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View Full Version : Do you snoop? Been snooped?

01-01-2012, 09:56 PM
Based on a thread I read recently on here, I was wondering...

Parents: Do you / have you snooped on your child's internet stuff?
Kids: Have you caught your parents snooping?

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♥ Sofia ♥
01-01-2012, 10:10 PM

oh, my mum definitely snoops... i am only 14 years old, though, so she obviously has the right to :smile: i have nothing sneaky going on though, alhamdulillah, lol. the snooping is to be expected, especially since my parents are some of the most over-protective around!

my mum's the worst of the two. i've caught my mum snooping before but i don't think you could call it 'snooping' since she isn't afraid to do it even if i'm right behind her! she and my father also ask me straight up if i'm talking to boys whenever i'm on the phone which can get a little embarrassing :statisfie

they've sort of stopped now but my mum claims it isn't over and she's 'watching my every move through my laptop's webcam'. lol.

01-01-2012, 10:51 PM

My parents trust me.

01-01-2012, 11:31 PM
My mum just about knows how to use a mobile phone, imagine her on the internet! ;D

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01-02-2012, 03:18 AM
I do not think it is about trust. At least when you are a teenager. Parents want the best for you, you wont be existing if parents did not bore you, so I think kids have to accept that parents being over-protective is normal, even if it infringes on your life. Yes, once you reach balooga, then your parents HAS no responsibility to feed you or support you, and likewise I accept them not to snoop into your private stuff, although I still expect them to keep an eye on you.

01-02-2012, 08:47 AM
TBH if I had kids they would have no privacy at all till they were grown ups, no computer or TV in bedroom, and the computer would have software to monitor what they're doing. We live in a world where children quite often pull the wool over their parents eyes, you can never be sure what your kid is getting up to or what he/she has got themselves into. Better to be cautious than sorry.

01-02-2012, 09:51 AM
Yes! I snoop my son, a 13 years old boy. I always watch what he see on computer, and I often check files that downloaded by him.

There was a case, he download a free program. I was beside him when he download and then open that program. Do you know what was that? Not usual virus, but virus that shows porn picture on the monitor.

I will not forbid him use internet, but I always watch him and remind him, be careful if he wants to download a file from internet.

01-02-2012, 11:02 AM
children these days are so smart though.
They know their computers at home are being installed with all kinds of netnanny programs by their parents. If they really are naughty, they will just go to public internet or internet cafes ("warnet" in Indonesia).

The best way is to instill good education, good awareness of current situation, good eeman and islamic knowledge, and always create good communications with them.

When I was a kid, I don't think my parents were ever snooping me, but then again, I probably didn't realize that they were :X

01-02-2012, 01:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ♥ Sofia ♥
oh, my mum definitely snoops... i am only 14 years old, though, so she obviously has the right to i have nothing sneaky going on though, alhamdulillah, lol. the snooping is to be expected, especially since my parents are some of the most over-protective around!

my mum's the worst of the two. i've caught my mum snooping before but i don't think you could call it 'snooping' since she isn't afraid to do it even if i'm right behind her! she and my father also ask me straight up if i'm talking to boys whenever i'm on the phone which can get a little embarrassing

they've sort of stopped now but my mum claims it isn't over and she's 'watching my every move through my laptop's webcam'. lol.

If parents snoop their kids, it's normal. If parents never snoop their kids, ..... that's abnormal. :D

Your parents are not over-protective parents, but parents who protect their kids well. Over-protective parents can forbids their kids do normal activity just because they are afraid their kids will get accident. But parents who protect their kids well, allow their kids do this activity but they will guide their kids how to do this activity safely.

♥ Sofia ♥
01-02-2012, 01:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto

If parents snoop their kids, it's normal. If parents never snoop their kids, ..... that's abnormal. :D

Your parents are not over-protective parents, but parents who protect their kids well. Over-protective parents can forbids their kids do normal activity just because they are afraid their kids will get accident. But parents who protect their kids well, allow their kids do this activity but they will guide their kids how to do this activity safely.

my parents do look out for me pretty well masha'Allah :D i do get annoyed sometimes when they don't let me go to my friend's house or whatever, though. lol. but it's nothing big. it's better than letting me run free.

better to be at home than out loose on the streets!

01-02-2012, 01:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ♥ Sofia ♥
my parents do look out for me pretty well masha'Allah i do get annoyed sometimes when they don't let me go to my friend's house or whatever, though. lol. but it's nothing big. it's better than letting me run free.

better to be at home than out loose on the streets!

That's because you are girl. In certain matter parent treat their girls different than their boys. But this is not gender discrimination.

♥ Sofia ♥
01-02-2012, 01:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
That's because you are girl. In certain matter parent treat their girls different than their boys. But this is not gender discrimination.
i see... i don't have any siblings so i wouldn't know, lol :) i always thought protective parents were equally as strict with all their children.

01-02-2012, 02:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ♥ Sofia ♥
i see... i don't have any siblings so i wouldn't know, lol i always thought protective parents were equally as strict with all their children.
Just for information. If a boy always stay alone in his room, parents usually will tell him "Out from your room, and play with your friend!".

I understand if sometime, or maybe often, you feel annoyed because your parents snoop you, or tell you "you should ..... you must .....". But, that's the parents are.

I was teenager too, but now I am a parent.

01-02-2012, 03:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by CosmicPathos
I do not think it is about trust. At least when you are a teenager. Parents want the best for you, you wont be existing if parents did not bore you, so I think kids have to accept that parents being over-protective is normal, even if it infringes on your life. Yes, once you reach balooga, then your parents HAS no responsibility to feed you or support you, and likewise I accept them not to snoop into your private stuff, although I still expect them to keep an eye on you.
Parent must protect their children, but over protective is not good. It will make the child's personality can not develop properly. Just tell our children wich the right, which the wrong.

Let our children grow up as a "children of the life" who will determine by themselves where they will go, what they will become in the future.

Sometime we must advise our children with "you must do it, you should not do it", but let's not push our children with "you must be a child like this, you should not be a child like this". Let them be themselves.

All we can do is give them a spirit for achieving their own future, and always guide them so they do not stray down to the wrong path. Snoop is a method to prevent them stray down to the wrong path. It's okay, as long as not too 'deep'.

Sometimes we have to forbid our children to do something, but do not just ban. Let them know why they should not do that, and give them a safer alternative.

01-02-2012, 03:22 PM
They say 55% of kids are snooped. Or was it 55% of parents that snoop? Either of the two.

01-02-2012, 03:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Beardo
They say 55% of kids are snooped. Or was it 55% of parents that snoop? Either of the two.
45% of kids are snooped by their parents but they don't know. ;D

01-02-2012, 04:33 PM
My parents left me with a self responsibility,so they won't snoop

01-02-2012, 04:55 PM
My mom doesn't even know how to check the history, not that we go on anything bad. lol parents on the computer.

01-03-2012, 06:17 AM
i snoop whenever i want but seldom. other time i just let it go and pray for the best. its very exhausting if you need to snoop everyday and then. Am i a bad mother?? huhu

01-03-2012, 06:32 AM
I do check up from time to time but you cant really tell what kids are doing these days. All parents should all be aware browsers these days have a 'in private browsing mode' which basically allows anyone to browse the net without leaving a trace. (Unfortunately there is no way to disable the option)

:hmm: Snooping is no good. More stricter measures should be in place

01-03-2012, 06:49 PM
^ You have children? O___o

01-04-2012, 09:09 AM
I think if snooping is done the person who you're snooping should be made aware that he/she doesn't have privacy and you will be monitoring them, that way they also will think twice.

~ Sabr ~
01-04-2012, 09:25 AM

My parents never used to snoop when I was little, but I wish they did now. It's good to snoop - that shows you have nothing to hide from your parents and you shouldn't have anything to hide either.

Insha'Allah when I have my children, I will make them feel as they won't have to hide anything from me and they can talk to me about anything, so they won't feel like they will have to snoop around.

01-04-2012, 11:29 AM
I dont have a child yet and I was away from parents at very young age. soo cant answer

This can apply to my husband, I used to check his emails and mobiles then I got tired, alhamdollellah there was nothing to worry, as a woman, sometimes we worry about nonsense and he understands that.

On his part, mashallah he never checked my phone or ask for my passwords,, so yayy! IM FREE lol
Actually that is TRUST .. indeeed:p

01-04-2012, 12:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Salahudeen
I think if snooping is done the person who you're snooping should be made aware that he/she doesn't have privacy and you will be monitoring them, that way they also will think twice.
Snooping is different than monitoring, bro.

I snoop, but not monitor.

01-04-2012, 02:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ramadhan
When I was a kid, I don't think my parents were ever snooping me, but then again, I probably didn't realize that they were
When I was kid and when I was teenager, my parents were never snooping my internet stuff. That's because I never use internet in that time. Even I got my first computer few months after my 20th birthday, in early of 1988.

01-04-2012, 03:38 PM
Would you snoop on your kids? Yes or no. Don't say "if I have suspicions..."

♥ Sofia ♥
01-04-2012, 03:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Beardo
Would you snoop on your kids? Yes or no. Don't say "if I have suspicions..."
^ i'm obviously not a mother yet but i know i would... you can never be too sure so it's better to be safe than sorry. i, myself, know that my mum checks up on me. i don't know how often anymore, but the fact she does that has actually changed me, i think. i know not to mess around because i know i can't hide lol. not saying i'd mess around anyway!

Sothis Girl
01-29-2012, 04:43 PM
when I was a kid my mum likes to snoop my diary. ARRGHH!! worse is when I was 14 and suffered from schizophrenia, my dad caught my schizophrenic, illegible diary, and scrutinized me for that :raging:

Now I've never been snooped again because I password-protect all my diary files, and I used my own alphabet code to write my diary for something really personal ;D

01-29-2012, 05:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Beardo
Would you snoop on your kids? Yes or no. Don't say "if I have suspicions..."

Yes, I would if I had kids. I guess I wouldn't trust them.

01-29-2012, 11:43 PM
i read it as spoonign lol as in spoon feedign LOL

WOT ON EARTH IS SNOOPING? :S sound like sum cartoon characters name or was it scoob?:S

sis muslimah
01-29-2012, 11:48 PM
my mum has no idea how to check the history and stuff although she did made me make her a fb account so she can keep eye on me (not that i had anything to hide) :hmm: then she made me delete my fb and still kept hers haha i dont mind her snooping, hve nothing to hide :)

joyous fairy
01-30-2012, 01:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by $tr@wB3rRy
i read it as spoonign lol as in spoon feedign LOL

WOT ON EARTH IS SNOOPING? :S sound like sum cartoon characters name or was it scoob?:S
Snooping is like spying.

My mum cant use a computer so she cant snoop lol. My dad has not snooped really but I think he does just check what we are doing sometimes.

01-30-2012, 03:50 AM
It really says something about your confidence and trust in your children if you snoop on them and how you've raised them. Even if they have something to hide, it's best to let them make decisions for themselves. Privacy is something I value very highly and when someone infringes on it, it feels very violating. I didn't have parents to snoop on me, but I would have snooped on them in return. I bet they'd have not liked that.

Treat others the way you want to be treated. Even if it's your children, that's the rule that should always be followed, not just preached.

[Edit: Two different questions in one poll? Doesn't that invalidate the answers collectively? Haha.]

01-30-2012, 03:57 AM

That was the first thing I thought of when I saw the thread title...

joyous fairy
01-30-2012, 04:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Wyatt
It really says something about your confidence and trust in your children if you snoop on them and how you've raised them. Even if they have something to hide, it's best to let them make decisions for themselves. Privacy is something I value very highly and when someone infringes on it, it feels very violating. I didn't have parents to snoop on me, but I would have snooped on them in return. I bet they'd have not liked that.

Treat others the way you want to be treated. Even if it's your children, that's the rule that should always be followed, not just preached.

[Edit: Two different questions in one poll? Doesn't that invalidate the answers collectively? Haha.]
Sorry I dont agree. Children are usually too young to know whats exactly right and wrong, especially in these times where everything is available online. For example, a lot of music videos these days are far too inappropriate for kids but because they are popular and everyones watching them, kids will think that its ok for them too.

Even films nowadays are rated too low IMO. Twilight for instance, I wouldnt let my teenage daughter watch that let alone one thats under 12.

I understand your point about privacy, but I really think children need to be guided up to a certain age at least.

01-30-2012, 05:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by joyous fairy

Sorry I dont agree. Children are usually too young to know whats exactly right and wrong, especially in these times where everything is available online. For example, a lot of music videos these days are far too inappropriate for kids but because they are popular and everyones watching them, kids will think that its ok for them too.

Even films nowadays are rated too low IMO. Twilight for instance, I wouldnt let my teenage daughter watch that let alone one thats under 12.

I understand your point about privacy, but I really think children need to be guided up to a certain age at least.
To a reasonable point, but at least the parent should be open about it and not snoop. They should be open about all their concerns. Having overly protective parents is one thing, but having parents that sneak around and spy on the children is another thing that loses my respect. I also wouldn't prevent my children from going through their teenage years without any mistakes. They wouldn't learn anything otherwise. I would focus on teaching them to have good judgment and decide everything for themselves. You can't force [honestly] good behaviour.

If they constantly feel like they are being watched and will be punished for every little choice they make, it will only cause them to behave badly because it belittles them and they feel like there's no respect given to them. They don't feel the need to reflect it.

real islam
03-17-2012, 05:25 AM
I don't think so.What do you think?

03-17-2012, 06:28 AM
Never snooped (don't have kids, and am unmarried yet - waaay overdue I tell ya)

My parents never snooped, spied etc - I was very fortunate not to feel that awkwardness as a child.


04-17-2012, 07:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sis muslimah
my mum has no idea how to check the history and stuff although she did made me make her a fb account so she can keep eye on me (not that i had anything to hide) then she made me delete my fb and still kept hers haha i dont mind her snooping, hve nothing to hide
Same thing happened to me!!!! She made an FB after I made mines even though 1. she is hopeless when it comes to electronics. It takes her an hour to figure out how to sign on her email and then another hour to type in all the info and 2. I have nothing to hide either lol. But at one point she grew annoyed esp of the some of the pics my friends had up and was like "thats it. just cancel it all". and she still kept hers!

Hmm well my dad doesn't really snoop, he doesn't really care lol. As long as we're quiet and don't cause problems. My mom is the insane snooper, esp when I was 14 and 15. But now she's loosening up. I know it's an act of love and I appreciate it lol but there's got to be some limits and trust.

And imho there's more pressure on girls than boys. For example, my bro and I live completely diff lives.

04-17-2012, 07:22 PM
Alhamduillah, my parents are not the snooping type. My dad is quite nice, but my mom, Masha"Allah. She doesn't snoop but she has a glare that says "I know whatcha you did". That glare gave her supernatural powers. She won't ask a single question, just glare slowly and turn away. Even if I didn't do a single thing that day, I would become suspicious of past events she might have unraveled. And think twice about any future action I plan on undertaking. But, after awhile, you reach an age where you could make reasonable decisions about life.

Who Am I?
05-01-2012, 03:40 PM

I found some birthday presents once in my parents' closet. I wasn't expecting to find anything. I only wandered in there to get a towel for the bath... :hmm:

05-01-2012, 04:04 PM
nope my parents trust me n i do tell them wht i do n i dun mind if they check my cell phone etc buh i dun let anyone else touch my cell ph lol

05-04-2012, 08:35 PM
I'm not going to snoop when I have kids. I think they need room to grow, including personal space.

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