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View Full Version : Putting yourself to sleep

12-24-2011, 06:58 AM
How do you put yourself to sleep? Some nights, it takes me an hour or two before I can actually get some shut-eye.

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12-24-2011, 07:01 AM
Sometime read a book or magazine could hep us to get sleep.

12-24-2011, 01:32 PM
Exercise and work hard throughout the day. You will feel tired and want to go to sleep. Have a shower as well, it helps me to go to sleep.

12-24-2011, 08:47 PM
Have a warm drink before going to bed. Exercise throughout the day like Tragic Typo suggested by all means, but don't exercise just before bed, as it might make falling asleep difficult.

If you're a chronic insomniac, see your doctor.

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12-24-2011, 08:52 PM
I find reading makes me sleepy -

What is Islam's stance on sleeping pills ? Personally I don't agree with them but I know a lot of older people find it hard to sleep and so they use them.

12-24-2011, 08:57 PM
for me its watching something on tv that i'm only half interested in.. anymore so and i'll try and stay awake till the program ends and any less and i turn it looking for something thats partially interesting :)

and then there's some nights where i simply have to read some until i can fall asleep.... :)

12-24-2011, 10:26 PM
This is the problem of my life, I can't sleep at night, even if I sleep for 2-3 hours I feel tired all day then as soon as maghrib comes I feel wide awake :hmm:

12-24-2011, 10:30 PM
I think about stuff....the days events, past stuff, things I want to get done the next day, other goals...till I fall asleep :)

12-24-2011, 10:38 PM
^that makes me even more wide awake,
i usually find it useful to listen to lectures in English on the phone,

12-25-2011, 01:28 AM
simple way to regulate yourself is to stay up for 24 hrs straight then go to bed at a time you'll stick to every night and wake up at a time you'll get up at every day.. It is called sleep hygiene.. try it..


12-25-2011, 01:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Beardo
How do you put yourself to sleep? Some nights, it takes me an hour or two before I can actually get some shut-eye.
I have this problem. It takes me hours to fall asleep my mind won't shutdown. My mom always tells me to read Quran because the shaitan will try to make you fall asleep or read one of your text books and boredom will make you fall asleep.

12-25-2011, 02:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Maryan0
I have this problem. It takes me hours to fall asleep my mind won't shutdown. My mom always tells me to read Quran because the shaitan will try to make you fall asleep or read one of your text books and boredom will make you fall asleep.
trick satan into helping you get to sleep? brilliant! lol

12-25-2011, 11:35 AM
Harwork threw the day
Hot bath
pray 4-8 rakah and read quran.

This make me sleep very good at nights. Its like my night regimen.

12-25-2011, 12:00 PM

Don't know if it's effective but many people claim that drinking a glass of warm milk before bed. I never tried, dont like milk though.

When I was 18 I could sleep 24hours straight & even more, until I reached age of around 22?

Now it's a bit difficult for me to sleep, because in some days I imagine alot :) alot of imaginations & thinking just anything
then I discovered that nice Islamic videos like "Prophet Muhammad, it has 12parts in youtube" can make me sleep in no time delay :) I can watch in almost everyday just scrambling which part i'll watch the night.

But the problem is that when you move alot when you're asleep, laptop is not advisable to keep beside so, yah reading is also good. and try to calm your mind.

'Abd-al Latif
12-25-2011, 12:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Beardo
How do you put yourself to sleep? Some nights, it takes me an hour or two before I can actually get some shut-eye.
There is too much going on in your mind and you're probably trying to sleep straight after working. During the day work on solving your problems, beat procrastination and be proactive in getting the things you want done and don't delay the important matters; this will unload things off of your mind of a lot of things that are probably small and unimportant. And at night unwind before you go sleep, clear your mind of the buzz and whatever pressures of work or studies that are bothering you, go on your PS3 or something and have a much needed down time. Exercise and eat healthy, it's is one of the best ways to have a deep and restful sleep.

Spend the night just for rest and relaxation, especially an hour or so before you go bed.

12-25-2011, 12:43 PM
For some reason I dont like games or music, it can lead to addiction and lots of time wasted.
Nonsense to me

'Abd-al Latif
12-25-2011, 12:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Riana17
For some reason I dont like games or music, it can lead to addiction and lots of time wasted.
Nonsense to me
Games serve as a good down time. Of course the best form of entertainment is to go out there and play, the exercise and fresh air does wonders.

12-25-2011, 01:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Crystal
What is Islam's stance on sleeping pills ?
Depend on the kind of this sleeping pill. Sleeping pill that work like narcotic which it manipulate brain is classified/considered as "Khamr" (intoxicant). This is haram (forbidden).

However, Scholars (at least in my place) allow Muslim to use drug that classified as intoxicant in emergency situation, which the doctor determine the patient really need this drug, and the patient use it follow the doctor instruction . But if not in emergency situation and not under decision/instruction from doctor, it's not allowed.

Not every drug that help someone to get sleep is classified/considered as intoxicant. But from a reference that issued by a Muslim doctor, I saw many of sleeping pills are classified/considered as intoxicant that should not be given to the patient except in emergency situation.

12-29-2011, 05:55 AM
easyyy sleep with a baby, you will sleep throughout the night hopefully

12-29-2011, 04:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
easyyy sleep with a baby, you will sleep throughout the night hopefully
If you've ever had kids, or stayed in the same house as people who do, you will know that a baby does not a peaceful night make.

12-29-2011, 05:27 PM

Insomnia is quite common nowadays.....related to stressful lives, poor sleep habits as well as being 'over-stimulated' during the day and just before sleeping (which is a topic in itself.....)

Your mind needs to relax/ un-wind completely before bed-time.....so watching TV, sitting in front of the lap-top, reading books, etc just beforehand is probably not a good idea.

Read the 3 Quls, Surah Yaseen, (and there are also prescribed duaas for this) and insha Allah - this may help.

Sometimes - the insomnia becomes a vicious cycle.....because u have had bad expierences in falling asleep over the previous few nights, your sub-consciuous mind associates sleeping with something that is difficult and stressful.....which works against you......making you more stressed......and so the sleepless nights continue.....

Dont ever resort to sleeping tablets (unless its for a long flight, or when u are absolutely desperate for a good-night rest).
Here again, your sub-conscious mind associates sleeping with the requirement of having a pill first......which eventually results in dependance and tolerance.....

I had struggled with insomnia not too long ago (a result of late night working hours, studying, and stressful days.....)

I had literally tried everything.
There were days that I was non-functional.....actually fell asleep in traffic once :(

My last resort was going for a session of hypnosis......i simply needed to break that psychological mind-set that i had developed over time.
And with time, and after a month of reinforcement (listening to a CD before bedtime).....Alhamdulillah - i have no problem with falling asleep.

You may not need this.....just giving some hope to those who may think they have exhausted all resources.

And remember - this too can be a test from Allah......so dont ever lose hope, and make duaa that Allah grant you shifaa' from this.

Hope this was of help, insha Allah.


12-29-2011, 06:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by 'Abd-al Latif
Games serve as a good down time. Of course the best form of entertainment is to go out there and play, the exercise and fresh air does wonders.

Many games contain content that are against Islam...

12-29-2011, 07:32 PM
by any chance, does anyone know the specific word for when a person is about to drift off to sleep. I know there is a specific word and I just cannot recall it ...

12-30-2011, 05:46 PM
1: you could listen to the quran ( i have app on ipod its great!)
2: read a book
3: have some horlicks drink works wonders! or some tea

12-30-2011, 09:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
easyyy sleep with a baby, you will sleep throughout the night hopefully
You gotta be kidding me? Babies and sleep don't go to together ask me I have nieces and nephews that are babies:exhausted My niece is now 1 she has a habit of waking up at 4 am and singing her baby songs she learned from the baby channel super loud! lol

You can kiss sleep good bye once babies show up!

To the op:

Be constantly on your feet, work hard like me and trust me by the time you come home after you get out the shower, you gonna fall flat on your head.

With the holidays now at home I've been finding it hard to sleep early cause I sleep in and stay up all night. Can't wait to get back to my hectic life so I can treasure my sleep again.

12-31-2011, 05:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ~Zaria~

Insomnia is quite common nowadays.....related to stressful lives, poor sleep habits as well as being 'over-stimulated' during the day and just before sleeping (which is a topic in itself.....)

Your mind needs to relax/ un-wind completely before bed-time.....so watching TV, sitting in front of the lap-top, reading books, etc just beforehand is probably not a good idea.

Read the 3 Quls, Surah Yaseen, (and there are also prescribed duaas for this) and insha Allah - this may help.

Sometimes - the insomnia becomes a vicious cycle.....because u have had bad expierences in falling asleep over the previous few nights, your sub-consciuous mind associates sleeping with something that is difficult and stressful.....which works against you......making you more stressed......and so the sleepless nights continue.....

Dont ever resort to sleeping tablets (unless its for a long flight, or when u are absolutely desperate for a good-night rest).
Here again, your sub-conscious mind associates sleeping with the requirement of having a pill first......which eventually results in dependance and tolerance.....

I had struggled with insomnia not too long ago (a result of late night working hours, studying, and stressful days.....)

I had literally tried everything.
There were days that I was non-functional.....actually fell asleep in traffic once :(

My last resort was going for a session of hypnosis......i simply needed to break that psychological mind-set that i had developed over time.
And with time, and after a month of reinforcement (listening to a CD before bedtime).....Alhamdulillah - i have no problem with falling asleep.

You may not need this.....just giving some hope to those who may think they have exhausted all resources.

And remember - this too can be a test from Allah......so dont ever lose hope, and make duaa that Allah grant you shifaa' from this.

Hope this was of help, insha Allah.

I have one of those cd's and it does work, but if I stop listening to it, I find it hard to sleep again.

12-31-2011, 05:38 AM
Forget Islamicboard when you want to go sleep, or it will bothering you, then make you get out of bed and go back to your computer.

12-31-2011, 05:55 AM
Jazakallahu Khair. I actually think a lot of the tips you guys mentioned would work! Like the downtime thing. I'll give it a try, insha-Allah.

12-31-2011, 06:08 AM

^ brother Salahudeen,

That just shows the power of the sub-conscious mind.
We take it for granted.....but this concept has been realised by some for centuries (its the basis for subliminal messaging used in movies, music, adverts, etc).

In the case of insomnia (and here Im referring to long-standing (may be months/ years) difficulty in falling asleep/ awakening too early.....not just the once of night that was poorly slept) - your enemy becomes your sub-conscious mind.

From past expierences, your mind actually associates going to bed as 'stressful'.
Often you may have thoughts of: 'Am I going to sleep tonight'.....'I have to sleep, Im too tired'.....'But what if I dont fall asleep again?'.......
There is so much anxiety that surrounds going to bed, that it prevents your mind from relaxing.....which ends up becoming a vicious cycle instead.

The same occurs with using sleeping pills or any other 'unnatural' means of falling asleep.
Sub-consciously, your mind believes that you MUST HAVE a sleeping pill, or in your case - listening to a sleep CD - to be able to fall asleep.

Which is why, whenever any of these methods are employed, it should only be used for a limited period only, insha Allah.

The purpose of hypnosis/ sleep CDs is to 're-condition' the mind about the above.
During a period of extreme relaxation, you allow your mind to process and internalise 'new' thoughts about sleeping - e.g: you will be told, 'I have no problems to sleep', 'Sleep is a simple, natural process for me', 'In future, i will fall asleep without the least effort made', etc, etc.
And with time - your mind actually begins to believe it!

In your case - I think, you should attempt 'weaning' yourself from these CDs.....maybe use it every 2nd day for a few weeks.....and then less as time goes on, insha Allah.
And tell yourself - that it is so easy for you to fall asleep, that you dont need any CDs anymore :)

Insha Allah - we all from relief from this problem of insomnia.
Sleep is soo important for our daily functioning - from so many psychological, physical and emotional aspects.

It is meant to rejuvenate the body at the end of each day.
It is our 'mini death', here in this dunya.

But our minds cannot find rest. :(
For our minds are too clattered, filled with the fitnahs of this dunya, the undue stresses that we burden ourselves with and from not remembering our Rabb enough.

Insomnia can truly become a trial to those who are really afflicted by it......ask Macbeth - he'll confirm this story :)

(For those who have not read Macbeth: he had killed King Ducan in his sleep.....and therefore could sleep no more:

Methought I heard a voice cry "Sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep," the innocent sleep,
Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleave of care,
The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast—


What do you mean?

Still it cried "Sleep no more!" to all the house:
"Glamis hath murder'd sleep, and therefore Cawdor
Shall sleep no more; Macbeth shall sleep no more."

Okies.....my essay is done for today.....:p


'Abd-al Latif
01-01-2012, 12:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tragic Typos

Many games contain content that are against Islam...
I didn't say what kind of games he should play. Of course games like MW3 and Battlefield are all based in Muslim lands so I'm not arguing with that. And on top of that war/first person shooting games are not the kind of games one should be playing before sleeping.

There is nothing wrong with games like Fifa 12, Batman or racing games because there is nothing to Islamically say we can't play them. The only general prohibition on playing games is whatever distracts you from your obligations. Even then the game itself isn't prohibited, it's the amount of time spent playing it.

01-01-2012, 01:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Forget Islamicboard when you want to go sleep, or it will bothering you, then make you get out of bed and go back to your computer.
Honestly, that's my experience.

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