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View Full Version : PROOF that Shaytaan exists, and the End Times.

- Qatada -
12-25-2011, 05:48 PM
Asalaamu alaykum waRahmatullahi waBarakaatuh

PROOF that Shaytaan exists, and the End Times.

Look at this image;

This is the idol/god Baphometh which has been worshipped by mainly European Satanists in Masonic (freemason) satanic churches, for around 1000years.

But how is this proof of shaytaan (satan) existing?

Satan worshippers are the richest people in the world. You might have already heard that around 98% of the world's riches/wealth belongs to only 1% of the world's population. Most of this wealth is gained through illegal gains.

But how did these people get all that wealth?


- Jewish Kabbalah satan worship
- Devil Worship (Re)Begins
- How Christians became Satan worshippers
- When you worship Jinns/devils, they will give you extra power
- Iblees's knowledge and experience
- Pharoah, Dajjal (anti-christ) and Today
- Dajjal signs in the Media today
- The Chain of Tradition

- The GOOD News
- Near Victory
- al Mahdi (the Guided one)
- Prophecies relating to the World Today

- So ask yourself these Questions

Jewish Kabbalah satan worship:

If we look at the book on history; al Bidaayah wa al-Nihaayah [the Beginning and the End] by Ibn Kathir (and also Tafseer ibn Katheer) we get the answer:

Tafsir ibn Kathir - Surah Baqarah 2:102:

As-Suddi said that Allah's statement,
﴿وَاتَّبَعُواْ مَا تَتْلُواْ الشَّيَـطِينُ عَلَى مُلْكِ سُلَيْمَـنَ﴾

(They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulayman) means, "`During the time of Prophet Solomon.' Beforehand, the devils used to ascend to heaven and eavesdrop on the conversations of the angels about what will occur on the earth regarding death, other incidents or unseen matters. They would convey this news to the soothsayers, and the soothsayers would in turn convey the news to the people. The people would believe what the soothsayers told them as being true. When the soothsayers trusted the devils, the devils started to lie to them and added other words to the true news that they heard, to the extent of adding seventy false words to each true word. The people recorded these words in some books. Soon after, the Children of Israel said that the Jinns know matters of the Unseen.

When Solomon was sent as a Prophet, he collected these books in a box and buried it under his throne; any devil that dared get near the box was burned. Solomon said, `I will not hear of anyone who says that the devils know the Unseen, but I will cut off his head.' When Solomon died and the scholars who knew the truth about Solomon perished, there came another generation. To them, the devil materialized in the shape of a human and said to some of the Children of Israel, `Should I lead you to a treasure that you will never be able to use up' They said. `Yes.' He said, `Dig under this throne,' and he went with them and showed them Solomon's throne. They said to him, `Come closer.' He said, `No. I will wait for you here, and if you do not find the treasure then kill me. ' They dug and found the buried books, and Satan said to them, `Solomon only controlled the humans, devils and birds with this magic.' Thereafter, the news that Solomon was a sorcerer spread among the people, and the Children of Israel adopted these books. When Muhammad came, they disputed with him relying on these books. Hence Allah's statement,

﴿وَمَا كَفَرَ سُلَيْمَـنُ وَلَـكِنَّ الشَّيْاطِينَ كَفَرُواْ﴾
(Sulayman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved). [Quran al Baqarah 2:102]

Devil Worship (Re)Begins

So the Israelites agreed, and learnt magic from the devil, but for you to perform magic - you have to worship devil Jinns which do trickery and possessions of humans for you.

Part of this devil worship is done through idol worship. This is why you will see any society engrossed in idol worship, and its people have amulets, magic and fear of supernatural beings (i.e. Jinns) and this happens throughout the world.

So looking in history;

The Israelites became idol worshippers (especially the Kabbalah sect which abandoned the teachings of Moses and gave the teachings 'hidden' meanings [similar to the Baatiniyyah sect which claims to be Muslim].)

How Christians became satan worshippers:

The Christian Templars during the time of the Crusades killed Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Palestine and found Jewish scrolls which contained this magic and themselves became idol worshippers to learn magic to earn unlimited wealth (Note: the Crusades were not really a 'religious' movement, but more about getting money into Europe because of its poverty.) In other words, they followed the footsteps of the Kabbalah Jews.

They carried this idea of abandoning of Christianity into Europe - and over the past 1000years made it into a Secular nation after it being Christian, so that people started to worship wealth and desires, just like idol worshippers do, and just like magicians do.

Similarly, there will be people from this Ummah who will strongly desire wealth, and will turn to idol worship to get this magic by any means. Just like Allah's Messenger (sal Allahu alayhi wasalam) told us that he;

- feared the most that we would compete for wealth and
- he feared that we would do the sins of the people of Lut (homosexuality) - which is a ritual in doing magic and gaining the pleasure of devil Jinns (shayaateen).
- he forbade the killing of your children (a ritual of magicians is to sacrifice children and women to the devil).
This is one of the reasons why craving for wealth is hated in Islam. Because it eventually leads to idol worship, worshipping shaytaan - literally.

When you worship Jinns/devils, they will give you extra power:

Shaytaan has promised a decieving promise to help those who worship idols (and abandon Tawheed - worshipping our 1 Creator alone).

He does this by promising them (the same things he promised Adam when trying to expel him from Paradise);

فَوَسْوَسَ إِلَيْهِ الشَّيْطَانُ قَالَ يَا آدَمُ هَلْ أَدُلُّكَ عَلَىٰ شَجَرَةِ الْخُلْدِ وَمُلْكٍ لَّا يَبْلَىٰ

Then Satan whispered to him; he said, "O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession that will not deteriorate?" [Quran Taha 20:120]

- Khuld (ongoing life - eternal life)
- Mulk (Kingdom - which never runs out

Whatever the person desires, he may get a certain amount of it depending on his sincerety to Shaytaan.

For example; the most famous singers in the world today have publically said they have 'sold their soul to the devil' (the same phrasing is mentioned in the Quran 2:102 - "Evil is what they sold themselves for.."). So they got fame through the freemason controlled media all over the world.

And if we look historically; Shaolin Masters (Buddhist Fighters who worship Buddha idols) get supernatural strength which normal people do not have, because they praise devil jinns, so these devil jinns possess them during times of fighting. So this 'super-human-fighter' is really a Jinn (or many jinns) with strong strength possessing [entering the body of] the Shaolin Buddhist master. So these people can lift extremely heavy objects which normal strong humans cannot lift, or if they are struck/hit with something which would knock down a camel - they stay standing and do not feel any pain at all.

Iblees's knowledge and experience:

Because Iblees (shaytaan/satan) is the father of all jinns, and who has lived amongst angels, and has lived since the beginning of human history, he has seen the different worldly achievements and how civilizations gained worldly success, and how they were destroyed (the Rise & Fall of civilizations). So he promises to give his followers riches, skills, and ideas - so long as they use them to promote his agenda of spreading disbelief in Allah (our Creator - the One God).

His followers will be people who are Liars/Slanderers, and Constant Sinners, and Poets (maybe like 'singers' today) just like Allah says in surah Shu'araa 26.221.

Pharoah, Dajjal (anti-christ), and Today;

The earliest civilization we know about indepth the most -due to the freemason media spreading it- is the Pharoanic civilization. Pharoah had followers who;

1- Did great magic.
2 - They were materialists,
3 - they were atheist,
4 - considered Pharoah to be their Rabb (Master, provider, carer).
5 - made fun of the weak, poor 'lowly class' believers. [the ones with Prophet Musa (Moses)]

Dajjal will be the most similar person to Pharoah in history:

1 - He will do great magic,
2 - will promote materialism
3- will have a following of majority atheists (think 'human-worship'; why is atheist da'wah given so much positive attention in science and in the freemason-controlled media today?)
4 - he will claim to be the Rabb (Master, provider, carer) for all of his followers.
5 - will make fun of the weak, poor 'lowly class' believers [the ones with the Mahdi (who - similar to Moses - will have a stutter problem which Pharoah made fun of (Quran Zukhruf 43:52)].

Dajjal signs in the Media today:

1 - Anti-religious messages:
a - promoting atheism.
b - making fun of Prophets'.
c - promoting shamelessness.
d - promoting the 'one eye of Dajjal' symbol (all movies today hint at this, and so do music songs [this is why the salaf said music is the voice of shaytaan - because evil is beautified through music]).
e - Talking animals and magical monsters are portrayed as good characters in the media cartoons. Most likely, this is preparing people for acceptance of jinns coming in animal or monster (abnormal animal) form near the arrival of al Dajjal. It is a deception because these talking animals will be infact devil Jinns.

There are many signs today which clearly prove that there is a media war against religion, especially Islam. So if you see them praising a certain type of Islam in the media, always be cautious about them.

Note: Any Islamic group -no matter what sect- which has Wala' wa-al Bara' (Allegiance to the believers globally, and Disallegiance to the disbelievers) will be criticized. Whereas any Muslims who put nationalism before Islamic global brotherhood will be praised by the media.

The Chain of Tradition:

Dajjal will be the leader of all; atheists, idol-worshippers, jews and christians. In other words - soon he will come and lead the whole world against true, sincere Muslims.

1 - His main followers and supporters will be the trillionaires, freemasons who worship shaytaan. This is when we will see the massive wealth of the world which has been hidden, and it will be following with al Dajjal and his followers to tempt the masses to follow him.

2 - These ex-christian freemasons got their wealth from the rich Golden era Muslim lands during the crusades, and over this millenium through any haraam means (including usury in international banks, through colonialism, and stealing resources of nations and selling them at inflated/expensive prices.)

3 - These ex-christian templar freemasons got their ideas from Kabbalah Jews who survived the crusades.

4 - These Kabbalah Jews were the descendants of the Jews who continuously rebelled against Moses, and wanted to worship the golden Cow (Baqarah) [which would allow them to worship devils and do magic.]

5 - Where did they learn their idol worship from? The culture of the Pharoahs' in Egypt. This is why you will read statements of Kufr [disbelief] in the Bible, claims like 'God rested' [Genesis 2:2]

Timeline Summarized

Dajjal -> Freemasons -> Ex-Templars -> Kabbalah Zionist Israelites -> Rebellious followers of Moses -> Pharoah society... --> Shaytaan (the devil.)

X - We know there were polytheistic civilizations who got fooled and misled by the devils from even before Pharoah. So we see that Shaytaan has fooled them, made them worship him for some temporarily worldly benefit, and this fooling the masses is exactly what is happening in the world today uptill his coming.

The Good News:

1 - Allah has promised greater strength and victory to the believers over the devils and their allies.

a - by reciting Qur'an (Ayat al Kursi 2:255), the devils flee and run. The reciting of the Qur'an breaks magical spells (which are really acts of the Jinn against humans.)

b - the miracles Allah gives are powerful, and supernatural and unmatched. I.e. The Angels descending and destroying the devils of the Jinn and mankind [i.e. See the battle of Badr and angels descending and defending the believers.]

c - Jinns fear humans more than we fear them. So for some human (devil worshipper) to enslave himself to a Jinn shows he is weak. Whereas us believers are humans who the Jinn fear, and Allah is also on our side.

2 - Before the arrival of al-Dajjal, Allah is soon to send a believer, al Mahdi (the Guided one) to unite the sincere believers and give them strength.

3 - What the believers today are going through of difficulty in the different lands and dungeons/prisons is a preparation for strengthening them in their Islam, whereby the believers will be prepared for the Prophecies of the End Times (since relatively most of the minor signs have passed already.)

4 - The believers in the Muslim lands are preparing armies similar to the ones mentioned in the Prophecies:

Abu Dawud narrated from 'Abdullah ibn Hawalah [radhiyallahu 'anhu] that he said: "The Messenger of Allah [sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam] said: "Matters will run their course until you become three armies: an army in Sham (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine), an army in 'Iraq, and an army in the Yemen." I said: "O Messenger of Allah, choose which one I should join." He said: "You should go to Sham [syria, palestine, lebanon, jordan], for it is the best of Allah's lands, and the best of His slaves will be drawn there. And if you refuse, then you should go to the Yemen and drink from its wells. For Allah has guaranteed me that He will look after Sham and its people."

And Ibn Majah narrated from 'Abdullah ibn al- Harith ibn Juz' az-Zubaydi [radhiyallahu 'anhu] that he said: "The Messenger of Allah [sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam] said: "A people will come from the East who will prepare the way for the Mahdi." And Ahmad narrated from Ibn 'Abbas [radhiyallahu 'anhuma] that he said: "The Messenger of Allah [sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam] said: "There will come out of 'Adn Abyan twelve thousand supporting Allah and His Messenger, who will be the best of people between my time and theirs."

It seems all these Prophecies are coming into effect (or extremely close to coming into effect) while we are reading this. The Yemen (Abyan-Aden), Iraq, and Afghanistan (east) and in Palestine (in Shaam). All of these are forming today and will only increase in strength and influence in the near-future.

And in the end, the victory is for the believers.

So ask yourself these questions:

1 - If satan did not exist, then why do these extremely wealthy and intellectual people -throughout history- unite on worshipping him within Masonic churches?

2 - If Dajjal was not real, then question why there is a massive global media push in promoting the symbol of the 'one eye' in nearly every film, cartoon, or song which is becoming mainstream today.

3 - Why is there such a drastic increase of evil (swearing, violence, and shamelessness) in mainstream media and in our socieities (as Prophecised) in comparison to say - just 2 generations ago? When mankind should be reaching a higher level of goodness with all the beneficial technology we have for human benefit?

4 - How could an illiterate man (Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah) from the desert, over 1,400years ago - explain future historical events in such detail and accuracy in relation to modern present-day history?


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12-26-2011, 05:09 AM
This is very interesting. One of the prophecies about the last days that strikes me as particularly relevant is the bedouins competing in building tall buildings as in the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and Abraj Al-Bait in Mecca. I actually visited the Georgia Guidestones in rural Georgia, USA that someone deciphered the measurements as a prophecy for the building of the world's tallest building in Dubai http://vanshardware.com/2010/01/more...-burj-khalifa/
The Guidestones are considered America's Stonehenge and this message is engraved on the huge granite slabs in several languages including Arabic.


12-26-2011, 05:26 AM
I am presently reading, "Mysterious Monuments" where it has a picture of an arch in a building at Yale University with Baphomet carved in stone. George W. Bush went to school there and was a member of the Illuminati's Order of Skull & Bones. Seems like it is all interrelated.

12-26-2011, 10:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc
One of the prophecies about the last days that strikes me as particularly relevant is the bedouins competing in building tall buildings as in the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and Abraj Al-Bait in Mecca.
When asked about the signs of the hour, the Prophet (PBUH) said: "That slave women give birth to their mistresses; and that you see barefoot, unclothed, shepherds competing in the construction of tall buildings." (Muslim)

And then we see this:


Expansion Plan


So that's another of the prophecy of The Last Hour signs being fulfilled.

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12-26-2011, 04:17 PM
Brother Qatada, did you write this OP yourself?

12-26-2011, 04:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ramadhan

When asked about the signs of the hour, the Prophet (PBUH) said: "That slave women give birth to their mistresses; and that you see barefoot, unclothed, shepherds competing in the construction of tall buildings." (Muslim)

So that's another of the prophecy of The Last Hour signs being fulfilled.
I don't know about you, but I find this fulfilled prophecy about the Last Days to be literally amazing.

Quoting from "Mysterious Monuments' under the picture of Burj Khalifa on page 512, "However, already on the drawing boards are more building projects. One, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, will go skyward a mile high-that's 5,250 feet. Another, in the United Arab Emirates, will soar an astonishing twp miles high-a colossal 10,500 feet!" The implication to me from this book is that these tall buildings are Masonic-inspired architectural prophecies and in effect Satanic idols. "Architecture remained a chosen instrument for the perpetuation of the Grand Design - the building of the perfect world." Manly Hall, 33 degree Mason.

I find it odd that predominantly Muslim countries are leading the way in this architectural competition.

12-26-2011, 04:46 PM
That image in first post is very ugly +o(

12-26-2011, 04:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc
I find it odd that predominantly Muslim countries are leading the way in this architectural competition.
It is called frivolity .. in lieu of investing their money on the lowest common denominator educating their youth with something other than how to crash their new aston martin they spend on building so that Tom cruise can dangle 'heroically' from the roof and still get paid millions of Muslim money.. or have it go down in flames as happened recently in U.A.E.. it makes me sick walhi.. the stark contrast.. the greater part of the Muslim world is suffering.. Palestinians kicked out of Quds everyday by way of ethnic cleansing .. and these morons buy beaten American artillery to use against other Muslims and have high rise buildings..

12-26-2011, 04:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Salahudeen
That image in first post is very ugly +o(
You were looking for a handsome devil? ;D

12-26-2011, 04:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll
You were looking for a handsome devil? ;D
;D not handsome but not something so grotesque either :hmm:

12-26-2011, 05:30 PM
Amazing post, and very correct Masha'Allah :DAll the minor end time signs have occured now, and will only become worse, worse and worse ;) altough i disagree with some points.. the crusaders went to jerusalem because they believed the propaganda the christian empire was spreading (christians getting tortured by muslims and other lies) , they did spread this propaganda because they lost many battles when they fought with the muslims so they were afraid that the byzantine empire was gonna collapse. Thats why they called every christian army in this world together to build a greater and stronger empire to fight the muslims and defeat them in which they failed. The jews themselves took advantage of this, this was the right moment to create their own state. Altough they failed until after the collapse of the ottoman empire. Correct me if i'm wrong

The templar knights were a special force of ''brave'' knights, and after they captured jerusalem they found the magic tablets.

12-26-2011, 06:20 PM
EDIT: nevermind

12-26-2011, 08:54 PM
Why don't I have any magic devil powers? I feel ripped off after reading all that.

12-26-2011, 09:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis
Why don't I have any magic devil powers? I feel ripped off after reading all that.
Do you ask because you worship idols, jinn or Satan? I would think you are one not given to worshiping anything. If you confidently believe there is no God, why would you believe in Satan? Perhaps, you were just making a joke and I missed it.:(

12-26-2011, 10:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis
Why don't I have any magic devil powers? I feel ripped off after reading all that.
I think you do have devil powers.. like the ability to depress people, surely that's a devilish trait..as for 'magical' well I fear you'll have to define that for us..


12-26-2011, 10:42 PM
Here is an interesting video of a jihn talking about the involvement of arab leaders in the satanic world, and much more.


12-26-2011, 11:05 PM
:haha: zazoula I am sorry I am not sure I buy into this french speaking jinn girl..

12-26-2011, 11:18 PM
loool, i found it hilarious myself.

But what the french jihn is saying are things we already know. This video might be true or could be fake, but the message is one we know. I found it interesting when she spoke about the Arab leaders, as most are allied with the Americans. Controversial still, but interesting.

12-26-2011, 11:21 PM
they do kill babies but not sure why that would be prized?

12-26-2011, 11:29 PM
Lol thats for the jihns to decide, but maybe because of the magnitude of the sin. And jihns (shaytaan) enjoy when mankind sins. But allahu a3lm.

12-27-2011, 12:08 PM
I found that vid real tough, if you can change your voice like that then you are very pro. (lol)
Also recognize the Noor on the guys face (Masha'Allah) so he is not faking and lying atleast.

Anyway they do rituals for the jinn, so they can please them(Shaytaan). Sometimes they need to sacrifice something, this can be an animal or indeed a baby. And the jinn will promise them(The worshippers/magicians) to give something too, (More wealth, money, beautifull cars)

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