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09-17-2012, 10:12 PM
i really hope someone can guide me in the right way.. as you can tell i am a sunni girl and while at university a guy showed interest in me for about 4 years (during this time he had become good friends with my brother and had met my parents during friends parties etc)..
although i wasnt keen on him before, due to my parents suggestion and persuasion of mutual friends i decided to consider him for marriage and after getting to know him more decided that he was the one for me..

now he has dropped a bomb at me that he is an ahmadi and he could not tell me earlier as he felt i would say no straight away..

i dont know what to do now, i havnt spoke to my family about it as i know they will never agree due to misconceptions associated with ahmadi's (which he has claimed are wrongly portrayed by media and that ahmadi's are actually muslims)..

i have done quite a fair bit of research and i honestly cant agree to convert to follow ahmadi with my heart..

anyone been in similar situation??
and also is there a possibility that we could both convert to just Islam (with any labels)?

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sister herb
09-17-2012, 10:28 PM
Salam alaykum

welcome to forum.

Alpha Dude
09-17-2012, 10:38 PM
Sister, Ahmadi = Qadiani, right? If so, they are not considered Muslim. Their beliefs take them outside the pale of Islam as understood by the mainstream.

Forget what your family might say, for you own sake, don't be misled and don't consider converting to such a thing.

09-17-2012, 10:44 PM
What he said ^ also

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09-17-2012, 10:48 PM
If he was sure that his followings were correct, he wouldn't have to hide it from you or anyone else. Obviously he knows it is not accepted within Islam so....

As it was advised, make istikhara, and don't follow any deviations, for your own sake.

- cOsMiC

Alpha Dude
09-17-2012, 10:50 PM
These people believe that Isa AS has already had his second coming... in India in the 18th century. The guy that claimed to be the saviour actually died due to diarrhea, on a toilet no less. Not exactly a 'blessed' death, is it?

The beliefs that this group propogate is nothing but sheer falsehood. Please try to not let your feelings for this guy cloud your judgement. Your ID is sunnigirl here, you should strive to keep to Sunni beliefs.

09-17-2012, 11:16 PM
asalaamu alaykum

why do istikhaara or visit the local imam for something so blatant

ahmadis are not muslim

it makes me so angry how they even consider themselves muslim omg

09-17-2012, 11:46 PM
A man (I doubt he is one!) who hid his truth, truth about his ownself, just to get you, do you want to marry such a low person?

Ask that question to yourself.

Tell him in clear words that you will not marry any kaafir. If he is willing to sincerely revert to Islam, then do consider him, but again after dropping that bomb, you must tread cautiously. This is a big red flag in a potential spouse one is considering.

09-18-2012, 11:22 AM
welcom on board sister.
this first thing, no need to do iskhara...bcz istahra mean salat to seek help of Allah SWT in some "halal" matter. and if something is forbidden by HIM, it doesn't make logic to ask HIM whether to do it or not.
2ndly thank Allah SWT that ur heart didn't feel comfortable with the wrong beliefs. the greatest blessing of Allah SWT is not a ideal husband, not a beloved family, not billions of dollars, fame or anything BUT the hidayaat and right belief. bcz all these things r temporary and their benefit are also very temporary, but the person who dies with right belief will remain in forever favor in paradise and Allah SWT will be happy with him/her forever.
i only give u one example, maybe it help u to understand. suppose u got married and some woman, u and ur husband never see came to u and claim that she is also wife of ur husband. will u feel comfortable with her claim...? this is just a worldly matter but if a person who is not a prophet and he say he is also a prophet rather he say he is also 'Ahmad', will Allah SWT happy with him or one who believe and follow such person. Its crystal clear and fatwa by all ulama that person with such belief are out of Islam. and even in Pakistan (from where this fitna arise), the constitution consider these ppl as non-muslims.so marriage with these ppl is not allowed in islam.
just let him know, if by heart he can bcm muslim by leaving the wrong belief of admadiya, then u can marry him otherwise excuse him. i wish muslims realise the importance of eman and islam and give it first priority in all matters of life, job, marriage, family, friends...
May Allah SWT bless u with piouty and ease the matters for u. ameen.

09-18-2012, 12:44 PM
There's NOTHING to consult with a sheikh about here. If you don't know simple right from wrong.
The prophet's last spoken testament while he lay in bed with fever was a'salat a'salat -- that is what distinguishes a Muslim from a non-Muslim.. why didn't he say fast? you can be sick, why he didn't say zakat, you can be poor, why didn't he say hajj.. you can be poor and live far away.. the first thing you'll be asked about on the day of judgement is your salaat (prayers) namaz whatever you guys call it if that's good the rest of the deeds will be looked at. You want to marry someone who doesn't make those?
Umar Ibn ilkhtaab as he lay dying in bed stabbed by the majusi with poison permeating in his body, the first thing he said when he came to, is did you guys prayer the sun is almost up!
Really something to ponder if you're completely confused as to what you should do. A big fat NO there's nothing to think beyond that. words are superfluous since many have already told you that it isn't a man that starts a relationship on deception but I am surprised with the posts on istikhara? istikhara or asking imam on what exactly?
Tell this guy to repent for his own good but you should be offended, please reason this in your mind, you should be offended deeply by this not just for the act of deception but for your own religion!


09-18-2012, 06:52 PM

Be under no illusions that Ahmadis are somehow Muslims or somehow a sect of Islam. They are not Muslims, and in fact, in terms of non-Muslims they are the ones to be most careful of. Why? A Christian will tell you they are a Christian, a Jew will tell you they are a Jew, a Hindu will tell you they are a Hindu, but an Ahmadi will tell you that he is a Muslim.

The very fact that your parents and brother despite knowing him for a long time, do not know that he is an Ahmadi says it all. If he was open and honest he should have told them from the beginning. But he's deceiving them, letting them believe that he is a Muslim, and has been deceiving you too. Even if he was honest as to his religion, you cannot marry a kaafir. If you did get married to him, such a marriage is not recognised or permissible in Islam, and you would effectively be committing zinaa.

Because they come from similar cultures, have similar names, use similar religious words, people think they can't be too deviated, they can't be that bad, there's probably just too much hype about them, there must be some basis for what they do. There isn't, and you need to be clear on that, without any shadow of a doubt. If you want more information on their beliefs, please post to that effect and we will provide you with more information. Their list of deviated beliefs is too long to begin listing in this post, and those beliefs fall completely outside of Islam.

This is a big, very, very serious matter.

As echoed by the posters above me, you cannot do istikhara for a haraam action.

format_quote Originally Posted by sunnigril
and also is there a possibility that we could both convert to just Islam (with any labels)?
Just Islam (without any labels) is the Islam that the prophet :saws: and his companions lived.

Even if he says he will become a Muslim, you cannot simply take his word for it. Your wali needs to watch him even for a period after becoming a Muslim to make sure that it is not just superficial and that he wont revert to his old ways before or after marrying you. In fact if your wali finds out, he will feel decieved and thus most likely will not ever consider him suitable. You must tell your parents that he is an Ahmedi.

Run a mile sister. I cannot emphasise enough how huge and serious and what a big threat to your Islam and your imaan and your aakhirah this is.

May Allah protect you and grant you a righteous and pious Muslim husband, ameen.

09-18-2012, 07:38 PM
Assalamo Alaikum

Ahmadis are Non-Muslims.Period.(We Say There is no God But Allah And Muhammad(pbuh) is the messenger of Allah...where are those "new" prophets came after that)However they highly portray themselves as "Muslims" even until they are exposed.They will approach you by showing you their power and show of wealth.Don't get deluded!!

The only possibility exists for your marriage with him is after He Take his Shahadah and Start considering Muhammad(pbuh) as the last and final messenger without "IF's" and "But's"


09-18-2012, 08:31 PM
thankyou so much for all the support and advice.. i have raised this issue with him and he actually read the kalima stating that this is what he was brought up with..
he is claiming that he finds faults in ahmadiyaat himself and is only still involved with it due to respect for his family..

he says that he will go through the reverting process with my local imaam if that will make things better BUT on one condition that i "pretend" to accept ahmadiyaat in front of his family and jammat..

now i dont want to agree to this but then i think that if he is willing to take this step for me, would me agreeing to his condition be sinful? he says his family is not really strict with ahmadiya teachings but have the whole izzat thing with society.. ??

09-18-2012, 08:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sunnigril
he says that he will go through the reverting process with my local imaam if that will make things better BUT on one condition that i "pretend" to accept ahmadiyaat in front of his family and jammat..
You know when the Muslims went to 7abasha to escape persecution even though they were in a very bad state, they still spoke the word of truth as it was just a matter of time before the christian king knew what their beliefs are as far as christianity and he accepted Islam... so it is up to you but two deceptions don't make a right. It won't be a one day of pretense but a lifetime!
He should care about this deen more than he cares for you or his family even!


09-18-2012, 08:50 PM
i really want to hear some views from ahmadi posters, i have seen a few about so please if you could take a moment in this.. i would really appreciate it

09-18-2012, 08:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sunnigril
thankyou so much for all the support and advice.. i have raised this issue with him and he actually read the kalima stating that this is what he was brought up with..
When they say Muhammad in the kalimah, they mean mirza ghulam ahmed qadiyan, who claimed that he was rasoolullah.

Firstly sister, you should not be communicating with him directly, That is your wali's job (I presume your father)

format_quote Originally Posted by sunnigril
he says that he will go through the reverting process with my local imaam if that will make things better
The reverting process should not be to make things better/easier for you to be together, but because he truly believes sincerely and with full conviction in his heart, that Islam is the right way, and that ahmediyyat/qadiyaaniyyat is wrong. If he just doing it for marriage and nothing else, then quite frankly one has to question whether such a "reversion" is valid, because belief comes from the heart, not from pretense.

Where are your parents in this sister? What do they say about this? It is not for you to arrange your marriage, but them, and Islamically, your wali. The whole way you're going about this is wrong, and is not a way sanctioned by Islam.

format_quote Originally Posted by sunnigril
BUT on one condition that i "pretend" to accept ahmadiyaat in front of his family and jammat..
Do you want your marriage to start off based on pretence and lies, not just any old pretence but the most serious of all, involving your Prophet :saws: and your Creator? If the angels of death come for you after you have shown people that you've accepted qadianiyyat, will they take your soul as a kaafir or as a Muslim? Will they take it as you have just testified to people your faith in qadiyaaniyyat, so they will take your soul as what you've just said you are? Are you willing to sell your imaan for one man?

Why do you need to pretend to accept falsehood and the worst of kufr, instead of standing up to the truth and showing that you won't even pretend to accept falsehood?

This is all wrong sister, from every way you look at it.

Run away from this. Fast.

09-18-2012, 09:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah

When they say Muhammad in the kalimah, they mean mirza ghulam ahmed qadiyan, who claimed that he was rasoolullah.

Firstly sister, you should not be communicating with him directly, That is your wali's job (I presume your father)

The reverting process should not be to make things better/easier for you to be together, but because he truly believes sincerely and with full conviction in his heart, that Islam is the right way, and that ahmediyyat/qadiyaaniyyat is wrong. If he just doing it for marriage and nothing else, then quite frankly one has to question whether such a "reversion" is valid, because belief comes from the heart, not from pretense.

Where are your parents in this sister? What do they say about this? It is not for you to arrange your marriage, but them, and Islamically, your wali. The whole way you're going about this is wrong, and is not a way sanctioned by Islam.

Do you want your marriage to start off based on pretence and lies, not just any old pretence but the most serious of all, involving your Prophet :saws: and your Creator? If the angels of death come for you after you have shown people that you've accepted qadianiyyat, will they take your soul as a kaafir or as a Muslim? Are you willing to sell your imaan for one man?

Why do you need to pretend to accept falsehood and the worst of kufr, instead of standing up to the truth and showing that you won't even pretend to accept falsehood?

This is all wrong sister, from every way you look at it.

Run away from this. Fast.
thankyou sooo much for this, the main problem is that i am aware of all this and how wrong it is.. and how i shouldnt even be considering this..
its just that he says things like "does my family belief make me a bad human being and will it define how i treat you in future" ..

i understand that my parents should be one sorting this all but he wants to know if i will accept him for him ..

i feel so torn apart and i know the right path to take but then it is so hard to take it

09-18-2012, 09:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sunnigril
thankyou sooo much for this, the main problem is that i am aware of all this and how wrong it is.. and how i shouldnt even be considering this..
its just that he says things like "does my family belief make me a bad human being and will it define how i treat you in future" ..

i understand that my parents should be one sorting this all but he wants to know if i will accept him for him ..

i feel so torn apart and i know the right path to take but then it is so hard to take it
Emotional blackmailing.

I know many homosexuals who are AMAZING human beings. They give more in charity than many Muslims, yet they are still despicable, provided they bed each other.

Sure this guy might appear nice, but a man who doesnt accept your Prophet, how can be a nice human being? :S

09-18-2012, 09:21 PM
As for him being a bad human being, he's just deceived your parents and your brother, and you, up to now, so four years at least, and the deception of your parents and brother still continues. That should give you a big clue. If he can do it for so long before marriage, then he can easily deceive you afterwards too. Don't fall for this. Men know how to sweet talk girls, to make you overlook even the worst of their own deeds by having some emotional appeal. Just don't fall for it. They know you're "in love" and they also know that that "love" is clouding your judgement and making you biased towards them so that you find any excuse to believe them and be with them.

This is a standard thing that such men do, sister. I know you'll think we don't understand, but many people have been there.

If you know the right path to take, alhmadulillah. Believe me it is not as hard to take as it will be hard when things go wrong, or as hard the aakhirah will be if the wrong choice is made. The right path is not always easy, but it it's where the reward and the pleasure from your Creator is. Do you want Allahs pleasure, or an Ahmadi man's pleasure?

Make the choice that you can justify in front of Allah on the day of judgement, the choice that you know is made for the pleasure of your Lord, the choice that will not incur His wrath.

09-18-2012, 09:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sunnigril
i really want to hear some views from ahmadi posters, i have seen a few about so please if you could take a moment in this.. i would really appreciate it
We have none here this is an Islamic forum-- at any rate I presume that you came here to get an objective opinion from people who are Muslim but who aren't invested in this one way or the other. Sometimes when you've invested in someone emotionally it is blinding and difficult and freaking tangled like a spider web. But a spider web comes apart fast no matter how intricate - Something inside you is telling you this is wrong and this is the voice of reason let it usurp your emotions.
And deal with things with your mind at this stage. You're going to start with pretenses and he's starting with lies and then you're having doubts about your faith. Your aqeedah is all there's everything else will perish.. None of this on this forum will be here in a hundred years or even half of that so temper this with the knowledge of how temporary everything is in comparison with eternity..


09-18-2012, 10:13 PM

09-19-2012, 05:23 AM
Asalam Alaikkum

Brothers and Sisters gave you the best advise here sis

Its just makes me upset why cant you be sure he's using you, making you lie and playing with your mind?

He is so coward. There is nothing to confuse about this. He has to decide in front of you&your family, in front of his family and society and on top of all sincerity to Allah

Astagfurallah, a real man will not do that. What more a Muslim who fears Allah swt? :hmm:

09-19-2012, 12:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sunnigril
thankyou so much for all the support and advice.. i have raised this issue with him and he actually read the kalima stating that this is what he was brought up with..
he is claiming that he finds faults in ahmadiyaat himself and is only still involved with it due to respect for his family..

he says that he will go through the reverting process with my local imaam if that will make things better BUT on one condition that i "pretend" to accept ahmadiyaat in front of his family and jammat..

now i dont want to agree to this but then i think that if he is willing to take this step for me, would me agreeing to his condition be sinful? he says his family is not really strict with ahmadiya teachings but have the whole izzat thing with society.. ??
can i ask where r u from bcz plz dont mind but i am saying bit bitter truth, which i rarely say but here i think its necessary to let u know the real situation.
in Australia the worst kind of ppl r these ahmidyis. reason bcz actually they were muslims (mostly from Pakistan and India) and many of them still know islam is truth and they r wrong. but these ppl just for sake of few dollars and Australian nationality sell their eman and bcm ahmidis. kuffars like them too much and u just have to say that u r ahmadi and u have life threat in pakistan bcz of religious belief, u will get nationality in most easy way alongwith financial support. but they have to pay for it bcz when u use this name then u have to active member of their jamat. so i persoanlly know many ppl here who knows they r wrong and they abuse ahmadis on their back, but in front of them they r obliged to attend their meeting. so my sincere advise is to "NOT TO MARRY" such person who is liar and hypocrite. they can lie to them self, other ppl and all world just sake of few dolloars or personal interest. who knows he will convert to islam by heart or not, maybe its same drama what u have to play in front of his family. Never go into this hypocrisy and never compromise on truth. if he is serious for u and true in his love, then he should have to be bold not a hypocrite, if he knows his family is wrong, he need to tell them that u r wrong and i dont blv this. never fall into this trap of hypocrisy, seek help from Allah SWT and ask for someone who is better for ur eman, islam, childs, dunia and akhra. to me if u go for this person, u will put ur and ur childs deen & dunia in very big test nad maybe u have to suffer alot.
Allah swt guide u to the right. ameen
my prayers r with u, Allah SWT keep is u safe from any mishap.
forgive me if u feel my words bit harsh. i never generalize ppl in that way but here was something i want to make u aware of. bcz to me, i am 100% sure he doesn't seems to be fair in his intention rather a very tricky and hypocrite person. and Allah SWT knows the best.

09-19-2012, 03:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sunnigril
BUT on one condition that i "pretend" to accept ahmadiyaat in front of his family and jammat..
When you testify in front of them that you are a Qadiyani, these are the beliefs of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyan that you are agreeing to:

Insulting Allah sub'haanahu wa ta'aala, and being blasphemous to Him and Mirza claiming to be Allah.

"During a spiritual revelation, I felt as if I was God and believed it to be so." (Kitab al Baruyya, page 85, Rohnai Khazain, vol 13, page 103, by Mirza Qadiyani)

"God says that He would come on to the mankind hidden like thieves." (Tajaliat al bia page 4, Rohani Khazain, vol 20, p396 by Mirza Qadiyani).

"How could a sane person accept that during our own times God can listen but cannot speak? The question could be raised why it is so. Has a disease affected His tongue?" (Zamima Braheen e Ahmadiyya, part 5 p144, Rohani Khazain vol 21 p312 by Mirza Qadiyani)

The unparalleled God is such a Being that has countless feet and hands and parts of body and this number reaches infinity and just like an octopus, His wires surround the universe. (Tozeh Mram P: 42 Roohani Khazain V: 3 P: 90)

Insulting our beloved Prophet :saws: and being blasphemous to him, and claiming to be him and more superior to him

"Anyone who differentiates me from Mustafa has not seen and recognised me." (Khutba Ilhamia p171, Rohani Khazain, vol 16 p 259, by Mirza Qadiyani).

I am Adam, I am Noah, I am Abraham, I am Isa, I am Jacob, I am Ismail, I am Moses, I am Dawood, I am Christ the son of Mary, I am Muhammad (Haqiqat al Wahi P: 521, Roohani Khazain V: 18 P: 232)

"God named me Muhammad and Ahmad in Braheen e Ahamdiyya 20 years back and declared me to be him. Hence his being the last of the Prophets has not in any way affected my prophethood, as a shadow cannot be separated from it's origin." (Aik ghalati ka azala, p8 Rohani Khazain, vol 18, p212 by Mirza Qadiyani)

"God has again sent Muhammad to Qadiyan and has hence fulfilled His promise." (Kalma tul Fasal, p15, by Mirza Bashir Ahmad, son of Mirza Qadiyani)

Muhammad has again descended among us, and is more prestigious than before. Whoever wants to see Muhammad should see Ghulam Ahmad in Qadiyan. (Newspaper Badar Qadiyan, 25.10.1906)

But “Massiah Maud” (The Promised Christ [Mirza Qadiyani] was endowed with Prophet Hood only when he got all the excellences of the Prophet Hood of Muhammad (Sallallaho–Alaihe–Wassallam) [....]to make him an equal to Muhammad (Sallallaho–Alaihe–Wassallam). (Kalmat ul Fasl P. 118 by Mirza Basher Ahmad)

I have said earlier many times that I am the Last prophet (Ek Ghalaty ka Azala P. 10, Roohani Khazain V. 18 P.212)

“Massiah Maud” (The Promised Christ [Mirza Qadiyani]) is, in fact, Muhammad (Sallallaho–Alaihe–Wassallam) himself. He was sent again in the world to spread Islam. (Kalmat Ul Fasl: P: 113 by Mirza Basher Ahmed)

Insulting, uttering obscenities, and being blasphemous to Isa alayhi assalaam, his mother and his family, and claiming to be the messiah and claiming to be more superior than Isa alyhi assalaam

Christ had the habit of calling names and abusing. He got furious at petty things; he was a prey to his emotions. And often he used to tell a lie. (Roohani Khazain: V: 11, P: 289)

It is a matter of shame that he stole the teachings of the mountain that is the crux of the Bible, from the Jews’ Book, Talmud. After this plagiarism he revealed them as his own teachings. (Roohani Khazain: V: 11, P: 290)

The Christians have written much about Christ’s miracles, but the fact is that he had none. And when he abused people who were demanding miracles, the pious people broke all connections with him. (Roohani Khazain: V: 11, P: 290)

Christ belonged to a very 'virtuous' family. Three of his maternal and paternal grandmothers were adulterers and prostitutes. He had the blood of these women in his veins, but perhaps this was also an eternal requirement. (Roohani Khazain: V: 11, P: 291)

Taking wine has caused much loss to the Europeans. Perhaps they have the justification that Christ himself took wine; he took wine because of some disease or he was a habitual drinker as the case may be. (Roohani Khazain: V: 19, P: 71)

Once a friend of mine suggested that opium is good for diabetics. So it is not bad to use it for the sake of treatment. I replied to him, “Thank you for your concern, but if I develop the habit of taking opium, I fear people will laugh and say that the first Christ was a drunkard and the second one an opium-eater”. (Roohani Khazain: V: 19, P: 434-435)

God sent His Promised Christ (Masseah–e–Maud) towards the Ummah, who is superior to the first Christ in all respects. He named the second Christ as Ghulam Ahmed. (Roohani Khazain: V: 18, P 233)

Qadiyanis/Ahmadis also believe that Isa alayhi assalaam died and is buried in Kashmir.

Insulting the sahaaba (may Allah be pleased with them)

Some foolish ‘Sahaba’ could get (benefit) nothing from knowledge. (Roohani Khazain V: 21 P: 285)

Who ever believes in Quran should throw away the sayings of Abu Hurerah like a useless thing. (Roohani Khazain V: 21 P: 410)

What was the status of Abu Bakar and Umar. They were not even worth of untying the laces Hazrat Ghulam Ahmed’s shoes.
(Monthly Al Mehdi 3/2 1905 P: 157)

Do not dispute over caliphate. Now think about the new caliphate. You have a living Ali amongst you. You reject him and reach for the dead Ali. (Malfoozat-e-Ahmedia V: 1 P: 400)

O Christian missionaries! Do not call Christ. Because there is one among you who is greater than Christ. And O Shia people! Do not insist on Hussein, I tell you truly that there is one among you greater than Hussein. (Roohani Khazain, v: 18 P: 233)

Insulting the Qur'an and Hadeeth, saying he received revelations from Allah, and that those are the real Qur'an.

The Quran was revealed near Qadiyan. The detail of this revelation is "That in fact We revealed Quran close to Damascus on the eastern side on the white minaret' as I live on the eastern end of the river. (Tazkara Majmooa Ilhamat: P: 76, second edition)

We asked as to where Quran is? Had there been any Quran, there would have been no need for another messenger. The problem is that Quran does not exist now. That is the cause of Muhammad (Sallallaho–Alaihe–Wassallam) (Mirza Qadiyani) being sent again as ‘Berozi’ in the world so that Quran may be revealed to him.(Kalmat ul Fasl: P: 173)

I swear upon God that I have so firm a faith in these revelations as I have faith in Quran and God’s other Books. And as I believe the Quran as the words of God, in the same way the words that are revealed to me I take them as God’s words or speech. (Haqiqat Ul Wahi: P: 220, Roohani Khazain: V: 22, P: 220)

The Qur'an is the book of God and my sayings. (Tazkara Majmua Wahi o ilhamaat p635, 2nd ed, p641 3rd ed, p547 4th ed by Mirza Qadiyani)

We also refer to those ‘Hadiths’ that confirm to the Quran and do not contradict my revelation. While to other sayings of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) (Hadiths) we throw them in dust bin. (Roohani Khazain: V: 19, P: 140)

Insulting Makkah and Madinah, and saying that his birth place in India is more superior and holy

Mirza Qadiyani was not only discourteous against the two Holy cities of Mecca and Medina, but he also declared his birth-place as more holy and superior to these two Holy places. For him paying a visit to Qadiyan was like a Pilgrimage to ‘Bait Ullah’.

Near the middle of the right sided page of the Quran is this verse quoted " and surely We revealed it (the Holy Quran) close to Qadiyan" Then I thought in my mind that Qadiyan's name occurs in the Holy Quran. I thought that three cities have been given importance in Quran i.e. Mecca, Medina and Qadiyan.
(Roohani Khazain V: 3 P: 140)

Masjid e Aqsa (The Dome of the rock) stands for the mosque of the Promised Christ that is in Qadiyan. So there is no doubt that Qadiyan has been mentioned in the Holy Quran. As God says:
(Roohani Khazain V: 16 P: 21)

People go to perform a ‘Nefli’ and customary Hajj, but visiting Qadiyan is of more value and reward than the ‘Nafli Hajj’. And the careless ones will be the losers as it is a Divine Order.
(Roohani Khazain V: 5 P: 352)

The Promised Christ has stressed and warned that who ever does not visit Qadiyan off and on; I fear that their faith would go waste. So whoever breaks his ties with Qadiyan, will be rejected. So fear from being rejected. For how long this fresh milk will continue. A day comes when even mother’s milk goes dry. Has the milk from the breasts of Mecca and Medina not gone dry?
(Haqiqat al Rouya P: 46)

and the list goes on.

He also claimed to be an avatar of the Hindu god Krishna:

I have also been given the name of Krishna who appeared as a Prophet in India, and who is also called Ruddar Gaupal. Thus I am the Krishna whose advent the Aryas are awaiting in this age. I do not make this claim on my own, but God Almighty has repeatedly disclosed to me that I am the Krishna - King of the Aryas - who was to appear in the latter days...” (The Essence Of Islam, Volume 4, Page 83 by MGA)

“I saw in a vision that I was sitting on a large square throne which was set down among the Hindus. One Hindu inquired from someone: Where is Krishna? He pointed to me and said: This is he. Then the Hindus, who were present, began to make offerings of money etc. to me. One of them called out (Hindi): O Krishna, slayer of swine, protector of cows...” (Tadhkirah - Page 459)

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Muslims (and anyone that opposes Ahmadis/Qadiyanis) are viewed as children of prostitutes (Aina e kalamat e Islam, Rohani Khazain vol 5 p 547-548) and as *******s (born illegitimately) (Anwar e Islam p30 Rohani Khazain vol 9 p 31), as wild boars, and women as *****es (female dogs) (Najam al Huda p53 Rohani Khazain vol 14 p53). And this is while they have as their slogan displayed all over their cars, "Love for all hatred for none". The deception here is clear to see.

How can this even be called a religion? It is an insult to the word religion.

In effect you are opposing Allah, His messenger Muhammad :saws:, his previous messengers, the Qur'an, the hadeeth, the sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them). In effect, you are revoking your entire Islam, your entire imaan, your entire deen.

He claims to be God, and claims to be every prophet, and is abusive and insultive and obscene. There are many things that are not suitable for putting into print or uttering from one's mouth. And there are many other things that should be included , but will make the post too long. This is just a taster, and a drop in the ocean. The sources are the books he himself has written, or authored by his son.

When you stand up in front of them what you're trying to show them, is yes, I proudly accept all these beliefs of yours and more. Yes, I proudly oppose Allah and his messengers, and the sahaabah and the Qur'an and the sunnah.

09-19-2012, 03:56 PM
Asalaam O Alaikum...

I haven't read this book personally but I do would like to post this link .. its written by Sayyid Abu Ala Maududi (r.a) the name is "Qadiani Problem."

I would suggest you read it thoroughly and make him read it as well....



09-19-2012, 04:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah
He claims to be God, and claims to be every prophet, and is abusive and insultive and obscene. There are many things that are not suitable for putting into print or uttering from one's mouth. And there are many other things that should be included , but will make the post too long. This is just a taster, and a drop in the ocean. The sources are the books he himself has written, or authored by his son.
It was simply a cult created by the Brits to stop the Jihad against them when they occupied India, they bribed this patsy and propagated their agenda, incidentally when there was a strong interest in Islam in Germany with its rise amongst white Germans they funded Ahmadi institutions to stray people there from the proper message. I have never had a favorable view of the Brits but this is one of their many methods of dividing and conquering. There's nothing to think - Islam goes with nature it isn't convoluted. If people stop the pretenses they'd feel better so why all this modern day and age?


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