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View Full Version : God working in our lives

04-17-2010, 06:51 AM
There has been much debate about God's Spirit in this forum. I hope this thread won't turn into another one of those.

Instead I am wondering if Muslims and Christians (and other religions) can agree that God works directly in our lives and that he guides us and prompts us.

Do you have stories of times when you strongly felt God's presence?
When you felt God was 'calling' you to do something?

Do you want to share your story?

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Steven John
04-19-2010, 02:14 AM
i have many stories but will share a little one.
I one heard an Imam speak and i wanted to read the Quran after what a Christian had told me of Muslims.
I asked the Imam after the gathering and he said he could not help me but introduced me to another man who said he would. I gave him my details but had real doubt that i would see a Quran from that exchange.

A long time past and when we had our annual show (fair, farm exibhits etc) i was a gate keeper and the Imam i spoke of drove out waving a voucher for a coke if i purchase food from a stall. I tried to explain i did not need the voucher as i would not be go into the fair. He was very pushy and insistent i needed the voucher. he kept telling me i needed the voucher even after me telling him i was not going into the fair. (he did not seem "rightly guided" to me, who tells him i need the voucher. I politely and calmly refused the voucher. Many in my culture would have taken it to shut him up, i was tempted to be week but it is not my called way, to take what you do not need. As he drove away i remember thinking well he did not recognise me. My heart makes "prayer" so much as it did then and i knew i would see this Quran soon. In the week following my V8 had developed a miss and i had been dreading pulling the plugs out as they are hard to get to. I prayed for guidance and as i was removing the plug my phone rang, I knew without doubt it was about the Quran and sure enough it was the man the Imam had introduced me to telling me i would be welcome at his home to pick up a copy of the Quran. Yes the first spark plug was the defective one.

Hope this is some of what you were looking for of Allahs kind goodness to build a thread to show He loves those who aspire to submit unto Him.

04-20-2010, 01:39 AM
I don't think you can "feel" God's presence, more like you could feel his "hand" helping you or backslapping you when you been bad :D

Steven John
04-20-2010, 06:36 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by islamirama
I don't think you can "feel" God's presence, more like you could feel his "hand" helping you or backslapping you when you been bad :D
AsSalum o Aleikum,
I think i agree with what you say, Allah is too much for me to comprehend His presence, if i did i would most probably tremble maybe unstoppably. The times i have felt His hand as you put it i have trembled very much.
How could I as one man comprehend the fullness of Allah's presence. Or maybe in this life His presence to us is felt as we can cope, for Allah all things are possible and he is all knowing of how much i can cope with.

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04-20-2010, 05:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Instead I am wondering if Muslims and Christians (and other religions) can agree that God works directly in our lives and that he guides us and prompts us.

Do you have stories of times when you strongly felt God's presence?
When you felt God was 'calling' you to do something?

Do you want to share your story?
Nice thread, Glo, do you have anything to share in here?

I agree that God works directly in our lives and guides us....

I don't tend to be very "feeling" and so to feel God's presence is not something that usually happens for me as I have seen others experience it. This doesn't mean that God is any less present in my life than in theirs. I believe we just expeirence God differently. For me, not only am I one who doesn't act on emotions, but I also am not one who chases after wonders and signs. For God to speak to me it takes something very big and often he must hit me over the head a few times for me to take notice. :) Usually by the third time I hear the same message in one day from three different sources, I wake up and say "Okay, God, I hear you."

There have been many, many, many times God has called me to do something. One of the biggest was when I was choosing a graduate school program. I felt strongly that he was calling me to move and attend a school four hours away. Everything about it just made sense, but it was not something easy to decide to do. Not only would I be moving four hours away, but when I first felt the call I was pregnant with my second child and married to a man who did not want to move. Over the next year and half, God did several things that made my move to this place happen. The first thing he did was to close the door on the grad school I had applied to at my present univeristy. I was accepted, but never told until too late for financial aid, so attending that semester was not a possibility. The second thing he did was both of my husband's grandparents died within months of each other, leaving us enough of an inheritance for me to purchase a second vehicle and put 6 months rent down on an apartment. The third thing God did was he dissolved my marriage. It was not easy being a single mother of two, in grad school, and living in a new city, but through God bringing me to that place there has been so much that has happened in my life that otherwise would have never happened.

04-21-2010, 06:25 PM
Thank you for sharing your experiences, PouringRain. :)

format_quote Originally Posted by PouringRain
Nice thread, Glo, do you have anything to share in here?
Well, personally speaking I have a very strong sense of God being present in my life.
Indeed I would not have become a Christian if I had not felt that God was calling me by name ... (But that's not really a story for an Islamic forum ...)

However, I most commonly feel God is prompting me to do something, when I really don't feel like it at all - and when his prompting really almost goes against my own wishes and desires.

To give an example, I recall one time when I had an argument with my husband and I was so angry with him!
I went upstairs to pray to God (... well, really to whinge at God) - when I felt God tell me to go back downstairs and offer to make my husband a cup of tea. My reaction was something like "You gotta be joking! He wronged me, he should be making me some tea!"
Still, I felt that God insisted that that's what he wanted me to do ... so I submitted to his will and did what he asked.
As soon as I did something shifted. The atmosphere of anger and tension was gone. It was more than simply my husband being nice because I had made tea. I felt that God had touched us both and softened our hearts.

It may not seem like much, but often it isn't.
It is just one example of God leading me gently through life by the hand, prompting me, nudging me, and hopefully making me a better person in the process ...

I find that when I overcome my own desires and pride, and when I obey God's prompting, then big changes happen. It is that which makes me convinced that it is God at play, rather than my own doing.

Anyway, I was rather hoping to hear views from more Muslims too. :)

04-21-2010, 07:24 PM
That is a beautiful story, Glo. I'm sure it was a very humbling experience as well. :) To humble yourself before your husband and submit to God's instructions even after being wronged goes against what we as humans often feel compelled to do in the natural.

04-21-2010, 08:00 PM
You'll find similar experiences common amongst muslims glo

Muslims with a strong connection with Allah will have His help and guidence with them at every step, but for this I believe you need to be a practicing muslim and reach a certain level of piety, thats why I think it will be a bit awkward for members to share their own experiences without sounding boastful. I hope you get what I mean, someone may have had the most wonderful personal experience where Allah has helped them but another muslim who is not as close to Allah may not have.

Practicing muslims will remember Allah all the time, they'll rely on his help and guidence for every single thing throughout life. Allah will help and guide us with anything, whether its protecting us from harm or guiding us on a small matter - muslims have these experiences all the time. For decision making we even have a special prayer where we can ask for Allahs guidence on a matter. And yes all these blessings in life constantly remind us that Allah is present and that everything is happening by His will.

04-21-2010, 08:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by aadil77
You'll find similar experiences common amongst muslims glo
I am sure that is the case, aadil.
That's why I am interested to hear personal stories from people who have experienced them.

Do you have any story you are happy to share? :)

I like the Islamic sentiment of asking God for guidance and being willing to follow it.
It strikes me very similar to the Christian view.

04-21-2010, 08:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I am sure that is the case, aadil.
That's why I am interested to hear personal stories from people who have experienced them.

Do you have any story you are happy to share? :)

I like the Islamic sentiment of asking God for guidance and being willing to follow it.
It strikes me very similar to the Christian view.
I know these stories are enlightening but personally I'd fear being boastful as its somethin quite personal between you and Allah and not everyone is given these blessings, theres are many instances where very pious muslims have been blessed to be able to see prophet Muhammad in their dreams but they will not talk about it nor mention it ever happened out of humility. I think its best you keep it to yourself.

04-21-2010, 08:29 PM
That's fair enough, aadil.
I can understand your point of view. Thank you for explaining. :)

04-21-2010, 09:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by aadil77
I know these stories are enlightening but personally I'd fear being boastful as its somethin quite personal between you and Allah and not everyone is given these blessings, theres are many instances where very pious muslims have been blessed to be able to see prophet Muhammad in their dreams but they will not talk about it nor mention it ever happened out of humility. I think its best you keep it to yourself.
Thank you aadil, for sharing this. :) For us Christians these stories are not boastful as they are inspirational. When we hear these stories they serve as inspiration, encouragement, learning experiences (instruction), examples, etc. It serves to confirm that God is real and does work in our lives as an active part if we are willing to listen. In the Christian faith we also recognize that people are at different levels, or different places in their walk, and some may not believd that God speaks to him. Often he does, they have just not learned to hear him yet. God can speak to us in so many ways through so many different people, things, circumstances, medium, etc. Hearing the stories of others can also help those who struggle to hear God learn how to recognize his voice. I hope I didn't leave anything out. Maybe Glo, or some of the others on here, have anything they'd like to contribute.

I would like to her some of the Muslim's stories also if they would be kind enough to share. :) I have heard some in the past. Thanks.

04-21-2010, 10:20 PM
I find this thread just wonderful thank you all ! I know it's true what you're talking about.
I also agree with brother aadil that for some people because of modesty or because they fear that people don't believe them they prefer to not talk about the blessing and wonderment they receive from God. Personally I can feel God's presence in the most darkest moment's in my life, and without Allah's help I couldn't get out many problems I faced in my life.

But I have to ask a question here, and it's mainly adressed for atheist brothers and sisters here or for those who don't really believe in God's existence : In your whole life, didn't you feel some divine power that helped you in a strange/miraculous way to get out from some complicated problem that you didn't imagine that there is a way out ? I mean let's forget logical/rational resoning for a while, didn't one day feel the presence of a supernatural entity (that can be a God) that influenced you destiny or your life in any manner ? I'm not being a priest now or making da'wa, but just I want to know from your own experience.

Some of you will tell me it's jus hallucinations or some psychic weakness or even coincindence, But I want a response from your heart about a real experience.

04-22-2010, 05:12 AM
I was very tired mentally one night - came late night from office... after heavy work.... but didnot feel like sleeping...Was thinking about ALLAH...and was eager to read quran...Usually i read Quran every morning before i leave to office......but in the night i usually dont - i receite which is in my memory and then goto sleep ...

But that night...i was very fond of reading quran...
the below line was in my memory - i had heard my imam reading this surah...and was eager to read that.. But i didnot know to which Surah it belongs to... Also duno how to find that line in quran...
so thought i would read anyone one surah and then goto sleep.

Translation: So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?

After doing wudu... i sat in kitchen it was a very private and peaceful place at that night.....as everyone else was sleeping and i could not switch on light anywhere else (It was not a big house with seperate rooms for each one of us)... I didnot search for any particular surah...Just opened the quran...did not turn any pages..the page which opened had a surah starting from it...

So started reading it.... What a surprise it was...Alhamdulillah... I saw the above lines in that surah...the same surah which i had wished to read that night .. it was Surah Ar-Rahman .. I read it with translation.. and It was the most wonderful feeling ever..:cry:

After reading the surah... i slept that night... woke for Fajr in the morning and went to Masjid.
After the sunnah prayer... i thanked ALLAH for that wonderful feeling he gave last night .... Then the Fajr Jamaath prayer started... What a surprise again...the imam was reading the same surah - Surah Ar-Rahman...which i loved to hear......It was a great feeling.

One may tell it is coincidental or wateva....But for me .. It was a spiritual surprise..awsome feeling....I could not forget this ever...ALHAMDULILLAH

I hope.. what i have posted above is related to this thread...:?

04-22-2010, 05:35 AM
That is a great story, Abdul-Raouf! Thank you for sharing it.

04-22-2010, 06:25 AM
Reading quran always help akhee....it likes it giving you advice, showing you the way, solutions, a heart softener, to calm you when distress and etc. and i'm sure lots of people experience that. and sometimes it is so overwhelming. And sometimes i think it is good to share this feelings...and if anyone felt it like showing off...perhaps they can post it as anonymous :)

04-22-2010, 02:12 PM
Each of us is constanly receiving guidance from Allaah(swt) some of us desire to follow it and to us this is actually felt. Christians usually refer to that as "The Holy Spirit" or the "Presence of God" I believe the feeling is the same for us Muslims, but we see it as the "Guidance of Allaah(swt)".

The more we follow this guidance, the stronger it becomes and does become a very strong physical feeling of a presence or "force". It is present in all things we do if we listen to it. Yes, there are times each of us choose to ignore it and want to do things in our own way. At those times we often lead ourselves into meandering off the straight path and untill we actively seek a return to following the guidance we begin to drift away,

04-22-2010, 02:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
Each of us is constanly receiving guidance from Allaah(swt) some of us desire to follow it and to us this is actually felt. Christians usually refer to that as "The Holy Spirit" or the "Presence of God" I believe the feeling is the same for us Muslims, but we see it as the "Guidance of Allaah(swt)".

The more we follow this guidance, the stronger it becomes and does become a very strong physical feeling of a presence or "force". It is present in all things we do if we listen to it. Yes, there are times each of us choose to ignore it and want to do things in our own way. At those times we often lead ourselves into meandering off the straight path and untill we actively seek a return to following the guidance we begin to drift away,
Woodrow, your post reminds me that sometimes it can feel as if Muslims and Christians have a very different perception of their relationship with God - when perhaps much of it is simply a different way of expressing it and using different terminology and language.

I agree that listening to God takes practice, and that the more we try to enter into his presence/guidance, the more we become aware of it.

Do you ever feel that 'letting go of oneself' and becoming willing to follow God - whatever it takes - is at the very heart of being able to hear God?

04-22-2010, 03:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo

Do you ever feel that 'letting go of oneself' and becoming willing to follow God - whatever it takes - is at the very heart of being able to hear God?
That is exactly what I did 2 years ago, very little of what I now do is actually of my own desires and as a result my life has improved so much, I can not even begin to describe what happened, but it is wonderful. A short 2 years ago I was basically an invalid, no longer able to drive, could only stand for short periods of time, seldom left my room, depended on my daughter and with a very poor medical prognosis. I was simply preparing for death which was imminent. I had discussed with the Admins here about reigning as a Mod. But out of the blue Allaah(swt) sent Aabidah into my life, neither of us had any desire to remarry. Yet, we were basically forced into accepting that it was the will of Allaah(swt) to marry. We both decided to just resign from personal life and turn our life over to the will of Allaah(swt). The results have been beyond belief. Physically I am now doing things I could not do since I was a teenager, driving up to 20 hours daily several days a week, riding horses, doing farm chores all for the goal of serving Allaah(swt) and bringing Islam to people that had never even heard of Islam.

04-22-2010, 03:34 PM
How do you know if you are following God or following the devil?

There was a story an 'Israelyaat' that Imam al'awlaki shared in one of his lecture, about a trusted Jew, the town's most honest man.
One day three brothers were called to the cause of Allah and so they went out on Jihad but were very fearful of the fate of their sister with no one to look after her, they approached this man and I think his name was baseesa, if someone heard the same lecture and knows his name pls then correct it, anyhow, they went to baseesa because there was no doubt about his good reputation and they knew if someone would come up with the best way to deal with the sister being left behind it would be him, so they went, and he told them, go fight in the cause of God, I'll leave food by your house everyday I'll knock on the door say 'food is here' and leave, so inform your sister of this arrangement and if she has any needs she can write it and leave it on the tray when she leaves it outside her door I'll read it and get her whatever she needs!

In the beginning baseesa would knock at the door and leave, the sister would open take the tray of food, and eat it, neither baseesa nor the sister seeing the other..
one day the devil told baseesa (though in his own mind he thought it was the voice of truth) what if she is in need of something else? She is all alone in there, surely I can knock and not leave but wait to make sure she picks the tray and ask her if there is anything else she needs then I can earn even greater reward by attending to it for what human wants to be devoid of companionship?..

And so baseesa did, and every day, the devil would whisper anew something that seems so human, what if she is lonely in there and in need of companionship, everyone needs to be held and hugged in their hour of need, surely I can offer her a shoulder to cry on, her brothers have been gone for so long and a young woman by herself it must be just unbearable.. slowly baseesa made his way into the sisters's life.. slowly everyday the devil would whisper something all too human to his mind's eye and before you know it he had bed the sister and she was with child..

Baseesa now distraught with what he had done, kept wondering how he's ever explain this to the brothers for surely they are bound to return, so the devil whispers to him, how she is the seductress as all women, she invited him in, she kissed him back, she cried in his arms, all he wanted to do was console her for her brothers absence and in her state of loneliness but she took advantage and exposed all her charms and deserves to die as is the fate of every seductress, so Baseesa decided to kill the baby and the mother..

Then again, Baseesa was distraught for how will he ever explain the whereabouts of the sister.. so the devil whispers again to him, to have her buried in a particular spot and when the brothers comes back to tell them that she became ill and he'd found out because the trays of food kept collecting outside her door and he had to investigate and as such he found her dead and had to bury her upon death..

sure enough the brothers returned and asked the whereabouts of their sisters, and Baseesa told them she was buried in this spot, of course the devil had told him to bury her in a different spot and tell them another..

The brothers were very distraught, but they had no reason not to distrust baseesa and of course no one ever disturbs the graves of the dead.. but the devil then kept whispering to the brothers, Baseesa is an awful person, how can you trust him, and the brothers would battle those thoughts for surely the righteous never think ill of another.. nonetheless the devil kept at it, and he said if you don't believe me then simply dig in this spot you won't find your sister there, if you do then Baseesa is trustworthy and if not, then you must know that he isn't and if you want I can show you where she is truly buried..

The brothers justified to themselves that they are doing the right thing to go digging where Baseesa told them their sister was buried, when lo and Behold, they find no one there.. then they went to Baseesa and confronted him, he confessed that he'd killed her but never told them about the child, and again the devil whispered to them, so finally they went to where the devil told them to dig when they find both mother and child buried and they knew that Baseesa had betrayed their trust and committed a great sin!

a court is set up and Baseesa is sentenced to death.. the Devil then appears in form to Baseesa and tells him, Baseesa you were innocent all along, but every day I'd whisper to you, something making you sin appear like charity and good deeds, but if you bow to me now I'll make all of this go away for you know as I had the power to expose you, I have the power to save you.. so Baseesa bows to the devil, gets put to death anyway, not only having lost everything but his very soul for his last deed wasn't of repentance and submission to Allah swt but to the devil himself...

Moral of the story.. well it should be obvious .. but the next time you think those whispers are from God or maybe attribute to good or your own soul as we surely all justify our 'good deeds' to self , know that it can be your eternal enemy making your life-style and deeds appear all the more good to you to drive you to the abyss!

all the best


04-22-2010, 03:35 PM
every man cant claim to be being guided by God, otherwise every tom and harry will come up with new philosophies and their will be conflict in the land. does anybody actually know what Allah feels like? or do we percieve god because we want to percieve him?

when god truly reveals himself its in the form of miracles, can anyone actually say theyve experienced a personal miracle? not quranic miracle, probs not cause these are reserved 4 prophets and those truly close 2 Allah swt.

what we know to do is what has been revealed to us in the quran and once we have any kind of understanding of even 1 verse it will dictate your thought process. then you are on guidance.

04-22-2010, 04:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
That is exactly what I did 2 years ago, very little of what I now do is actually of my own desires and as a result my life has improved so much, I can not even begin to describe what happened, but it is wonderful. A short 2 years ago I was basically an invalid, no longer able to drive, could only stand for short periods of time, seldom left my room, depended on my daughter and with a very poor medical prognosis. I was simply preparing for death which was imminent. I had discussed with the Admins here about reigning as a Mod. But out of the blue Allaah(swt) sent Aabidah into my life, neither of us had any desire to remarry. Yet, we were basically forced into accepting that it was the will of Allaah(swt) to marry. We both decided to just resign from personal life and turn our life over to the will of Allaah(swt). The results have been beyond belief. Physically I am now doing things I could not do since I was a teenager, driving up to 20 hours daily several days a week, riding horses, doing farm chores all for the goal of serving Allaah(swt) and bringing Islam to people that had never even heard of Islam.
That is a beautiful story Uncle Woodrow, of how Allah miraculously changed your personal life for the better, subhaanallah.

As for feeling called/prompted/guided by God, a valid question:

format_quote Originally Posted by τhε ṿαlε'ṡ lïlÿ
How do you know if you are following God or following the devil?

Moral of the story.. well it should be obvious .. but the next time you think those whispers are from God or maybe attribute to good or your own soul as we surely all justify our 'good deeds' to self , know that it can be your eternal enemy making your life-style and deeds appear all the more good to you to drive you to the abyss!]
format_quote Originally Posted by tango92
every man cant claim to be being guided by God, otherwise every tom and harry will come up with new philosophies and their will be conflict in the land.
So true, and we've already seen that happen. George Bush thought he was being prompted/called/guided by God to invade Iraq and Afghanistan.

format_quote Originally Posted by tango92
What we know to do is what has been revealed to us in the quran and once we have any kind of understanding of even 1 verse it will dictate your thought process. then you are on guidance.

04-22-2010, 04:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Insane Insaan
That is a beautiful story Uncle Woodrow, of how Allah miraculously changed your personal life for the better, subhaanallah.

As for feeling called/prompted/guided by God, a valid question:

So true, and we've already seen that happen. George Bush thought he was being prompted/called/guided by God to invade Iraq and Afghanistan.
It is like I always say, if you think God is calling you telling you to do things, then you should have your head examined.. there are very few ways left for said communication and I really doubt going upstairs and having god tell you to make a cup of tea is one of them!


04-22-2010, 07:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
That is exactly what I did 2 years ago, very little of what I now do is actually of my own desires and as a result my life has improved so much, I can not even begin to describe what happened, but it is wonderful. A short 2 years ago I was basically an invalid, no longer able to drive, could only stand for short periods of time, seldom left my room, depended on my daughter and with a very poor medical prognosis. I was simply preparing for death which was imminent. I had discussed with the Admins here about reigning as a Mod. But out of the blue Allaah(swt) sent Aabidah into my life, neither of us had any desire to remarry. Yet, we were basically forced into accepting that it was the will of Allaah(swt) to marry. We both decided to just resign from personal life and turn our life over to the will of Allaah(swt). The results have been beyond belief. Physically I am now doing things I could not do since I was a teenager, driving up to 20 hours daily several days a week, riding horses, doing farm chores all for the goal of serving Allaah(swt) and bringing Islam to people that had never even heard of Islam.
I didn't realise, Woodrow.
That's so wonderful to hear.

Praise God! Alhumdulillah!

P.S. Please give my warmest wishes to Aabidah.

04-23-2010, 01:51 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
That is exactly what I did 2 years ago, very little of what I now do is actually of my own desires and as a result my life has improved so much, I can not even begin to describe what happened, but it is wonderful. A short 2 years ago I was basically an invalid, no longer able to drive, could only stand for short periods of time, seldom left my room, depended on my daughter and with a very poor medical prognosis. I was simply preparing for death which was imminent. I had discussed with the Admins here about reigning as a Mod. But out of the blue Allaah(swt) sent Aabidah into my life, neither of us had any desire to remarry. Yet, we were basically forced into accepting that it was the will of Allaah(swt) to marry. We both decided to just resign from personal life and turn our life over to the will of Allaah(swt). The results have been beyond belief. Physically I am now doing things I could not do since I was a teenager, driving up to 20 hours daily several days a week, riding horses, doing farm chores all for the goal of serving Allaah(swt) and bringing Islam to people that had never even heard of Islam.
I was very happy after reading that.. :) :) ...Alhamdulilah.
You take one step in the right way...HE comes running to help ...:)

04-23-2010, 05:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by τhε ṿαlε'ṡ lïlÿ
It is like I always say, if you think God is calling you telling you to do things, then you should have your head examined.. there are very few ways left for said communication and I really doubt going upstairs and having god tell you to make a cup of tea is one of them!


I agree with that.

In my opinion Allaah(swt) uses several tools to guide us.

In my case it is being faced with multiple choices the guidance comes from studying to see which is the choice that is Halal without doubt, or a choice that carries a sense of obligation and once knowing what the choice entails it is a failure to fulfill an obligation if it is ignored.

To me the submission to follow Allaah(swt) comes in the form of following or trying to follow the choices that are halal and fulfill an obligation.

It is sort of like following road signs. I want to get from point A to point B. As I travel down the path I pass signs that lead to beautiful scenary and signs that direct me to the most direct route. I focus on what is going to get me to point B and to me that is what I see as guidance.

The guidance comes in the form that I actually have no choice if my desire is to lead a halal life. Perhaps it is secondary that I am left with a very warm feeling and a sense of being rewarded after I choose that which helps me fulfill obligations.

I do have very many faults and when I do make an error and choose based on my desires alone, I find myself paying the price and suffering the consequences.

04-23-2010, 05:53 AM
^yh a good self check mechanism for desicions is which is more halal, or which may later lead to haram whilst seeming islamic now....

anyway i just wanted to add these quotes.

(And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out and He provides for them from (sources) they never could imagine.) (At-Talaq 65:2–3)

Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him.

- Bukhari - that for me is Allah working in my life.

04-23-2010, 07:01 AM
I did wonder whether this thread would show agreement between Muslims and Christians on the matter of divine guidance, or whether it would crystallize out certain differences.

It seems so far that the Christian perception is more that of a God who has a personal interest in and a personal relationship with his people.
Is the Muslim perception less so? Rather than God drawing people to himself, it is their responsibility to find him?

Woodrow and tango, are you saying that guidance from Allah comes from the Qu'ran and it's instructions alone, not from a more direct and personal guidance from Allah himself?

That makes sense to me for those who have already committed themselves to Islam.
But how then does God guide those who are non-Muslims?
Woodrow, before you became a Muslim, in your times of being a Christian/agnostic/atheist, how did Allah guide you then? I remember that you had been reading the Qu'ran for a long time, so supposedly you had been exposed to it's contents long before you turn towards Islam. But do you not think it was Allah who stirred you to accept it to be the truth? Or was that completely your own doing?

What about those who have never read the Qu'ran or even heard about it?
How are they guided by God?

04-23-2010, 09:20 AM
I had some more thoughts on this whilst I was out running.

Of course we have to weigh anything we think might be God's guidance to ensure that it really is God's guidance.
In Christian thinking, God would firstly not give any guidance which goes against his own Holy Book. So the first thing to do would be to check whether the guidance with receive is in line with God's word.
Secondly, we should pray and wait for confirmation that we have 'heard correctly'.
Thirdly we should consult and pray the issue over with other - ideally more mature and knowledgeable - Christians.

Therefore, statements such as 'God told me to set fire to my neighbour's car', 'God told me to steal this diamond ring' or 'God told me to sleep with my wife's best friend', clearly aren't from God. They are founded on human desire of anger, greed and sexual urges, but not on God's will for us.

04-23-2010, 10:39 AM
I remembered this story I heard on the radio recently:

A woman was going on one of her regular walks, when she came to a crossroads and felt suddenly prompted to go a different way to her usual route.
She took a different way, as prompted, and soon came across an older man and his grandson who had been cycling and had both fallen into the river. The grandson had managed to climb out of the water, but was too young to help his granddad out.
The woman was able to offer the old man help, potentially saving his life.

Now, was this feeling to take a different way
  1. coincidence,
  2. simply the woman's own thoughts and desires, or
  3. divine intervention?

    What are your thoughts?


04-23-2010, 12:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow

I agree with that.

In my opinion Allaah(swt) uses several tools to guide us.

In my case it is being faced with multiple choices the guidance comes from studying to see which is the choice that is Halal without doubt, or a choice that carries a sense of obligation and once knowing what the choice entails it is a failure to fulfill an obligation if it is ignored.

To me the submission to follow Allaah(swt) comes in the form of following or trying to follow the choices that are halal and fulfill an obligation.

It is sort of like following road signs. I want to get from point A to point B. As I travel down the path I pass signs that lead to beautiful scenary and signs that direct me to the most direct route. I focus on what is going to get me to point B and to me that is what I see as guidance.

The guidance comes in the form that I actually have no choice if my desire is to lead a halal life. Perhaps it is secondary that I am left with a very warm feeling and a sense of being rewarded after I choose that which helps me fulfill obligations.

I do have very many faults and when I do make an error and choose based on my desires alone, I find myself paying the price and suffering the consequences.

I have always known that dreams are 1/40th of prophet-hood as such it is one of the very few means left for us..

I don't believe that Allah swt guides those who have gone astray unless they wish to genuinely change themselves.. there is no sin after kuffr..


04-24-2010, 08:10 PM
please glo, you need to recognize this thread is mostly muslims giving personal accounts and opinions regarding a matter which noone really has the definitive answer to. the fact is Allah swt guides whom he wills, what we have to do is ensure we are deserving of that guidance because the entire purpose of our creation is to serve Allah swt.

as for guiding non believers, of course he must have, how else would they become muslim? if no signs of islam have reached a certain individual then it makes sense Allah swt would guide them to the truth if they were of a sincere heart. but then in the sun, nature and human soul are signs of Allah swt existence which reach everyone.

many muslims have a deep connection with Allah, just this is something between Allah swt and the believer. its seen as a mater of extreme importance that we do not let our desires, or the devil trick us into misleading ourselves thinking we are following the path of Allah. thats why we need to verify our thoughts by the quran and the example of prophet Muhammad pbuh. i wouldnt consider the quran the word of god if i didnt see it as miraculous or have some other miracle associated to it.

04-24-2010, 08:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tango92
please glo, you need to recognize this thread is mostly muslims giving personal accounts and opinions regarding a matter which noone really has the definitive answer to.
I'm aware of that, and that's not problem at all.
In fact, I am very much interested is people's own perceptions and experiences - much more so than copied and pasted information.
As far as I am concerned, there are no right or wrong answers ... just what individual posters' own experiences!

as for guiding non believers, of course he must have, how else would they become muslim? if no signs of islam have reached a certain individual then it makes sense Allah swt would guide them to the truth if they were of a sincere heart. but then in the sun, nature and human soul are signs of Allah swt existence which reach everyone.
That makes sense to me. :)

many muslims have a deep connection with Allah, just this is something between Allah swt and the believer. its seen as a mater of extreme importance that we do not let our desires, or the devil trick us into misleading ourselves thinking we are following the path of Allah.
O can relate to that too.

Now then, do you have any story of your own you would be happy to share?

04-24-2010, 08:42 PM
God is truly working in our lives i remember as a mischievious child i cut an electric kettle chord in half with a kitchen knife and i got a mild shock.....few years ago i asked my physics teacher and he told me people can actually die from doing this

sorry for messing up your thread

04-24-2010, 08:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii
God is truly working in our lives i remember as a mischievious child i cut an electric kettle chord in half with a kitchen knife and i got a mild shock.....few years ago i asked my physics teacher and he told me people can actually die from doing this

sorry for the messing up your thread
I can't imagine you being mischievious, Abdullahii! ;D

Thank you for sharing your story.

04-24-2010, 11:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I'm aware of that, and that's not problem at all.
In fact, I am very much interested is people's own perceptions and experiences - much more so than copied and pasted information.
As far as I am concerned, there are no right or wrong answers ... just what individual posters' own experiences!
God not only is working our lives but is also protecting us as well. Just look at a child and see how many times a he/she could have gotten hurt and yet by a miracle the child is unharmed. The kind of crazy childhood i had, I would not be here today if God wasn't working in my life and looking out for me.

06-12-2010, 02:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by marwen
I find this thread just wonderful thank you all ! I know it's true what you're talking about.
I also agree with brother aadil that for some people because of modesty or because they fear that people don't believe them they prefer to not talk about the blessing and wonderment they receive from God. Personally I can feel God's presence in the most darkest moment's in my life, and without Allah's help I couldn't get out many problems I faced in my life.
That's beautifully said, marwen. I agree with you.

But I have to ask a question here, and it's mainly adressed for atheist brothers and sisters here or for those who don't really believe in God's existence : In your whole life, didn't you feel some divine power that helped you in a strange/miraculous way to get out from some complicated problem that you didn't imagine that there is a way out ? I mean let's forget logical/rational resoning for a while, didn't one day feel the presence of a supernatural entity (that can be a God) that influenced you destiny or your life in any manner ? I'm not being a priest now or making da'wa, but just I want to know from your own experience.

Some of you will tell me it's jus hallucinations or some psychic weakness or even coincindence, But I want a response from your heart about a real experience.
I think your last sentence points to the answer.

Personally, I believe that all of us are touched by God, whether we believe in him or not. But it is up to us whether and how we respond to that touch. And I guess in this age of reasoning and scientific thought, it is fairly easy to disregard something divine and supernatural as 'delusion' or a momentary mental instability.
We cannot prove the existence of God - therefore, when we think we have experienced his presence, we have to accept that by faith.

I remember clearly when I experienced God's presence in my life for the first time - and at first I had doubts and questions and unbelief. But over the course of some days, I continued to feel prompted and 'called' by God - and in the end I submitted to his calling and believed.
Looking back, I could just as easily have denied him and walked away, passing the whole episode off as a moment of weakness or madness ... :phew

Perhaps it is hard for some people to accept the existence of and believe in an invisible, all-powerful creator God - something which seems to fly in the face of scientific reasoning ... :hmm:

I pray that the day will come when all people bow down and worship the One True God!

06-12-2010, 04:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by τhε ṿαlε'ṡ lïlÿ
It is like I always say, if you think God is calling you telling you to do things, then you should have your head examined.. there are very few ways left for said communication and I really doubt going upstairs and having god tell you to make a cup of tea is one of them!

Hi Lily

I chose to ignore your comment the first time round - mostly because I was quite taken aback, as I found your words unnecessarily personal and hurtful.
But you mentioned my story about God 'speaking' to me again in another thread just recently, and that tells me two things:

1. You have a better memory than I do. (My husband always tells me I have a memory like a sieve! :D)

2. My story seems to have left you with negative feelings. Perhaps you found it inappropriate or ridiculous or even offensive?

I would sincerely like to know why you disagree with my story. Could you try and explain?

Is it that, according to your own experience of God and/or the Islamic understanding of God, God does not concern himself with such minor issues such as the relationship between two individuals?
Does God not involve himself personally with people?
Does God not prompt us to do what's good and right?
Or does God guide/speak to people, but only to Muslims?
Or are there other reasons why you disagree?

I am asking you very politely to please be respectful in your reply.
You don't have to agree with my views or like my story. But please respect that it is a story which is personal and important to me.
I cannot stop you from ridiculing it in this forum environment, but I would like to ask you respectfully please not to. It simply isn't a kind thing to do.

I would love to hear your views on the questions I have asked, and I am hoping for a friendly and peaceful continuation of this thread.


06-13-2010, 01:36 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by tango92
as for guiding non believers, of course he must have, how else would they become muslim?
The same way new Christians become Christian and the same way people come to any religion (or ideology for that matter). Surely you wouldn't argue that the radical christian right (who hate Muslims) got that way because Allah guided them there?

06-13-2010, 07:06 AM
Pygo, have you ever had 'God moments', which left you wondering for a brief while about the existence of God, but which - presumably - you found a rational, non-divine explanation for?

06-13-2010, 05:25 PM
I can't really say I've had such moments. I can understand why people have them though.

06-13-2010, 10:22 PM
I'd like to offer my take on this. It's all very interesting.

Dhikr (the remembrance of Allah) has a lot to do with my opinion on this. These hadith will illustrate my point:

In a hadith qudsi, the Prophet, peace be upon him, narrated: "Allah says: 'I am to my servant as he expects of Me, I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in his heart, I remember him to Myself, and if he remembers me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly better than his, and if he draws nearer to Me a hand's span, I draw nearer to him an arm's length, and if he draws nearer to Me an arm's length, I draw nearer to him a fathom length, and if he comes to me walking, I rush to him at [great] speed. (Bukhari and Muslim)

Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "When any group of men remember Allah, angels surround them and mercy covers them, tranquility descends upon them, and Allah mentions them to those who are with Him."

And also this verse from the Quran:

So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me. (2:152)

Some normal everyday experiences for me would be often when i am driving (sometimes walking), i will see a lone solitary leaf fall. And it always makes me think of this verse:

And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it. And no grain is there within the darknesses of the earth and no moist or dry [thing] but that it is [written] in a clear record. (6:59)

And i remember Allah, with some dhikr.

Another one would be, also while driving (again, walking as well), a bird will fly right in front of my car. And i always seem to think of this verse:

Do they not see the birds above them with wings outspread and [sometimes] folded in? None holds them [aloft] except the Most Merciful. Indeed He is, of all things, Seeing. (67:19)

And i remember Allah, with some dhikr.

Even reading the stories in the thread make me remember Allah (Brother Woodrow's, the chap speaking about Sura Al Rahman).

06-14-2010, 06:19 AM
Thank you for sharing, espada.

Remembering God in the things we encounter in our daily lives, and thanking him for them, is a wonderful way to stay in touch with God.
I like the way to link everything to scripture too. :)

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