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12-19-2010, 11:45 PM
I dont know about my bros/sis' in Islam but this question has crossed my mind when I see Atheist, Christian,etc. members here. I'm not saying that they should not be here, but some of the non-muslim posters come here and argue or some come here with no intentions to embrace or accept Islam.

What I am courious about is as a non-muslim (muslims may answer as well):
What motivated you to join an Islamic forum?
Do you get any benefit from joining an Islamic forum?

This thread wasnt created to put anyone down. I'm just simply courious because I dont think I personally would join a religious forum that did not promote the religion that I follow.
And please keep it peaceful here :)

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12-19-2010, 11:51 PM
Mila - salaam and peace
a lot i would assume.. join for curiousity and while some may argue thats not a good enough reason... isn't it better they have their questions answered .. by say a forum such as this as opposed to western media?

Im catholic ( still... I think ... ) i have yet to take the shahada i'm trying very hard to get myself to the point where i can... i hope a lot of it is apprenhension that is unfounded.. but i'm not sure ... doesnt mean i don't believe in Allah and that mohammed is his final profile. I haven'been too mass in months and i've done a lot of study... I would never ever try and attack someone... however if someone is out of line no matter what their religion is... i'm going to speak up... that doesn't mean i'm against any one religion....i'm not ... never will be.
Oh h well.. my .02 cents and YMMV

12-20-2010, 12:04 AM
some are here to try but fail at scrutinising islam (Hugo)

others are here to get their facts right

others are here to learn more and eventually accept islam

and others are here to proselytise their own religions

12-20-2010, 12:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by aadil77
some are here to try but fail at scrutinising islam (Hugo)


Some come here to troll.

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12-20-2010, 12:21 AM

I would imagine there are as many reasons for non-Muslims to join this forum as there are non-Muslim members. As to why some stay on for very long times, even though they have no intention or desire to accept Islam only they can answer. But, the simple fact is no body is going to stay long on any forum unless it is giving them what they either desire, need or enjoy.

A simple answer will be that what they read in the posts and replies is giving them something they seek. An even simpler answer and more direct is they like associating with us.

It really is no different from why Muslims join and stay. We came here as Muslims, it does not take long to learn what a forum has to offer in knowledge but we continue on and stay. Often for many years. Long past the time it takes to learn the simple basics of Islam, we may not have known.

I came here as a new revert, with the desire to learn more of my De'en, increase my emaan and Inshallaah be able to help in some small manner. I stayed and continue to stay because this has become my family and is a very logical means of keeping in contact with my Brothers and Sisters in the Ummah.

12-20-2010, 02:27 AM
I enjoy Islamic forums for a number of reasons.... one is that I like to learn.

12-20-2010, 06:23 AM
To type. I like to type.

12-20-2010, 06:39 AM
I came here to just have fun but now I feel being on board like being in my home. When I feel depressed, I come more often here and get relaxed.

12-20-2010, 01:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mila
What motivated you to join an Islamic forum?
free time...

format_quote Originally Posted by Mila
Do you get any benefit from joining an Islamic forum?
yes, atleast i enjoy and learn how are the other muslim in world. what is their thinking, pbms and how is their life...i got a little bit idea..+ i enjoy a good company. there are many members, i like their posts, their thinking.

12-20-2010, 04:02 PM
Asalaamu Alaikum(peace be with everyone),

I joined to learn more about my religion and try my best to help others learn aswell. There's alot of misconceptions about Islam, so imo it's really important for Muslims to educate themselves so they can stand up and remove these misconceptions.

As for the Non-Muslims, I'd like to hope and think they didn't buy what the Media said and so decided to come here to learn aswell.

12-21-2010, 09:37 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mila
What motivated you to join an Islamic forum?

joined to learn more about the "real islam" instead of blindly following.

12-22-2010, 07:31 AM
I joined this forum almost 5 years ago at the suggestion of a young muslimah revert who I had met in a Christian forum. We are both still in touch now and have become good friends.

I joined this forum to understand Islam better, so I could relate and have better friendships with the Muslims in my neighbourhood. In that sense LI has been invaluable to me!
I understand Islamic customs and beliefs better, I can wish people Ramadan Mubarak, I know what to say and do and what not to say and do.

There also was a time when being a member here made me look very seriously at my own beliefs and my own faith, and I had to affirm for myself where I stood and what I believed and why. Being surrounded by the thoughts and comments of so many non-Christians (not only Muslims, but atheists and people from other faiths too) is a challenge - one which I embrace and enjoy, and which has taken me further down my own journey with God.

I sometimes wonder too why I am still a member here after so many years.
I certainly think it has become more difficult for non-Muslim members here compared to how it was in the beginning (just my personal thoughts). Forum rules and restrictions are much stricter than they were initially.

I think by the end of the day I am still a member here because of the many friends I have made here.
We have come a long way together, and sharing our lives with others is what makes friends and communities. LI is one of my cyber communities, and probably my most important one.
Over the last years I have shared in people's joys and tears, as they have in mine. We have walked together.
We have witnessed people getting married and babies being born (not literally, of course! :D)
A couple of respected and loved forum members have died, others have lost family members. :cry:

These are the thing which bond people together and make coherent communities!

I know that LI aims to bond people together on the basis of a shared faith, but clearly there are other factors, which keep non-Muslims returning to this place as their cyber home.

Keep up the good work! :statisfie

12-22-2010, 08:14 AM
Being in the company of Muslims is refreshing

12-22-2010, 11:32 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mila
I dont know about my bros/sis' in Islam but this question has crossed my mind when I see Atheist, Christian,etc. members here. I'm not saying that they should not be here, but some of the non-muslim posters come here and argue or some come here with no intentions to embrace or accept Islam.
Good question.

I am a member of several fora (e.g. politics, philospohy etc.) and I can tell you that the majority of members join a chosen forum because they are comforted by what is known as the ‘echo chamber’ effect i.e. they state a view and someone replies back confirming that their views is correct. In general people don’t like someone producing an argument or evidence suggesting that their views are not correct. I have examined that question on this forum which threads asking question ‘Do you want to live in a bubble?’ i.e. do you just want your own views retuned to you as correct or do you want them examined and rigorously questioned (by people like me). The reply I got was that you do want hard questions. In reality you don’t but you are no different from most others. People like me (and I suspect the other non-muslim members of this forum) join forums with opposing views because they want to learn and you learn more by discussing issues with people who have alterantive views not with people who have the same views. Most of you (and I mean all the you’s on this and other fora) see people like me as the enemy sent to aggitate you rather that a foil on which to test yourself and your ideas.

Why do you not join a non-Muslim forum and ask them why they believe what they believe and tell them why they are wrong?

12-22-2010, 12:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I joined this forum to understand Islam better, so I could relate and have better friendships with the Muslims in my neighbourhood.
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I know what to say and do and what not to say and do.

commendable! I wish there was more people like you around, esp where i am, instead of having 2 face the usual opinionated morons.

12-23-2010, 06:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by nature
commendable! I wish there was more people like you around, esp where i am, instead of having 2 face the usual opinionated morons.
I agree with Thinker.
To be able to live together peacefully and harmoniously we must first try to understand each other. The way we understand each other is to learn what the other thinks and beliefs, what values s/he holds, what customs s/he follows, etc.
Understanding each other is not the same as agreeing with each other.
I disagree quite fundamentally with beliefs and opinions expressed by some people (be that here or elsewhere), but that should never stop me from trying to understand and learn more.

Nature, people easily respond to those who are different by being harsh, critical and judgmental. It seems to be the human default position. People are either 'in your group' (= friend) or 'outside of your group' (= enemy).
That might make for an easy outlook on life, but it doesn't make for peaceful communities and societies.

If enough people try to reach out to each other and make an effort to understand and relate to each other and to overcome their differences, we can make our own communities better places!
If people treat you badly on account of your religion, isn't that an opportunity to demonstrate to them the beauty of your religion?

I wish you well. Salaam

12-23-2010, 09:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker
Why do you not join a non-Muslim forum and ask them why they believe what they believe and tell them why they are wrong?

When I have questions about a certain religion I personally would rather go to a library and find out what it is that another religion believes and why by reading that certain religion's textbook(s) instead of getting opinions from people who follow that certain religion bc they will only make it seem like their religion is the best...which would be normal we all want our religion/belief to be the best and seen in a positive light.
I am willing to learn about new religions its just that I dont see why I would have to go thru that religion's followers to learn...I should simply be able to open that religons holy book.
And I do not feel it is my place to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong (even if I do have those feelings). I wouldnt want someone doing it to me so I shouldnt do that to others...simple as that.

12-23-2010, 09:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mila

When I have questions about a certain religion I personally would rather go to a library and find out what it is that another religion believes and why by reading that certain religion's textbook(s) instead of getting opinions from people who follow that certain religion bc they will only make it seem like their religion is the best...which would be normal we all want our religion/belief to be the best and seen in a positive light
I'm the opposite.

I'd much rather hear from people what they believe and why they follow their religion than read the theology in a book.
I guess I am more interested in individual thoughts and reasons, it gives me a better understanding of the human element of religion.
I also get a better idea of the range of beliefs and understandings within each religion.
Because, no matter how much people try to tell you otherwise, it is not the case that 'one size fits all'. People from the same religion have a range of different interpretations and understanding of certain details within the framework of their religion.
I love to understand those differences and get to know individuals' very personal and unique views.

12-24-2010, 02:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mila

When I have questions about a certain religion I personally would rather go to a library
You are missing the point. It is not a matter of finding an answer it is a about understanding the answer. It may be possible to do that in a library but it would be difficult to the extreme.

In a search to find the truth Socrates utilised a process known as Critical Thinking which encouraged a dialogue of continual probing questions of the teacher, in a concerted effort to explore the underlying beliefs that shape the students views and opinions. That’s what I do here and elsewhere, that’s how I hope to understand. And, in doing that here and elsewhere, I don’t just seek to understand others I seek to understand myself. The difference between me and you is that I have no fear of what I might discover so long as it is the truth, you (and by you I mean all of you who like to spend your life in an echo chamber) fear what you might learn.

12-24-2010, 02:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker
You are missing the point. It is not a matter of finding an answer it is a about understanding the answer. It may be possible to do that in a library but it would be difficult to the extreme.
It does depend on the person. I personally don't find it difficult. Books are a good place to find information about religions. You should try it.

12-24-2010, 04:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker
You are missing the point. It is not a matter of finding an answer it is a about understanding the answer. It may be possible to do that in a library but it would be difficult to the extreme.

Just as you are able to understand a question by asking for others opinions I am perfectly capable of understanding by going to a library nothing extreme about it to me.

format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker
The difference between me and you is that I have no fear of what I might discover so long as it is the truth, you (and by you I mean all of you who like to spend your life in an echo chamber) fear what you might learn.

At the end of the day we are both doing the same thing but going about it a different way you choose to hear the opinions of others to better understand yourself, others, or a question while I choose to read a book about it.
But this isnt what the topic is about so getting back on track
(to all members muslim or not)
The things that you learn here do you apply it any kind of way to your daily life?

12-24-2010, 04:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker
The difference between me and you is that I have no fear of what I might discover so long as it is the truth, you (and by you I mean all of you who like to spend your life in an echo chamber) fear what you might learn.
How do you know how we feel? Do you have some psychological ability to detect that someone is afraid of learning?

format_quote Originally Posted by Mila
At the end of the day we are both doing the same thing but going about it a different way you choose to hear the opinions of others to better understand yourself, others, or a question while I choose to read a book about it.
It is as simple as sister Mila put it.

Some might do both, read a book and ask others.

12-24-2010, 07:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker
The difference between me and you is that I have no fear of what I might discover so long as it is the truth, you (and by you I mean all of you who like to spend your life in an echo chamber) fear what you might learn.
I'll speak for myself and say I have no fear of what I 'might learn', only full confidence in my beliefs. I actually look forward to see people like you come along, pose your arguments and try and put islam to the test of criticism, because when you fail it only makes me stronger in my belief.

12-24-2010, 07:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by serena77
Mila - salaam and peace
a lot i would assume.. join for curiousity and while some may argue thats not a good enough reason... isn't it better they have their questions answered .. by say a forum such as this as opposed to western media?

Im catholic ( still... I think ... ) i have yet to take the shahada i'm trying very hard to get myself to the point where i can... i hope a lot of it is apprenhension that is unfounded.. but i'm not sure ... doesnt mean i don't believe in Allah and that mohammed is his final profile. I haven'been too mass in months and i've done a lot of study... I would never ever try and attack someone... however if someone is out of line no matter what their religion is... i'm going to speak up... that doesn't mean i'm against any one religion....i'm not ... never will be.
Oh h well.. my .02 cents and YMMV
Is there anything more I can do to help you?

12-24-2010, 08:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker
The difference between me and you is that I have no fear of what I might discover so long as it is the truth, you (and by you I mean all of you who like to spend your life in an echo chamber) fear what you might learn.
Just because she likes to go to the librabry to learn doesnt make her scared. But u passing judgements n 'wrong ones' too, makes u look rather not so very clever.=)

12-26-2010, 12:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker
Why do you not join a non-Muslim forum and ask them why they believe what they believe and tell them why they are wrong?

I personally have, humanist forums, pipes cesspool, christian forums one punjabi forum but they were too obsessed with music.. I found many to be filled with [insult removed] whenever I'd write to refute they'd delete my posts and ban me using all sorts of base obscenities, they were rather comfortable in their own stupidities and worse yet the stupidities they presumed in others as they couldn't stand the thought of events happening outside their cognition.. I got bored as [insult removed].. as the sister said if you want your knowledge from forums or reality based scripts a la mode of Hollywood then by all means.. many of us prefer the company of cultivated, civilized and scholarly individuals so an Islamic board is a good fit -- books on the topic are also equally good.. only small minds occupy themselves of others!.. if you personally like those other places better why not join them? It takes quite sometime to remove ape pupu from flower beds!

all the best

12-31-2010, 08:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by τhε ṿαlε'ṡ lïlÿ
whenever I'd write to refute they'd delete my posts and ban me
I know exactly how you feel and not just the posts sometimes the whole thread (know what I mean :hmm: )

12-31-2010, 11:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker
I know exactly how you feel and not just the posts sometimes the whole thread (know what I mean )

No I don't know what you mean, you've managed to be here for three years regurgitating the same crap with mod nods and approval!

12-31-2010, 11:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mila
I dont know about my bros/sis' in Islam but this question has crossed my mind when I see Atheist, Christian,etc. members here. I'm not saying that they should not be here, but some of the non-muslim posters come here and argue or some come here with no intentions to embrace or accept Islam.

What I am courious about is as a non-muslim (muslims may answer as well):
What motivated you to join an Islamic forum?
Do you get any benefit from joining an Islamic forum?

This thread wasnt created to put anyone down. I'm just simply courious because I dont think I personally would join a religious forum that did not promote the religion that I follow.
And please keep it peaceful here :)
I came to investigate Islam. There are no Muslims that I know in RL. Here I get to know Muslims as well as learn about a faith that intrigues me but as yet I have not accepted.

06-09-2011, 04:41 PM
As'salaamu alaaykum

I joined this geeky forum not knowing it was actually a forum, so yeah thats why i joined it :-\

Though it is an awesome place to meet other muslims around the geeky old world..

.. peace ..

Who Am I?
06-09-2011, 05:19 PM
I joined before I became a Muslim as most of you know. I was curious about Islam and wanted some answers from real Muslims. I didn't know any real Muslims in my life before I joined here, so this was the only way to interact with Muslims.

Now I suppose I will have to stick around, inshallah. There is a lot I still don't know about Islam so being around Muslims daily will help my growth.

Flame of Hope
06-10-2011, 04:19 AM

I've joined other forums but I never stayed long. This is the only forum that I joined and STAYED in.


1. The people here are warm, friendly, welcoming, cheerful.

The member I like best is sister harb. lol. She's the coolest. :coolious:

2. I like the variety of emoticons I can use, the choice of avatars.... :wub:

3. Nobody has banned me for asking too many questions. ;D

4. I've learned a great deal. Alhamdulillahir rabbil al ameen!

Who Am I?
06-10-2011, 04:27 AM
I don't normally stick around either. At some point, my enthusiasm always dies down and I gradually quit coming to the forum.

In this case, I might be around for a while since I still have a lot to learn about being a Muslim.

Haya emaan
06-10-2011, 08:11 PM
i don't remember why i joined this place but i know i m here because i have learnt a lot in a very good peaceful friendly environment

Darth Ultor
06-10-2011, 08:15 PM
Religious discussion is interesting.

Abu Zainab
06-10-2011, 08:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Lynx
Being in the company of Muslims is refreshing
lol...why do i smell sarcasm in this comment?

Flame of Hope
06-10-2011, 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by Lynx
Being in the company of Muslims is refreshing
format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Zainab
lol...why do i smell sarcasm in this comment?
I smell..... uh...... something refreshing. lol. ;D

06-10-2011, 10:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Zainab

lol...why do i smell sarcasm in this comment?

Don't bother. God knows what he is truly thinking.

06-11-2011, 12:34 AM
Salam brothers and sisters,

I joined as a Christian to find answers about Islam. I honestly never expected to become a Muslim myself! But I am thankful to Allah at every moment of every day that I did :)

format_quote Originally Posted by Lynx
Being in the company of Muslims is refreshing
I don't know about refreshing, but I do know that the kindness and encouragement of the brothers and sisters here (and in real life) was one of the many things that helped guide me to Islam.

Peace be with you

Darth Ultor
06-11-2011, 12:45 AM
Also, getting to arguments from time to time with certain members is good for laughs. You know who you are.

Who Am I?
06-11-2011, 04:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Just_A_Girl13
Salam brothers and sisters,

I joined as a Christian to find answers about Islam. I honestly never expected to become a Muslim myself! But I am thankful to Allah at every moment of every day that I did :)

I don't know about refreshing, but I do know that the kindness and encouragement of the brothers and sisters here (and in real life) was one of the many things that helped guide me to Islam.

Peace be with you

Your story and mine are very similar, sister. I really didn't know what to expect when I joined here, but I'm glad I did. The encouragement of everyone here is what helped keep me on the straight path.

06-11-2011, 05:27 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by S.Belle
I dont know about my bros/sis' in Islam but this question has crossed my mind when I see Atheist, Christian,etc. members here. I'm not saying that they should not be here, but some of the non-muslim posters come here and argue or some come here with no intentions to embrace or accept Islam.

What I am courious about is as a non-muslim (muslims may answer as well):
What motivated you to join an Islamic forum?
Do you get any benefit from joining an Islamic forum?

This thread wasnt created to put anyone down. I'm just simply courious because I dont think I personally would join a religious forum that did not promote the religion that I follow.
And please keep it peaceful here :)

personally I am thinking of any presentation that will give someone just a little interest about Islam

I hope it is not asked why people are here

06-11-2011, 07:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Boaz
Also, getting to arguments from time to time with certain members is good for laughs. You know who you are.
You do not appear to be the type that gets into arguments. :/

Darth Ultor
06-12-2011, 10:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Guestfellow
You do not appear to be the type that gets into arguments. :/
I was kidding. I'm nonconfrontational. It's more like disagreements rather than arguments.

sister herb
06-12-2011, 02:36 PM
Many reasons. Wanna know more about islam, wanna know if islam is religion of mine, wanna argue, wanna find friends.

sister herb
06-13-2011, 02:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Flame
1. The people here are warm, friendly, welcoming, cheerful.

The member I like best is sister harb. lol. She's the coolest. :coolious:

She likes Miss Hitler?


Flame of Hope
06-13-2011, 03:56 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb

She likes Miss Hitler?

Of coursssssssssssssse! lol.

NOBODY uses emoticons and smileys so effectively as you do. You bring life to the party. Heh hehe he! Without you and your smiley pals, this forum would be downright dull. Plus you're very positive. :wub:

There are also other members I'd like to mention......

1. S. Belle....... creative with a fantastic imagination

2. Endymion........ very generous with her use of smileys..... 2nd after sister harb.

3. Woodrow Grumpyson.......... love his sense of humor.

4. Riana17........ she's a breath of fresh air. Her cheerfulness is mighty contagious.

5. Just a Guy...... love his story, his hatred of hypocrisy and honesty.

6. MustafaMc....... This is Mr. Shark. He chased my helicopter. lol. Love his story too.... and his hatred of hypocrisy.

7. Salahudeen....... such an earnest brother, masha'allah!

8. tigerkhan..... love his username... and because I like tigers. lol.

9. Guestfellow...... can't forget him and his "Croissants are your fwends...." ha ha ha!

10. Pearl of Wisdom...... can't do without the geekiest member of the forum.

11. Hannah..... because of her, I'm now consistent in doing my Duha prayer. Alhamdulillah!

12. Ghazalah..... always positive and encourages me with her giggles. lol.

13. Tyrion...... realistic and practical guy.... love his open-mindedness and sound advice.

14. Safiya 1...... there's just one word to describe her.... "sweet".

15. tw009..... unusual user name, but can't forget her one-time sig: God gives and forgives, man gets and forgets.

There are many more wonderful members in this forum. You are what make this forum worth visiting. It's never the place but the people who matter. :)

Alhamdulillahir rabbil al ameen!

Who Am I?
06-13-2011, 06:09 PM
It is largely due to the encouragement of a few members here that I overcame my fears and doubts about Islam and took shahada. Had I gone to the masjid first before coming here, I may not have followed through with my decision. I might still have done it, but I don't know. At least I don't have to wonder about that anymore...

06-13-2011, 06:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Flame
9. Guestfellow...... can't forget him and his "Croissants are your fwends...." ha ha ha!

I don't like croissants anymore. We simply do not get along. So croissants are not my fwends, we are currently issuing divorce proceedings. :p:

06-13-2011, 06:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Just a Guy
It is largely due to the encouragement of a few members here that I overcame my fears and doubts about Islam and took shahada. Had I gone to the masjid first before coming here, I may not have followed through with my decision. I might still have done it, but I don't know. At least I don't have to wonder about that anymore...
Is that because the masjids are unwelcoming or sectarian and cliquey?

Who Am I?
06-13-2011, 06:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sarah85
Is that because the masjids are unwelcoming or sectarian and cliquey?
More like I would never have gotten over my fear long enough to walk in there. The brothers are friendly enough, though I still get a few odd looks here and there.

No, it was the encouragement of some members here that gave me enough confidence to walk in there in the first place.

06-13-2011, 06:42 PM
Assalaamu Alaaykum

format_quote Originally Posted by Flame
10. Pearl of Wisdom...... can't do without the geekiest member of the forum.
Im not geeky :-\ you are all geeky, except for me!

I cant do without you 'geeked' members, you are all ever so geeky :-\

sorry if i didnt make senes :-\ (for it was meant to be)

.. peace ..

Who Am I?
06-13-2011, 07:08 PM
Nothing wrong with being a geek/nerd/dork. I am some combination of all 3.

Misfits, unite!

06-13-2011, 07:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by S.Belle
I dont know about my bros/sis' in Islam but this question has crossed my mind when I see Atheist, Christian,etc. members here. I'm not saying that they should not be here, but some of the non-muslim posters come here and argue or some come here with no intentions to embrace or accept Islam.

What I am courious about is as a non-muslim (muslims may answer as well):
What motivated you to join an Islamic forum?
Do you get any benefit from joining an Islamic forum?

This thread wasnt created to put anyone down. I'm just simply courious because I dont think I personally would join a religious forum that did not promote the religion that I follow.
And please keep it peaceful here :)

Q1 - Wanted to learn more about Islam and muslims. Like to discuss religions.
Q2 - I have learned a great deal about Islam and some of its followers.


06-13-2011, 07:19 PM
Assalaamu Alaaykum

Dork is not a nice word it sounds almost like an insult

geeky or nerd is preffered more..

.. peace ..

06-13-2011, 07:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by S.Belle
The things that you learn here do you apply it any kind of way to your daily life?
Yes, when I'm in a discussion with someone and they either have a question or a misunderstanding, I can usually answer. Or when I read something about Islam (either an news report of opinion piece) I can see if they are right or wrong and whether their slant has colored their analysis.

Who Am I?
06-13-2011, 08:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pєαяℓ σf Wιѕ∂σм
Assalaamu Alaaykum

Dork is not a nice word it sounds almost like an insult

geeky or nerd is preffered more..

.. peace ..
Well I was mainly referring to myself there, but the point is taken.

Sorry. :embarrass imsad

06-13-2011, 08:20 PM
Assalaamu Alaaykum

no need to apologise brother.

nobody is a dork..but everyone is certainly a geek.

Flame of Hope
06-13-2011, 08:31 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by Just a Guy
Nothing wrong with being a geek/nerd/dork. I am some combination of all 3.

Misfits, unite!
I like dorks. Nerds and geeks are cool too. I think they are all the same brand. :D

Who Am I?
06-13-2011, 08:35 PM
I think I'm more of a nerd, actually. ;D

There is an online test somewhere that tells you how nerdy you are:

This is what I got:

Overall, you scored as follows:

39% scored higher (more nerdy),
1% scored the same, and
60% scored lower (less nerdy).
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Low Ranking Nerd. Definitely a nerd but low on the totem pole of nerds.
I think my hatred of math and low grades brought my nerd score down....

sister herb
06-14-2011, 04:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Guestfellow

I don't like croissants anymore. We simply do not get along. So croissants are not my fwends, we are currently issuing divorce proceedings. :p:
Real shocking news! World is not same after that! Croissants are not fwends of Guestfellow any more! Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!


Who Am I?
06-14-2011, 02:26 PM
I can't even SAY croissant correctly, much less eat one.

06-16-2011, 02:10 AM
I joined this forum because I heard free croissants were available. But, they seem to have vanished.

06-16-2011, 06:58 AM
I joined because I wanted another resource (aside from books and a few friends) for information about Islam. I started studying Islam because I was curious, and then it really struck me. I've been studying a lot more seriously lately, and I decided to join this site because of the acceptance and support I saw. Also because I wanted a place to ask some of the harder questions where I didn't have to feel shy.

Ali Mujahidin
06-16-2011, 07:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
I joined this forum because I heard free croissants were available. But, they seem to have vanished.

I think I know where the croissants have all gone to but *burp* I am not telling. And don't look at me like that. I have nothing to do with *burp* them.:D

06-17-2011, 09:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Flame
1. S. Belle....... creative with a fantastic imagination

:wub:...you're so flametastical

thnks everyone for answering the questions...and for keeping it peaceful =P

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