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View Full Version : A Reach out to Amira_Zelda

06-13-2011, 06:52 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Salamu alaykum wa Rahmat Allah. Dear sister, i have read your thread titled: "going through severe depression", and from a while i wanted to reply to you but i didn't get an opportunity until now, and Alhamduli Allah.
As for you feeling sad and depressed, i want to give you glad tidings that the Prophet Muhammad , peace and blessings be upon him, said that a person in paradise would reach such a high grade not knowing how he earned it, and it will be from sorrow(Hazn), when Allah wants to elevate your rank in Paradise, He delegates upon you such feelings.
This is because Paradise is the ultimate and most precious destination, and for a believer to acknowledge its value, he will go through difficulties and hardships in this world. Insha'Allah, you are going through a phase that will in the end strengthen you and you will become more enduring through these tests. Allah tests people so that they are confirmed; if they are truly faithful that would come to be manifested. When you want to extract oil from an olive, you pressurize it and thus you extract oil; similarly when it comes to trials on faith, its for perfecting your faith and making it genuinly affirmed. There is a delightful Hadeeth regarding this that i would love to share with you:
Oneness, Uniqueness of Allah (Tawheed
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "The example of a believer is that of a fresh green plant the leaves of which move in whatever direction the wind forces them to move and when the wind becomes still, it stand straight. Such is the similitude of the believer: He is disturbed by calamities (but is like the fresh plant he regains his normal state soon). And the example of a disbeliever is that of a pine tree (which remains) hard and straight till Allah cuts it down when He will." (See Hadith No. 546 and 547, Vol. 7).

Make Du'aa regularly and ask Allah to assist you and help you in every aspect of your life, and through death and in the hereafter. Ask Allah to ease for you doing good deeds and not make this worldly life the biggest of your concerns. When you help in house chores or do any good deed, even if you remove something harmful from the way, make sincere Du;aa. Ask Allah to protect and Guide you and Guide those who went astray from the ex-muslims if they have some good in their hearts. Be faithful in prayers and be certain that Allah is close and hears all.

Readthe Glorious Qura'n and strive your best to follow the Prophet's way. The Prophet told us that there are 2 things he left for us that if we rely and stick to, we will never be astray, and these are The Book of Allah(The Qura'n), and The Prophet's Sunnah(way). Reading the Qura'n and reciting its Verses and pondering upon its meanings will Insha'Allah, refill your Iman and faith and remind you about Allah, yourself and your duties, the hereafter and how this life goes and why Allah tests you. The Qura'n will answer all of your questions and concerns and give you relief and mercy. Its also a reminder, because human beings tend to forget and that's why a human being in Arabic is called Insan, and the Qura'n is a reminder, that's why Its also called AlZikr(reminder).

There are many successful to beat that feeling of depression; try grouping yourself with friendly and polite Muslim sisters from every background. Reach out to others; save a portion of your money income/allowance for donation to the poor and if you know a fellow Trustworthy Muslims who travel to their homeland country and return to the U.S on occasions then give them your money savings when they plan to travel intrust them to place it in the orphanages and other Islamic charity funds in their country(because its more likely to be a developing country and thus it would be helpful to send money there).

Remember Allah in times of prosperity and Allah will remember you in times of Difficulty.

Find a good habit. Why not join a basket weaving club and learn to weave baskets? or even knitting and crochet? These are enjoyable and handy skills and you can, Insha'Allah, begin to make a personal economic income from selling your samples. Learn these skills and teach them to your local Masjid friends and try selling them.

Write your experiences in a journal, when you go through a hardship try writing about your experiences in a personal journal and when time passes you can review that journal and see how Allah made the difficulties disappear and how He made you overcome your trails. Be careful not to share it with anybody because if you want the full wage and reward of patience through hardships, then you have to make your suffering undisclosed.

Have trust in Allah and i hope that He gives us certainty and make us deeply acknowledge that for sure He does not desire injustice for His slaves nor does He aspire for them misguidance and disbelief.
Sister, i don't review alot about the ex-muslims debates but i know a story of a ex-muslim who was formerly a member in an extremist group and who gave his parents such a hardtime and even his neighbors used to complain about him and he would call a Muslim female an infidel if she is not wearing a hijab. Ofcourse, such characteristics are not of a sincere Muslim because in the Qura'n Allah commands us to be rightful and dutiful to parents and the Prophet Muhammad strongly emphasised on how well we should treat our neighbors and even if there is a Muslim who is not fully complying with what Allah commands we have to invite them in a merciful and wise manner, without hurting their feelings or calling them infidels which just might make them flee away from Islam. So i guess this person got a taste of his own medicine and as they say what goes around comes back around-even if its after a while, and perhaps this is the impact of the Du'aa that has been made by those who he oppressed. However, there is always exceptions, some people are just not aware about true message of Islam, and due to ignorance they fall in such mistakes, but Allah will someday make them aware about the truth of Islam and they will come to know, and Insha'Allah, they will embrace Islam openly.
Allah the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful says:
((Allâh will keep firm those who believed, with the word that stands firm(testimony of faith) in this world and in the Hereafter. And Allâh will cause to go astray those who are Zâlimûn (oppressors, wrong-doers, etc.), and Allâh does what He wills.))

Allah also mentioned regarding those who abandoned faith and turned on their heels:

(( That is because they followed that which angered Allâh, and hated that which pleased Him. So He made their deeds fruitless))

Allah, The Exalted, always allows things to happen if their outcome would be for the best. Allah has turned such a person from faith because if they remained of the shade of Islam with such ill and terrible character, they will make people flee from Islam. Remember also that Allah grants respite but He never neglects ( Allah Yamhil wa La Yahmil).
There are many beautiful Islamic websites which, Insha'Allah, will help increase your Iman and confidence:
Also hear lectures to Dr.Bilal Philips, Hussain Ye, Zakir Naik and Yusuf Estes as well as Yasser Fazaga

Salam, with love and concern, and i apologize for the late reply dear sister. May Allah make you steadfast in Iman and give you the best in the hereafter and ease all of your affairs and remove hardships and difficulties from your life.

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