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View Full Version : Questions about 99 names of Allah

11-30-2011, 08:45 PM
Recently, I began memorizing asma-ul-husna. I learn through a downloaded video. When I finished memorizing half of it, I realized that the 67th name, Al Ahad, is mentioned in the video in the picture but, is not read. It is kinda skipped. So, I surfed into youtube and viewed some other similar videos.

This is what I found-
In some videos, it was the same as I mentioned earlier, written but not said.
In other videos, the name, Al Ahad, itself is missing.

Al Ahad means the one; It comes after the name, Al Wahid, which means the unique. The name itself has such a strong stand. The One and Only. It itself clearly displays Islamic monetheism. So, I'm not going to believe that it is not one of Allah's names.

Furthermore, I bought a book which is titled, "The beautiful names and attributes of Allah." It expands the meaning of the names. In the book, the author has himself compiled all the 99 names. He first started with the name that was numbered one, Allah. And then there is another like, Hayee, which was translated as The Shy. I don't understand how this name can even be listed. And there were more unheard names, which I don't want to mention.

And exploring more, I found out that, the last 10-15 names are shuffled in most of the videos. I didn't get a clear order of names even now.

My questions are-

Asma-ul-Husna begins with, "Huwal laahul ladhi Laa ilaahaa illa huwar Rahman-ur-Rahim" and so on. What is the meaning of these words?

What is the correct order of asma-ul-husna?

Is there any reward from Allah to those who memorize it?

I've noticed in some videos, it ends with like a dua or something. I couldn't catch the audio. Is it necessary to memorize that too?

This is the video I'm learning from, if it is of any help...


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12-19-2011, 12:46 AM
Al-Hayee should be interpreted as "The Ultimate Modest."

You have to be careful where you are getting your info from. There is a particular hadith which is very weak which mentions some of the names, (recorded by Tabarani I believe) where some people are using to get the names. For example, "Al-Sabur" is not a name of Allah swt yet it said by many people, however the hadith itself misses out a lot of names which are mentioned in the Quran hence why there is a consensus the hadith is weak. I'll have a look for it inshAllah.
Hence why the video you looked at which missed the name "Ahad" is not based on authentic sources because "Ahad" is in the Quran!

I suggested you get your info from Yasir Qadhi, he's completion of work on the 99 names of Allah swt is based purely on the Quran and sunnah. Likewise I recently studied the full 99 names of Allah swt with Riad Ourauzazi where he also got his info from Yasir Qadhi, I can post them here if you wish.

Also, with memorisation, please do and try and live with the names, if you go down that route, memorisation will come like second nature.

In regards to the order of the names, there is no order which one is obligated to memorise. However there are some names which come together, for example: "Ya Hayy Ya Qayum" "Ya Awal Ya Akhar" Ya Muqadim Ya Muakhiyr" etc..

12-19-2011, 01:45 AM
Allah swt has much more than 99 names and outside of the 99 usually memorized there are a few others also known to us and many unknown to us, including the one name that the ****aan knows which is a story I read in a book but can't source at all from the net and the book itself I read when I was a child in KSA so eons ago that the devil knows the unique name of Allah swt that which when one supplicates with, the du3a will be accepted, and that after leading as many astray he'd use it to repent but Allah swt will cause him to forget it.
anyhow, wahid means 'one' whereas ahad means indivisible .. that's why in suret al'ikhlas it doesn't say qul hwa Allah wahid, it says qul hwa Allah ahad...

and Allah swt knows best,


12-19-2011, 01:49 AM
also addendum to the above by Asma'a husna it is meant that you should supplicate using Allah swt's most beautiful names. obviously names like ad'daar, and almontaqim and almomeet are names that belong to Allah swt but they're not the ones you're meant to supplicate with..

and Allah swt knows best,


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12-19-2011, 01:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll
obviously names like ad'daar, and almontaqim and almomeet are names that belong to Allah swt but they're not the ones you're meant to supplicate with..
Are you saying we shouldn't obviously because of the meanings of the names, or are you saying we can't?

Any name that cannot be used for supplication is not one of the names of Allah swt. < One of the rules mentioned by Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (rahimaullah) in his book.

Allah Ta'laa knows best.

12-19-2011, 02:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ghazalah
Are you saying we shouldn't obviously because of the meanings of the names, or are you saying we can't?

Any name that cannot be used for supplication is not one of the names of Allah swt. < One of the rules mentioned by Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (rahimaullah) in his book.

Allah Ta'laa knows best.
salaamz sis do you speak Arabic?

مسألة: الجزء الثالث التحليل الموضوعي
( ولله الأسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها وذروا الذين يلحدون في أسمائه سيجزون ما كانوا يعملون ( 180 ) )

عن أبي هريرة ، رضي الله عنه ، قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : " إن لله تسعا وتسعين اسما مائة إلا واحدا ، من أحصاها دخل الجنة ، وهو وتر يحب الوتر " .

أخرجاه في الصحيحين من حديث سفيان بن عيينة ، عن أبي الزناد ، عن الأعرج ، عنه رواه البخاري ، عن أبي اليمان ، عن شعيب بن أبي حمزة ، عن أبي الزناد به وأخرجه الترمذي ، عن الجوزجاني ، عن صفوان بن صالح ، عن الوليد بن مسلم ، عن شعيب فذكر بسنده مثله ، وزاد بعد قوله : " يحب الوتر " : هو الله الذي لا إله إلا هو الرحمن الرحيم ، الملك ، القدوس ، السلام ، المؤمن ، المهيمن ، العزيز ، الجبار ، المتكبر ، الخالق ، البارئ ، المصور ، الغفار ، القهار ، الوهاب ، الرزاق ، الفتاح ، العليم ، القابض ، الباسط ، الخافض ، الرافع ، المعز ، المذل ، السميع ، البصير ، الحكم ، العدل ، اللطيف ، الخبير ، الحليم ، العظيم ، الغفور ، الشكور ، العلي ، الكبير ، الحفيظ ، المقيت ، الحسيب ، الجليل ، الكريم ، الرقيب ، المجيب ، الواسع ، الحكيم ، الودود ، المجيد ، الباعث ، الشهيد ، الحق ، الوكيل ، القوي ، المتين ، الولي ، الحميد ، المحصي ، المبدئ ، المعيد ، المحيي ، المميت ، الحي ، القيوم ، الواجد ، الماجد ، الواحد ، الأحد ، الفرد ، الصمد ، القادر ، المقتدر ، المقدم ، المؤخر ، الأول ، الآخر ، الظاهر ، [ ص: 515 ] الباطن ، الوالي ، المتعالي ، البر ، التواب ، المنتقم ، العفو ، الرءوف ، مالك الملك ، ذو الجلال والإكرام ، المقسط ، الجامع ، الغني ، المغني ، المانع ، الضار ، النافع ، النور ، الهادي ، البديع ، الباقي ، الوارث ، الرشيد ، الصبور

ثم قال الترمذي : هذا حديث غريب وقد روي من غير وجه عن أبي هريرة [ رضي الله عنه ] ولا نعلم في كثير من الروايات ذكر الأسماء إلا في هذا الحديث .

ورواه ابن حبان في صحيحه ، من طريق صفوان ، به وقد رواه ابن ماجه في سننه ، من طريق آخر عن موسى بن عقبة ، عن الأعرج ، عن أبي هريرة مرفوعا فسرد الأسماء كنحو ما تقدم بزيادة ونقصان .

والذي عول عليه جماعة من الحفاظ أن سرد الأسماء في هذا الحديث مدرج فيه ، وإنما ذلك كما رواه الوليد بن مسلم وعبد الملك بن محمد الصنعاني ، عن زهير بن محمد : أنه بلغه عن غير واحد من أهل العلم أنهم قالوا ذلك ، أي : أنهم جمعوها من القرآن كما ورد عن جعفر بن محمد وسفيان بن عيينة وأبي زيد اللغوي ، والله أعلم .

ثم ليعلم أن الأسماء الحسنى ليست منحصرة في التسعة والتسعين بدليل ما رواه الإمام أحمد في مسنده ، عن يزيد بن هارون ، عن فضيل بن مرزوق ، عن أبي سلمة الجهني ، عن القاسم بن عبد الرحمن ، عن أبيه ، عن عبد الله بن مسعود ، رضي الله عنه ، عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال : " ما أصاب أحدا قط هم ولا حزن فقال : اللهم إني عبدك ، ابن عبدك ، ابن أمتك ، ناصيتي بيدك ، ماض في حكمك ، عدل في قضاؤك ، أسألك بكل اسم هو لك سميت به نفسك ، أو أعلمته أحدا من خلقك ، أو أنزلته في كتابك ، أو استأثرت به في علم الغيب عندك ، أن تجعل القرآن ربيع قلبي ، ونور صدري ، وجلاء حزني ، وذهاب همي ، إلا أذهب الله همه وحزنه وأبدله مكانه فرحا " . فقيل : يا رسول الله ، أفلا نتعلمها ؟ فقال : " بلى ، ينبغي لكل من سمعها أن يتعلمها " .

وقد أخرجه الإمام أبو حاتم بن حبان البستي في صحيحه بمثله

وذكر الفقيه الإمام أبو بكر بن العربي أحد أئمة المالكية في كتابه : " الأحوذي في شرح الترمذي " ; أن بعضهم جمع من الكتاب والسنة من أسماء الله ألف اسم ، فالله أعلم .

وقال العوفي عن ابن عباس في قوله تعالى : ( وذروا الذين يلحدون في أسمائه ) قال : إلحاد الملحدين : أن دعوا " اللات في أسماء الله .

[ ص: 516 ] وقال ابن جريج ، عن مجاهد : ( وذروا الذين يلحدون في أسمائه ) قال : اشتقوا " اللات " من الله ، واشتقوا " العزى " من العزيز .

وقال قتادة : ( يلحدون ) يشركون . وقال علي بن أبي طلحة ، عن ابن عباس : الإلحاد : التكذيب . وأصل الإلحاد في كلام العرب : العدل عن القصد ، والميل والجور والانحراف ، ومنه اللحد في القبر ، لانحرافه إلى جهة القبلة عن سمت الحفر .

Per the Quranic verse it is best to use the most beautiful names, the ones of mercy and kindness and generosity not the ones that invoke wrath and vengeance, it is what I was taught.. Also there's a particular supplication where you can invoke Allah swt by all his names including those you don't know I believe it was taught to Saida Aisha (RA) it goes like this:

Allahouma asa'alak be'kol ismin samayt beh nafsak, aw anzaltho fi kitabik, aw 3lamtho a7aden min khlqak aw ista'thrt beh fi 3ilm el'ghyeb 3indak an taj3al al'Quran rabee3 qalbi wa noor sadri wa'jala 7ozni wa zahab hammi and I personally add to it to the names and to the du3a itself..

and Allah swt knows best


12-19-2011, 02:17 AM
See, the second hadith where it mentions all the names, it first starts off by saying all the names are compiled through the saheeh hadiths, yet when I studied the names of Allah swt, some of the names mentioned in that hadith I didn't study because I was told they were not saheeh, like "Al-Sabur". Yet names like "Al-Subooh" which I did study are not mentioned in that hadith you posted.
I'll need to ask the Shaykh who taught me about that. JazakAllahu Khair.

In regards to what names to call, I understand that you use the best names etc, but some make it a rule that you can only call the names which are seen as the most beautiful, when it's not the case.

Allah ta'laa knows best.

12-19-2011, 02:30 AM
probably the rule is inferred from the verse.. but you're right I don't see it as an 'only' choice.. I try to make them odd numbered because it says that witr is loved.. according to the above article there is over a thousand names collected according to the book 'ala7wazhi fi shar7 al'timithi ...so it probably would explain why some of the '99' names have slight variations...I am pretty sure at the time of Musa and Isa (PBUT) the righteous called upon Allah swt by names also not known to us. .. and Allah swt knows best

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