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View Full Version : Issue With Sala/Prayer.

08-30-2010, 04:51 AM
I am writing to ask for help. I feel very ashamed about this topic so I feel it is best to ask autonomously. I find it difficult to keep consistency with my prayers mostly because I feel i have no connection with Allah. I want more than anything to bring myself closer, however I not know what to do. I 've tried praying consistency for a month, not missing any sala, but i fear I still feel nothing. I have grown increasingly depressed and developed a feeling of being alone on the matter. I do not know how to further my faith. I dont know what to do.

Thank you.

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Abdul Wahid
08-31-2010, 06:17 PM
:wa: sister.

There is no need to feel any shame. It's good that you are questioning yourself - it shows that you want to be a better Muslim and please ALLAH(SWT). I was like you before. Sister what you have to realise is that everyone goes through highs and lows with their faith (Imaan). The most important thing to remember is to keep praying your Salah. Also do dua to ALLAH(SWT) that He(SWT) softens your heart. Don't forget dua is the weapon of a believer.

I presume that you don't know Arabic so obviously you won't know what you say when your praying. More than likely you won't feel nothing in Salat. My advice learn the Arabic language so you know what your saying when you pray or learn the translation of what you say in Salat. InshaALLAH you will feel more focused and the connection will be there because your praying Salat and understanding it.

Also try to remember ALLAH(SWT) as much as you can. Do plenty of Zikr.

ALLAH(SWT) has commanded us to remember him always. He says: "Remember me, I shall remember you." (Qur'an 2:152) Thus it is very important for us as Muslims to do Zikr, or remembrance, of ALLAH(SWT).

The word Zikr has many meanings. It means: ALLAH's Book and its recitation, Prayer, Learning and teaching, Du'a, Remembrance of ALLAHin the heart, or in both the heart and the tongue, and even pondering over ALLAH's creation.

Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (May ALLAH be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (SAW) said, "The similitude of one who remembers his Rubb and one who does not remember Him, is like that of the living and the dead.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Remembrance of ALLAH is the foundation of good deeds. Whoever succeeds in it is blessed with the close friendship of ALLAH. Which is why the Prophet(SAW), used to make remembrance of ALLAH(SWT) at all times. When a man complained, "The laws of Islam are too heavy for me, so tell me something that I can easily follow," the Prophet(SAW) told him, "Let your tongue be always busy with the remembrance of ALLAH." [Narrated by Ahmad with two sound chains, also Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah through other chains, and Ibn Hibban who declared it sahih].

You may think how can we remember ALLAH(SWT) so much when we have such busy life's. Well that's the beauty of Zikr; you don't need wudu and can do it whenever you want (apart from the washroom). So when your going to school/college, uni or out shopping or working then remember ALLAH(SWT). The heart of the believer should be attached to the rememberance of ALLAH(SWT) throughout the day so that your protected from falling in love with the materials and temptations of this world and that love for ALLAH and his Messenger becomes stronger and stronger as time goes by. When a person begins to remember ALLAH all the time it is then that he becomes conscious of his actions.

"... And the men and the women who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues. Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e., Jannah).''

ALLAH(SWT) says in the Qur'an "Remember Allah abundantly, in order that you become successful"
(Surah 8: Verse 45)

"Only in the remembrance of ALLAH(SWT) will your heart find peace"
(Surah 13: Verse 28)

The following are some very beneficial Zikr that we can all do especially in the remaining days of this blessed month of Ramadhan. Also throughout the year everyday and we should try to every minute and second.

Subhan'Allah- 'Praise be to ALLAH'
Al-Hamdullilah- 'Thanks be to ALLAH'
Allahu Akbar – 'ALLAH is the Greatest.'
La ila ha illallah- There is no worthy of worship except ALLAH

Abu Hurairah(ra) Narrates: Prophet(SAW) said: whoever says: Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi – (I deem ALLAHfree of any resemblances to anything whatever in any repeat, and I glorify his praises) one hundred times a day will have his sins forgiven even though they may be as much as the foam of the sea (Bukhari)

Another naration says a date palm will be planted for him in Paradise (Tirmidhi)

Read much of this Zikr:

Subhaan-Allahi walhamdu-lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha illa-la ill-lal-lahu wallahu Akbar, walaa haula wala quoow-wata illa billa hil-Aliyyil-azeem.

"Glory is for Allaah and all Praise is due to Allah. There is none worthy of worship except Allaah. Allaah is the greatest. There is no power and no strength except with Allaah the Most High, the Great."

Prophet Muhammad(SAW) said: "Is anyone of you incapable of earning one thousand Hasanah (rewards) a day?" Someone from the gathering asked, "How can anyone of us earn a thousand Hasanah?" Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Glorify Allah a hundred times by just saying “Subhanallah” and a Good deeds will be written for you, or a thousand sins will be wiped away.”
[Muslim 4:2073]

Hadhrat Abu Dharr(ra) narrated that Rasulallah(SAW) said: “Should I not tell you of one treasure of the unlimited treasures of Paradise?” I replied spontaneously “Oh Rasulallah(SAW) that would be an honour indeed!” Rasulallah(SAW) said: “That rare treasure is LA HAWLA WA LA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH.” (“The strength to do good and to refrain from evil comes from the grace and mercy of Allah!”) (Ibn Majah)

09-01-2010, 12:40 AM

mashaAllah some nice ayahs and ahadeeth have been mentioned so these virtues should encourage oneself, but most importantly from you question that you dont 'feel' any connection with Allah. A great mistake which we all make is basing our ibaadah [worship] on feelings. Feelings can come and go, they can come from ones nafs, from shaytaan etc shaytan may feed you the good feeling fuel and pull the fuse and all that you did you would think as gone to waste. So firstly get the idea out about feelings. Secondly you should look at you a'maal [deeds] which you perform throughout the day, do you use it in obedience or disobedience of Allah? Are you violating any of Allahs rights? Are you violating any rights of Rasulullah [salAllahu alaihi wasallam] by not performing the sunnah muakkadah [stressed sunnah] acts which were left behind for us to value? So these are things which you need to ask your self, you're looking at facts here not feelings, because facts are real but feelings are unreliable. hope this helps inshaAllah.


Hamza Asadullah
09-01-2010, 05:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by rensal
I am writing to ask for help. I feel very ashamed about this topic so I feel it is best to ask autonomously. I find it difficult to keep consistency with my prayers mostly because I feel i have no connection with Allah. I want more than anything to bring myself closer, however I not know what to do. I 've tried praying consistency for a month, not missing any sala, but i fear I still feel nothing. I have grown increasingly depressed and developed a feeling of being alone on the matter. I do not know how to further my faith. I dont know what to do.

Thank you.
Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, jazakallahu khayran for sharing your issue with us. The issue you are having with your Salaah is an issue that many of us go through and it is that we lack the presence of our hearts during Salaah. This is called Khushu when a person’s heart is fully occupied with what he says or hears, then he is in a true state of Khushu’.

“Indeed, the believers, who have Khushu’ in their Salah, are the winners.” [Noble Quran 23:1-2]

The concept of Khushu’ in Salah is very essential but unfortunatley many of us lack in khushu during prayer and our heart wonders off into different directions or whatever is going on with our day or our lives at the time.

Firstly my sister we must realise that whether one feels khushu in prayer or not Salaah is still Fard upon us. So therefore we CANNOT miss even one Salaah whether we have khushu or not. Surely shaythan is decieving you in order to get you to miss Salaah altogether because you feel lack of khushu in prayer and therefore he is convincing you that you have no connection with Allah in payer then why pray?

He is your eternal enemy and is trying to fool you and trick you into missing Salaah altogether. This is pure deception my sister and will you listen to your sworn enemy? Or will you disregard his whispers and continue to strive and pray all of your Salaah?

Many of us go through this problem either from time to time or most of the time so you are not alone in this but know that we CANNOT miss a single Salaah for any reason whatsoever for it is not optional but it is obligatory. The person who purposely misses Salaah is taken out of the fold of Islam that is how serious it is missing a salaah.

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "The agreement that is between us and them is the prayer: whoever leaves it has disbelieved." [Reliance, p4.2]

In another hadith, it is narrated on the authority of Abu Zubair that he heard Jabir b. 'Abdullah saying, 'I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) observing this,' "Between man and polytheism and unbelief is the abandonment of salat." [Muslim]

So my sister NEVER think to yourself because that because you don't feel khushu that you should leave Salaah altogether but you like all of us need to continue to strive and pray ALL of our Salaah.

"And whoever strives, strives only for himself, for lo! Allah is altogether Independent of all (His) creation." (Ankabut 29:6)

This problem that you have in regards to having less khushu in prayer is a problem that many of us experience in our Salaah where our tongues are just not connecting with our hearts. We pray the Salaah but it does not get pass our tongues and therefore we feel not much benefit from it. This is because our hearts are hard and that which hardens the heart is sin. We sin so much that our hearts are blackened and hardened by sin.

What is the best way to soften a hardened heart? By avoiding the major sins as well as reciting Qur'an often and remembering and glorifying Allah as much as is possible.

"Those who believe and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah; verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest." (Ar-Ra'd 13:28)

We should also learn the meanings and read the detailed tafseer of Surah fathiha so that we understand it properly. If we truly understand it properly then we will realise what an amazing Surah it really is. It is unlike any other Surah of the Qur'an. We should learn the meanings of this surah as a matter of urgency!

We should also learn the meanings of whatever we recite in Salaah even when in Ruku and Sajdah as this would enable us to concentrate much better whilst we are praying and we will be able to imagine Allah in front of us watching us reciting and praying to him and when we make sajdah then we should prostrate in meekness and feel us as low beings are prostrating to the most high supreme master of the universe!

It is important that before Salaah we stand there for a minute and clear our minds. Imagine our minds erased of ALL thoughts of the day and whatever else is going on in our daily lives. This will enable us to focus on our Salaah.

We should then imagine that Allah is infront of us and that we are going to meet with him after we do the takbeer and so after we say "Allahu Akbar" we should feel that there is NOTHING more important than with our meeting with the most high and this will help us not to think about anything else because it would give anything else in our lives less importance.

We should also think that the prayer is short and we can think of whatever we want after prayer but for the meanwhile that we should concetrate ONLY on the Salaah and the fact that Allah is infront of us and watching us because he really is for we are not just imagining it.

Our eyes must NOT move around in Salaah as this is the cause of shaythan taking from our salaah and it will cause our minds to wonder. We must guard our Salaah just like a mother guards its precious baby. It should be as precious to us because it is our meeting with Allah 5 times daily. Gaining khushu from Salaah is NOT an overnight process and it does take a while to master but if we start taking these small steps then eventually we will gain more and more khushu in Salaah until we feel there is nothing better than Salaah and when we have reached this state then we will NEVER look back again!

So my sister do NOT lsoe hope for many of us are in the same position but it does not mean that we abandon our prayers altogether and we must NEVER lose hope or stop trying for that is exactely what shaythan wants us to do for shaythan ONLY wants our destruction!

Let us pray to Allah that he softens our hearts and makes it possible for us to gain khushu in al Ibadah.

Here are some very useful tips in order for us to gain khushu:

Ways to Gain Khushu’

A. Pre-Salah

A Muslim should know his Lord very well. Knowing whom one worships makes a person a better worshipper. Having clear and authentic knowledge about Allah increases His love in our hearts. Consequently, faith also increases.

Avoiding major and minor sins is very helpful in gaining Khushu’, as the heart becomes more receptive to the words of Allah during and after Salah.

Reciting the Quran frequently and consistently softens the hearts and prepares it for Khushu’. Hard hearts do not gain Khushu’.

Minimize attachment to worldly matters. Gearing one’s intentions towards the Afterlife helps against the temptations of life.

Avoid excessive laughter and useless arguments as they harden the heart and lead to heedlessness.
Stop working as soon as you hear the Adhan. When you listen attentively to the call of Salah repeat after the muezzin then offer the relevant supplication. This prepares you for a smooth transition from the business with worldly matters to the business with Salah.

Performing Wudu’ immediately after hearing the Adhan prepares you for the pending Salah. Wudu’ also works as a buffer zone before engaging in Salah.

Going to the mosque early for praying and continuing mention of Allah drives Satan away and help gain concentration.

The waiting time for the congregational Salah helps create a buffer zone between the state of mind before Salah and the state of during Salah.

B. During Salah

The Iqamah itself is a final signal to the mind to be well prepared for performing the actual Salah. Remember what the messenger of Allah said to Bilal “Let us enjoy the comfort of the Salah.”

When you stand facing the Qiblah remember the following:

a. It might be the last Salah in your life. There is no guarantee to live longer to catch the next Salah.
b. You are standing between the hands of Allah, the Lord of the worlds. How can you be busy with something else?

c. The angel of death is chasing you.

3- Do not forget to make Isti’adthah. It wards off Satan’s whispers.(A'udhubillahi minashaythanirajeem)
4- Keep your eyes focused on the place of Sujud. This helps you gain more concentration.
5- When reciting the Fatihah, try to recall the response of Allah to you after every Ayah you say. (When you say: “al-Hamdu Lillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin) Allah responds: “My servant praised me.” etc. This feeling of speaking to Allah puts you in the right mood of Khushu’.
6- Beautifying the recitation of the Quran has a positive impact on the heart.
7- Recite the Quran slowly and reflect upon its meaning deeply.
8- It is recommended to change the Surah that your recite from time to time to avoid the mechanic-like state of repetition.
9- Alternate between the various authentic Sunan such as proclaiming a different opening supplication in every Salah.
10- Undoubtedly, understanding Arabic helps you focus on the intended meaning.
11- Interact with the recited Ayahs;

a. if you hear an Ayah about Allah, glorify Him by saying “Subhanallah”;
b. If you hear an Ayah about Hellfire, say “A’udthu Billahi Minan-Nar”.
c. If you hear a command to make Istighfar, do it.
d. If you hear an Ayah that requests Tasbih, make Tasbih.

12- These forms of interactions are very helpful in keeping you focused.
13- When you prostrate, remember that this position brings you closer to Allah. Seize the opportunity to make sincere Du’a’. Invest these moments in making sincere supplications.

C- Post-Salah

1. When you make Taslim, make Istighfar to Allah as you might have made during Salah.
2. When you praise Allah, thank Him from the bottom of your heart that you have experienced the beauty of Salah in your heart. Getting used to this habit prepares your for the next Salah, as you will always be eager to focus in your prayer.
3. One perfection leads to another perfection. If some one perfects his Salah once, he would be self-motivated to continue on the same level.

Here is another very good article on concentrating in Salaah:


Salaah - No Excuse to Miss it


10 steps to get closer to Allah


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