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View Full Version : Establishing the ummah: Step by step (part one)

01-13-2013, 04:04 PM
After the death of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). In his first address as Khalifa – or head of the Islamic state – Abubakar (RA) told his audience “I have been chosen to rule over you, though I am not the best among you. Help me if I am right; correct me if I am wrong. The weak among you will be strong until I have attained for him his due… and the strong among you will be weak until I have made him give what he owes…Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His prophet; if I do not obey them, you owe me no obedience”.
The extent or level to which the Ummah can be established in each nation depends primarily on the nature of the wider community Muslims live in, and there are three types.

It is every Muslims desire and responsibility to want to live under a government that is governed by Sharia from the individual level to the national level as God wanted, but of course we know this is rarely possible and is not what God intended, for what God intends must happen and will happen: “But His command, when He intendeth a thing, is only that He saith unto it: Be! and it is”(36:82). What He wants He leaves as a choice for us to decide to obey or disobey. Disobedience of course always comes with a consequence whether in this life or in the hereafter.
The first of the three categories is a nation in which the Muslim population is pretty much split between them and other people who adhere to other religions. In such nations to agitate for a Sharia system as the constitution for the whole country or even a state within the nation with a significant minority will be unfair and a form of tyranny, even if we who understand it know that it is the most just system and will benefit everyone. Is it then possible for Muslims to live under the Sharia system in such nations, and if yes how do we begin to establish it? It is not only possible to establish the Sharia in these types of nations but it is also the responsibility of every Muslim to ensure that it is established, and every Muslim in that society is accountable. However because of the heterogeneous nature of these nations the level up to which this can be achieved is different than in a purely homogenous Muslim nation, but the manner is the same. The first and most important step towards this and incumbent on every Muslim who has reached the age of puberty is to examine his or her faith and choose the Quran for a conscience and intend to adapt the prescribed Sharia within it as a guide for every aspect of his or her behavior as an individual. After the individual the family is the next important level of society and it is where the needs of the parents for affection, sex, love, procreation are lawfully met with one another. It is where the need of the child to be loved, fed, clothed, educated, and feel safe rests at that stage of their development. It is also where the needs of the aged parents who may be too old to work or sick, is also met through love, care and respect. Every need within the family is a right and a responsibility that someone is accountable for. The family structure or system is such a fundamental unit and influence on the individual and the wider society that its leadership has been determined by God and given to the husband. It should be emphasized though that the man was chosen for this responsibility not because he is better or preferred by God, but because stability in the family is paramount. The family is therefore the second level of responsibility and hence, it is incumbent on every member of the family who has reached the age of puberty to ensure that the Sharia is the system of law the family operates on under the leadership of the husband to the best of his or her ability. Among other things the responsibility or role of the man as a leader is to educate his family on right and wrong, remind them with wisdom and fairness when they stray, settle disputes between them with wisdom and fairness, provide for them financially, emotionally and ensure their safety in every aspect to the best of his ability and resources. Formally or in the eyes of God children have no responsibility and are not accountable to Him until they reach the age of puberty, however it is the leaders responsibility to train them on their responsibility and rights within the family and hold them accountable with appropriate punishments. The punishment meted out has to fall within the limits allowed such as no spanking until the age of seven and even then never out of anger and as the last resort. The wife’s role is to advise the husband and also remind him of his duties and responsibility where he is lacking. Formally or in the eyes of God she is not responsible for the cooking, washing and other household chores, those are matters to be discussed and decided with her future husband as part of the marriage contract, or with her husband the leader of the family. What they agree on out of love, commitment and respect for each other and the healthy survival of the family will be a source of immense reward. It is the responsibility of both to sexually satisfy one another and they are accountable. The husband is the leader of the family and the wife is obligated to take heed of his decisions as long as they don’t encroach on the rights of God, her rights given to her by God and that of other individuals given to them by God. Tyranny is a sin and he has been admonished against it. The husband is not accountable for the individual acts of the members of his family, as long as he has fulfilled his prescribed responsibilities.

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