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View Full Version : A few Clarifications

06-17-2010, 03:37 AM
Assalamualikum Brothers and sisters

1) Ghusl After a wet Dream
I perform ghusl after a wet dream, but i wanna know if i have a soap bath after ghusl will the ghusl still stay or will i have to perform wudu after that so that i can perform namaz.

2)Missed Prayers
I have missed a lot of prayers in the last few years, Is thr anyway i can compelete them like praying them now, but the thing is i dont rememeber the count.

3)Friends Having Pet dogs
I have friends who have pet dogs, is hand shakes allowed with a person who has a pet dog? wont i become najas if i do that?
If i meet a stranger and we get up chatting with each other have a shake of hand and after knowing him well come to know that he has a pet dog,want should i do, will i become najas?

4)Time Limit for prayers
Well usually i pray fajr at home, Zuhr and Asr at office.
Magrib delayed as iam on the way back from office in a office bus its a 2 hrs journey and i doze off the moment i get into the bus at office.Isha at home after dinner.
I wanna know the time limits of prayers. somedays i get up late for example if fajr prayer is at 5:15, i get up by 5:40 and wanna pray fajr can i perform fajr as in Ada(on time) , i have heard that after the sunrise we gotu wait for a while can i know how much time to wait before praying fajr.
Time limit if Zuhr and Asr , can i pray till abt 20 mins before the next prayer azaan?
like if Asr azan is at 5:15pm can i pray zuhr at 5:00pm or if Magrib Azan is at 6:40pm can i pray Asr at 6:30pm?
wats the time duration of Magrib if the prayer is at 6:40pm can i pray it at 7:15pm thats the time i reach home and can do wudu and pray. can i pray isha after midnight if so till wat time
5)Does Wudu Stay After Change in Clothes.
Mostly what i do is that i perform wudu by covering my body from navel to well below knees, but if i wanna change cloths should i cover the body from navel and knees and change or can i undress and then dress back will my wudu stay?

I have a few friends who r muslim and are addicted to mastrubating,any remedies as to how to control and wat does islam say abt it. I have heard that its haram but a doctor says its healthy to do.Can anyone throw some light on it.

Well thanks in advance for ur replies
Jazakallah Khair

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06-20-2010, 04:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tariq_syed
Assalamualikum Brothers and sisters

1) Ghusl After a wet Dream
I perform ghusl after a wet dream, but i wanna know if i have a soap bath after ghusl will the ghusl still stay or will i have to perform wudu after that so that i can perform namaz.
Yes, because presumably you touch your private parts during the soap bath.

2)Missed Prayers
I have missed a lot of prayers in the last few years, Is thr anyway i can compelete them like praying them now, but the thing is i dont rememeber the count.

If a person misses the prayer, one of two scenarios must apply:

1 –
He missed it for a reason, such as falling asleep or forgetting it. There is no sin on him in this case, but he has to make it up when he wakes up or remembers it.

It was narrated from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever forgets a prayer, let him offer it as soon as he remembers, for there is no expiation for it other than that.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (572) and Muslim (684); Muslim narrated an additional phrase: “or sleeps and misses it”.

Muslim also narrated (684): “If one of you sleeps and misses a prayer, or forgets it, let him offer the prayer when he remembers, for Allaah says ‘and perform As‑Salaah (Iqaamat‑as‑Salaah) for My remembrance’ [Ta-Ha 20:14].”

2 –
He missed the prayer with no excuse; rather he ignored it until the time for it ended, out of laziness and carelessness. This person is sinning according to the consensus of the Muslims, and has committed a major sin.

It is not valid for him to make it up according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions, rather he has to repent and regret it, and resolve not to do that again, and he should do a lot of good deeds and offer a lot of voluntary prayers.

(from http://www.islamqa.com/en/ref/111783/missed%20prayers)

3)Friends Having Pet dogs
I have friends who have pet dogs, is hand shakes allowed with a person who has a pet dog? wont i become najas if i do that?
If i meet a stranger and we get up chatting with each other have a shake of hand and after knowing him well come to know that he has a pet dog,want should i do, will i become najas?
It is only the saliva of dogs that is najas. So unless your friend let his hands to be slobbered up with saliva by his pet dog, then you wont become najas if you shake hands with him.

4)Time Limit for prayers
Well usually i pray fajr at home, Zuhr and Asr at office.
Magrib delayed as iam on the way back from office in a office bus its a 2 hrs journey and i doze off the moment i get into the bus at office.Isha at home after dinner.
I wanna know the time limits of prayers. somedays i get up late for example if fajr prayer is at 5:15, i get up by 5:40 and wanna pray fajr can i perform fajr as in Ada(on time) , i have heard that after the sunrise we gotu wait for a while can i know how much time to wait before praying fajr.
Time limit if Zuhr and Asr , can i pray till abt 20 mins before the next prayer azaan?
like if Asr azan is at 5:15pm can i pray zuhr at 5:00pm or if Magrib Azan is at 6:40pm can i pray Asr at 6:30pm?
wats the time duration of Magrib if the prayer is at 6:40pm can i pray it at 7:15pm thats the time i reach home and can do wudu and pray. can i pray isha after midnight if so till wat time
There are literally tons of prayer times programs for free on the net. You just have to google it. You then can tailor the program to your location. I have automated prayer times on my cellphones and computer that I got for free from the web. Sorry, right now I dont have the time to look for it again for you.

5)Does Wudu Stay After Change in Clothes.
Mostly what i do is that i perform wudu by covering my body from navel to well below knees, but if i wanna change cloths should i cover the body from navel and knees and change or can i undress and then dress back will my wudu stay?
You can undress and then dress back without breaking wudu IF you do NOT touch your private parts (both front and back)

I have a few friends who r muslim and are addicted to mastrubating,any remedies as to how to control and wat does islam say abt it. I have heard that its haram but a doctor says its healthy to do.Can anyone throw some light on it.

Well thanks in advance for ur replies
Jazakallah Khair

From Islamqa:

Ruling on masturbation and how to cure the problem
I have a question which I am shy to ask but another sister who has come to Islam recently wants an answer to and I do not have an answer (with dilals from the Qur'an and Sunnah). I hope you can help and I hope Allah will for give me if it is inappropriate but as Muslims we should never be shy in seeking knowledge. Her question was "Is it permissible in Islam to masturbate?".
May Allah increase us all in knowledge.

Praise be to Allaah. Masturbation (for both men and women) is haraam (forbidden) in Islam based on the following evidence: First from the Qur’aan: Imam Shafi’i stated that masturbation is forbidden based on the following verses from the Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning): "And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, - for them, they are free from blame. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors." 23.5-7

Here the verses are clear in forbidding all illegal sexual acts (including masturbation) except for the wives or that their right hand possess. And whoever seeks beyond that is the transgressor. "And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah enriches them of His bounty." 24.33.
This verse also clearly orders whoever does not have the financial means to marry to keep himself chaste and be patient in facing temptations (including masturbation) until Allah enriches them of His bounty.

Secondly, from the sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him): Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood said, "We were with the Prophet while we were young and had no wealth whatsoever. So Allaah’s Messenger said, "O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power." Bukhari:5066.

The hadeeth orders men who are not able to marry to fast despite the hardship encountered in doing so, and not to masturbate despite the ease with which it can be done. There are additional evidences that can be cited to support this ruling on masturbation, but due to the limited space we will not go through them here. Allaah knows what is best and most correct. As for curing the habit of masturbation, we recommend the following suggestions:

1) The motive to seek a cure for this problem should be solely following Allaah’s orders and fearing His punishment.
2) A permanent and quick cure from this problem lies in marriage as soon as the person is able, as shown in the Prophet’s hadeeth.
3) Keeping oneself busy with what is good for this world and the hereafter is essential in breaking this habit before it becomes second nature after which it is very difficult to rid oneself of it.
4) Lowering the gaze (from looking at forbidden things such as pictures, movies etc.) will help suppress the desire before it leads one to commit the haraam (forbidden). Allaah orders men and women to lower their gaze as shown in the following two verses and in the Prophet’s hadeeth (interpretations of the meanings): "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is all-aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) ..... " 24.30-31
Allaah’s messenger said: "Do not follow a casual (unintentional) look (at forbidden things) with another look." Al-Tirmidhi 2777. This is a general instruction by the Prophet to abstain from all that may sexually excite a person because it might lead him/her to commit the haraam (forbidden).

5) Using one’s available leisure time in worshipping Allaah and increasing religious knowledge.
6) Being cautious not to develop any of the medical symptoms that may result from masturbation such as weak eyesight, weak nervous system, and/or back pain. More importantly, feeling of guilt and anxiety that can be complicated by missing obligatory prayers because of the need to shower (ghusl) after every incidence of masturbation.
7) Avoiding the illusion that some youth have that masturbation is permissible because it prevents them from committing illegal sexual acts such as fornication or even homosexuality.
8) Strengthening one’s willpower and avoiding spending time alone as recommended by the Prophet when he said "Do not spend the night alone" Ahmad 6919.
9) Following the Prophet’s aforementioned hadeeth and fast when possible, because fasting will temper one’s sexual desire and keep it under control. However, one should not overreact and swear by Allaah not to return to the act because if one does not honor one’s promise, one would be facing the consequences of not living up to one’s oath to Allaah. Also, note that medication to diminish one’s sexual desire is strictly prohibited because it might permanently affect one’s sexual ability.
10) Trying to follow the Prophet’s recommendation concerning the etiquette of getting ready for bed, such as reading well-known supplications, sleeping on the right side, and avoiding sleeping on the belly (the Prophet forbade sleeping on the belly).
11) Striving hard to be patient and chaste, because persistence will eventually, Allaah willing, lead to attaining those qualities as second nature, as the Prophet explains in the following hadeeth:
"Whoever seeks chastity Allaah will make him chaste, and whoever seeks help from none but Allaah, He will help him, and whoever is patient He will make it easy for him, and no one has ever been given anything better than patience." Bukhari:1469.
12) Repenting, asking forgiveness from Allaah, doing good deeds, and not losing hope and feeling despair are all prerequisites to curing this problem. Note that losing hope is one of the major sins punishable by Allaah.
13) Finally, Allaah is the Most Merciful and He always responds to whoever calls on Him. So, asking for Allah’s forgiveness will be accepted, by His will. Wallahu a’lam. And Allah knows what is best and most correct.
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

06-25-2010, 03:42 AM
jazakallah khair naidamar :)

Hamza Asadullah
06-28-2010, 08:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tariq_syed
Assalamualikum Brothers and sisters
Wa Alaikum Asalaam Wr Wb

format_quote Originally Posted by Tariq_syed
1) Ghusl After a wet Dream
I perform ghusl after a wet dream, but i wanna know if i have a soap bath after ghusl will the ghusl still stay or will i have to perform wudu after that so that i can perform namaz.
Why not just do a soap bath after you become junub. You only have to wash and clean every part of your body and every hair aswell as gargle and put water into your nose for you to be able to pray straight after your soap bath.

format_quote Originally Posted by Tariq_syed
2)Missed Prayers
I have missed a lot of prayers in the last few years, Is thr anyway i can compelete them like praying them now, but the thing is i dont rememeber the count.
Imam Nawawi stated in his al-Majmu` Sharh al-Muhadhdhab (3.86):

“There is consensus (ijma`) of the scholars whose opinion counts that whoever leaves a prayer intentionally must make it up. Abu Muhammad Ali Ibn Hazm differed with them on this, saying that such an individual cannot ever make them up and it is not at all valid to make them up. Rather, he said, one must do much good works and voluntary prayer in order that one’s scales be heavied on the day of judgement and one must seek Allah’s forgiveness and repent. This position of his, along with being in opposition to scholarly consensus (ijma`), is invalid in terms of the proof…

Among the proofs for the obligation to makeup is… that if makeup prayers are obligatory for the one who left the prayer forgetfully, then doing so for the one who left the prayer deliberately is more obviously incumbent.”

Imam Nawawi is referring here to the hadith related by Anas that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said,

“Whoever forgets a prayer must perform it when they remember it…” [Bukhari (597), and Muslim (684)]

Imaam Nawawi says, “This hadith contains evidence that the obligatory prayer which has been missed must be made up, regardless if one left it due to a valid excuse, such as sleep or forgetfulness or due to no valid excuse. the hadith mentions only the excuse of forgetfulness due to it being said after the occurrence of a specific even but (is to be applied generally.) If it is necessary for one who has a valid excuse to make up the prayer, it is even more so required for the one who has no valid excuse. Therefore, the hadith is informing us of this by means of using the lesser thing to alert to the greater thing.” (Sharh Muslim- Nawawi)

Shaykh Nuh Ali Salman said, the words of the Prophet :saa: “A debt to Allah has better right to be fulfilled,”

a hadith related by Bukhari and Muslim. “The hadith’s context is that of making up another person’s hajj, the Prophet (SAW) likened the missed worship to a debt, similar hadiths existing about fasting, proving that acts of worship when missed, regardless of the reason, become a debt that must be repaid just as other debts are. and with even better right. We say “regardless of the reason” because the Prophet (SAW) did not ask the questioner about the reason for its having been missed. And if this is established in relation to making up the worship of another, it hold with still a better right for making up one’s own missed acts of worship.”

Imaam Qurtabi said, “The Jurist of the four schools of thought are agreed it is obligatory to make up missed obligatory prayers, regardless of whether one left them due to a valid reason, such as sleep or forgetfulness, or out of negligence and laziness.”

To understand why it is Wajib To make up your missed Salaat, you need to understand the conditions of Tawba.(repentance)

What are the conditions of tawba(repentance) to be accepted?

I know of four condition, of which I don’t think there is a difference of opinion on.

1. That he must stop the sin.
2. Have a sense of remorse.
3. Be determined never to repeat again.
4. And he must correct the wrong act if he is able.

I have not read any different opinion concerning the condition of repentance.

The condition that is very important to the issue of making up the salaat, is the forth (4th) condition.

You have to correct the wrong that you have committed if possible.

For example, if you steal $1000 from somebody, it is not sufficient that one just say, Allah forgive me, but he has to ask Allah forgiveness, feel remorse about it, never repeat it, and return the money.

Even if he has bills to pay. Out of taqwa.

And this is how we should understand our salaat.

In terms of salaat.

If a person misses his salaat, he must:

1. Stop missing his salaat.
2. He must feel remorse.
3. Be determined never to miss another salaat.
4. And make up what he missed, as he violated his obligation to Allah.

The words of the Prophet :saa: “A debt to Allah has better right to be fulfilled,”

a hadith related by Bukhari and Muslim.

And these are the condition of Repentance.

Ali (May Allah be pleased with him), heard an Arab nomad say: “O Allah, I beg Your Forgiveness and I repent to You.” Ali said, “O you there, slickness of the tongue in repentance is the repentance of liars! The Arab nomad then asked, “And what is repentance?” Ali (May Allah be Pleased with him) replied, “It includes six things:

1. Remorse for sins committed in the past.
2. Renewed performance of obligatory religious duties (faraid).
3. Providing compensation for acts of criminal injustice.
4. Seeking pardon from the adversaries.
5. Resolving never to repeat the offence.
6. Dissolving your lower self in worshipful obedience to Allah, just as you caused it to grow in sinful obedience, just as you let it taste the sweetness of sinful acts of disobedience, until it comes to enjoy the sweetness and flavours of worshipful obedience.”

Point 2 and 3

2. Renewed performance of obligatory religious duties (faraid).

3. Providing compensation for acts of criminal injustice. is correcting the wrong you commited. Thus proving that it is Wajib to make up the Salaat as part of your tawba.

Ali said, “O you there, slickness of the tongue in repentance is the repentance of liars!

Shaykh Ahmad Fathu’llah Jami said, “According to the authors of Sharh Al Maqasid: “If the offense was a violation of the right of Allah(exalted is He), and His Alone, remorse is sufficient, as in the cases like fleeing from military advance, and failing to enjoin what is right and proper(ma’ruf). In certain matters, there may be an additional requirement, like submitting oneself to the legal penalty (hadd) for drinking alcoholic liquor, paying what is outstanding from the alms-due (zakat), and making up for the missed performance of the ritual prayer (salaat).”

Those who choose to follow Ibn Hazm’s position.

Many have chosen to follow Ibn Hazm position mostly because they feel it is the easier position. Many misunderstand Ibn Hazm position, to mean that one doesn’t have to fulfill the conditions of tawba which states, “And he must correct the wrong act if he is able.” And understand this to mean that because the Fard Salat is outside of its time, it is impossible to fulfill this condition of tawba. However, Ibn Hazm realizes that this condition of tawba must be met, this is why Imam Nawawi said, “Rather, he said, one must do much good works and voluntary prayer in order that one’s scales be heavied on the day of judgement and one must seek Allah’s forgiveness and repent.” So in reality you are required to do more voluntary prayers and more other good works to competes with the obligatory prayer that you missed. Ibn Hazm says in his al Muhalla, “There is a certain amount of good in the obligatory prayer and a certain amount in the voluntary (prayer), so the cumulative amount of good when many voluntary prayers are performed must equal or be more than the amount of obligatory prayer.” Which means one has to do the amount of voluntary prayers that equal to or more than an obligatory prayer.

It is easier to follow the dominant and sounder position

So practically speaking it is easier to follow the dominant position of the four madhabs which requires you only to make up the missed prayers as oppose to trying to fulfill that condition of tawba by doing voluntary prayers that equal up to an obligatory prayer.

And Allah knows best.

Any fard prayers missed from puberty until now must be made up. You can use your better judgement to calculate how many years of prayers you must make up. One should pray qada prayers however much one can handle. Do not read too many in one day that it overwhelmes one and do not read too less that one abandons it altogether. It is a good idea to pray one fard qada after each fard salah daily. Or one can devote a part of the day when one has some free time to make up qada.

One's missed prayers can be made at any time except the following three times (1). When the sun is rising until it has completely risen above the horizon, (2) when the sun is at its peak meridian at noon until it moves away and zuhr time enters, (3) when the sun is setting until it has completely disappeared beneath the horizon. Hence, you can make as many qada prayers as you wish at any time besides the above three times regardless of which prayer time of the day you are in. It is only when a person has less than six qada prayers to perform that they have to observe and order in their makeup, i.e. the one missed first needs to be made up first and so on (Tahtawi alal-Maraqi 286).

One should not excessively hasten the performance of one's makeups in such a way that one is completely inattentive of one's Lord: makeups are also up for acceptance or rejection, and Allah does not accept an act performed by the heedless

You need to make up all missed fard and wajib prayers. You do not need to make up missed sunna prayers. So, for missed Fajr prayers, you will pray two raka'at, and for missed Dhuhr prayers, you will pray four raka'at, and so on. You do need to make up missed Witr prayers. So when you pray your Qada Isha, you should follow that up with a Qada Witr.

So you make up your missed Fard prayers and keep on praying your current Fard and Sunna prayers. Don't miss out on the barakah of Sunna prayers. These compensate for deficiencies in your Fard prayers. It's also blameworthy to deliberately and continuously skip Sunna prayers.

format_quote Originally Posted by Tariq_syed
3)Friends Having Pet dogs
I have friends who have pet dogs, is hand shakes allowed with a person who has a pet dog? wont i become najas if i do that?
If i meet a stranger and we get up chatting with each other have a shake of hand and after knowing him well come to know that he has a pet dog,want should i do, will i become najas?
Only the saliva is najaas but try to avoid touching the hands of such a person incase they have come into contacct with the dogs saliva which may be the case. Let them know you are not being rude but that the saliva of the dog is najaas for you and you want to remain pure for prayer. It is also best to wash ones hand if one did happen to shake the hand of a dog handler.

format_quote Originally Posted by Tariq_syed
4)Time Limit for prayers
Well usually i pray fajr at home, Zuhr and Asr at office.
Magrib delayed as iam on the way back from office in a office bus its a 2 hrs journey and i doze off the moment i get into the bus at office.Isha at home after dinner.
I wanna know the time limits of prayers. somedays i get up late for example if fajr prayer is at 5:15, i get up by 5:40 and wanna pray fajr can i perform fajr as in Ada(on time) , i have heard that after the sunrise we gotu wait for a while can i know how much time to wait before praying fajr.
Time limit if Zuhr and Asr , can i pray till abt 20 mins before the next prayer azaan?
like if Asr azan is at 5:15pm can i pray zuhr at 5:00pm or if Magrib Azan is at 6:40pm can i pray Asr at 6:30pm?
wats the time duration of Magrib if the prayer is at 6:40pm can i pray it at 7:15pm thats the time i reach home and can do wudu and pray. can i pray isha after midnight if so till wat time
When the sun rises [i.e. any part of the orb of the sun appears on the horizon], the fajr prayer is invalidated. Dhuhr salah finishes

It is a major sin to delay prayers beyond their appointed time so you should NEVER delay prayer times until they are nearly finished. You MUST pray all prayers on time and not delay them at all.

If you are travelling on a bus and fear that if you wait once the journey is over then you will miss the prayer then you may pray the fard salah whilst sitting on the bus even if you have'nt got wudhu but you must repeat it once you get home.

format_quote Originally Posted by Tariq_syed
5)Does Wudu Stay After Change in Clothes.
Mostly what i do is that i perform wudu by covering my body from navel to well below knees, but if i wanna change cloths should i cover the body from navel and knees and change or can i undress and then dress back will my wudu stay?
Wudhu does not break by changing ones clothes but always be very careful no one looks at your areas of satar which are from the navel to the knee. Also if you were to touch your private parts fully with the palm of your hand then it it best to repeat wudhu.

format_quote Originally Posted by Tariq_syed
I have a few friends who r muslim and are addicted to mastrubating,any remedies as to how to control and wat does islam say abt it. I have heard that its haram but a doctor says its healthy to do.Can anyone throw some light on it.
Here are some good articles on the subject matter and a PDF file at the end of the thread:

Masturbation: A Major Sin

By Arif Billah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Mohammad Akhtar Sahab db

1. The Prophet (S) is reported to have said, “The one who marries their hand is accursed.” That person who masturbates them self has been cursed by Allah and His Messenger (S) and on the Day of Judgment their hand will be pregnant.

2. It is a means of destroying ones’ life in this world and the Hereafter.

3. It diminishes ones’ health.

4. It is a major sin and if repentance is not made from a major sin, then the person will fall under the threat of being thrown into Hell.

5. This person is potentially not capable of marriage because their semen will become thin.

6. A person may develop many diseases, such as gonorrhea and chancrous, etc.

7. Due to this evil habit, eventually the person becomes involved in fornication or adultery.

8. This evil habit comes upon a person due to the curse of lustful glances. Since it is mentioned in the Qur’an that the person who guards their gaze will be able to guard their private parts, from this we can gauge that the person who casts lustful glances will not be able to guard their private parts. As a result, they lose control of them self.

9. The person becomes weak sexually and mentally meaning that they have memory loss, blood deficiency, their resolutions become weak, their heart becomes weak to such an extent that if a cat were to jump from one place to another this person’s heart would skip a beat or start beating faster as if a lion had just jumped in front of him.

10. The radiance and splendor from one’s face is depleted, dark circles start to form around the eyes and a strange curse befalls this person because this person is involved in a cursed action; they become pale, their eyes go inward, they start to have mood swings. As a result, their body, heart and mind go down a slippery slope towards destruction.

11. If a person does not quit early, then in their youth they develop of a disease of incontinence of bladder.

12. Due to undue hard stroking, the nerves, arteries and veins all tend to die out and blood doesn’t flow properly to that organ, due to which it may become limp and the person no longer has the ability to perform intercourse. They may develop impotence or erectile dysfunction, and thus they will face a great shame in front of their wife, society and the matter could even reach divorce.

13. Repeatedly ejaculating causing ones’ semen to become extremely thin, due to which one loses virility

14. Sometimes the mere rubbing against ones’ clothes or the mere thought of intercourse with ones’ wife may cause ejaculation. One’s organ may become crooked. It may grow in girth from the front and then towards the back due to which a person may not be fully capable of intercourse.

15. A persons’ memory becomes weak, they often experience headaches, due to minor strenuous activity; they may experience temporary blindness, cold sweats and anxiety.

16. Sometimes semen becomes uncontrollable causing ones’ mind to become weak, one to be disinclined and not interested in studying and whatever one learns, they are not able to retain it.

Remedy for Masturbation

by Arif Billah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Mohammad Akhtar Sahab db

1. The primary cure for ridding ones’ self of any evil is himmah, i.e. ones’ one determination. Without ones’ firm determination, there is no cure. Whenever ones’ nafs tries to involve a person in this particular sin then fight it off as if a person were to fight off an enemy that is after their life. Similarly, one should be as determined to save ones’ iman as they would be to save ones’ own life. They should be so determined that they must be willing to give up their life, but not commit sin. The day a person has this type of determination then this evil habit will leave. Also, one should try as much as possible not to be in seclusion.

2. One should ponder over this that the Prophet (S) is reported to have said, the paraphrased meaning of which is, one who masturbates is accursed.

3. Ponder over the shame that one would feel on the Day of Judgment, when this person will be raised and their hand will be pregnant in front of Allah and His Messenger (S).

4. Ponder over all the harms mentioned in the earlier section.

5. Realize that this debasing act only amounts to a short-lived pleasure.

6. Allah is with us all the time.

7. Meditate over the fact that Allah is watching us all the time.

8. This evil habit is due to the curse of lustful glances. Therefore, one should not view any pornographic material and not even go close to pictures in the newspaper, on the internet, cable, television, VCR; DVD etc. to such an extent that one should even start avoiding emails, otherwise random thoughts will come into ones’ mind and will cause heat to develop in ones’ body leading the person to ultimately masturbate.

9. One should not be by them self rather they should be amongst pious friends.

10. One should be concerned to stay in the company of the righteous with the condition that they inform the righteous person of their condition and implement the instructions of the righteous person.

11. To consult ones’ spiritual guide and stipulate a financial penalty such that one feels pain in their heart. This penalty should be in the form of charity. It shows the expertise of the spiritual guide. One should also feel remorse as to how sad their spiritual guide would be.

12. One should be willing to give up their life, but not commit sin. This state of being can only be developed by being in the company of righteous people, therefore adopt the company of the righteous.

13. Guard ones’ gaze and watch over ones’ heart because mere consultation with ones’ spiritual guide and litanies and the company of the righteous is not sufficient. Therefore, one should implement all the advices one receives from their spiritual guide regarding guarding ones’ gaze and watching over ones’ heart.

14. If perchance a person happens to fall prey to this accursed act then each time a minimum of twenty supererogatory prayers should be prayed or such a large amount of charity should be given such that it becomes burdensome on ones’ nafs.

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format_quote Originally Posted by Tariq_syed
Well thanks in advance for ur replies
Jazakallah Khair

Here are some very beneficial lectures which you should listen to, to increase your imaan and fear of Allah:

Angel of Death!!! - Sheikh Ahmed Ali


Imam Anwar al-Awlaki - Death (The Destroyer of Pleasures) [part 1/4]


Imam Anwar al-Awlaki - Death (The Destroyer of Pleasures) [part 2/4]


Imam Anwar al-Awlaki - Death (The Destroyer of Pleasures) [part 3/4]


Imam Anwar al-Awlaki - Death (The Destroyer of Pleasures) [part 4/4]


Imam Anwar al-Awlaki - The Journey of the Soul


HARD HITTING Lecture on HELLFIRE & the Day of JUDGEMENT! يوم القيامة والجحيم


Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 1/3


Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 2/3


Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 3/3


Islam - Punishment of the Grave by Sheikh Riyadh ul Haq


Death and the Grave by Murtaza Khan


How can we not appreciate what we have after watching this?


and Allah knows best in all matters

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