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View Full Version : Doubts about my husband

layla is here
05-27-2010, 05:51 PM
Hello everyone,
I don't normally like to discuss my personal situation in public but I am torn and don't know what to do. I met my husband online and he was living in Toronto. I am living in Kingston. We planned to marry and live in Toronto then he suddenly decided to move to Montreal and said 'can you live in montreal'. I said I guess so even though I don't really want to live in montreal. For one thing I don't speak french so it will be very difficult to find a job which he wants me to do to help share the responsabilities. That's problem number one, he thinks we should live 'american style' where husband and wife share everything. I had a former husband who supported 100% and I think this is the best islamic way to live but this husband disagrees. He won't listen to anything I say about islam even if I show him fatwas from islamqa.com or islamway.com. He doesn't trust any websites I show him and he says I don't know islam. That's problem two.
Another problem is he doesn't act attracted to me at all. I know if a man is attracted to me by how he compliments me and acts sweet and my husband doesn't do any of that. He even said that I'm too fat and need a diet!
Also, he doesn't pray all the time. He prays when he feels like it. And he shaves his beard.
I am just not happy at all. I feel he doesn't love me and won't love me properly.
I want a divorce but he says I can't have one. We married in a shia mosque because he couldn't find a sunni mosque that does marriages so I don't even know if the marriage is valid.
I'm tempted to find someone else who will really love me and treat me properly.
Please advise me kindly what to do.

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Ummu Sufyaan
05-29-2010, 03:23 AM
i hope you did thorough back ground checks before you agreed to marry him...i cant help but feel that you still have some sort of attachment to your first husband? =)

you should see a shiekh about your problem.

05-29-2010, 03:25 AM
How long have you been married, Layla?
Are you living together?

Abdul Wahid
05-29-2010, 03:56 AM
:sl: sister.

I feel for you. It's a very complicated situation. I think it's best to contact a scholar or someone more knowledable than us.

I find it hard to believe that he couldn't find a Sunni Masjid. Anyways check out this link.


These are the Masjids in Montreal which you could contact and InshaALLAH sort something out.

May ALLAH(SWT) make things easier for you. Ameen.

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05-29-2010, 03:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by layla is here
Hello everyone,
I don't normally like to discuss my personal situation in public but I am torn and don't know what to do. I met my husband online and he was living in Toronto. I am living in Kingston. We planned to marry and live in Toronto then he suddenly decided to move to Montreal and said 'can you live in montreal'. I said I guess so even though I don't really want to live in montreal. For one thing I don't speak french so it will be very difficult to find a job which he wants me to do to help share the responsabilities. That's problem number one, he thinks we should live 'american style' where husband and wife share everything. I had a former husband who supported 100% and I think this is the best islamic way to live but this husband disagrees. He won't listen to anything I say about islam even if I show him fatwas from islamqa.com or islamway.com. He doesn't trust any websites I show him and he says I don't know islam. That's problem two.
Another problem is he doesn't act attracted to me at all. I know if a man is attracted to me by how he compliments me and acts sweet and my husband doesn't do any of that. He even said that I'm too fat and need a diet!
Also, he doesn't pray all the time. He prays when he feels like it. And he shaves his beard.
I am just not happy at all. I feel he doesn't love me and won't love me properly.
I want a divorce but he says I can't have one. We married in a shia mosque because he couldn't find a sunni mosque that does marriages so I don't even know if the marriage is valid.
I'm tempted to find someone else who will really love me and treat me properly.
Please advise me kindly what to do.

I am sorry for your troubles Layla,.. why did you divorce your first husband, he seemed to have qualities you are looking for in a man?
It is hard to assess your situation given that it is so one sided, but perhaps you'd benefit seeing a marriage counselor and involving someone for religious guidance in your life.. giving someone advise about their physique, asking them to work aren't necessarily acts of not loving someone in fact I think quite the opposite... I often advise people in my life to lose weight, stop smoking etc. and it is only because I care deeply.. also not smothering someone with attention and affection isn't necessarily a sign of not loving someone either.. some people are more physical, affectionate verbally than others but it is by no means a measure of love.. it doesn't seem like a reason to suspect that he doesn't love you..
I think beard is sunnah (and Allah swt knows best) however salaat is what distinguishes a Muslim from a kaffir, and for that I suggest you seek the help of a scholar or someone who will benefit your husband religiously!

and Allah swt knows best


layla is here
06-03-2010, 11:23 PM
Salaam alaykum wrwb,
My first husband divorced me.
I have been married to this husband for 5 months. We don't live together yet but I visit him every month. for at least one week. his month I will go for two weeks inshaAllah and I might stay there permenantly if the situation is available. My husband said he is unhappy that I am not living with him. I think he is the type of person that doesn't say I love you often even when he feels it. I guess I will stay with him and try to change. Thanks for your support.

06-03-2010, 11:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by layla is here
Salaam alaykum wrwb,
My first husband divorced me.
I have been married to this husband for 5 months. We don't live together yet but I visit him every month. for at least one week. his month I will go for two weeks inshaAllah and I might stay there permenantly if the situation is available. My husband said he is unhappy that I am not living with him. I think he is the type of person that doesn't say I love you often even when he feels it. I guess I will stay with him and try to change. Thanks for your support.


yes insha'Allah sister, I think it is much too early to judge this relationship and I think that you have an opportunity to be a good influence on him insha'Allah.. maybe he is a half way Muslim and by living with you and having you as a best friend and a wife, he'll slowly become a better Muslim..
Many people are disillusioned with each other when they first get married but after a while they become accustomed to each other's traits, they learn from one another and perhaps insha'Allah change each other for the better.. give it a chance yet and insha'Allah, Allah swt will make all your affairs easy for you.. plus try to communicate with him your feelings, don't simply take cues from him, if he is a particular way, try to teach him about you by telling him what you desire and need out of a marriage..

may Allah swt bless you and yours..


06-23-2010, 05:14 PM
My dear sister,

Its just an advice, because this is how I think should the husband and wife interact.

Whenever, I emphasize, whenever you feel that your husband is doing something you think is wrong, share it with him so he knows how you feel. It is not wrong to tell him if you like something and you don't like something. Also, you don't need to shout or make it a huge deal. Just tell him as if it is an advice. Add to that a solution to the problem, so he doesn't feel helpless and starts to get depressed.

Islam doesn't teach woman to submit to what men are saying. You can object to anything you feel is not right or not just. You have the right to ask for justification for every action he does. You are free to do whatever you want putting Islam rulse in consideration.

I hope something got cleared up.

Inshallah Allah will make your marriage a happy one.

06-24-2010, 09:13 AM
I sympathise with you and really hope everything works out for the better for the two of you.
However in must be said, finding someone online is not the best place to find a suitable religiously inclined husband, from the onset the relationship began with Zina. Speaking online or directly to non mahram males or females is forbidden in islam. This goes so much to show a persons cognisance of Allah watching him at all times. If someone has got sound deeni knowledge he will refrain from speaking to strange women. You can't expect to put you finger in the fire and not get burnt. Believe me, I very much doubt you will find a pious, allah fearing person trying to find a suitable women to marry on any chat website. Any union that begins with the disobedience of Allah cannot possibly expect to derive the mercy of allah, but instead expect the wrath of Allah. So don't get me wrong, but I think you have your fair share of blame in the situation you find yourself. May Allah assist and guide us. Ameen

cat eyes
06-25-2010, 01:13 AM
Thats true mashallah but people can find there potentials online even using there wali to contact them.

and also the amount of revert brothers and sisters on marriage sites is growing now too because there parents are non muslims so they can not get there parents to look for them.

i think it would be wrong to say that every muslim who uses these sites are bad :hmm: Allah knows there intention and i know for a fact people do things halal too when they find there potential

lets just say instead keep away from the fitnah and leave it at that :hmm: people have self control too

dew of paradise
06-25-2010, 08:27 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes
Thats true mashallah but people can find there potentials online even using there wali to contact them.

and also the amount of revert brothers and sisters on marriage sites is growing now too because there parents are non muslims so they can not get there parents to look for them.

i think it would be wrong to say that every muslim who uses these sites are bad :hmm: Allah knows there intention and i know for a fact people do things halal too when they find there potential

lets just say instead keep away from the fitnah and leave it at that :hmm: people have self control too
i cannot beleve ppl can gv such advices nw wthout knwing wt thy r sayin!!!
Most people are confused about whether Islam dating is allowed or not. They are confused not because of wrong teachings they have at home, but because they see other Muslims dating. Well, pre-marital relationships are not allowed in Islam. Muslims may wonder how they can marry, if they do not get a chance to know the other person. But youngsters always jump to conclusions.

Many young Muslim men and women want to take their own decisions, because the world has changed that way. If they want a partner for a lifetime, they may use the services of Islamic matrimonial sites, to hunt for their requirements. This is also known as dating as is often misinterpreted by many people who don’t know much about Islam.

Muslims have to follow a dua when they want to get married. This means they will seek the blessings of Allah, to help them find a good match. Muslim matrimonial sites are the best sites for any Muslim for dating, or for finding a partner for themselves. This method is very easy and also reaches borders all over the world.

Most families will help the individual when they hunt for a partner. Dating in Islam is not permitted, as the religion respects a person’s individuality, especially a woman’s. It is believed that man and woman are created for the purpose of a family and spiritual unity, not for other purposes. Muslim men and women should behave modestly in each other’s presence.

Another important thing is that even if two individuals are to be married, they cannot meet each other alone. They will have to have a family member present. This is only to ensure they maintain the faith of their religion. All Muslims cultures may not follow this of course. Though families living in the West do maintain their vows, some people tend to stray.

Dating in Islam, as in related to matrimonial sites, is slowly becoming a part of their culture. Through this opportunity, they can view thousands of profiles updated on the sites. They do not have to wait at home, like with the traditional method, and wait for photographs to come through marriage brokers. Muslims always like to be very intimate with families, and all families are with the couple most of the time, to give them moral support during the course of marriage.
Families are also around when their children date or find partners on Islamic matrimonial sites, so that they can check the background of the chosen profile. They will also check the status, education and members of the family before accepting a marriage alliance.

Islam dating is not approved because the Koran states that all Muslims must be clean when they are to be married. It also says that dealing with physical relationships before marriage, will stop an individual from being pure and seeking God in that pure state. This is something very challenging for youngsters to do, as they grow up in a modern world.

dew of paradise
06-25-2010, 08:36 AM
What is the Shar'i opinion with regards to the use of Internet for discussion of thoughts and engagement. Is there khalwa in the use of Messenger (only typing) ?

I have known a youth for some time (through messenger) and our discussion never included anything haram and we only discussed general problems. Then suddenly she mentioned that she will not talk to me any more since this chatting is haram, knowing that we only interact through typing and never spoke on the phone. I have made known to her that I wish to propose and marry her, but since she is still studying, her father does not feel that it would be appropriate to marry right now. I really do not want to loose her. What should I do? Answer In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه
إلى يوم الدين . أما بعد
Allah سبحانه وتعالى says: (Do not come close towards adultery, for verily it is evil and immoral).
(Surah Al Israa :32)

Islam forbids a Muslim from even going close to adultery. The prohibition includes any act that may lead to adultery.

Islam commands Muslims to spend his time with that which will benefit him in this world and the Hereafter and forbids wasting time and engaging in futile activities that does not benefit a Muslim in his life.

Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم said: (Make sure to what will benefit you), and Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم said: (Part of the excellence of a person’s faith is that he leaves that which does not concern him)

(Ibn Majah 1/31,darul fikr,bairut), (Sahih Muslim 3/1219,dar ahya turas al abri,bairut)

The Internet may be an effective way of promoting virtue or may be a way of evil and the disseminating obscenity and evil.

If you are using the Internet for issues which are permissible, then it will be permissible. If used in matters that are not permissible, for example washing movies, chatting with ghair mahram and women etc.

It is compulsory upon Muslims in general to use the internet with caution as there are many causes of fitnah over the internet. How many houses have been destroyed and how many peoples honour have been violated through the internet. We ask Allah for our safety and well-being (Ameen)

Chatting with women over the internet is impermissible because the conversation is the first step to adultery. and then the Nafs (carnal desire) deceives a person without even knowing which results to the person committing adultery. (May Allah forbid) The Nafs (carnal desire) inclines towards bad. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم , said: "Beware of entering upon women ,the man from the Ansar said, what do you think of brother-in-law, he said, the brother in law is a death”. (Sahi Muslim 7/7,dar aljeel,bairut)

It is important for you brother in lslam, to cut your relationship with her if you want peace of the heart and soul, otherwise you will destroy yourself in her love. When a person falls in love with a women it makes him blind and stops him from the obedience of Allah and His Rasool صلى الله عليه وسلم .
Respected Brother, make sincere repentance to Allah سبحانه وتعالى for the past, and be with the righteous people so that this disease goes away from you. Engage yourself in worship and permissible things and do not be idle as being idle is the workshop of the shaytaan. Committing sin weakens the faith. Remember Allah سبحانه وتعالى abundantly , as this brings contentment to the heart.

Remember, if you seek the pleasure of people in a manner causing Allah سبحانه وتعالى’s displeasure, Allah سبحانه وتعالى will be angry upon you and He will cause people to be angry on you. On the contrary, if you seek the pleasure of Allah سبحانه وتعالى causing people’s displeasure, Allah سبحانه وتعالى will be pleased with you and He shall make the people pleased with you. Allah سبحانه وتعالى said “Whoever does righteous deeds whether is male or female with faith, We will grant him a pleasure life” (Surah An Nahl:97)

Allah Almighty said: “Whoever turns away from my advice, verily for him is a life of hardship, and on the Day of Resurrection, We shall raise him blind”(Surah Taha:124)

In brief, it is not permissible to chat with non mahram women(women with whom marriage is permissible) even though if it is over the internet in writing.

As far as the proposal concern, I advise you to wait to propose to her as her father wants and do not rush in your affairs as haste is from shaytaan. Have patience and fast as fasting weakens the desire. Consult your parents regarding your marriage with her, then make istikhara to Almighty Allah سبحانه وتعالى . If there is any good in it , Allah سبحانه وتعالى will make it easy for you and if there is any bad in it, Allah سبحانه وتعالى will remove it from you.

The Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم urged to marry religious woman. Nabi kareem صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “ A woman is married for four reasons, for her wealth, for her lineage, for her beauty and for her religion, go for the women with deen , you will attain success.”
(Sahih Muslim 4/175,dar aljeel, bairut)

If she is religious and has a good character like you mentioned, then all the better, and if she is not like that then leave her .Allah سبحانه وتعالى will grant you better than her and they are plenty of women to marry. Nabi kareem صلى الله عليه وسلم said, ”whoever leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah سبحانه وتعالى grants him better than that
(bayhaqi 5/53,darul ilmia,bairut)

And Allah knows best
Wassalaamu `alaykum
Ml. Abdur Rahman Shareef,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

06-25-2010, 04:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes
Thats true mashallah but people can find there potentials online even using there wali to contact them.

and also the amount of revert brothers and sisters on marriage sites is growing now too because there parents are non muslims so they can not get there parents to look for them.

i think it would be wrong to say that every muslim who uses these sites are bad :hmm: Allah knows there intention and i know for a fact people do things halal too when they find there potential

lets just say instead keep away from the fitnah and leave it at that :hmm: people have self control too
Great advise sister, mashallah, not every single person on them is bad, as long as you get your family/wali involved straight away I don't see anything wrong. As long as you never meet alone and do things in halal way.

cat eyes
06-26-2010, 12:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dew of paradise
i cannot beleve ppl can gv such advices nw wthout knwing wt thy r sayin!!!
Most people are confused about whether Islam dating is allowed or not. They are confused not because of wrong teachings they have at home, but because they see other Muslims dating. Well, pre-marital relationships are not allowed in Islam. Muslims may wonder how they can marry, if they do not get a chance to know the other person. But youngsters always jump to conclusions.

Many young Muslim men and women want to take their own decisions, because the world has changed that way. If they want a partner for a lifetime, they may use the services of Islamic matrimonial sites, to hunt for their requirements. This is also known as dating as is often misinterpreted by many people who don’t know much about Islam.

Muslims have to follow a dua when they want to get married. This means they will seek the blessings of Allah, to help them find a good match. Muslim matrimonial sites are the best sites for any Muslim for dating, or for finding a partner for themselves. This method is very easy and also reaches borders all over the world.

Most families will help the individual when they hunt for a partner. Dating in Islam is not permitted, as the religion respects a person’s individuality, especially a woman’s. It is believed that man and woman are created for the purpose of a family and spiritual unity, not for other purposes. Muslim men and women should behave modestly in each other’s presence.

Another important thing is that even if two individuals are to be married, they cannot meet each other alone. They will have to have a family member present. This is only to ensure they maintain the faith of their religion. All Muslims cultures may not follow this of course. Though families living in the West do maintain their vows, some people tend to stray.

Dating in Islam, as in related to matrimonial sites, is slowly becoming a part of their culture. Through this opportunity, they can view thousands of profiles updated on the sites. They do not have to wait at home, like with the traditional method, and wait for photographs to come through marriage brokers. Muslims always like to be very intimate with families, and all families are with the couple most of the time, to give them moral support during the course of marriage.
Families are also around when their children date or find partners on Islamic matrimonial sites, so that they can check the background of the chosen profile. They will also check the status, education and members of the family before accepting a marriage alliance.

Islam dating is not approved because the Koran states that all Muslims must be clean when they are to be married. It also says that dealing with physical relationships before marriage, will stop an individual from being pure and seeking God in that pure state. This is something very challenging for youngsters to do, as they grow up in a modern world.
first of all i have no interest in marriage sites myself i would not use them because of the fitnah. i was pointing out that they are good people who use them that is all because my friends who i chat too use those sites and they get there wali to contact the potential.

because where do you expect revert brothers and sisters to go when looking for a spouse when there is no mosques like are we forgetting about those muslims who live in remote places ?


cat eyes
06-26-2010, 12:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dew of paradise
i cannot beleve ppl can gv such advices nw wthout knwing wt thy r sayin!!!
Most people are confused about whether Islam dating is allowed or not. They are confused not because of wrong teachings they have at home, but because they see other Muslims dating. Well, pre-marital relationships are not allowed in Islam. Muslims may wonder how they can marry, if they do not get a chance to know the other person. But youngsters always jump to conclusions.

Many young Muslim men and women want to take their own decisions, because the world has changed that way. If they want a partner for a lifetime, they may use the services of Islamic matrimonial sites, to hunt for their requirements. This is also known as dating as is often misinterpreted by many people who don’t know much about Islam.

Muslims have to follow a dua when they want to get married. This means they will seek the blessings of Allah, to help them find a good match. Muslim matrimonial sites are the best sites for any Muslim for dating, or for finding a partner for themselves. This method is very easy and also reaches borders all over the world.

Most families will help the individual when they hunt for a partner. Dating in Islam is not permitted, as the religion respects a person’s individuality, especially a woman’s. It is believed that man and woman are created for the purpose of a family and spiritual unity, not for other purposes. Muslim men and women should behave modestly in each other’s presence.

Another important thing is that even if two individuals are to be married, they cannot meet each other alone. They will have to have a family member present. This is only to ensure they maintain the faith of their religion. All Muslims cultures may not follow this of course. Though families living in the West do maintain their vows, some people tend to stray.

Dating in Islam, as in related to matrimonial sites, is slowly becoming a part of their culture. Through this opportunity, they can view thousands of profiles updated on the sites. They do not have to wait at home, like with the traditional method, and wait for photographs to come through marriage brokers. Muslims always like to be very intimate with families, and all families are with the couple most of the time, to give them moral support during the course of marriage.
Families are also around when their children date or find partners on Islamic matrimonial sites, so that they can check the background of the chosen profile. They will also check the status, education and members of the family before accepting a marriage alliance.

Islam dating is not approved because the Koran states that all Muslims must be clean when they are to be married. It also says that dealing with physical relationships before marriage, will stop an individual from being pure and seeking God in that pure state. This is something very challenging for youngsters to do, as they grow up in a modern world.
first of all i have no interest in marriage sites myself i would not use them because of the fitnah because some people are weak and do not have self control its true. i was pointing out that they are good people who use them that is all because my friends who i chat too use those sites and they get there wali to contact the potential.

because where do you expect revert brothers and sisters to go when looking for a spouse when there is no mosques like are we forgetting about those muslims who live in remote places ?


06-26-2010, 12:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Seek
My dear sister,

Its just an advice, because this is how I think should the husband and wife interact.

Whenever, I emphasize, whenever you feel that your husband is doing something you think is wrong, share it with him so he knows how you feel. It is not wrong to tell him if you like something and you don't like something. Also, you don't need to shout or make it a huge deal. Just tell him as if it is an advice. Add to that a solution to the problem, so he doesn't feel helpless and starts to get depressed.

Islam doesn't teach woman to submit to what men are saying. You can object to anything you feel is not right or not just. You have the right to ask for justification for every action he does. You are free to do whatever you want putting Islam rulse in consideration.

I hope something got cleared up.

Inshallah Allah will make your marriage a happy one.
I know for a fact that Islam does not allow a wife to submit to haraam and non-Islamic things that a husband demands. But what about things which he asks are Islamic? Lets say despite them being halal, the wife doesnt like those things and reject them. I am not sure what is to be done in such situation when many men use the hadith that women should obey their husbands for these "halal" orders. I'd like to know Islamic stance about this situation.

Rhubarb Tart
06-26-2010, 11:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mad_scientist
I know for a fact that Islam does not allow a wife to submit to haraam and non-Islamic things that a husband demands. But what about things which he asks are Islamic? Lets say despite them being halal, the wife doesnt like those things and reject them. I am not sure what is to be done in such situation when many men use the hadith that women should obey their husbands for these "halal" orders. I'd like to know Islamic stance about this situation.
I think what this brother has said may apply to what you are saying:

A particular ruling must be understood in the context of general rulings. Islam requires that the wife adopt an attitude of adjustment and harmony with the husband and the husband is required to be affectionate and accommodating as far as possible to the needs of his wife. He must not impose any undue restrictions on her for this will ignite the wrath of God upon him.


06-27-2010, 12:18 AM
^sis i think linking to an anti islam website is against forum rules, i should really report it.....

Rhubarb Tart
06-27-2010, 12:32 AM
Meaning of the Hadith which says that a lady must seek permission from her husband for going out

(He is a new convert to Islam, from the Netherlands)

Ibn ‘Umar reports from the Prophet that once a lady came to the Prophet and asked him about the rights of a husband on his wife. He replied: … she should not leave his house without his permission. (Sunan Bayhaqi, No: 14490)


A particular ruling must be understood in the context of general rulings. Islam requires that the wife adopt an attitude of adjustment and harmony with the husband and the husband is required to be affectionate and accommodating as far as possible to the needs of his wife. He must not impose any undue restrictions on her for this will ignite the wrath of God upon him.

With regard to a wife seeking her husband’s permission before leaving the house, the proper perspective must be understood. In general circumstances of mutual trust, there is no need for a wife to ask permission from her husband to go out (see: The Guiding Helper,song 38, marriage, page 307). However, in certain circumstances in which the husband genuinely considers that going out might disrupt the family in any way, he has the authority to exercise his right of stopping her and in these circumstances, she should always ask permission to leave the house. In this regard, the husband must remember that if he imposes himself without any sound and justifiable reason, he would be crossing the bounds and invoking the displeasure of the Almighty. His wrong behavior may even lead the wife to abandon him for which he would be solely responsible (see tafsir Ibn kathir An-nisa 19)

We would also note here that any decent (real Muslim!) husband will give his wife general permission to leave the house during times of general safety ,because Allah swt says:

O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye
treat them with harshness, (regaring the issue that woman have to ask permission to
their husbands for leaving the house, the husband must remember that if he imposes
himself without any sound and justifiable reason, he would be crossing the bounds and
invoking the displeasure of the Almighty,because he is not allowed to treat his wive with
harsh unjust rulings by abusing his rights)that ye may take away part of the dower
[money given by the husband to the wife for the marriage contract] ye have given
them, except where they have been guilty of open lewdness; on the contrary live with
them on a footing of kindness and equity. If ye take a dislike to them it may be that ye
dislike a thing, and God brings about through it a great deal of good (Qu’ran An-nisa 19)

Tafsir Ibn Kathir : Women Should not Be Treated with Harshness

Allah said,

permission_for_women_1.jpg (3811 bytes)

(nor to prevent them from marriage, in order to take part of what you have given them,) Allah commands: Do not treat the woman harshly so that she gives back all or part of the dowry that she was given, or forfeits one of her rights by means of coercion and oppression. Allah's statement,

Source: http://www.tafsir.com/default.asp?sid=4&tid=10677

A just/fair muslim husband will give his wive general permission to leave the house since
Allah swt commands us to be just and fair in many Quranic verses

"Allah commands justice, the doing Of good, and liberality to kith And kin, and He
forbids All shameful deeds, and injustice And rebellion: He instructs you, That ye may
receive admonition. (The Noble Quran, 16:90)"

"O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not
the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be
just: that is next to Piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye
do." [Quran ,Al-Maidah 5:8]

Tafsir Ibn Kathir:

Justice is Always Necessary

Allah said,

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(and let not the hatred of some people in (once) stopping you from Al-Masjid Al-Haram (at Makkah) lead you to transgression (and hostility on your part).) The meaning of this Ayah is apparent, as it commands: Let not the hatred for some people, who prevented you from reaching the Sacred House in the year of Hudaybiyyah, make you transgress Allah's Law and commit injustice against them in retaliation. Rather, rule as Allah has commanded you, being just with every one. We will explain a similar Ayah later on,

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(And let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety,) which commands: do not be driven by your hatred for some people into abandoning justice, for justice is ordained for everyone, in all situations.

source: http://www.tafsir.com/default.asp?sid=5&tid=13174

Any husband who keeps his wife locked up in a restricted room or place of residence
especially in his absence (such that the place of residence feels like a jail to the wife) has
transgressed the proper manners of a friendly marriage in our din , and Allah’s command
‘Nor should ye treat them with harshness’ (An-nisa 19) .Such women in such extreme
undesirable situations may take recourse to the local judge or local Muslim religious leader
(if no judge has been appointed) to try to remedy the situation.

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi in one of his fatwas regarding women issues further states:

Islam does not require, as some people claim, that a woman should remain confined to
her house until death takes her out to her grave. On the contrary, she may go out for
prayer, for her studies, and for her other lawful needs, both religious and secular, as
was customary among the women of the families of the Companions and the women of
later generations. Moreover, this early period of Islam is considered by all Muslims to be
the best and most exemplary period in the history of Islam. Among the women of this
time were those who took part in battles in the company of the Prophet himself (peace
and blessings be upon him), and after that under the caliphs and their commanders.
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) told his wife Sawdah, “Allah
has permitted you to go out for your needs.” (Reported by al-Bukhari) He also said, “If
someone’s wife asks his permission to go to the mosque, he should not deny it to her.”
(Reported by al-Bukhari) On another occasion he said, “Do not prevent the bond-maids of
Allah from (going to) Allah’s mosques.” (Reported by Muslim.)

(fatwa by Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi at www.islamonline.com)

So we clearly see that no muslim husband has the right to deny his wife acces to the mosque.

Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Do not deprive women of their share of the mosques, when they seek permission from you. Bilal said: By Allah, we would certainly prevent them. 'Abdullah said: I say that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said it and you say: We would certainly prevent them! (Sahih Muslim Book 004, Number 0891)

Further a husband is also obligated to grant his wife permission for leaving the house in
case of seeking knowledge:

(There is no doubt that seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim, as has been
authentically reported from Al-Mustafa)

Prophet Muhammad (P) said, "Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim.''
(Narrated in Al-Bayhaqi and Ibn-Majah, quoted in M.S. Afifi, Al-Mar'ah Wa Huququha
Fil-Islam (in Arabic), Maktabat Al-Nahdhah, Cairo, Egypt, 1988, p. 71.)


It is obligatory on a woman to acquire a full knowledge of her religious obligations such as prayer, fasting, zakat, hajj,as well as things like trade and transactions. If the husband is not able to supply this knowledge, she is under an Islamic obligation to go out in search of it. Shayk ‘Uthman dan Fodio, the famous Nigerian shaykh, says in Irshad al-Ikhwan, “if he refuses her permission, she should go out without his permission, and no blame is attached to her nor does she incur any sin thereby. The ruler should compel the husband to have his wife educated, just as he should compel him to give her adequate maintenance; indeed knowledge is superior (to maintenance) “.

In al-irshad , Shaykh Dan Fodio also says that women should demand their rights to education. Women like men, have been created for the sole purpose of serving Allah, which cannot be obtained without true education: “Had the woman demanded her rights from her husband in the affairs of her religion and taken her case to the ruler, and demanded that either he educates her in the affairs of her religion or extends his permission to her to go out to learn, it would have been obligatory (by law) on the ruler to compel the husband to do so as he would compel him to give his wife her wordly rights, since religious rights are superior and preferred.”

He also posed a question in al-Irshad: according to the law, women have to go out in search of knowledge which husbands cannot provide; should the scholar who cannot secure seperate seating arrangements go out in public to teach Islam, knowing full well that women are bound to attend his lectures? He says, “he should go out, but he should prevent intermixing of the men and women; and if such happens in his presence, he should put men o none side and women on the other side.”

( Source: Islam The Empowering of Women (by Aisha Bewley) , page 17 & 18 )

Ibn al hajj said, “If a woman demands her right to religious education from her husband and brings the issue to a judge, she is justified in demanding this right. It is her right that either her husband should teach her or allow her to go elsewhere to acquire education in Islam. The judge must compel the husband to fulfill her demand in the same way that he would in the matter of her worldly rights since her right in matters of religion are most essential and important.” (al mudkhal vol.2 p 277)

Finally i would like to point out that the prophet (saw) was always just and fair in dealing
with his wives, he allowed them to leave the house when they asked him for permission.
The prophet (saw) is the best example that every muslim must follow!

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) told his wife Sawdah, “Allah
has permitted you to go out for your needs.” (Reported by al-Bukhari, Book 026, Number

(A sister whom i know asked Molana Emraan Vawda (mufi from Ask-imam) about this
hadith, he confirmed that ‘she can go out if it is necessary for her’ , and he said: ‘that
needs will be interpretated by ones own self. what may be one persons needs may not be
anothers.’ )

Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example for him who looketh unto Allah
and the last Day, and remembereth Allah much (Qurán 33:21).

The ignorent husband who wants to isolate his wife from society (by always unjust
forbidding her to leave the house) must know that the general social system of Islam is
based on the full participation of men and women in everyday life with piety and chastity.
Indeed, segregation and isolation (by preventing your wife from leaving the house) may well
protect a wife from temptation, but it essentially denies her the benefits of the communal
life of Muslims (further unjust isolating your wife from society breaks the
commandments of Allah swt to be just and fair, and dealing with your women on a
footing of kindness and equity ).

Secondly It denies and abrogates her legitimate role in the social process of cooperation in
the promotion of knowledge and good work, in the mutual counselling of Muslims to do all
that is beneficial and avoid all that is objectionable, in their solidarity for the maintenance
of their well-being and the defence of their establishment. Allah swt says,

"The believing men and women, are associates and helpers of each other. They
(collaborate) to promote all that is beneficial and discourage all that is evil; to establish
prayers and give alms, and to obey God and his Messenger. Those are the people
whom God would grant mercy. Indeed God is Mighty and Wise". (Al-Taubah, 71)

In his last sermon the prophet commanded muslims to treat others justly (a husband in
islam is therefore obligated to treat his wife in a just and fair manner ):

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life
and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to
their rightful owners. Treat others justly so that no one would be unjust to you.

O People, it is true that you have certain rights over your women, but they also have
rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah's
trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the
right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Treat your women well and be kind to them,
for they are your partners and committed helpers

(Hafiz Ibn Hibban reported in al-Sahih (11/203/#4862) via his isnad, from Fadalah ibn
`Ubayd (Allah be pleased with him)

Hafiz Ibn Hibban authenticated it by including it in his al-Sahih. Shu`ayb al-Arna'ut said in
his comments that its isnad is sahih


Fatwa by ‘ Ibn Qudama al-Maqdasi, al-Mughni, Kitab al-Walimah, Mas'alah Qasm al-Ibtida'
at http://www.guidinghelper.com/qna/marriage.html :

‘We would also note here that any decent husband will give his wife general permission to
leave the house during the daytime during times of general safety for short intervals. Any
husband who keeps his wife locked up in a restricted room or place of residence
especially in his absence (such that the place of residence feels like a jail to the wife)
has transgressed the proper manners of a friendly marriage in our din (=faith/islam).
Such women in such extreme undesirable situations may take recourse to the local judge or
local Muslim religious leader (if no judge has been appointed) to try to remedy the

Further regarding this issue, it is also stated by the classical scholars of the famous book
“The Guiding helper’ (based on the figh/law of one of Islam’s greatest Imam’s , Imam Malik)

If the husband is verbally or physically abusing his wife, then she can leave the house
(she can stay at her family’s or friends house) and refuse to come back in (The Guiding
Helper , page 307, note 2321, song 38:1490)

In other words, the husband who verbally or physically abuses his wife (in Islam it is
absolutely unlawful for the husband to violently hit or verbally abuse/ hurt his wife, see
‘the guiding helper’ page 308 ), looses his right ‘to give her permission for leaving the
house’. Off course in such situation islam gives women the right to divorce from their
husband: (see: http://www.mwlusa.org/publications/p...s/divorce.html )

Read this info. is that anti islamic? is from a brother converted to Islam? what?

Rhubarb Tart
06-27-2010, 12:33 AM
Is that anti islamic? have you read the information? This particular brother was making it clear what Islam meant by "lady must seek permission from her husband for going out".

edit: oh i get it,you think is that anti islamic site, but it is not. it is different one from a brother who reverted to Islam.

@ science

Remember that it is obligatory to obey your husband unless he tells you to do something sinful. So if a husband tells his wife not to go out to work or to study, she has to obey him, and this will lead to her happiness and salvation. According to a hadeeth narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh, “If a woman prays her five daily prayers, fasts her month (of Ramadaan), guards her chastity and obeys her husband, it will be said to her: ‘Enter Paradise from whichever of its gates you wish.’” (Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 661).

But the husband should not exploit this right to hurt his wife’s feelings or ignore her opinion or go against her wishes. Rather he has to fear Allaah and try to consult with his wife and discuss with her, and explain the shar’i ruling to her, and give her permissible alternatives that will make her happy, develop her potential and achieve some of what she wants.

We ask Allaah to help us all to do that which He loves and which pleases Him.

And Allaah knows best.
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