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View Full Version : married life is not as easy and fun as i thought it would be

01-09-2010, 04:04 PM
salams all, i got married 1 year ago, i knew my wife previously for almost 2 years. we were so into each other before getting married ect.. and decided we wanted to get married instead of hanging around and commiting sins we were both very serious about it, we both are very mature for our ages. married life has been ok 1st half of the year but now its so difficult and stressful. we decided to live in my family house with everyone after getting married to give it a go and c how everything goes cos we thought it would be rude just to leave and find our own place. afta all these months living together everything has changed my wife absolutly hates my family when i say family i mean everyone including mum n dad, the way they are, their habbits, and just everything. shes always just moaning about anything and everything. iv learnt to just shut up n not say anything and if i get really p'd off i just go out for a while. accoring to my wife she dont need me but i need her. we been talking about moving out past 3 months and have been looking bt nothing suitable is available because her expectations r so high i dnt blame her because she could afford it on her own if she wantd to, she has a gd job.

the thing is i dont know what to do. isit gonna get better? whats the point in being together if she will never accept my family? question like these are going through my head at the moment. i dnt feel happy and i know she dont either. there are times where we both are happy but sumthing happens and the mood goes crap again.

what do i do?????? i need advice

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Alpha Dude
01-09-2010, 04:30 PM
Wa alaykum salam,

Well, it seems the first thing that has to be done is to find your own place. InshaAllah with a bit of space and privacy, your wife will come to be more tolerant of your family.

It seems clear (from what you write) that she needs her own space and that is the issue which is causing the most strain in your lives. I'd say you need to guide her into lowering her expectations. I don't understand why she wouldn't already though, if she is so stressed at home as it is? Prompt her - what is more important, a harmonious marriage free from stress, or material things like aesthetics of a house? Even if she can't stand something that doesn't live up to her standards, why not accept something sub-par on a temp basis only, with the goal of moving as soon as you find something better?

01-09-2010, 04:34 PM
do you think your wife has a point when she moans about your family or is she nit picking at minor things?

- Qatada -
01-09-2010, 04:51 PM

First of all, welcome to marriage bro. :) lol.

1) Nearly all marriages are like this.

2) If your parents don't mind, why not have some separation temporarily?

3) If you can't make them get along, then give them space so that atleast - they don't argue. Silence and no arguing is better than keeping them close and always arguing.

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cat eyes
01-09-2010, 05:08 PM
married couple should be living together alone and not with family. there will be always some misunderstandings and arguing thats natural. if u are working and she is working then the two of u should get apartment together if she dose not agree to this then ask her why is she moaning. you don't need to be afraid, you are the husband after all and the husband deserves respect. the two of you can go halves on the expenses of the flat/house or whatever you plan to rent. this is called compromising there is no other easy solution to this when money is tight on your part

01-09-2010, 05:18 PM
she does need space i agree she says her self she needs it because any room she goes into theres always some 1 there or some 1 to bother her so ends up staying in the bedroom. she does have a point when she moans about my family i can understand bcos shes used to how things were done in her mothers house, it could be equipment not working around the house, people not cleaning up after them self that sort of stuff. but its constant and now anythin small sets her off, she rerally has had enough of this house yeh. so yeh i think i will look for a place but the thing is am the type of person that can live anywhere as long as its reasonable i dnt have high expectations. but the other half wants to live in a nice area without chavs, off road parking nice size rooms n the house has to be perfect and to her standard and its likely to be expensive sumthing which i wont b able to afford bt shes hppy to pay her ways she says which will make feel like am not needed. i do tell her to go her mothers house for a couple of days just so we both can get space bt theres not much room there.
i now personally think when some 1 gets married they should have their own place straight away its so much healthy that way for everyone. right i think am gna get a place a.s.a.p and c how things go from there...

Ibn Abi Ahmed
01-09-2010, 05:25 PM

Until you can find a space, take a vacation together far away. Fly out somewhere, relax and spend time with each other, i.e. spend some quality bonding time together away from family. Vacations are not a luxury, they're a necessity.

01-09-2010, 05:28 PM
You know, there is a big difference between getting on with your In law's and living with your in law's.

When I used to live with my ex, I got on with his parents extremely well, I used to go out places with them, take them shopping, they used to take me with them if they went out for the day. But it got to a point where, they were taking stuff for granted, like if they knew I was at home, they'd call and say please can you take us here, please can you get this for us and it started to get on my nerves. On my days off from uni, I used to go up to the campus just so they wouldn't keep hassling me all the time. My ex thought I was just being silly, but it was a real problem, I didn't like saying no to them, but I had other things to do then run around after them because they thought i was just at home and needed nothing better to do.

I suggest you both move out and have your own space, even if it's just for a couple of months, you could sign a 3 month contract and if your not happy you can both move and find somewhere else.

I'm sure she has nothing against your family, it's just hard for her if she needs her own space, she might feel like she has to behave a certain way around them and if she feels like she can't relax, that isn't going to help the situation at all.

Brother, I hope you get it sorted out soon. May Allah bless you both.

01-09-2010, 05:31 PM
her going to her mums house a few days wont really help things in the long run, if her expectation towards a house is too high then tell her to compromise a little bit atleast, but in any case if she is earning then dont feel ashamed or unmanly if she is willing to pay half for the house. im assuming the house will be 'half hers' anyway so if that makes it easier and she can get the house you can both afford together then some space will inshaAllah really help you both.

01-09-2010, 05:33 PM
thank you for the advice everyone. i will b gettin a place soon and c how things go from there.

01-09-2010, 11:12 PM
Being newly married requires a period of getting know each other and growing as a couple. That is much easier done when you have privacy and space for and time with each other.

Hopefully things will get better when you two find your own place.

I wish you every blessing and happiness in your marriage!

01-09-2010, 11:22 PM
You shoulda mooooved son! whats wrong with you staying with your family?!......you needed privacy for your marriage to blossom

but inshallah it should alright so long as u spend together time on your own

01-09-2010, 11:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes
married couple should be living together alone and not with family. there will be always some misunderstandings and arguing thats natural. if u are working and she is working then the two of u should get apartment together if she dose not agree to this then ask her why is she moaning. you don't need to be afraid, you are the husband after all and the husband deserves respect. the two of you can go halves on the expenses of the flat/house or whatever you plan to rent. this is called compromising there is no other easy solution to this when money is tight on your part
I disagree. My parents have more rights on me than some run of the mill girl who I make my wife after spending 25 ish years of life with my parents. Its not Islamic to move out and leave one's parents in isolation and agony as they are aging.

From what I see is the trend among girls, I am gonna make sure that I make this a part of my marriage contract that my parents will live with me inshALLAH even after marriage. If the wife-to-be has problems, she can choose not to marry me. Personally, I would not care. Hoor's are better. :p

01-09-2010, 11:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist
I disagree. My parents have more rights on me than some run of the mill girl who I made my wife after spending 25 ish years of life with my parents. Its not Islamic to move out and leave one's parents in isolation and agony as they are aging.

From what I see is the trend among girls, I am gonna make sure that I make this a part of my marriage contract that my parents will live with me inshALLAH even after marriage. If the wife-to-be has problems, she can choose not to marry me. Personally, I would not care. Hoor's are better. :p
How would you feel if she felt the same way? If she wanted you to live with her parents?

01-09-2010, 11:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist
I disagree. My parents have more rights on me than some run of the mill girl who I made my wife after spending 25 ish years of life with my parents. Its not Islamic to move out and leave one's parents in isolation and agony as they are aging.
Some 'run of the mill girl'? Strange way to speak about your future wife ... :hmm:

Anyway, why not do both - find your own place and support your parents? You don't have to move to another country - just round the corner might do it.

01-09-2010, 11:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mystical_moon
How would you feel if she felt the same way? If she wanted you to live with her parents?
I am not sure if her parents would want to keep their daughter with them for ever unless she works and supports them .... I, personally, would not want to do that and if she does not agree, I am not dying to get married to such a girl, anyways. With that said, I do not care how would I feel or how would she feel, what matters is how would Allah "feel."

"We say to you:

When it comes to honouring your parents and upholding ties with them, it is undoubtedly better to stay with them to serve them and take care of them. Abu Hurayrah stayed with his mother and he did not do Hajj until she died, so that he could keep her company, as it says in Saheeh Muslim (1665). The fuqaha’ stated that it is haraam for a son to travel to seek knowledge or engage in business if that will result in neglect of his parents.

It says in al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah (3/156):

If he – the son – wants to go out to seek knowledge in another country, or engage in trade, but he fears that his parents may be neglected, then he does not have the right to go out without their permission.

The basic principle with regard to that is the report narrated by Abu Dawood (2528) and al-Nasaa’i (4163), that a man came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: I have come to swear allegiance to you and pledge to migrate, and I have left my parents weeping. He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Go back and make them smile as you have made them weep.”

Classed as saheeh by Ibn al-Mulqin in al-Badr al-Muneer (9/40) and al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

Abd ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas narrated that a man came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: O Messenger of Allaah, should I go for jihad? He said: Do you have parents? He said: Yes. He said: Then your jihad is with them. Agreed upon. End quote.

But if it will not result in any neglect of the parents, and they have others around who can look after them, or they are able to look after themselves, then he may go out to seek knowledge or do business, and it is not essential to have their permission. "



I got married four months ago, and I promised my wife that she would have her own place to live, but because it was so difficult to find suitable accommodation in my city, I asked her to let us live with my family temporarily.
Is it permissible for her parents to object to us moving in with my family?.

Praise be to Allaah.
Accommodation is one of the wife’s rights that the husband is obliged to provide, according to scholarly consensus, because Allaah has given the woman who is revocably divorced (first or second talaaq) the right to accommodation provided by her husband, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Lodge them (the divorced women) where you dwell, according to your means”

[al-Talaaq 65:6] .

So the right to accommodation is even more certain in the case of one who is still married, because Allaah has enjoined kind treatment between spouses as He says (interpretation of the meaning): “and live with them honourably” [al-Nisa’ 4:19]. Part of living with them honourably is providing one’s wife with accommodation where she feels safe. Similarly, a wife cannot do without accommodation to conceal her from the gaze of others and where she can relax and feel that her property is safe. Hence accommodation is a right that she has over her husband.

The majority of Hanafi, Shaafa’i and Hanbali fuqaha’ are of the view that the wife has the right to accommodation that is separate from her husband’s relatives, and she has the right to refuse to live with his father or mother or both.

The Maalikis are of the view that a distinction is to be made between a wife of noble status and a wife of lowly status. They said that it is not permissible to make a wife of noble status live with one’s parents, but that is permissible with regard to a wife of lowly status, unless making the wife of lowly status live with the parents will cause her harm. See: al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah (25/109), al-Sharh al-Sagheer ‘ala Mukhtasar Khaleel (2/737).

But what is meant by accommodation according to the fuqaha’ is providing her with a room that has a door and a lock, along with a bathroom and kitchen, unless they are poor and are content to share a kitchen and bathroom.

Ibn ‘Aabideen said in his Haashiyah (3/600): The phrase “a separate house” means a place to spend the night, which is a separate, specific place. It seems that what is meant by separate is a place that is hers alone and she does not share it with anyone else in the household. “With a lock” means that which is locked and opened with a key. “… bathroom and kitchen” means a washroom and a place for cooking which are inside the room or the house, and she does not share them with any other member of the household. I (Ibn ‘Aabideen) say: And that should be the case with regard to people who are not poor, so that each person has his own room and some shared facilities such as the bathroom, oven and well.

See also question no. 7653.


If the wife agrees to live with your family, there is nothing wrong with that, because she is giving up her right. Her parents have no right to object to that, so long as she is an adult of sound mind.

She has the right to withdraw this agreement, because her right to separate accommodation is not forfeited by her giving it up.


The wife’s living with her husband’s family should be free of any haraam things such as the husband’s brothers, paternal uncles etc being alone with her or looking at her.

It is well known that it is not permissible for a woman to be alone with, shake hands with or uncover any part of her ‘awrah in front of her husband’s brothers, because they are strangers to her like any other non-mahrams; rather there should be even more caution in their case, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Beware of entering upon women.” An Ansaari man said: O Messenger of Allaah, what about the in-law? He said: “The in-law is death.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (4934) and Muslim (2172). al-Layth ibn Sa’d said: The in-law is the brother of the husband and similar relatives of the husband such as his cousin and the like.

Narrated by Muslim.

That depends on the situation of both the wife and of the husband’s family, and whether both parties can put up with sharing accommodation and living space. It seems that nowadays married life is affected greatly by such circumstances, and many problems between both parties are caused by sharing accommodation, to such an extent that it is very rare to find a happy and calm married life when sharing living space with the husband’s family. Perhaps it is because all people have seen such things that your wife’s family have objected to your moving in with your family, out of concern for your marriage, and they are not being stubborn or trying to control you and your family.

We ask Allaah to help you to do that which is good and to help you and your family and your wife.

And Allaah knows best.


With it being a part of marriage contract, she can have her "separate accommodation" within a husband's house in which he also lets his parents live. I take a different stance on this issue than my Muslim friends because I feel that my parents did not give birth to me so that I can leave them on their own when I get married and start indulging in self-pleasures. I feel it is my responsibility to try to spend enough time with them that they do not feel abandoned.

01-09-2010, 11:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Some 'run of the mill girl'? Strange way to speak about your future wife ... :hmm:

Anyway, why not do both - find your own place and support your parents? You don't have to move to another country - just round the corner might do it.
Dont mess with the Scientist...he has a no nonsense attitude

01-09-2010, 11:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
Dont mess with the Scientist...he has a no nonsense attitude
I'm not messing with anybody. I am expressing my thoughts and opinion on the matter.

I am sure the Scientist is fine with that. :)

01-09-2010, 11:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
Dont mess with the Scientist...he has a no nonsense attitude
is that supposed to be a sarcasm?

01-09-2010, 11:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Some 'run of the mill girl'? Strange way to speak about your future wife ... :hmm:

Anyway, why not do both - find your own place and support your parents? You don't have to move to another country - just round the corner might do it.
I have only two parents. A unique set of two individuals. My future wife could be anyone from billion of girls. Get the idea what I meant by "run of the mill?" Sorry if it sounded strange, but I was never into becoming acquainted with the world?? A believer is a stranger.

cat eyes
01-10-2010, 12:41 AM
:sl: bro scientist your heart is in the right place however it seems that you are trying to implement your own rules in to the rights of the wife in islam. theres no doubt about it i would cherish my mother inlaw and kiss the ground she walks on id spend so much time with her and never take her for granted like some people do with there mothers. i know what its like to lose a mother at a young age and the feeling is horrible.. cant put into words like you have lost an Angel so if anything id cherish my mum in law til the death.

but you seem to be judging people brother people whom you don't even know. only Allah knows this girls situation. until we are in that situation oursleves then we will know and as far as my knowledge is this sister has obligations to her own mother only and not to her husbands mother. she dose not have to live with her but be kind to her even if she dislikes her this is what islam teaches brother. she is human at the end of the day. she has a right to her own place. islam allows this brother please seek knowledge about this inshaAllah

01-10-2010, 12:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes
:sl: bro scientist your heart is in the right place however it seems that you are trying to implement your own rules in to the rights of the wife in islam. theres no doubt about it i would cherish my mother inlaw and kiss the ground she walks on id spend so much time with her and never take her for granted like some people do with there mothers. i know what its like to lose a mother at a young age and the feeling is horrible.. cant put into words like you have lost an Angel so if anything id cherish my mum in law til the death.

but you seem to be judging people brother people whom you don't even know. only Allah knows this girls situation. until we are in that situation oursleves then we will know and as far as my knowledge is this sister has obligations to her own mother only and not to her husbands mother. she dose not have to live with her but be kind to her even if she dislikes her this is what islam teaches brother. she is human at the end of the day. she has a right to her own place. islam allows this brother please seek knowledge about this inshaAllah
jazakAllah sister. I quoted from islamqa.com that she has a right to her own place. Now she can demand that place as a separate room in the same house or a separate house. Its up to her to decide inshALLAH.

01-10-2010, 01:18 AM
Hmmmmm:hmm: so whats the problem?? Welcome to marriage bro:D

Part of the problem is that you both went into this thinking you were more mature than you are (about relationships). These problems are to be expected. It's not always fun and roses.

You need to get your own place. You and your wife need your space. You need to grow in a relaionship together, that is made difficult with having a house full of family, especially since you have only been married one year.

Don't let the stess of all these things pull you 2 apart. Lower your standards just a little when it comes to your living condition, you are just starting a new life together.:D You have plenty of time to worry about buying the Taj Mahal for her;D

At least this would let you start your marriage of right by being married to your wife......not the whole family:p

I know noone whants to listen to the token Christian dude here, but....I am married....and men are men......and women are women.

One more piece of advice, she is your wife now, don't ignore her feelings towards your family. And make sure to communicate, don't just keep your mouth shut, I used to be that way and it makes things worseimsad.

God give you and your wife peace and blessings, God may their marriage be long and prosperous. Ameen.

01-10-2010, 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist
I disagree. My parents have more rights on me than some run of the mill girl who I made my wife after spending 25 ish years of life with my parents. Its not Islamic to move out and leave one's parents in isolation and agony as they are aging.
:sl: There is nothing wrong in wanting that. Any God fearing son would think twice before deserting his parents in their old age.

However, it isn't islamic either to burden a daughter-in-law beyond her capabilities. If a family is admirable in their principles of fairness and justice and treat her like a daughter, then it'll be a happy home and most women would willingly look after her husband's parents.

I strongly believe that if want something we have to make ourselves worthy of it. I'm not saying you or you're family are not. I'm pointing out something which is easily ignored in general by too many people.


Muslim Woman
01-10-2010, 01:48 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender
... any room she goes into theres always some 1 there or some 1 to bother her ...

what do mean by to bother her ?? I live in a jont family and except my bedroom , no space to go without meeting at least one person .

I don't agree with this comment that each couple should live seperately. If all leave home after marriage , then who will take care of parents ? Now a days , it's beoming common in my country that girls can't stand in laws and in many cases they force husband to send parent to old home. I wonder if they ever thought that they might face the same fate.

To the OP , if it's impossible for ur wife to live with ur parents , then try to live nearby . So that ur wife can have her own flat and u can visit ur parents regularly . U don't have to hire a big , luxurious flat . Try to convince her that there will be many rewards for each good thing u 2 are doing for family members but living in a luxurious flat won't bring u the same rewards. And Allah knows Best.

May Allah bless your marriage , Ameen.

Muslim Woman
01-10-2010, 01:56 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by Italianguy
.. you are just starting a new life together.:D You have plenty of time to worry about buying the Taj Mahal for her;D


it's a very good point that many couples don't understand .

01-10-2010, 02:49 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Woman

it's a very good point that many couples don't understand .
Thanks. I think these young'ns think that marriage is all fun and games.....all the time. Marriage is a beautifull thing....if you work hard to keep it that way:D. They will be alright. They just need time to really get started in their new journey, it's a wonderfull journey, they will see that. You just have to be able to take the bumps in the road to happiness with eachother.......without the roadrage:raging:.lol

Oh yeah...and don't forget communication, communication, communication.......and just so they don't forget.......COMMUNICATE! ....I learned that the hard way, but who am i to give advice......everyone of these newlyweds have all the answers right?;D;D

01-10-2010, 07:19 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist
I have only two parents. A unique set of two individuals. My future wife could be anyone from billion of girls. Get the idea what I meant by "run of the mill?" Sorry if it sounded strange, but I was never into becoming acquainted with the world?? A believer is a stranger.
I am fairly sure that we agree on two things:
  1. We should love, respect and support our parents, and show them the gratitude they deserve for raising us
  2. We should respect and love our spouses, speak and think of them and act towards them in loving and caring terms

We may have different ways of putting those things into words, but our values are probably not that different.

By the way, a stranger is just a friend you don't yet know. :)

(Anyway, I am being aware that this is a thread asking for advice, so I don't want to take it off topic)

Muslim Woman
01-10-2010, 07:41 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by mystical_moon
How would you feel if she felt the same way? If she wanted you to live with her parents?
In Islam , it's men's duty to take care of and spend money for parents and family members . So , if a wife wants her husband to stay with her at her parents res , she should mentioned it earlier and not after marriage .

My friend is the only child of her parents. So , when any proposal comes , her 2 conditions are they will live near to her parent's home and she won't live in the same flat with in- laws.

It's better to settle down these matter before marriage ; so that couples do not have to fight after marriage.

01-10-2010, 02:17 PM
it could be akward if there's non mehram men in the same house like brother in laws, and two queen's in the same castle always end up disagreeing :p

01-11-2010, 01:50 AM

Lol... :X

This is the period when a wife who is not used to new situation and environment...to moan and complaining...

Lol i give her 3 years then InshaAllah she will change provided she is the very nice girl :X

Anyway akhee... is normal to find the bad things and habits about relatives. I just knew them...and i've been living closed to my relatives (only next door :uuh - we even have a door connecting to our houses) and been staying with me since i was baby... :X

and i do wish i could live on my own... just me and my small family. But i can't because my mother is staying alone and she is very close with her family. And true...sometimes we argue and had our misunderstandings. But that does not stop us from treating each other nice, show respects and just have conversations.

It takes years for me to appreciate why i've to keep on living with my family lol. Thats the time i can always help them whenever they need me and vice versa, and thats the time for me to appreciate my family more, and thats the time to make me a better person (and even to my children). And i know Allah swt will reward me for this...for being close with them and giving the hand they need.

However, i couldn't agree more that living with family takes up lots of energy, your space, your time and etc.

Alhamdulillah my husband is most wonderful, respecting my mother, my family and enjoying having conversation with them...and he is so helpful in so many ways. And i'm so grateful to Allah for my husband to be so understanding.

But i'm sure is different to a man...than a woman. A woman is not easy to tolerate different environment and situations...but she can change provided she wants to change to be a nicer person. That may takes time though... lol. As a husband you just need to understand and be there for her. If you don't like to complain her much just tell her nicely...InshaAllah she will toned down. She will understand i'm sure...is just a mater of time for her to adapt.

cat eyes
01-11-2010, 09:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by KittenLover
it could be akward if there's non mehram men in the same house like brother in laws, and two queen's in the same castle always end up disagreeing :p
indeed thats true loads of sisters i know who come from pakistani family have this problem but it might be that they need dawah :) you will get reward from Allah for the intention

01-12-2010, 01:23 AM
wow just checked my thread by random didint think there would be so many replies.... i have 3 brother in the house who are not married at tha moment, 2 are older and 1 younger than me, also 2 sister in the house and mum and dad. i just think its really hard to live when you have a big family and live in a terraced house and also being asian doesnt help. i really dnt wanna leave my mum but iv got to, i have to leave the house to really make my marriage work.

01-12-2010, 01:32 AM
^^^InshaAllah... don't worry too much. With lots of duas and prayers InshaAllah everything will goes smoothly. You'll be in our duas :)

01-12-2010, 02:52 AM
Salam Bro,

I think you need to have a long honest conversation alone with your wife about what you both need from your marriage. You may want to give her some choices, like moving into an apartment for awhile or stay living at your parents so you can save for a house. She may be able relax about your family more if she could see her dream house as a real possibility in the future. Or more likely, she will want to move as soon as possible where she can be queen of her own castle. Women (generally speaking) have a need to create their own space. You need to also tell her what you need in your marriage and how your family is of the utmost importance to you. May Allah bless your marriage and grant you peace.

01-12-2010, 04:34 AM
I think you need to have a long honest conversation alone with your wife about what you both need from your marriage. You may want to give her some choices, like moving into an apartment for awhile or stay living at your parents so you can save for a house. She may be able relax about your family more if she could see her dream house as a real possibility in the future. Or more likely, she will want to move as soon as possible where she can be queen of her own castle. Women (generally speaking) have a need to create their own space. You need to also tell her what you need in your marriage and how your family is of the utmost importance to you. May Allah bless your marriage and grant you peace.

01-12-2010, 01:45 PM
thank you all for ur advice n support may allah swt reward u all.

01-12-2010, 08:11 PM
I think your wife needs some islamic counseling and i think you need to put your foot down. This is coming from a young women who grew up in America mind you. There are limits to everything. She is pushing hers. When a women enters a family she must learn to live with the habits of her husband and his family. It is her duty. Unless they are subjecting her to some cruelties, which in that case there would need to be other issues addressed. However if all she is doing is complaining and being rude, you need to put your foot down. When push comes to shove she will have to make a choice, what is more important.

01-12-2010, 09:12 PM
Respecting the inlaws is very important but she married you not your entire family i'm assuming this whole situation comes down to culture because this whole living with your husbands family in one house is strange to me. You are however a married couple and communication is key. There should be no "my way or the highway" type attitude cause it can only lead to resentment in the long run.

Hamza Asadullah
01-13-2010, 12:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender
wow just checked my thread by random didint think there would be so many replies.... i have 3 brother in the house who are not married at tha moment, 2 are older and 1 younger than me, also 2 sister in the house and mum and dad. i just think its really hard to live when you have a big family and live in a terraced house and also being asian doesnt help. i really dnt wanna leave my mum but iv got to, i have to leave the house to really make my marriage work.

Brother if that is the case then she has a right to demand to live in a seperate place. Your brothers are not her mahram therefore she cannot mix with them or be around them.

A wife has a right to have her own living space and living in such cramp conditions with all of your brothers is not acceptable. You should have moved out when you first married her for it is not right for her to live with non mahrams.

I could understand if you were the only son but you have 3 brothers in your house so your mother is certainly not alone.

If it was just you and your sisters then it is understandable but as far as your situation goes right now then you should certainly move out immediatley and your wife has a right to tell you to do so.

No wonder she has been left feeling confined, restricted and claustrophobic that she feels the ned to go into the barthroom for space. She has a right to have her own personal space with you otherwise how will your relationship and marriage progress?

She cannot continue living with non mahrams so find a place nearby where you can keep close contact with your family but whatever you do move out immediatley and get your own place and inshallah things will be fine.

and Allah knows best.


01-13-2010, 11:44 PM
hamza your totally right. am viewing a house on sat comming. inshallah it will be a suitable house.

01-13-2010, 11:50 PM
^ thats good :)

01-14-2010, 12:02 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender
hamza your totally right. am viewing a house on sat comming. inshallah it will be a suitable house.
Alhamdillah - Insh'Allah it will be lovely house, brother. :nervous:

Ummu Sufyaan
01-14-2010, 01:58 AM
if you ask a lot of couples what their relationship and marriage was during their early stages after marriage, you will probably find that a lot went through difficulty and it makes sense that they did because most likely, people will marry someone they dont really know and have had only brief conversations and meeting with them, so when living together they will most likely be a few mishaps and arguments then and there due to their lack of understanding of one another.

but this isnt something to loose your patience over. on the contrary, misunderstanding and little flaws gives a chance for the relationship to flourish and for you to understand better your spouse. your job is to try to understand one another better by communication so that you know what the problem is and try to remove it. in this case the solution is to advise your wife not to speak ill of your family and go and look for separate accommodation.

and lastly, remove that presumption out of your mind that marriage is all rosy! not the case at all!

Eric H
01-14-2010, 07:23 AM
Greetings and peace be with you AnonymousGender; I hope you are both well.
i have to leave the house to really make my marriage work
When you move out of the house, you escape from one set of problems, but the journey through life and marriage, will bring up a new set of problems. It almost seems that we constantly blunder, from one set of problems into another.

Relationships and getting on with other people is one of the hardest things we do in life. The longer you are together, it seems the more effort and the harder you have to try, to keep loving each other.

In order to find peace, try and understand this prayer….

Lord Grant me the peace and serenity to live with the things I cannot change.
Grant me the courage to change the things I can.
And the wisdom to know the difference.

You cannot change other people, or what happened yesterday, you cannot change where you live today.

You can only change yourself, and your attitude to these problems,

The wisdom to know the difference, how do I live in peace with myself and others, despite all the aggravation, and all the things I cannot change today?

In the spirit of praying for an inner peace that surpasses all understanding


01-14-2010, 07:25 AM
Have you read this akhee? Maybe this can help abit... :hiding:


01-14-2010, 02:55 PM

sounds like the story of my life. I suggest get your own place and start givnig your wife more of ur attention and time. also, dont expect too much of her. i am sure she will get on just fine with your family. but she needs to do it of her own accord not through force.

01-14-2010, 06:35 PM
I had seen a movie once in which the couple keeps fighting and stuff and the movie did not have a happy ending.

Brother, I live in a mixed environment and I see these situations almost everyday. I'm single and I get scared sometimes to get married just because of the issues that I see between Man and Wife.

I'm not a married man but I'll just hope that my advice can help you. You guys have had a love marriage and so its not just your family that could be upsetting your wife, it could also be the changes in the relationship and in both of you which she might be finding difficult to adjust to. I recently read an article about keeping your partner happy in a magazine and one of the things mentioned in that article was that keep checking if your partner is happy/bored with you because it could be possible that he/she just enjoyed being chased and now that the chase is over they might not be much interested in you as a person. Thats human nature. We keep hearing about moaning couples saying He's changed/She's changed.

For me, Love is a mystery and it ought to be that way as Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala) is the controller of the hearts and he keeps turning them the way he wills.

Its difficult for any sensitive man to move out of his parents' house so that he can live alone with his wife and leave the aging parents alone and moreover it is more important for us to please our parents than finding space for one's self.

So talk her through all this, take her out on dates, be with her the way you used to before marriage. Look good for her. Take her shopping, wear the shirts she picks for you (even pink, if that's what she likes :exhausted). Surprise her with something at least once in a week. Occasionally lift her, I've heard that makes women go crazy. :giggling: Just make her feel that she's very special and tell her that you can't leave your family. Communication is always the key. And try to make things possible for her which aren't so now at your parents' house.

And most importantly, make dua to Allah that He gives your wife patience and love for you and your family.

I'd have written more but I think I've already violated the rules so I better shut up now. :)


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