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View Full Version : Should a Man love his Wife more or his Bloodline Family Members more ?

03-04-2012, 10:23 AM
Should a Man love his Wife more or his Bloodline Family Members more ? Some People say that a Man should love their Children more then their Wife but what if a Married Couple has no Children ? Also I know we should love God more then any Human but Im talking about which Human we should love more as far as which Humans we should love more compared to other Humans ? In my opinion I would love my Wife more then any other Human if I was Married thank you very much for your answers ?


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03-04-2012, 04:39 PM

A man escape from a sinking ship to a lifeboat. Suddenly he sees his mother and his wife floating in the sea, but the problem is, this lifeboat only enough for two person. Who will he save?.

There are four answers, depend on the type of this man.

#1: If he is a man who loves his mother more he loves his wife because he realize he has his mother bloodline, he will save his mother.

#2: If he is a man who loves his wife more than he loves his mother because he realize his wife is his life-partner, he will save his wife.

#3: If he is a gentleman, he will save all of them. He will gives his lifeboat to his mother and his wife and he let himself dies in the sea.

#4: If he is a ba****d, he will leave them die in the sea. Then he back to the home, sell his mother house and use the money to marry a new wife.

Which type are you, bro? :D

Okay, I'll be back tomorrow, InshaAllah.

'Abd-al Latif
03-04-2012, 05:30 PM

A man should love the one who has the most taqwa in his house. No one will ever taste from the fruits of loving another unless it is love for the sake of Allah.

03-04-2012, 08:19 PM
I would say: Love them equally. Every one have a haqq on you, but I love my mother much more. In other words, just because you love one more than the other does not mean that you should mistreat anyone. And of course Allah and the prophet comes before anyone else

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03-04-2012, 08:51 PM
There is no need to compare two different types of love.

03-05-2012, 02:58 AM
i think islam has no restriction on amount of love for someone. u can love less or more anyone u like but what u need to do is to fulfill their rights. its seems to be more practical bcz if u say i love my mom much but u dont care, support, visit, that seems to be meaningless. yes Allah SWT says that momin (true muslism) have love for Allah SWT and Prophet PBUH more than any other thing of the world.
And Allah SWT knows the best.

03-05-2012, 08:37 AM
I agree with TrueStranger. Love between two wives is comparable but love between mother and wife is not. Both types are based on different needs, emotions and psychology, and cannot replace one another. And anyway, one day we all learn that the number of all relationships in life is not restricted - but you will always only have one mother. So cherish her while you can.

I have to say though, that all loves have a big selfish side to them. It's 'us' who likes them. It's us who likes to be with them. It's us who wants something from them. We love them because they makes us happy, or feel a certain way. So if we look closely, when we love someone, it is about us at the end of the day. Our needs. Our emotions. Us, us and us. The day someone kicks you up the backside, all the love goes flying out the window. As long as they are good to us we will go to the ends of the earth for them. But the minute... You get the picture I hope?

03-05-2012, 09:34 AM
In my opinion I would love my Wife more then any other Human if I was Married

Seriously, if a husband of mine told me he loved me more than his mother, I'd be like ^o) huh your mother is the one who gave you birth after carrying you for nine months. she's the one who suffered.. sacrificed her sleep and comforts for you, her dua for you is always accepted, and after all she's done for you, you love me more??? :-\ I'd be really disappointed in him and would end up losing respect for him.

'Abd-al Latif
03-05-2012, 12:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tigerkhan
i think islam has no restriction on amount of love for someone. u can love less or more anyone u like but what u need to do is to fulfill their rights. its seems to be more practical bcz if u say i love my mom much but u dont care, support, visit, that seems to be meaningless. yes Allah SWT says that momin (true muslism) have love for Allah SWT and Prophet PBUH more than any other thing of the world.
And Allah SWT knows the best.
Islam does have restriction to the amount you love someone. When it goes into the realm of worship to another diety, person or thing, it is criticized; this includes deep, passionate love that becomes obsessive and makes one commit haram deeds (ishq – in Arabic). Excessive love that blinds one to reason and reality is also criticized.

03-05-2012, 03:43 PM

As has been mentioned, we can not begin to compare the love we feel for our parents and siblings - to that experienced between husband and wife.

The dynamics within each relationship is so different, that its almost like comparing apples to pears - they are similiar (being fruit), yet different.

Yet this does not place one higher than the higher.

We need each type of relationship at different points in our lives, and to fulfill different emotional needs.

It is often said that we cannot replace our mothers (or fathers).....but we can always replace our spouse.

I think this a very unemotional, almost callous way of comparing the two.
Yes, we can always re-marry - but you will never be able to replace that person.......your wife/ husband is unique and special in their own way, very much as your parents are.

We should not be focussing on 'Who do I love more?', but rather: 'Am I fulfilling the rights of ALL those around me?'- including my parents, my spouse, my family, my neighbours, my employers, etc.

Hadith - Sahih Al-Bukhari 3.189, Narrated Abu Juhaifa

Salman told Abu Ad-Darda', "Your Lord has a right on you, your soul has a right on you, and your family has a right on you; so you should give the rights of all those who has a right on you."
Abu Ad-Darda' came to the Prophet and narrated the whole story. The Prophet (sallahu alaihi wasalam) said, "Salman has spoken the truth."

Remember our duties towards our parents, the kindness and patience that we should be showing them, as described in Al-Quraan:

Al-Isra 23-24:

"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.

And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, "My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small."

cannot be matched to any other relationship that we have.

And so too is the bond between husband and wife, incomparable to any other:

"Your wives are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them." (2:187)

The completion of one another and the protection and comfort expierenced between husband and wife, can not be expierenced in a like manner by any other 2 people.

These bonds are so unique, that to be trying to compare them/ rank them - withdraws the importance and beauty of each.

Alhamdulillah for each of these relationships that Allah has blessed us with in this dunya.



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03-05-2012, 04:46 PM

I think Zaria pretty much covered it.

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