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12-04-2009, 11:45 PM
I wanted to hear your guys' stance on women leadership.

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Alpha Dude
12-04-2009, 11:55 PM
They should stay in the kitchen.

Where they belong. :statisfie

12-04-2009, 11:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude
They should stay in the kitchen.

Where they belong. :statisfie
As Unkil zAk once told me when I gave him that response... "You're better off being a bachelor."


12-05-2009, 12:48 AM
Why not, im certain they'd do a much better job than any man!

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Alpha Dude
12-05-2009, 12:56 AM
I believe there's a hadith that says a nation that entrusts its affairs to a woman can never be successful. Thus rendering female leadership impermissible in Islam.

12-05-2009, 01:07 AM
Thats true but that doesn't mean that women shouldnt be consulted, I'm sure theres a lot that can be learned from women. Bein involved in politics doesnt necessarily mean that u run for office.

Alpha Dude
12-05-2009, 01:11 AM
that doesn't mean that women shouldnt be consulted
I didn't say anything to indicate otherwise.

The question was about leadership in politics. I naturally assumed it meant the head position. :)

12-05-2009, 01:17 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude
I didn't say anything to indicate otherwise.

The question was about leadership in politics. I naturally assumed it meant the head position. :)
Even if women dont run for head office, the man who does end up bein in office its because of a woman, After Allah its a woman that gave man life! Thats politics for u...that no man can ever do.

12-05-2009, 02:06 AM
The Hadith mentioned above is true.

But please remember that at Hudaybiya, the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam consulted his wife in the tent. If he had not consulted his wife, the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam feared the punishment from Allah would have befallen the Ummah, and we would not be here today.

The way I look at it is that when you look at a political figure to elect or nominate, also look at his family. What do you think?

12-05-2009, 03:47 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
I wanted to hear your guys' stance on women leadership.
Do you mean as a president or prime minister ? ........ No ..!!

12-05-2009, 03:49 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Do you mean as a president or prime minister ? ........ No ..!!
What about the President/PM's advisor?

12-05-2009, 03:56 AM
I don't think a woman should be in a direct position where this might happen

but there is no reason that they shouldn't be in leadership position that isn't so front line. No politician is ever loved.. it is certainly something to keep in mind, especially if you have a family!


12-05-2009, 03:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
What about the President/PM's advisor?
Do you mean as minister/head of department or advisor ?. ... It's OK.

Women are not allowed to lead the people but allowed to lead employees.

12-05-2009, 04:53 AM
Women are often the leaders of the home; they bring up children, often pay the bills, organise everyone etc. There is a LONG history of female scholars. Khadejah RA was a successful business woman. Why on EARTH would there be speculation on whether a woman could be an ADMIN on an INTERNET FORUM?

Ummu Sufyaan
12-05-2009, 07:31 AM
^who said anything about leadership on an internet forum :?

12-05-2009, 07:36 AM
They certainly can't do any worse than the men -.-

12-05-2009, 08:38 AM

We have to do justice here and not go to either extreme and stay within the frame of the Qur'aan and Sunnah.

The Prophet said "All of you are shepherds and all of you are responsible for their herd"

This means that yes indeed women have position of authority, she is the shepherd of her house and children even over other women at times, so to say that women are not fit for leadership is an injustice.

When we talk about issues like these it is easy to get emotional or let our minds get fogged with equality etc yet as a muslim we know that Allah is the most Just and since He created us He knows us better then we know ourselfs. This is why men and women were assigned different roles in society, men are to look after women and provide for them.

These are the few things we have to keep in mind when dealing with topics like this.

12-05-2009, 11:10 AM
um they can lead me to the food lol

12-05-2009, 03:12 PM
Of course they can. If we had more female leaders in the world I think the world might be a less volatile place, and they are just as, if not more so, capable as men in a leadership role. Look at how women manage a household, how they project manage in the business world, even how many have led countries.

I think it is a shame that Hisb ut-Tahrir has categorically said no to having a female khalifah in its draft consitution, considering they are perhaps the most popular group advocating an Islamic State.

12-05-2009, 04:00 PM
Even if everyone agrees that a woman can't be khalifa of an Islamic state- surely there are hundreds of other political roles available for women, ones that fall within what Allah has prescribed. If a woman wishes to go after them, why not? As for women leadership in general it's the same thing, there are millions of opportunities, many of them halal- lead the way, I say.

cat eyes
12-05-2009, 04:05 PM
:sl: the prophet mohammad saw also said the leaders of countries will be corrupted so why are you brothers acting like men know it all? and are some sort of angels when the majority of leaders are men thats something to think about also.:hmm:

12-05-2009, 04:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Hisb ut-Tahrir ?. In Indonesia they are known as 'regular protesters group'. And in every their protest action, majority of participants are women.
Yes but it is well known that they have greater support worldwide than any other similar (peaceful) organisation advocating the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate. They are huge.

One only needs to see how they filled out a stadium with more than 80,000 members during a rally in Indonesia or watch any of their polished well-made documentaries. They are active in the Middle East, Central Asia, South-East Asia, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Europe, Australasia and the Americas.

If you read their draft constitution you will find that they reject the idea of a female khalifah, and I find this disappointing as this is a great opportunity lost.

cat eyes
12-05-2009, 04:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude
They should stay in the kitchen.

Where they belong. :statisfie

12-06-2009, 01:50 AM
Everytime I say something against myself as a woman I get thousands of women telling I oppress myself lol.

I voted no anyway. Because so far I haven't seen any woman in high position who actually does a good job. And I prefere listening to men arguing one per time than ten women shouting in eachothers mouths.

12-06-2009, 02:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by J Aaliyah
Everytime I say something against myself as a woman I get thousands of women telling I oppress myself lol.

I voted no anyway. Because so far I haven't seen any woman in high position who actually does a good job. And I prefere listening to men arguing one per time than ten women shouting in eachothers mouths.

I'd be concerned for purely practical reasons... how many folks who held such a leadership office were assassinated including sa7aba all the way to modern day?
It is really not a good way to go.. I don't care of the sort of thick skin someone thinks they have developed or their bulldozing approach -- I personally couldn't live with the decision of putting folks to death or commanding an army.. although I can see myself on the battlefront....

(I have voted yes for leadership) but not the political sort


Insecured soul
12-06-2009, 02:36 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude
They should stay in the kitchen.

Where they belong. :statisfie

yeah even i think that :shade:

Ummu Sufyaan
12-06-2009, 02:59 AM
^ +o(

im not so sure what makes people so certain that a woman introduced as a leader will make things any better. realistically speaking, will it be any better off? i really dont think so as the countries that are run by women are not that much better off then the ones that are run by men. firstly, there is no Islamic state established (first and foremost) poverty, violence and all that other gunk still exists as well...

yes, it is believed that a woman may bring peace and so on (which is why women leadership is favored) but in reality, i think its a completely different story as power and leadership is intoxicating and i dont see why a woman would be spared from the same fate as men. who is to say that when she is in office, then she will lift the bad state that her country may be in? who is to say that her feminine soft side will come out an she will implement all these things :$ its like some people who favor homosexuality and think that it is good for poverty as the couple can adopt. but who is to guarantee and say that they will? theoretically, it sounds perfect (well it doesn't, but for arguments sake will say it does:hmm:) but reality tells a different story.

i dont favor women leaders, and no im not sexist... women are leaders in their own homes (and no, its not oppressive for how is it oppressive to be a mother) wherein which they can raise and breed the best of leaders, ulamaa, even mothers and every other tool which society can use and be nurtured on and hence society as a whole would be better off. unfortunately for these women they are un-sung hero's :( if mothers are too careless to raise their own kids and are too busy to care for them, then say good bye to healthy society. (im so going to get my head whacked in by the sisters :X :hiding:)

so in other words, a woman leader in her own home has many many countless fruits then a woman being a leader for everyone else.

im not saying that men are perfect leaders. no no and hell no. men need to toughen up and fear Allah in this respect, BIG time. unfortunately you dont see piety these days and men are too busy using the lives and properties of their brethren in faith as tokens for their own purposes :(

12-06-2009, 03:52 AM
Hilary Clinton while campaigning for Presidential election stated that she wanted to Nuke Iran, how peaceful and feminine is that? Other female Hawks are Condaleeza Rice and Barbara Bush all these women have made antagonizing threats to Islam. Margaret Thatcher was a shocker, a total warmonger threatened nuclear attack against Argentina. Indira Gandhi caused the massacre of more than three thousand Sikhs in the Punjab in 1984. Not to mention all the feminazis all over the world trying to bring down Islam. Women tend to manipulate men of power anyway.

"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."

12-06-2009, 08:14 AM

My personal opinion is this...Women should not be the ultimate leaders of any country of society, however, this does not mean that women cannot hold positions of authority whether this be politically based or any other positions of authority.

12-14-2009, 09:08 PM
Anyways, I'm interested about women's opinions in politics or anything else... But I don't mind about to let too much of them to the parlament.:)

Rabi Mansur
12-14-2009, 09:20 PM
Women and men are equally capable of successfully leading a nation. The matter of a person's gender has no bearing whatsoever on political leadership.

Whether a person is a good leader or not has to do with other factors, not gender.

I can't believe that this is even an issue.


12-14-2009, 09:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Karl
Hilary Clinton while campaigning for Presidential election stated that she wanted to Nuke Iran, how peaceful and feminine is that? Other female Hawks are Condaleeza Rice and Barbara Bush all these women have made antagonizing threats to Islam. Margaret Thatcher was a shocker, a total warmonger threatened nuclear attack against Argentina. Indira Gandhi caused the massacre of more than three thousand Sikhs in the Punjab in 1984. Not to mention all the feminazis all over the world trying to bring down Islam. Women tend to manipulate men of power anyway.

"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."
i dont know i am female and i agree with the above statement. i mean even look at sarah palin.... sorry gals but i dont think women should RUN a country either...

dont get me wrong i think women can do EVERYTHING else but i just dont think the political arena is the right place.... :omg:

12-16-2009, 08:47 AM
Well, I voted yes. Because they couldn't do any worse then the men currently in power could they?

Caller الداعي
12-16-2009, 09:03 AM
i voted no coz the Prophet alaysalam said that such a nation wud not be succesful!!!!

12-16-2009, 09:17 AM
And do you think the men who are ahead of nations are being succesful

Caller الداعي
12-16-2009, 09:24 AM
well it is a sign of qiyama that unfit ppl will take leadership. however it doesnt mean that women shud lead i mean if a father is not fulfilling his rights a proper father does that mean a lady shud become the father???

12-21-2009, 03:32 PM

this just sprung to mind

Behind every successful man there is a successful woman!

12-21-2009, 03:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by caller
i voted no coz the Prophet alaysalam said that such a nation wud not be succesful!!!!
some proof please ?

12-21-2009, 05:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by zakirs
some proof please ?
Regarding to my bad English, I will not translate any hadith from my language into English. But I hope someone can show a hadith that said by Rasulallah Muhammad (SAW) when He heard Persian princess became a queen of Persia.

12-21-2009, 09:43 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by zakirs
some proof please ?
Proof comes from the following hadeeth brother:
It was narrated that Abu Bakrah said: When the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) heard that the people of Persia had appointed the daughter of Chosroes as their queen, he said, “No people will ever prosper who appoint a woman in charge of them.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4163.

desert winds
12-21-2009, 09:56 PM
women should not lead- they should support the leaders (the men) thats all-

12-21-2009, 10:02 PM
I agree with desert winds. (I wud rep u but im outta reps for today)

'Abd-al Latif
12-21-2009, 10:15 PM
Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allaah has made one of them to excel the other… [al-Nisa’ 4:34]

And stay in your houses and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance…
[al-Ahzaab 33:33]

I don't understand the point of this discussion when the Prophet :saws1: clearly said: 'No people who appoint a woman as their leader will ever prosper.' (Reported by al-Bukhaari 13/53).

Imaam al-Muwaffaq Ibn Qudaamah said:

For this reason the Prophet :saws1: and his successors and those who came after them never appointed a woman to be a judge or a governor of a province as far as we know. If it were permissible it should have happened.

Imaam al-Ghazaali said:

The position of leader (imaam) could never be given to a woman even if she possessed all the qualities of perfection and self-reliance. How could a woman take the position of leader when she did not have the right to be a judge or a witness under most of the historical governments?

Imaam al-Baghawi said:

The scholars agreed that women are not fit to be leaders or judges because the leader needs to go out to organize jihaad and take care of the Muslims’ affairs, the judge needs to go out to judge between people but women are ‘awrah and it is not right for them to go out. Because of their weakness women are not able to do many things. Women are imperfect and the positions of leaders and judge are among the most perfect of positions for which only the most perfect of men are qualified.

desert winds
12-21-2009, 10:17 PM
i cant beleive there are 16 people who voted yes!
see the thing with us women is our emotions rule us- anyone can make us change our minds- a man doesnt have this issue- they stand strong like a brick wall- so lets leave it all in their hands eh?

12-22-2009, 02:32 AM

who is going to fight for women's right if not women.

who is going to fight for all women public transport.
who is going to fight for all women universities.
who is going to fight that every offices should have day care.
who is going to fight for women's right on the husband money after the husband has died.
and who understand women's most... the guys? :hmm:

12-22-2009, 03:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by desert winds
i cant beleive there are 16 people who voted yes!
see the thing with us women is our emotions rule us- anyone can make us change our minds- a man doesnt have this issue- they stand strong like a brick wall- so lets leave it all in their hands eh?
I agree with that, it's in their nature not saying all women are like that but most are I think. But you get men occasionly aswell who are soft also and are easily influenced by people.

anyway, what I say or think doesn't matter, I'm no body to speak on this when there's evidence from Qur'an and sunnah. I follow what the prophet pbuh and the scholars said on the matter :p

12-22-2009, 03:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla

who is going to fight for women's right if not women.

who is going to fight for all women public transport.
who is going to fight for all women universities.
who is going to fight that every offices should have day care.
who is going to fight for women's right on the husband money after the husband has died.
and who understand women's most... the guys? :hmm:
I'm not really an expert so I'm probably wrong but doesn't Allah give the women her rights with the shari'ah.

So there's no need for a women to fight for inheritance after her husband's died because Allah has already legislated that she receives a share.

Ummu Sufyaan
12-22-2009, 03:05 AM
^doesnt? yes He does :$

12-22-2009, 03:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Umm ul-Shaheed
^doesnt? yes He does :$
that's what I meant man.

12-22-2009, 03:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by squiggle
I'm not really an expert so I'm probably wrong but doesn't Allah give the women her rights with the shari'ah.

So there's no need for a women to fight for inheritance after her husband's died because Allah has already legislated that she receives a share.
if there is a shariah ...huhu.

I've seen alot of cases of this...and it is sad. Sad for the wife...and also for the children.

but then... probably i shouldn't care if everyone of you think that the women's right is already in the good hands... hmm...

12-22-2009, 03:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
if there is a shariah ...huhu.

I've seen alot of cases of this...and it is sad. Sad for the wife...and also for the children.

but then... probably i shouldn't care if everyone of you think that the women's right is already in the good hands... hmm...
Yes I understand what you mean now, there's no implementation of the shari'ah so the women doesn't get given her rights with regards to things like inheritance. I get you. obviously this is not good cos a women is having her rights taken away from her, the rights that were given to her by Allah.

12-22-2009, 03:19 AM
^^^aww not to worry... sometimes i just think people not living in the real world...

12-22-2009, 03:41 AM
every Muslim is a mufti these days. Muft Mufti (Free Mufti).

12-22-2009, 08:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
I've seen alot of cases of this...and it is sad. Sad for the wife...and also for the children.
From my knowledge, the biggest share of inheritance is for the children.
And don't worry, sister. I have seen in many cases, family of the dead husband gave all of their share to the children and the widow of the dead husband.

12-22-2009, 08:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist
every Muslim is a mufti these days. Muft Mufti (Free Mufti).
Fatwa book from the Mufti of IB forum, Shaykh Ardianto, has available in book stores. :statisfie

12-22-2009, 08:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla

who is going to fight for women's right if not women.

who is going to fight for all women public transport.
who is going to fight for all women universities.
who is going to fight that every offices should have day care.
who is going to fight for women's right on the husband money after the husband has died.
and who understand women's most... the guys? :hmm:
Very true, when you alienate women into specific roles out of the fear of intermixing your in a sense encouraging intermixing because you have men doing jobs for women that women could for themselves.
I personally do not believe a women should lead a nation and if their is a sahih hadith on it it should be left alone, however I don't believe that "women leadership" which is pretty general is wrong, there are different types of leadership and it isnt just in the home. Neither do I believe that a women is incapable of leading a nation however I think men and women have different roles in life and that should be respected we are muslims and men and women should not be in constant competition it's not some war of the genders.

12-22-2009, 09:23 AM
I will not vote, coz' the question involves many matters and isn't specified well

I think it's good to have women in the parlament as to their opinions might be helpful. They can do alot

But when it involves woman charging a people, then no

12-22-2009, 12:27 PM
Opinion, consulting, maybe, but leadrship? I don't think so...

12-22-2009, 01:47 PM

seriously! whos saying yes?

12-22-2009, 01:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla

who is going to fight for women's right if not women.

who is going to fight for all women public transport.
who is going to fight for all women universities.
who is going to fight that every offices should have day care.
who is going to fight for women's right on the husband money after the husband has died.
and who understand women's most... the guys? :hmm:
the prophet sallallahi alaihi wasallaam and sahaabi's FAUGHT FOR WOMENS RIGHTS AND SPREAD IT VIA SHARIAH ACROSS THE ISLAMIC WORLD !

and likewise the muslim men who strive to emulate them will!

yes there are corrupted leaders right now but ONLY MUSLIM MEN HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO SUCCESSFULLY LEAD!

inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi raajiun

may Allah take away feministic qualities from my sisters :(

12-22-2009, 02:07 PM
^^^ akhee... i'm not saying that women should be the leader of all leader.

and you think a man is the right person to be the minister of a woman and children?? a man that should discuss in private with the women thats in trouble?
akhee...you're talking in such a general way that as if...when someone fought women's right...that woman is a feminist??? or are you saying that i'm a feminist???

Is there any public transportation only for women in your place that avoid the women from fitnah at your place? Is there a minister that can find job for the widow/single mother to help her to survive? Is there any law that can guarantee when the husband died the woman can get her share or does she needs to fight at court or if only the husband only remember to put her as beneficiary. Is there any hospitals just for the woman?

and do you think all the above is feminist??? and you don't like your wife to be surrounded only with ladies? or the ladies has no right at all... no driving cars(because n there are no man instructors since woman are not appropriate to work), no going to schools since woman are not allowed to go to school (since you hardly find islamic schools just for woman), no going shopping since most of the shops are mixed with guys.

I just don't like the ideas when a topic is been generalise without considering everything that matters. Astaghfirullahalazim... sometimes people as if they are really out there protecting the women's right!!!

This is the first time i'm going to be emotional and i don't even care if anyone think i'm feminist. If anyone knows me...i'm so far from it!!!

12-22-2009, 02:12 PM
I don't support women leadership due to it could be quite dangerous (assassination attempts), it is a burden and I believe the role of a leader in a proper Islamic state is head of the military, a member can correct me if I'm wrong.

I think a women should be in charge of all matters relating to women and children. Of course a Muslim women could be head of departments of finance, healthcare, justice, planning and so on.

I think we should have a separate system, man in charge of what men do and a women in charge of women do...

12-22-2009, 02:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
^^^ akhee... i'm not saying that women should be the leader of all leader.

and you think a man is the right person to be the minister of a woman and children?? a man that should discuss in private with the women thats in trouble?
akhee...you're talking in such a general way that as if...when someone fought women's right...that woman is a feminist??? or are you saying that i'm a feminist???

Is there any public transportation only for women in your place that avoid the women from fitnah at your place? Is there a minister that can find job for the widow/single mother to help her to survive? Is there any law that can guarantee when the husband died the woman can get her share or does she needs to fight at court or if only the husband only remember to put her as beneficiary. Is there any hospitals just for the woman?

and do you think all the above is feminist??? and you don't like your wife to be surrounded only with ladies? or the ladies has no right at all... no driving cars(because n there are no man instructors since woman are not appropriate to work), no going to schools since woman are not allowed to go to school (since you hardly find islamic schools just for woman), no going shopping since most of the shops are mixed with guys.

I just don't like the ideas when a topic is been generalise without considering everything that matters. Astaghfirullahalazim... sometimes people as if they are really out there protecting the women's right!!!

This is the first time i'm going to be emotional and i don't even care if anyone think i'm feminist. If anyone knows me...i'm so far from it!!!
may Allaah restrain my tongue

i apologise, ive offended you.

i see what your saying, that women need to speak out and be active in the community. No argument there, indeed a woman corrected Umar radhiallahu anhu and women advised the best of the best. Advice from them is always saught and lessons from them are always learned.

What i was referring to however is women in leadership such as presidents/governers and the likes.

Assalamu Alaikum and again i apologise for the offence caused

12-22-2009, 07:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
^^^ akhee... i'm not saying that women should be the leader of all leader.

and you think a man is the right person to be the minister of a woman and children?? a man that should discuss in private with the women thats in trouble?
akhee...you're talking in such a general way that as if...when someone fought women's right...that woman is a feminist??? or are you saying that i'm a feminist???

Is there any public transportation only for women in your place that avoid the women from fitnah at your place? Is there a minister that can find job for the widow/single mother to help her to survive? Is there any law that can guarantee when the husband died the woman can get her share or does she needs to fight at court or if only the husband only remember to put her as beneficiary. Is there any hospitals just for the woman?

and do you think all the above is feminist??? and you don't like your wife to be surrounded only with ladies? or the ladies has no right at all... no driving cars(because n there are no man instructors since woman are not appropriate to work), no going to schools since woman are not allowed to go to school (since you hardly find islamic schools just for woman), no going shopping since most of the shops are mixed with guys.

I just don't like the ideas when a topic is been generalise without considering everything that matters. Astaghfirullahalazim... sometimes people as if they are really out there protecting the women's right!!!

This is the first time i'm going to be emotional and i don't even care if anyone think i'm feminist. If anyone knows me...i'm so far from it!!!
I liked your post sis. Indeed thats why many so called muslim heads annoy me when they pronounce women should not work. I mean what can a widow or a women with disabled husband do ? starve ? . Why don't people think with their heads :| :|

12-23-2009, 01:19 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
may Allaah restrain my tongue

i apologise, ive offended you.

i see what your saying, that women need to speak out and be active in the community. No argument there, indeed a woman corrected Umar radhiallahu anhu and women advised the best of the best. Advice from them is always saught and lessons from them are always learned.

What i was referring to however is women in leadership such as presidents/governers and the likes.

Assalamu Alaikum and again i apologise for the offence caused
aww...not to worry. Is just me being emotional. ;D

In malaysia we always say this zero zero (kosong kosong). It means lets start again (in a friendship).

format_quote Originally Posted by zakirs
I liked your post sis. Indeed thats why many so called muslim heads annoy me when they pronounce women should not work. I mean what can a widow or a women with disabled husband do ? starve ? . Why don't people think with their heads :| :|
i know akhee...but sometimes you can not change other people way of thinking. We can only change ourselves and try to make a difference.

12-25-2009, 11:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Grofica
i dont know i am female and i agree with the above statement. i mean even look at sarah palin.... sorry gals but i dont think women should RUN a country either...

dont get me wrong i think women can do EVERYTHING else but i just dont think the political arena is the right place.... :omg:

You're already "Bosnisiesd" that isn't a word. Volim te. Allah says to woman to stay at home.

12-26-2009, 12:02 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rasema2

You're already "Bosnisiesd" that isn't a word. Volim te. Allah says to woman to stay at home.
i dont think its about being "bosinized" (ali hvala puno ha ha ha) I think there are too many places where a woman would not be taken seriously enough. and really when clinton was in house everyone knew she said jump and bill said "how high" and look what she did for the country.... (rolling eyes)

but on the other hand i can think of some large companies that have women in high places and they do EXCELLENT... in all areas of commerce...

i believe women can do just about anything i just think there should be a line drawn somewhere...

i kad moj muz kaze nesto... to je to ali ja volim kad on je ozbilno muz...he he he he he he he he

and when my husband says something that is that... but i like when he is a serious husband (ok its kind of more funny in bosnian but i tried to translate)

12-26-2009, 01:28 AM
i kad moj muz kaze nesto... to je to ali ja volim kad on je ozbilno muz...he he he he he he he he
Good one. Loli, men who want to see a women on a display aren't sinceare husbands wether they were their wifves, relatives, or any other woman out there.

I am against it because you gain too much attention. A Muslim woman who represents Orthodox Islam doesn't display herself on TV. That is like going to a bar to represent Islam. All men have a disease in their hearts, just look at how many people visit your profile. Mixed forums are also not very wise for a woman to be on, there are rulings consearning it. Sometimes I ask myself "what am I doing?" "why am I on here?" Yes, it is all about intention, but our iman isn't always high, and no person out there has Allah in their remembrance for a long time, and when we don't, just look at my posts.

There is one saying by one of Muhammad's ,sallallahu alaihi wa sala's, wives that the best woman are those who have not been seen and that have not seen others.

12-26-2009, 01:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rasema2
:Mixed forums are also not very wise for a woman to be on, there are rulings consearning it.
i dont know i dont think all places are bad. i mean it depends on where you are (i mean website) and what your doing with it. i mean there is this place and honestly i have never met a better group of people. but there are other places (i wont mention names) but social networking type things that are nothing but a digital meat market... i just think a little care is needed in desiding what to join...

12-26-2009, 02:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Grofica
i dont know i dont think all places are bad. i mean it depends on where you are (i mean website) and what your doing with it. i mean there is this place and honestly i have never met a better group of people. but there are other places (i wont mention names) but social networking type things that are nothing but a digital meat market... i just think a little care is needed in desiding what to join...
Well, I never ment, sestro(smile), that this place is bad. It is about us being bad. A woman should only post when absolutely necessary and not express their emotions. Anyways, if you want to discuss this issue it would be a good idea to start a thread lovely sis. Many of us woman would benefit from it, including myself.


12-26-2009, 02:11 AM
I personally do not have a problem with women working as long as the society and environment does not put her honor at risk. Also if she is working at the expense of doing the house duties which were assigned to her during the marriage contract then yes that employment would be a no-no. Same applies to men though but in another severe.

Muslim women cannot participate in Muslim army on the battlefield. Sadly it is happening with the army of many Muslim countries. Working in intelligence etc or medical care for soldiers is a different story though but again it is better t have male doctors for male soldiers.

BTW, even these hollywood movies show how a guy and girl fall for each other at work place or when a guy goes for getting rabies vaccine (leonardo in body of lies for example) but then the west laughs at Muslims when Muslims try ti implement segregation of sexes to prevent such lust from being established in the first place! Ironic eh

12-26-2009, 09:29 AM
Although I voted YES but unfortunately I don't have any good example of women leadership in my country (Bangladesh). With over 90% Muslim population, it's a democratically elected parliamentary republic. We've two main political party like in US and both leaders of these two political party is WOMEN!! So no matter which political party wins in general election We always had (current) an Women PM. What can I say about them ? They have done nothing good for us in their entire political life. Just think they are two good (left & right hand) sister of Iblis!

12-26-2009, 12:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rasema2

You're already "Bosnisiesd" that isn't a word. Volim te. Allah says to woman to stay at home.
Erm could you please elaborate where Allah mentions to stay at home ? .. Khadija (RZA) was very succesful buisiness women ?

12-26-2009, 01:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by zakirs
Erm could you please elaborate where Allah mentions to stay at home ? .. Khadija (RZA) was very succesful buisiness women ?
Before or after Islam? Allah says that the safest place for woman is home. You know which verse it is under. Aldough, I gave a good explanation in my other post. One of the wives of Muhammad(sallallahu alaihi wa salam) said that the best woman are those who haven't been seen and have not seen others.

sister herb
12-26-2009, 01:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude
They should stay in the kitchen.

Where they belong. :statisfie


12-26-2009, 01:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rasema2
Before or after Islam? Allah says that the safest place for woman is home. You know which verse it is under. Aldough, I gave a good explanation in my other post. One of the wives of Muhammad(sallallahu alaihi wa salam) said that the best woman are those who haven't been seen and have not seen others.
being seen and not being seen is not equal to staying at home... that is the biggest mistake many people make and this leads to thousand and prolly millions of sisters not being able to study or read. If you are so conscious about not being seen wear a niqab ?

12-26-2009, 01:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by zakirs
being seen and not being seen is not equal to staying at home... that is the biggest mistake many people make and this leads to thousand and prolly millions of sisters not being able to study or read. If you are so conscious about not being seen wear a niqab ?
Why are you getting into my personal life? You have no right! I wish I could and I believe that niqab is wajib, and your side of scholars can't reprove mine nor can mine reprove yours. And just because I quoted that doesn't mean that other stuff ,career etc.. is impermissible. We're talking about the best here.

I gave my reasoning, if I said something wrong reprove it with daleed, otherwisw you're wasting my time.

12-26-2009, 02:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist

Muslim women cannot participate in Muslim army on the battlefield. Sadly it is happening with the army of many Muslim countries.
There are women soldiers in Indonesia but they never participate in military operations or go to the battlefield. Their duties usually behind the desks.

Indonesia is not in war with foreign country, but we have/had problems with armed rebels (guerrilla) groups.

'Abd-al Latif
12-26-2009, 02:27 PM
1. Khadija (r) was a successful business woman but she hired others to do the actual business (i.e the transactions etc). This is how she met Muhammad :saws1:.

2. Allah says: 'And stay in your houses and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance' [Surah al-Ahzaab 33:33]

The Prophet (:saws1:) said: 'Woman is ‘awrah and if she goes out the shaytaan raises his hopes (of misguiding her). She is never closer to Allaah than when she stays in her house.' [Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan and Ibn Khuzaymah; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Shaheehah, no. 2688]

And he (:saws1:) said concerning a woman's prayer in the mosque: 'Their houses are better for them.' [Narrated by Abu Dawood (567) and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.]

3. And last but not least:


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