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View Full Version : My son asking questions about the Prophet (pbuh)

04-29-2011, 08:11 PM
So, I've been talking to my son about the Prophet (pbuh), about 1)his kindness to animals, 2)his playfulness with little children, 3)his generosity to the poor and 4) his respect towards women... all aspects of his character which have been attacked.

1)My son had thought that the Prophet was unkind to animals (you know how prejudiced the West is to halaal slaughter.) I told him about how the Prophet left his cloak in the Mosque because a cat had curled up asleep on it, about how he carefully stepped over the nest of a rock dove when escaping his enemies, about the story that he told regarding the thirsty dog, and the starving cat. My son was astonished, especially when he realised that halaal was a huge improvement on slaughter techniques at the time. He went online, and did some research, and discovered that animals slaughtered the halaal way suffer far less than those who are killed with a captive bolt pistol, which is the common Western way.
2) I read hims some of the stories about how the prophet played with little children, and how when he came back from travels all the little ones would run up to him. I told him about how he adopted a slave boy into his family as a son, with full inheritance rights, and how he adopted a cousin. I told him about how, when a baby was wailing and crying the Prophet (peace be upon him) brought the prayers to an end more quickly, because he felt so sorry for the mother.
3) I told him the story about the man who was brought to him to be punished for a minor theft. The Prophet said that the man had to give of his wealth to those poorer than him. The man said, "but I have nothing." At that point someone brought the Prophet (peace be upon him) a basket of young figs. He said to the man, "give this to those who are poorer than you are. The man said that there was nobody poorer than him, and the Prophet smiled and said that the man's punishment would be to share the figs with his family.
4) I told my son about how the Prophet (peace be upon him) was first married to an older woman who actually proposed to him, and explained how supportive and loving she had been to him when his mission started. My son was particularly touched by the fact that the Prophet (peace be upon him) went to her in his distress and said, "cover me", which she did. I also explained to him that when a man wanted to protect a woman from harm the safest thing to do was marry her. I explained that even though he was married twelve times, he never had a relationship with a woman that he didn't honour... he never had an affair, any woman he cared for, he also protected. My son said he'd never thought of it that way...

We also talked about some of the Prophet's battle tactics, the digging of the ditch outside Medina, and how it stimied his enemies without drawing blood, and the peaceful approach to Mecca as pilgrims, and the patience with which he waited for Allah's will to be fulfilled.

So, today my son said,

"I think Mohommed's really cool. How come everybody hates him?"
So we talked a bit back and forth about possible reasons, and my son then said,
"I want to tell...(christian friends) but I think they'll not believe us, they'll think we've gone mad".

We've decided to be very slow and gentle about sharing the truth with this couple. Any time they insult Islam or the Prophet (pbuh) we'll ask them where they read that, and we'll tell them a story.

Anyhow... my son is not yet a Muslim, but he's attracted to the character of Mohommed (pbuh). I think the secret is to just keep telling stories, the truth to counteract the lies.

Anyone else had this kind of experience, where a non Muslim has started to fall in love with the Prophet? (pbuh)

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- Qatada -
04-30-2011, 09:18 PM

Sister Maryam, i've notived alot of people even during the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) became firm and sincere believers when they realised how beautiful and amazing he was in his character and appearance. After all the lies they had heard about him.

This made them accept Islam more because they see how the media of the disbelievers were lying against the public so much. Showing the media and its owners aren't really sincere to their viewers. This makes them accept the truthful and sincere alternative.

So you will hear of alot of Companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saying after they converted; "You were the most disliked of people to me, and now you are the most beloved of people to me."

04-30-2011, 11:51 PM
The Prophet was asked if acts of charity even to the animals were rewarded by God. He replied: "Yes, there is a reward for acts of charity to every beast alive." (Narrated by Abu Huraira, Bukhari, 3:322. Also Muslim, Vol. 4; Hadith No. 2244. Also Awn [Ref. No. 32], 7:222, Hadith No. 2533. Also Mishkat al-masabih, Book 6; Chapter 6)

The Prophet (pbuh) mentioned that imprisoning birds in cages without any special purpose is considered cruelty. The Prophet (pbuh) mentioned that animals used as carriers ( like camels, horses ..) are not allowed to be over-loaded. Whenever the Prophet (pbuh) saw any animal over-loaded or ill-fed he would approached the owner and said, " Fear God in your ill treatment of animals. " ( Hadith, Abu Dawood)

'Abdullah reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, stopped in a place and then someone took a bird's eggs and the bird began to beat its wings around the head of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. He asked, "Which of you has taken its eggs?" A man said, "Messenger of Allah, I have taken its eggs." The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Return them out off mercy to the bird." Al-Adab al-Mufrad Al-Bukhari 382.

06-16-2011, 01:02 AM
That is truly wonderful to hear.

You son is the same age as my eldest son. You should keep working on encouraging him to Islam. It may take a while, but it's worth it.

Last September my son wasn't a Muslim......a month later he was! It can happen!

Let us know how you and your son are getting on :)

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06-16-2011, 07:03 PM
Salam sister, May Allah be pleased with you and your family

I am Muslim for a year now alhamdollelah, but the truth is that the 1st thing I liked about this religion is the Manners in Islam, I remember reading a book more than 10x-- 8years ago (I was like 16) about how should people behave and react to situation, it is so beautiful, I couldnt agree more

You are indeed clever, you know how to keep your son closer to Islam by telling those lovely stories. The best Dawah! Subhanallah,, indeed good things leaves good marks to our hearts.. keep reading & reminding him,, he seems to have a good heart , alhamdollelah

We will make duaa for you and your family...

06-16-2011, 11:05 PM
Salaam Sister Maryam

JazakAllah Khair for sharing. I actually had a tears in my eyes reading your post. It is so true that Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh) was such a blessing upon mankind. His character, his personality and his mercy for Allah(swt) creations is truly mind-blowing.

I remember when my eldest daughter was only 3 years old and she asked " Mummy who was Muhammad rasool Allah?" and our bed-time stories began. She was truly mesmerised by the fact, in the light of cruelty, pain and many personal tragedies that Prophet Muhammed continued and strived to spread the word of the one-ness of Allah (swt) and bring the world out of ignorance.

Waslaam. :)

06-17-2011, 12:07 AM
I would suggest your son watch a documentary about the Prophet(pbuh). In fact there's a pretty good cartoon/animation move about his life. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad:_The_Last_Prophet

06-17-2011, 04:32 AM
Thanks for this information. Actually answered some of my questions as well. I especially love the stories about kindness to animals.

06-17-2011, 04:49 AM

the Seerah is almost as important as the Qur'an, i said almost! :shade:

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, referred to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, as "the living Qur'an." learning the Seerah unlocks many aspects of our Din as you learn WHY much of the Qur'an was revealed.

Qatadah posted this link years ago:


that's the original, Dr Shala has beeb redoing it:


just think of it as old time radio, but with the most important of persons portrayed in it.

Mufti Menk of Zimbabwe has done a short "Reasons of Revelations" Tafseer session from 2005, here #6:


Hamza Yusuf did a course on the book 'Muhammad: His life based on the earliest sources' by Martin Lings:


if you Love Islam, your Love will increase immensely, In Sha'a Allah, once you understand the very early history of Islam and then when people ask you questions you can begin your answers with "in the time of Rasulullah!" you not only "learn the answers to many questions" but you will actually understand the answers!

May Allah increase us all in our knowledge of Islam!

wa Salaam

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