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- Qatada -
03-15-2010, 09:22 PM
Asalaam alaykum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuh.

10 Karamat [Miracles] Given to Prisoner Zainab al Ghazali

It is reported in Musnad Ahmad [17680] that Allah's Messenger said;

17680 حَدَّثَنَا سُلَيْمَانُ بْنُ دَاوُدَ الطَّيَالِسِيُّ، حَدَّثَنِي دَاوُدُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ الْوَاسِطِيُّ، حَدَّثَنِي حَبِيبُ بْنُ سَالِمٍ، عَنِ النُّعْمَانِ بْنِ بَشِيرٍ، قَالَ كُنَّا قُعُودًا فِي الْمَسْجِدِ مَعَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَكَانَ بَشِيرٌ رَجُلًا يَكُفُّ حَدِيثَهُ فَجَاءَ أَبُو ثَعْلَبَةَ الْخُشَنِيُّ فَقَالَ يَا بَشِيرُ بْنَ سَعْدٍ أَتَحْفَظُ حَدِيثَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ فِي الْأُمَرَاءِ فَقَالَ حُذَيْفَةُ أَنَا أَحْفَظُ خُطْبَتَهُ فَجَلَسَ أَبُو ثَعْلَبَةَ فَقَالَ حُذَيْفَةُ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ تَكُونُ النُّبُوَّةُ فِيكُمْ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ
يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ خِلَافَةٌ عَلَى مِنْهَاجِ النُّبُوَّةِ فَتَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ مُلْكًا عَاضًّا فَيَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ يَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ مُلْكًا جَبْرِيَّةً فَتَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ خِلَافَةً عَلَى مِنْهَاجِ النُّبُوَّةِ ثُمَّ سَكَتَقَالَ حَبِيبٌ فَلَمَّا قَامَ عُمَرُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ وَكَانَ يَزِيدُ بْنُ النُّعْمَانِ بْنِ بَشِيرٍ فِي صَحَابَتِهِ فَكَتَبْتُ إِلَيْهِ بِهَذَا الْحَدِيثِ أُذَكِّرُهُ إِيَّاهُ فَقُلْتُ لَهُ إِنِّي أَرْجُو
أَنْ يَكُونَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَعْنِي عُمَرَ بَعْدَ الْمُلْكِ الْعَاضِّ وَالْجَبْرِيَّةِ فَأُدْخِلَ كِتَابِي عَلَى عُمَرَ بْنِ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ فَسُرَّ بِهِ وَأَعْجَبَهُ‏.‏

"The Prophethood will last among you for as long as Allah (God) wills, then Allah would take it away. Then it will be (followed by) a Khilafah [caliphate] Rashida (rightly guided) according to the ways of the Prophethood. It will remain for as long as Allah wills, then Allah would take it away.

Afterwards there will be a hereditary leadership which will remain for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if He wishes.

Afterwards, there will be biting oppression, and it will last for as long as Allah wishes, then He will lift it if He wishes.

Then there will be a Khilafah Rashida [Guided Caliphs] according to the ways of the Prophethood," then he kept silent..

Who Is Zainab?

Name: Zainab al Ghazali (or Zainab Ghazali)

Lifespan : 1917-2005 CE [died at age of 88yrs]


- Owner of Islamic Institutes [her famous Jamiat Al-Sayyidat-ul-Muslimeen (Gatherings of the Leading Muslim Women.)]

Influence: High. Millions were influenced to return by her Islamic call.

- Organizer of Welfare & Provider. [for the helpless whose family members were imprisoned in the Secret Prisons of Egypt.]
Crime: Accused of inciting others to assassinate President Jamal Abdul Nasir.

Time Spent in Prison: 7 years in a Secret Political Prison.

Why talk about Zainab's prison Experience?

When you read parts of her accounts, you will see men and women who are like the Salaf as-Saalih [our Righteous Predecessors], patient through the most severest forms of torture, relying upon their Lord Alone. These people wanted to gradually implement Islam at a political level within Egypt, and teach it to the masses according to the Prophetic example. Due to their sincerity in teaching and action and their total reliance on Allah, Allah gave them many miracles for the hardship they faced for His sake. We will see these below inshaa' Allah. We will also be able to see the hardship faced by Muslims in the secret prisons around the world today, and maybe this will inspire the reader to support them.

All extracts below are from Zainab’s own Account, in her book called; The Return of the Pharoah [I will be quoting from the English Translation by Mokrane Guezzou, Islamic Foundation Publishers].

(If you are interested in further reading, I will link to more sources at the end of the article inshaa’ Allah.)

The Survival of the Car Accident.

Coming next...

[In Association with GlobalVoiceforJustice.Org]

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- Qatada -
03-15-2010, 11:10 PM
Asalaam alaikum Warahmatulah Wabarakatuh

The Survival of the Car Accident;

On my way home one afternoon, on a wintry day in early February 1964, my car suddenly turned upside down after colliding with another vehicle. The sheer force of the collision sent me into a state of semi-consciousness, and despite the severity of my pains the only thing I could comprehend, from all that was happening around me, was the panicky voice of someone calling my name. I can only assume that I then passed out for when I woke up I found myself in Heliopolis. Hospital surrounded by my husband, brothers, sisters and some of my colleagues in da'wah. As was evident from the expression on their faces they were all acutely distressed but within seconds I passed out again. I can recall mumbling: 'Thank God, thank God!', as if
enquiring about what happened. It then all came flooding back, and I could hear my husband's relief as he said:

'Praise be to Allah, He has saved her. Thank Allah Hajjah!...

Once I did begin to recover it did not take me long to establish both from what I overheard and what was reported to me that the accident was no accident at
all. It had been planned by Nasir's secret agents, with the express intent to kill me.


After this attempt of assassination, many attempts of bribe and blackmail took place so that she would transfer her own personal Islamic schools [Jamaa'at al-Sayyidaat al-Muslimaat] to the government, and to give up her call of Islam in replacement for a payment and funding (i.e. bribes). However, each time she rejected. Her followers became more in number and stronger in belief, and due to the oppression of the government - many were imprisoned, but shockingly the numbers continued to grow. The rulers feared that her influence would make people overpower the government, so the services would falsely accuse these Muslims of plotting against Jamal Abdul Nasir. They needed to get rid of her; her house was raided, her property confiscated, and she was taken to prison…

The Way to Room 24

On my way to Room 24, accompanied by two men holding whips, I was deliberately taken past different places inside the prison such that I could see for myself the
hideous things taking place there. Almost unable to believe my eyes and not wanting to accept such inhumanity, I silently watched as members of the Ikhwan were suspended in the air and their naked bodies ferociously flogged. Some were left to the mercy of savage dogs which tore at their bodies. Others, with their face to the wall awaited their turn. Worse still, I knew many of these pious, believing youth personally. They were as dear to me as my own sons, and had attended study circles of Tafsir and Hadith in my home, in their own homes and at Ibn al-Arqam house.

One by one, these youth of Islam, shaikhs of Islam, were tortured, left standing with their face to the wall, and flogged ferociously. Some had blood running down their foreheads. Foreheads that did not bow to anyone except Allah. The light of Tawhid [monotheism] shone from their raised faces, proud to belong to the cause of Allah.

One of them shouted to me: 'Mother! May Allah make you firm!'

'Sons! It is a pledge of allegiance. Be patient Yasir's family, your reward is Paradise."

The man with me struck me so hard on my head that I felt my eyes and ear turning as if hit by an electrical force. And the light from inside the prison made me aware of the many, many more tortured bodies filling the place. - '[Let it be for the sake of Allah"
'Let it be for the sake of Allah!',] I braved.

Miracle #1;

At that moment, a voice, as if coming from Paradise, could be heard saying: '0 Allah! Hold their steps firm and protect them from the perverts. Had it not been for You, 0 Lord!, we would not have been guided. Nor would we have prayed nor given anything in charity So,please hold our steps firm in trial and in adversity.'

The sound of flogging became louder and more intense, but the voice of iman was both stronger and clearer.

Another voice rallied: 'There is no god but Allah.'

And, I again repeated: 'Patience my sons, it is a pledge of allegiance. Patience, your reward is Paradise.'

I was struck sharply on my back but I would not relent: 'Allah is the Greatest, praise be to Allah. 0 Allah! Give us patience and contentment. Praise and thanks are due to You, 0 Allah! For the bounties of Islam, Iman and Jihad in Your way which You bestowed upon us.'

The door to a dark room was opened, I was hurled inside, and the door crashed shut behind me.

Miracle #2:

Coming next...


- Qatada -
03-15-2010, 11:11 PM
Asalaam alaikum Warahmatulahi wabarakatuh

Miracle #2
- Dogs!

Inside Room 24

'In the Name of Allah, peace be upon you!', I repeated. The next moment the door was locked and a bright light switched on. Now their purpose was revealed; the room was full of dogs! I could not count how many! Scared, I closed my eyes and put my hands to my chest. Within seconds the snarling dogs were all over me, and I could feel their teeth tearing into every part of my body. Clenching my hands tight into my armpits, I began to recount the Names of Allah, beginning with '0 Allah! 0 Allah!'

The dogs were unrelenting, digging their teeth into my scalp, my shoulders, back, chest and wherever another had not already taken hold. I repeatedly invoked my Lord, calling: '0 Lord! Make me not distracted by anything except You. Let all my attention be for You Alone, You my Lord, the One, the Only, the Unique, the Eternal Absolute. Take me from the World of Forms. Distract me from all these phenomena. Let my whole attention be for You. Make me stand in Your Presence. Bestow on me Your Tranquillity. Clothe me with the garments of Your Love. Provide me with death for Your sake, loving for Your sake, contentment with You. 0 Lord! Hold the steps of the faithful firm.'

I repeated this inwardly for what seemed like several hours until at last the door was opened, the dogs forced from my body and I was taken out.

I expected that my clothes would be thoroughly stained with blood, for I was sure the dogs had bitten every part of my body. But, incredulously, there was not a single blood-stain on my clothes, as if the dogs had been in my imagination only. May God be exalted! He is with me. I began questioning inwardly whether I deserved all these bounties and gifts from Allah. My warders could not believe it either. I glimpsed the sky outside filled with evening twilight, indicating sunset. I concluded that I must have been locked in with the dogs for more than three hours. Praise be to God for any adversity!

I was pushed, and staggered along for what seemed a long time. A door was opened, and I felt lost in the vast hall which it gave onto. I was led along another long corridor, past many closed doors. I noticed one of these doors slightly ajar, and giving out enough light to brighten the obscurity of the corridor. Through it I caught a glimpse of the illuminated face of Muhammad Rashad Mahna, once Egypt's Crown Prince. The Nasir regime believed that the Ikhwan would install him as Head of State if they took over power. Hence his arrest. Cell No. 3, next to Cell No. 2, was opened and I was hurled inside.

Cell No. 3 – Demonic Torture

The door was locked behind me, and immediately the lamp hanging from the cell's roof lit. The sheer intensity of the light was enough to terrify and intimidate. It could only mean further barbarism and torture.

After a while I knocked on the door and a gloomyfaced demon harshly wanted to know what for. I asked permission to go to the toilet to make my ablutions.

Ignominy of ignominies, I was not allowed to knock on the door, nor was I allowed to go to the toilet, nor make ablutions, nor allowed to drink.

'Knock on the door again, you B……, and I'll flog/whip you 50 times.' He hit the air with his whip, to demonstrate
his eager readiness to carry out his threat.

In my bare cell, exhausted from my ordeal in Room 24, I took off my coat, spreading it out on the floor. I did tayammum, prayed Maghrib and 'Isha and sat still. My leg, still painful from the operation was beginning to trouble me, so, placing my shoes underneath my head, I lay down.

The silence was soon broken by the sounds of a wooden post being erected outside my cell window. Then, one believing youth after another was brought, strapped to the post in the crucifixion position and beaten ferociously. Each in turn would invoke Allah, asking for His help.

After half an hour or so of this intensive whipping their torturers would ask each youth, many of them engineers, doctors or councillors, when they had arrived here.
'Today or yesterday', was the response.

'When did you last go to Zainab al-Ghazali's house?'

If these brothers said they could not remember, the butchers would continue their torture, demanding that they curse me with the most despicable, lowly expressions. Of course, the brothers would refuse, and the flogging continued unabated. Some, brave enough and strong enough to say that they had not observed in me anything except sincerity and good virtues, were beaten unconscious.

All this to break my resolve and will. I began invoking Allah, begging Him for His mercy. I cried out for the butchers to torture me instead of these youth, for I thought it would be less painful for me. I began asking Allah to put me in their place, to spare me as well as these brothers from such heinous torture. I begged that my brethren should say what the butchers wanted to hear such that they could be spared further pain. But they did not, staying steadfast in their refusals. The floggings multiplied, the cries of anguish increased and my shame at what was being done was immeasurable.

From my compassion and grief, I continued to invoke Allah, saying: '0 Allah! Make it such that by my attentions to You I am distracted from them, and make it such that by their attention to You they are distracted from me.Lord! Inspire them to do good deeds You are pleased with. Lord! Shield from me the cries of these tortures.

Lord! You know what is within me and I do not know what is within You and You are the most Knower of the unseen. You know people's innermost secrets and what breasts hide. Lord! Have mercy on Your people!'


Miracle #3; The 1st Vision

Coming next...


- Qatada -
03-15-2010, 11:35 PM
Asalaam alaikum Warahmatulah Wabarakatuh

Miracle #3; The 1st Vision

I do not know how but I fell asleep while invoking Allah, and it was then that I experienced the first of four visions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that I was to see during my stay in prison.

There in front of me, praise be to Allah, was a vast desert and camels with hawdahs [camel carrier seats] as if made of light. On each hawdah were four men, all with luminous faces. I found myself behind this huge train of camels in that vast, endless desert, and standing behind a great, reverent man. This man was holding a halter which passed through the neck of each camel I wondered silently: Could this man be the Prophet (peace be upon him)?

Silence has no safeguard with the Prophet, who replied:
'Zainab! You are following in the footsteps of Muhammad,
Allah's Servant and Messenger.'

'Am I, master! Following in the footsteps of Muhammad, Allah's Servant and Messenger?'

'You, Zainab Ghazali, are following in the footsteps of Muhammad, Allah's Servant and Messenger.'

'0 my Beloved! Am I truly following in your footsteps?'

'Zainab! You are on the right path. You are on the right path, Zainab! You are following in the footsteps of Muhammad, Allah's Servant and Messenger.'

Twice more I repeated my question, receiving the same response from the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wasalam).
I woke up feeling I owned the world. Astonished, I had forgotten my whereabouts and what I was facing. Nor did I feel any pain nor see the wooden post near the window.

It seemed that I had been taken to another place whereof voices came from a far. Furthermore, I was also astonished for, although I am known as Zainab al-Ghazali, my recorded name at birth was Zainab Ghazali, and it was by this name that the Prophet had called me. Indeed, the vision had transported me beyond time and space. I did tayammum and began praying, thanking Allah for this gift. In one of my prostrations I found myself invoking:

'Lord! By what means am I going to thank You? There is nothing I can thank You with except by renewing my allegiance to You. 0 Allah! I pledge allegiance to die for Your Sake. 0 Allah! I pledge allegiance to You that none should be tortured because of me. 0 Allah! Hold me firm in following the truth that You are pleased with, and confine me within the limits of right that pleases You!'

Tranquillity and peace of mind were mine...


Rape Attempt

'If you face any resistance from her, use the whip!'

I beseeched Allah: '0 Allah! I am Your slave-girl, following Your path as much as I am able. I am calling You out of my weakness, despondency and inability to drive away the sins of these evil-doers. Protect me with Your Might, and help me surmount their injustice.'

I was awakened from my invocation by the voice of the surly brute who had been brought to rape me:
'Aunty!', he called.

I looked at him in amazement. His countenance had changed, resembling more that of a human being's.

'Don't be scared Aunty! I won't hurt you even if they tear me apart.'

'May Allah guide you my son. May Allah bestow His bounties on you!

The cell door opened violently and Safwat leapt on the man, beating and cursing him: 'You accursed dog! Now you've exposed yourself to the death penalty. Either get on with this job or it is a military court for you. I'll be
back in an hour to see what you've done. Save yourself, obey my orders.'

'Yes Sir.'

'0 Allah!', I called. 'This is Your mission and we are its soldiers and martyrs. Protect Your soldiers and their honour. Make us stronger than their injustice and torture.' I was also praying to Allah to guide this man. I had expected after the brutal reminder of his orders that he would be scared and turn into the monster they hoped for. But he was kindly and courageous.

'Why are they torturing you like this Aunty?', he asked with the innocence of a child.

'My son, we are calling people to Allah and want Islam's rule for this country. Don't misunderstand, for we don't want power for ourselves.'

I heard the Adhan of Zuhr, and made tayammum on the wall and prayed. The man asked me to pray for him, so I did. When I stood up to pray the sunnah, he said: 'Pray to Allah to help me begin my prayers, Aunty. You are good people, may the wrath of Allah be on you Nasir!'

'Do you know how to make wudu'?'

'Of course. I used to persevere in performing prayer, but had the army found out about it, I would have been jailed.'

'Pray, even if they jail you, my son.'

'I will', he said, the light of iman shining in his face.

At this juncture a soldier banged violently on the cell door. 'You son of a dog!', he shouted. 'What are you doing?'

'The lady has not finished praying yet.'

'Safwat is coming, he sent me to see what you've done.'
Safwat charged in like a rabid dog. He attacked my young saviour with the utmost savagery, hitting him until he no longer even groaned. Finally they picked him up and took him out. I was left alone to reflect on the suffering this young man would endure on my behalf. Allah had illuminated his heart such that he could not obey the unjust.

NOTE: This is the case with many Muslims under the oppressive regimes. They are forced to join the armies, without being allowed to practise Islam even to its basic levels (i.e. they are prohibited even from the 5 daily prayers), and they are forced into sinful acts such as the above. All this is done to suppress Islam because the rulers fear that their authority will be lost if people begin to practise Islam. So they are forced to support oppression, otherwise they will be tortured too. Just as Allah’s Messenger prophesised. This is why we are narrating the story of Zainab and others like them.

Miracle #4: Second Vision

Coming next...

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03-16-2010, 12:49 AM
Great thread masha'Allah and I believe that I had have read a hadith (can't source it) about the punishment in hell for those who torture Muslims especially with whips..

what a sad reality it is, makes my blood boil.. the injustice and inhumanity to be so universal and at the very spot one seeks for refuge.. 7asbona Allah wa'ni3ma alwakeel


Ummu Sufyaan
03-16-2010, 07:56 AM
these prisons that they lock innocent Muslims in, are simply horrendous, as is the treatment these prisoners receive.

may Allah grant them steadfastness, patience and hasten their release.

- Qatada -
03-16-2010, 12:58 PM
Asalaam alaikum Warahmatulah Wabarakatuh

Miracle #4
– 2nd Vision -

At sunset, the butchers of the Military prison became active. Their wheels of torture began to roll. During the night they took me back to the cell of water. My intestines screamed with hunger, my throat was cracked from thirst, my bodily wounds scorched my soul.
Miraculously, I fell asleep and enjoyed the most beautiful of dreams. Beautiful people wore beautiful clothes made from black silk, adorned with pearls sewn together in gold-embroidered velvet. They carried plates of gold and silver full to the brim with meats and fruits that I had never seen the like of before. I began eating, first from this plate, then another and another.

As I awoke I realized I was no longer hungry, or thirsty. Rather, the taste of the food I had eaten in my dream remained in my mouth. I thanked Allah and praised Him for His bounty.

We see that she was patient, she was given no food, so Allah fed her from the foods of Jannah! (Paradise).

Miracle #5 - Rape Attempt 2

Coming next...

- Qatada -
03-16-2010, 01:00 PM
Asalaam alaikum Warahmatulah Wabarakatuh.

Miracle #5 - Rape Attempt 2;

Safwat came alone and threw me back into the adjacent room. Then, after, back to the cell of water where I stayed until the following day. Day in day out, this same routine ensued until I completely lost track of time and my senses became numbed. Again, I was taken from the cell of water to the adjacent room.

Safwat entered, screaming: 'Nasir has sent devils from the Nubah [Africa] who will devour you. Where are you going to run to now? Every minute that goes by brings you nearer to your end!'

He then left and closed the door behind him. After 'Asr, I was again taken to the cell of water where I stayed all night. Just before noon on the fourth day, Safwat came alone and threw me back into the adjacent room. Then, after 'Mr, back to the cell of water where I stayed until the following day. Day in day out, this same routine ensued until I completely lost track of time...

Turning to Safwat, he commanded: 'Execute the orders, Safwat! And if any of these dogs disobeys refer him immediately to my office.'

Safwat began explaining to the soldiers what they had to do, in the most despicable, pornographic manner, all vestiges of decency removed. Pointing to one of them, he took unashamed pleasure in his instruction: 'Execute the instruction, you dog! And when you've finished call your friend to do the same. Understood!'

He then left the room and locked the door. The soldier began begging me to tell them all they needed to know, for he had no wish to hurt me. But if he did not obey orders then a great harm would befall him.
With all the strength I could muster, I warned him:

'Come near me, just one step, and I'll kill you. Kill you, understand?'

I could see the man was reluctant but still he moved towards me. Before I knew it, my hands were firmly around his neck.

'Bismillah, Allahu Akbar', I shouted, and sank my teeth into the side of his neck.

The man slipped out of my hands, white foam, like murky soap suds, frothed from his mouth. He fell to the ground motionless.

Hardly able to believe what had happened, I slunk backwards, what little strength I had now diluted. For now, at least, I was safe. Allah, the Exalted, had infused in me a strange force. A force sufficient to overcome this

0 my God! How generous are You! How vast is Your Gift! You are our Lord and the Lord of everything! Those who follow Allah's commandments are fought and resisted, but the final abode is always to the righteous!

The cell door opened and Hamzah and Safwat, and their motley crew stood confounded by what they saw: their compatriot gurgling on the ground. They looked, on silently in disbelief. (. . . Thus was he confounded who (in arrogance) rejected faith . . .) [Quran al Baqarah 2:258]

They carried the soldier's body away between them. Then the cell of water was again my destiny.


Miracle #6 - Rats!

Coming next...

- Qatada -
03-16-2010, 01:03 PM
Asalaam alaikum Warahmatulah Wabarakatuh

Miracle #6: the Rats!

From Mice to Water and Vice Versa

I remained in the cell of water until, at noon of the sixth day, I was again moved to the adjacent room. My nerves were on edge, anticipating what might happen next, for I had gone through every conceivable kind of torture in that place.

I delegated my affairs to Allah and sat leaning against the wall. I sensed something move and, lifting my head saw a continuous stream of mice pouring through the window as if being emptied from a sack.

I was horrified and began trembling uncontrollably. I began repeating: 'I seek refuge in Allah from malice and malicious things. 0 Allah! Clear away from me iniquity with whatever thing You want and in whatever manner You like!'

I repeated this du'a until I heard the Adhan of Zuhr. I made tayammum and prayed. I continued to invoke Allah until the 'Asr prayer. But no sooner had I finished than the beast Safwat al-Rubi came in. Miraculously, by then nearly all the mice had vanished from my cell, making their escape by the window. Safwat's astonishment was apparent as he scoured every corner of the cell for evidence. A thousand questions manifested on his face.

Unable to digest what he saw, he began cursing and swearing in disappointment. Nothing to do now but return me to the cell of water. There I remained for eight days, enduring almost unbearable exhaustion and fatigue. On the ninth day, Safwat, Riyad and a soldier in military uniform came to my cell and threatened that this was my last chance to save myself. Again, either I confessed to everything they wanted me to or they would get rid of me.

'Do you really think that your God has a Hell? Hell is here with Nasir! Nasir's Paradise is a real and existing Paradise. Not an imaginative, unreal Paradise like the one that your God promises you!'
, thundered Riyad.

I continued my silent prayers to Allah, despite the arrival of Hamzah and another ten soldiers.

'Pasha, what shall we do with this B…. Safwat asked Hamzah. Turning to his soldiers, Hamzah seemed sure.

'What did you drink?', he bellowed.

'Tea your Eminence.'

'Tea you dogs?! Safwat! Take them away and give each a bottle of wine and a lump of hashish. Feed them everything they want to eat and then throw this B…. to them. I'll give each a reward for his services.' With that they all left.

I remained in the cell until Asr prayer. I was in prayer when the door opened and Safwat rushed towards me, pulling me up savagely by the arm. But it was Riyad who spoke: 'Is it that you want to be a saint? Those soldiers we brought to you are now in hospital, suffering from poisoning. They'll be back tomorrow to devour your flesh. This is Nasir's order, for he'll never leave you alone. We've tried time and again but you refuse to change your position. Do you want to be a martyr?

Answer me! Answer me! Where is your whip Safwat?'
Safwat hit me and Riyad encouraged him: 'Carry on
Safwat! What do you mean by being a saint you B….
Do you want that 30 years after your death, people will
build a mausoleum in a mosque and say Zainab al-
Ghazali al-Jubaili showed karamats [miracles] while imprisoned?

But you're here with us and not even the devil will know
what we do to you!'

I laughed in his face despite my extreme suffering. It was a mocking laugh, deriding his ignorance and arrogance: 'If we were after what you said, Allah would not have driven your evil away from us, nor would we have been able to resist and be patient and defeat what you described as Nasir's Hell. We are seekers of truth, we seek Allah and then His pleasure. Allah will see that we win over you insha' Allah and will grind the teeth of those you prepare to devour our flesh.'


The Price of Meagre Sustenance..

Coming next...


- Qatada -
03-16-2010, 04:41 PM
Asalaam alaikum warahmatulah Wabarakatuh

The Price of Meagre Sustenance!

I could feel my heart beating so rapidly it almost jumped from out of its place. So weak, I was unable even to groan, I submitted myself to the One Who holds in His Hands the decrees of everything. I do not know how much time had passed when, still lying on the floor, I heard a commotion outside the cell.

With extreme difficulty, I crawled to the door, and, looking through the hole in it, I could see a group of Muslim brothers standing in a long queue, each with a metal bowl in his hand. A soldier was ladling a strange substance from a large container into the bowls. When each brother had been given his share, he moved across to where two opposing rows of soldiers were standing. After finishing their meagre sustenance, the brothers were forced to walk past each soldier who flogged them as they passed by. A compulsory beatingfrom every soldier represented payment for the most basic of foods.

One of the soldiers saw me peeping through the hole in my cell door and rushed into my cell like a crazy beast. He kicked me repeatedly, then used his whip for the final assault. Mercifully, I collapsed into unconsciousness.

The next thing I knew, Safwat was shaking me roughly. Another soldier was holding a bowl of black soup. The smell was unbearable. Safwat said to me: 'Drink this or you'll get ten floggings!'

Then, Safwat turned to the soldier and said: 'Leave her for ten minutes. If she hasn't drunk it by then, flog her and call me!'

When they left and I was sure nobody was watching, I threw the soup under the blanket they had thrown me shortly before. When the soldier returned, he found the bowl empty, took it and left.

I spent that night suffering the most excruciating pains. My body and mind a whirlpool of torment.


No sooner did the Jahili butcher see me than he called for Safwat al-Rubi, his face red, his eyes stony. He turned to Safwat and pointed at me with his outstretched arm: 'Safwat, hang her in the air and give her 500 floggings.'

Such savagery cannot be outstripped, and only Shams Badran can appreciate this level of cruelty. They suspended me on their contraption while Safwat rolled up his sleeves. Then he began to execute his orders. '0 Allah! 0 Allah!', I screamed.

'Where is Allah? Where is this Allah that you call? Had you asked for help from Nasir, he would have given it you immediately!', he said scornfully.

He railed against Allah, the Exalted, using the most foul and despicable language. I closed my ears to it for it was so shameful a believer would refrain from repeating it even if only to report what had been said.

The flogging over, I was brought down from that machine and made to stand. With my feet bleeding profusely, Shams Badran then ordered me to 'march on the spot' pretending that would cure my wounds!

I fell against the wall, then to the floor from sheer exhaustion. I was yanked back up only to collapse in a heap again.

'She's only acting, Pasha!', Hamzah taunted.

I lost consciousness, and woke to find a doctor examining me. He administered an injection and ordered some lemon juice which they gave me to drink..

Torture of Fire

Coming next...

- Qatada -
03-16-2010, 04:42 PM
Asalaam alaikum Warahmatulah Wabarakatuh
Torture of Fire

There I was made to stand and await my deliverance. In the middle of the cell was a fire, and at each corner a soldier, each of them proudly displaying their snake-like whips. One of them hit me so that I was forced towards the fire, but when I tried to turn away from the flames another hit me to turn me back again and so on and so forth. All the while the heat of the fire scorched my exposed flesh. I was tortured in this way for about two hours, between the flames of the fire which I was scared of falling into and the searing lashes of their whips. Hamzah al-Basyuni came in, repeating his deluded nonsense: either I confirm the plot to assassinate Nasir, or else. In any case I lost consciousness and when I awoke I was once again in hospital.


Ali al 'Ashmawi's Betrayal , & the Steadfastness of Abd al-Fattah Isma'il:

Safwat! Hang her in the air! And bring 'Ali al- 'Ashmawi and the dogs!'

When 'Ashmawi came in he was wearing clean, elegant pyjamas made of fine silk. His hair was combed and he bore no signs of physical torture. As I looked at him and contemplated my own state and that of my brothers, I was convinced that he had betrayed Allah's trust. Had confessed to false and slanderous things. He had slipped into the abyss of these perverts, had become one of Shams Badran's men. He had joined the ranks of those who know no virtue, manners or din [religion]...

Shortly after, Hamzah al-Basyuni came back with 'Abd al-Fattah Isma'il. The latter's countenance bore a truthful gravity and shone with the light of the believers. His blue prison uniform was torn and signs of physical torture bespoke what this truthful, believing mujahid had endured.

'Assalam alaykum!', he addressed me.

'Wa 'alaykum assalam wa rahmat Allah!'

'Abd al-Fattah, what were you doing at Zainab's house and why did you repeatedly visit her house?', teased Shams.

'She is my sister in Allah’s Religion. We were helping each other to educate the Muslim youth on the principles of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Of course, this would eventually lead to a change in the nature of the State: from a State of Jahiliyyah [Ignorance] to an Islamic State.'

'Stop your preaching. You're not on a pulpit you B….. Get out! Get out!'

And 'Abd al-Fattah left, after wishing me well. The steadfast manhood displayed by 'Abd al-Fattah gave me a sense of peace. For it emanated from the iman in Allah that is in him.

I said secretly to myself: 'Praise be to Allah, Allah has real men. May You protect them for Your own da'wah.

If 'Ashmawi has betrayed us, there are still patient, believing people: leaders of the way and seekers of the truth.

'Take the B.... ! I want her back here tomorrow...


The Soviet Union who ruled half the world just 50 years ago is Extinct today, while Islam lives on & will not Die..
Coming next...

- Qatada -
03-16-2010, 09:28 PM
Asalaam alaikum warahmatulah wabarakatuh

The Soviet Union who ruled half the world just 50 years ago is Extinct today, while Islam lives on & will not Die:

I was supposed to have been arrested for a specific crime. If this was so, why did they persist in trying to get me to say that I conspired to kill Nasir, that I planned this crime? If all the details of this crime were available, as they said, why this persistent demand to confess the crime? Why ask me to give proof of a crime which existed only in their imaginations? The reason was clear: all their torturous efforts were directed at one goal - at fighting Islam and destroying its foundations… [p112]

.. Since neither the dogs, water, fire, whips nor any of this torture has worked on you, the Pasha will slaughter you today. For he has his orders from Nasir to do so.'

'The One who does is Allah!'

'You want us to do like you, and fail as you've failed! You want us to leave the Soviet Union who rules half the world and yield to the words of somebody like al-Hudaibi, Sayyid Qutb or Hasan al-Banna?! You're crazy! We're not like you! Answer me!'

'(For they, when they were told that there is no God except Allah, would puff themselves up with pride. And say: "What! Shall we give up our gods for the sake of a Poet possessed?".[Quran al Saffat:36]

These gods were idols, and the rulers are the custodians of idols. It was they who accused the Prophet (peace be upon him) of insanity. And, thus, is history repeating itself. You say to those who call you to Allah, you are insane.


Allah is the one who causes Death!

'Safwat, suspend her in the air and flog her!' 'We want her alive so that she can stand trial.'

'Yes! Yes!', said Shams. 'We want her to live and to stand trial so that people can see her and take her as the example she is.' ...

I was moved to hospital and I do not recollect what happened that night, for I was unconscious and remained so for three days...

'Didn't I tell you this woman would not enter my office again alive! Why have you brought her to me alive?'

[Zainab replied]: 'It is neither according to your will nor mine that I should live or die, it is Allah's Will, He is the Bestower of life and death!'


NOTE: Aren't you amazed at her certainty [yaqeen] in Allah? Even after going through all this torture, she is patient with what Allah will destine for her and isn't rushing for death? This is why Allah gave her miracles – to reaffirm and strengthen her trust in Him.

Miracle #7: Another Vision/Dream of Glad tidings of Allah's Messenger (sal Allah alayhe wasalam); & the Righteous.

Coming next...


- Qatada -
03-16-2010, 09:29 PM
Asalaam alaikum warahmatulah wabarakatuh

Miracle #7: Another Vision/Dream of Glad tidings of Allah's Messenger (sal Allah alayhe wasalam); & the Righteous.

Many days passed before I received the prosecuting attorney's petition informing me of the trial date [for her case]. It was a scandal second to none, for we had been informed that the courts were, in any case, in Shams Badran's pocket. We were denied the right to defend ourselves and meet lawyers, and when I asked for Ahmad al-Khawajah as defence attorney, I was told it was not permitted. Instead a Christian lawyer was to defend me.

The day before the trial, I was taken to Shams Badran's office.

'You're requested', he advised, 'not to object to anything mentioned in the minutes of the investigations and to endorse every word mentioned therein. If you apologize to the court and say that the Ikhwan [Muslim brothers] have cheated you and if you demonstrate remorse for what you have done, the court will pass a lenient sentence. Be careful not to oppose any word mentioned in the investigations. If you decide to wash your hands of the Ikhwan, you will find us most helpful.'

'Allah does what He wills and chooses. (It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Apostle, to have any option about their decision . .) [Ahzab 33:36]

The Dream of Glad Tidings!

In the exuberance of all this, I had a vision:

Standing in a court I was told it was about to pronounce its judgement upon us. But suddenly, the walls of this court vanished and instead I found myself standing in a huge yard the surface of which was earth. Then heaven [the sky] fell on earth as a tent would fall to the ground. Light filled the whole earth, a light linking heaven to earth. I saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) standing in front of me in the direction of the Qiblah [to Makkah]. I was behind him and I heard him say:

'Listen Zainab to the voice of truth.' Together we heard a voice which reached both the heavens and earth, saying: 'Here the courts of falsehood will be held and the despots' sentences will be issued unjustly and unduly against you.

You are the trust's holders and leaders of the way (... persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other, and fear Allah, that you may prosper)." [Surah 'aal Imraan]

When the voice stopped, I looked at the Prophet (peace be upon him) who pointed to the right. I looked and saw a rope which reached up to heaven, but it was more like a carpet covered with green grass. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to me:

'Zainab! Climb this mountain and you will find at its zenith Hasan al-Hudaibi. Tell him these words', and he looked at me in such a way that it overtook my whole being.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) did not utter any audible words but I understood what he wanted from me. Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) lifted his hand towards the mountain and I found myself climbing it. As I was climbing, I met Khalidah and 'Aliyah al-Hudaibi on the way and I asked them: 'Are you with us on the way?'


I left them and continued climbing. Within a few metres, I met Aminah and Hamidah Qutb [the sisters of Syed Qutb] with Fatimah 'Isa. I asked them too: 'Are you with us on the way?'

'Yes!', came their reply.

I continued climbing until I reached the top of the mountain where I found a plain surface in the middle of which was a court furnished with rugs, sofas and pillows and al-Hudaibi sitting in the middle. When al-Hudaibi saw me, he stood up and greeted me, clearly happy to see me.

'I am sent by the Prophet [peace be upon him] to deliver to you a few words as a trust from him, a trust which is on the Prophet, may peace be on him', I said as we shook hands.

He explained that he had already received it, praise be to Allah. And we sat as these words were transmitted through our souls, inaudible in any other way.

Sitting with al-Hudaibi I looked to the bottom of the mountain where I saw two naked women on a train. I, painfully, notified al- Hudaibi who also looked at the train, saying: 'Do you oppose them?'


'Do you think that what we have attained is due to us and our efforts? It is rather because of the grace of Allah, so don't busy yourself with them.'

'We have to resist in order to bring them to the right path!'

'Can you do this by yourself?' 'By Allah!' 'Let's praise Allah for what He has given us.'

He raised his hands as if thanking Allah, as I did too. As we repeated our thanks to Allah, I woke up.

The feeling which now came over me was one of unencumbered peace, rest and tranquillity. This vision had washed away all my pain and driven away all the
fear and sorrow in my heart (.. . those who have left their homes, or been driven out therefrom, or suffered harm in My cause, or fought or been slain, - verily, I will blot out from them their iniquities, and admit them into gardens with rivers flowing beneath; - a reward from the Presence of Allah, and from His Presence is the best of rewards. Let not the strutting about of the unbelievers through the land deceive you . . . 0 you who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other and fear Allah; that you may prosper)."


Zainab's Courage in Court, & a Funny Incident in Court.

Coming next...

- Qatada -
03-18-2010, 04:26 PM


- Qatada -
04-16-2010, 04:44 PM
Asalaam alaikum Warahmatulah Wabarakatuh

The words of our brother Abu Sabaaya (may Allah release him);

Also, ponder over these more recent examples from the history of the Islamic movement in Egypt, in particular:

Hamzah Basyuni was the warden of the Egyptian military prison in which Sayyid Qutb, Zaynab al-Ghazali, etc. were being held. When he would torture his prisoners, they would plead with him, saying "For the Sake of Allah, stop!" And what was his response? What was this filthy waste of a nutfah's response to these Muslims? He would say to them: "If Allah Himself were to come here, I would throw Him into a prison cell!" - Glorified is He. In Zaynab al-Ghazali's memoirs, 'The Return of the Pharoah,' she mentioned how Hamzah Basyuni would say to her: "Which Hell is hotter: the Hell of your Lord, or the hell of 'Abd an-Nasir? You will remain in the hell of 'Abd an-Nasir until you approve of his rule!"

Not even eight months passed after Hamzah Basyuni supervised the execution of Sayyid Qutb, except that he and his assistants all found themselves thrown into the depths of prison.

Sha'rawi Jumu'ah - the Interior Minister, whose name would cause Egypt itself to shake in terror and fear - one day received a request from Muhammad Qutb to visit his sister, Hamidah, after not having seen her for seven years (they were in the same prison together). The request went through the prison guard first, and he was refused out of fear of Jumu'ah, saying that he was unable to help at all. The request was then passed on to the general supervisor of the prison, and he also refused to help, out of fear of the Interior Minister. Finally, the request reached Jumu'ah himself, to which he replied: "Tell Muhammad Qutb that he will not see his sister, either dead or alive."

Not much time passed since this incident, except that Sha'rawi Jumu'ah - the feared Interior Minister - found himself thrown into the depths of prison, with Muhammad and Hamidah Qutb at home, safe and sound.

Finally, take the case of Anwar Sadat [he ruled directly after Jamal Abdul Nasir]:he had thrown scholar after scholar into his jails, saying about the last one of them: "He is like a dog, rotting in prison!" Not even a month passed after this statement of his that he made in public, except that - while sitting in the midst of his bodyguards and secretaries - officers of his own army aimed their sniper rifles and shotguns at him, pointblank.* Nobody lifted a finger to defend him or fend off the attack, save the bodyguard of the American ambassador who happened to be present. Those who came to kill Sadat - may Allah have Mercy upon them - no attempt to stop or repel their attack was made, except from a single person sitting and guarding an American diplomat. And where is Sadat now...{"And neither the Heavens nor the Earth wept for them, nor were they given respite."} [ad-Dukhan; 29]

*Youtube video of Anwar Sadat's Assasination: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ol7EgxFx3o

So, these are a few examples in which the tables were turned before either side knew it, and it was made clear that the fate of all oppressors and wrongdoers is the same, sooner or later.

So, remember: {"And such are the days: We rotate them between the people..."} [Al 'Imran; 140]

Allah Knows best.
Translated by Abu Sabaayaa

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