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View Full Version : ramblings rambling and more rambling

01-22-2013, 06:14 AM
As salamu aleiykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

:D As confused I am I am smiling. Masha Allah. I received my first Qur'an yesterday as a gift from a complete stranger as well as some Islamic reading material and an Allah pendant. He also gave me answers to the question that I could not answer when my sister confronted me about Islam. Mesha Allah. I do not know how to explain it. I came to studying Islam because I believed that there is only on God and although I was told salaat without shahadah is pointless that doesnt stop me from wearing my hijab fulltime,(do you ever stop being self-councious or gettin stared at????) offering salaat attending Jumah and asking Allah for clarity and guidance. At first when someone asked am I Muslim I would correct them and say I'm studying.Now it doesnt bother me what they assume. I think of how may times I have said "Ashadu an la ilaha illa'llah wa Allah Ashad anna Muhammadan Rasululu'llah." lately...how at first I didn't say it at all than I progressed to "Ashadu an la ilaha illa'llah"and then adding the last part. I said at least 6 times today alone.(between wudu and prayer) I still have question to ask the Iman and I haven't found a Masjid that makes me want to stay longer than Jumah or come-out to Arabic classes...It may sound silly but I want to be a proper Muslimah who is appropriate. My worse fear is considering myself Muslim and embarrassing myself and what it means to worship Allah. I take faith very serious. I know that I am going to mess up sometimes but I want to set the right example if that makes any since.:exhausted So for me whats next is probably a visit to answer my questions because with knowledge come question and then understanding who knows I might have an official I took shahadah on Jumah story although to tell the truth days like Sunday when I feel like Allah has heard me I wonder if I already have....

Is there a dumb question to ask the Iman?

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01-22-2013, 07:16 AM
Wa'alaikum Assalam wa rahmatallahi wa barakatuhu

Don't feel ashamed of not knowing something. No one expects you to know every detail about Islam (: It's ok to ask, no matter how simple or silly the question may be. Muslims ask silly questions all the time where the answer is very blatant and clear, but they still ask to make sure. It can get overwhelming if you don't ask for help when this way of life is very new to you (:

Feel free to ask anything you like on this site too! We're always here to help inshallah.

fi aman Allah

01-22-2013, 12:32 PM
wa 3laikum as-salam wa ra7matullah wa barakatuhu,

al7amdulilah. I would recommend trying to find out if any masjid near you has classes for sisters. That way you could be in an environment where you can ask questions and where you feel comfortable and supported inshaAllah. When I moved back to my small town I didn't expect that anything would be available, but al7amdulilah I now attend classes and it's really helpful. I never would have known what the atmosphere in the classes is like just by attending the masjid for salaat, because the other sisters only tend to be there at the time of classes. Allah ya3wnek

01-23-2013, 04:15 AM
lynn, Luckily here I have the help of a sister that is 30 yrs old then my, she has been helping me alot, she calls me often and even offers me rides to jummah. (ive been to jummah twice now thanks to her) and she and other sisters at masjid answer most of the questions that I have so I do not have to ask the Imam :)

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01-23-2013, 07:54 AM

I haven't found a masjid that i would feel comfortable attending class also but I am still looking.:inshallah(just discovered the "more" smiley faces) As far as asking question I can be a bit timid but i did wright some down and at some point I will ask an Iman.:inshallahbut Allah knows what is needed I was invited to coffee with a sister i met while shopping for hijabs she from Dallas and is driving to my city Saturday and wants to meet up. :awesome:

02-02-2013, 03:28 AM
Assalamu Aleikum wa Rahmatullah he Barakatu sis!!!!
Im so happy that you are studying Islam, Alhamdulilah. Your so blessed by Allah SWT to have been guided to Islam. To think that Allah (SWT) chose you to be guided, is such a great and wonderful thing and I am so happy for you :) Masha'Allah, congratulations for wearing the hijab it is a very big step and just know that modesty is a trait that Allah (SWT) loves very much!!

How far away from Dallas are you? It has the most amazing Muslim community, great Mosques there also that I have heard of. Texas also has a lot of revert Muslims, so you will meet a lot of reverts there too Insha'Allah.

Don't be afraid to ask the Imam anything, he is there to answer your questions. No questions are silly when it comes to Islam, in the end you are just learning more knowledge which is highly valued in the Quran (the world "ILM" or "Knowledge" is the second most used word in the Qu'ran next to God). And if they give you any trouble, then don't take it personally, Islam is perfect but Muslims are not.

I also suggest going to www.islamreligion.com, they have a live chat and thousands of reliable, authentic Articles about Islam.

If you have any questions or anything else, I remember when I was a new revert and I would be happy to help you in any way possible via the net, such as PMing or something.

02-03-2013, 05:14 AM
Things are getting better ichalla.Allahu Akbar I am happy and so is my soul I watched my first lecture by Mufti Menk and really loved it. It is amazing to feel so fulfilled in learning and not having to worry about someones interpretation although my family is livid and believe my practicing a different religion from them is my individualism and means I dont care about them ( I will not entertain such allegations) and I havent found a masjid were i feel welcomed I know inchalla I will.:statisfie

Urban Turban
02-03-2013, 05:37 AM
Please please read this:

Will take some time but very useful:


And sis, its Imam not Iman - just so you know. Iman actually means faith.


02-03-2013, 05:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Urban Turban
And sis, its Imam not Iman - just so you know. Iman actually means faith.
oops sorry typing to fast :embarrass

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