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View Full Version : Major signs of the Day of Judgement

06-21-2010, 01:07 AM
This is covering the wrong sayings including from the Christians about having a kingdom on earth, and the fact that the major signs of the Day of Judgement is not about creating a state and living in this world-but its a test in this world not a life!Also because its more physically living towards the Day of Judgement, and not just mentally remembering the Day of Judgement, a person would not be thinking about building mosques etc when the Dajjal is here, when the Gog and Magog are here when the climb a mountainous area, when people are fleeing from the fires of Yemen.

When Prophet Jesus peace be upon him comes back he ;-

1. will not be criticising the Muslims for worshipping Allah!!
2. will not be stopping the Muslims from worshipping Allah!
3. he will not be ruling over a kingdom or sitting on a throne!
4. it is a more casual leadership-were he will be liviing with the people not above them on a throne and still warning everyone about the Day of Judgement (which no Prophets have failed to do)
5. even the Gog and Magog will be coming back about several years after Prophet Jesus peace be upon him comes back, and he and the rest of the believers will be going to a mountainious area, while the Gog and Magog trash the place-so again no state, living here casually.
6. he will be here for about 40 years and then he will die
7. the rest of the major signs of the Day of Judgement will come such as the beast marking people whether they are good or bad (the Christians have got confused with the beast and the Dajjal);-

The Gold showing from the Euphrates

The gold showing from the Euphrates is actually a simple, straightforward test, as Allah does not test us beyond our abilities. People will be trying to take gold-at the time knowing full well that the economy is of no more! So people are holding onto living in this world and in the past. They are thinking they need, want the gold so they can have a nice home, and live in this world in peace-obviously forgetting about the Day of Judgement! People in Iraq have actually been doing this, even after the invasion they were just bothered about living in this world and not remembering the next! They are even talking about rebuilding their country and quoting the Mahdi-you can’t be playing politics and have the Mahdi, you can’t be working for your country and the Mahdi at the same time!

The Mahdi

The Mahdi will be helping to bring about peace among the Muslims. We after all have not been forgetting about the one God and the Day of Judgement and we deserve this. We are not saying he will be here to bring peace and we are going to live in this world happily ever after. There have been sinners who call themselves Muslims who have joined the US for example and when this war on so called terror is over its not hard to see the Muslims turning on the traitors who were joining the US! So there will be a lot of fighting amongst the Muslims etc. Even the leaders of Saudi Arabia don’t know how to speak to the Muslims they have been so used to speaking to the US and being corrupted! There is reference of the Sufyani (a bad leader in Syria) who will be travelling southwards (to fight the Mahdi) into what is now known as Saudi Arabia-obviously travelling freely between places-there is no formal way countries are running as they have done so today.

US and other countries collapse effect around the world

When the US for example collapses it will have a knock on effect around the world, quite a lot of Muslims that I have met are under the impression that their countries will continue-such as Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia etc-but this is not true. They have of course the proof that at the time of the Mahdi and the Dajjal people are moving freely across borders. They also have to remember that these countries have modelled themselves to be run like the Western countries and to respond to the Western countries by means of building tourism or copying off the West but of course these western countries have finished collapsing, there will be no HSBC, other banks etc, they are not used to running their countries seperately. Also these corrupt government officials are so used to talking to the West that of course they will be fearful of being left alone with the Muslims, they will be branded as traitors and people will turn on them etc.

The Beast

The Beast is also a major sign of Qiyamah. Allah says in the Qur'an, "And when the word is fulfilled concerning them. We shall bring forth a Beast of the Earth to speak unto them because mankind had no faith in our revelation." (Surah An-Naml) .

The Christians miss out completely about being tested in this world-after all they say they will just be saved-not actually doing anything to earn their reward in the next world-they say if you just accept Prophet Jesus peace be upon him as savour then you will be saved-obviously if we Muslims are just going to sit their not fasting, praying we would still only accept Allah to only be able to save us. Also the Christians say that Prophet Jesus peace be upon him died for their sins -then why are they still in this world-why aren't they in Paradise-why do they still need to be here to be tested?

They have rejected the simple reason why we are in this world to earn our reward in the next world! That's why they have mixed up the beast with the Dajjal. The beast will come to distinguish between the bad and the good by giving them the mark! The major signs of the Day of Judgement represent the declining level that we are putting up with evil! With the beast's marking of course nobody will be able to pretend to be good, so whatever the sinners are going to be saying-the Muslims won't care to listen to them! Just like soon their won't be talk about homosexual rights etc-this won't even survive when the Mahdi arrives! So again not putting up with evil! The Christians thought the Dajjal (the anti-christ) will be giving the mark and the only way to get by in this world is by having one-again they are thinking about how to live in this world and not the next!

The Dajjal (anti-christ)

The Christians had claimed that Tony Blair was the Dajjal (anti-christ) and some are now saying its Barack Obama-these Christians are still holding onto living in this world in their countries as they are afraid of losing their comforts in this world. The Dajjal is one eyed and will be coming after these countries have stopped playing politics! There are no stock exchanges running, banks etc. The UK, US etc will not play a role with the Dajjal-they would have finished collapsing as countries. The Dajjal will be moving around the earth and even going upto individual people who are poor-to bribe them in joining him by giving them food etc (as their will be a severe drought). It shows of course he is not busy trying to get along with other leaders etc as he would just being going around straightaway assuming control, he’ll be going where he wants their won’t be meetings he won’t be wearing a business suit.

The below in purple is from website inter Islam

The emergence of the Dajjal is the most important sign as his trial and fitna will be the biggest ever seen on the Face of the earth and even those firm in faith will be shaken.
The Messenger of Allah said, "Between the creation of Prophet Adam and the coming of the last hour, their will arise no matter more serious than the Dajjal." (Imran-b-Hussain/ Muslim)
Due to the severity of this turmoil, every Prophet from the first to the last warned and informed his people about, the Dajjal and his turmoil. (Anas / Bukhari, Muslim)
The Dajjal will appear once the Muslim army, have conquered Constantinople and reached Syria. Emerging from the east, moving from city to city he will perform unusual feat and cause fitna wherever he goes. Before we move onto his trials many important questions need to be answered. 'Is he alive?' 'Which signs will precede him?' 'How will we recognise him?' and so forth.

The Dajjal is a young1 fat 2 man, wheatish3 in complexion with a broad chest 4 and biting teeth. Resembling Abdul Uzzah bin Qatad from the tribe of Khuza'a his head is covered7 with curly hair8 with the letters "Ka' "Fa" "Ra''9 written between his eyes which every believer will be able to clearly see and read literate or illiterate, he has a shining forehead10 and defect in both eyes. His left eye has a swelling pupil11 while he is blind12 from the right. He has a brisk walk13and no children14

Conquering Constantinople with Takbir, the Muslims will begin to take the booty. While they are distributing the war posses- sions a proclaimer will proclaim that the Dajjal has appeared and causing fitna in your homes. On hearing this cry the Muslims will leave the booty and head towards Syria1. It will come to their knowledge that this was a false rumour. However after reaching Syria the Dajjal will truly emerge. He will come out from a road between Syria and Iraq2 and his emergence will become known in Isfahan3 at a place called Yahoodah. Riding a white ass4, the two ears of which will be forty hands apart, 70,000 Jew's of Isfahan will follow him with hoods on their heads. Also accompanied by Devils6 and Jewish magicians7 he will first claim Prophethood8 and then God hood. Travelling as fast as those clouds which are driven by the winds he will travel to east and west entering every country, carrying out murders, pillage, devastation and performing unusual feats wherever he goes9.

Conquering Constantinople with Takbir, the Muslims will begin to take the booty. While they are distributing the war posses- sions a proclaimer will proclaim that the Dajjal has appeared and causing fitna in your homes. On hearing this cry the Muslims will leave the booty and head towards Syria1. It will come to their knowledge that this was a false rumour. However after reaching Syria the Dajjal will truly emerge. He will come out from a road between Syria and Iraq2 and his emergence will become known in Isfahan3 at a place called Yahoodah. Riding a white ass4, the two ears of which will be forty hands apart, 70,000 Jew's of Isfahan will follow him with hoods on their heads. Also accompanied by Devils6 and Jewish magicians7 he will first claim Prophethood8 and then God hood. Travelling as fast as those clouds which are driven by the winds he will travel to east and west entering every country, carrying out murders, pillage, devastation and performing unusual feats wherever he goes9.

He will come to people and tell them he is Allah and they will believe him. The sky on his order will pour rain and the earth will grow crops for these people. Their animals will graze on his land and return to them in the evening with large udders and their flanks full. He will then proceed to some other people and call them but they will refuse to believe him. Without forcing them he will leave and carry on with his mission. However, when these true believers wake up in the morning they will find that they are penniless and all their properties have been destroyed. (Nawwas-b-Samaan/Muslim)
The Earth will disclose treasure at his command
Passing by a place in ruins, he will order it to take out its hidden treasure. The earth will immediately take out its hidden treasure. The earth will immediately take out its treasure and the treasure will literally follow him wherever he goes like bees following the queen bee. (Nawwas-b-Samaan/Muslim)
Dajjal faces Opposition
On hearing about the Dajjal a true believer will head towards him. However, on the way he will be stopped by Dajjal's soldiers and asked where he is intending to go. Replying that he is going to meet the person who claims that he is Allah, the soldiers doubting him will ask, ''Do you not believe in our Lord (Dajjal)?'' He will reply there is nothing hidden about our Lord Allah so how can I take Dajjal as my Lord. Angry at his reply they will decide to kill him. But all of a sudden one of them will say, ''Hasn't our Lord (Dajjal) prohibited us from killing anyone without his permission?" Thus they will take him to the Dajjal. On seeing the Dajjal he will shout, "O people this is the Dajjal the Prophet mentioned and warned the believers of". Dajjal will order to kill him. He will be placed on his belly and severely beaten. He will be asked, "Do you still not believe in him?" "No! You are the lying Dajjal" he will reply. The true believer will then be sawn into two pieces, the Dajjal will walk in between the two pieces and address him, "Stand up." The true believer will become alive and stand up in one piece. Yet again he will be asked, "Do you now believe in me?" He will reply, "It has only added to my insight concerning you that you are really the Dajjal." The believer will then proclaim, "O people he will not be able to do anything to any man after me." The Dajjal angry at his refusal will grab hold of him and place a knife between his neck and throat to slaughter him but he will be unsuccessful as Allah will place copper in that area and the knife will find no way to penetrate. The Dajjal will grab hold of his hands and legs and throw him into the fire. However, the fire will turn into a pleasant garden for him. This person will be the greatest martyr in the eyes of Allah and achieve the highest position due to his first death, which was caused by severance of the body in two pieces.(Abu Saeed al-Khudri /Muslim)

Dajjal's Trickery
Doctors and surgeons are not able to restore the eyesight of those born blind or cure the leper. Dajjal will be able to cure those born blind, restore their eyesight and cure the leper. (Abdullah-b-Mugaffal-Kanzul-Unimal)
Dajjal's Greed
He will have a mountain of bread with him but he will only give bread to those that believe and follow him. (Jabir-b-Abdullah-An-Nihaya)
Dajjal Lures the Women
The Dajjal will make a stop at a place called Markanat, near Taif. On hearing about his arrival the womenfolk will rush towards him, the men will be forced to tie their mothers, daughters, and sisters fearing they will believe in him and get caught up in fitna. (Ibne Umar-Musnad Ahmad)

Safe Haven of Makkah and Madinah
The Dajjal will remain on earth for 40 days, the first of which will be a year long, second a month , the third a week, and the remaining 37 days like our normal days, moving from city to another causing fitna1. Finally he will proceed towards Makkah and Madina2 but he will be unable to enter these holy cities, Masjid Tur and Masjid al-Aqsa3. Every time he tries to enter these holy places, angels guarding these holy cities with swords in their hand will encounter him and chase him away, leaving Dajjal stationed behind Uhud4. Meanwhile, earthquakes will hit Madinah thrice and all the hypocrites will be forced to leave5.

Every Prophet has warned their people about the Dajjal! He is a test for people-Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will only after to kill him straightaway! Note he is not helping us to put up with the Dajjal-it is our test! If people haven’t repented and become a Muslim before he arrives it is doubtful that they will be able to when he arrives, even the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him warned the believers to stay away from him fearing that they may be led astray!

The talking of King David’s peace be upon him throne

This is completely wrong as above, Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will not be ruling people and sitting on a throne-there is no state-people are remembering the Day of Judgement. Plus the jews don’t even accept Prophet Jesus peace be upon him and are not thinking of rebuilding a temple for him. Also Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will be arriving in Damascus not Jerusalem.

They want to break down the Al-Aqsa mosque to be able to have a throne fir Prophet Jesus peace be upon him. The Christians and the jews are happy to support each other for different reasons-the jews want to rebuild a third temple for a Messiah but reject Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, and the Christians knowing full well that the jews don’t accept Prophet Jesus peace be upon him as a Messiah, and even there are Christians who believe that the anti christ will be a jew and that his supporters will be Jewish as well!

They are both just in a mess with their views. The Christian have already stated that they believe in the war against terrot to weaken the Islamic states to even rebuild the temple. When do you have to build anything for a Prophet to come-that’s how stupid all this has been. Also there have been Christians talking on behalf of Jews on this website-they should realise there aren’t many good Jews-and we haven’t wished for any of them to go to hell! The Christians are trying to put on a face of getting along with the Jewish people-but they would not worship in a Church! They can do in a mosque! The one thing to remember form this they are only using each other as typical disbelievers on only what they can get in this world-not looking towards the next world!

Living at the time of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him
The Jews and the Chrisitans have proved that they only care about living in this world. Do they not consider what Islam says-the Muslims are not saying we are going to live in this world a long time!

When Prophet Jesus peace be upon him comes back, people at that time are tired, and have already been through so much-the Dajjal (anti-christ) has just been killed, and they have suffered from droughts etc. This does not mean that they will forget the message that Allah has been providing in this world non-stop -that the Day of Judgement is upon us!

If for example you know you will be moving into a new home, then you are not going to be bothered about making your old house look nice (you know that nobody will be moving in there) this is the mentality of the good people at this time! They will not be bothered about decorating their homes as people do today, or being fussy about what clothes they are wearing (as long as they are covered). There of course is not a talk about getting this education so you can grow up do business etc, even if you have children its not about them just growing up and living in this world until they grow old and die-as the Day of Judgement is upon us.

You will not be bored if you were living at this time as you are remembering the whole world is coming to an end! You won’t be bothered about getting a hobby etc -as the world is coming to an end. People don’t care about living in this world!

The Fire in Yemen

The world has effected people’s physical way of living-there is no thinking about living in this world- to the time that there will be a fire that will be running from the south of Yemen which will be driving people to the place of assembly for the Day of Judgement! So this demonstrates that people will not be mentally, physically trying to make a life for themselves in this world.


The Jews and the Christians only care about living in this world-that’s why they are talking about kingdom on earth etc, the Muslims have even accepted the destruction of the Kaaba in Mecca-just before the Day of Judgement itself! We Muslims will not be building a state in this world-the Day of Judgement is upon us and they have even said that there will be more women in this world then men at a ratio of 50 -1! Which also shows that we are not building a state, not that every women will be following one man-the Day of Judgement is upon us! They will be remembering this!

Christians and Jews keep on quoting on living in this world-they should realise that we are not giving up looking towards the Day of Judgement-for this is the best thing!!! They are only asking people to live comfortably in this world and forget about the Day of Judgement! Allah has already promised a Paradise-of course this has already been created! It is separate from this world. Can’t they not see they are on the wrong path-there is nothing appealing about living in this world!

The above should help people to understand that the world is coming to an end and not just physically but on what people are capable of doing (ie not putting up with evil as we have been doing, just fighting them no more dialogue with them, no more of them talking about we don’t think Allah exists) and even what they will be thinking in terms of not being bored if they don’t have a hobby, not saying that they have to have a career as the Day of Judgement is upon us. When the sun rises from the west-people will not be living in built houses it is temporary accommodation-nobody will be missing this sign-even the sun will go back the other way as normal at noon on that Day!

Even the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him had said that the Major signs of the Day of Judgement will follow after each other as beads falling from a necklace! Which is so true for example when the Mahdi arrives you know for a fact that the Dajjal will be here soon, and when he is here you know that Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will be coming back, knowing he’s here you know the Gog and Magog will be coming back!

We Muslims are not leaving the message that Allah had given to all the Prophets to tell us -that the Day of Judgement is upon us! The Prophets Moses, Noah, Ibrahim, Lut, Job peace be upon them warned us of the Day of Judgement! When the trumpet blows and when people are assembled on the Day of Judgement even women who were pregnant will lose their babies-they will not be wondering why they aren’t pregnant-there attention is solely on the judgement on that Day, even Mothers won’t care about their children, and husbands won’t care about their wives etc. It is a tremendous day -the most important day of our lives -so that is why we do good deeds for this important day! It is never going to be repeated! The Day of Judgement will be held on this world-the earth will be flat on that day as stated in the Quran! The heavens will be scrolled up (as stated in the Quran) were Allah will be personally judging everyone-not delegating this task to anyone!

So heed the warning that all the Prophets have provided! The world is drawing to an end! It is not a time of thinking about rebuilding of states or creating new ones etc We Muslims are not interested in rebuilding or what other Muslims have been talking about an Islamic state-it is not going to happen-these people should remember the Day of Judgement! Today’s events are already representing the end of people looking towards living in this world-the collapse of countries (no one will be rebuilding over the US, UK etc-their foreign policies after all Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will not be meeting at the UN, economies, businesses, banks, People of course will be fighting without guns, planes etc, as the business, how economy is over! This is not about building a kingdom on earth-but about the Day of Judgment-a message that has never failed to be provided by any of the Prophets of Allah! King David, Moses, Noah, Job, Lut peace be upon them never said there would be a kingdom on earth!

Being alive at the time of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him.

Being alive at the time of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, i can see, hear, know (decided to go over some points as from the Major signs of the Day of Judgement thread);-

1. That the countries such as the UK, US etc of today will not be operating as one, they will of course be devastated, so no longer be acting as they have been doing.
2. There is no longer an economy as you see it today, when even the western countries get destroyed it will have an economic impact in the Middle East etc. There is no value to the currency, as of course trade is not as you see it today, no wonder people are trying to take the gold from the Euphrates.
3. But you should not be taking the gold, as these people are holding onto the past, were they want to live as they used to, but they cannot.
4. Banks will not be operating, of course HSBC will not be in existance.
5. I have seen the Dajjal come and gone.
6. I have been through drought.
7. I know that the Gog and Magog are coming back.
8. I know that the whole world is coming to an end, so many people have been destroyed thinking about the life of this world, is it for me to sit there and talk about continue to live these very people have done and they were destroyed? Of course not.
9. It is a Major signs of the Day of Judgement, not a major time to build a nation-when obviously it will not last, so why bother building a nation? Of course I will not be a part of that. Even the well be more women then Men, at least there won't be much talk about nation building.
10. If I know that my house will be destroyed soon, then why would I want to renovate it? If I know that I will be leaving this world soon, then why should I be bothered about what colour clothes I wear? Of course I will not be bothered about the state of the house, as long as its liveable, and I won't care about my clothes as long as it covers my modesty-so as I'm willing to accept these why then would I strive to build nation? Of course I will not be doing so.
11. Even though I don't have much to do, I won't be bored, if you know that a volcano is going to erupt, and even if your sitting there doing nothing, you will not be bored, and of course people are remembering that the Gog and Magog are coming, sun rising from the West etc.
12. Time is going by quickly.
13. I know that Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will die. Even if he did build a state, do you think people will be arguing over who should lead it? Even though its futile and the whole world is coming to an end?
14. Peace will come about naturally too, today we see evil all around us, when the Dajjal arrives, people will be looking at him-so the evil would of course appear to be concentrated on him, because of what he is doing, when he is killed along with his followers, peace woud come about.
15. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has already taught us Muslims on how to be good, it is not the time for Prophet Jesus peace be upon him to start from scratch. As of course there is not much time left for the world is coming to an end. Islam is sufficiently taught people the right path, and its been over a thousand years since we had a Prophet, Islam is sufficiently teaching people the right path today as of course they are not going to get a Prophet. Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will be coming after these countries have been destroyed. They have of course said many times they wanted to live without Islam, they want secularism, then be careful what you ask for, you don't want Islam, then why should all these people be kept alive for that time? Of course they are being destroyed.
16. People are uncomfortable about giving up with how they are used to living in this world, that's why they talk about nation building, when they have no basis to say this, of course there won't be evil as you see it, but that does not mean its because of nation building.
17. No Prophet would want to come back during the Major signs of the Day of Judgement and talk about nation building-they know that people can be weak and it would prevent them from remembering the Day of Judgement. Even there are people who are left behind when the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him leads the believers to higher ground, and the people who are left behind were only looking towards living in this world. They face the Gog and Magog and don't survive. So of course people should not be lead on the same path as these unbelievers.
18. People are giving the incorrect impression that all people will be good, even though we know that the beast will be coming marking out who is good and who is bad, so there of course still going to be disbelievers, holding onto the life of this world. I would dread to be in their position.
19. The earthquakes have occurred and its bad that people are looking towards living in this world.
20. It has been said that people would walk past graves, wishing they were dead-now for people to feel this way it is of course a calamity. Things are so bad for them to feel like this, as of course you don’t get to hear, see this very often regardless of the problems in this world.
21. Going through the Major signs of the Day of Judgement is more about physically living towards the end of the world, we are used to mentally remembering the Day of Judgement, as of course if you know that a hurricane is coming to destroy your land your not going to be focused on how to live in this world. As even the people who are running from the fire in Yemen, of course they are not looking at how to live in this world.

As Allah has stated remember the Day of Judgement DO NOT let anyone lead you to looking at something else, when obviously the whole world is coming to an end.

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06-21-2010, 10:43 AM
That's are excellent you draw a real Picture for that day and it also prove from the words what our Prophet says. Thanks for that Islamic infromation

06-21-2010, 01:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Khawar
That's are excellent you draw a real Picture for that day and it also prove from the words what our Prophet says. Thanks for that Islamic infromation
Your welcome, and I am happy to provide it to you.

At least you take care, guard yourself from joining the wrong crowd of people who do not look towards the Day of Judgement.

08-14-2010, 08:16 AM
bump for people to refute if they say what I am saying is not Islamic, as I don't agree with the many people out there who talk about state building.

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08-14-2010, 10:58 AM
Asalamu Alekum

Jazaki Allah khiir for the information, its good to remember that none is coming out of this world alive so yes people should stop saying, "lets live" and think more of, "lets work for our end". People can collect as much money as they want, it will just be left behind and nothing sticks to us except our deeds. That doesn't mean that we just sit and wait for our death, but live for the sake we were born for, to worship Allah and make our aim of prospering to do more and more good deeds inshallah.
Always say the duaa, "Oh Allah make life an increase for us of all that is good and death rest for us from all that is evil". Live your life, but live it for the sake of increasing your degree in the Hereafter and not for the sake of life's fake existence.

08-16-2010, 03:12 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Vigno
Asalamu Alekum

Jazaki Allah khiir for the information, its good to remember that none is coming out of this world alive so yes people should stop saying, "lets live" and think more of, "lets work for our end". People can collect as much money as they want, it will just be left behind and nothing sticks to us except our deeds. That doesn't mean that we just sit and wait for our death, but live for the sake we were born for, to worship Allah and make our aim of prospering to do more and more good deeds inshallah.
Always say the duaa, "Oh Allah make life an increase for us of all that is good and death rest for us from all that is evil". Live your life, but live it for the sake of increasing your degree in the Hereafter and not for the sake of life's fake existence.
Thank-you for taking the time to read it, and yes, about living in this world, no matter what a person is doing, for them not to be sad because they can't watch TV, have a career etc, not behave as the people who will want the gold from the Euphrates, as gold is not going to help you, you can't just build a house and go through the Major signs of the Day of Judgement in peace, unless you only go to holy sites for when the Dajjal arrives only, but its no longer about career building, having a car etc, so people be strong and steadfast in Islam and acknowledge no matter what you go through it is all worth it for the life of the next world.

08-16-2010, 03:26 AM

جزاك الله خيراً for the reminder.

We are merely travellers on this dunya; the home is in the akhirah.


08-16-2010, 04:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmed Waheed

جزاك الله خيراً for the reminder.

We are merely travellers on this dunya; the home is in the akhirah.


Thank-you for taking the time to read this thread, and absolutely this world is just nothing compared to the next, of how the evil people will be in despair of not being able to go to Paradise.

Sister h-n

08-16-2010, 06:02 AM

I sometimes wonder how many begin preparing for the final days, for the wrong reasons.

Many may repent and change their lives because they fear hellfire. But, would it not be better if they did so because they love Allaah(swt) and not because of their self interest in avoiding hellfire?

I find it very sad to know that some people will not come to Islam out of love for Allaah(swt) and only accept Islam, for their own goal of avoiding Hellfire and not out of love and genuine desire to serve as willing slaves.

Fortunatly Allaah(swt) is much more just and merciful than I am. I really don't care very much about what happens to people who do not seek Allaah(swt) out of love and need to be aware of escaping from eternal punishment. I personally feel that if a person does not want to repent to serve Allaah(swt) the choice is theirs and what they get is what they brought on themselves. I do not have much patience with those who
place their rewards above loving Allaah(swt).

We should serve Allaah(swt) because he is worthy of all our love and we can never repay what he has blessed us with, not because of the coming of the final days. Yes, the final days are upon us and it is indeed a sad commentary that is the only reason some people will repent.

Just my own thoughts and ramblings Astagfirullah

08-16-2010, 05:01 PM

جزاك الله خيراً People often forget to emphasise the importance of love of Allah.

(3:31) Say, [O Muhammad], "If you should love Allah , then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."


08-16-2010, 06:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmed Waheed

جزاك الله خيراً People often forget to emphasise the importance of love of Allah.

(3:31) Say, [O Muhammad], "If you should love Allah , then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."

Very true. While it is good to know that we are in the final days, for many of us we still most likely be facing the grave before then. Each of us needs to be prepared for the Akhira before our next heart beat. We can not count on waiting around until judgment day is imminent. Not one of us is guaranteed as much as one second longer of life.

Each who enters Jannah will have one reward greater then all of the other rewards combined. That is the gift of loving, serving and worshiping Allaah(swt) for all time.

The fear of loosing that Love should be our greatest fear as that is a much greater pain than all of the tortures of hellfire or the hardships of the final days

Fear first the loosing of being able to love Allaah(swt) and all other fears we will face are very insignificant. As horrible as the trials of the final days are, they very insignificant if we enter into them with our hearts full of love for Allaah(swt) In fact if we love Allaah(swt) we should look at the final days with a feeling of great joy and a deeper love of Allaah(swt) as we know the trials and fitnah of this dunya will soon end and we will be upon Judgment Day.

08-16-2010, 10:52 PM
Just to say that these threads are written in mind that people should already be aware of striving to be good to have Allah be pleased with them. Of course if people are not being steadfast in Islam now, it will be difficult for them to repent when the Dajjal is here for example.

08-17-2010, 02:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by h-n
Just to say that these threads are written in mind that people should already be aware of striving to be good to have Allah be pleased with them. Of course if people are not being steadfast in Islam now, it will be difficult for them to repent when the Dajjal is here for example.

I strongly believe that once the Dajjal is here, it will be too late for most people to repent. Not because they can't but because they wont. If so many are ignoring worship of Allaah(swt) because of the fitnah now on Earth, imagine how much more difficult it will be to repent with the temptations offered by the Dajjal are faced.

I suspect that most if not all of those who do not repent before the Dajjal sets foot on earth, will become if not actual worshipers of the Dajjal, they will become very strong followers of the Dajjal.

Repentence has to be now, not next week, not tomorrow, not in a minute, now before one more second passes. Because one never knows when either or life will end or the Dajjal will harden their hearts against Allaah(swt).

We need not worry about the final days we need to worry about the final last second which can occur before our heart beats one more beat. How horrible will it be if we face our last second not loving Allaah(swt).

08-18-2010, 10:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow

I strongly believe that once the Dajjal is here, it will be too late for most people to repent. Not because they can't but because they wont. If so many are ignoring worship of Allaah(swt) because of the fitnah now on Earth, imagine how much more difficult it will be to repent with the temptations offered by the Dajjal are faced.

I suspect that most if not all of those who do not repent before the Dajjal sets foot on earth, will become if not actual worshipers of the Dajjal, they will become very strong followers of the Dajjal.

Repentence has to be now, not next week, not tomorrow, not in a minute, now before one more second passes. Because one never knows when either or life will end or the Dajjal will harden their hearts against Allaah(swt).

We need not worry about the final days we need to worry about the final last second which can occur before our heart beats one more beat. How horrible will it be if we face our last second not loving Allaah(swt).
Absolulely, and I leave people to witness the rest of the events before the countries finally collapse and then we go through the Major signs of the Day of Judgement. I don't need to talk to people about how to live in this world, people are already doing that abundantely. I certainly don't need to add to that. There isn't much balance, there are many who look towards living and not heeding the signs. I certainly will not add to that, I 100% believe that these countries are finishing soon, it is not about being worried, this is a good thing, it is worth it for the life of the next world.

It is of course upto people what they want to think about, as afterall they are responsible for their own soul, and I will myself will not be changing, I look at these countries finishing and then facing the Major signs of the Day of Judgement. When ever Allah decides to take my soul that is not going to change that as I cannot ignore what my eyes and ears have seen and heard, and by remembering Allah and the Day of Judgement, it is not for me to ignore the many signs that Allah has shown so plainly. That would be being ingrateful.

Of course the test as we know was not were we have to show to Allah that we can;-

1. Eat an orange,
2. Book a holiday and see how well we can enjoy it,
3. Eat chocolate,
4. Show to Allah that we are capable of baking cakes etc
5. Of course you haven't proven that you should enter Paradise by doing the above.

This life is test NOT a life, but the next world is our life.

People will be witnessing the rest of the events and these threads as well as "Collapse of these countreis" and "No mobiles, TVs, and computers etc", "Murder", "Not our Goal" etc, are there to give people confidence and be steadfast in Islam and not to be dismal because they cannot live as they once did.

I thank this forum for allowing me to post, and I will leave as people will be busy witnessing the rest of the events, this collapse of countries will be old news and people of course will not be talking about it soon when it has happened, but busy talking about what they are going through at that time. Of course people won't be talking about a Hurricane about to strike them, when it has already happened, then they talk about how they are in this world. Things are absolute, people will not recover from the financial crisis and they cannot just leave the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and live in peace as they have done with World War 2. If people think that people in the UK, Netherlands, and I mean generally as the whole population need anything else to help them repent, then they can pray to Allah. As I will not as per the "Sinners being destoyed and a good job too" thread, as what would I be saying to Allah, that he has not provided them with enough?? He has, and I trust those individuals who repent will have repented.

Remember Allah and the Day of Judgement much.

03-13-2011, 09:47 PM
thank you for the detailed comment,
i would just like to follow up on a few issues which i disagreed with,
you mentioned that no prophet would come to build a state as they would be more concerned with the hereafter,
and that this worlds life is short and not worth thinking about too much,
i would like you to take into consideration the fact that this world's life makes it or breaks it for the hereafter, and none can go to paradise or hell without doing their best in this world.
and the idea of Khilafah (the Islamic State) is to have the Kingdom of God on earth - where His will is done and only He has sovereignty and His is the command. not that of corrupt monarchs or politicians. (nobody is free or you would be free to kill or rape- as soon as two people get together - they make rules for each other - even if unspoken, a person begins to filter what is acceptable to the other person and what will cause disagreement - freedom is possible on the moon - as long as there's no one else there. otherwise it's about who's laws you submit to - or who is stronger (law of animals in the jungle).

the word Khalifah means vicegerent/caretaker. and Adam (pbuh) was the first Caliph - Read surah Baqarah: inni jaa'ilun fil-ardi Khaleefah - verily i am about to place a vicegerent on earth.
not where corrupt politicians make lewd laws and ban you from wearing modest dress while manipulating and conditioning you through mass media and popular "culture" to act lewdly and corruptly.
without the state it is very difficult to fulfill the commands of Almighty God - as Satan tries to make it difficult - and there is none to look to for justice, while injustice abounds - even the courts and medical establishments get taken over by the ones in power - and without the laws of God - they are often criminals.

every Prophet came and was involved in the politics of the time and spoke out against the tyrants.
they were known and hated mainly by the chiefs and ruling "elite" (al-mala-) ie those who had a vested interest to keep the status quo.
here are some quotes which may interest you:

After the termination of Khilafat, the secretary expressed his views, in the following words:

Lord Curzon of Brittain
"The point at issue is that Turkey has been destroyed and shall never rise again,
because we have destroyed her spiritual power: the Caliphate and Islam."

Lord Curzon, the British Foreign Minister at the time of the Caliphate's end,
appears to have best caught the Caliphate's significance when he announced to the House of Commons:

"The situation now is that Turkey is dead and will never rise again,
because we have destroyed its moral strength, the Caliphate and Islam".

"We must put an end to anything which brings about any Islamic unity between the sons of the Muslims. As we have already succeeded in finishing off the Caliphate, so we must ensure that there will never arise again unity for the Muslims, whether it be intellectual or cultural unity"

The term caliphate (from the Arabic خلافة or khilāfa) refers to the first system of governance established in Islam. The most common translation for the word which appears in the Quran is vicegerency (or caretaker). It is a constitutional republic, which means that the rulers are bound by a set of laws which they cannot break at a whim, and the people have the right to appoint their leader through their local leaders and should the leaders divert from their obligations as vicegerents, the people have the right to remove them.
This can be observed from the first caliph Abu Bakr's inaugural speech: "O People! I have been put in authority over you and I am not the best of you. So if I do the right thing then help me and if I do wrong then put me straight. Truthfulness is a sacred trust and lying is a betrayal. The weak amongst you is strong in my sight. I will surely try to remove his pain and suffering. And the strong amongst you is weak to me, I will – God willing – realise the right from him fully.
When obscene things spread among any nation, calamities generally continued to descend upon them.

As long as I obey Allah and His messenger, you should obey me, and if I do not obey Allah and His messenger, then obedience to me is not incumbent upon you.
(Now prepare for prayer)".

and represents the political authority and unity of the Muslim Ummah(Nation). It was initially led by Prophet Muhammad's disciples as a continuation of the political authority the Prophet established, known as the 'Rashidun Caliphate (Rightly Guided Caliphate)'. It represented the political and theological unity of the Muslim Ummah, and was the world's first major welfare state.[1][2] A "caliphate" is also a statewhich implements such a government.
Sunni Islam dictates that the head of state, the caliph, should be selected by Shura - elected by Muslims or their locally accepted representatives. Followers of Shia Islam believe the caliph should be an imam descended in a line from the Ahl al-Bayt. After the Rashidun period until 1924, caliphates, sometimes two at a single time, real and illusory, were ruled by dynasties. The first dynasty was the Umayyad. This was followed by theAbbasid, the Fatimid, and finally the Ottoman Dynasty.
The caliphate was "the core political concept of Sunni Islam, by the consensus of the Muslim majority in the early centuries."

The following Hadith from Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal can be understood to prophesy two eras of Caliphate (both on the lines/precepts of prophethood).
"Hadhrat Huzaifa narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:

Prophethood will remain among you as long as Allah wills.

Then Caliphate (Khilafah) on the lines of Prophethood shall commence,
and remain as long as Allah wills.

Then corrupt/erosive monarchy would take place,
and it will remain as long as Allah wills.

After that, kingdoms using force (mulk-al-jabriya) would emerge,
and it will remain as long as Allah wills.

Then, the Caliphate (Khilafah) shall come once again based on the precept of Prophethood."

In the above Hadith the first era of Caliphate is commonly accepted by the Muslims as that of the Rashidun Caliphate.
then Mu'awiyyah the son of Abu Sufian turned it into a monarchy by passing it on to his son Yazid.
and continued in the form of monarchy for a long time (abbasid, ottoman etc)
and now we are seeing martial law being applied around the world.
the next stage is hard but light is at the end of the tunnel - God Willing

please visit my website: h t t p : / / abz2000 . com / thykingdomcome . a s p x for more detailed info

03-17-2011, 07:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow

I sometimes wonder how many begin preparing for the final days, for the wrong reasons.

Many may repent and change their lives because they fear hellfire. But, would it not be better if they did so because they love Allaah(swt) and not because of their self interest in avoiding hellfire?

I find it very sad to know that some people will not come to Islam out of love for Allaah(swt) and only accept Islam, for their own goal of avoiding Hellfire and not out of love and genuine desire to serve as willing slaves.

Fortunatly Allaah(swt) is much more just and merciful than I am. I really don't care very much about what happens to people who do not seek Allaah(swt) out of love and need to be aware of escaping from eternal punishment. I personally feel that if a person does not want to repent to serve Allaah(swt) the choice is theirs and what they get is what they brought on themselves. I do not have much patience with those who
place their rewards above loving Allaah(swt).

We should serve Allaah(swt) because he is worthy of all our love and we can never repay what he has blessed us with, not because of the coming of the final days. Yes, the final days are upon us and it is indeed a sad commentary that is the only reason some people will repent.

Just my own thoughts and ramblings Astagfirullah
You can't judge, man, love can't be forced and those who haven't found love for Allah may still only be seeking it like something you want u havent found yet cuz ur still workin up to it like

01-12-2012, 11:05 PM
Well things will get starting to get really interesting for the whole world and us Muslims in particular whit the appearance of Imam Mahdi (ra) and return Isa (as) Ibn Maryam (ra)! oh and between those 2 holy individuals will also appear the cursed dajjaal.

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