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View Full Version : I need to ask a question about alcohol...

05-22-2011, 02:41 AM
There are two sites say that alcohol is not forbidden:

links of such websites not allowed

What they're saying makes sense to me and although I'm not gonna drink (Definitely not my thing) I just want to know what they got wrong.

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Hamza Asadullah
05-23-2011, 02:33 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
There are two sites say that alcohol is not forbidden:

links of such websites not allowed

What they're saying makes sense to me and although I'm not gonna drink (Definitely not my thing) I just want to know what they got wrong.
Asalaamu Alaikum, jazakallahu khayr for your question. Firstly we must realise that there are countless anti-Islamic websites out there on the internet making all sorts of absurd and false claims. This has and always will be the case. But that should not mean that we should go out there trawling for such websites and even if we come across them then we should know not to refer to them or waste our time with them.

For those of us with little knowledge these websites can be dangerous and that is why it is so important for us as Muslims to make the required effort to learn about our deen so that we may be able to distinguish the truth from the false.

We make so much effort in order to gain our degrees, Masters and Phd's but we make such little or no effort at all learning about our deen and think that this knowledge will just fall on our laps. We must wake up now and realise that we must spend the little time we got left in aquiring knolwedge of our deen for this is incumbant on us because it may be that we may be misled due to our lack of knowledge and therefore mislead others to.

With regards to your question then consider the following:


It is stated in the Qur’ân: “They ask you regarding wine and gambling. Say, in both of them is major sin, and there is some benefit for men, but the sin of them is far greater than benefit ” (Surah Baqarah)


During the early days of Islam, consumption of liquor, just like other ills and evils of society, was also prevelent.

When Rasulullah migrated from Makkah to Madinah he found that the Madinites were also indulging in drinking. The masses were so attracted by the superficial and deceptive benefits offered by drinking that their minds became oblivious of the harmful effects and the evils lurking within these addictions.

Our Prophet was the finest model who set the best example of his sublime characteristic, so much that whatever was yet to be declared Haram, His habit and nature made him detest it from the very outset. Besides Rasulullah other Sahâbâhs also refrained from consuming alcoholic beverages even when these were Halaal.

On Reaching Madinah some of Sahâbâh realised the evil in liquor. So, Hazrat Umar Farooq ., Maaz Ibn Jabal .and some of the other Sahâbâh approached Rasulullah and questioned him regarding alcohol and gambling, which they thought were ruining not only man’s intelligent but also his wealth.

In response to this query, the above verse was revealed and it constituted the first of a series of revelations leading to the final and conclusive verse, which prohibited and declared Haram both gambling and liquor.

Although the above verse dose not prohibit alcohol outright, but it never the less presents a ‘Mashwarah’ (advice) for abstaining from the usage of alcohol. This is why some of the Sahâbâh , after hearing this verse immediately stopped consuming alcohol and accepted this mashwarah.


On the other hand some of the other Sahâbâhs resumed that this verse did not declare alcohol Haram, so they declared that it overtakes full precaution and law, that a mediate consumption of alcohol would not be harmful.

However, shortly an incident occurred which brought about a sudden change in the situation. One day, Hazrat Abdur-Rahman Ibn Auf had invited some of his companions, and as was the custom of the Arabs they had consumed alcohol after their needs.

Thereafter, while still in a state of intoxication, the Maghrib Salâh was performed. The Imâm who was also drunk made an error in his recitation of Surah Kafiroon. Upon this, the second step was taken to prevent the consumption of alcohol, by the revelation of the following verse: “O Believers’ do not approach Salâh while intoxicated.” (Surah Nisaa)

This verse now declared alcohol Haraam in clear-cut terms but the consumption was for the duration of Salâh times, and at other periods it was still permissible. With this second warning many more of the Sahâbâhs refrained completely from drinking Alcohol, reasoning that what good can there be in something that deprives one from Salâh.

There were others however, who drank liquor during the intervening periods of salâh until the following incident took place: Uthmaan Ibn Maalik invited a few Sahâbâhs for a meal. After the meal, as was customary liquor was served. Thereafter, they became involved in another Arab custom, reciting poetry praising oneself, family and clan and simultaneously teasing and belittling others who didn’t belong to that group.

During this gathering, Hazrat Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas recited a few lines of poetry in which he criticized and belittled the Ansars of Madinah. Hearing this, an Ansari youth became enraged and threw a bone at him, which inflicted a severe wound on the head of Saad Ibn Waqqas .

He then complained against the youngster to Rasulullah , after which he made dua’a to Allah:

“O Allah! Grant us a clear cut for regarding alcohol.”

In response to this the 3rd and 4th verses concerning the complete prohibition of alcohol, were revealed as part of Surah Ma’idah:

"O you who believe! Intoxicants, gambling, idolatry and arrows (for seeking help on decision) one an abomination of order that you may be successful. Shaytan seeks only to cast amongst you enmity and hatred by means of strong drink and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from his worship, will you then not refrain? ” (Surah Ma’idah 90)

Allah in his wisdom, firstly disclosed the evils in alcohol, then prohibited it at Salâh times and finally declared it absolutely HARAAM.


Just as there lies great wisdom in the gradual revelation of laws prohibiting alcohol, there is also wisdom in the strait enforcement of severe punishment for drinking alcohol. Therefore, the Prophet referred to alcohol as the mother of sins because after consuming it, man can indulge in other major sins.

Once a pious man met a woman, who invited him towards committing a sin (adultery). The man flatly refused. After her constant insisting, she still failed. Thereafter, she gave him a choice of options, 1. Committing adultery with her or 2. To murder her newly born child, whom had she begot from her previous husband. Or 3. To consume some alcohol which she possessed. If he were not willing to comply then she would scream and falsely inform the inhabitants of that place that he had raped her. The man upon pondering decided to consume the alcohol, taking it to be least harmful of the three sins. Upon the consumption of alcohol, he became intoxicated, and then consequently, he killed the child and also committed adultery with the woman.

In one Hadith, Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) has said that Imân (faith) and alcohol cannot gather (are not compatible) with a person (Nasai)

Source: http://www.inter-islam.org/Prohibitions/alcohol2.htm

So there is no doubt about the fact that not only is alcohol forbidden but it is the mother of all evils and when a person consumes alcohol then imaan CANNOT stay in his body until they are sober and that is only if Allah wills. So if a person dies whilst intoxicated then they die without imaan. A person will be raised how they died so a person who died intoxicated will be raised like that and the lord will not even look at him and he will be thrown into the fire.

So please disregard such anti-Islamic websites and strengthen your knolwedge of Islam let you get misled by false information. We will be asked on the day of judgement why we did not spend our time learning such important knowledge and we wil have no excuses.

May Allah give us the ability to learn correct knowledge of Islam so that we may be able to tell th truth from falshood. Ameen

And Allah knows best in all matters

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