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View Full Version : How long did it take you

10-20-2010, 10:51 PM
I posted this in the discover islam thread becase it seems there are a lot of already muslims who do post to help those of us in our discovery..
That said.... for reverts.... how long did it take you to decide..... and once you'd decided how long did it take you to make the steps needed to revert.

I have been reading reversion stories and others on You Tube for a few years before i read the Koran ( in english of course ) ..... I love reading the Koran ... I love listening to the recitations even in arabic that there is no way i'd understand. But it took me some time.... to realize that ( as a dear friend of mine put who IS a revert.... ) i was thinking about thinking about reverting. Thats still the state i am in. Friends who are muslim, tell me not to rush... to take my time.... which i'm trying to do because i prefer to understand more before a final choice is made.....

but ... do many take weeks... a day where you realize God (swt) said - this is what you need to do and do it now.... months.... years. If this is too personal to anyone, please don't worry about replying. If i'm asking something I shouldn't, please tell me. I do not wish to intrude on information that i shouldn't... i just also don't want to feel like i'm doing things in the wrong way.

Thank you to any and all who answer.
serena :statisfie

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10-26-2010, 09:12 PM

i was in my late 40's, i had a heart attack in which my my aorta was 99.9% clogged [cuz i waited 4 days to go to the hospital]; i had been trying to find the "true church" ALL of my life - raised Catholic which just seemed too darn Satanic. i read one book on Islam [in order to show a Somali lady friend of mine just how messed up Islam must be - after all, it was easy with each version of Christianity]; half way through i asked my "lady friend" for more info and she flat out refused. she DID give me the phone number to the Mosque on a Wednesday, i took Shahadah that Saturday! i looked for far too long to wait any longer!


10-26-2010, 09:54 PM
^Subhaan`Allaah , and Allaah guided you Alhamdulilaah

format_quote Originally Posted by serena77
I posted this in the discover islam thread becase it seems there are a lot of already muslims who do post to help those of us in our discovery..
That said.... for reverts.... how long did it take you to decide..... and once you'd decided how long did it take you to make the steps needed to revert.

I have been reading reversion stories and others on You Tube for a few years before i read the Koran ( in english of course ) ..... I love reading the Koran ... I love listening to the recitations even in arabic that there is no way i'd understand. But it took me some time.... to realize that ( as a dear friend of mine put who IS a revert.... ) i was thinking about thinking about reverting. Thats still the state i am in. Friends who are muslim, tell me not to rush... to take my time.... which i'm trying to do because i prefer to understand more before a final choice is made.....

but ... do many take weeks... a day where you realize God (swt) said - this is what you need to do and do it now.... months.... years. If this is too personal to anyone, please don't worry about replying. If i'm asking something I shouldn't, please tell me. I do not wish to intrude on information that i shouldn't... i just also don't want to feel like i'm doing things in the wrong way.

Thank you to any and all who answer.
well it doesnt really always matter on when you think you should revert or decid when you should, what matters most is that if you in your heart are assured 100% that there is one only One God Allaah and that the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the messenger of god along with all the prophets sent by god previously, according to the Quran. If you are ready to start learning about how to pray 5 times a day, or how a muslim should live their daily life and follow the teachings of the Quran etc. However, reciting the shahadah makes one a muslim when one recites it with full sincerety on agreeying with what they said. (if that makes sense)

Hopefully another member can give you reply which is more helpful inshaAllaah


10-27-2010, 12:22 AM
no that does answer... i just feel like i'm taking an overly long time... and some of it is factors of my location.... some of it is just me not having enough knowledge... i've started doing things like looking at youtube videos on how to pray that kind of thing.... Idon't think its the basics that get to me...
sometimes sadly it is location location location .... and sometimes that location is horrible.. at the same time... to honor my mother the way i should... especially in Islam.... (sigh) i won't be moving.

Even my atheist mother says somethings in islam make a lot of sense... i almost hit the floor. but she wouldn't go any further than that....

its hard when you have a lot of questions but in some ways don't even know what they are....
thank you both for replying.

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10-27-2010, 10:36 AM
I went 65 years with absolutely no intent of ever accepting Islam. Until the day I reverted I never would have believed I would one day be a Muslim.

My reversion story is on about page 9 of the revert stories thread.

I did not revert to Islam, I came to the realization I had always been Muslim and left home shortly after birth. When I realized I was Muslim I immediately said the Shahadah with no hesitation. So it took me 65 years to find my way to Islam and then about 15 seconds to return home, to where I always belonged.

10-27-2010, 09:57 PM
thank you woodrow that answer actually makes me feel a lot better ....

10-27-2010, 10:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by serena77
thank you woodrow that answer actually makes me feel a lot better ....
Perhaps you will have enough sense to not be as stubborn as I sometimes can be. I regret it took me so long to accept Islam, but the reality is I was not ready until then. The moment you truly know that Islam is the truth, that is the moment you want to say the Shahadah. Upon saying the Shahadah with sincerity, you are from that moment a Muslim.

It only takes a matter of seconds to say the Shahada, a few words spoken with sincerity. the only required witness is Allaah(swt). Although most who say the Shahadah alone will seek to repeat it at a Mosque in front of witnesses. Short simple words that mean so much if you believe them to be true.

أشهد أن لا إله إلاَّ الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله

Ashadu an la ilaha illa illa-ilah, wa ashadu anna muhammadan rasulullah.

"I testify that there is no god but God (Allah), and I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God (Allah).

It only takes a matter of seconds to become a Muslim, but it takes a lifetime to be a Muslim.

10-30-2010, 01:42 PM
hi woodrow
sorry a couple of days delay in getting back to you.... i switched the dose of the meds i've mentioned before so writing was not a good idea...
but... what does Rasul ullah/Rasoolullah mean? i've seen it so many times... seem it spelled rasool by itself.... it feels in my heart like i should understand it... but this... i am afraid i'm not sure.

10-30-2010, 02:17 PM
Peace, Serena,

Rasool (sometimes spelt rasul) means messenger.

Ullah, in this case, means, "of Allah".

So together, Rasoolullah means the Messenger of Allah, namely Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

If you ever see some Arabic writing written after rasoolullah, the Arabic says, "sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam" which very roughly translates as "may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him".

Please do ask regarding any other phrases you've heard that you are unsure about.


10-30-2010, 02:32 PM
thank you ever so much. i knew it couldn't mean Allah *swt * because often times Allah (swt) is very close to that phrase in what i read. I really appreciate that... you wouldn't believe how long i've wondered on that one.

10-30-2010, 04:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by serena77
thank you ever so much. i knew it couldn't mean Allah *swt * because often times Allah (swt) is very close to that phrase in what i read. I really appreciate that... you wouldn't believe how long i've wondered on that one.
Some common phrases you often see or hear:

1. When starting to do something: "Bismillahir
Rahmanir Raheem."

(In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the

2. When mentioning something that will be done in the
future. "Insha'llah." (If Allah wills.)

3. When praising something say, "Subhanullah." (Glory
to Allah.)

4. When in pain or distress. "Ya Allah." (O Allah.)

5. When appreciating something say, "Masha-Allah." (As
Allah willed.)

6. When thanking someone. "Jazakullah khair." (Allah reward

7. When you see something bad. "Nowthdhubillah." (Allah
protect us.)

8. When saying you're sorry to Allah for a sin.
"Astaghfirullah." (Allah forgive.)

9. After sneezing or when you're happy about
something. "Alhumdulillah." (Praise Allah.)

10. When meeting someone. "Assalamu 'alaykum." (Peace
be upon you.)

11. Replying to the above greeting. "Wa 'alaykum
assalam." (And upon you be peace.)

12. When hearing about a death or tragedy. "Inna
lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun."

(To Allah we belong and to Him we return.)

13. When giving in charity. "Fee eemanullah." (In
Allah's faith.)

14. When taking an oath. "Wallah." (I Swear to Allah.)

15. If someone sneezes and they say, "alhumdulillah,"
you reply with, "Yarhamakullah." (Allah have mercy
upon you.) The sneezer will reply back,
"Yehdikumullah" which means, "Allah guide you."


You will see variations in spelling as the Arabic letters do not correspond exactly with the English letter. You have to spell it phonetically, so in writing the Arabic words in English letters people try to spell as it sounds.

10-30-2010, 05:00 PM
thank you...
you'll probably laugh... or someone will... i'm sure but alaykum is a word i have the hardest time to remember . and a few of these on the list ....Subhanulla and masha-allah were two that yea i was getting really confused over ...

i so wish i'd had the forethought to take arabic instead of Russian in college...... my russian... sigh.... down the drain...... i never had a chance to practice here after i had to leave the university... and while i can discuss is great detail the differences between chekhov and tolstoy .... or why the short story reminds me very much of the christmas carol....
it really does nothing but make other's eyes glaze over .... personally both and much more in russian lit is so facinating to me.... but.. what good is it gonna do me in SW virginia ... ( you get three guesses and the first two ... dont count. )


12-09-2010, 07:10 PM
I think that its not about time, but you know people have some sensitive points like buttons, if pressed right, light is coming :) it may take you years to find that button and get pressed on, and it might take you moments. It might need pain, agony, testing, or it might need only a vision or a feeling or just meeting a good person :)

12-12-2010, 07:36 PM
serena, i am basically in the same boat as you. i have been interested in Islam for years now, but seriously pursuing it for a couple months now. i took Shahadah in my room, alone, but i feel that i am still not a True Muslim because other than that i havent begun to change my life to be a good muslim (what i mean by that is that i have not started to do ALL 5 prayers, i havent stopped eating haram foods, etc). i have been told not to worry about things like that. as long as you believe in what you say in the Shahadah, then you are Muslim. Everything else will come with time. it is important to not overwhelm yourself in the beginning or else you might be turned off from trying at all! i have some masjids where i live, but i have parents that dont necessarily believe in any God, so going to Masjid presents a problem for me because im not sure how to tell them i am even interested in Islam, nevermind saying im going to a mosque! and i would feel terrible to lie to them about where i am going. i really do wish you lived closer to me (or me closer to you!) so that we could go to the masjid together and learn from other Muslims. My hardest thing to learn is to pray. i feel like ill never learn the words i need to say, or memorize when to do what. i try to watch the youtube videos but i think that i would learn so much more if i could do it in person with someone actually teaching me.

12-13-2010, 10:50 PM
hey lily
there is a wonderful set of You Tube videos... if you like i can try and find the link.... it goes through the words and phrases very slowly ... phrase by phrase and with each phrase you start again at the beginning.... its helping a lot w/ things like pronunciation.
i wish we lived closer too... i used to live in SFl but its been a long time now. at times I miss it greatly

12-13-2010, 11:47 PM
Salam Dalia
You have already taken a very important step by believing in one God and taking Shahada. You wont learn everything at one time. Even born Muslims need to improve their faith. One of the biggest scholars said that he never had a good faith as he wishes and that he has been always trying to be a good muslim. Just dont worry about things you cant do. Islam makes everything easy as long as you are not able to do.
Happy stay on this site where you will find many good people who are ready for help any time. :)))))))))
format_quote Originally Posted by dalialilly
serena, i am basically in the same boat as you. i have been interested in Islam for years now, but seriously pursuing it for a couple months now. i took Shahadah in my room, alone, but i feel that i am still not a True Muslim because other than that i havent begun to change my life to be a good muslim (what i mean by that is that i have not started to do ALL 5 prayers, i havent stopped eating haram foods, etc). i have been told not to worry about things like that. as long as you believe in what you say in the Shahadah, then you are Muslim. Everything else will come with time. it is important to not overwhelm yourself in the beginning or else you might be turned off from trying at all! i have some masjids where i live, but i have parents that dont necessarily believe in any God, so going to Masjid presents a problem for me because im not sure how to tell them i am even interested in Islam, nevermind saying im going to a mosque! and i would feel terrible to lie to them about where i am going. i really do wish you lived closer to me (or me closer to you!) so that we could go to the masjid together and learn from other Muslims. My hardest thing to learn is to pray. i feel like ill never learn the words i need to say, or memorize when to do what. i try to watch the youtube videos but i think that i would learn so much more if i could do it in person with someone actually teaching me.

12-20-2010, 10:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by dalialilly
i have been interested in Islam for years now, but seriously pursuing it for a couple months now. i took Shahadah in my room, alone, but i feel that i am still not a True Muslim because other than that i havent begun to change my life to be a good muslim (what i mean by that is that i have not started to do ALL 5 prayers, i havent stopped eating haram foods, etc). i have been told not to worry about things like that. as long as you believe in what you say in the Shahadah, then you are Muslim. Everything else will come with time. it is important to not overwhelm yourself in the beginning or else you might be turned off from trying at all! i have some masjids where i live, but i have parents that dont necessarily believe in any God, so going to Masjid presents a problem for me because im not sure how to tell them i am even interested in Islam, nevermind saying im going to a mosque! and i would feel terrible to lie to them about where i am going. i really do wish you lived closer to me (or me closer to you!) so that we could go to the masjid together and learn from other Muslims. My hardest thing to learn is to pray. i feel like ill never learn the words i need to say, or memorize when to do what. i try to watch the youtube videos but i think that i would learn so much more if i could do it in person with someone actually teaching me.
Welcome back home to Islam dalialilly,

All praise be to Allah who guided you.

So as to not overwhelm yourself, try to learn slowly and steadily. Once you become a Muslim, the five daily prayers are required to be performed. Of course, it will take time to learn the words and positions, so there is a shortened, simplified form for reverts that they can use from the point of reversion until they've learned the words of the full prayer.

Believe it or not you're not the only one in this boat, and there is a whole website devoted to new Muslim converts and the real issues that some may face, e.g. how to tell the family, having no Muslims or mosques nearby. You can also email or MSN them, and there is a New Muslims group (link at the bottom of the main homepage):

www.muslimconverts.com See the section on the main homepage called, "Issues facing converts".

This page is about prayer http://www.muslimconverts.com/prayer/index.htm, click "the beginners guide to prayer".

Start the simplified version now.

As for not eating haraam foods, just say to your family that you've gone off it, don't feel like it etc, if you don't yet want to tell them why you don't eat it.

I'd advise you to email muslimconverts.com detailing your situation, and inshaaAllah they may be able to direct you to sources of help and support.

Remember though, that we are all here for you too.

May Allah make things easy for you and keep you steadfast, ameen.

Assalaamu alaikum.

01-04-2011, 11:51 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by serena77
no that does answer... i just feel like i'm taking an overly long time... and some of it is factors of my location.... some of it is just me not having enough knowledge... i've started doing things like looking at youtube videos on how to pray that kind of thing.... Idon't think its the basics that get to me...
sometimes sadly it is location location location .... and sometimes that location is horrible.. at the same time... to honor my mother the way i should... especially in Islam.... (sigh) i won't be moving.

its hard when you have a lot of questions but in some ways don't even know what they are....
Obviously I cannot comment on how long it took me to become a Muslim on account that I did not become one, but on a general note I don't think anyone should make an irreversible decision lightly no matter what it is. For small insignificant issues where you can easily change your mind it's not really a problem. Having unbiased data is always good too.

As for your location, I presume it is Canada? Surely you won't be at risk of physical harm for becoming a Muslim will you? Your country does have the right to freedom of (and from) religion doesn't it?

As long as you aren't physically harming others you need to do what's right for you.

01-13-2011, 12:58 AM
I was thinking about becomeing muslim for about 2 1/2 years before I converted. I didnt really look much into it untill about 6 months before I converted. It was all my own desition with no-one guideing me towards Islam, hense why it was quite a shock for my parents when I told them. As far as they were aware I was happy as a Christian. Just over 3 years on Im happy as a muslim, alhumdillah.

01-13-2011, 10:35 AM
whatever we want to do should be on time and according to Islam. no one knows when the death came to you and you will get no time then to make some good deeds.

01-13-2011, 09:33 PM
serena77, advice is usually the thing people seek when they already very well know in their heart of hearts what it is they need or want to do, and either don't want to face up to it for fear of negative consequences or implications, or seek outside confirmation about it to make themselves feel better. Are you certain you're not on here for one of those reasons?

If there is any specific matter of faith you have trouble intellectually accepting, I'm here for you.

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