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View Full Version : new muslim - wavering faith

01-18-2010, 09:21 PM

Dear brothers and sisters, I'm going through a difficult time right now with my faith. Sometimes I feel maybe I jumped into islam too soon, everything is a struggle for me. From my understanding the religion is not suppose to be difficult but I feel like I can't do anything right in Islam.

I will give you some background info on me. I was born into the Christian faith and baptized, however my family was not religious we did not attend church. When I was a teenager I converted to a pagan religion and practiced that for almost 10 years. My father passed away suddenly when I was 18. I was traumatized. One day when I was in a state of absolute agony I had a vision of angels by the 1000s swarming me in the room I was in. They pulled me upstairs and had me open a drawer in a dresser (which I never look in) which had a bible. Prior to this I never really looked at a bible and shortly after I converted back to Christianity.

When I was in university my high-school friend from back home discovered Islam. For years I thought she had lost her mind. She spent a lot of time attempting to convert me. After while I became obsessed with Islam. I spent all my time studying and reading about it. After sometime I converted myself. This original friend who brought me to Islam no longer practices now, but last I talked to her about it she tells me she's still a believer.

The problem I'm having now is I feel a tug in my heart to go back to Christianity. Christians tell me I'm doing all this work to please God for nothing and I will be doomed to the hell-fire unless I accept back their 'free gift' from God. I never viewed Jesus pbuh as God when I was christian, but as a 'path to God'.

Then on the other hand if I was to leave Islam to go back to Christianity I am surely doomed in that respect as well. I don't want to go to hell brothers and sisters.

I prayed to Allah to give me a sign. I saw behind my eyelids a vision of Jesus pbuh. Is this the work of shayton? I'm so confused. I'm constantly ask Allah to guide me to the right faith but I'm afraid I am not seeing His signs.

I won't go into too many details because I know muslims get upset when you talk about your sins. Please forgive me if I've upset anyone thus far with what I've said already. But to be a 'perfect muslim' I have to give up everything in my life. Where I live, my friends, my spouse. I'm terrified and not ready to do such things.

Please be gentle with me brothers and sisters, you all are the only ummah I have in my life.

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01-19-2010, 12:16 AM

Jesus PBUH came to a guy in a dream and he converted to Islam, I am trying to find his story, it was actually posted on here.. you can have dreams about any of the messengers but you really should listen to what they are trying to say.

I know someone who was really in love with prophet Joseph and had a dream of him, does that denote that he should convert to Judaism?

God doesn't visit people in dreams, and Jesus brought no gifts to people, he brought a message of oneness and monotheism, which Christianity is far divorced from. I don't usually like to engage in topics such as these, because I believe faith is an issue between one and God, but just wanted to let you know that having a dream about Jesus shouldn't be interpreted in the way your friends assume..


01-19-2010, 12:28 AM

you might find re-inspiration in the stories here:



01-19-2010, 02:18 AM
From my understanding the religion is not suppose to be difficult but I feel like I can't do anything right in Islam.
Salams... maybe you can explain more it what is the thing you can't do it right?

Whatever it is... you should try to do it step by step...and have sincerity in your heart, whether you do it for Allah swt or for the sake of other people who is watching you.

If you do it sincerely...you will try to do it step by step and not so worried on how others will judge you. :)

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01-19-2010, 02:27 AM
Thank you sisters for your replies, I am going to go through the suggested links, inshallah.

I have a really hard time with prayers and fasting as an example. I know one is suppose to look at these requirements with joy. I find them to be a burden. :( I feel remorseful for feeling this way. I guess this is a sign of my weak faith? Maybe the more I study Islam the stronger my faith will grow? Inshallah.

01-19-2010, 02:33 AM
It takes practices to be able to do it with joy. Now the time is for learning... before you are able to do it with ease. Just remind yourself like a children who is start learning.

Furthermore to do fastings you need to do in a proper way, you have to wake up for sahr ...and should practice beforehand. Start fasting for a half day.

01-19-2010, 02:34 AM
pls.. I lived in Saudi Arabia and found it a burden to pray.. it really came to me after a long while, and I learned why my parents and siblings used to nag me.. they really wanted me to get into the habit of shedding laziness.. having sincere prayer, really comes after a while for many (myself included) keeping up with the rituals amongst other things enables you to overcome the doubt that has overtaken you..

sort of like if you were depressed and then you succumb to depression by falling asleep and never getting out of bed.. but when people force you to work and play, your heart might not really be into it, but you develop a habit of being lively until the spirit and the soul catch up with the body in perfect harmony..

I'll keep you in my du3... it is really all I can offer you for now, as well, I ask you to make so many supplications..

I just read this hadith today, I love it..

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Allah (mighty and sublime be He) said:

Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory (extra) works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him.”

It was related by al-Bukhari.


01-19-2010, 02:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender
Thank you sisters for your replies, I am going to go through the suggested links, inshallah.

I have a really hard time with prayers and fasting as an example. I know one is suppose to look at these requirements with joy. I find them to be a burden. :( I feel remorseful for feeling this way. I guess this is a sign of my weak faith? Maybe the more I study Islam the stronger my faith will grow? Inshallah.
Actually sis, I believe it a direct sign of "true faith" rather than weak faith. You feel bad about doing something that you know you should be doing. That is because you believe in Allah and have accepted Islam and you seem to want to follow and practice it to the best of your ability and you feel remorseful when you fall short.
That doesn't sound weak to me.
We all have our struggles and things that we find difficult. It is different for everybody. I don't know how long you have been a Muslim but try to do things slowly and at a comfortable pace for you. Work on the praying and try to build yourself up to doing the five farhd prayers insh'Allah. I am sure you are not the only one who find it difficult to fast at first. It takes time to get used to it but just remember why. Sometimes if you research the reasons why you are doing things other than the obvious of pleasing Allah ta'aala, it makes it a lot easier.

Verily after every trial there is ease.
That is repeated 3 times in the Quran.

Sis Skye,
That was a beautiful hadith. It actually brought tears to my eyes. SubhanAllah. Thank you for posting it.

01-19-2010, 05:14 AM
Assalamu alaykum,

I can see why Christianity appeals sis. There are no restrictions, no hard work yet it promises salvation. There was a time when I was an ignorant muslim, and it appealed to me too. I know there are a great deal of restrictions in Islams, and a 1/100 part of me sometimes wishes it wasn't so. But then I can see the logic in prevention being better than cure, and I can't fault Islam even if I tried.

Now though, I feel sorry for followers of the Christian faith. Why, you might ask? I've come to know what the Bible teaches and ask myself how any sane person can follow a Book that has become a ghostly resemblance to the Original Message it once was. I would not even be able to operate a machinery whose manual had been changed to instruct opposite to the genuine instructions, then how could a person live their life by a Book which has lost the original message it once contained? I can give you proof that the Bible contains some of the most vulgar phrases you could imagine. For that reason I can't post them here. Am I trying to show the flaws todays Bible has? Yes of course I am. I would never want a sister in Islam to lose her way after finding herself on the right Path.

About finding it hard to practice Islam. I think almost every one of us will tell you, we also struggle at times. When I'm tired and feel as if I don't want to pray, I think Allah gave me food today. He gave me clothes. He gave me a roof over my head. He gave me mine, and the health and the wellbeing and safety of those close to me. If my neighbour brought around a plate of food, I would thank her. Would I not thank my Lord for all the blessings He has bestowed on me? And I didn't even ask? Don't I feel ashamed stuffing my face with what He provided and not spend 5-10 minutes thanking and worshipping Him because He is worthy of it? Shame on me, shame on me, shame on me! So when I am feeling weak, that is how I chide myself and fight my nafs. And I know my Lord, Allah, doesn't expect me to be a perfect muslim. He only wants me to try my best.

The reward for making an effort..

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Those who recite the Qur’an beautifully are like the noble scribes (angels); but as for those who are struggling to read it with hardship will merit double rewards” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

So you see sis, Allah wants us to try our best. Outward perfection needn't mean the intentions are perfect too. We need to have good intentions and do our best. That is the most important thing. The minutes we spend on salah adds up to just over an hour a day - out of 24 hours. It's nothing. You needn't pray the whole sunnah and nafil rakahs. First get used to praying fardhs regularly inshaAllah. You can also wear socks so as not having to wash your feet each time you make wudhu. In travel/difficulty, you can also combine Duhr prayer with Asr, and Maghrib with Isha. Allah has made Islam easy for us sis.

Also remember, Allah did not bestow prophethood on our blessed Prophet (saw) until he had reached the age of 40. He could've made him a Prophet at the age of 18. But no the Almighty and Merciful Lord, gave him time to mature to handle the responsibility of his mission. Allah didn't send the Quran down in one go. He revealed it over 23 years. People implemented islamic teachings slowly into their lives. No one was expected to change their life overnight. No doubt Allah's wisdom is unlimited and He never burdens a soul more than it's ability. Then would Allah not be patient with you sis? :cry:

Have faith in His Kindness and Mercy sis. Allah hand-picked you to be one of the guided ones. Just do your best. That is all Allah wants. imsad :)


01-19-2010, 08:33 AM
Wow, I read that and it sounded just like my journey to Islam. Very strange.

Anyway, sister.
The other sisters have given alot of good advice here. Keep studying Islam but slowly. Don't get so hepted up trying to do everything, everything becomes easier with time.

Also, if you feel the desire to follow the Christian faith, then follow it. Religion is between you and god or whatever you happen to believe. If you think religion should be easy and the one you are trying to follow isn't and you think another religion would, then personally I think, you should do what is right for you.

This is how I ended up in Islam, but i'm sure it's also how other people end up following their own faith.

01-19-2010, 12:07 PM

Many great sisters have given you some advice so ill keep it short.

This is what you need to watch ( please watch this .. please )

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFFGY...eature=related (part 1 )
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9yax...eature=related (part 2 )

Sister Do you really believe in 1 god who has no equals ( neither prophets nor idols ).. then yes you are a muslim. Remember the shahadah Lailaha illallah wa ashadu anna muhammadan rasulallah.

There is no god but Allah and Prophet muhammed (pbuh) is his messenger.

118. Say those without knowledge: "Why speaketh not Allah unto us? or why cometh not unto us a Sign?" So said the people before them words of similar import. Their hearts are alike. We have indeed made clear the Signs unto any people who hold firmly to Faith (in their hearts).

Surah Al-Baqarah

01-19-2010, 12:09 PM
One reason you are feeling burden is may be you are feeling alone.Don't you have any practising friends.Don't worry there comes a time of life when we all feel burden some times :( . Please bear with you innerself and don't choose the EASY path but choose the right path

01-19-2010, 06:33 PM
How long have you been a Muslim, Anonymous?

Draw closer to God, and I am sure He will guide you and not abandon you!

01-19-2010, 08:23 PM
I cannot express how thankful to Allah I am for all of you and your kindness. :)

Your words have encouraged me, I know now I'm not alone with what I struggle with.

Sister Skye you are right on the mark about shedding laziness. It is my own laziness that creates the burden on me. The same applies in other aspects of my life as well.

Sister Syilla and Sister Donia your kind replies have given me direction on how to go forward from here.

Sister Scents of Jannah - you are right, when laziness creeps up on me I have to focus on what Allah as provided me. He has given me so much and blessed me so often. You have given me perspective - thank you. Regarding the Bible I understand the contradictions are numerous and its appeal to me is the fact it seems to be the easier path to take. Again I think this comes back to my needing to over come laziness.

Sister Mystical Moon, thank you for your kind reply, may Allah help us reverts through our struggles.

Brother Zakirs, yes I believe in the Oneness of God. I will watch these videos now, inshallah, thank you. And no I do not have any practicing Muslim friends right now. I believe Allah will bring them to me when the time is right if it is His will.

Sister Glo, I've been muslim since the summer of 2008. But I didn't practice the entire time. imsad ... Thank you for your kind words :statisfie

01-19-2010, 09:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by zakirs

Many great sisters have given you some advice so ill keep it short.

This is what you need to watch ( please watch this .. please )

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFFGY...eature=related (part 1 )
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9yax...eature=related (part 2 )

Sister Do you really believe in 1 god who has no equals ( neither prophets nor idols ).. then yes you are a muslim. Remember the shahadah Lailaha illallah wa ashadu anna muhammadan rasulallah.

There is no god but Allah and Prophet muhammed (pbuh) is his messenger.

118. Say those without knowledge: "Why speaketh not Allah unto us? or why cometh not unto us a Sign?" So said the people before them words of similar import. Their hearts are alike. We have indeed made clear the Signs unto any people who hold firmly to Faith (in their hearts).

Surah Al-Baqarah

Brother I just watched the video, SubhanAllah - so funny, it lifted my spirit - alhamdillah, I now understand that I cannot expect a sign from Allah just for me but all of His creation is a sign. Thank you again.

01-20-2010, 12:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender
Brother I just watched the video, SubhanAllah - so funny, it lifted my spirit - alhamdillah, I now understand that I cannot expect a sign from Allah just for me but all of His creation is a sign. Thank you again.

:sl: sis

this is a personal experience, but only happens when I am in a very elevated spiritual plane and not when I am a sinner, and I believe that I sin daily.. nonetheless, when I cut myself off from the world for a while (usually during the last ten of Ramadan) I ask then Allah swt for signs and he gives them to me.

Once I had taken my state board exam and was worries about the results, and kept making du3a and salat, then asked Allah swt to give me a sign in an order and that being that he gives me a dream before fajr and then wakes me up at fajr without an alarm or anything and I swear to you he gave me a dream with my actual percentage grade and woke me up five minutes before fajr. I kept thinking it was my subconscious mind asked for the dream again, I had a similar dream not the same one of the same thing and again awakened for fajr and one more time for a total of three...

that is why I am asking you that even during the time when you feel your faith wavering to keep making du3a and requests from Allah swt.

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وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُواْ لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُواْ بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ {186}
[Yusufali 2:186] When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way.

01-20-2010, 12:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye
:sl: sis

this is a personal experience, but only happens when I am in a very elevated spiritual plane and not when I am a sinner, and I believe that I sin daily.. nonetheless, when I cut myself off from the world for a while (usually during the last ten of Ramadan) I ask then Allah swt for signs and he gives them to me.

Once I had taken my state board exam and was worries about the results, and kept making du3a and salat, then asked Allah swt to give me a sign in an order and that being that he gives me a dream before fajr and then wakes me up at fajr without an alarm or anything and I swear to you he gave me a dream with my actual percentage grade and woke me up five minutes before fajr. I kept thinking it was my subconscious mind asked for the dream again, I had a similar dream not the same one of the same thing and again awakened for fajr and one more time for a total of three...

that is why I am asking you that even during the time when you feel your faith wavering to keep making du3a and requests from Allah swt.

were the percentage marks that you saw in dream exactly the same on the real thing which you got later?

01-20-2010, 12:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist
were the percentage marks that you saw in dream exactly the same on the real thing which you got later?


sob7an Allah..


01-20-2010, 12:52 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye

sob7an Allah..

Allah hu akbar. What a convincing sign for you to further strengthen your faith in His existence and mercy.

01-22-2010, 12:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender

Dear brothers and sisters, I'm going through a difficult time right now with my faith. Sometimes I feel maybe I jumped into islam too soon, everything is a struggle for me. From my understanding the religion is not suppose to be difficult but I feel like I can't do anything right in Islam.

I will give you some background info on me. I was born into the Christian faith and baptized, however my family was not religious we did not attend church. When I was a teenager I converted to a pagan religion and practiced that for almost 10 years. My father passed away suddenly when I was 18. I was traumatized. One day when I was in a state of absolute agony I had a vision of angels by the 1000s swarming me in the room I was in. They pulled me upstairs and had me open a drawer in a dresser (which I never look in) which had a bible. Prior to this I never really looked at a bible and shortly after I converted back to Christianity.

When I was in university my high-school friend from back home discovered Islam. For years I thought she had lost her mind. She spent a lot of time attempting to convert me. After while I became obsessed with Islam. I spent all my time studying and reading about it. After sometime I converted myself. This original friend who brought me to Islam no longer practices now, but last I talked to her about it she tells me she's still a believer.

The problem I'm having now is I feel a tug in my heart to go back to Christianity. Christians tell me I'm doing all this work to please God for nothing and I will be doomed to the hell-fire unless I accept back their 'free gift' from God. I never viewed Jesus pbuh as God when I was christian, but as a 'path to God'.

Then on the other hand if I was to leave Islam to go back to Christianity I am surely doomed in that respect as well. I don't want to go to hell brothers and sisters.

I prayed to Allah to give me a sign. I saw behind my eyelids a vision of Jesus pbuh. Is this the work of shayton? I'm so confused. I'm constantly ask Allah to guide me to the right faith but I'm afraid I am not seeing His signs.

I won't go into too many details because I know muslims get upset when you talk about your sins. Please forgive me if I've upset anyone thus far with what I've said already. But to be a 'perfect muslim' I have to give up everything in my life. Where I live, my friends, my spouse. I'm terrified and not ready to do such things.

Please be gentle with me brothers and sisters, you all are the only ummah I have in my life.
Do not listen when people tell you, you will burn in hell. They are trying to scare you. I have had so many Christians tell me the same thing, and a decent amount of Muslims have said that. Personally, I would advise you talk to a spiritual leader if you can find one. (Pretty sure their called Imams? I hope I have that right.) and tell him your problem, see what he recommends. Pray, of course, and pray as much as you can, and try to find the answers through asking for help.

A friend of mine told me this "You have to roll with the punches" and she meant it. It has helped me with everything. I have survived a lot, and will survive a lot more cause of that. You can't let stuff knock you in the jaw, you have to twist with it, and let yourself deflect the hit. If you let yourself get hit, your going to be bruised and scarred. See what I mean friend?

01-22-2010, 12:49 PM
Take some time, and think about who you are inside, where is your heart? You will always come back to islam.

01-22-2010, 03:51 PM
I know how you feel sister. I to was brought up in a Christain family and was babtised when I was nearly 18 but my family was and still are practising Christians. When I converted to Islam over 2 years ago, everything was going well, I was praying, wear hijab ect. Then I moved house from being on my own to living with loads of people. That was hard. After a month of being in a new house, I turned away from Islam and went back to Christiantly to keep everyone happy around me (mainly my family). I fell in love with a guy and did things that is not excepted in either faith. When I moved house again, before the begian of last Ramadan, things had changed in my life, like I split up with the guy I loved. I needed something to focuse on in my life. I begain to think about my faith and I realised that the time I wasn't pratising Islam, the one thing that I wouldn't budge on was Jesus (pbuh) as the son of God. I was thinking of going back to Islam and I began to pray about with God and one day at the begining of Ramadan I got text from one of my muslim friends, inviting me to a Ramadan retreat and I knew I had to go back to Islam. I've been practasing Islam everyday since, as well as fasting for the 1st time, which went well. My family wasn't happy with me but they've excepted it and are kinder happy with it do bring things up that makes me un-happy with them when I see them (but I rather not go into them).
You see some people out there have had the simaler expeaces than you.

01-22-2010, 06:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Esther462
I know how you feel sister. I to was brought up in a Christain family and was babtised when I was nearly 18 but my family was and still are practising Christians. When I converted to Islam over 2 years ago, everything was going well, I was praying, wear hijab ect. Then I moved house from being on my own to living with loads of people. That was hard. After a month of being in a new house, I turned away from Islam and went back to Christiantly to keep everyone happy around me (mainly my family). I fell in love with a guy and did things that is not excepted in either faith. When I moved house again, before the begian of last Ramadan, things had changed in my life, like I split up with the guy I loved. I needed something to focuse on in my life. I begain to think about my faith and I realised that the time I wasn't pratising Islam, the one thing that I wouldn't budge on was Jesus (pbuh) as the son of God. I was thinking of going back to Islam and I began to pray about with God and one day at the begining of Ramadan I got text from one of my muslim friends, inviting me to a Ramadan retreat and I knew I had to go back to Islam. I've been practasing Islam everyday since, as well as fasting for the 1st time, which went well. My family wasn't happy with me but they've excepted it and are kinder happy with it do bring things up that makes me un-happy with them when I see them (but I rather not go into them).
You see some people out there have had the simaler expeaces than you.
May Allah make your iman stronger by the day sis :) :sl:

to poster: Yep.. thats why i wanted to show you the video.

cat eyes
01-27-2010, 12:30 AM

dear anonymous all these doubts boil down to having very little knowledge about islam.

you can have a dream about any prophet because Allah sent loads of prophets also you need to learn about dreams also.. most dreams are from the shaytan to confuse a person.i urgently suggest you speak with a scholar about this. sister you are in desperate need of knowledge.

as long as you are alive shaytan will push and push you to revert back to that religion you came from.. a very corrupted religion keep this in mind also. all the bibles are corrupted with a enormous amount of contradictions!

shaytan wants to drag as much people down with him as possible sister because why do you think you are constantly getting these doubts??. he whispers in the heart of a human hes with them every minute or every day tempting them putting one million thoughts through a persons mind

when you accepted islam my dear sister Allah choose you to be apart of this beautiful ummah and that really annoys the shaytan so badly. he will do anything absolutely anything to destroy that person who Allah guided! he picked us just like how somebody picks beautiful flowers that he favors from loads of other billions of flowers he picked us!! now that is something to be thankful for.

please sister dont give up!! don't lose this fight

Ummu Sufyaan
01-27-2010, 02:46 AM
welcome to Islam first and foremost.
consider your reversion to Islam and your weakness if faith as a vulnerable little baby: healthy, but unable to stand on your own 2 feet.

seeing Islam as "hard" may just mean that you are lacking slightly in faith. Islam very much appeals to you, just there are still alooooot of grey areas as it is still something very new. but you need to know that there is nothing to worry about, however a little effort on your part is required.

I *personally* believe that your weakness in faith maybe stemming from your slight ignorance of what tawheed is as well as your love for Allah not being properly developed. now, im no way trying to be judgmental but the reason why i mentioned tawheed is that this is the reason why we work towards the hereafter...Allah created us to worship him alone, and hence it is importnat to know what how it is we are actually worshipping. if you know what and for whom your efforts are (allah) it is this that will make you more motivated and your efforts more sincere.

teh reason why i meantioned love is becuase loe is an anestic towards the hardship we face. we all have something we are strive to worsing towrds, and very often we are going to face alot of hardships in reaching our goal but there is a key ingriednt which helps us look past this hardhsip and/or make it seem that this hardship is nothing compared to the enjoyement of actually reahing that goal: love. not necessarily the love between 2 people, but just the love of things that we want to reach and strive so hard for.
for example, in terms of a marriage we our look past the faults of our spouses because we love them. if we didn't, then our marriages will be extremely hard to get through.

in terms of men at war (a very great hardship), love for their religion, country, etc is what helps them deal with their fellow men fall in front of them before their eyes (excuse the gory details).

and likewise, love for Allah is what makes the pains and suffering of this world or more the worthwhile. think about it when you were still a non-Muslim would you have been as patient with your hardship? what was it that you were striving for? did you not feel so lost and confused? did you despair often? if you did, reflect on what the reasons were.

if life is too hard, if you have trouble adjusting to your faith, or just generally feel spiritually weak, the key is just to pray. ask Allah to soften your heart and make things easy for you to deal with-works like a treat. never ever underestimate the power of dua.

01-27-2010, 04:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist
Allah hu akbar. What a convincing sign for you to further strengthen your faith in His existence and mercy.

Allah swt gives us signs all the time and they are tremendous but we dismiss them. Yesterday I went to pick my sister off from work and when I got into the car I realized I had left my wallet with my driver's license, my phone and driving gloves, I went back up to retrieve them and my dad told me to take a banana because my sister was fasting had called when I was in the garage asking for juice or a fruit to break her fast...

I never forget a wallet or a phone I am a stickler for perfection, but I forgot it that day because Allah swt wanted me to go back home and get a banana for my sister..

sob7an Allah..

on a separate note:
I agree with a member here who stated that having doubts is a sign of faith, and I read a hadith to that avail, that Jews and Christians are content in their faith because they are already led astray and satan has no reason to tempt them. It is the ones who struggle with their faith that are a target..
so hold steadfast insha'Allah

And Allah swt knows best


01-27-2010, 05:12 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye
Allah swt gives us signs all the time and they are tremendous but we dismiss them. Yesterday I went to pick my sister off from work and when I got into the car I realized I had left my wallet with my driver's license, my phone and driving gloves, I went back up to retrieve them and my dad told me to take a banana because my sister was fasting had called when I was in the garage asking for juice or a fruit to break her fast...

I never forget a wallet or a phone I am a stickler for perfection, but I forgot it that day because Allah swt wanted me to go back home and get a banana for my sister..

sob7an Allah..

And Allah swt knows best

I have had stuff like that happen to me also. You are so right, sis that there are signs and reminders for us all the time but we overlook them. Even the littlest things.

To the OP.. Keep striving sister. Do not give up. Do not fall victim to the shaytan's whispers. He is an enemy to u and the rest of us. Treat him like one and draw nearer to Allah (swt).

May Allah guide you. Ameen.

01-28-2010, 09:08 PM
Assalaamu alaikum,

The fact that a book on du'aas from the sunnah has a section on supplications for those afflicted with doubt in their faith, shows that you are certainly not the first or the only person this will have happened to. I believe all the brothers and sisters who have already replied have given you some good advice. The only thing I will add, however, are the actual du'aas (supplications), which you can recite for this.

Without transliteration they are here:


With transliteration and references they are below:

Supplication for one afflicted with doubt in his/her faith.

He/She should seek refuge in Allah. He/She should then renounce that which is causing such doubt. (Al-Bukhari with al-Fath 6/336 and Muslim 1/120)

He/She should say: "Aamantu billaahi wa rusulihi"
Meaning: "I have believed in Allah and His Messengers." (Muslim 1/119, 120)

He/She should also recite the following ayah: "Huwal awwalu wal aakhiru waththaahiru wal baatin, wa huwa alaa kulli shay'in qadeer." (Transliteration of Surah al Hadeed, Surah no 57, verse 3)

Meaning: "He is the First and the Last, and the Thaahir and the Baatin, and He has knowledge of everything."

ath-Thaahir indicates the greatness of His attributes and the insignificance of every single creation in respect to His Greatness and Highness, for He is above all of His creation as regards His essence and attributes.

al-Baatin Indicates His awareness and knowledge of all secrets, of that which is in the hearts, and peoples most intimate of things, just as it indicates His closeness and nearness to all in a manner which befits His Majesty.

(Abu Dawud, 4/329)

Source: Hisnul Muslim

May Allah help you stay on the right path. Ameen.

Assalaamu alaikum

01-28-2010, 09:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender
Thank you sisters for your replies, I am going to go through the suggested links, inshallah.

I have a really hard time with prayers and fasting as an example. I know one is suppose to look at these requirements with joy. I find them to be a burden. :( I feel remorseful for feeling this way. I guess this is a sign of my weak faith? Maybe the more I study Islam the stronger my faith will grow? Inshallah.
if u r not an arab. try visiting an arab country on the month of ramadan there you will see the beauty of prayers fasting.:D

01-28-2010, 09:43 PM
Just remember there is always a choice, even as Islam says "there is no compulsion in religion".

I would strongly recommend you study Islam in much more depth before leaving your spouse, friends and everything else behind for Islam. Try getting into debates with faith leaders from both sides, and if you must follow a religion, try to see which one makes more sense to you. I know that for a revert it is very easy to get lead into things because it is an exciting time when emotions run high and everything is new. Try to step away from that for five minutes and ask, "Is this really what I need to do in order to earn God's favour?"

01-28-2010, 11:16 PM
Aslamu alaaykum dear sistah 
You said you are going through a difficult time…Allah your lord says he tests us in many verses in the Quraan. Read them InshaAllaah they will make you feel better Insha`Allaah sis
Verily! We have made that which is on earth as an adornment for it, in order that We may test them (mankind) as to which of them are best in deeds. [i.e.those who do good deeds in the most perfect manner, that means to do them (deeds) totally for Allah\'s sake and in accordance to the legal ways of the Prophet SAW ].

Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.)?

{Every soul will taste death. And we test you with bad and with good as a trial. And unto us you will return.}

Al-Anbiyaa: 35
Here are some Ahadith:
Ibn Abbas said about this verse: "We will test you with hardship and with ease, with good health and with sickness, with wealth and with poverty, with the halaal and with the haraam, with obedience and with disobedience and with right guidance and with misguidance - in order that we may establish how you have shown gratitude (for the "good" tests) and how you have remained steadfast (in the face of the "bad" tests)." And unto us you will return - so that Allah will reward each and every soul according to their actions.
The Prophet (sas) said:
"There is no hardship which afflicts a Muslim but that Allah expiates with it some sin of his - even a thorn which pricks him."
Muslim and Bukhari
"How amazing is the affair of the believer! Everything which happens is good for him. And that is for no one except the believer. When he encounters good times and ease, he gives thanks and that is good for him and if he encounters hardship he is steadfast and that is good for him."
Sister Surely Allaah guided you to Islaam, so you didn’t really jump into Islaam too soon, and besides age is not purpous of when you should practice, Islam is the way of Life, we practice our life everyday as a muslim ALhamdulilah 

It seems you need to do things slowly at your own pace, and not to jump into things soo quick.. For example if you don’t wear the Hijab, you don’t have to wear it straight away , but do it when its easy for you and when you feel comfortable InshaAllaah..because if you do it all of sudden, “Because you have to do it” , then wear is your love for wearing it for the true reason? Do it for the sake of Allaah, thinking of the benefits, and pleasure of Allah is the first and most important, because what Allaah wants indeed isn’t your for your own harm , but he wants whats good for you sis. As he is the Most-Mercyful and Most Loving Indeed 

Your not praying Salaah for nothing, your not keeping away from Haram for god for nothing, your keeping your language clean for your self but for God, because he is the one who put sense into us , your not smoking because it will harm you , or drink alcohol etc I can go on forever Indeed. You are doing all these things for a purpous not for nothing sis. A good purpous, to know how Mercyful Allah is and do good works..
You wont be doomed in hell, If you think about it logically, if your worshipping your creator, staying away from things that can harm you seriously, treating people with kindness, and speaking good words etc, then how can you be doomed?
Jesus Pbuh Was a man, he taught the same message as all the prophets and the final Prophet Muhammad (saw) who was sent for all of Mankind, however, Allah tells us he sent a prophet to every nation to guide the people, as we see from this verse:
And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): \"Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Taghut (all false deities, etc. i.e. do not worship Taghut besides Allah).\" Then of them were some whom Allah guided and of them were some upon whom the straying was justified. So travel through the land and see what was the end of those who denied (the truth). ..

Allah also tells us why he created us
"We did not create the jinn and men except to worship us" [Surah adh-Dhariyyat, verse 56
Christianity wasn’t brought by Jesus (pbuh), he dint teach Christianity, He Jesus peace and blessings of God be upon him, taught to submit to the 1 God, and he is a messenger of God, if you go back to Christianity, you will be accepting a “Mangod”, and not jesus in no way, you will only be going against his teachings and committing a big sin against God, the Christian belief will always remain as the faith which is based on believing Jesus as God (God forbid) .
Theres soo much out there to learn about Islaam, how to deal with stuff, for if your ill,or sad etc.. Call upon Allah who created u, and only he knows you more than yourself , we have to learn to be patient, Allah shows his signs , although he has shown us many signs that exist till this day , he answers all Prayers (Duas), you have to have patience , if your not patient, you are not sincere in your prayers.
Insha`Allaah I have said enough, and I hope I helped, and I am sure a lot of the brothers and sisters have helped you Insha`Allaah..May Allaah make it easy for your, Ameen
Sorry if I have said anything bad, or wrong 
Wa alaaykum salama 

01-28-2010, 11:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
Assalamu alaykum,

I can see why Christianity appeals sis. There are no restrictions, no hard work yet it promises salvation. There was a time when I was an ignorant muslim, and it appealed to me too. I know there are a great deal of restrictions in Islams, and a 1/100 part of me sometimes wishes it wasn't so. But then I can see the logic in prevention being better than cure, and I can't fault Islam even if I tried.

Ukh Scents of Jannah:

I will put the best construction on your quotes. Everyone is judged by their intentions.

When the guidance of Allah is considered a restriction adjustments to our views on the cultural influences we have been exposed is required. When a person makes a determines an religious observance is restricting a behavior or action they had become accustomed they usually don't understand the reasoning in why something is prohibited.

2:216 (Y. Ali) Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.

65:3 (Y. Ali) And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is ((Allah)) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion.

Educating ourselves on Islamic Concept helps.

Hopefully something constructive was gained from this post.

01-29-2010, 07:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by mystical_moon
Wow, I read that and it sounded just like my journey to Islam. Very strange.

Also, if you feel the desire to follow the Christian faith, then follow it. Religion is between you and god or whatever you happen to believe.

اشْهَدُ انْ لّآ اِلهَ اِلَّا اللّهُ وَ اَشْهَدُ اَنَّ مُحَمَّدً اعَبْدُه وَ رسوله

Ašh hadu al-lā ilāha illā-llāhu, wa
ašh hadu anna Muhammadun ‘abduhu wa rasūluhu
I bear witness that none is worthy of worship but Allah, the One alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger

As-Salāmu `Alaykum (السلام عليكم):

Sahih Bukhari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 298:

Narrated Abu- Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "No child is born except on Al-Fitra (Islam) and then his parents make him Jewish, Christian or Magian, as an animal produces a perfect young animal: do you see any part of its body amputated?" (Then he received the following revelation)

Surah Rum 30:30
'The religion of pure Islamic Faith (Hanifa),(i.e. to worship none but Allah), The pure Allah's Islamic nature with which He (Allah) has created mankind. Let There be no change in Allah's religion (i.e. to join none in Allah's worship). That is the straight religion; but most of men know not..."

Surah Ma'idah 5:7
And call in remembrance the favour of Allah unto you, and His covenant, which He ratified with you, when ye said: "We hear and we obey": And fear Allah, for Allah knoweth well the secrets of your hearts.
(Y. Ali translation)

Surah Qamar 54:49
Verily, all things have We created in proportion and measure.
(Y. Ali translation)

Surah Hadid 57:22
No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a decree before We bring it into existence: That is truly easy for Allah.
(Y. Ali translation)

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