-24-2009, 11:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
Whats going on here from blackened dinosaur eggs to smelly feet to aids vaccine to dubai airport to extremism to brain hemorrhage ??
Well said, thread closed.

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