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View Full Version : No pleasure in doing any worship currently

10-08-2011, 07:10 PM
Assalaamu Alaikum,

Basically I really don't find any peace or pleasure in doing any worship e.g. Salaah etc. Rather, I get so anxious about everything, it puts me in so much discomfort and to be honest I just look forward to finishing my worship. I really wish I can go back to how I used to be, because this is not good for me this is depressing me. I am so angry ALL THE TIME AND IRRITABLE, I know this is causing me depression.

There are some issues in particular which completely drain me and depress me, these are the root cause of my current problems, which I hope you guys can help with:

1) I have so much difficulty in keeping Wudhu, I move about so much during Salaah, I feel like wind is always passing through, it happens constantly throughout Namaaz. I cannot pray in peace at all most of the time. My mind is constantly thinking about this in the background, and it is so difficult to get out of my head. I think having it on your mind is what makes you think about breaking Wudhu.

2) I read this thing about removing eye crust before Wudhu. Normally I'm guessing people only have eye crust in the mornings when they wake up. I have something there each time I go to perform my Wudhu. This is just frustrating and seems so pedantic, having to remove stuff each time. I don't see anyone else doing anything like this when I go to the Mosque, this causes my Wudhu to become so long. This really frustrates me and causes me to become angry before I even start my prayer. I didn't used to do this before, so why do I have to do it now? I don't know who to ask about this because one website I came across said this.

3) Removing lip balm before performing Wudhu because apparently this contains ingredients which are waterproof. Now again this is just crazy for me, do you ever see any other person rubbing their lips before performing Wudhu?? Again, this is just downright irritating

I really do want to get back to how I used to be but I'm afraid of all these things I've mentioned in this post. What should I do, because this depression is doing me no good and tbh if nobody else does it, then surely this is of no significance.

I'm never going on any websites again because they're all there to confuse you and make you frustrated and depressed.

JazakAllah, wasalaam

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10-09-2011, 06:44 PM
Assalam Alekum Respected Brother/Sister.

May Allah SWT bless you with health and make this test easy for you.Amen.

Alhamdulillah,there is no problem that does'nt have a solution.Here is the answer of your first question.Hope it helps Inshallah :statisfie

Q)I have this condition called irritable bowel syndrome.Some of it's symptoms include:feelings of bloatedness and the release of gas,which means that whenever I perform wudhu sometimes I have to keep renewing it constantly, sometimes atleast 5 times because of the release of gas,during wudhu,after wudhu or during salat. You see ,I don't get it all the time but quite alot of the time,so it stops me from performing taraweeh e.t.c and even though I'm a sister,I still like to attend Friday prayer but because of this I can't.Also the gas is not just normal gas,the smell can be quite bad that's why I feel I have to what I'm suppose to do?Jazaakaaallaahu-khairun keep renewing my wudhu,is that what I'm suppose to do?.

Praise be to Allaah.


We ask Allaah to heal our sister, and may Allaah reward her with good for her keenness to understand the rulings of her religion and her not being shy to do so, so that she may clearly understand her religion.


A person who is praying may sometimes imagine that he has passed wind whilst praying, when that has not in fact happened. This may be due to the whispering of the Shaytaan who wants to spoil his prayer and make him not focus with proper humility in it. The worshipper should not stop praying unless he is certain that something has come out of him.

It was narrated from ‘Abbaad ibn Tameem that his paternal uncle asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about a man who thought he felt something whilst praying. He said: “He should not stop praying unless he hears a sound or detects an odour.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 137 (this version was narrated by him); Muslim 362.

What is meant by the hadeeth is not that the ruling depends on hearing a sound or detecting an odour, rather what is meant is being certain that something has come out even if one does not hear a sound or detect an odour.

See Sharh Muslim by al-Nawawi, 4/49

The basic principle concerning the worshipper is that if he has done wudoo’, then his wudoo’ cannot be broken by something doubtful, rather he must be certain that he has broken it. If he is certain that he has broken his wudoo’, then he should stop praying and do wudoo’ again.

What breaks or invalidates wudoo’ can only be that which comes out of the front of back passage for certain, so that one is sure of it and not doubtful or confused. Simply feeling that there is gas in one’s stomach is not one of the things that invalidate wudoo’, unless something comes out.

The ruling on the gas of which you complain is the same as the rulings for those who suffer from istihaadah (non-menstrual vaginal bleeding) or urinary incontinence.

(al-Sharh al-Mumti’, 1/437)

Two scenarios may apply:

The first is:

There may be a time when it stops, such as if you pass wind, then it stops for a while, during which time you can do wudoo’ and pray, then it starts again. In this case you have to do wudoo’ and pray during the time when it stops.

The second is:

It may be continuous and there may be no time when it stops; it could happen all the time. In this case you should do wudoo; for each prayer after the time for the prayer begins, and pray with this wudoo’; it does not matter whatever comes out of you even if that happens during wudoo’ or during the prayer.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

Whoever cannot keep his wudoo’ for the duration of the prayer should do wudoo’ and pray, and it does not matter what comes out of him during the prayer, and his wudoo’ is not invalidated by that, according to the consensus of the imams. The most he has to do is to do wudoo’ for each prayer.

Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 21/221

The Standing Committee was asked about a man who suffers from urinary incontinence that appears for a short while after he urinates; if he waits for the urine to stop, the prayer in congregation will be over. What is the ruling?

The Committee replied:

If he knows that the incontinence will stop, it is not permissible for him to pray in this condition seeking the virtue of the jamaa’ah. Rather he has to wait until it stops, then he should cleanse himself with water (istinja’) and pray, even if he has missed the prayer in congregation. He should hasten to cleanse himself with water and do wudoo’ after the time for prayer begins, hoping that he will be able to offer the prayer in congregation.

It also says in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah:

The basic principle concerning emission of wind is that it invalidates wudoo’, but if a person passes wind continually, he has to do wudoo’ for each prayer when he wants to pray, then if wind comes out of him whilst he is praying, that does not invalidate it; he has to continue with his prayer until he completes it. This is a dispensation granted by Allaah to make things easier for His slaves and not to cause them any hardship, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Allaah intends for you ease”

[al-Baqarah 2:185]

“and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship”

[al-Hajj 22:78]

al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah li’l-Buhooth, 5/411

With regard to your going to the mosque with this smell, that is not permissible because the mosques must be protected from all offensive odours, because that disturbs the worshippers, and it offends the noble angels.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade those who eat garlic or onions to come near the mosques. Al-Bukhaari and Muslim narrated from Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever eats garlic or onions, let him keep away from us (or he said: let him keep away from our mosque) and sit in his house.”

And Muslim (564) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever eats onions and garlic and leeks, let him not come near our mosque, for the angels are offended by that which offends the son of Adam.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to command that anyone on whom he detected the odour of garlic and onions be asked to leave the mosque.

Muslim (567) narrated that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab said: I saw the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), if he detected the smell (of onions or garlic) on a man in the mosque, he would order that he be taken out to al-Baqee’ (the cemetery in al-Madeenah).

And Allaah knows best.
Islam Q&A

Obviously you consult to a doctor for this problem,I ask Allah SWT to cure you and bless you with a speedy recovery.Amen.I dont know which part of the world you belong to but where ever you are,stop eating spicy and oily food.Do not eat plain/refined flour and you will see the change Inshallah.

Talking about your second problem,every person have a different skin type and different types of problems,its not just you.My sister usually have such problems in her eyes but when we consult to eye specialist,they suggest something that help.Ask the doctor and they will suggest you some eye drops or something else that will reduce it Inshallah.Another thing which will prove benificial is to wash your eyes with rose water twice and you will feel better Inshallah.

And yes,i have seen people rubbing lips before performing wudhu :statisfie as i told you you are not the only one facing things like that.It will be better for you if you make wudhu at home and clean your eyes and lips gently and then if it is required,make wudhu in the masjid again,but this way,making wudhu again will take small amount of time because your eyes and lips would be already clean :statisfie

Keep your trust strong in Allah SWT,seek His help with patience and salat and recite Quran daily.Inshallah you will be alright.

57. O mankind! there hath come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases) in your hearts,- and for those who believe, a guidance and a Mercy.
Surah 10. Yunus (Jonah)
If you have any problem,you can post it here.Inshallah some other bro/sis guide you in a much better way.

Hamza Asadullah
10-19-2011, 11:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
Assalaamu Alaikum,

Basically I really don't find any peace or pleasure in doing any worship e.g. Salaah etc. Rather, I get so anxious about everything, it puts me in so much discomfort and to be honest I just look forward to finishing my worship. I really wish I can go back to how I used to be, because this is not good for me this is depressing me. I am so angry ALL THE TIME AND IRRITABLE, I know this is causing me depression.

There are some issues in particular which completely drain me and depress me, these are the root cause of my current problems, which I hope you guys can help with:

1) I have so much difficulty in keeping Wudhu, I move about so much during Salaah, I feel like wind is always passing through, it happens constantly throughout Namaaz. I cannot pray in peace at all most of the time. My mind is constantly thinking about this in the background, and it is so difficult to get out of my head. I think having it on your mind is what makes you think about breaking Wudhu.

2) I read this thing about removing eye crust before Wudhu. Normally I'm guessing people only have eye crust in the mornings when they wake up. I have something there each time I go to perform my Wudhu. This is just frustrating and seems so pedantic, having to remove stuff each time. I don't see anyone else doing anything like this when I go to the Mosque, this causes my Wudhu to become so long. This really frustrates me and causes me to become angry before I even start my prayer. I didn't used to do this before, so why do I have to do it now? I don't know who to ask about this because one website I came across said this.

3) Removing lip balm before performing Wudhu because apparently this contains ingredients which are waterproof. Now again this is just crazy for me, do you ever see any other person rubbing their lips before performing Wudhu?? Again, this is just downright irritating

I really do want to get back to how I used to be but I'm afraid of all these things I've mentioned in this post. What should I do, because this depression is doing me no good and tbh if nobody else does it, then surely this is of no significance.

I'm never going on any websites again because they're all there to confuse you and make you frustrated and depressed.

JazakAllah, wasalaam
Asalaamu Alaikum, jazakallahu khayran for sharing your issues with us. Sister It is clear that you are suffering from waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in your worship. This is what is causing you to become extreme in your wudu and to get paranoid over the smallest of things in your worship.

1) You said it yourself it only occurs when you think about it so you need to fight these thoughts and stop thinking about it. If you had bowel problems then obviously it would affect you outside of Salaah. If it does then you need to see the doctors immendiately if it doesnt affect you outside Salaah then you know that it is not an issue in Salaah and that will confirm to you that it is merely waswas.

In your Salaah you must Focus on Allah in that he is in front of you and watching you. Learn the words and meanings of what you recite in your Salaah and change your surahs around regularly. Focus on trying to make your Salaah as perfect as possible without thinking about other matters pertaining to your wudu. Once you have done wudu thats it you forget about it and you dont think of it again. You need to strive to focus in your Salaah. Its not an overnight process but you will conquer it as long as you keep striving.

Read more about focussing on Salaah here:

Why Can't I concentrate in my Salaah?


2) Whilst you are washing your face in wudu just put your wet fingers lightly over the area where the crust is meant to be and leave it at that. You do not need to dig in deep to get the crust out that is incorrect. You do not need to dig deep to take it out. Just by splashing water in your face and washing your face with your hands in wudu is enough.

REMEMBER: Being too extreme in wudu is WRONG. You must do wudu as perfectly as possible JUST ONCE and then leave it at that and not think about it again.

3) Lip balm does prevent water from reaching the skin of the lips. So if the lip balm prevents water from reaching the lips then the wudu will be invalid. Therefore the lip balm does have to be removed in order for wudu to be valid.

You can read more about waswas here:

How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship


Please read the above thread carefully and apply it to your life immediately and internalise in your mind that you will NOT let waswas ruin your worship. This is a test for you so continue to strive and persevere. If you need anymore help or advice on anything at all then please do not hesitate to ask.

And Allah knows best in all matters

Flame of Hope
10-23-2011, 03:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
Basically I really don't find any peace or pleasure in doing any worship e.g. Salaah etc. Rather, I get so anxious about everything, it puts me in so much discomfort and to be honest I just look forward to finishing my worship. I really wish I can go back to how I used to be, because this is not good for me this is depressing me. I am so angry ALL THE TIME AND IRRITABLE, I know this is causing me depression.

To not taste the sweetness of salah and to find no peace while doing the prayer or after doing it must definitely make you feel terrible.... and depressed.

On top of that Shaytan has increased his waswas and whispering, making you focus on things that are not really important.

You must be really frustrated. But don't lose heart sister. Allah is aware of your struggle. What matters is that you do your best.

It is your striving that counts in the end. So never give that up.

Keep trying. Keep going on. But never lose hope in the mercy of Allah. Ask Him to help you... and try thinking about His greatness, might, mercy and power whenever you stand before Him in prayer. We cannot make progress in any matter whatsoever without Allah's help. So turn to Him.... He is the BEST to help and guide you.

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