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View Full Version : Truth about PAKISTANI Talibans!

06-12-2010, 05:06 PM
In the name of ALLAH, the most Gracious, the most Merciful!

Asalamu Alikum Wr Wb!

Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, and dear brothers and sisters in humanity,
I am posting this thread in response to some people here on this forum who would support just anything which they like and would not even care whether it SHOULD be supported or not!

I’ve found some people here supporting Pakistani Talibans which I consider totally unacceptable! First of all let me clear one thing.

There are two types of Taliban. Pakistani and Afghani Talibans. Afghani Talibans are those whom I know very little about, mainly because the media would always portray them as terrorists! But about Pakistani Talibans, I know enough; so much so that it makes me abhor them simply. I hate them and pray to Allah to either show them the right way or DESTROY them completely.

These Talibans call themselves as Muslims. But are they really following Allah’s way? Are they really trying their best to implement Shariah? Are they really following beloved Prophet Muhammad’s way and spreading Islam in the world? Now that’s up to you to decide. I am going to give you the links to the events which occurred in past, where Pakistani Talibans themselves accepted the responsibility of the attacks.

I think that every person in their right sense of mind would disprove of the killing of innocent people. Right? And if you are a Muslim and still don’t disprove of the slaughter of innocent people then know that Allah says in Quran:
“One who takes the life of an innocent, it as if he has killed the whole of humanity…”

Now does that mean that I hate Afghani Taibans too? And the answer is “no!” Because I know only a little about them and little knowledge which I’ve about them makes me support them instead of hating.

Now the question arises that do I blame only the Pakistani Talibans for all the massacre of innocent people here? And the answer is again “no!” Pakistan is that unfortunate country where at one time, so many evil forces are at work, namely “black water”, “Indian Raw”, “Israeli Agencies”, “Sunni Shia sectarian groups”, “MQM mass murderes”, etc, and of course “Pakistani Talibans”!
I would despise all these anti-human organizations and would not support any of them at all because they all carry out the same slaughter of people!
This thread mainly highlights the massacre carried out by Pakistani Talibans because, as I said before, this thread is a response to some people here on this forum, who support Pakistani Taliban and would even go on rejecting the clear proofs in their ignorance!

Pakistani Talibans, just because they call themselves “Muslims” doesn’t make them so! They have carried out massacre of innocent people for their ignorant reasons! They say that Pakistan supports US and so we’ll kill all American allies! Believe me, we ordinary Pakistanis simply despise US! And we would not support US carrying out drone attacks on Balochistan province! But the real unfortunate thing is that “we are the victims and still we are blamed for everything!” If these Talibans hate US, then why do they attack and kill the general public??? We people here have nothing to do with US and both sides keep killing us! Don’t you see the pathetic joke here? “Talibans kill us and say that we support US” and “US kills us in drone attacks and say that we support Talibans”!

Now below are the links of the events refuting those ignorant people here who say that Pakistani Talibans are blameless and have killed none in Pakistan! I’ve tried to give the link of only those events in which Pakistani Talibans totally accept the responsibility of suicide killings! This I hope would leave room for no further doubts!

Now it’s up to you people to decide who speak the truth!

1. Baitullah claims responsibility for Manawan attack:

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Tuesday, 31 Mar, 2009
TANK: Tahrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Chief Baitullah Mehsud on Tuesday claimed responsibility for the attack on the police training academy in Manwan and said his militant group will ‘expedite such assaults.’
Mehsud contacted correspondents by phone from an undisclosed location and said that his group had carried out attack on Monday morning.
‘We accept responsibility for the assault on the training centre in Manawan,’ said the head of the banned TTP.
He added that President Zardari was ‘following US policies and allowing drone attacks’ and vowed that the Taliban movement will expedite similar activities unless missile attacks are halted.
Usually, Mehsud’s spokesman Maulvi Omar speaks to the media and issues statements on his behalf, but this time Mehsud spoke to the media and claimed responsibility for the brazen attack.
The militant chief also owned up to carrying out a suicide attack at a Police Special Branch in Islamabad on March 23 and a roadside bomb explosion in Bannu on Monday. Seven people including five soldiers were killed in the explosion. However, he denied any involvement in the bombing at a mosque in Khyber tribal region in which 57 people were killed.
Mehsud said that these attacks have been carried out in reaction to the increase in number of drone attacks inside Pakistani territory,
The US State Department put Baitullah Mehsud on its most wanted list on March 25 and announced a $5mn bounty for capturing him.
Baitullah Mehsud is the second Pakistani be have been put on a wanted list by the US government after Mir Aimal Kasi, an inhabitant of Balochistan province.
Earlier the TTP chief was declared absconder by local courts in the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.
Mehsud said he was not bothered about the reward on his head, saying ‘martyrdom is my mission and it will be a great honour if I achieve it.’
‘The enemies should not ignore might of the Taliban and they will suffer in Washington when we target the White House,’ he warned. He claimed the Taliban have the ability to carry out attacks in the US capital.
Mehsud vowed to continue attacks against NATO forces in Afghanistan, for which, Taliban groups in North and South Waziristan had formed joint Shoora committees to continue their struggle in Afghanistan.
When asked if his men were behind the attack on Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore, the TTP chief did not give a clear reply.
‘I have yet to establish contact with the people and they (the people) not reached their destination,’ he said.
Staff correspondent Zulfiqar Ali contributed to this report from Peshawar.
2. Taliban threaten two suicide attacks per week


BAJAUR AGENCY - Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Bajaur Chapter, on Sunday termed the National Identity Card (NIC) for women and money from Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) as un-Islamic practices.
In his FM radio speech, Chief of Bajaur Taliban Maulana Faqir Mohammad, strictly warned people and told them not to let women apply for National Identity Cards as the process get both men and women together at Nadra stations, which is contrary to Islamic Sharia. “Islam does not allow such free mixing of opposite sexes as it gives way to obscenity, he added.
Maulana Faqir Mohammad also said that money being given through Benazir Income Support Programme is ‘haraam’ (against Islam) as a foreign country has provided it. He also criticised the aid being given to Internally Displace Persons (IDPs) of Bajaur in this regard. He urged the IDPs not to accept the aid.
He stressed on the government to control price-hike through economic reforms instead of looking for foreign aid.
Agencies add: A senior Taliban commander says the group carried out a suicide attack against a paramilitary camp in Islamabad on Saturday night that killed eight members of the security force.
Hakimullah Mehsud, a deputy to Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leader Baitullah Mehsud, says his group will carry out two suicide attacks per week in Pakistan like the one in Islamabad on Saturday.
Hakimullah warned last week that his group would attack Islamabad in retaliation for American drone missile strikes against militants in Pakistan near the Afghan border.
“We claim responsibility for the Islamabad suicide attack. It was in retaliation for a drone attack in Orakzai,” Taliban commander Hakimullah, a close aide of feared Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud, told foreign news agencies.
Hakimullah warned the government of more attacks if missile strikes by US drones continued.
“In Islamabad we have been successful to hit our target and we will launch more attacks in retaliation for drone attacks,” he said.

People, how many of you support the idea that those who don’t agree to your opinion, just blow them up?
If people are not following the Shariah, then is it better to do Dawah with them or will this be your choice to simply “blow them up?” If we see someone doing wrong, it is our duty to stop them with our hand etc but is this “stopping with hand” involves killing and blowing up the people; those people who could have easily been set on the right track if the scholars would have guided them about it”?!

3. Several killed in thwarted attack on US consulate in Peshawar
Heavily armed militants tried to storm the US consulate in Peshawar Monday. Pakistan's Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, in which six people died. Dozens were also killed in a separate attack on a political rally.
4. Taliban claim deadly WFP office attack:


October 07, 2009

ISLAMABAD (AFP/ Reuters) - The Taliban said Tuesday they carried out the suicide attack on a UN compound that killed five aid workers and closed UN offices nationwide in the worst attack in the capital in months.
Four Pakistanis and an Iraqi were killed Monday when a man dressed in military uniform breached strict security measures and detonated explosives in the heavily fortified office of the World Food Programme (WFP) in Islamabad.
“We accept responsibility for the attack in Islamabad,” Azam Tariq, a spokesman for the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, said in a telephone call to AFP and Reuters.
“All these organisations are slaves of the United States,” Tariq said when asked why the aid agency, which is helping millions of impoverished Pakistanis, was targeted.
“The WFP is promoting the US agenda. They are silent on massacres and do not comment on killings in Waziristan and other areas,” Tariq said.
“Such types of suicide attacks will continue in future. We will target all people and offices working for American interests. We have sent more suicide bombers in various parts of the country and they have been given targets.”
5. Tehreek-e-Taliban accepts the responsibility of Lahore bomb blast


6. TTP claims Lahore suicide bombing


ISLAMABAD: Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Wednesday claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing on rescue 15 police building that killed 24 people, a US specialist Islamist monitoring group said.
A group calling itself "Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)" made the claim in a Turkish-language statement posted on Turkish jihadist websites through an organisation called Elif Media.
The Islamist monitors SITE cited the group as saying the attack "targeted the 'nest of evil' in Lahore, and was a 'humble gift' to the mujahideen who suffer beneath the attacks of Pakistani forces in Swat."
It specified that a vehicle laden with 100 kilos of explosives was blown up outside a security building in Lahore, the capital of Punjab province in Pakistan, destroying the building and injuring hundreds more.
"TTP asks Muslims in Pakistan to stay away from areas where the enemy is 'taking advantage' of them, so that they are not harmed by jihadi attacks," SITE added. The blast was the third deadly attack to rock the country's liberal cultural capital in as many months.
A top security official told media after nightfall that 24 people died, including 13 policemen, civilians and security officers.
A senior investigator told media the attack was the likely handiwork of Al-Qaeda linked Taliban militants operating from Pakistan's wild Waziristan, which borders Afghanistan.
One of the attackers was shot dead by security guards as he approached the building, and two others perished in the explosion, the investigator said.
Pakistan's military has been locked in a month-long offensive against Taliban militants in the northwest, which the authorities say has killed about 1,200 extremists and sent 2.4 million people fleeing their homes.
7. “I was paid Rs 100,000 for suicide attacks”


8. And people, the question arises here that in this particular event, why would black water kill a person who disproves Pakistani Taliban’s action?
This person called suicide bombing “haram in Islam” and Talibans carried it out generally and then this person was killed. But by whom? By black water? Does that make sense? Don’t you think that Talibans are behind this murder? At this time, it was mainly Pakistani Talibans busy in carrying out the massacre!

LAHORE: Allama Dr Sarfraz Ahmed Naeemi, a renowned religious scholar of the country and principal of the Jamia Naeemia, was killed, in what police believe was a targeted suicide attack at his seminary’s office in Garhi Shaho on Friday.


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His close aide, Maulana Khalilur Rehman, Abdul Rehman, an ex-student and a journalist, and two students were also killed while five others suffered injuries in the attack which destroyed furniture and religious books lying in the single room office and smashed all the windowpanes of madrassa-cum-mosque where over 1,000 students are receiving religious education.
A series of protests broke out outside Jamia Naeemia and other parts of the city following the attack on Mr Naeemi, who was the son of the ex-chairman of the Ruet-i-Hilal Committee and founder of Jamia Naeemia, Mufti Mohammad Husain Naeemi.
Capital City Police Officer Pervez Rathore said Dr Sarfraz had supported military action against Taliban militants and also issued a decree calling suicide attacks ‘Haram’ in Islam.
He told Dawn that Mr Naeemi had also arranged an Anti-Taliban seminar in his madrassa two weeks ago.
Senior Superintendent of Police (operations) Chaudhry Shafeeq believed Mr Naeemi was targeted by a suicide bomber, saying Mr Naeemi, however, did not inform the police about any immediate life threat to him.
‘We had asked him many times for the security but he did not accept it,’ he said.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for militant leader Baitullah Mehsud's Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the attack on Allama Naeemi as well as the attack on a mosque in Nowshera and Tuesday's bombing of Peshawar's Pearl Continental hotel that killed nine people.
'Anyone who will oppose us to please the Americans will face the same fate,' Maulvi Omar told AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location.
The blast at Jamia Naeemia, which was carried out by a suicide bomber with approximately 12 kg explosives, shook students and staff present in the madrassa and residents of adjacent localities.
All adjacent markets and shops were closed following the incident and the police barricaded all roads leading to the Jamia Naeemia.
Some rangers also patrolled the spot.
The angry mob smashed in the windowpanes of the Alahsaan Welfare Trust ambulance.
Ambulances of Rescue 1122 and Edhi rushed to the spot and shifted the injured to Mayo, Sir Ganga Ram Services and Jinnah Hospital.
Mr Naeemi, after Friday prayer, was sitting in his room to see visitors when a young man, thought to be in his 20s, entered from the main gate, turned left and detonated an explosive device after entering Mr Naeemi’s office, witnesses said.
Most of the people had left the madrassa cum mosque after Friday prayers, and only students were present in their rooms and in other premises when the blast took place.
‘I had just started lunch after Friday prayer when an explosion took place and I initially thought that some structure had collapsed. I along other fellows came downstairs and saw smoke arising from the office of Mr Naeemi and screams,’ a student, who was in his room situated on the first floor, told Dawn.
He said he, along with others found Mr Naeemi with multiple injuries and shifted him to the nearby Railway Cairen Hospital.
Police rounded up a few students and took them to an unidentified location for interrogation.
Mohammad Ali Naqashbandi of Jamia Naeemia complained to the police took three students including Wajahat, son of Samiullah.
He said it had become police practice to pick up innocent people soon after any terrorist act in the name of security but not to act on intelligence in a timely manner.
A police official, however, said some people were detained who were found making videos of the spot.
Meanwhile, the police seized the complete face and legs of the alleged suicide bomber, and shifted the remains to an undisclosed location for identification process.
A suspect identified as Shahbaz was also taken from the spot and was shifted to an unidentified location for interrogation.
Civil Lines division SP Investigation Dr Hyder Ashraf told Dawn the bomber used a suicide belt which contained pellets, but that he was yet to be identified.
The SP said the bomber could not enter into the madrassa during prayer timings because of security checking by four policemen and madrassa volunteers.
However, he said that as the police left the venue after the departure of people, the bomber made his entry and blew himself up.
He said Mr Naeemi had recently refused to receive police guards when he was contacted for the purpose.

And inshAllah, I’ll try to come up with more proofs next time. May Allah guide us all to the truth and to the right way! Ameen!

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