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View Full Version : Why I despise secular and liberal demoracy

10-02-2009, 07:28 PM
Today homosexual organizations in Poland (Struggle Against Homophobia) made a meeting in a kindergarten in city Gdansk to teach few year old children about tolerance and equality.
The sodomite activist read to children a book called "With Tango there are three of us". The book is about two male penguins from New York zoo who brought up kids. The book shows the relationship of two males as something positive and equal to normal relationship between one man and woman. There was also a show of animations about life of those 2 penguins.
This immoral and tricky show of sodomite propaganda was used against innocent children, younger than 6 years old. All this under a slogan of tolerance, equality and freedom. All this done in accordance with law of secular and demo-liberal republic of Poland. Another proof that secularism and liberal democracy are nihilist doctrines that destroyes the nations like a cancer.


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10-02-2009, 08:23 PM

10-02-2009, 08:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amadeus85
Today homosexual organizations in Poland (Struggle Against Homophobia) made a meeting in a kindergarten in city Gdansk to teach few year old children about tolerance and equality.
The sodomite activist read to children a book called "With Tango there are three of us". The book is about two male penguins from New York zoo who brought up kids. The book shows the relationship of two males as something positive and equal to normal relationship between one man and woman. There was also a show of animations about life of those 2 penguins.
This immoral and tricky show of sodomite propaganda was used against innocent children, younger than 6 years old. All this under a slogan of tolerance, equality and freedom. All this done in accordance with law of secular and demo-liberal republic of Poland. Another proof that secularism and liberal democracy are nihilist doctrines that destroyes the nations like a cancer.

I agree with you this is degenerate but why blame it on secularism and liberal democracy as if sin comes from the state not from its people who created it. You also seem to ignore what is good in a liberal and democratic society so this looks too one sided an argument.

In any case a quick look at history will tell you that all kind of societies and governments perpetuated evils and these included Christian and Islamic societies as well as seculare ones.

What would you replace it by?

10-03-2009, 05:32 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hugo

What would you replace it by?
on the lowest common denominator as far as children are concerned their world should be free from this crap by some governmental legal law.
The same way they enforce laws against sex offenders and age of consent.

I didn't know about homosexuality until I came to the western world.. my mind couldn't conceive it, and for the longest time wondered to myself how they perform such acts and what about them is satisfactory or fulfilling on a spiritual/personal and sexual level. I really believe that it is the introduction of such things under the guise of democracy that is setting the world down a degenerative path and anyone merely questioning the wisdom on the basis of social mores is harassed by a barrage of tasteless labels and insults..

You can't equate tolerance with espousal of such ideas and no one should really be made to, least of which when it comes to children.

all the best

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10-03-2009, 05:42 AM
Why is this oppressive

but this isn't?

I mean honestly what are we raising? are we placing more importance on sexuality or intellect? Do you think the girl in the second picture more attractive than the children in the first? and is this what you want their self worth and esteem to be based on?
children pick up things early.. is the world of gyrating men in tiny colorful bikinis parading on the streets what we want? Do we want them to think that their only value is in wearing skin tight revealing clothes and a pound of makeup?
is being co-dependent better than being self-sufficient?

a few things to ponder on whether or not the alternative is all that bad..
I have to tell you, I have such respect for the amish in the U.S that I have just donated today to one of their charities even though they are not Muslims.. and I hope they always keep their way of life..

all the best

10-03-2009, 05:52 AM
So you note a few far left wing loons as a benchmark to what is wrong with liberalism and democracy.

Stalin calls and he wants his murderous agenda back.

10-03-2009, 06:03 AM
Stalin was actually an atheist, along with mao, enver hoxha and pol pot..
I don't think you can get any more liberal.. more people have died under atheist rule than all the religions combined.. so I am not sure what your point is? unless you are making one against your own alleged principles?

all the best

10-03-2009, 06:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye
Stalin was actually an atheist, along with mao, enver hoxha and pol pot..
I don't think you can get any more liberal.. more people have died under atheist rule than all the religions combined.. so I am not sure what your point is? unless you are making one against your own alleged principles?

all the best
Who said anything about Athism.

Liberalism and Democracy are not counter to the idea of religion - it is Islam that is against Liberalism and Democracy because it is Islam that favours a religious dictatorship like Iran.

10-03-2009, 06:16 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by kawaiigardiner
Who said anything about Athism.

Liberalism and Democracy are not counter to the idea of religion - it is Islam that is against Liberalism and Democracy because it is Islam that favours a religious dictatorship like Iran.
I am not certain you actually understand what democracy is.. it is by definition a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them.. If the majority of citizens are Muslim and they elect someone to enforce sharia'a which by the way you have no knowledge of as evidenced by your occasional drive by shootings with your BB gun then that in fact the very definition of democracy (Iran doesn't govern by Islamic law) since they are shiites shia'a literally means faction, Islam doesn't recognize factions (why not educate yourself on the basic things before hurling with utter vehemence your distaste? .. liberalism favors sway from tradition, so you can be equally liberal about how many folks you kill as you'd handing out gay pride banners .. I am just astounded that you'd equate an atheist with religious zealots? where do you draw the semblance?.. it is a non-sequitur as is everything else you write..

now, you seem like an unhappy person extremely angry.. shouldn't your concession to music and homosexuality bring you some peace and Chanel your emotionality as you have so professed in your previous posts?

all the best

10-03-2009, 06:35 AM
yes it is disgusting, I bet some of the more feminine boys in that class are gonna grow up as homos now

10-03-2009, 12:20 PM
That is messed up.

10-03-2009, 12:48 PM
If you ignore God and claim no form of Shariah, what do you expect to happen?

Ummu Sufyaan
10-03-2009, 01:01 PM
homosexuality and the propagation of it, will breed nothing but a corrupt society that denies itself the recognition of its sound nature. if bs like this is propagated, then i wish society all the best :omg:

10-03-2009, 03:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amadeus85
The sodomite activist read to children a book called "With Tango there are three of us". The book is about two male penguins from New York zoo who brought up kids. The book shows the relationship of two males as something positive and equal to normal relationship between one man and woman.

Actually the offending book is a true story about real penguins in the New York zoo, but why let the facts get in the way of mindless homophobia, eh? I'm glad to say that sales of this no doubt fascinating book have soared as a consequence of attempts to ban it.

The thing about secular and liberal democracy is that it, theoretically, allows all people to express their views.. even those as unpleasant and bigoted as yours.

10-03-2009, 04:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hugo
What would you replace it by?
Europe is secular and demo-liberal since about 50, or 60 years. Before this we had more than 1 thousand years other system, european traditional system, which would protect our nations from much parts of evil things promoted nowadays. Of course now its impossible to go back, here rather jedi believers or wiccans will have their kingdoms.

10-03-2009, 04:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amadeus85
Europe is secular and demo-liberal since about 50, or 60 years. Before this we had more than 1 thousand years other system, european traditional system, which would protect our nations from much parts of evil things promoted nowadays.
Absolutely. The good ol' days when we kept slaves. And women were some sort of inferior sub-species. And we stomped across the globe slaughtering assorted people to found and exploit 'colonies' which we had the divine right to do because we were better than them because our skins were white and theirs were not. But at least the gays kept in the closet.

They are sorely missed.

(sarcasm mode off)

10-03-2009, 04:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Trumble
Absolutely. The good ol' days when we kept slaves. And women were some sort of inferior sub-species. And we stomped across the globe slaughtering assorted people to found and exploit 'colonies' which we had the divine right to do because we were better than them because our skins were white and theirs were not. But at least the gays kept in the closet.

They are sorely missed.

(sarcasm mode off)
Yes I was talking about christian (specificly catholic monarchies). But it could be also a republic (of course christian), these kind of states existed yet 40, 30 years ago - catholic republic of Italy, Ireland or Columbia.

1. slavery was something normal those days, all civilizations kept slaves. On the other hand I must say that I dont remember any slaves in Kingdom of France, Kingdom of Poland or Kingdom of England (but NOTE that Im talking about pre-XIX century times, because since Enligthment even many of our monarchies werent true.) But slaves were something normal in a country, republic built on enlightment and liberal rules- USA.

2. We had colonies because we were powerful, we were powerful because we were religious and theocratic. Now we are neither religious and theocratic and we wont have colonies.

3. It has nothing to do with the skin colour. Racism and xenophobia are something new, born in enlightmen, from Darwin's work. Trust me that for emperor Otto I or king Ludvic XIV it didnt matter whether someone was black or yellow, it wasnt their way of thinking as they were catholics. On the other hand You can check what Voltaire wrote about black people.

10-03-2009, 04:54 PM
According to secularists, forbid homosexuality is against human right. Although homosexuality is forbidden in every religion.

I am so sick to hear secularists say "Don't bring the religion if you want to talk something".

format_quote Originally Posted by aadil77
yes it is disgusting, I bet some of the more feminine boys in that class are gonna grow up as homos now
You can bet huge sum of your money (if bet is allowed in Islam), and you will not lose anything because you are right.

Usually a boy becomes homo causes by his childhood experience.
Maybe there is no adult will who do something bad to these boys, but they would assume homosexuality is normal and acceptable.

10-03-2009, 06:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Usually a boy becomes homo causes by his childhood experience.
Maybe there is no adult will who do something bad to these boys, but they would assume homosexuality is normal and acceptable.
Egzactly, man or woman who is into sodomy can be treated. A person becomes homosexual because he/she had been molested as a child or colour magazines told them that "a try with same sex is nothing bad". Thats a huge evil which modern popculture make to homosexual - to tell them that sodomy is nothing wrong. Otherwise they could think deeper and stop doing this act.

Thats what I like in islamic states, they support natural laws, and sodomites there understand that what they do is wrong, since in Europe they think that its just a alternative way of life.

10-03-2009, 07:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amadeus85
A person becomes homosexual because he/she had been molested as a child or colour magazines told them that "a try with same sex is nothing bad".
Complete rubbish. Can you provide ANY recognised medical, psychological or otherwise scientific source that supports that claim?

11-06-2009, 01:14 PM
Another act of our cultural huns from Brussels -


Another proof that we, europeans, are our own biggest enemies, biggest threat to our own religion and culture and society. Not muslims, not chinese, not black or brown, but we white european born people obsessed with nihlism and self destruction.

11-06-2009, 01:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amadeus85
Another act of our cultural huns from Brussels -


Another proof that we, europeans, are our own biggest enemies, biggest threat to our own religion and culture and society. Not muslims, not chinese, not black or brown, but we white european born people obsessed with nihlism and self destruction.
Your religion. Not 'our religion'. It is not mine.

Though there certainly is a place for it in society.

11-06-2009, 02:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amadeus85
Racism and xenophobia are something new, born in enlightmen, from Darwin's work.
O rly?

11-06-2009, 03:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amadeus85
Another act of our cultural huns from Brussels -


Another proof that we, europeans, are our own biggest enemies, biggest threat to our own religion and culture and society. Not muslims, not chinese, not black or brown, but we white european born people obsessed with nihlism and self destruction.
When I was in UNI I got typhus and must stayed in a Catholic hospital for 21 days. I stayed alone in a room, and there was a cross in this room. But I never thought this cross violated me. Even I salaat and recited Qur'an in the front of this cross. Maybe for some people salaat and recite Qur'an in front of a cross is strange, but I don't see anything wrong with this. Also, this Catholic hospital didn't see anything wrong if I salaat and recite Qur'an in this room because we knew what is religious tolerance, what is freedom of religion.

And the news in this link is really makes me shocked. A woman complained, showing a crucifix violated her children's freedom of religion. I guess this woman is not Christian, not Muslim, not Jew, not Buddhist, not Hindu and not other believer. And I really want to ask her, "Freedom OF religion or Freedom FROM religion ?".

11-06-2009, 03:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Trumble
Actually the offending book is a true story about real penguins in the New York zoo, but why let the facts get in the way of mindless homophobia, eh? I'm glad to say that sales of this no doubt fascinating book have soared as a consequence of attempts to ban it.

The thing about secular and liberal democracy is that it, theoretically, allows all people to express their views.. even those as unpleasant and bigoted as yours.
If it wasn't for this post, I would've given up on this thread. Luckily, there's someone with common sense and decency here.

To say the least, I'm disgusted. Not only with the lack of knowledge of homosexuality, but the fact we are still debating whether or not who two consenting adults choose to have sex with is anyone's business but theirs. Let God judge and decide. And the fact people are blaming democracy. Hey, it ain't perfect people, but it's the least evil form of government there is. Hence, why so many non-democratic countries choose to call themselves democratic.

11-06-2009, 07:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Trumble
Actually the offending book is a true story about real penguins in the New York zoo, but why let the facts get in the way of mindless homophobia, eh? I'm glad to say that sales of this no doubt fascinating book have soared as a consequence of attempts to ban it.
You know what else do REAL animals and other living things do? Praying mantis female cuts off the head of her copulating male just because he shouldn't fertilize another, and the male actually knows it and accepts his fate. Osprey birds are known to invade their neighbor nests, kill their eggs and put their own instead. dogs regularly jump the females without permission or courting and have a specially shaped male organ that makes it practically impossible to get out. and cats leave their young to starve to death if they sense they are deformed or retarded. Are those "natural" things too should be adopted by humans? Leave kids with down's syndrome to starve to death? Men pounce on women in elevators and raping them? Kill babies in strollers when their mothers aren't looking and put our own so that they feed them and pay for their university? or "two consenting adults" can get in a bedroom and the woman should be allowed to behead the male "since he consented"?

Also, political correctness garbage aimed at twisting facts should be highlighted for what it is on this forum: Homophobia is a misnomer, because phobia actually means "Irrational Fear of something normal", not what homosexuals are trying to use it for in daily language to replace "Rational disgust and rejection of something abnormal".

The thing about secular and liberal democracy is that it, theoretically, allows all people to express their views.. even those as unpleasant and bigoted as yours.
Interesting that the same democratic secular government that allowed those degenerates to bring their "beliefs of homosexual tolerance" into children classrooms, is banning crosses and other religious symbols under the same banner of tolerance.

If it wasn't for this post, I would've given up on this thread. Luckily, there's someone with common sense and decency here.
Interesting to come from a "Liberal Protestant". If that is your opinion, then what is your view regarding this:

Lev 20:13 "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death."

Rom 1:26-27 "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error."

Tim 1:9-10 "realizing the fact that (civil) law is not made for a righteous man, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers"

Lev 18:22-23 "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

So? Since you believe that supporting homosexuality and promoting it openly even to children is "common sense and decency", I guess then you regard the above quotes to be nonsense and indecent.

Strange isn't it? how some like to speak, but not even think about what they say.

11-06-2009, 08:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Supreme
Hey, it ain't perfect people, but it's the least evil form of government there is.
I've posted some of these somewhere before, but I can't help but share these quotations about democracy just for the fun of it:
Democracy forever teases us with the contrast between its ideals and its realities, between its heroic possibilities and its sorry achievements. ~ Agnes Repplier

A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine. ~ Thomas Jefferson

Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time. ~ E.B. White

The two greatest obstacles to democracy in the United States are, first, the widespread delusion among the poor that we have a democracy, and second, the chronic terror among the rich, lest we get it. ~ Edward Dowling
I've been deliberately selective here of course. :D

11-06-2009, 08:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Supreme
If it wasn't for this post, I would've given up on this thread. Luckily, there's someone with common sense and decency here.

To say the least, I'm disgusted. Not only with the lack of knowledge of homosexuality, but the fact we are still debating whether or not who two consenting adults choose to have sex with is anyone's business but theirs. Let God judge and decide. And the fact people are blaming democracy. Hey, it ain't perfect people, but it's the least evil form of government there is. Hence, why so many non-democratic countries choose to call themselves democratic.
Hold on a minute...you earlier said that consent didn't make the action ok (you actually mocked it) in relation to child marriage, calling it peadohilia.

By that same token, homosexuality should be equally disgusting - yet you have said it is fine (ergo double standard). You can't on one hand say ''consent has been given, so why are you complaining'', yet complain when consent has been given on another occasion.

11-06-2009, 08:59 PM
I seem to remember that last time this thread derailed into a comparison between homosexuality and pedophilia, it received a thorough clean-up from the mods ... :rolleyes:

11-06-2009, 09:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I seem to remember that last time this thread derailed into a comparison between homosexuality and pedophilia, it received a thorough clean-up from the mods ... :rolleyes:
Good point.

Note to everyone (including myself): let's try and get back on topic.

11-06-2009, 10:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Supreme

To say the least, I'm disgusted. Not only with the lack of knowledge of homosexuality, but the fact we are still debating whether or not who two consenting adults choose to have sex with is anyone's business but theirs. Let God judge and decide. And the fact people are blaming democracy. Hey, it ain't perfect people, but it's the least evil form of government there is. Hence, why so many non-democratic countries choose to call themselves democratic.
Interesting to hear from a christian, especially since God of jews, muslims and christians condemn act of sodomy and those who do it are sinners. God already judged and decided, read the holy books. Or maybe You are from this church?


11-06-2009, 10:46 PM
Few years ago in UK police revealed some facts about peadophiles. It turned out that from 23% to 43 % of the perpetrators were gays. If we remind that gays make just 1 to 2 % of the society this is a warning info. Lynette Burrows, the brittish specialist of raising children, said that homosexual lobby doesnt allow such informations to be spread. Burrows says that when she speaks in BBC, the television doesnt allow her to reveal such informations.

Gay activists have troubles in Scotland.


11-06-2009, 10:53 PM
Example of "western liberal" freedom - Woman who questioned the rightness of children adoption to gays has been quiezzed by police.


Welcome to Sodoma and Gomorra :).

11-06-2009, 11:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amadeus85
Few years ago in UK police revealed some facts about peadophiles. It turned out that from 23% to 43 % of the perpetrators were gays. If we remind that gays make just 1 to 2 % of the society this is a warning info. Lynette Burrows, the brittish specialist of raising children, said that homosexual lobby doesnt allow such informations to be spread. Burrows says that when she speaks in BBC, the television doesnt allow her to reveal such informations.
Wouldn't at all surprise me. Both are acts of sexual deviance and it's natural to come from the same source, and to enact both require the same lack of self-control or moral prohibition. I would bet you that 23 to 43% would jump to a much higher percentage in an area where pedophilia was somehow not illegal.

11-07-2009, 04:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by aamirsaab
You can't on one hand say ''consent has been given, so why are you complaining'', yet complain when consent has been given on another occasion.
The distinction is that in one instance both participants are judged capable of giving informed consent to the sexual activity concerned while in the other one is not. There is no 'double standard'.

11-07-2009, 10:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Uthmān
I've posted some of these somewhere before, but I can't help but share these quotations about democracy just for the fun of it:
Democracy forever teases us with the contrast between its ideals and its realities, between its heroic possibilities and its sorry achievements. ~ Agnes Repplier
That is true for all forms of government of course. Realities never are as nice as the ideals. I do not believe this contrast is any bigger for democracy than it is for any other system. In fact, in my opinion the opposite is true, since Liberal Democracy is designed exactly to prevent accumulation of power with one person or even one institution. In developed democracies 95+% of the people also appear to support maintaining the democratic system of government, despite all its flaws and despite all the grumbling about 'politicians'. That is a better result than in any other developed system of government IMHO.

A democracy is nothinq more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine. ~ Thomas Jefferson

Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time. ~ E.B. White
I'm not certain the Thomas Jefferson quote is real.

But nevertheless, you need to keep in mind that the United States - like virtually all 'democracies' - is not 'democratic' in the pure sense of the world. They are constitutional democracies, where 51% 'mob rule' is not supposed to be able to threaten fundamental liberties, since these are enshrined in the constitution. One of the pillars of the liberal democratic system is exactly to prevent "tyranny of the majority", that is why we have constitutions and an independent judiciary!

The two greatest obstacles to democracy in the United States are, first, the widespread delusion among the poor that we have a democracy, and second, the chronic terror among the rich, lest we get it. ~ Edward Dowling
Not sure what that last quote is about. The rich have more influence than the poor, yes. The rich also pay overwhelmingly more taxes. Not sure what can be done about that.

On the other hand, redistribution of money from rich to poor is already happening through the welfare system. That was not true when Edward Dowling made that quote.

11-07-2009, 06:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo

Interesting to come from a "Liberal Protestant".

So? Since you believe that supporting homosexuality and promoting it openly even to children is "common sense and decency", I guess then you regard the above quotes to be nonsense and indecent.

Strange isn't it? how some like to speak, but not even think about what they say.
I understand the position of the Scriptures when it comes to such matters; however Jesus never emphasized the wrongs of homosexuality, thus it is not in direct violation of the teachings of Jesus. I'm a liberal Protestant- the liberal bit meaning I believe anyone can be a Christian, regardless of race, gender, nationality, background or sexuality. Another important liberal stance is the fact that, whilst as close to the truth as we can get, the Bible is not inerrant and cannot be interpreted literally for some parts.
I don't support the stance of promoting homosexuality any more that I do promoting the stance of heterosexuality, especially to a bunch of young children.

11-07-2009, 07:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by aamirsaab
Hold on a minute...you earlier said that consent didn't make the action ok (you actually mocked it) in relation to child marriage, calling it peadohilia.

By that same token, homosexuality should be equally disgusting - yet you have said it is fine (ergo double standard). You can't on one hand say ''consent has been given, so why are you complaining'', yet complain when consent has been given on another occasion.
And for our next silly comparison, we list the similarities between Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama!

Wouldn't at all surprise me. Both are acts of sexual deviance and it's natural to come from the same source, and to enact both require the same lack of self-control or moral prohibition. I would bet you that 23 to 43% would jump to a much higher percentage in an area where pedophilia was somehow not illegal.
Then again, the majority of peadophiles are heterosexual... What a silly statistic to bring up...

11-08-2009, 02:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Supreme
Then again, the majority of peadophiles are heterosexual... What a silly statistic to bring up...
Maybe you're trying hard to be stupid or just are, or maybe you just have a severe allergy to indicative statistics that smash the little card teepees you call arguments and posts:

Only 5% of British are gay, so when they are responsible for almost half (43%) of a crime, and 95% of them are responsible for the other 57%, it requires a severely desperate and twisted person to not acknowledge that it is a startling statistic so mathematically unambiguous that by any quantifiable research standard homosexuality is officially declared a direct contributing factor to pedophilia.

format_quote Originally Posted by Supreme
I understand the position of the Scriptures when it comes to such matters; however Jesus never emphasized the wrongs of homosexuality, thus it is not in direct violation of the teachings of Jesus.
Never heard something so outrageous and desperate, it is not even worthy of a response. Perhaps though a proper christian on the board may still like to address your bizarre statements.

11-08-2009, 02:58 PM
Maybe you're trying hard to be stupid or just are, or maybe you just have a severe allergy to indicative statistics that smash the little card teepees you call arguments and posts:

Only 5% of British are gay, so when they are responsible for almost half (43%) of a crime, and 95% of them are responsible for the other 57%, it requires a severely desperate and twisted person to not acknowledge that it is a startling statistic so mathematically unambiguous that by any quantifiable research standard homosexuality is officially declared a direct contributing factor to pedophilia.
Let's use another example: 3% of Brits are Muslims. However, around 80% of terrorists in Britain are Muslims. Only 3% of Brits are Muslim, so when they are responsible for 80% of all terrorist plots, it requires a severely desperate and twisted mind to not acknowledge that it is a startling statistic so mathematically unambiguous that by any quantifiable research standard Islam is directly declared a direct contiributing factor to terrorism. Do agree with that statement? Because that's essentially your own logic.

Never heard something so outrageous and desperate, it is not even worthy of a response. Perhaps though a proper christian on the board may still like to address your bizarre statements.
I am a 'proper Christian', in the way I do not judge people on the grounds of sexuality as Jesus commanded me not to. Whatever happened to 'Judge lest ye be judged'. I'm a liberal, it may conflict with your conservative views, but please don't ever, ever try and patronise me by claiming I'm no Christian, OK? Thanks.

11-08-2009, 04:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Sampharo
Never heard something so outrageous and desperate, it is not even worthy of a response. Perhaps though a proper christian on the board may still like to address your bizarre statements.
format_quote Originally Posted by Supreme
I am a 'proper Christian', in the way I do not judge people on the grounds of sexuality as Jesus commanded me not to. Whatever happened to 'Judge lest ye be judged'. I'm a liberal, it may conflict with your conservative views, but please don't ever, ever try and patronise me by claiming I'm no Christian, OK? Thanks.
Sampharo, I agree with Supreme's view that "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned." (Luke 6:37) extends also to those of other sexual orientations.

I know the Bible verses which speak against homosexuality very well, and I have pondered them often and long ...
Yet I have several homosexuals amongst my friends, and I know them to be wonderful people (and some of them are believers too). - I have never found it in my heart to condemn them for their sexuality.

I know there are many (Christians and non-Christians) who will disagree with me. If I am wrong, may God guide me in my understanding.

I hope that this does not take me off your 'proper Christians list', but if it does, them be it so ...
Peace, brother. :)

11-08-2009, 04:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Sampharo, I agree with Supreme's view that "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned." (Luke 6:37) extends also to those of other sexual orientations.

I know the Bible verses which speak against homosexuality very well, and I have pondered them often and long ...
Yet I have several homosexuals amongst my friends, and I know them to be wonderful people (and some of them are believers too). - I have never found it in my heart to condemn them for their sexuality.

I know there are many (Christians and non-Christians) who will disagree with me. If I am wrong, may God guide me in my understanding.

I hope that this does not take me off your 'proper Christians list', but if it does, them be it so ...
Peace, brother. :)
I think if you look carefully, the Bible speaks about homosexual practices as being wrong and there have always been homosexual persons as far as we know. It is not a diseases but it is it seems a fact so like any other sin we condemn the act.

11-08-2009, 05:02 PM
Although Islam and other religions forbid homosexuality, I can tolerate some homos around me because they never did something wrong with normal people. I understand, the became homos caused by destiny. And I cannot hate or punish someone just because a destiny that they never want to have it.

However, toleration has a limit. I cannot let those homos come to school and teach our children, homosexuality is a normal behavior. Also I cannot let those homos show their sexual deviation to public openly.

I have my own reason why I despise secular and liberal democracy. When I found some people did something wrong that against religious value, and I told them that's wrong, they always replied "If you forbid me, that's means you are not respect to human right".

11-08-2009, 05:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto

However, toleration has a limit. I cannot let those homos come to school and teach our children, homosexuality is a normal behavior. Also I cannot let those homos show their sexual deviation to public openly.

I have my own reason why I despise secular and liberal democracy. When I found some people did something wrong that against religious value, and I told them that's wrong, they always replied "If you forbid me, that's means you are not respect to human right".
I agree

format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
And the news in this link is really makes me shocked. A woman complained, showing a crucifix violated her children's freedom of religion. I guess this woman is not Christian, not Muslim, not Jew, not Buddhist, not Hindu and not other believer. And I really want to ask her, "Freedom OF religion or Freedom FROM religion ?".
I agree. Cases like these are superridiculous.

I also have my personal views why I despite secular and democrasy contries

11-08-2009, 05:51 PM
3% of Brits are Muslims. However, around 80% of terrorists in Britain are Muslims. Only 3% of Brits are Muslim, so when they are responsible for 80% of all terrorist plots, it requires a severely desperate and twisted mind to not acknowledge that it is a startling statistic so mathematically unambiguous that by any quantifiable research standard Islam is directly declared a direct contiributing factor to terrorism. Do agree with that statement?
Of course I do! The british government targets mostly muslims when it comes to any terrorist plots, whether the accusation is true or not, because the whole "business" is genuinely tied to Islamically affiliated nutters thinking they are fighting a holy war. I guess then you have to grow enough braincells to understand statistics DO WORK AND CONNECT RELATIONS, whether or not there is justification is another matter.

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Sampharo, I agree with Supreme's view that "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned." (Luke 6:37) extends also to those of other sexual orientations.
There's a big difference sister between you choosing to not hold yourself as judge of people committing sins, and a hypocrit over there who described a person whitewashing homosexuality and teaching homosexuality to children to be "the only person with common sense and decency". Someone who says it is absolutely fine and outrageously is suggesting that Jesus never literally spoke against homosexuality and therefore it is allowed and normal.

In Islam too, it is understandable when a muslim doesn't judge his friend about any of the sins even after advising him and the friend doesn't care, that is absolutely fine and he's thinking fairly straight that it's not up to him to condemn. That is not taking a major sin that under all three Islamic and Christian and Judaic scriptures were described as abominations, and had ordained ruling to uphold a severe legal punishment for it, and straight up not only white it out and say it is not a sin and makes up that jesus never spoke against it, but also further describes the one supporting the homosexuals taking the story of the penguins to the children at schools to be the only poster with decency and common sense.

I don't know about Christianity, but anyone who can't see how wrong that is....<_<

11-08-2009, 10:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Sampharo, I agree with Supreme's view that "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned." (Luke 6:37) extends also to those of other sexual orientations.

I know the Bible verses which speak against homosexuality very well, and I have pondered them often and long ...
Yet I have several homosexuals amongst my friends, and I know them to be wonderful people (and some of them are believers too). - I have never found it in my heart to condemn them for their sexuality.

I know there are many (Christians and non-Christians) who will disagree with me. If I am wrong, may God guide me in my understanding.

I hope that this does not take me off your 'proper Christians list', but if it does, them be it so ...
Peace, brother. :)
If a thief steals, we should persuade him not to do it. If child offends his mother, we persuade him not to do it. No one here is talking about bringing gays and lesbians on Inquisition, but at least we, christians should have bravery to tell them - You people do wrong thing, this kind of act is immoral, againts natural law and first of all against God's words.

Nevermind the massmedia propaganda, nevermind the popcultural propaganda, nevermind the tv movies propagating homosexuality. We know that this is Civitas Diaboli. Nowadays world agrees to kill unborn children but forbids to kill serial killer, nowadays world allows children to be adopted by a pair of two men or two women, nowadays world allows to murder very ill born babies, because their parents dont want to raise them. Should we christians take example from this world? No, we should change it.

11-08-2009, 10:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Supreme
I understand the position of the Scriptures when it comes to such matters; however Jesus never emphasized the wrongs of homosexuality, thus it is not in direct violation of the teachings of Jesus. I'm a liberal Protestant- the liberal bit meaning I believe anyone can be a Christian, regardless of race, gender, nationality, background or sexuality. Another important liberal stance is the fact that, whilst as close to the truth as we can get, the Bible is not inerrant and cannot be interpreted literally for some parts.
I don't support the stance of promoting homosexuality any more that I do promoting the stance of heterosexuality, especially to a bunch of young children.
There is a wise statement that - "For their fruits you will know them" and liberal protestantism is disapearing in both Europe and USA/ Canada.

11-09-2009, 01:46 AM
How degenerate and immoral it is to teach children that same-sex couples can genuinely love and care for each other!

Instead, we should teach them morals like "you can own slaves" (Leviticus 25:45, 1 Tim 6:1), "if a man rapes a virgin, he must marry her" (Deuteronomy 22:28) and "you should kill all the unbelievers who live in the holy land" (Deuteronomy 20:16).

Here's a thought, Amadeus—if you despise our culture so much, why don't you move to a place with a culture more to your liking? I would recommend Saudi Arabia or Iran. (Though I understand there is a ton of underground homosexuality in those places. Isn't that weird!)

11-09-2009, 03:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Qingu
Here's a thought, Amadeus—if you despise our culture so much, why don't you move to a place with a culture more to your liking? I would recommend Saudi Arabia or Iran. (Though I understand there is a ton of underground homosexuality in those places. Isn't that weird!)
There are many planets in the universe, Qingu.
So, why don't you chose one planet for a place where you can do anything that you want ?. That's better than disturb religious people in Amadeus's place !.

11-09-2009, 04:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amadeus85
There is a wise statement that - "For their fruits you will know them" and liberal protestantism is disapearing in both Europe and USA/ Canada.
Are you joking? Protestantism is growing in the USA, especially amongst the Hispanic community, with many converting from Catholicism (which in itself is a step towards liberalism). With converts, inevitably there will be liberals.

11-09-2009, 04:38 PM
Welcome to the club.

11-09-2009, 10:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Supreme
Are you joking? Protestantism is growing in the USA, especially amongst the Hispanic community, with many converting from Catholicism (which in itself is a step towards liberalism). With converts, inevitably there will be liberals.
I'm not joking at all. I'm talking about the liberal protestantism, which bless gay couples, agrees with abortion, allows women to be bishops (which breaks the tradition) and replaced christian morality with the evangelion of human rights and ecology. The breaking point came lately with mass conversion of 400 000 anglicans to Catholic Church, that You might have read about.

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