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01-07-2010, 02:55 AM
This is probably the right forum to post this in, considering the desc includes "Islamic home..."

Are you afraid to be home alone?

Do you get paranoid at the slightest of sounds?

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Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
01-07-2010, 02:57 AM
Nope, not afraid to be alone and don't get scared at the slightest of sounds.

01-07-2010, 02:59 AM
doesnt bother me a bit... :-)

01-07-2010, 03:03 AM

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01-07-2010, 03:16 AM
I am trying to get outta this house so I can be alone! I am more scared of living with my parents!

01-07-2010, 03:20 AM
I wish I could be home alone a lot more, I live with far too many people.
I got left home alone once for 3 days when I was 15 it was the best and yes it was a bit creepy cause we lived on the first floor and you could easily break in but other than that it was cool.

01-07-2010, 03:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by BanGuLLy
I am trying to get outta this house so I can be alone! I am more scared of living with my parents!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Been down that road... sorry not laughing at you but it reminded me of me when i lived with my parents. (dont get my wrong love my mom but i wanted my own place) :statisfie

01-07-2010, 04:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by BanGuLLy
I am trying to get outta this house so I can be alone! I am more scared of living with my parents!
Rofl! When I was living with my bro and his family, that's exactly how I felt!

I'm currently living with my father and it's all good. Most of the time, I am home alone as he will be out with his friends, or I will be out for work or with friends.

But ... if you were to tell me to stay a few days alone in my grandmother's house ... then ... I'd probably say NO WAY! It's the creepiest place I've ever lived in!

01-07-2010, 04:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Lisa0
I wish I could be home alone a lot more, I live with far too many people.
lol...same as me :phew

Home alone is nothing to me... :omg:

01-07-2010, 08:56 AM
i think the options should have considered day/night as well? i am not scared to be home alone during day, but it gets a bit too scary at night, when you start viewing weird shadows and stuff.

01-07-2010, 10:40 AM
I vote No, I am not afraid to be home alone, if I am in my own house.

However, if I must 'home alone' in a village house that located beside cemetery, I will vote for Yes.

01-07-2010, 10:44 AM
Actually I enjoy being home alone, I like quiet places away from those little noisy neices and nephews.
I prefer to stay at home when most of people go out.

01-07-2010, 10:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
This is probably the right forum to post this in, considering the desc includes "Islamic home..."

Are you afraid to be home alone?

Do you get paranoid at the slightest of sounds?
lol how did I know this thread would be by you, you remind me of another quite young member of this forum

01-07-2010, 11:23 AM
i used to sleep with the lights on :(

Alpha Dude
01-07-2010, 11:33 AM
What do you get afraid of?
- Intruders?
- Murderers?
- Ghosts/bogeymen etc?

01-07-2010, 11:39 AM
I'm scared on my own sometimes. It was because, when I lived on my own, someone broke into my flat while I was asleep, once they were inside, they woke me up and I chased them away, but the thought of someone being in the house who shouldn't be, freaks me out till this day.

The house im in now, makes lots of noise and if i'm alone, I constantly go around the house checking no one has broken in. I also always keep the door locked, which everyone finds annoying and tells me i'm stupid for keeping it locked. :(

So when they are all sitting in the other room with the front door unlocked and someone comes in and takes a bag or some keys off the side, I can say I told you so :p

01-07-2010, 11:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude
What do you get afraid of?
- Intruders?
- Murderers?
- Ghosts/bogeymen etc?
The taliban and Mullah Mohammed Omar....:nervous:

01-07-2010, 11:58 AM
although a door slamming sound or something may make me jump im not afraid of being home alone

01-07-2010, 12:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
The taliban and Mullah Mohammed Omar....:nervous:
Why are you afraid of them when you are alone? :p

01-07-2010, 12:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mystical_moon
Why are you afraid of them when you are alone? :p
Because they gunna bomb ya innit :(

01-07-2010, 12:27 PM
Nope not scared... I go all the way downstairs(3 flats) In the dark without being scared. My sisters call me freaky :/... I wish I could have place to myself. Would be cool, you can do anything u want without being told off but i do enjoy being around my family.

01-07-2010, 01:26 PM

It depends.. in my own house, yeah and more so at night...... but in my flat, not so much except if I start imagining terrible things.. but you have to consider that this is South Africa.. we live in fear all the time :skeleton:


01-07-2010, 02:12 PM
I voted no, who could possibly come? (lol. Now, some of you will tell me a spooky story ;D) A scary feeling does "enter" me at times :hiding:

Well well... I might get paranoid if i hear voices more than once

But I really enjoy being alone. It's soooo fun, you can do whatever you want! No need to worry abput my brothers being there, haha. Aww :statisfie.. Now I'm starting to miss the mood :hmm:

01-07-2010, 06:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SweetCherryPie
Rofl! When I was living with my bro and his family, that's exactly how I felt!

I'm currently living with my father and it's all good. Most of the time, I am home alone as he will be out with his friends, or I will be out for work or with friends.

But ... if you were to tell me to stay a few days alone in my grandmother's house ... then ... I'd probably say NO WAY! It's the creepiest place I've ever lived in!
oh i wish i could live with my grandparents again (well at least stay there a lot) my grandpa was my hero. i mean grandma was awesome too but my grandpa was full of such passion he was infectious. he was hard working and honest and demanded everyone to be the same. we used to wake up at 5 every morning and i would help him feed the horses and chickens and stuff. i was little so he use to have to break apart the hay bails just so i could carry it. (they are really heavy)

we used to take off on the weekends and go fishing and four wheeling through the woods. and i would sit on the floor and listen to him play the steal guitar. he played beautifully even with his handcap (he lost some of his fingers at the logging mill)

unfortunatly my grandfather passed on a few years ago. what i would give to live under his roof again.

sorry off topic i guess but home alone doesnt scare me. but if i had a choise i would rather live there again.

Allaah Knows
01-07-2010, 07:31 PM
I love the house to myself

01-07-2010, 07:36 PM
^^lol You all are so brave, I can stay in a dark room for a minute. Let alone staying at home by myself.

01-07-2010, 07:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amani
although a door slamming sound or something may make me jump im not afraid of being home alone
I would go paranoid in your case. :skeleton:

cat eyes
01-07-2010, 07:41 PM
NO i don't get afraid. i like to have the Qur'an recitation playing and lying down on my bed and thinking about Allah and pondering over his creation. i always do that when i am alone. i think a lot

Allaah Knows
01-07-2010, 07:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AlHoda
^^lol You all are so brave, I can stay in a dark room for a minute. Let alone staying at home by myself.
wa`alaykum salaam wa rahmatuLlaah

Ah I love dark rooms - no distractions

01-07-2010, 09:16 PM
I'm absolutely positive my parents' house has some spiritual activity going off. There have been a few strange things happening. The living room can be a little nervy if you are alone in that house but scared...? Pffft..!!

01-07-2010, 09:38 PM
I was never afraid of being home alone. The neighbors seemed to get a little worried though whenever they found out I was home alone. I was one of them geek type kids with a chemistry set. Back when I was a kid chemistry sets had a bit more stuff than the ones of now. We had all of the good stuff like powdered magnesium, red phosphorous, strontium nitrate, all the goodies for making bigger and better fire works.

01-07-2010, 09:48 PM
yeah i get a little scared but i dont know why

i used to be more scared wen i was younger though :)

01-07-2010, 10:31 PM
Nope, I'm not afraid.

Just wondering, what compelled you to make this poll?

01-07-2010, 10:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by OurIslamic
Nope, I'm not afraid.

Just wondering, what compelled you to make this poll?
lol :ermm:

Well, I was home alone and I heard some ruffling. Literally my heart jumped lol, until I noticed it was just a plastic bag behind me. Talk about paranoid, eh? ;D

But nah. Alhamdulillah, I just say my duas and go on back to my laptop. :D

01-07-2010, 10:35 PM
I just turn the TV on when I'm home alone. The eerie quietness is quite disconcerting. With the TV on, providing some background noise, I feel fine :).

Btw, did you email me back regarding MLIO? I'm too lazy to check my email, lol.

01-07-2010, 10:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by OurIslamic
I just turn the TV on when I'm home alone. The eerie quietness is quite disconcerting. With the TV on, providing some background noise, I feel fine :).

Btw, did you email me back regarding MLIO? I'm too lazy to check my email, lol.
Yes Indeed I have. I replied to it as well. Perhaps I'll give you a call tonight?

Steering back to topic before AabiruSabeel or Abd al Latif comes after me... I usually keep the hallway light on. Just in case, that way I can see shadows and all. I'm NOT paranoid! I sometimes enjoy the peace and quiet of being home alone. It's a pleasant feeling and a nice change once in a while.

01-07-2010, 10:39 PM
I jump at the slightest sound and then my blood goes cold and I freeze. One night I heard a bang and sure someone had broken in, I dialled 999 and told the officer to stay on the phone while I checked lol! ;D

I've hammered a long fat nail in my bed room door frame and every night I twist it so that no one can get into my room without a bit of force, so as to give me enough time to grab my pepper spray from under my pillow (or from under my bed if it's rolled off which it occasionally does).

Beside my bed is my landline hand set and mobile fone... just in case one fails lol. :giggling:

I keep a torch in case there is a power cut/ or I dunno in case I have to blind a burglar. :phew

I have an air-rifle which I keep meaning to load and keep by my bed. But with a young son, I can't risk having loaded weapons around the house. [S]BEWARE OF THE RIFLE![/S]

When my son stayed at his dad's I slept with the lights on.

If I have to go downstairs in the night. I peek over the banister to make sure there is no one there. Even then I sneak downstairs ready for a confrontation with a burglar. Occasionally, I feel strong enough to ask them if they'd like a cuppa and tell me why they feel they have to do this lol.

Do I sound scared to you? :?

What do you expect after witnessing four burglaries in my life? :mmokay:

BTW, did I mention I have an ADT alarm system and a panic button? ;D

Well nothing is guaranteed 100%. So one has to have some back up at least. :shade:

On a positive note, when I make lots of dhikr I don't feel scared at all. :statisfie

01-07-2010, 10:42 PM

.... *cricket chirps*

I have no comments for you, Sister. No comments at all. :X

Except for the fact that you should consider being a security officer. :X And I thought I was paranoid. Hmph.

01-07-2010, 10:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
Yes Indeed I have. I replied to it as well. Perhaps I'll give you a call tonight?
Sure :).

I have basketball practice at 8:30pm (my time). So, 7-8 would be good for me. Are you free then?

01-07-2010, 10:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by OurIslamic
Sure :).

I have basketball practice at 8:30pm (my time). So, 7-8 would be good for me. Are you free then?
Sounds fine by me. I might or might not, depending on my mood lol. Otherwise, I'll call you tomorrow. Hope that's okay. I suppose you'll reconsider working with a moody person in the future. :p

01-07-2010, 10:49 PM
once i was sleeping and there was a noise in the bedrooom and it was making a tapping noisenoise of 4 beats an i had jst wached doctor who christmas special so i got scared and in the end i found out it was the selo-tape on the wall (idont no why! :))
lol :d

01-07-2010, 10:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
I jump at the slightest sound and then my blood goes cold and I freeze. One night I heard a bang and sure someone had broken in, I dialled 999 and told the officer to stay on the phone while I checked lol! ;D

I've hammered a long fat nail in my bed room door frame and every night I twist it so that no one can get into my room without a bit of force, so as to give me enough time to grab my pepper spray from under my pillow (or from under my bed if it's rolled off which it occasionally does).

Beside my bed is my landline hand set and mobile fone... just in case one fails lol. :giggling:

I keep a torch in case there is a power cut/ or I dunno in case I have to blind a burglar. :phew

I have an air-rifle which I keep meaning to load and keep by my bed. But with a young son, I can't risk having loaded weapons around the house. [S]BEWARE OF THE RIFLE![/S]

When my son stayed at his dad's I slept with the lights on.

If I have to go downstairs in the night. I peek over the banister to make sure there is no one there. Even then I sneak downstairs ready for a confrontation with a burglar. Occasionally, I feel strong enough to ask them if they'd like a cuppa and tell me why they feel they have to do this lol.

Do I sound scared to you? :?

What do you expect after witnessing four burglaries in my life? :mmokay:

BTW, did I mention I have an ADT alarm system and a panic button? ;D

Well nothing is guaranteed 100%. So one has to have some back up at least. :shade:

On a positive note, when I make lots of dhikr I don't feel scared at all. :statisfie

I can see some parallels

01-07-2010, 11:05 PM
^lol I was thinking the exact same thing! Awesome movie btw :D

I normally wouldn't have a problem with it, sometimes when I close the lights, the room would be pitch black and it happened to me that I tripped to some stuff lying on the ground or not be able to find the switch to turn the lights on again. :skeleton:

01-07-2010, 11:07 PM

Abdullahi lololol very funny! Not ;D

01-08-2010, 01:11 AM
I am never afraid to be home alone, but 1 time I had to go on a business trip and my wife was home alone, she was calling me non stop everytime the air conditioner came on.....she thought it was a burgler;D then she was terrified when the under house fans came on(they are ventalation fans under the house for moisture) they vibrate a little and she thought someone was under the house.;D......i shouldn't laugh, she was terrified!she has never been alone...good thing it was only for a week i was gone, and i called her Uppa(dad) he picked her up and she stayed with them. :D

Honestly I am not afraid, although anything can happen...so I am prepared.

Dessert Eagle .50 for whom would try to hurt my famiglia, along with some other weapons of choice. I pray I never have to use them. Amen

I have to tell you this.lol..........I bought my wife pepper spray.....i know what your thinking;D.....so I get a call one day from my mother and she is mad!imsad

see, I told my wife that peper spray was "a really spicey spray" that you spray in someones eyes to deffend yourself.....and yes i fully trained her on how to use it.

Problem was...I failed to mention IT"S JUST A WEAPON! So my wife thought to herself may be I can spray this on the Tandoori Chicken and make it super spicey...........she said "It says PEPPER spray on the bottle" I thought I could use it for cooking?"

I will give you a minute to pick your jaw up off the floor..........

Yes she did,...... sprayed it all over the chicken and the kitchen, imsadimsad

And my mother said she didn't even notice it for like 3 minutes!!!!!!..... I can't believe that! Then the burning started and she couldn't breath. My mother came over and poured milk on her face and tried to help her. Believe it or not she was fine after about an hour or two:D

I came home afterwards and coldn't even walk in the house! How my wife tolerated that is beyond me:hmm:


Just kidding my Indian friends

01-08-2010, 01:19 AM
^ LOL ;D

But it looks like all the males on this board are manly. Not ONE voted that they are scared to be home alone. Hmm... I'm sure there's one out there. Reveal yourself!

01-08-2010, 01:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
^ LOL ;D

But it looks like all the males on this board are manly. Not ONE voted that they are scared to be home alone. Hmm... I'm sure there's one out there. Reveal yourself!
Ok...........one time......I was at home by myself......and a spider crawled on me while i was watching a scary movie...MAN I HATE SPIDERS:heated:....and I jumped up, high enough to hit my head on the ceilingimsad........STOP LAUGHING, its not funny....ok maybe a little....but that was the only time....I promise:embarrass

01-08-2010, 02:02 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
I jump at the slightest sound and then my blood goes cold and I freeze. One night I heard a bang and sure someone had broken in, I dialled 999 and told the officer to stay on the phone while I checked lol! ;D

I've hammered a long fat nail in my bed room door frame and every night I twist it so that no one can get into my room without a bit of force, so as to give me enough time to grab my pepper spray from under my pillow (or from under my bed if it's rolled off which it occasionally does).

Beside my bed is my landline hand set and mobile fone... just in case one fails lol. :giggling:

I keep a torch in case there is a power cut/ or I dunno in case I have to blind a burglar. :phew

I have an air-rifle which I keep meaning to load and keep by my bed. But with a young son, I can't risk having loaded weapons around the house. [S]BEWARE OF THE RIFLE![/S]

When my son stayed at his dad's I slept with the lights on.

If I have to go downstairs in the night. I peek over the banister to make sure there is no one there. Even then I sneak downstairs ready for a confrontation with a burglar. Occasionally, I feel strong enough to ask them if they'd like a cuppa and tell me why they feel they have to do this lol.

Do I sound scared to you? :?

What do you expect after witnessing four burglaries in my life? :mmokay:

BTW, did I mention I have an ADT alarm system and a panic button? ;D

Well nothing is guaranteed 100%. So one has to have some back up at least. :shade:

On a positive note, when I make lots of dhikr I don't feel scared at all. :statisfie
lol...that is so...erm... i can't comment anything sis. :omg:;D

i used to paranoid when i was a kid...that buglars will come to the house or someone wants to kidnap me. So i did alot of gadgets...i mean lots of its... (like knife from ice cream stick, smokes that can your eyes blur using the powders and etc)you can say that i'm a bit tomboy but wearing long skirts. ;D. I don't even bothered about those dolls or wearing those beautiful long dress...all i wanted to do was something weird. :hmm:

and most of my cousins are influenced by my ways...especially the younger ones...and mostly the boys. ;D

Every night i'll make booby traps...like i hang lots of pans and pots at the door..so it makes noised when someone walk in the door. I made something signal bucket that connected to my next door cousin's room...lol you name it. and my cousins got nervous everytime we did this...as if we know that the buglars are really coming to the house.

and you can say that the home alone movie...is the same like me...accept that i'm a girl.

The truth is i never had any nightmares...you want to know why...because everytime i dreamt about bad guys or ghosts i'll be one of those superheroins...that have fighting skills like the spice girls cartoon. At the end of it...it made the dream become fun and exciting...and not scary at all. ;D:D

Maybe thats why my friends said 100% male brain suited me well... :omg::hiding::hmm:

01-08-2010, 02:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
lol...that is so...erm... i can't comment anything sis. :omg:;D

i used to paranoid when i was a kid...that buglars will come to the house or someone wants to kidnap me. So i did alot of gadgets...i mean lots of its... (like knife from ice cream stick, smokes that can your eyes blur using the powders and etc)you can say that i'm a bit tomboy but wearing long skirts. ;D. I don't even bothered about those dolls or wearing those beautiful long dress...all i wanted to do was something weird. :hmm:

and most of my cousins are influenced by my ways...especially the younger ones...and mostly the boys. ;D

Every night i'll make booby traps...like i hang lots of pans and pots at the door..so it makes noised when someone walk in the door. I made something signal bucket that connected to my next door cousin's room...lol you name it. and my cousins got nervous everytime we did this...as if we know that the buglars are really coming to the house.

and you can say that the home alone movie...is the same like me...accept that i'm a girl.

The truth is i never had any nightmares...you want to know why...because everytime i dreamt about bad guys or ghosts i'll be one of those superheroins...that have fighting skills like the spice girls cartoon. At the end of it...it made the dream become fun and exciting...and not scary at all. ;D:D

Maybe thats why my friends said 100% male brain suited me well... :omg::hiding::hmm:
lol, you should put a bucket of water on top of your door, the door has to be open enough to let the bucket rest against the wall. then when they walk in and open door it wil fall and dump water on their heads;D......Be careful though, i did this to my brother once and mum wasn't so happy aout the water alll over the place;D

01-08-2010, 02:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Italianguy
lol, you should put a bucket of water on top of your door, the door has to be open enough to let the bucket rest against the wall. then when they walk in and open door it wil fall and dump water on their heads;D......Be careful though, i did this to my brother once and mum wasn't so happy aout the water alll over the place;D
lol...never tried that. Maybe one day, when i really hate that someone... :omg:

01-08-2010, 02:31 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
lol...never tried that. Maybe one day, when i really hate that someone... :omg:
well........It's not as bad as bricks:hiding:

01-08-2010, 02:54 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Italianguy
well........It's not as bad as bricks:hiding:
thanks for the idea ;D

01-08-2010, 03:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
thanks for the idea ;D
Oh no...what have I done:hmm:

01-08-2010, 03:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
lol...that is so...erm... i can't comment anything sis. :omg:;D

i used to paranoid when i was a kid...that buglars will come to the house or someone wants to kidnap me. So i did alot of gadgets...i mean lots of its... (like knife from ice cream stick, smokes that can your eyes blur using the powders and etc)you can say that i'm a bit tomboy but wearing long skirts. ;D. I don't even bothered about those dolls or wearing those beautiful long dress...all i wanted to do was something weird. :hmm:

and most of my cousins are influenced by my ways...especially the younger ones...and mostly the boys. ;D

Every night i'll make booby traps...like i hang lots of pans and pots at the door..so it makes noised when someone walk in the door. I made something signal bucket that connected to my next door cousin's room...lol you name it. and my cousins got nervous everytime we did this...as if we know that the buglars are really coming to the house.

and you can say that the home alone movie...is the same like me...accept that i'm a girl.

The truth is i never had any nightmares...you want to know why...because everytime i dreamt about bad guys or ghosts i'll be one of those superheroins...that have fighting skills like the spice girls cartoon. At the end of it...it made the dream become fun and exciting...and not scary at all. ;D:D

Maybe thats why my friends said 100% male brain suited me well... :omg::hiding::hmm:
lol I like the booby-trap idea. I once considered making my own - like a trip-wire with bells on it, bit I didn't want to be the one tripping on it. :X

Entertainment aside, my fear stems from having been afflicted with sihr/jinn possession, nightmares etc. I've seen a jinn's head too! :skeleton: The only time I didn't feel scared was when some lovely sisters I met realised something was 'troubling' me, did ruqyah on me. They also gave me ruqyah water and it was while that lasted (3 days) that I didn't feel scared like before.

Italianguy: Problem was...I failed to mention IT"S JUST A WEAPON! So my wife thought to herself may be I can spray this on the Tandoori Chicken and make it super spicey...........she said "It says PEPPER spray on the bottle" I thought I could use it for cooking?"
:ooh: it's like a scene straight out of a comedy sitcom! ;D

01-08-2010, 03:16 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
lol I like the booby-trap idea. I once considered making my own - like a trip-wire with bells on it, bit I didn't want to be the one tripping on it. :X

Entertainment aside, my fear stems from having been afflicted with sihr/jinn possession, nightmares etc. I've seen a jinn's head too! :skeleton: The only time I didn't feel scared was when some lovely sisters I met realised something was 'troubling' me, did ruqyah on me. They also gave me ruqyah water and it was while that lasted (3 days) that I didn't feel scared like before.

:ooh: it's like a scene straight out of a comedy sitcom! ;D
My mother said my household could be a sitcom.lol;D

Thats my wife:D She is entertaining every day;D

You should see her and Zainab together;D It's double the entertainment.lol

01-08-2010, 05:17 AM
traps can backfire. A friend of mine in Shreveport Louisiana had trouble with somebody breaking into his garage and stealing gasoline out of his car. He made what he thought would give anybody breaking in an electric shock. The poor guy didn't know much about wiring and to make a long story short his "Booby Trap" caught his car on fire, and before he could get out to put the fire out, it burned his garage down.

01-08-2010, 06:20 AM
^Oh Gosh! :ooh:

You're right. That's why I never went ahead with mine. Was your friend able to laugh about it later?

01-08-2010, 06:28 AM
Wow reading through posts here again is making me feel that I am in a movie!!
I think this is more famous in US and Europe to have all those pre-cautions in home

Believe it or not, in my country, some people find it weird to close your main door at your home!! And most of us here only close the doors when we go to sleep. I don't say that there is no cases for houses that had been broken in, but it's vey rare especially in the city I am living in mashaAllah
Alhumdulilah :)

People goes like>> :ooh: their home have been broken in!!!

I only close the main door (more like an entrance for cars) if I was alone at home.

01-08-2010, 05:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Danah
Wow reading through posts here again is making me feel that I am in a movie!!
I think this is more famous in US and Europe to have all those pre-cautions in home

Believe it or not, in my country, some people find it weird to close your main door at your home!! And most of us here only close the doors when we go to sleep. I don't say that there is no cases for houses that had been broken in, but it's vey rare especially in the city I am living in mashaAllah
Alhumdulilah :)

People goes like>> :ooh: their home have been broken in!!!

I only close the main door (more like an entrance for cars) if I was alone at home.
I have lived in both rural areas and cities. I have found that there is less caution needed in rural areas. I am once again in a rural area, an nobody locks their doors. Especially if they are not at home as a neighbor may need to get into the house for food, water or to use the phone.

The attitude in rural areas is similar to the Mexican "Mi Casa es Su Casa" (My house is your house.)

01-08-2010, 06:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
I have lived in both rural areas and cities. I have found that there is less caution needed in rural areas. I am once again in a rural area, an nobody locks their doors. Especially if they are not at home as a neighbor may need to get into the house for food, water or to use the phone.

The attitude in rural areas is similar to the Mexican "Mi Casa es Su Casa" (My house is your house.)
Oh thats nice! people must be acting like families not neighbors then.
Thats what amazing in rural areas not noisy un-secured cities. I don't know why but I always have that impression that this kind of life can't be found in US or Europe till you posted your thread about Zeeland!

01-08-2010, 09:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Danah
Oh thats nice! people must be acting like families not neighbors then.
Thats what amazing in rural areas not noisy un-secured cities. I don't know why but I always have that impression that this kind of life can't be found in US or Europe till you posted your thread about Zeeland!
Actually I've managed to live in several towns besides Zeeland like that.

Tariffville, Connecticut

Wyandotte, Oklahoma

Oakwood, Texas

Tennessee Colony, Texas

Granville, Massachusetts

It seems to be the way of life when you are in a town that has less than 500 people. Everybody knows each other and crime is almost zero. For People in small towns it becomes necessary to depend on each other for survival, you have no local police, fire departments or Emergency medical care, everything is on a face to face basis with people you personally know.

01-08-2010, 09:19 PM
well actually once upon a time in the UK, my mother tells me that is was common to always leave the front door open and this was 20-30 years ago? i guess things change so much:( and they didn't live in a rural area lol.

& back to the subject, nope not scared at all:) i love the dark, its so tranquil.
but two things are supernatural stuff&little sounds that shouldnt be being made, sometimes i just get the little thought and wow, there goes the chill going down my spine :hmm:

Innocent Soul
01-09-2010, 01:11 AM
If i would be alone in my house then definately I'll do internet. :hiding:

01-09-2010, 03:17 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by believeByHEART.
well actually once upon a time in the UK, my mother tells me that is was common to always leave the front door open and this was 20-30 years ago? i guess things change so much:( and they didn't live in a rural area lol.

& back to the subject, nope not scared at all:) i love the dark, its so tranquil.
but two things are supernatural stuff&little sounds that shouldnt be being made, sometimes i just get the little thought and wow, there goes the chill going down my spine :hmm:
I was in Dubai for a Summer, where we used to leave the car door open and go into the coffee shop for 5 minutes and pick up a coffee. People would leave their shops open during the time they went to go pray. Let it be a grocery stand or a gold shop.

I'm sure things have changed though. Even though, I'm talking about what was not too long ago, around 2001 I believe.

Grandfather Woodrow can probably share a similar experience here in the US. Or perhaps even now, where he lives, you could leave the front door open and rest in peace.

01-09-2010, 04:01 AM
Actually when i was a kid growing up in New York City, Queens to be exact. I can remember everybody in the neighbor hood would leave their frontdoors open or unlocked all the time. We owned a 6 story building with people from all walks of life but the neighborhood at that time and in the past was prodomenatly Italian, My Nonna had Muslims in the building as well and everybody left their doors open. My brother and I used to just walk right in our friends house to get their kids and play baseball, or stickball in the street. My Nonna was always cooking stuff(Nonstop) fo reverybody in the building and even the Muslim family would just walk right in and just talk to her, Although she only spoke Italian and Sardo(another dialect of Italian spoken in Sardinia)somehow she comunicated with Arabic speaking folks and other languages as well??Idk.

During the week they would set up a 30 foot table/tables and have a huge dinner party....right in the street! HUndreds of people would come and there was food from like every country you could think of, it was so cool.......Those were the days:D I miss itimsad

I don't think you would see that now.imsad

My Nonna never closed her front door....ever! She always said "someone could be hungry, they have to eat something right?" She even left it open at night just in case someone needed something...anything. Nobody ever dared to enter with bad intentions.....plus nobody thought that way.

I miss the days when kids could play outside with no worry's of bad people, and others always looked after the neighborhood kids....always.

I wonder if we will ever see that again?

01-09-2010, 06:51 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Allaah Knows
I love the house to myself
lol same, never been scared to be home alone, I just get a bit annoyed if Im alone for too long..

01-09-2010, 03:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
traps can backfire. A friend of mine in Shreveport Louisiana had trouble with somebody breaking into his garage and stealing gasoline out of his car. He made what he thought would give anybody breaking in an electric shock. The poor guy didn't know much about wiring and to make a long story short his "Booby Trap" caught his car on fire, and before he could get out to put the fire out, it burned his garage down.
In Indonesia, there is a 'magical trap' that used in a room. When a thief entering this room, he cannot go out because the door and window are 'disappear'. But, according to its rule, the room owner must forgives and release this thief. Not allowed to report this thief to police or punish him.

But I never think to use this 'magical trap'. Although it uses Qur'an ayaah, magic is still magic. Shirk.

01-09-2010, 05:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Italianguy
Actually when i was a kid growing up in New York City, Queens to be exact. I can remember everybody in the neighbor hood would leave their frontdoors open or unlocked all the time. We owned a 6 story building with people from all walks of life but the neighborhood at that time and in the past was prodomenatly Italian, My Nonna had Muslims in the building as well and everybody left their doors open. My brother and I used to just walk right in our friends house to get their kids and play baseball, or stickball in the street. My Nonna was always cooking stuff(Nonstop) fo reverybody in the building and even the Muslim family would just walk right in and just talk to her, Although she only spoke Italian and Sardo(another dialect of Italian spoken in Sardinia)somehow she comunicated with Arabic speaking folks and other languages as well??Idk.

During the week they would set up a 30 foot table/tables and have a huge dinner party....right in the street! HUndreds of people would come and there was food from like every country you could think of, it was so cool.......Those were the days:D I miss itimsad

I don't think you would see that now.imsad

My Nonna never closed her front door....ever! She always said "someone could be hungry, they have to eat something right?" She even left it open at night just in case someone needed something...anything. Nobody ever dared to enter with bad intentions.....plus nobody thought that way.

I miss the days when kids could play outside with no worry's of bad people, and others always looked after the neighborhood kids....always.

I wonder if we will ever see that again?
This sounds like something my mother would have said:

My Nonna never closed her front door....ever! She always said "someone could be hungry, they have to eat something right?" She even left it open at night just in case someone needed something...anything. Nobody ever dared to enter with bad intentions.....plus nobody thought that way.
My mother did not even allow a lock to be put on our doors because a hungry person might need food. She also always kept a plate of sandwiches set on the table in case a hungry person happened to come in.

We never had anything bad happen and on occasion we would come home, the sandwiches would be gone, but something would have been done inside the house in exchange such as coal shoveled into the furnace, trash carried out etc.

Here in Zeeland it is still like that. If we happened to run out of food or anything we are welcome to walk into any house and help our selves to anything we need. Our doors are always open too. Nothing in the house anybody would need but we keep food in the Winnebago and the camper in the event we are gone and somebody needs something.

01-09-2010, 05:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
This sounds like something my mother would have said:

My mother did not even allow a lock to be put on our doors because a hungry person might need food. She also always kept a plate of sandwiches set on the table in case a hungry person happened to come in.

We never had anything bad happen and on occasion we would come home, the sandwiches would be gone, but something would have been done inside the house in exchange such as coal shoveled into the furnace, trash carried out etc.

Here in Zeeland it is still like that. If we happened to run out of food or anything we are welcome to walk into any house and help our selves to anything we need. Our doors are always open too. Nothing in the house anybody would need but we keep food in the Winnebago and the camper in the event we are gone and somebody needs something.
You sure your not Italian?.....:hmm:

Thats good to hear, at least their is still some good somewhere:D I miss those days:hmm: I miss those placesimsad

Sounds like you get to travel allot? Camper "Winny"?

God bless.

01-09-2010, 05:25 PM
^ Wow. Those stories seem like tales to me. :hiding:

01-09-2010, 06:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Italianguy
You sure your not Italian?.....:hmm:

Thats good to hear, at least their is still some good somewhere:D I miss those days:hmm: I miss those placesimsad

Sounds like you get to travel allot? Camper "Winny"?

God bless.
We live in the Winny, we are totally rebuilding the interior of the house. It needs everything, wiring, plumbing, flooring

We do travel a lot. Up until we moved here we averaged nearly 3000 miles a week. Mostly running back and forth to Doctors appointments and the rez. But now we are essentially on the rez and most trips are the 307 miles to the doctor for our weekly appointments.

01-09-2010, 06:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
^ Wow. Those stories seem like tales to me. :hiding:
Only because you forgot to be born early enough to live in those days. Although those days still exist in many small towns.

You need to watch more reruns of "Mayberry RFD"(The Andy Griffith Show with Opie and aunt Bea)

01-09-2010, 08:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
^ Wow. Those stories seem like tales to me. :hiding:
That's what I was thinking, sounds like something from a book. Too bad most of the world's not as safe the place it used to be..

01-12-2010, 11:36 PM
im comfortable at home even alone at night cos im respected by my neighbours (who are thugs) cos i give them a tad bit of respect they want and it keeps them off my turf.

Bit like throw the dogs a bone and they wont bark for the meal.

As for the jinns, well they know better than to come in to my house and trouble me ;D

i suppose when you understand the reality of jinns and thier capabilites, you've only got your mind to be warey of.

amazing how the mind can exaggerate even the smallest of knocks and sounds in the house~!!

01-12-2010, 11:45 PM
I vote "No", however, at night it gets a bit scary on your own, but I call upon Allah for safety :)..so yeah its all coool Dudes and dudetes :D

01-12-2010, 11:51 PM
i remember my mum left me alone in the house when i was five to pick up from brother from school which was round the corner. but i got so scared i ran out the house.

i cant remember if my mind was exaggerating or if i actually felt the presence of a jinn in the room with me. Too young to distinguish between the two.

01-12-2010, 11:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461
i remember my mum left me alone in the house when i was five to pick up from brother from school which was round the corner. but i got so scared i ran out the house.

i cant remember if my mind was exaggerating or if i actually felt the presence of a jinn in the room with me. Too young to distinguish between the two.
Just curious, but do you still live in the same house? :hmm:..
no reason to ask, just wondering lol
because if you still do, do you still get scared, maybe the jinn is still there?

01-13-2010, 12:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim World 12
Just curious, but do you still live in the same house? :hmm:..
no reason to ask, just wondering lol
because if you still do, do you still get scared, maybe the jinn is still there?

It my parents house. i moved a while ago when i got married. i do visit them often and most of the time its ok. but then there are those occassions when i feel them around me and if i've got my kids with me then i read the protective duas on them or other times i just opt to leave.

I'm not suprised my fathers has decided to put up his pictures on the wall and the rest of the family allow music to be played in the house, bollywood hollywood, and other sinful thing, there things attract the shaytan and jinns cos they love music and films as much as the next man.

The funny thing was when one of my brothers noticed me doing dua adkhaar on my kids and he was what and why i was doing what i was doing.

Normally i tend not to tell ppl cos they are going to get scared but i decided to tell him and he freaks out lol

tells my parents.

So im like what do u expect mum the Quran is not recited in this house and the prophet (pbuh) said "Do not turn your houses in to grave yards read surah Baqarah in them"

My sister's father in law was there and then he piped up how he dont like staying in our house because he saw a cloudly figure in our loft room when he was sleeping one night.

lol... if only he knew....

Anyway they dont really affect the family and will only bother those who are afraid of them cos i think they get a kick out of pranking and scaring people.


jinns are not doubt evil creatures the kuffar of them, but none the less they definatly dont lack a sense of humour


01-13-2010, 12:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461

It my parents house. i moved a while ago when i got married. i do visit them often and most of the time its ok. but then there are those occassions when i feel them around me and if i've got my kids with me then i read the protective duas on them or other times i just opt to leave.

I'm not suprised my fathers has decided to put up his pictures on the wall and the rest of the family allow music to be played in the house, bollywood hollywood, and other sinful thing, there things attract the shaytan and jinns cos they love music and films as much as the next man.

The funny thing was when one of my brothers noticed me doing dua adkhaar on my kids and he was what and why i was doing what i was doing.

Normally i tend not to tell ppl cos they are going to get scared but i decided to tell him and he freaks out lol

tells my parents.

So im like what do u expect mum the Quran is not recited in this house and the prophet (pbuh) said "Do not turn your houses in to grave yards read surah Baqarah in them"

My sister's father in law was there and then he piped up how he dont like staying in our house because he saw a cloudly figure in our loft room when he was sleeping one night.

lol... if only he knew....

Anyway they dont really affect the family and will only bother those who are afraid of them cos i think they get a kick out of pranking and scaring people.


jinns are not doubt evil creatures the kuffar of them, but none the less they definatly dont lack a sense of humour

lol SubhanAllah I nearly choked on my drink reading that. But he couldn't have been sleeping. I mean he'd had to be awake to see something lol

Do jinns hang around graveyards?

And is it true a jinn can kill a raki?

01-13-2010, 03:02 AM
Are you afraid to be home alone?
By day, no.
but by night....:><:
(there's alway those creecking noise:skeleton:)

01-13-2010, 03:11 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by seekerofjannah
By day, no.
but by night....:><:
(there's alway those creecking noise:skeleton:)
lol :thumbs_up

01-13-2010, 01:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461

It my parents house. i moved a while ago when i got married. i do visit them often and most of the time its ok. but then there are those occassions when i feel them around me and if i've got my kids with me then i read the protective duas on them or other times i just opt to leave.

I'm not suprised my fathers has decided to put up his pictures on the wall and the rest of the family allow music to be played in the house, bollywood hollywood, and other sinful thing, there things attract the shaytan and jinns cos they love music and films as much as the next man.

The funny thing was when one of my brothers noticed me doing dua adkhaar on my kids and he was what and why i was doing what i was doing.

Normally i tend not to tell ppl cos they are going to get scared but i decided to tell him and he freaks out lol

tells my parents.

So im like what do u expect mum the Quran is not recited in this house and the prophet (pbuh) said "Do not turn your houses in to grave yards read surah Baqarah in them"

My sister's father in law was there and then he piped up how he dont like staying in our house because he saw a cloudly figure in our loft room when he was sleeping one night.

lol... if only he knew....

Anyway they dont really affect the family and will only bother those who are afraid of them cos i think they get a kick out of pranking and scaring people.


jinns are not doubt evil creatures the kuffar of them, but none the less they definatly dont lack a sense of humour

aslamu alaaykum
its true you house does become a graveyard where theres soo much things happening that dont usually involve any benefit to a person.
Ive never seen a jinn, and dont want to either InshaAllaah, i would freak out soooo baddd.. lol..but i heard there are Muslim and Non-Muslim jinns.
so am totally sure the Muslim Jinn dont harm us:)..
However yea i sure the other geeky jinn do have a laugh scaring us humans aye :hmm:..Khayr thats the way they were created lool.
InshaAllaah give ur parents Dawah:) and pray for them ,i will Indeed :).
wa alaaykum salaam

Ps.have you heard a Jinn talk? are they like male and female? or something?!:heated:

01-13-2010, 08:24 PM
Ps.have you heard a Jinn talk? are they like male and female? or something?!
spoken to few, obviously in a halal situation.

they are same as humans, male female, muslim, kafir even hindu and budhists, black and white, pakistani bengali, some with blackburn accent some with brummie accent lol (brummie accent sounds so dumb)

they come in all shapes and sizes.

One of best jinni i ever spoke to was a 11 year old hindu girl called Kiran. After hearing the Quran she started crying and chose to embrace Islam.

Allah (swt) Guides to His Light and Straight Path Whom so ever He Wills

01-13-2010, 08:30 PM
I long to be home alone. I used to watch the scariest movies at night when alone. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....I miss the ole good time.

01-13-2010, 08:42 PM
yeah i miss it too... well... the other day i decided yes im going to watch something to scare my self.

So when i was alone i decided to watch "Paranormal Entity" cos its suppose to be better than "Paranomal Activity"...

Unfortunatly it didnt scare me cos it was too realisic and accurate.... thought yep thats what jinns do.

Was a bit like a guy whose is a sailer and been on rought seas watching the Perfect Storm.

I think i need to watch the exaggerated stuff like "Nightmare on Elm St" or "The Shining"

01-13-2010, 08:56 PM
And why not sleepless in Seattle???? Too cheesy???? lol

01-13-2010, 10:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461

spoken to few, obviously in a halal situation.

they are same as humans, male female, muslim, kafir even hindu and budhists, black and white, pakistani bengali, some with blackburn accent some with brummie accent lol (brummie accent sounds so dumb)

they come in all shapes and sizes.

One of best jinni i ever spoke to was a 11 year old hindu girl called Kiran. After hearing the Quran she started crying and chose to embrace Islam.

Allah (swt) Guides to His Light and Straight Path Whom so ever He Wills

Wow SubhanAllaah.. MashaAllaah

But like how were they different races? and diff religions? like did they once live in the dunya? hmm ,this topic is actually quite interesting to look in.
MashaALLAAH soo lovely to hear a little girl (jinn) cried hearing the Quraan.SubhanAllaah,,,all glory is for Allaah allmighty..
Does she pray? does she do Wudhu? if yes how?:hmm:
sorry i have a lot of silly questions forgive me if theyre a bit silly InshaAllaah:embarrass

01-13-2010, 10:14 PM
i dont watch movies like i used to but i remember horror movies making me laugh so hard..while my sisters were scared

its comedy really these new horror movies nowadays

01-13-2010, 10:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim World 12
Wow SubhanAllaah.. MashaAllaah

But like how were they different races? and diff religions? like did they once live in the dunya? hmm ,this topic is actually quite interesting to look in.
MashaALLAAH soo lovely to hear a little girl (jinn) cried hearing the Quraan.SubhanAllaah,,,all glory is for Allaah allmighty..
Does she pray? does she do Wudhu? if yes how?:hmm:
sorry i have a lot of silly questions forgive me if theyre a bit silly InshaAllaah:embarrass
Jinns that are born and bred in pakistan so they speak the language and have the same culture and custom as the people over there.

And the black one will gave the bay boy attitude that distinguishes them from others in the way they act and speak? You get me blood?

Some will say "I believe Jesus is God". So when asked "If Jesus is God then how come he died? God does not die and nor can He be killed" (common sense really) to which they are left speechless.

So when given the option if they want to accept the Oneness of the Lord of the Worlds Who is free from all forms of personification and embrace islam some do.

They have names like our names. Micheal is actually a very common one amongst Christian jinns, wonder if other users can enlighten me why this is?

Some speak languages same as our although they have thier own language,

So you have brothers who are arab all of a sudden speaking fluent punjabi or urdu that would put yours to shame though its your mother tongue. cos they got possessed by a paki jinn.

Or vice versa, brothers who dont know how to recite the Quran all of a sudden speaking fluent arabic.

All this is very fascinating... but it comes with a price. Sometimes i think ignorance was defiantly bliss.

01-13-2010, 10:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
i dont watch movies like i used to but i remember horror movies making me laugh so hard..while my sisters were scared

its comedy really these new horror movies nowadays
anyway back to the topic at hand...

horror movies can be a utter bore. i dont know if anyone watched "house on the haunted hill" was that boring as ever! oh my gosh.

so rubbish.

01-13-2010, 10:45 PM
yeah ill be scared alone,especially footsteps on my stairs and whispers from the wicked old lady on my roof that my sister took a picture of

01-14-2010, 12:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461
yeah i miss it too... well... the other day i decided yes im going to watch something to scare my self.

So when i was alone i decided to watch "Paranormal Entity" cos its suppose to be better than "Paranomal Activity"...

Unfortunatly it didnt scare me cos it was too realisic and accurate.... thought yep thats what jinns do.

Was a bit like a guy whose is a sailer and been on rought seas watching the Perfect Storm.

I think i need to watch the exaggerated stuff like "Nightmare on Elm St" or "The Shining"

:lol: I was gonna recommend those films to you but I though they might freak you out cos of how realistic they were :p

01-14-2010, 12:15 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Teaj
yeah ill be scared alone,especially footsteps on my stairs and whispers from the wicked old lady on my roof that my sister took a picture of
...there's an old lady... on your roof? :skeleton:

01-14-2010, 03:32 AM
yes now im scared

01-14-2010, 03:49 AM

Old lady ont he roof. c'mon people. It's probably your grandma or something, making sure you sleep well.

01-14-2010, 03:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
This is probably the right forum to post this in, considering the desc includes "Islamic home..."

Are you afraid to be home alone?

Do you get paranoid at the slightest of sounds?
IF ur are talking about "Islamic home...", for sure never I,ll be affraid to be alone because never I.ll be alone.

But...if I am alone in the house, and the house somewhere in the forest, for sure I,ll be affraid.

Till than, when I am alone I like to read...by the peoples who are affraid to be alone at home...

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
01-14-2010, 04:35 PM
Paranormal Activity was not scary at all :s It wasn't as hyped up as people claimed it to be. Anything can scare you when you're in the theater. That's why they have those loud speakers and a lot of them, especially if you blast it...

I saw it on the comp n I got bored :S

01-14-2010, 05:41 PM

Well, I voted yes! but not because I'm afraid of ghosts, shadows, zombies, godzilla, king kong or harry potter but because the waswaas of the shayateen can get really strong when you're alone and make you do something you wouldn't do if you were with family.

"An empty mind is devil's workshop."

For some time, its ok but not for long..............

01-14-2010, 06:44 PM
Tonight, I'm home alone and I bought "Paranormal activity". Tomorrow, inchallah, I'll tell you how my night went on. I mean, if anyone's interested :phew

01-14-2010, 07:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by bewildred
Tonight, I'm home alone and I bought "Paranormal activity". Tomorrow, inchallah, I'll tell you how my night went on. I mean, if anyone's interested :phew
Remember the jinns will be watching with you until the movie ends and when it ends its showtime for them laughing at you looking round your shoulders every 3 seconds twitching as if you were a crack addict

cat eyes
01-14-2010, 07:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by bewildred
Tonight, I'm home alone and I bought "Paranormal activity". Tomorrow, inchallah, I'll tell you how my night went on. I mean, if anyone's interested :phew
lol yeah keep us informed. i hear noises all the time but i think it might be mice moving in because its so cold ;D

01-14-2010, 07:12 PM
It give me an opportunity to plot evil plans against certain people (which i can't do in my parents presence) so yeh i love staying at home alone.

01-14-2010, 07:13 PM
Hey guys stop it now, I'm scared now and the movie ain't started yet....:exhausted

The weather here was perfect. My luck, now, the wind is blowing so strong! My living room's shutters are slamming. Nahhhh, I won't go there to close them. The corridor seems so very longer than it really is.

Thank you sir joke a lot!!! and miss Cat Eyes, I think we're even now,lol.

tssssss, never have I missed the hubby than tonight.

01-14-2010, 07:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by bewildred
Hey guys stop it now, I'm scared now and the movie ain't started yet....:exhausted

The weather here was perfect. My luck, now, the wind is blowing so strong! My living room's shutters are slamming. Nahhhh, I won't go there to close them. The corridor seems so very longer than it really is.

Thank you sir joke a lot!!! and miss Cat Eyes, I think we're even now,lol.

tssssss, never have I missed the hubby than tonight.
You're not alone, Allah is with you.

01-14-2010, 08:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Light of Heaven
Paranormal Activity was not scary at all :s It wasn't as hyped up as people claimed it to be. Anything can scare you when you're in the theater. That's why they have those loud speakers and a lot of them, especially if you blast it...

I saw it on the comp n I got bored :S
it is scary when you have a possessed person in your house or your an exorcist :embarrass

01-14-2010, 08:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by bewildred
Tonight, I'm home alone and I bought "Paranormal activity". Tomorrow, inchallah, I'll tell you how my night went on. I mean, if anyone's interested :phew
I might be mistaking but weren't you the one who said that you once heard a jinn talking.... in your house?

01-14-2010, 10:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461

Jinns that are born and bred in pakistan so they speak the language and have the same culture and custom as the people over there.

And the black one will gave the bay boy attitude that distinguishes them from others in the way they act and speak? You get me blood?

Some will say "I believe Jesus is God". So when asked "If Jesus is God then how come he died? God does not die and nor can He be killed" (common sense really) to which they are left speechless.

So when given the option if they want to accept the Oneness of the Lord of the Worlds Who is free from all forms of personification and embrace islam some do.

They have names like our names. Micheal is actually a very common one amongst Christian jinns, wonder if other users can enlighten me why this is?

Some speak languages same as our although they have thier own language,

So you have brothers who are arab all of a sudden speaking fluent punjabi or urdu that would put yours to shame though its your mother tongue. cos they got possessed by a paki jinn.

Or vice versa, brothers who dont know how to recite the Quran all of a sudden speaking fluent arabic.

All this is very fascinating... but it comes with a price. Sometimes i think ignorance was defiantly bliss.
Wow this is really an interesting topic for me..lol
Lol@Paki jinns
you dissin pakis? :raging:..Lol messing..
but i didnt kno most of this,like they speak diff languages and stuff etc..
Id never want to be with 1, wud freak me out soo really badd ..
if u read Ayatul kursi they will remain away from u ..
Muslim jinns dont harm anyone right? and the bad jinns do? like mess with you? hm:statisfie

01-14-2010, 10:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Teaj
yeah ill be scared alone,especially footsteps on my stairs and whispers from the wicked old lady on my roof that my sister took a picture of
Does an old lady live on your roof?:skeleton:

01-15-2010, 01:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim World 12
Wow this is really an interesting topic for me..lol
Lol@Paki jinns
you dissin pakis? :raging:..Lol messing..
but i didnt kno most of this,like they speak diff languages and stuff etc..
Id never want to be with 1, wud freak me out soo really badd ..
if u read Ayatul kursi they will remain away from u ..
Muslim jinns dont harm anyone right? and the bad jinns do? like mess with you? hm:statisfie

Yes i am dissing pakis cos they can be most stupiest people on the earth sometimes. :omg:

But them some of the best people on the earth are pakistanis may Allah reward them for all the dawah they do. :statisfie

It takes a long time to not get freaked out if you come acorss them, like now i just treat them as i would any human, if one came in and gave me salams it dont suprise me any more.

If you read Ayat Al Kursi while having taqwa of Allah and full conviction that He (swt) Alone can Protect you then sure, they cant harm you.

But its better that you keep your self protected all day and all night by reading the protective duas for morning and evening.

Jinns are suppose to keep away from humans in a general sense cos they have thier own homes, animals, family, societies and transports, food etc and not allowed to mingle or steal from us.

Sometimes like muslim humans we fall into sin and make mistakes the muslim jinns can fall in to sin and make mistake and harm us if Allah Wills.

But its very rare occurrences.

More common is the kuffar jinns who got nothing better to do or are working with magicians who give people taweez to wear or burn and claim it will make them better. Instead these jinns end up possessing the people who use taweez.

But normally jinns keep them selves to them selves getting on with thier lives like the birds and the bees, the only time when they might bother us is if we bother them first.

Sometimes intentionally or unintentionally
Allah Knows Best.

01-15-2010, 06:04 PM
Wow Subhana`Allaah..Jazakkallah for telling me about this..
Really interesting lol i almost find it cool, but i dont think thats good but khayr InshaAllah
You hate Pakis :o. HOW DARE YOU HATE PAKIS !!!!!

01-15-2010, 06:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461
Yes i am dissing pakis cos they can be most stupiest people on the earth sometimes.
Dont diss the pokora eaters

01-15-2010, 06:42 PM
Hello y'all,

I'm alive, yay!!!!!! Well, I couldn't watch "Paranormal activity" for I was too scared when the first signs showed up in the movie. I read some Quran: Surat el Kursi and all the surahs I know. Yet, I had a nightmare.

Tut tut, no one should diss out Pakistani brothers. We're all the same. I mean, it's just our actions that determine who's better than the other.

01-15-2010, 06:46 PM
you dont want to fight with a pakistani brother because he will go round the corner to make a quick phone call and then all you'll see is his family of uncle,cousins coming in a halal meat van

..... and that will be the end of you

01-15-2010, 09:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abdullahii
dont diss the pokora eaters

01-15-2010, 10:41 PM
I must at this point clarify that i am in fact Pakistani and like many am disappointed in the cultural baggage that most people Indian subcontinent carry... it is not until one embraces islam and make Allah (swt) and His prophet's way his way that these cultural baggage is dropped.

Some people are fascinated about "how to kill a jinn" i say even if i know i would never try it ever... pakistani jinn or not the results will be the same...

you dont want to fight with a pakistani brother because he will go round the corner to make a quick phone call and then all you'll see is his family of uncle,cousins coming in a halal meat van

..... and that will be the end of you
The End

01-15-2010, 10:42 PM
i might have to see paranormal entity and give it an islamic review :-) light of jinn and magic lol

01-16-2010, 12:26 AM
Lol bro i was kidding.. Forgive me i didnt think it would become badd..
Infact am from the same Cult soo yeah :s..InshaAllaah forgive me

01-16-2010, 01:25 AM
forgiven and forgotten

01-16-2010, 01:36 AM
Nope, not scared of anything alhamdu lillah. For as long as I can remember, reciting the Ayat ul Kursi has removed any fears in a snap!

01-16-2010, 01:40 AM
that amazing :)

01-16-2010, 01:45 AM
I'm not afraid to go out in the dark alone after having watched a scary movie. :p

01-16-2010, 01:52 AM
Nothing wrong with going out at night, just be careful about certian places like parks, gardens, trees and rivers etc... its nothing to do with bravery, its better to avoid those places at night.

because like Allah (swt) said "Darkness gathers evil"

Its not even all fear and horror it could be that you accidently harm a jinn.

i remember once we went to a wedding hall to help out at night, and my younger brother went the back and started throwing stones cos he was board... except it was at trees... my heart jumped to my throat and i grabbed him,

i gave him a well grilling. He was compleatly oblivious of how dangerous his actions were..

01-16-2010, 01:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461
Nothing wrong with going out at night, just be careful about certian places like parks, gardens, trees and rivers etc... its nothing to do with bravery, its better to avoid those places at night.

because like Allah (swt) said "Darkness gathers evil"

Its not even all fear and horror it could be that you accidently harm a jinn.

i remember once we went to a wedding hall to help out at night, and my younger brother went the back and started throwing stones cos he was board... except it was at trees... my heart jumped to my throat and i grabbed him,

i gave him a well grilling. He was compleatly oblivious of how dangerous his actions were..
I never thought of it this way. Jazakallah for that.

01-16-2010, 02:01 AM
I love being home alone, but I'm an introvert so that explains it.

01-16-2010, 02:05 AM
whats an introvert? excuse my ignorace

01-16-2010, 02:29 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461
whats an introvert? excuse my ignorace
Introverts tend to be very withdrawn or shy especially in large groups. And it's not really being shy it's just I prefer to be left alone. I have no problems being around people, but after any extended period of time I start to get really worn down and uncomfortable.

01-16-2010, 02:33 AM
hmmm.. ok.....

01-16-2010, 01:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by JeffX
I love being home alone, but I'm an introvert so that explains it.
me too :statisfie my mum says I need to go out more and stop sitting in the house like a girl :heated:

01-16-2010, 03:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by squiggle
me too :statisfie my mum says I need to go out more and stop sitting in the house like a girl :heated:

Yeah I used to hear that too. I think my mom has given up though and excepted that is who I am.

01-16-2010, 11:51 PM
Like a girl lol?

01-17-2010, 04:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim World 12
Like a girl lol?
No she used to tell me that I needed to go out instead of sitting around home all of the time.

01-17-2010, 04:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
This is probably the right forum to post this in, considering the desc includes "Islamic home..."

Are you afraid to be home alone?

Do you get paranoid at the slightest of sounds?

lool I actually prefer to be home alone...any chance I get away from all the screaming is truly treasure ;D;D

01-17-2010, 04:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim World 12
Like a girl lol?
yeah :raging: she says girls sit at home all the time doing "parda" and boys should be out going. :raging:

cat eyes
01-17-2010, 05:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by squiggle
yeah :raging: she says girls sit at home all the time doing "parda" and boys should be out going. :raging:
if everybody was the same as your mum wanted, the world would be a very boring place. i find a person thats to open and out going in there personality is not good and makes me uncomfortable but for another person they could like it. we all are different in what we like

01-17-2010, 05:27 PM
^^ Yes i agree sis, everyone truly have their own reasons..
do guys necessarily have to be "Out going" is that just a cultural thougt or opinion which has now been brought out all over the world? hmm

01-17-2010, 05:36 PM
i never leave the house...my mum watches aljazeera and i sit next to her either doing assignments or posting silly posts on LI

what is there to do outside after 4 pm it becomes dark and all the evil vampires come out to go clubbing?

01-17-2010, 05:37 PM
Exactly my point Lol..
i dunno il let the others answer that :\

cat eyes
01-17-2010, 05:39 PM
some parents want there kids to be street wise you know ;D but its totally not save to be going out where i live unless you love bumping into drunks and girls going to clubs and pubs dressed in skirts and skinny straped tops in the freezing weather :hmm:

01-17-2010, 05:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
i never leave the house...my mum watches aljazeera and i sit next to her either doing assignments or posting silly posts on LI

what is there to do outside after 4 pm it becomes dark and all the evil vampires come out to go clubbing?
I don't know about sisters but there is alot of things you can do that arn't bad, from what I've seen though I've never actually been to 1 myself is go visit the local mosque for community activities.

after dark doesn't always mean clubbing, depends where you live really in London most stuff is on your door step, so i can go to an arcade and play snooker/pool with your friends. IDK but my personal favourites have been playing sports, gym or just go socialise with friends now.

But i guess its different for sisters.

01-17-2010, 05:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes
some parents want there kids to be street wise you know ;D but its totally not save to be going out where i live unless you love bumping into drunks and girls going to clubs and pubs dressed in skirts and skinny straped tops in the freezing weather :hmm:

^ true they sacrifice a lot just to impress the opposite no matter what the weather conditions are.....but they'll never be satisfied until they cover themselves and they stop being tools of entertainment

01-17-2010, 06:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
^ true they sacrifice a lot just to impress the opposite no matter what the weather conditions are.....but they'll never be satisfied until they cover themselves and they stop being tools of entertainment
True that Brother

01-19-2010, 04:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Life_Is_Short
I'm not afraid to go out in the dark alone after having watched a scary movie. :p
I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-19-2010, 04:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by squiggle
me too :statisfie my mum says I need to go out more and stop sitting in the house like a girl :heated:

01-19-2010, 04:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim World 12
^^ Yes i agree sis, everyone truly have their own reasons..
do guys necessarily have to be "Out going" is that just a cultural thougt or opinion which has now been brought out all over the world? hmm
I think it good to let boys be some what out going iin a halal way and take on responsibity in house hokld issues becasuse when they become husbands they can be experienced at being responsible and not compleatly nieve

Ibn Abi Ahmed
01-21-2010, 07:53 PM

Not scared. Sometimes it's just what you need..to sit by yourself and relax with a good book or take a long nap :p

01-21-2010, 09:33 PM
Assalamu alaykum,

I voted "No" and I am a woman.

At home with my parents I am alone sometimes and I don't get scared for anything there alhamdulillah. And I never open the door because I'm not allowed to show anyone at home I'm a Muslim...

And I live by myself in an apartment in city and here sometimes when I'm busy doing stuff I don't like if the door rings and I can think if it's a thief or something. But I never open the door anyway if I'm not waiting visitor, because I don't want to risk anything :)

01-21-2010, 10:19 PM
I voted no, of course not. I am sorry for those who are scared in their homes alone.

It is rare i am home alone, especial with my family!!! I enjoy time alone!

01-21-2010, 10:58 PM
Na'am. After dark though, not during the daytime. :hmm:

01-21-2010, 11:25 PM
No, (accidentally clicked Yes haha) I am pretty comfortable with it. I live on a farm, and have 7 guns, and around 30 knives and a few blunt objects, a few of each of them things within reach. I am not worried about anything really, only thing to worry about is tornadoes.

01-21-2010, 11:42 PM

no i don't and i get annoyed with people who are, and have no reason to be. i mean if u live in a bad area and are at risk of breakins then i would understand but alhamdulillah most of us live in pretty safe areas.

02-14-2010, 04:41 PM
natural inctinct to be scared

02-14-2010, 05:43 PM
I voted for the first option...actually im not afraid....but kinda dont like it. And i dont recommemd it too - Our Prophet never encouraged that.

Shaitan disturbs you the most when your alone ...never stay alone/never sleep alone - unless there is no option.

02-17-2010, 11:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdul-Raouf
I voted for the first option...actually im not afraid....but kinda dont like it. And i dont recommemd it too - Our Prophet never encouraged that.

Shaitan disturbs you the most when your alone ...never stay alone/never sleep alone - unless there is no option.

Tell me about it, doing my head in right now... messing about in the kitchin

02-18-2010, 03:41 PM
LOL.. subhanAllah, im the biggest BABY ever. Yes for sure i am afraid to be home alone.. See im a revert and i live in an non muslim environment so i dont know i guess i find it more scarier then staying over at my muslim sisters house. I feel safe where as at my families house subhanAllah. lool. I sleep with lights on, recite quran all over the house. One time my grandmother and grandfather went to go pick up my sister from somewhere. I was home alone scared out of my mind but i was like ok nothing will happen. Then i hear this BIG NOISE coming from upstairs i believe the noise came from my room and it sounded like someone was playing around with the dresser draws as soon as i heard that noise i literally JUMPED and RAAN! when i said i ran i BOOKED IT! out of my house door wide open and first i ran to my neighbours house but she didnt answer so i ran all the way to my best friends house. The fams came back i went back home i got in trouble for leaaving the door open but made fun of at the end... and subhanAllah one night i was praying the night prayer when i was finished my prayer saying "Asalaamu Alaykum" i saw this figure walking up my stairs i looked again and that figure was not there autho billah.. i try my best not to be scared and i act all hard body but LORD KNOWS im the biggest baby ever.. lool.

02-20-2010, 02:50 PM
I don't think its baby to get scared since its human nature to get scared. and to run. fight or flight. that's why even musa (as) ran when his staff turned into a fast moving snake but Allah reassured him not to be scared. same case when he met the magicians in the court of pharow Allah said 'la thakhaf inna ka anthal ala' don't be scared u will be successful. issue is how u cope with situation.

02-20-2010, 02:54 PM
call me weird but if I hear a noise or my wife come running thinking she felt a jinn in the house I do the opposite. I run to the jinn and close the door or lock it. that's when the fun begins.

02-20-2010, 03:31 PM
Keep a 9 mm in your house you never know. But sure in safe place away from childrens but not too safe behind a big combination safe with 2 locks.

02-20-2010, 06:37 PM
I live alone. When I was younger I was very scared to be in my house alone but now I'm older it dosen't bother me. I do still go and look at my frount door when I hear noises near it but it dosen't bother me once I've looked.

02-21-2010, 05:44 AM
No, and thats only because I have a gun, know how to use it and my house has an intense security system in place thanks to my dad and brothers.

02-21-2010, 06:59 AM
in fact i feel a bit afraid to be alone

02-21-2010, 10:33 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Getoffmyback
Keep a 9 mm in your house you never know. But sure in safe place away from childrens but not too safe behind a big combination safe with 2 locks.
:D Thats all we need more weapons in the home. Doesn't it just really depend where you live? If your living in a rough estate or neighbourhood then naturally you'll be a bit scared.

02-21-2010, 03:04 PM
I wish "safe" places were actually "safe."
You cant enter my neighborhood without having a workers pass, a delivery pass or are a resident. Yet many thefts have happened here as well as some incidents. You can never be truly safe.

02-21-2010, 06:17 PM
I'm afraid to be alone. I never lived alone, I don't know what it means but I'd like to try

02-21-2010, 06:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ranya
I'm afraid to be alone. I never lived alone, I don't know what it means but I'd like to try
It's hardest when you move out of a big family to a small isolated area. I know many people that have done that.

I'm sort of used to being alone, since I only got one sibling. ;D

02-21-2010, 06:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
It's hardest when you move out of a big family to a small isolated area. I know many people that have done that.

I'm sort of used to being alone, since I only got one sibling. ;D
Brother Buddy love, do you live alone in the student homes

02-21-2010, 06:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
Brother Buddy love, do you live alone in the student homes
I live with mommy and daddy, and big bwother. But big bwother is at uni, so I'm an only child atm. :X

☆ღUmm Uthmanღ☆
02-21-2010, 06:27 PM

NOT afraid to be home alone:skeleton:...Its the only time i find peace & i jus try to enjoy every single moment of being alone.:giggling::hiding:

02-21-2010, 06:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mujaheedah

NOT afraid to be home alone:skeleton:...Its the only time i find peace & i jus try to enjoy every single moment of being alone.:giggling::hiding:
I gotta agree with you on that one. I enjoy the peace and quiet once in a while.

02-21-2010, 06:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
It's hardest when you move out of a big family to a small isolated area. I know many people that have done that.

I'm sort of used to being alone, since I only got one sibling. ;D
I'd like to try just for a short time. I'm afraid of loneliness. I like being a family :sunny:

02-21-2010, 07:00 PM
being alone is geeky and being NOT alone is however whatsoever blah bla is geeki

02-22-2010, 10:53 PM
LOL I love being home alone. However if its late at night i.e. after 11ish pm then I start getting a little scared :$ That's when I turn on the lights and dont leave my room and yep the littlest sounds sound like an explosion...and I start imagining someone watching me ..... scaryyy stuff <_<

02-22-2010, 10:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by londonfog
LOL I love being home alone. However if its late at night i.e. after 11ish pm then I start getting a little scared :$ That's when I turn on the lights and dont leave my room and yep the littlest sounds sound like an explosion...and I start imagining someone watching me ..... scaryyy stuff <_<
loves being home alone especially when chelsea lose for example the most recent shocker against everton

02-22-2010, 11:16 PM
My parents never leave me home alone because in their eyes i am not responsible enough. I left keys hanging on the outside house door and on my dad's car boot once and someone took them. :phew

It was a mistake. :hiding:

02-22-2010, 11:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Life_Is_Short
My parents never leave me home alone because in their eyes i am not responsible enough. I left keys hanging on the outside house door and on my dad's car boot once and someone took them. :phew

It was a mistake. :hiding:
Should have gone to specsavers

02-22-2010, 11:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
loves being home alone especially when chelsea lose for example the most recent shocker against everton
<_< Everton isn't gonna win the league :statisfie at least not this yr LOL but I gotta say it was an awesome day when Everton beat Man Utd - I cant argue with the team that beats Man Utd! :p

Aaaand dont forget - Chelsea is still at the top :D

02-22-2010, 11:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
Should have gone to specsavers.

Alhamdulillah, generally speaking I am not afraid to be home alone be it during the night or day. As some brothers have said it is nice to have some peace and quiet sometimes.

My advice is to not have fear of anything except Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala). As he has commanded in several places of the Qu'ran.

And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do. (Surah Al-Mā'idah - 5:8)

O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims [in submission to Him] (Surah Ali'Imran - 3:102)

That is only Satan who frightens [you] of his supporters. So fear them not, but fear Me, if you are [indeed] believers. (Surah Ali'Imran - 3:175).

Insha'Allah you will have faith in Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) and he will open the path for you.

02-23-2010, 05:35 PM

02-25-2010, 07:01 AM
Once every so often i get a chance to spend a week alone in the house... no wife no kids me and the jinns... the only problem was i busy with course work and didnt have time to read surah Baqarah and they came down on me really heavy.

Was getting waswasah during the day and nightmares in the night. Day after day same things... Trying to break me up with brothers and trying to get my wife to divorce me and all sorts... talk about strange but the 3 people in question also had nightmares about it on the same nights as i was having them

In the end i was so phsycologically drained by the constant bombardment that i raised my hands in dua to Allah remembering that i was not putting my tawakul in Him.

Allah (swt) answers my duas. and this night was no different. That night i had no nightmares, or any waswash during the day...

But Allah (swt) exposed thier plot and everything went down the drain Alhamdulliah!!


02-25-2010, 08:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461
Once every so often i get a chance to spend a week alone in the house... no wife no kids me and the jinns... the only problem was i busy with course work and didnt have time to read surah Baqarah and they came down on me really heavy.

Was getting waswasah during the day and nightmares in the night. Day after day same things... Trying to break me up with brothers and trying to get my wife to divorce me and all sorts... talk about strange but the 3 people in question also had nightmares about it on the same nights as i was having them

In the end i was so phsycologically drained by the constant bombardment that i raised my hands in dua to Allah remembering that i was not putting my tawakul in Him.

Allah (swt) answers my duas. and this night was no different. That night i had no nightmares, or any waswash during the day...

But Allah (swt) exposed thier plot and everything went down the drain Alhamdulliah!!

very interesting, I know personally myself I sometimes don't click on that it's waswas from shaytaan and I think it's my own thoughts and I let the whispers fuel me and I begin to believe them :hmm:

I think I can tell the whispers now cos the thought comes from the top left of my brain and it feels like it never originated from me if that makes sense. In the past I've believed the whispers and became very suspicious imsad

03-02-2010, 03:43 PM
waswasah is usually accompanied by excitement, desires, constant bombardment of "just do it" "feels so good" etc...

03-03-2010, 11:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461
waswasah is usually accompanied by excitement, desires, constant bombardment of "just do it" "feels so good" etc...
I get that sometimes imsad what's the best way to prevent it. all the protective adkaar for mornings and evenings?

03-03-2010, 04:32 PM
"Allah has sent down the best statement: a consistent Book wherein is reiteration. The skins shiver therefrom of those who fear their Lord; then their skins and their hearts relax at the remembrance of Allah " [Surah Az-Zumar - 39:23]

03-03-2010, 04:33 PM
Woops.. Was meant to put this in the above post too.

"Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah . Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured." [Surah Ar-Ra'd - 13:28]

03-08-2010, 11:02 PM
Surah Baqarah is like a two edged sword... one it kicks out the jinns and secondly it brings down tranquilty to the house.

Challenge for mr squiggle to see if he can find both the hadith im refering to in the above statement... :)

03-08-2010, 11:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461
Surah Baqarah is like a two edged sword... one it kicks out the jinns and secondly it brings down tranquilty to the house.

Challenge for mr squiggle to see if he can find both the hadith im refering to in the above statement... :)
;D I found the first bit about kicking out shaytaans, but can't find the bit about it bringing tranquility, I really never knew that :omg:

anyway I got 50% of the challenge right :)

Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, “Do not turn your houses into graves. Shaitan is barred from any house in which Surat al-Baqarah (2) is recited.” [Muslim 780, 4: 1707]

please show me the hadith on tranquility I am eager to see it :p

03-08-2010, 11:44 PM
there are three hadith in fact... the one you mentioned then there is another one that shaytan does not enter the house for 3 days in which surah Baqarah is recited. (ahmed)

"Imam Ahmad recorded that Al-Bara' said: "A man recited Al-Kahf and there was an animal in the house which began acting in a nervous manner. He looked, and saw a fog or cloud overhead. He mentioned this to the Prophet , who said:

(Keep on reciting so and so, for this is the tranquillity which descends when one reads Qur'an or because of reading Qur'an;) This was also recorded in the Two Sahihs. This man who recited it was Usayd bin Al-Hudayr, as we have previously mentioned in our Tafsir of Surat Al-Baqarah. "(Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

im sure ive read the same about surah baqarah but will post if i find it... insha Allah

03-08-2010, 11:45 PM
I have noticed there is more laughter/joy in our house after Baqrah has been played and there's more like happyness and feeling of ease/peace.

and people are chilled out and tempers don't flare.


03-09-2010, 12:13 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by squiggle
I have noticed there is more laughter/joy in our house after Baqrah has been played and there's more like happyness and feeling of ease/peace.

and people are chilled out and tempers don't flare.

Thats what i and most people who have tried it have said...

the only issue is there are some things that prevent angels and the mercy of Allah entering the house and that is dog, bell, pictures of human or animals, haram stuff like magazines, boollywood films, music etc

03-09-2010, 12:15 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461

Thats what i and most people who have tried it have said...

the only issue is there are some things that prevent angels and the mercy of Allah entering the house and that is dog, bell, pictures of human or animals, haram stuff like magazines, boollywood films, music etc
hmm what about the tv?? that would stop angels from entering if haraam stuff is being shown like EastEnders and other stuff innit?

do you think the images shown on the tv would prevent the angels from entering?

but the tv is like video guess and not pictures. :hmm:

03-09-2010, 12:27 AM
The TV is a instrument that can be used for good or evil. so its not inherently wrong.

Avoid East Enders, i would find it hard to find any scholar who can justify it being halal to watch. better to use ones times watching or listening to better stuff than fantasy lives of kuffar.

03-09-2010, 12:33 AM
Just to bring the thread back to the topic... man remind me never sleep alone in a house... except after reading the whole of surah Baqarah,

boy were the jinns having a feild day...

It was narrated that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:" No man should travel alone or sleep in a house on his own.”

Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah (1/130).

Imam Ahmad was asked about a man spending the night alone. He said: I prefer him to avoid that. Quoted from al-Adaab al-Shar’iyyah (1/428).

Shaykh al-Albaani said in his commentary on this hadeeth in al-Saheehah:

Perhaps the hadeeth refers to travelling in the deserts or wilderness where the traveller rarely sees anyone. It does not include travel nowadays on paved and well-travelled roads. And Allaah knows best.

03-09-2010, 12:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by abu_musab461
The TV is a instrument that can be used for good or evil. so its not inherently wrong.

Avoid East Enders, i would find it hard to find any scholar who can justify it being halal to watch. better to use ones times watching or listening to better stuff than fantasy lives of kuffar.
Islam Channel at night is the best, the late night taraweah :p

03-09-2010, 12:37 AM
Now i wish i had a TV :)

03-11-2010, 12:00 PM
nope not scared its actually fun being alone :P

03-27-2010, 04:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by squiggle
Islam Channel at night is the best, the late night taraweah :p
I would if I had SKY but will get soon insh allah.

bint begum
03-31-2010, 09:20 PM

Yep. I've been home alone many times. At first I was sacred. Once I was out and came home late. When I went inside the house I switched all the lights on, looked under the bed, inside the wardrobes etc just incase someone was hiding inside lol. But yh, now I'm not scared, alhamdulillaah :D

03-31-2010, 09:29 PM
Sometimes I get the feeling that some presence is lurking, and in my mind pictures and images of devils etc that I have seen on TV and films...make me shiver and I get scared a little and quickly find a way out.......other times like if your at work or something I just bear with it.

As mentioned regarding Eastenders...I think this has got to be the worst soap I use to watch....in it, it has every type of indecent story line....and some you would thought have never existed...I wonder what purpose this films serves and why lots of muslims "love it"...even though it is the opitimay or exact oppposite of Islam...and in gact it goes agains most normal peoples moral standards....but why do they watch?:heated:

03-31-2010, 09:33 PM
No not at all, I'm fine home alone Alhamdulillah. :)

May Allah SWT help us overcome our fears. Ameen

04-11-2010, 05:16 AM
I enjoy the quiet time when I am home alone... it gives me time for myself, and then I am in a good mood when my husband comes home and we can enjoy our evening together. :)

Abdul Wahid
05-15-2010, 05:07 PM
Alhumdulillah I've never been scared to be home alone.

My parents used to leave us home when we were young. My brothers & sisters were scared when they heard something upstairs. They used to say someone is upstairs - go and check. I used to take my cricket bat or a walking stick and go upstairs - just in case. No use acting like a hero. Imagine someone was upstairs, they will attack you no matter what.

Come to think of it, I still can't understand why we had that walking stick. No one in my family uses it. It used to be under the sofa.

Sometimes you hear things and it makes you think as if your losing the plot. The amount of times I used to go up and down the house just to see if anyone was there. But there never was. Maybe it was the Jinn.

ALLAH(SWT) knows best.

06-24-2010, 05:39 PM
yea afraid of shaaaitan !!!

06-25-2010, 05:47 AM
Read Ayatul Kursi and leave the rest in the hands of allah.
Arm yourself if need be. Here in South Africa we have so many incidents taking place it's become a part of life. Just about everybody in my family has been a victim of crime. The worst was when one family member was murdered infront of his young child. You do become afraid at the prospect of what they might do to your family, rape, torture anything is possible when you are dealing with a species that's may look human but really they are not. Instead of fighting crime they now have taken away the firearms of the law abiding citizens, but introducing draconian firearm laws which will ensure very few or nobody will get a licence. The mentality of the people in power. May allah help us.

06-25-2010, 05:49 AM
i am not afraid of crimes but hmmm...... afraid of iblees !!!

06-25-2010, 05:55 AM
When I'm home alone and I turn off the lights before I go to bed I RUN LIKE HELL to my room upstairs lol i don't know why.

06-25-2010, 06:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by nousername
When I'm home alone and I turn off the lights before I go to bed I RUN LIKE HELL to my room upstairs lol i don't know why.
;D lol ... !

07-03-2010, 04:46 AM
I used to do the same thing when i was 13 i had a phobia of the dark, eventually i realised the only way to overcome the fear is to confront it, so after that a started training myself to sit on the stairs in the dark, until i was used to it and no longer afriad.

07-03-2010, 06:53 AM
I enjoy the quiet time when I am home alone... I really like this since my childhood.

07-08-2010, 10:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by nousername
When I'm home alone and I turn off the lights before I go to bed I RUN LIKE HELL to my room upstairs lol i don't know why.
LOL don't you have an upstairs light you can switch on from downstairs? :? If not, you can use the torch on your mobile phone :)

Hamdulillah, I'm not as scared as I used to be. No more weapons :statisfie

07-13-2010, 10:06 AM
Really,it's very nice to be alone in the night while you are worshiping Allah in your night prayer!

07-13-2010, 10:52 AM
ohhhh i shiver and quake in my boots i do, would slowly open the door, grab a brolly and chase out the jinns while screaming salamu alequm!!!! when i enter the door. When i satasfied my house is rid of all strangers and blessed with angels, i relax sip a cuppa of tea and think job well done...me=1 jinns=0

;D only in my head.....otherwise i'd be sectioned. but i heard saying salamu alequm when you enter the house rids it of jinns and brings angels. also my house is 'littered' with books, magazines photos........(reason being its filled with women) it'l be impossible getting rid of these although...i do my night time ritual of turning over any pics i see before i go to sleep...........does this mean there be no angels coming in...:exhausted

07-19-2010, 01:58 PM
not really as flats here are reli small
nth to worry about

09-25-2010, 04:40 AM

No alhumdulilah I am not afraid to be home alone.

09-25-2010, 07:29 AM
I don't like it (I get lonely), but I'm not afraid of it as long as it's not every night.

I'd be afraid to be living alone for the rest of my days. But if I'm just home alone for a night or a few nights that's different.

10-29-2010, 03:01 PM
Not during the daytime because its rather peaceful but i get a bit paranoid when its night

10-29-2010, 04:11 PM
I'm not afraid of being alone at home, day or night, but i've never been home alone really late, like well past midnight or the whole night. I probably would get scared really late if the whole neighborhood is quite. Nowadays, there are people on the street even at 3 am.

10-29-2010, 11:13 PM

I don't see how its possible to be alone, or in any position to fear anything; although people do tend to get scared of anything. If you think you're ever alone; think again.

57:4 It is He who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne. He knows what penetrates into the earth and what emerges from it and what descends from the heaven and what ascends therein; and He is with you wherever you are. And Allah , of what you do, is Seeing.


10-29-2010, 11:45 PM
I did not used to be fearful at all, but an experience which shook me a while back kinda leaves me anxious these days

11-06-2010, 10:50 PM
ive never lived alone... always w/ friends or parents .... being alone for a short time.. even a couple of days... not too big an issue but i got assaulted at the university 5 or so years ago and while you would think i'd be completely over it.... it still affects me at times.. especially over things like this.

11-19-2010, 07:19 PM
I like being alone at home sometimes, but I do very often get freaked out. Though, there's always the dua for security "Haa meem laa yunsaroon" so it's all good Alhamdulillah.

11-19-2010, 07:32 PM
Why would you feel afraid if you believe in th afterlife and know Allah(swt) is by your side?

11-19-2010, 07:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Perseveranze
Why would you feel afraid if you believe in th afterlife and know Allah(swt) is by your side?
maybe youve upset Allah swt? in which case your actually fearing Allah, which is good

11-29-2010, 09:22 PM
We all do fear Allah (sw) but every1 has that fear inside them, r u tryin to say dat if you believe in Allah (sw) and the afterlife then you shouldnt have any fear? Im sorry but I dnt agree wid dat at all coz at the end of da day we're all human beings, the shaytan can still play his tricks n stuff its not like we're angels dat we would not commit any sins and would never fear anythin. For example I believe in afterlife n know dat allah (sw) is always by my side but sometime wen my parents come late from work I do get scared at home by myself, I think it is just human nature to get freaked out at times

11-29-2010, 09:25 PM
[QUOTE=Laila-;1388396]We all do fear Allah (sw) but every1 has that fear inside them

11-29-2010, 09:27 PM
:) Allah is with those people who remember him in times of happinies and in time of need, rememeber him in times of fear

11-29-2010, 10:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Laila-
We all do fear Allah (sw) but every1 has that fear inside them, r u tryin to say dat if you believe in Allah (sw) and the afterlife then you shouldnt have any fear? Im sorry but I dnt agree wid dat at all coz at the end of da day we're all human beings, the shaytan can still play his tricks n stuff its not like we're angels dat we would not commit any sins and would never fear anythin. For example I believe in afterlife n know dat allah (sw) is always by my side but sometime wen my parents come late from work I do get scared at home by myself, I think it is just human nature to get freaked out at times
this is a very interesting point indeed. whilst you may still feel afraid, you fear of Allah swt overcomes your other fears. Muslims find unique and often unexplainable strength when their imaan becomes strong, especialy the sahaba.

Sicilian Muslim
11-29-2010, 10:33 PM
I Enjoy being home alone very much ,lol..thats just me i guess...i really dislike a house full of people or very big gatherings

11-30-2010, 01:56 AM
If people knew what I know about the dangers of being alone, no rider would travel alone at night.
(Sayings of Muhammad (pbuh))

11-30-2010, 02:06 AM
I find home alone pretty peaceful, maybe because I live in a pretty packed household idk

11-30-2010, 01:05 PM
^same here. being home alone is peaceful.

11-30-2010, 01:26 PM
Coming from a big family i'm not use to being home alone, not until night anyway. If I had to be home alone maybe I would be a lil bit scared.

01-15-2011, 11:07 PM
sometimes yes and sometimes no lol

01-30-2011, 12:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
This is probably the right forum to post this in, considering the desc includes "Islamic home..."

Are you afraid to be home alone?

Do you get paranoid at the slightest of sounds?
I'm usually pretty good, untill it gets dark outide! Then I start thinking of scary/demonic/paranormal movies... I get very scared. Kinda ironic... It's dark, and I am home alone! Perfect imsad

04-19-2011, 06:32 PM
Coming from a big loud family it's hardly the case that I'm home alone...but when I am..I love it...never been scared alhumdulilah

04-19-2011, 09:34 PM
As a male, I'm not afraid to be home alone. =)

04-19-2011, 10:14 PM
^^ That's not always the case, trust me..there are men out there who are afraid to be home alone-at night.

R Khan
04-19-2011, 10:26 PM
I am afraid to be home alone.. :S My mum lets me borrow her mobile phone just in case.

04-25-2011, 01:37 AM
well i am different, during the day i am grand i leave all the doors open and windows but at night i would get scared as i havea 2 year old daughter and i am a young person and it is just the two of us!

04-25-2011, 02:08 PM
[QUOTE=Irisheyes;1431371]well i am different, during the day i am grand i leave all the doors open and windows but at night i would get scared as i havea 2 year old daughter and i am a young person and it is just the two of us![/QUOTE

I know it's hard to be alone at home and especially at night
Be patient for your fiance until God brings you together
and when this will happen (inshaa'allah), you will forget all the bad memories, even your loneliness.
Hard moments,makes us stronger and wiser.

04-25-2011, 02:10 PM
I know it's hard to be alone at home and especially at night
Be patient for your fiance until God brings you together
and when this will happen (inshaa'allah), you will forget all the bad memories, even your loneliness.
Hard moments,makes us stronger and wiser.

04-25-2011, 02:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Sicilian Muslim
I Enjoy being home alone very much ,lol..thats just me i guess...i really dislike a house full of people or very big gatherings
lol, same. but sometimes, when I hear random noises, I *sometimes* do get paranoid.

format_quote Originally Posted by Yassouid
If people knew what I know about the dangers of being alone, no rider would travel alone at night.
(Sayings of Muhammad (pbuh))
Subhanallah, I did not know that! Jazakallahu Khair for sharing that with us!

04-25-2011, 05:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by intik-mks
I know it's hard to be alone at home and especially at night
Be patient for your fiance until God brings you together
and when this will happen (inshaa'allah), you will forget all the bad memories, even your loneliness.
Hard moments,makes us stronger and wiser.
Thank you Intik-mks that is really nice of you and i wait for the day that it will happen xx

04-25-2011, 05:42 PM
I abolustely love being home alone, the only weird sound I hear is the neighbours cat, I do on ocassion lock every single door so that the only thing between me and a burglar is our sturdy front door and if I hear anybody trying to break in then I'd have my fone and landline fone and awesome self defence skills, which burglar would stand a chance?? :p

04-25-2011, 06:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ...FLaWeD...
awesome self defence skills,

When you said you have awesome defence skills, I picture you as this:

No burglar stand a chance, indeed!

Haya emaan
04-25-2011, 07:08 PM
i like to be home alone some times... it feels so comfortable to be only me and my self alone certain times.. but Alhamdulilah m not scared.. when its dark and scary sounds around the house i just close all the doors..

bieng alone in the nights at home is the best time to imagine the darkness and loneliness of the grave where u will be burried ALONE after your death...

04-25-2011, 08:30 PM
In December i was due my little boy, and the house was filled with excitement. I would take my two daughters off to school in the morning and then fill my days with the excitement of my impending arrival. But Subanh'Allah i lost my son, he was stillborn at term. My daughters returned to school and my husband returned to work. I was alone, some days all i could do was cry.

But the mercy of Allah(Swt) the structure of my day was through pray. Yes i have lost my son but through the blessing of Allah(swt) i never feel alone. I have a copy of the Qu'ran nearby and in between my prays i read and try my best to understand what my creator is asking of me. So yes i was afraid of being alone, but Allah(swt) helps me through. :)

04-29-2011, 12:07 AM
I voted yes, and im female. Its only under certain conditions. I'm scared to be alone when it is dark outside and I get paranoid check the doors many times..have my phone handy. or when someone takes a trip or vacation im scared all day..and cry.

04-29-2011, 04:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by naidamar

When you said you have awesome defence skills, I picture you as this:

No burglar stand a chance, indeed!
If only I was that kool =P

08-14-2011, 03:11 AM

I will be honest. I am a female and sometimes I am afraid to be alone. What scares me is because my neighborhood is has alot of bad people in it, but if it was a safe place I wouldn't be... But recently I took self defense classes, so I feel more comfortable...

What is the most scariest thing is that I will have to move out soon for Law school and I will have to live alone. But my brothers will be there here and there so that's a great thing :D

08-14-2011, 03:16 AM
Masha-Allah, My fiance lives in Texas Houston and she's alone with her child... She often tells me that she hates it there. I'm just saving enough money to fly over and bring her here (to London), Insha-Allah...

...It's tough for women.


Who Am I?
08-14-2011, 04:32 AM
Well I live alone, so I can't very well be too afraid.

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