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View Full Version : What should be our attitude towards anti-Islamic websites?

06-16-2010, 10:29 AM
Asalamu Alikum Wr Wb!

Dear brothers and sisters,

Will you please help me with this question? I want to know that what should be our attitude towards anti-Islamic websites and Forums? These sites and forums promote so much hatred about Islam and misconceptions of the worst type.

There on some anti-Islamic forums which I joined; they keep on abusing our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)!

They abuse Allah and mock His commandments! So should we just let them continue with it?!

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said that if we see some evil, we should stop it with our hand…

So how far this hadith applies here in this situation?

Should a Muslim learn and try to hack these sites and forums? But hacking is ill-legal and is not in a Muslim’s dignity to resort to evil means!

Or if we would just leave them as they are, then it’s still not going to work! The forum I joined has more than a million members! These atheists and people belonging to every religion would keep on propagating their hatred!

Now the thing is that some sites and forums have been restricted in my country but that won’t help at all! It’ll only be the Muslims now who would no longer be able to answer or refute the accusations; but the Kaffirs would totally be unaffected! They even have weekly newsletters send to all these million members who would forward it to their friends and family; thus ensuring a maximum damage to Islam! There are far more anti-Islamic websites and forums compared to Islamic ones.

So what should we Muslims do about it? Is there any solution?


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Ummu Sufyaan
06-16-2010, 10:43 AM
wa alaykum us-Salaam
waste of time that should/could be spent elsewhere more deserving imo.

there is only a certain extent you can go to before you realize how exhausting debating with these people are. i don't know how you joined those types of forums, the trolls here in a majority Muslim/Islam based forum is more than enough for me.

by all means, try to guide people towards Islam, but at the same time, direct your energy towards something more deserving.

06-16-2010, 12:10 PM
I don't know why you joined anti-Islamic forums, you're only adding to their number of visitors. More importantly, do you have the sufficient insight and understanding to refute the specious arguments of those who seek to attack Islam? My advice is don't waste your time. Those people have no interest in changing their position or to learn about our religion or us. Their promoting hatred and misconception, I wouldn't worry about that in the least for Allah guides whom He wills and sends astray whom wills.

“Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light however much the disbelievers are averse.” [al-Tawbah 9:32]

06-16-2010, 02:15 PM
^^ Asalamu Alikum Wr Wb!

Nope, I'm not a scholar but I only try to fulfill Prophet's saying in which he commands us to spread even one word if we know it.

I joined those forums to present my views there in hope that the people might get true picture of Islam. And I see no harm in trying.

But my question was not at all this!

I wanted to know that what should be done with all those anti-Islamic websites and forums on the internet? They would keep on propagating hatred against islam, so what should be done? Is there anything we can do about it?

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06-16-2010, 02:50 PM
I would say just ignore them and ask Allah for their guidence! I know the hatred is so much out there but sometimes things gets beyond our abities so we should direct our energy to something more deserving as sis Ummu Sufyyan said up there.

Sometimes there are those websites who like Muslims members just to mock them face to face and insult their religion with the worst words. Keep in mind that there are those sites who might even changed your posts to their own advantage and work on ruining the image of Islam.

So, what is your role here in this mess? You wanna stop evil right?
Work on this step be step. Going to anti-Islamic sites from the beginning will make you feel down and maybe stop giving dawah because you will feel that you can't do anything. So, learn and educate yourself very well in Islam and how to refute misconceptions so you will be able to answer any question from those haters even if they don't seems to care whether you answer them or not. Just answer what you have to answer and then leave it on Allah's hand.

I will advise you to not go to such forums because 1) you are still in the beginning. 2) you will waste your time there.

Try to do your dawah step by step at small areas in the beginning, like Muslims forums first that host non-Muslims members, then small non- Muslims forums next. But not to a site with a million members where most of them are anti-Islamic people!!

06-16-2010, 03:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by An33za
^^ Asalamu Alikum Wr Wb!

Nope, I'm not a scholar but I only try to fulfill Prophet's saying in which he commands us to spread even one word if we know it.
:wa: Wr Wb
Have you studied that hadith well enough to apply it here or asked a scholar about it? If I were to know just this hadith, should I go and spread this Hadith to every beginner in Islam and call them to refute in such sites with no sufficient knowledge? You get my point insha'Allah.

I joined those forums to present my views there in hope that the people might get true picture of Islam. And I see no harm in trying.
It might have an effect on the welcome a knowledgeable Muslim will get after you and they'll be even more steady and firm in keeping their positions next time after winning (if). And perhaps your arguments will be used to make even more anti-Islamic lies or complete them. It might also have an effect on the person who goes there if his Iman isn't strong and certain and I've seen this happen myself. That's just my two cents.

But my question was not at all this!

I wanted to know that what should be done with all those anti-Islamic websites and forums on the internet? They would keep on propagating hatred against islam, so what should be done? Is there anything we can do about it?
Please read the following and I hope I haven't been selective in choosing the article insha'Allah:

I am not knowledgeable so Astaghfirul-lah please forgive me if I've adviced anything wrong.

However, I agree with the other posts.

06-16-2010, 03:10 PM
This issue upsets me all the time, but what can we do ? I think we should act wisely to avoid wasting our time and loosing our temper.
The bigger part of these anti-islamic websites is ruled by stupid people. So no need to be tired to refute their ideas or reply to their comments : they will never understand ! (from my own experience). These anti-islamic blogs or trolls are held by islamically ignorant members, all they know about islam is incorrect : so a big work is to do in order to change their prejudices. And believe me, these people are so arrogant that even when you give them the most clear evidences and arguments they will ignore them and keep their own programmed ideas. They don't seek the truth, they just hate islam and then keep defending their hate.

So what to do ? there is some acts that we can do :
1) we should ignore these sites, and not help propagating them. And we should not insult these people in order to show our beautiful islamic manners.
2) make many islamic sites (more than these hateful sites), to show the true image of islam and the truth about our prophet. So ignorant people can know the truth. You know, when we muslims are sleeping and not introducing our selves, then every one can say what he wants about us.
3) encourage leaders and scholars to make international laws against anti-islamic and hateful sites.
4) keep ourselves busy in correcting our muslim brothers and improving islamic ummah instead of bothering ourselves by these haters who don't want to be guided. And when muslims will be strong enough (economically, politically and scientifically) no one will dare insult us.

06-16-2010, 03:12 PM
I don't anymore go to these anti-Islamic sites! They are RESTRICTED in my country!

I'm just asking a general view of the Muslims towards these sites.

We see many eyesores on the internet which keep spreading misconceptions about Islam. So how to counter these sites, or at least minimize their damaging effect?

And Jazakamullahu Khair for all the replies and taking out time for me! May Allah reward you all! Ameen! :)

Rhubarb Tart
06-16-2010, 03:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by An33za
Asalamu Alikum Wr Wb!

Dear brothers and sisters,

Will you please help me with this question? I want to know that what should be our attitude towards anti-Islamic websites and Forums? These sites and forums promote so much hatred about Islam and misconceptions of the worst type.

There on some anti-Islamic forums which I joined; they keep on abusing our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)!

They abuse Allah and mock His commandments! So should we just let them continue with it?!

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said that if we see some evil, we should stop it with our hand…

So how far this hadith applies here in this situation?

Should a Muslim learn and try to hack these sites and forums? But hacking is ill-legal and is not in a Muslim’s dignity to resort to evil means!

Or if we would just leave them as they are, then it’s still not going to work! The forum I joined has more than a million members! These atheists and people belonging to every religion would keep on propagating their hatred!

Now the thing is that some sites and forums have been restricted in my country but that won’t help at all! It’ll only be the Muslims now who would no longer be able to answer or refute the accusations; but the Kaffirs would totally be unaffected! They even have weekly newsletters send to all these million members who would forward it to their friends and family; thus ensuring a maximum damage to Islam! There are far more anti-Islamic websites and forums compared to Islamic ones.

So what should we Muslims do about it? Is there any solution?

I love your optimism, but let be real they are bigots and bigots for a reason. Trying to argue with them is like throwing yourself in a pool of sharks. The best thing to do is answer every allegation they have against Islam in this forum. And trust they can send whatever emails they like, most non Muslims are not stupid as they think they are. Yes some are naive and would believe everything feed to them. But I eventually even the ones that are naive would try and find out why so many people believe in this so called bad religion.
I also think the best way to represent our religion is through our manners and how we treat people. :statisfie

06-16-2010, 03:41 PM

As far as i am aware there is nothing we can do but to invite them, as their are some that begin to curse and ask stupid questions that do not apply do them in any way at all, i.e.theyre not serious in their questioning but to mock.

Anyways the hadeeh of remaining away from haraam places comes to mind, sorry i cant find it at the moment, inshaAllaah someone else may be able to, if i do ill try post it :D

Wa Alaaykum Salaam

06-16-2010, 03:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sweet106
I love your optimism, but let be real they are bigots and bigots for a reason. Trying to argue with them is like throwing yourself in a pool of sharks. The best thing to do is answer every allegation they have against Islam in this forum. And trust they can send whatever emails they like, most non Muslims are not stupid as they think they are. Yes some are naive and would believe everything feed to them. But I eventually even the ones that are naive would try and find out why so many people believe in this so called bad religion.
I also think the best way to represent our religion is through our manners and how we treat people. :statisfie
Totally agreee :D Our Character represents what we are, but unfortunately today in the world thats not the case :(

06-16-2010, 03:47 PM
^ Jazakamullahu Khair everyone! :D

And the hadith is here, I found it in the links which sister ***muslimah*** gave to me.

“And it has already been revealed to you in the Book (this Qur’aan) that when you hear the Verses of Allaah being denied and mocked at, then sit not with them, until they engage in a talk other than that; (but if you stayed with them) certainly in that case you would be like them. Surely, Allaah will collect the hypocrites and disbelievers all together in Hell”
[al-Nisa’ 4:140]
“And when you (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) see those who engage in a false conversation about Our Verses (of the Qur’aan) by mocking at them, stay away from them till they turn to another topic. And if Shaytaan (Satan) causes you to forget, then after the remembrance sit not you in the company of those people who are the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers)”
[al-An’aam 6:68].
May Allah bless you all! :statisfie

06-16-2010, 06:25 PM
^Wa iyaaki :D

06-17-2010, 01:23 PM
I have the same concern. Recently I have been on one of these sites, it is actually called islam forum. It is shocking and left me furious. All sorts of insults are raised at Nabi Sallalahu Allaihi Wassallam. I have cursed them time and time again. I wish I had the power of the hand to rectify the situation, but unfortunately don't. I will however continue to pray to Allah to inflict them with the severest of punishments. Ameen. It makes no difference talking to these people, they are hell bent on disgracing Allah, his Rasool and Islam. Allah will disgrace them both in this world and the next.

06-17-2010, 06:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimeen
I have the same concern. Recently I have been on one of these sites, it is actually called islam forum. It is shocking and left me furious. All sorts of insults are raised at Nabi Sallalahu Allaihi Wassallam. I have cursed them time and time again. I wish I had the power of the hand to rectify the situation, but unfortunately don't. I will however continue to pray to Allah to inflict them with the severest of punishments. Ameen. It makes no difference talking to these people, they are hell bent on disgracing Allah, his Rasool and Islam. Allah will disgrace them both in this world and the next.
Your right brother, some people would never understand! :( And you too consider the advice which our brother and sisters have so generously given.

And brother, we can do one better thing than asking Allah to inflict punishment on them. We can make dua to Allah that may He give guidance to them! :)

You remember the time when our beloved Prophet prayed to Allah to make one of the two Umars in Makkah a Muslim? He prayed and Allah listened. Hazarat Umar, our second Caliph then proved himself to be a great asset of the Ummah! :statisfie

So maybe Allah would make history repeat it self? Who knows? :)

Jazakamullahu Kahir!

06-17-2010, 07:07 PM
Those sites are not designed for non-Muslims. they are deliberately made to target Muslims.

Sadly many of our brothers and sister play right into their hands by visiting those sites.

They are quite successful in their goal as many Muslims do go to them and even unwittingly advertise them on Islamic forum by asking people from the sites to go to the sites and refute them.

When we go to those sites we are doing exactly what they want us to do and give them encouragement to make more sites.

The goal is to get us angry and and act out of hatred. An angry person very often does not act rational. those sites want that type of response and will publish such to help them spread their hatred. If anybody visits those sites, for any reason, they are unknowingly helping to spread hatred against Islam.

kite runner
06-17-2010, 07:57 PM
my opinion is don't search for hate sites as this is raising their rank in the search engine, therefore making them closer to the no.1 result, and misleading people who want to find out about the true message of Islam. Its better to look for sites that promote Islam and insha'allah help more people revert. As for the people who create the hate sites Allah knows best and how they will be delt with.

06-17-2010, 08:14 PM
Ignore then, they are not worth the time.

My $0.02

06-21-2010, 07:06 AM
I have been questioning few muslim brothers about these sites, it has been brought to my attention that currently there are about 12000 people who have been paid by the Jews to constantly attack and try to degrade islam on the internet, to portray an evil image of islam. These people are not there to change or learn, they are merely doing a job. Trying to change them is simply futile.

06-21-2010, 07:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimeen
I have been questioning few muslim brothers about these sites, it has been brought to my attention that currently there are about 12000 people who have been paid by the Jews to constantly attack and try to degrade islam on the internet, to portray an evil image of islam. These people are not there to change or learn, they are merely doing a job. Trying to change them is simply futile.
I am not surprised to know such thing. They can do more than that to ruin Islam.

06-21-2010, 09:32 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by kite runner
my opinion is don't search for hate sites as this is raising their rank in the search engine, therefore making them closer to the no.1 result, and misleading people who want to find out about the true message of Islam. Its better to look for sites that promote Islam and insha'allah help more people revert. As for the people who create the hate sites Allah knows best and how they will be delt with.
I never searched for hate sites, but often I had to google for certain topics in Islam and then I clicked on some of the results... and voila.... those pages are anti-Islamic sites.
The contents of those sites really disgusted me, they spew lies and twisted so many things about Islam, and I can see that muslims without strong eeman could be influenced by them.
Sadly, there are just soo many similar sites.

kite runner
06-21-2010, 10:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by naidamar
I never searched for hate sites, but often I had to google for certain topics in Islam and then I clicked on some of the results... and voila.... those pages are anti-Islamic sites.
The contents of those sites really disgusted me, they spew lies and twisted so many things about Islam, and I can see that muslims without strong eeman could be influenced by them.
Sadly, there are just soo many similar sites.

yes I agree there are so many of those sites, alhamdulillah I was guided to good sites and learned a lot from them

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