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View Full Version : Would like an Iman or someone of same knowledge on Islam to assist with my question

Need guidance
01-16-2011, 02:58 PM
Asalam Alaikum,

For many years I have been battling the answers to my questions however I find myself today at 30 yrs old still lost and confused.

I was abused at a very young age by my cousin. Growing up was very difficult as my family broke apart and I grew up with no guidance. All my life I have known myself to be female however being born as a male I was led to believe that I am gay. Just over a year ago I started taking hormones to correct what I thought was gone wrong with my body and set on the path of matching my female soul to my body. During this process I met a muslim boy in Pakistan online who I fell in love with. He pleaded with me that what I was doing was haram and not to follow this path and to start praying. After telling him my life story he spoke to an Imam in Pakistan who advised him that long term use of these medications is harmful, however that he and I can live together and he can request that in the next world I be his wife that of which I can not be in this world.

One day he became ill and I listened to the Quran for the first time and started to weep. I realised what I was doing was not right and stopped hormones. I finally went over to Pakistan and met this young man who changed my life and brought me to Islam.

As I suddenly stopped taking hormones my body, my mood swings etc changed and I became very unsettled so shortly after returning back to Australia and after speaking with him we both agreed that I should start taking the hormones again and gradually wean off them which I started taking less than a month ago.

All my life I fought with my family when they said that what I am is the making of shaitan and I was blammed for being abused when I was a child, (and I have had many attempts at suicide, all of which failed), however since that day my soulmate became ill and I started listening to the Quran I realised that this is not the case and that we are tested by Allah every moment.

I find myself today in the same situation I was a few months ago and weeping as I do not know what path I should take as my eyes were opened by this young man who I call my soulmate and life partner, however for some reason I do not have answers to my questions and I am not entirely sure if what the Imam said to him was correct as my knowledge on Islam is very basic even though I belong to an Islamic family.

I have done many wrongs in my life and I am scared that I have crossed the limitations set in Islam to be forgiven by Allah.

Do I have the right to ask Allah to make me a woman in the next world and to be this man’s wife and vice versa for him to ask Allah? I am afraid this is a topic that is hardly spoken about either people do not want to hear or they are scared to speak the truth.

My only request is that I do not get any abusive messages here and that I find someone here who can guide me to the right path.

Asalam Alaikum

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Ummu Sufyaan
01-17-2011, 03:13 AM
Wa alaykum us-Salaam

what makes you think you are female? perhaps you arent like all the men you know, but that doesn't make you any less male. it just may mean you are different, no?

going what you went through of abuse probably made you think that you are a loser and so you just settled with believing you are a loser. sometimes this happens. its not that the person is a loser, its just that, due to their abuse they have received, they dont really realize their full potential and so they tend to "punish" themselves by going into extremes. this is just the way they deal with it. the abuse could have been the "synthesis" for that becuase getting abused sends out the message that one is a bad person and so unfortunately that's what the abused person believes and act on. this is just one way people may deal with the abuse, there are other ways they deal with their problems aswell.

i think perhaps going back in time and trying break through those issues of abuse would be a good start. im not judging you, but if your post is anything to go by, you are believing that you are someone, but this is just the guise of your real issues not being addressed.

also, you need to see a doc before taking anything.

Hamza Asadullah
01-17-2011, 03:36 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Need guidance
Asalam Alaikum,

For many years I have been battling the answers to my questions however I find myself today at 30 yrs old still lost and confused.

I was abused at a very young age by my cousin. Growing up was very difficult as my family broke apart and I grew up with no guidance. All my life I have known myself to be female however being born as a male I was led to believe that I am gay. Just over a year ago I started taking hormones to correct what I thought was gone wrong with my body and set on the path of matching my female soul to my body. During this process I met a muslim boy in Pakistan online who I fell in love with. He pleaded with me that what I was doing was haram and not to follow this path and to start praying. After telling him my life story he spoke to an Imam in Pakistan who advised him that long term use of these medications is harmful, however that he and I can live together and he can request that in the next world I be his wife that of which I can not be in this world.

One day he became ill and I listened to the Quran for the first time and started to weep. I realised what I was doing was not right and stopped hormones. I finally went over to Pakistan and met this young man who changed my life and brought me to Islam.

As I suddenly stopped taking hormones my body, my mood swings etc changed and I became very unsettled so shortly after returning back to Australia and after speaking with him we both agreed that I should start taking the hormones again and gradually wean off them which I started taking less than a month ago.

All my life I fought with my family when they said that what I am is the making of shaitan and I was blammed for being abused when I was a child, (and I have had many attempts at suicide, all of which failed), however since that day my soulmate became ill and I started listening to the Quran I realised that this is not the case and that we are tested by Allah every moment.

I find myself today in the same situation I was a few months ago and weeping as I do not know what path I should take as my eyes were opened by this young man who I call my soulmate and life partner, however for some reason I do not have answers to my questions and I am not entirely sure if what the Imam said to him was correct as my knowledge on Islam is very basic even though I belong to an Islamic family.

I have done many wrongs in my life and I am scared that I have crossed the limitations set in Islam to be forgiven by Allah.

Do I have the right to ask Allah to make me a woman in the next world and to be this man’s wife and vice versa for him to ask Allah? I am afraid this is a topic that is hardly spoken about either people do not want to hear or they are scared to speak the truth.

My only request is that I do not get any abusive messages here and that I find someone here who can guide me to the right path.

Asalam Alaikum
Asalaamu Alaikum, Jazakallahu khayran for coming forward with such a sensative issue. What you are refferring to is the Mukhannathun. Mukhannathun in arabic means-"effeminate ones", "men who resemble women", singular mukhannath) is classical Arabic for people we would now call transgendered, or male-to-female transsexuals. Various "mukhannathun" appear in several hadith. In one hadith the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) protects a mukhannath from an unruly mob. It can be said that they were and are Muslim transsexuals accepted as they are "within the boundaries of Medina and Mecca". Outside of the religious text they are strongly associated with music and entertainment.

Reports of Mukhannathun from the Qur'an, Hadith and Sunnah

There are many references to these people both direct and indirect in the Qur'an, Hadith and Sunnah. In the Qur'an:

The Quran Sura 24 verse 31 (as translated by Shakir): And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; and turn to Allah all of you, O believers! so that you may be successful.

Two reliable hadith are:

Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 41, Number 4910: Narrated Abu Hurayrah (RA): A mukhannath who had dyed his hands and feet with henna was brought to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He asked: What is the matter with this man? He was told: Apostle of Allah! he affects women's get-up. So he ordered regarding him and he was banished to an-Naqi'. The people said: Apostle of Allah! should we not kill him? He said: I have been prohibited from killing people who pray. Abu Usamah said: Naqi' is a region near Medina and not a Baqi (in other words not referring to Jannat al-Baqi cemetery. Indicating they were not punished.)'

Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 32, Number 4095: Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:

A mukhannath (eunuch) used to enter upon the wives of Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). They (the people) counted him among those who were free of physical needs. One day the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) entered upon us when he was with one of his wives, and was describing the qualities of a woman, saying: When she comes forward, she comes forward with four (folds in her stomach), and when she goes backward, she goes backward with eight (folds in her stomach). The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: Do I not see that this (man) knows what here lies. Then they (the wives) observed veil from him.

According to the Scholar and hadith collector An-Nawawi (RA):

A mukhannath is the one ("male") who carries in his movements, in his appearance and in his language the characteristics of a woman. There are two types; the first is the one in whom these characteristics are innate, he did not put them on by himself, and therein is no guilt, no blame and no shame, as long as he does not perform any (illicit) act or exploit it for money (prostitution etc.). The second type acts like a woman out of immoral purposes and he is the sinner and blameworthy.

Furthermore there is the observation of Ibn Abd Al-Barr who was a contemporary of An-Nawawi:

The mukhannath is not only the one who is known to be promiscuous. The mukhannath is (also?) the one who looks so much like a woman physically that he resembles women in his softness, speech, appearance, accent and thinking. If he is like this, he would have no desire for women and he would not notice anything about them. This is one of those who have no interest in women who were permitted to enter upon women. "

The Mukhannathun were given a high status in the times of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) as being "guardians of sacred boundaries" even gave them the privilege to guard not only the "harem" of women, but also the most sacred "harem" in Makkah and the one in Madinah. From the 12th century on it is reported that they were the dignified guardians of the grave of the noble Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), a custom that held on until the end of the Ottoman rule over the two sacred cities.

So be proud of the way Allah has made you and never think that Allah made a mistake with you by giving you the wrong body. That is what shaythan wants you to think for shaythan is the deciever and liar aswell as our sworn enemy. Allah NEVER makes mistakes. What you have is not an illness or disease but a test from Allah. Allah tests those who he wants good for.

Therefore it is clear that Allah wants good for you and so is testing you. he wants to see if you will remain patient and put your trust, faith and reliance in him or will you lose your faith, trust and hope in him and instead give in to shaythan and your desires. With patience comes victory! Please read more about tests here:

How we can get through hardships and trials in our lives


According to scholars it is not permissable for you to have any kind of gender re-assignment surgery nor take hormones. it is also not permissable for you to marry a man or even be on contact with one let alone live with one. Therefore you must cut off contact with this man and not keep in touch with any other men which may lead to lust and sin. This is your test just like every other human is being tested in some way or another in this life,then this is your test for you to resist your desire of men and abstain from major sin and instead make your focus the hereafter and spending everyday pleasing your creator.

It maybe that on the day of judgement after spending your life abstaining from sin and being patient that you will face Allah with little or no sin. It also maybe that your patience would grant you a high rank in Paradise where you can live in eternity with the best partner that Allah will give to you.

You are unique and Allah is wanting you close to him so make your focus the hereafter and to live everyday to please Allah. This is such a short life and we can die at ANY second so is it really worth us resorting to our desires and to major sin when all we have to do is spend this short amount of time in pleasing Allah then we have a whole eternity of bliss to look forward to.

Whether Allah creates you a man or a women in the hereafter and whatever partner he chooses for you is only with Allah for he knows best and surely he will give you what is best for you so again put your trust in him. Ask Allah to give you what is best for you in the hereafter rather than making dua for specific names.

Allah is with those who are patient and surely the reward of patience is Paradise. It maybe on the day of judgement when you see the rewards of your patience you will wish Allah gave you even bigger tests just so that you can be patient and be rewarded even more by Allah! Subhanallah!

If you need any help, advice or support then please do not hesitate to ask. Here is an e mail contact of a highly trained scholar (Mufti) in Australia where your from so that you may get scholarly advice regarding your issue: fatwa@darulfatwa.org.au

These articles wil help you to maximise the amount of good deeds you do everyday so you can get closer to Allah inshallah:

10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...man-faith.html (10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith))

30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...eir-lives.html (30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!)

Easy Dhikr which is light on the tongue but heavy on the scales!

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...vy-scales.html (Easy Dhikr which is light on the tongue but heavy on the scales!)

My Daily Ibadah (worship) check!

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...hip-check.html (My Daily Ibadah (worship) check!)

10 steps to getting closer to Allah

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...ser-allah.html (10 steps to getting closer to Allah)

Forty Very Easy, Quick & Rewarding Good Deeds for all of us to do Everyday!

http://www.islamicboard.com/worship-...-everyday.html (Forty Very Easy, Quick & Rewarding Good Deeds for all of us to do Everyday!)

VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!

http://www.islamicboard.com/worship-...-everyday.html (VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!)

How much we will regret the precious seconds we wasted in this world!


Here are some very beneficial lectures to increase your imaan and fear of Allah:

AMAZING short speech -"The Goodly Life"


Remembrance: ask Allah for his forgiveness


Angel of Death!!! - Sheikh Ahmed Ali


HARD HITTING Lecture on HELLFIRE & the Day of JUDGEMENT! يوم القيامة والجحيم


Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 1/3


Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 2/3


Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 3/3


Islam - Punishment of the Grave by Sheikh Riyadh ul Haq


Death and the Grave by Murtaza Khan


How can we not appreciate what we have after watching this?


If you need any help, advice or anything at all then please do not hesitate to ask. Please also mention me in your duas.

And Allah knows best in all matters

01-17-2011, 03:47 AM
As bro Hamza has said; think of it as a test. The feelings may persist but the sin is only in acting upon them. If you are Muslim and want to follow the straight path then you know you cannot change your sex or be with that boy. As far as I know you can ask Allah for anything you like (whether you're granted it or not is another matter). Have you considered seeing a counselor for the abuse you suffered as a child? Talking things through with someone may help.

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Hamza Asadullah
01-17-2011, 04:43 AM
Here is a response from DarulFatwa Australia which you can write or phone them your questions:

You can send your question to us and the sheikhs will look after it:

Darulfatwa Islamic High Council

P.O.Box 147

Bankstown 1885

PH: 02 9793 3330

Fax: 02 9793 3103


Need guidance
01-17-2011, 05:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ummu Sufyaan
Wa alaykum us-Salaam

what makes you think you are female? perhaps you arent like all the men you know, but that doesn't make you any less male. it just may mean you are different, no?

going what you went through of abuse probably made you think that you are a loser and so you just settled with believing you are a loser. sometimes this happens. its not that the person is a loser, its just that, due to their abuse they have received, they dont really realize their full potential and so they tend to "punish" themselves by going into extremes. this is just the way they deal with it. the abuse could have been the "synthesis" for that becuase getting abused sends out the message that one is a bad person and so unfortunately that's what the abused person believes and act on. this is just one way people may deal with the abuse, there are other ways they deal with their problems aswell.

i think perhaps going back in time and trying break through those issues of abuse would be a good start. im not judging you, but if your post is anything to go by, you are believing that you are someone, but this is just the guise of your real issues not being addressed.

also, you need to see a doc before taking anything.

I am not going into the depths of why I believe I am a woman nor the abuse I went through as this was not my question. I was merely painting a basic life story so that I can get the correct information which brother Hamza81 has assisted with.

Yes you are right in regards to going to sinful extremes after being abused, all of which I have done, however I have dealt with the past and my abusive, its my future that I am trying to find answers to.

The medication I am on was prescribed by a dr and pysc.. Thank you for your concern and asalam alaikum.

Ummu Sufyaan
01-17-2011, 06:25 AM
my apologies, i didnt mean for my advise to come across that way. i just asked those question for you to reflect on.

Need guidance
01-17-2011, 06:27 AM
Asalam Alaikum brother Humza81,

Firstly thank you so much for sharing this information for me.. I am actually quite shocked with what I have read and wished that I knew about Mukhannathun's in the Haddith. It is a shame that family members or the major public do not know about these things. Had I of known I would never of resorted to sin, instead been proud of what I was and how high status we were given during the time of the prophet, blessings be upon him.

It makes me sad that my family do not know about this or our local muslims, instead they cast you as a sinner and become an enemy, however I am happy to be able to share the information you advised to them.

Unfortunatley I spent my entire life rebelling and resorting to sin as this was all I knew, I just hope inshallah it is not to late for me and may Allah forgive my past inshallah.

Recently my Father was here and I tried as much as I could to act more masculine however it was quite difficult as it is something I have never been, and found it extremely stressful trying to act like something I have never been, which brings me to the next question:

Alhumdulliah I have not had any surgeries, all because of my soul mate as he brought me back the ways of Islam, however I am not sure which way to go with regards my looks.. I did have much longer hair which I have cut to neck length and have had previously removed all my facial hairs, am I meant to be live as a man and try to go 'manly' or stay the way I have been my whole life and submit to islam as the way I am?

My soulmate has suggested we both go to Haj inshallah and never again resort to sin. He has also advised that there is no sin with long hair and that when I complete Haj I will be required to cut my hair which I look forward to should I be blessed to go down that road, inshallah.

I no longer have the desires to do any anything further with my body in regards to changing to female, I have even gone as far as throwing all my female clothes in the rubbish as I know what I ask in this world I will lose in the next.

I did go to a local mosque once here and unfortunatley I was not able to go into depths with my situation, so I am very grateful to the information you have advised and will have you in my dua's.

Asalam Alaikum

Need guidance
01-17-2011, 06:37 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Dagless
As bro Hamza has said; think of it as a test. The feelings may persist but the sin is only in acting upon them. If you are Muslim and want to follow the straight path then you know you cannot change your sex or be with that boy. As far as I know you can ask Allah for anything you like (whether you're granted it or not is another matter). Have you considered seeing a counselor for the abuse you suffered as a child? Talking things through with someone may help.
Brother Dagless, Thank you for your reply.

Alhumdulilah that boy is the reason why I was brought back to Islam... I thank Allah in all my prays for showing me the way as until I met him I did not pray and lead a sinful life.

It is easy to say not to be with him, however we have both agreed to never have sex and to go to haj and live a good life together and be a pillar of support to each other, so I am not sure what to think of what I am meant to do here.

With regards to my past, I have dealt those issues alhumdulilallah and have no problems with happened, its just what is going on now and my future that I needed guidance with as far as my family are concern they have always seen me as shaitans child.. They do not know that I am on hormones nor the extensive details of my past, as the medication did not change my face, just balanced my insides so to speak. Ever since I was a child I was mistaken for a girl, so when I started hormones, in my families eyes there was not much of a difference with looks so I am glad I did not have to tell them or put them through that, if that makes sense.

The odd thing is when I am on hormones my belief in Islam is so strong compared to when I am not on hormones so this is another delema, however I know now that this a test that I must overcome and inshallah I will.

Asalam Alaikum

Need guidance
01-17-2011, 06:46 AM
Thank you again Brother Humza for advising contact details for here in Australia. I am not sure how I would feel to speak to someone face to face about this just as I know how humans can be, but will contact them somehow.

May you be blessed in both worlds inshallah for all your assistance.

Need guidance
01-17-2011, 06:47 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ummu Sufyaan
my apologies, i didnt mean for my advise to come across that way. i just asked those question for you to reflect on.
All good.. no offence taken.. Thank you :)

Hamza Asadullah
01-17-2011, 07:31 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Need guidance
Asalam Alaikum brother Humza81,

Firstly thank you so much for sharing this information for me.. I am actually quite shocked with what I have read and wished that I knew about Mukhannathun's in the Haddith. It is a shame that family members or the major public do not know about these things. Had I of known I would never of resorted to sin, instead been proud of what I was and how high status we were given during the time of the prophet, blessings be upon him.

It makes me sad that my family do not know about this or our local muslims, instead they cast you as a sinner and become an enemy, however I am happy to be able to share the information you advised to them.

Unfortunatley I spent my entire life rebelling and resorting to sin as this was all I knew, I just hope inshallah it is not to late for me and may Allah forgive my past inshallah.

Recently my Father was here and I tried as much as I could to act more masculine however it was quite difficult as it is something I have never been, and found it extremely stressful trying to act like something I have never been, which brings me to the next question:

Alhumdulliah I have not had any surgeries, all because of my soul mate as he brought me back the ways of Islam, however I am not sure which way to go with regards my looks.. I did have much longer hair which I have cut to neck length and have had previously removed all my facial hairs, am I meant to be live as a man and try to go 'manly' or stay the way I have been my whole life and submit to islam as the way I am?

My soulmate has suggested we both go to Haj inshallah and never again resort to sin. He has also advised that there is no sin with long hair and that when I complete Haj I will be required to cut my hair which I look forward to should I be blessed to go down that road, inshallah.

I no longer have the desires to do any anything further with my body in regards to changing to female, I have even gone as far as throwing all my female clothes in the rubbish as I know what I ask in this world I will lose in the next.

I did go to a local mosque once here and unfortunatley I was not able to go into depths with my situation, so I am very grateful to the information you have advised and will have you in my dua's.

Asalam Alaikum
Asalaamu Alaikum, unfortunatley the vast majority of Muslims do not have much knowledge in this area and a lack of knowledge usually brings about ignorance and that is why you were treated the way you were by your family and many others in your past. You have to understand that it is not easy for your family to have to deal with such a situation because they themselves feel trapped and helpless. Deep down they do love you a lot but they just do not know how to handle your situation.So be patient with them and continue to show love for your parents and give the utmost respect to them.

It matters not what others say as long as you are doing your best to abstain from sin and to please Allah. That is all that matters.

With regards to the way you dress then you should not dress femininely but just wear modest male clothing. Also make sure your hair style is also not too feminine. It is a good thing that you have taken the steps to throw your feminine clothes away.

As hard as it is you will have to cut off relations with this man. It is not permissable for you to live with him or be alone with him as that will certainly induce lust and sexual desires. That is like a normal male wanting to live with a female saying that they would never have feel lust or any sexual urges. When two people who are attracted to each other are alone together then shaythan is always third party. Somewhere down the line things will certainly happen. Islamically it is not permissable for you to be alone with him or any other male because of the fact that you are attracted to males.

You should not be decieved with all of these dreams that you are creating with each other because one day you may get very hurt. He should know himself that it is not permissable for him to ever live with you or go out anywhere with you, so i do not know why he is telling you that he will live with you and go to Hajj with you etc. He should know that it is not permissable. Which Imam would ever say that it is permisable for a Mukhannath and male to live together? If he did say so then he must have made it up. Then for him to say that he will go to Hajj with you is also quite absurd as the purpose of going to Hajj is to fulfill a major obligation to Allah but how can one do so by going with an illegitamate partner?

The reality is that the sooner you end contact with him the better for you otherwise you will get more hurt the longer you remain in touch with him and continue creating dreams and false hopes with him. Do you think his family will ever accept such a thing where you both would live with each other? Do you think that he will never want to marry and have kids? I am sure at some point he will want a family of his own and children etc. It is very easy for a guy to say so many things and create so many dreams with their partner but a lot of the times as you will have heard, read etc these dreams end up being just that - dreams and when reality hits then that is when pain and anguish sets in. Therefore save yourself from this pain and end contact immediatley otherwise you are looking to get extremely hurt.

Hamza Asadullah
01-17-2011, 07:32 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Need guidance
Thank you again Brother Humza for advising contact details for here in Australia. I am not sure how I would feel to speak to someone face to face about this just as I know how humans can be, but will contact them somehow.

May you be blessed in both worlds inshallah for all your assistance.
You can write to them using the address given inshallah. That way you can explain your story in detail and also get a detailed response back.

Need guidance
01-17-2011, 10:05 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza81
Asalaamu Alaikum, unfortunatley the vast majority of Muslims do not have much knowledge in this area and a lack of knowledge usually brings about ignorance and that is why you were treated the way you were by your family and many others in your past. You have to understand that it is not easy for your family to have to deal with such a situation because they themselves feel trapped and helpless. Deep down they do love you a lot but they just do not know how to handle your situation.So be patient with them and continue to show love for your parents and give the utmost respect to them.

It matters not what others say as long as you are doing your best to abstain from sin and to please Allah. That is all that matters.

With regards to the way you dress then you should not dress femininely but just wear modest male clothing. Also make sure your hair style is also not too feminine. It is a good thing that you have taken the steps to throw your feminine clothes away.

As hard as it is you will have to cut off relations with this man. It is not permissable for you to live with him or be alone with him as that will certainly induce lust and sexual desires. That is like a normal male wanting to live with a female saying that they would never have feel lust or any sexual urges. When two people who are attracted to each other are alone together then shaythan is always third party. Somewhere down the line things will certainly happen. Islamically it is not permissable for you to be alone with him or any other male because of the fact that you are attracted to males.

You should not be decieved with all of these dreams that you are creating with each other because one day you may get very hurt. He should know himself that it is not permissable for him to ever live with you or go out anywhere with you, so i do not know why he is telling you that he will live with you and go to Hajj with you etc. He should know that it is not permissable. Which Imam would ever say that it is permisable for a Mukhannath and male to live together? If he did say so then he must have made it up. Then for him to say that he will go to Hajj with you is also quite absurd as the purpose of going to Hajj is to fulfill a major obligation to Allah but how can one do so by going with an illegitamate partner?

The reality is that the sooner you end contact with him the better for you otherwise you will get more hurt the longer you remain in touch with him and continue creating dreams and false hopes with him. Do you think his family will ever accept such a thing where you both would live with each other? Do you think that he will never want to marry and have kids? I am sure at some point he will want a family of his own and children etc. It is very easy for a guy to say so many things and create so many dreams with their partner but a lot of the times as you will have heard, read etc these dreams end up being just that - dreams and when reality hits then that is when pain and anguish sets in. Therefore save yourself from this pain and end contact immediatley otherwise you are looking to get extremely hurt.
Walaikum Asalam,

I must say that I spent the last 3 prays weeping with joy and sorrow from the words and wisdom you have shared with me. It is a shame my knowledge on Islam is so basic as is everyone around me that instead of telling me what I am and preparing me for the world, I was thrown out and cast as a sinner. It took 7 years before my family asked me back and for the last 1.5yrs we fought regarding everything including Islam.

My tears today brother Humza is that I no longer feel like shaitans child, nor do I feel like a freak. I cried cause the answer I was looking for all my life laid in the Haddith which you introduced me to do... May Allah forgive me for not knowing and acting in sin all these years.

If Mukhannath's back in the day of the prophet held respect, why has it changed over the years? .

You have given me a new lease on life, a purpose to live and for that I am truely grateful.

With regards to this man, he is mearly still a boy of almost 19yrs of age... Maybe this is my biggest test in life is to leave the one I have been searching for my entire life for the happiness of Allah.

He has told his mother and brother about me who I went and lived with and met for a month, they were very sweet and caring towards my needs and happiness and have advised that I am permitted to live with him provided we do not sin. His mother went to the extreme of covering me and protecting me when sinful police and certain men were near by.

Living with him brother Humza is not going to be so easy as he lives on the other side of the world, bringing him here to Australia will be a enormous task which could take years and could be next to impossible.

I have constantly asked him about him wanting children and finding a wife and to forget about me, but he has assured me that he is not interested in anyone else and that he has no desires to have children.. should he want children he will adopt. Believe me, being 11years older than him I have been burnt by the tales of lies men spin in order to get what they want, however somehow with him it seem different as mostly we speak about islam.

Are we not permitted to live with each other even if we promise to become brothers and have a brotherly love, and also go to haj as brothers?

I guess my fears of growing old alone is part of my punishment for the sinful life I have lead.

During my prayers tonight I told Allah that if this is what he wants than this what he shall have.. I ready to accept my punishment and end all ties should Allah want this, the answer will yet to be revealed to me inshallah soon enough.

Before meeting this guy, I told myself, I will come back to Australia with a soulmate or a best friend, for it was he who brought me to Islam when no one else could.

Thank you Humza truely for being honest with me and opening my eyes. It is times like this that ones views on human beings is restored.

May I ask another question which has nothing to do with this.. I own a small dog, approx 4-5kgs who I have had for nearly 7-8 years along with a cat which I know is not haram to have.

I have been told many different views with dog and islam and would like your opionion on the matter.

Currently my dog stays mostly in my bedroom, the garage or out in the back yard. We do not let her run around the house, firstly as it is my parents home and 2ndly I have started praying and know that much that a dog should be that close to you when praying.

I have been told I need to get rid of her, but how can I get rid of an innocent animal who has been with me for all her life and who is so small that she can not fend for herself.

I read an article once that they said you are permitted to have a dog provided you keep the dog clean and that it is the nose of that is what is dirty.... So your views on this matter would also be very grately appreciated.

01-17-2011, 11:16 AM

brother, it seems you have found the answer you were looking for.

My only advise for you is that to keep asking Allah for help, to give you ease in this life and hereafter, to give you serenity and peace of mind.
It will be hard for you to end your relationships with the man, but when you leave something which Allah does not allow for the sake of Allah, He will return you with unimaginable rewards.

I think you should also go hajj as soon as you can, but do not go with him. You may say that you will go hajj with him as brothers, however since you've had romantic relationships with him, this will certainly affect your ibada. Remember, when you go hajj you will have an amazing opportunity for ibada and repentance, and how can you do sincere repentance when you are there with him?

Keep making sincere plea to Allah so you can live your life as a good muslim. You may not see it now, but you may change somehow Insya Allah. Even if you do not, at least you will remain steadfast in your eeman and islam.

May Allah SWT protect you and guide you always on the straight path. Amiin.

Amat Allah
01-17-2011, 11:33 AM
Assalaamu Alikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad The Last of Prophets and Messengers...

May Allah ease your way and all the affairs and matters of your life ,gives you health and wealth ,fills your heart with His rememberance, Taqwa ,Imaan ,His love ,peace ,comfort and the endless happiness and satisfaction , opens all the doors of goodness and success for you ,May Allah make all your dreams, hopes ,wishes and prayers come true if were good for you and covers you with all of His blessings graces forgiveness mercy and Be pleased with you in this life and in the hereafter , May Allah protect you all from all harm ,sins ,shaitan ,torment of grave ,the bad end and hellfire and May He gives you the strength and the good knowledge of this Deen preserving the Qur`aan and Sunnah in your heart; guiding your way always and forever and purify you from all sins and make your grave after death one of the Paradise gardens shining bright wide and perfumed with the perfumes of Al Jannah, may Allah make you pass Asseraatulmustaqeem in a blink of an eye and reward you all with the highest levels of the Paradise (Al Ferdaws Al Aalaa) with out being reckoning to be with Rasool Allah Muhammad (salla Allaho Alyhi wa Sallam) all prophets (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them )the Sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them) and Angels (peace be upon them all) and to be coverd by silk perfumed with musk eating from Al Firdaws fruits looking to Allah Al Mighty Face coverd with His light and grace......

this Duaa for you my respected brother and All Muslims from Jinn and Mankind dead or live from the begining of the creation till the day of Judgement....

Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad The Last of Prophets and Messengers...

Aameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

Please take care of yourself in shaa Allah and never ever forget that Allah Is always with us and all of the hard times we had and still having are great blessings from Allah to make us return to Him to forgive us and elevate our status in this Dunya and Akhirah ,just trust Allah and never give up asking Him for anything you want and striving for His sake in shaa Allah...

May Allah be with you and help you to obey Him right remembering Him Praising and Thanking Him always and forever till the last breath and after it and May Allah make you a real slave and servant of Him living for His sake and die for His sake and all the Ummah ...


leaving you my noble brother who I am honored to have as a brother; under Allah`s sight care and protection...

With all my respect and humility, your sister no matter what you are:

Amat Allah


Need guidance
01-17-2011, 01:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by naidamar

brother, it seems you have found the answer you were looking for.

My only advise for you is that to keep asking Allah for help, to give you ease in this life and hereafter, to give you serenity and peace of mind.
It will be hard for you to end your relationships with the man, but when you leave something which Allah does not allow for the sake of Allah, He will return you with unimaginable rewards.

I think you should also go hajj as soon as you can, but do not go with him. You may say that you will go hajj with him as brothers, however since you've had romantic relationships with him, this will certainly affect your ibada. Remember, when you go hajj you will have an amazing opportunity for ibada and repentance, and how can you do sincere repentance when you are there with him?

Keep making sincere plea to Allah so you can live your life as a good muslim. You may not see it now, but you may change somehow Insya Allah. Even if you do not, at least you will remain steadfast in your eeman and islam.

May Allah SWT protect you and guide you always on the straight path. Amiin.
Thank you brother Naidamar.. You have all been so kind, I am very grateful. Now I must learn to live life like a true Muslim so I can make Allah proud inshallah, Amin.

May you all be blessed with good health here and in the next world inshallah Amin

Need guidance
01-17-2011, 01:15 PM
My respected sister, thank you so much.

I truly am blessed to be a Muslim. I've never encountered so many niceness towards what I am until today.

I've shed so many tears from my eyes today knowing how beautiful the human race can be.

May Allah do all of the above and more for you inshallah.

Asalam Alaikum

01-17-2011, 01:34 PM
i just want to say, i am not known about ur age, but since that boy is in teen ages. so he could not be taken as mature. usually in this age love is more important for a person than children and etc...but with time priorities changes...so u have to care this.
ALLAH SWT make things easy for u.

Need guidance
01-17-2011, 06:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tigerkhan
i just want to say, i am not known about ur age, but since that boy is in teen ages. so he could not be taken as mature. usually in this age love is more important for a person than children and etc...but with time priorities changes...so u have to care this.
ALLAH SWT make things easy for u.
Walaikum asalam,

I am now 30.. You are right, love is very important to him as is his faith in Allah. I have tried to make him understand but he believes we can live a good pure life and to shame shaitan and his wrong doings.

Let's see what our future holds.. I have surrounded myself to Allah... May I be blessed inshallah with what to do.

Asalam alaikum brother

Need guidance
01-17-2011, 06:20 PM
Meant to type :Surrendered, not surrounded.

I also found this article online which is confusing:

n the current era, scholars in Iran, and Egypt have issued Fatwas supporting the right for those who fit the description of Mukhanathun to have sex reassignment surgery. In Pakistan to this day, there live Hijras. The Muslim Hijras have been known to refer to themselves as Mukhannathun when speaking Arabic.

Why would it be allowed in Iran and Egypt if changing ones sex is haram in Islam?

Hamza Asadullah
01-17-2011, 07:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Need guidance
Walaikum Asalam,

I must say that I spent the last 3 prays weeping with joy and sorrow from the words and wisdom you have shared with me. It is a shame my knowledge on Islam is so basic as is everyone around me that instead of telling me what I am and preparing me for the world, I was thrown out and cast as a sinner. It took 7 years before my family asked me back and for the last 1.5yrs we fought regarding everything including Islam.

My tears today brother Humza is that I no longer feel like shaitans child, nor do I feel like a freak. I cried cause the answer I was looking for all my life laid in the Haddith which you introduced me to do... May Allah forgive me for not knowing and acting in sin all these years.

If Mukhannath's back in the day of the prophet held respect, why has it changed over the years? .

You have given me a new lease on life, a purpose to live and for that I am truely grateful.

With regards to this man, he is mearly still a boy of almost 19yrs of age... Maybe this is my biggest test in life is to leave the one I have been searching for my entire life for the happiness of Allah.

He has told his mother and brother about me who I went and lived with and met for a month, they were very sweet and caring towards my needs and happiness and have advised that I am permitted to live with him provided we do not sin. His mother went to the extreme of covering me and protecting me when sinful police and certain men were near by.

Living with him brother Humza is not going to be so easy as he lives on the other side of the world, bringing him here to Australia will be a enormous task which could take years and could be next to impossible.

I have constantly asked him about him wanting children and finding a wife and to forget about me, but he has assured me that he is not interested in anyone else and that he has no desires to have children.. should he want children he will adopt. Believe me, being 11years older than him I have been burnt by the tales of lies men spin in order to get what they want, however somehow with him it seem different as mostly we speak about islam.

Are we not permitted to live with each other even if we promise to become brothers and have a brotherly love, and also go to haj as brothers?

I guess my fears of growing old alone is part of my punishment for the sinful life I have lead.

During my prayers tonight I told Allah that if this is what he wants than this what he shall have.. I ready to accept my punishment and end all ties should Allah want this, the answer will yet to be revealed to me inshallah soon enough.

Before meeting this guy, I told myself, I will come back to Australia with a soulmate or a best friend, for it was he who brought me to Islam when no one else could.

Thank you Humza truely for being honest with me and opening my eyes. It is times like this that ones views on human beings is restored.

May I ask another question which has nothing to do with this.. I own a small dog, approx 4-5kgs who I have had for nearly 7-8 years along with a cat which I know is not haram to have.

I have been told many different views with dog and islam and would like your opionion on the matter.

Currently my dog stays mostly in my bedroom, the garage or out in the back yard. We do not let her run around the house, firstly as it is my parents home and 2ndly I have started praying and know that much that a dog should be that close to you when praying.

I have been told I need to get rid of her, but how can I get rid of an innocent animal who has been with me for all her life and who is so small that she can not fend for herself.

I read an article once that they said you are permitted to have a dog provided you keep the dog clean and that it is the nose of that is what is dirty.... So your views on this matter would also be very grately appreciated.
Asalaamu Alaikum, you should thank Allah abundantly for he has lead you here to find the answers you have been looking for. In life we will come across many people who lack knowledge and understanding of certain matters and will therefore be ignorant out of fear of that which they do not understand.

It is Almighty Allah's decision to make you the way you are and this alone should be enough to make you content and happy with the way Allah has made you. Allah never makes mistakes and anyone who says he does is out of the fold of Islam.

Scholars of Islam need to break this taboo of discussing this topic and should make it well known to people because any parent may be faced with the issues your parents faced but if they have the necessery knowledge then they can be much more supportive and be able to handle these issues much better. Unfortunatley because these situations are not well documented or well known then people are ignorant about them and do not know how to deal with them. So it is knowledge that will bring clarity to this matter so that parents can deal with these situations in a much better way being supportive and helpful instead of the opposite.

However your parents and family treated you forgive them in your heart and continue to be the best towards them. Understand that they knew not and never have bitterness or resentment in your heart for how they treated you as i am sure they also went through a lot of torture as well as confusion and this led them to be in fear and fear led them to react the way they did towards you. They love you more than anything but just don't know how to handle this situation. Always make dua for them and give your love to them. Give them information about your situation in relation to Islam so that they may better understand. Continue to be patient with them and in the end everything will work out well inshallah.

Now that you know the truth you must never let other peoples ignorance get to you but you should put your hopes, faith, reliance and trust in Allah for he created you the way you are and as long as you do everything to please him and abstain from doing anything to displease or anger him then that is all that should matter to you.

In regards to the young man then it is clear that he is very young and naive. He has fallen for you but is clearly not thinking straight. We all want someone to love and cherish us but this is not the right way to go about it and it is this desire to find a life partner that causes so much pain for so many people. If he is saying what he is now then surely later on when he matures and starts to think straight he will definatley change his mind especially because he will want to start a family of his own.

Regardless of how he will feel for you in the future it is still not permissable in anyway for you to stay in touch with him let alone for you to live with him. No Islamic scholar will ever say to you that it is permissable and in the eyes of Allah how can two people who are not married live with each other let alone people of the same sex living with each other as a couple.

Your going to have to wake up from the dream world that you and him have created for yourselves. It is this dream world that so many couples create and when the bubble finally bursts and reality hits that is when the extreme pain sets in. These dreams will remain dreams and as Muslims we must live in reality because the reality is that we can die at ANY moment and therefore we must prepare for our final destination which is the hereafter.

You cannot live with someone you are attracted towards. That is like me living with a women i am not married to saying that i will live with her and treat her like she is my sister but shaythan will still alwys be third party and it is not permissable for a non married couple to be alone with each other and be in contact. Therefore it is not permissable for you to be alone with a non mahram male or female. There needs to be others there present whenever you are alone with a non mahram male or female. It is not a punishment to be without a partner for you can adopt and do many good works in your life for the pleasure of Allah.

How long is our life? You are 30 now and the average life is 70 so let us say if you did make it to 70 that is 40 years you have left. If you devote those 40 years to Allah then you have ETERNITY of bliss and you can forever spend your eternity with a partner in Paradise and have whatever you want to your hearts content. This world is temporary and we may die at any moment so let us not devote ourselves to this temporary life but let us focus on the hereafter which is our final and eternal destination.

You will have to make sacrifices in order to be on the right path and these are sacrifices many of us have to make. We sacrifice this life for the next because this life is temporary and the next life is eternity. Therefore it is logical to concentrate on the long term rather than the short. These sacrifices for the pleasure of Allah will be rewarded abundantley on the day of judgement inshallah.

The path towards Paradise is never an easy one because it is surrounded by hardships, trials and tests but if you focus on doing everything to please Allah and putting your faith, trust, reliance and hopes in him then who can ever deter you from the right path?

It is this reliance and trust in Allah that will help you get over any issue, hardship, problem and trial. It is your faith and patience that will get you through ANY difficulty in life. You have faced many problems and have now realised your purpose and solution to your issues.

Therefore Allah has listened to your prayers and now you know what you have to do and it is upto you to make the right choices and act upon the advice. Allah will judge you on the choices you made in this life so make the right choices which will please Allah and not choices that will anger or displease him.

In regards to your dog then it is not permissable to keep a dog except as a guard dog for protection of property and for hunting. The saliva of the dog is unclean.

Sahih Muslim. Hadith 551. Narrated byAbdullah Ibn Mughaffal: .....When the dog licks the utensil, wash it seven times, and rub it with earth the eighth time.

Sahih Al-Bukhari 3:515. Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle (saw) saying; "Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature (a human being or an animal)."

Keping a dog in your home is stopping angels from entering the house. Pictures as in portraits or photographs of animate objects on the walls.

Losing good deeds by keeping dogs:

Muslim, in his Saheeh, Tirmithi and an-Nissaai narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah, may peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Whoever keeps a dog, other than the dogs for hunting, securing agricultural land or livestock, indeed two qeerat (a weight of about .195g) are taken away from his rewards everyday." [Saheeh al Jamie]

Keeping dogs inside the house without any necessity merely as pets was forbidden by the Prophet (Sallallahu Alahyi Wasallim). When we observe how lavishly the well-to-do treat their dogs while despising their relatives, and how much attention they give their dogs while neglecting their neighbors, we realize the wisdom of this prohibition. Moreover, the presence of a dog makes the household utensils unhygienic due to their licking of them. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alahyi Wasallim) said, "If a dog licks a plate (or pot), clean it seven times, of which one time should be with sand (or earth)." (Reported by al-Bukhari.)

Some scholars are of the opinion that the reason for prohibiting the keeping of dogs may be because they bark at visitors, scare away the needy who come to ask for charity, and chase and try to bite passers-by.

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alahyi Wasallim) said, Jibril came to me and said, 'I came to you yesterday but what stopped me from entering was that there was a statue at the door, a curtain with figures on it in the house, and a dog inside the house. So order that the head of the statue be broken off so that it resembles the trunk of tree, that the curtain be cut and made into two pillows to recline on, and that the dog be taken out.' (Reported by AbDaoud, al-Nisai, al-Tirmidhi, and by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih.)

We must not do anything to comprimise our deen for the purpose of our life is to worship Allah so we must NOT let anything deter us from that or get in our way and keeping a dog is contrary to Islamic teachings and certainly gets in the way of worship as well as the fact that one has to constantly clean themselves of the saliva of the dog as well as dog hairs being all over the place. On top of that the life of a dog is comparitively short to ours so it is inevitable that if we keep a dog it will most likely die in our lifetime and this will cause immense pain.

Obviously you will have gained a very strong bond with the dog over the perioud of time that you have had it and it will be difficult to let go of but this is just one of the sacrifices you will have to make in order to go towards the right path in order to please Allah. We as Muslims sacrifice this life for the next and suppress our desires for the plasure of Allah for we can have whatever we desire for eternity in Jannah whilst those that indulged themselves in this world and sacrificed the hereafter for this world and rejected the laws of Allah will have no portion of the hereafter.

And Allah knows best in all matters

Hamza Asadullah
01-17-2011, 07:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Need guidance
Meant to type :Surrendered, not surrounded.

I also found this article online which is confusing:

n the current era, scholars in Iran, and Egypt have issued Fatwas supporting the right for those who fit the description of Mukhanathun to have sex reassignment surgery. In Pakistan to this day, there live Hijras. The Muslim Hijras have been known to refer to themselves as Mukhannathun when speaking Arabic.

Why would it be allowed in Iran and Egypt if changing ones sex is haram in Islam?
Asalaamu Alaikum, firstly in regards to Iran then we do not follow what they do as we are Sunni Muslims who are followers of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and they are Shia.

In regards to Egypt then some scholars of Al-Azhar are of the opinion that hermaphrodites or intersex people (Khunsa) who have both male and female organs can on medical grounds to correct to have gender re-assignment operation in order to reveal what was hidden of male or female organs. So if they are mainly male then the female organ is taken away and if they are mainly female then the male organ is taken away. This done not apply in your case as you only have a male organ and are not a khunsa or a hermaphrodite.

And Allah knows best in all matters

Need guidance
01-18-2011, 01:20 AM
By the way brother Humza, why did the views on Mukhannathun's change after the ottoman period?

Hamza Asadullah
01-18-2011, 04:57 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Need guidance
By the way brother Humza, why did the views on Mukhannathun's change after the ottoman period?
Asalaamu Alaikum, Sadly, the high place of the mukhannathun in Muslim society did not survive the colonial times. It is the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) who first gave such a high position of authority to the Mukhannathun but when Ottoman rule ended then that is when Islams rule ended.

When the kufaar regimes moved in the high position of the Mukhannathun was over. So it is Islam which gave the Mukhannathun such a high position. Afterwards ignorance spread and unfortunatley we are in a state of ignorance today about many issues and matters.

We can only do our best to educate people and to make dua to Allah that he opens the hearts of people and clarifies certain matters. Cncentrate on making the best of your life now and spend everyday plesing Allah and worshipping him the best of your ability and make your sole focus the hereafter and refrain from anything that displeases and angers Allah.

Trust in Allah and rely on him and he will NEVER let you down but will always be there for you. If he tests you then bare with patience for Allah is with those who are patient and the reward of patience is Paradise!

Need guidance
02-14-2011, 10:46 AM
Asalam alaikum brother Humza. Forgive me for the delay in responding. My family returned from their holiday so have had time to try and educate them with what you taught me here. My sister believes me as does my mum to a certain degree however the men in my family were even more fired up to the point that they said they won't believe anything said about this topic, even forbidding me to see my nephews and nieces incase they turn out like me.

I think it might be best for me t contact the islamic society in Sydney and take it from there, however I am pleased to advise that my biggest critic and enemy, me eldest sister has now been completely silenced since showing her the facts of what you shared with me which means mashallah my life is a little easier :-)

Asalam alaikum

Amat Allah
02-14-2011, 01:46 PM
Assalaamu Alikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

As long as you have no desire for women, notice not anything about them and trying not to attract men; then don`t care about others opinions cause with all my respect the ignorant and lack of knowledge are playing an important role in making others angry and accept not some of the facts and matters of life and deen and return only to their own judge and explanations for things...

May Allah guide us all Ameeeeen

it is not your fault and you are not guilty at all, you are what you are and none can change this in you but Allah The One Who Created you...

if your family is not accepting this now then they will change with time in shaa Allah and if I am able to help ya by anyway, then I would never hesitate ever but I am living far away from the continent you are living in...Alhamdulillah for everything my respected and noble brother...

Be patient cause patience is the key for all locked doors and never give up being a good Muslim, son, brother and friend no matter what and as long as you have Allah then be sure that everything will be ok by His Willing and Mercy...ok?

May Allah be with you and help ya always and for ever and make you amongst those who will enter the highest level of the Paradise without being reckoning and May He prevent you not from seeing His Al Mighty Face and all the Ummah...Ameeeeeeeeeen

take care of your self and don`t let the wrong acts of others put you down and make you feel humilated cause you are allready honored for being the salve of the King of all kings...laa ilaha ill Allah...

leaving you under Allah`s Sight, Care and Protection

Humbly, your sister no matter what you are:

Amat Allah

Hamza Asadullah
02-15-2011, 04:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Need guidance
Asalam alaikum brother Humza. Forgive me for the delay in responding. My family returned from their holiday so have had time to try and educate them with what you taught me here. My sister believes me as does my mum to a certain degree however the men in my family were even more fired up to the point that they said they won't believe anything said about this topic, even forbidding me to see my nephews and nieces incase they turn out like me.

I think it might be best for me t contact the islamic society in Sydney and take it from there, however I am pleased to advise that my biggest critic and enemy, me eldest sister has now been completely silenced since showing her the facts of what you shared with me which means mashallah my life is a little easier :-)

Asalam alaikum
Wa Alaikumu Asalaam, I am happy that Allah softened the hearts of your mother and sister and gave them a better understanding of this matter. Surely It is knowledge that brings clarity to all matters and so when one learns the truth about a matter then they will think differently on it. You certainly cannot expect everyone to come around overnight but you should remain patient with them and continue to be the best towards them. Show them the best of manners and behaviour as taught by our beolved Rasul (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and make mcuh dua for them that Allah softens their hearts for you and makes them realise the truth.

You should certainly contact the local Islamic centre and other Masjids in Sydney to try and find help from experienced and reliable scholars and try and educate the men in your family about this matter.

You can contact the following Masjids and centres in Sydney:

Sydney Masjid


Sydney Mosques and Prayer Room Locations


I pray that Allah gives you the best of this world and the next and softens the heart of all of your family and gives them a better understanding of what you are going through. I hope your sins are expiated for your patience through the trials you go through in your life and that you are given high stations in Paradise for striving to be closer to Allah despite your hardships and trials. Ameen

And Allah knows best in all matters

Need guidance
02-16-2011, 10:17 AM
Brother Humza can I ask an imam to islamically end my life? I no longer have the urge to live and I'd rather a mullah does it before I do

Need guidance
02-16-2011, 10:33 AM
I've emailed them so inshallah they come back saying yes

Hamza Asadullah
02-16-2011, 01:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Need guidance
Brother Humza can I ask an imam to islamically end my life? I no longer have the urge to live and I'd rather a mullah does it before I do
Asalaamu alaikum, Why are you feeling this way? What has happened or is happening in your life to make you feel like this?

02-16-2011, 03:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by
Brother Humza can I ask an imam to islamically end my life? I no longer have the urge to live and I'd rather a mullah does it before I do

Astaghfirullah al 'adziim.

Brother, when you feel everything and everyone in this world is against you, when you lost all hopes, when you have nothing, please recite this with all your heart as much as you can:

HasbunAllah wa Ni’mal Wakil

Allah Alone is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs for us.

I am praying that Allah SWT lessen your sorrow and ease all your affairs and give you the best in this world and akhira. amiin.

Need guidance
02-16-2011, 06:26 PM
Brother Humza the toll of what my family say and do to me on a daily basis has driven me to the point where I think if I'm not alive they will br happy in their lives so I wanna sacrifice myself for their happiness.
I know you will say they are ur family and love you but believe me they don't. I know they will be happiest once I am gone inshallah so I no longer affect their lives.

Need guidance
02-16-2011, 06:31 PM
Thank you brother Naidamar. I will recite this and see if it helps.

And thank you for your prays.

Asalam alaikum

format_quote Originally Posted by naidamar

Astaghfirullah al 'adziim.

Brother, when you feel everything and everyone in this world is against you, when you lost all hopes, when you have nothing, please recite this with all your heart as much as you can:

HasbunAllah wa Ni’mal Wakil

Allah Alone is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs for us.

I am praying that Allah SWT lessen your sorrow and ease all your affairs and give you the best in this world and akhira. amiin.

Amat Allah
02-16-2011, 09:47 PM
are you going to sell your Hereafter for the sake of the creatures and leave the pleasure and satisfaction of the One Who Created you The Creator of the whole world ???? why my brother??

are you that depressed? how to face Allah in the Day of Judgement and what excuse you will have then??? I know that you are suffering but Allah Is here and always with us watching hearing and counting....

brother please don`t let satan take you with him...he is under our feet and still... I will make duaa for ya and will come back here again and post more cause now it is my sister turn to use the PC....please wait don`t be reckless and do something you would regret in this dunya and in Akhirah...please...you made me cry cause I was afraid of this to happen and I was thinking of asking you to give me your sisters e mail to talk with them ...what to do ? I am helpless ....Wa Allahi if I was able to come to your city and talk to your family I would come running Wa Allahi ...

please be patient and don`t kill us from inside...this world and everyone in it don`t deserve one tear of yours and now you want to give it your life???? don`t be mad of me but now I feel like I want to punch you on your nose to wake you up from these thoughts filling your head...

you are so precious to us; so dear and beloved; you are part of our hearts; you are our brother who all of us admire and treasure ... don`t do it and never think of it again I am begging you please....

may Allah be pleased with you ease your pain and be with you always and forever and preserve you and protect you from all harms Ameeeeeeeeeeeeen

please forgive me if I said anything would make you sad or upset....

Need guidance
02-16-2011, 11:08 PM
Thank you.. You made me smile :-). That is exactly what I needed.

I did take a lot of sleeping pills last night and after fajr prayers so I'm feeling very weak at the moment.

I wish you were here too to talk to my family but unfortunatly they would treat you even worse then what they treat me. My family are not of understanding or accepting. Rhetoric just like to see the faults and full steam ahead charge with attacks.

It is sad to think I want to give my life up to make them happy but, but the saddest part of all is maybe then they would be happy.

Asalam alaikum

02-17-2011, 04:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by
I did take a lot of sleeping pills last night and after fajr prayers so I'm feeling very weak at the moment.

My advice is for you to stop or reduce consumptions of pills such as sleeping pills and other beta blocker pills or other hormonal pills if you still take them.

Those pills certainly affect your mood, emotion, fog your brain, so you cannot think straight and clear.

Amat Allah
02-17-2011, 05:00 AM
Bismellah Irrahman Irraheem

What do you mean by saying that you took a lot of sleeping pills?

Ya Rabbi:cry:, don`t let him die by taht way Ameeeeeen

if you would be here again and read this post of mine then read carefully please....

I am 27 years old and for more than 20 years I suffered and tested all kind of physically and psychologically tortures and when I was calling for help; others treated me bad and locked all the doors at my face and to be honest with ya I thought of suicide and I tried to jump off the school building trying to end my miserable life but then a woman worker in the school came from behind and pulled me then I collapsed and felt so weak that they carried me to some room...

after that when I get back home I tested the most beautiful harsh beating and there was a huge feet trampling on my head and suffered pain for this for along time ,people talked about me badly like if I am the guilty one and their looks and mordant comments were stabing my heart so slowly and quietly that I was thinking of ending my life again...

I wish I could tell ya the whole dirty and ugly story but I fear Allah the One Whom I gave Him my word and my vow not to tell anyone about it and about the people who made me suffer and ruined my life brutally...

but then sub`haan Allah; I knew my way to Allah and left this world with everything and everyone in it heading to my Lord to the Most Merciful Who made me and still ; feeling like a princess Wa Allahi...Allah cured all my wounds and helped me not to only live a happy life but to forgive those who tortured me and my Duaa was and still; O Allah forgive those who wronged me; still wronging me and will wrong me...

Allah filled my heart with the satisfaction happiness and most beautiful and pricless filled my heart with Him and His love...Alhamdulillah...

I used to be alone struggling in darkness being rejected but then Allah blessed me with many and many brothers and sisters whom I love treasure and admire and not only love but I am mad about them all and longing to meet them in the highest level of the Paradise O Allah Ameeeeeeen and of course you are one of them...

no more heartache no more tears for this dunya and no more fear and ugly thoughts of suicide Alhamdulillah...all of this because I returned to Allah because I left people and headed to the Lord of people...Alhamdulillah...

want to end your life for others to be happy? this is with all my respect the most silly thought I have ever known cause I thought about it in the past and gain nothing because of it but misery...and now as long as my lord Is Allah then I don`t care...whenever I want something I have it cause the Most Generous and Merciful Is My Lord whom I feel so ashamed before his mercy blessings and everything which He has given me and still and I will never be able to thank Him enough for them and ashamed for what I have done in the past and for seeking creatures help and forgeting the King of all kings The Owner of the whole world....May Allah forgive us all Ameeeeeeen

I won`t talk about your family here cause i know them not...but trust me if you would die by that why then people will forget you but the One Who created you and them will not so be careful not to displease the One Who you will return to and will stand before in the Day of Judgement....don`t you trust Allah? have not Allah promised those who will strive for His sake and be patient of ease in thsi world and in the Hereafter?

and have you forgot that Allah The Most Just will pay you your rights in full and if you would forgive those who wronged you (and this is your choice) then you will take your rights in full and more...

please, if you are a life then be till Allah take you to Him...you are trusted on this soul of yours and you can not end your life at the time you wish and for the sake of some people who deserve it not...you have to mantain this body and soul you have till Allah take them on their time...

and remember that it is an obligation to love Allah more than your parent and yourself then for whom you will live and die? think about it...

you are in our hearts minds and Duaas till we all meet Allah, by Allah`s Willing and Mercy...

and this is a promise, if Allah made me able to come to your house then I swear I will and Allah Is my witness...and I don`t care if your family would beat me up cause I am allready used to this and don`t worry it won`t be painful to me and I will be happy with what ever I will face just for the sake of Allah...

leaving you under Allah`s sight care and protection and if you are dead then Inna lellah wa inna ilayhi rajooon and May Allah have mercy on you and on all the Ummah Ameeeeen :cry:

Ummu Sufyaan
02-17-2011, 07:47 AM
Brother Humza the toll of what my family say and do to me on a daily basis has driven me to the point where I think if I'm not alive they will br happy in their lives so I wanna sacrifice myself for their happiness.
I know you will say they are ur family and love you but believe me they don't. I know they will be happiest once I am gone inshallah so I no longer affect their lives.
if someone is hurting you, do you honestly believe that they are worth the pain.

what i do when people irritate me (and boy do people irritate me), is i listen and nod politely but go do whatever i want. i dont know what to tell you since they are your family, but as best as you can abide (and as long as you arent violating any Islamic sanctions) then live by what ever you feel is comfortable for you. life is a lot easier that way than to get caught up in what people think, you will never be free. really and honestly, block out as best as you can anything you dont need to hear and see from people that will cause you harm. this way inshallah your mind and soul will be more at rest.

perhaps you dont know how to deal with the pain your family causes you that is causing you difficulty and not so much what they do to harm you?

Hamza Asadullah
02-22-2011, 02:51 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Need guidance
Thank you.. You made me smile :-). That is exactly what I needed.

I did take a lot of sleeping pills last night and after fajr prayers so I'm feeling very weak at the moment.

I wish you were here too to talk to my family but unfortunatly they would treat you even worse then what they treat me. My family are not of understanding or accepting. Rhetoric just like to see the faults and full steam ahead charge with attacks.

It is sad to think I want to give my life up to make them happy but, but the saddest part of all is maybe then they would be happy.

Asalam alaikum
Asalaamu Alaikum, please my brother do not feel down or lose hope. That is what shaythan wants. This is your test. Shaythan wants to create resentment and hatred in your heart for your family but you must disregard him as he is your sworn enemy. You must think to yourself "My family can be however they want towards me but i will be patient for the pleasure of Allah".

Eventually after much patience they will see good in you and change their approach towards you. There is always victory after much patience. Allah is tetsting you because he wants you closer to him so strive to please him in everything you do in your daily life. Ask of him in dua to soften the hearts of your family. Know that he is close to those who are patient.

Be understanding that your family do not understand your situation and so they are in fear. When one is in fear then they get on the defensive and also attack. Bare this in mind and be the best towards them regardless of how they are towards you for this will work in your favour for sure inshallah.

Please look through this thread whenever you feel down:

Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!


So put your full hopes, faith and reliance in Allah for he is wanting you close to him and is with you if you remain patient for his pleasure.

We are all here for you and wish the best for you in this life and the next. Ameen

I leave you with the comforting words of Allah during any trials you go through in life:

Verily, with the hardship,
there is relief
(i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs). [ Al-Inshirah 94:6]

"Peace unto you for that ye persevered in patience! Now how excellent is the final home!"
Excellent indeed is the final home!" [ Ar-Rad 13:24]

"...Do not regard it an evil to you;
nay, it is good for you...." [An- Nuur 24:11]

"...So put your trust (in Allaah)
if ye are indeed believers." [Al-Maida 5:23]

"O ye who believe!
Seek help in steadfastness
and prayer.
Lo! Allaah is with the steadfast." [Al-Baqarah 2:153]

"And certainly,
We shall test you with something
of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits,
but give glad tidings to As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.).
Who, when afflicted with calamity,
say: "Truly! To Allaah we belong
and truly, to Him we shall return." [ Al-Baqara 2: 155~156]

"And He will provide him
from (sources)
He never could imagine.
And whosoever puts his trust in Allaah,
then HE will suffice him.
Verily, Allaah will accomplish his purpose.
Indeed Allaah has set a measure for all things." [ At-Talaq 65:3]

"Verily We have created man
into toil and struggle." [ Al-Balad 90:4]

Know that when you have problems or in difficulty, then it is by Allaah's permission for HE says:

"Say: "Nothing shall ever happen to us
except what Allaah has ordained for us.
He is our Maula (Lord, Helper and Protector)."
And in Allaah
let the believers put their trust." [At-Taubah 9:51]

"No kind of calamity can occur,
except by the leave of Allaah
And if any one believes in Allaah,
{Allaah} guides his heart (aright):
for Allaah knows all things." [At-Taghabun 64:11]

"...There did Allaah give you one distress after another
by way of requital
to teach you not to grieve
for that which had escaped you,
nor for that which had befallen you.
And Allaah is Well Aware of all that you do." [Al-Imran 3:153]

And Allah knows best in all matters

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